Natural face creams in the pharmacy

Many women use pharmacy face creams as an alternative to expensive branded cosmetics. After all, it is not always possible to buy an effective cream from a well-known manufacturer, which has gained fame as an effective remedy in the fight for youth and beauty due to its high cost.

Products of the middle and budget class do not always meet the high requirements of quality, efficiency and safety. No one argues that they can be used, but the expected results are not always achieved.

Pharmacy products are distinguished by affordable prices, proven quality and safety, since these products undergo strict control at many levels.

Efficiency of pharmaceutical products

Consumers have already managed to make a rating of face creams from the pharmacy, which have not only been tested according to all the necessary parameters, but have also received their assessment from the millions of women who have used them.

  1. Pharmacy cosmetics are used to treat such common dermatological problems as acne, acne, rosacea, and comedones. Many are actively fighting age-related changes no worse than hardware rejuvenation procedures
  2. Pharmacy products compare favorably with their “cosmetic counterparts” due to their balanced, well-chosen and safe composition. The principle of naturalness in creams is observed above all, but the presence of innovative substances of synthetic origin is absolutely harmless and justified.
  3. Combinations of moisturizing, nutritional and medicinal functions in pharmaceutical creams make it possible not to mask the problem, as usual cosmetics do, but to solve it at the root. That is, to influence the cause, and not to mask the consequences.

Important! All pharmaceutical cosmetics do not contain harmful synthetic components: fragrances, dyes, emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives. All of them can cause the development of an allergic reaction, even if up to this point the woman has not observed such a tendency in herself.

From all of the above, one conclusion emerges - pharmacy analogues of expensive anti-aging cosmetics are quite capable of coping with the problems of age-related changes, while providing a therapeutic effect on some dermatological phenomena.

Why do they have such a low cost?

Pharmacies are not cheap these days. Medicines are quite expensive. The question naturally arises: why are the creams in this establishment comparatively cheaper than their counterparts in cosmetic stores?

Let's think logically:

  1. a good pharmaceutical cream is a complex of substances that are simple in nature and do not require large production costs;
  2. fragrances and dyes are synthetic substances that have considerable cost. They are not used in pharmaceutical products;
  3. by and large, they were created as a “related product,” that is, the inventors did not set out with the sole goal of obtaining certain substances of a given spectrum. In the course of research, positive qualities were identified that also affect the processes of rejuvenation;
  4. Most of the products offered are medicines for completely different diseases, but due to their positive effects on cosmetic problems, they are successfully used in this industry.

Cheap and effective pharmaceutical creams are not a myth or a publicity stunt, as you understand. These funds are already in demand as medicine.

Important to remember. Before using any cream from a pharmacy, it is better to consult a dermatologist to eliminate the risk of side effects. Especially if you have a problem with your facial skin that your usual cosmetics cannot eliminate.

Rating of the best cheap analogues from the pharmacy

We will look at the best pharmaceutical face creams, but we will also pay attention to the non-trivial use of medicines that are intended to solve completely different health problems.

But before moving directly to the rating, let's look at what miracle drugs guarantee us:

  1. improving blood supply to tissues;
  2. regulation of the sebaceous glands and reduction of sebum production;
  3. delivery to the deep layers of the dermis of substances necessary for normal life (vitamins, macro and microelements);
  4. stimulation of the production of your own collagen and elastin;
  5. smoothing skin texture, minimizing wrinkles.

Along with this, deep hydration, nutrition, toning and getting rid of medical defects (acne, acne, pimples, dermatoses and others).

We advise you to look at the review of the best budget pharmacy products for skin beauty:


Among pharmaceutical face creams, the company's products take the lead in the segment of the best moisturizers. "Laura". The line of anti-aging products includes day, night and eye cream.


  1. phytoestrogens;
  2. peptide complexes;
  3. panthenol;
  4. fat and water soluble vitamin complexes;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. antioxidants.

The skin becomes smooth, elastic, deeply hydrated, gets rid of flaking, and acquires a healthy and radiant color.

Cream F99 originally intended to combat eczema. For cosmetic purposes, it is used to eliminate pimples, acne, various types of rashes and peeling of the skin. The face becomes moisturized, the relief and tone are evened out. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and elastic.

Moisturizing pharmacy cream Pharmateiss cosmetics “Topping up vitamins” improves metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, moisturizes, prevents aging, evens out the tone and texture of the face.


Pharmacy creams in this segment are represented by a variety of products.

A simple and affordable product can replace expensive collagen ointments in pharmacies. retinoic ointment. This product is based on vitamin A, which is rightly called the “vitamin of youth”. It stimulates the production of its own protein compounds, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. After applying the code, it becomes soft, elastic, and toned. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles are visually reduced.

Anti-stress product – pharmacy "Enterosgel".It is enough to apply a small amount of gel before going to bed, especially to the area around the eyes, and in the morning you will find in the mirror a beauty without bags or bruises under the eyes. If you treat the entire face, swelling goes away, the epidermis is cleansed of toxins, and is saturated with all the microelements necessary for normal life.

Lierak brand cream are highly efficient. They contain plant extracts. Moreover, exactly those parts of plants in which the activity of the components is the highest are used. Well nourishes the epidermis for any skin type. The texture of the cream is light, does not clog pores, absolutely hypoallergenic cosmetics.


Among all anti-aging products, the first place is rightfully occupied by drugs from the Vichy company. Although this is a cosmetology company, its products are positioned not so much as cosmetics, but as medicinal preparations for solving many problems.

Vichy Ultraleaf – the cream is unique in its composition. It contains plant extracts, oils and active ingredients of synthetic origin (absolutely safe for humans). Antioxidants provide reliable protection against negative environmental factors, help fight free radicals, and prevent age-related changes in the epidermis. The face becomes elastic, matte, fresh. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the overall relief is leveled. Moreover, the effect is noticeable after just a few days of regular use.

Regenerating face cream Bepanten. The basis of its composition is pantothenic acid. This is the second name for vitamin A, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin by enhancing regeneration processes at the cellular level. It has a calming effect on problem skin, nourishes epithelial tissues well, and stimulates internal metabolic processes. The face becomes elastic, elastic, acquires an even tone and relief, inflamed areas disappear.

From a series of extraordinary uses of drugs - "Tiogamma". The medication is used for drip administration and consists of pure alpha-lipoic acid. This is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals, effectively fights tissue aging, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out skin tone. You need to wipe your face with the solution twice a day for a week. Then a break for a month and the course can be repeated.

Attention! Suitable only for oily and problem skin, as it has a drying effect.

Facial ointments for wrinkles from the pharmacy are products based on vitamin A, E - “Radevit”, Heparin ointment, Solcoseryl.

What cheap facial care products are available at your nearest pharmacy? We advise you to find out how to save money and not pay twice!

The world's best brands offer you the most popular facial skin care products. Millions trust them!

If you have already crossed the age threshold of 40+, then pharmacy ointments will not help you. Read about effective care for aging skin by following the link.


Therapeutic face creams are best used after consultation with a specialist. After all, the effect will depend on which one you use.

The list of the best medicinal face creams can be quite impressive. But pay attention to contraindications, side effects and, of course, the indications. It is possible that you simply do not have them and then it will be useless to expect results.

"Tsi-Klim" - a domestic product that is indicated for women during menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body, provoking changes in the epidermis. All processes malfunction, the production of vital substances slows down and age-related changes become very noticeable. The products contain phytoestrogens, plant extracts and vitamin complexes that moisturize, remove hyperpigmentation, and stimulate the production of own protein compounds in the dermis and epidermis. As a result, wrinkles are reduced, tone is evened out, and the face becomes elastic and velvety.

Curiosin gel designed to fight acne. But along with these qualities, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Namely: accelerating skin regeneration processes at the cellular level, deep hydration, strengthening blood vessels and eliminating traces of pigmentation. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles are minimized, and the oval shape is tightened.

Arnica ointment – based on a medicinal plant extract. Does not contain any chemical compounds. But it can cause an allergic reaction if you are hypersensitive to the flower or other components of the product. It fights rosacea well, eliminates spider veins by strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood flow in the epidermis and dermis.

For problem skin

For facial skin with certain problems, products with targeted action are used.

Ointment "Apilak" based on bee products (royal jelly, wax, propolis, honey). Effectively fights acne and oily skin.

Zinc ointment – a remedy for acne, pimples, oily skin, comedones. After it, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, as the ointment has a strong drying effect.

Heparin ointment – against swelling under the eyes, blue circles, rosacea. By improving blood microcirculation, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, especially in the area around the eyes.

Are you still not sure which cream to choose to amaze everyone with your radiant and youthful face?! Then read our article and go to the pharmacy - they will definitely help you.


Preserves youthful skin, good spirits and a perky inner state. This has been verified. A lively, positive-minded person always looks younger than his age. Of course, creams always help in skin care, and it’s worth thinking about which cream to choose – an expensive one “promoted” by advertising, or a drug offered by pharmacists.

A selection of long-familiar pharmaceutical products shows that they have an unexpected effect in skin rejuvenation for women. It would seem like a familiar remedy, and it’s in the medicine cabinet at home.

But the fact that this particular cream also has another effect, quite comparable to a cosmetic one, causes sincere surprise: “How can this be? But we didn’t even know!” Pharmacologists offer cheaper options for pharmaceutical creams, and this is truly nonsense!

Fighting wrinkles is expensive if a woman uses expensive cosmetics. However, even when using so-called professional creams, the effect may not correspond to the money invested in it. As strange as it may seem, ordinary ointments purchased at a pharmacy give a much greater effect than branded products.


Women who know the secrets of drugstore products can easily cope with wrinkles and keep their face young and fresh for a long time. There are, of course, precautions that must be known and observed when using such products.

You can choose pharmaceutical drugs according to the compiled rating, you can carefully consider the choice and first study the composition and effect of the ointment - is it suitable for me personally? Perhaps this will be the right direction to choose.

Pharmacy ointments are used to get rid of dermatological problems:

· acne;
· acne;
· rosacea;
· comedones.

For each problem there is a special ointment. But the same ointments also have another effect - they fight age-related aging even better than hardware cosmetology does. Pharmacy products have a balanced and safe composition. Pharmacology complies with the requirement of Rospotrebnadzor to use only natural ingredients.

But even when innovative components of synthetic origin are used in the production of cream, their inclusion in the composition is justified by the intended effect. The significance of drugs from pharmacologists lies in the fact that they combine several directions of action: hydration, nutrition, treatment.


It is important to know! Products from the pharmacy guarantee that the ointments do not contain any components of synthetic origin intended for fragrance and preservation. It is the emulsifiers or stabilizers in cosmetics that are strong allergens that cause an unexpected reaction, even if the woman has not previously had a tendency to allergies.

So, what will we buy at the pharmacy, and why?

Pharmaceutical ointments require careful handling. Women should definitely study the composition, know all the components, whether they will cause an unexpected reaction. Ideally, consult a dermatologist so that he can help you choose the right pharmaceutical ointment.

Zinc ointment familiar to everyone since childhood. It has a broad effect and treats a lot of skin diseases. There is no secret here - the main component is Zn, zinc. This chemical element has been well known since adolescence, both from chemistry textbooks and from methods for getting rid of age-related acne.


Today we are adding sun protection and active skin hydration to its benefits. This means that Zn protects against ultraviolet radiation and early aging of deep skin structures. Apply Zinc ointment to the face in a thin layer, immediately before leaving for work or a walk. For dry skin, you can apply your own nutritional products on top of the zinc ointment.

Retinoic ointment based on the content of vitamin A. Today, all women know that this vitamin fights skin aging. The ointment brings a lot of nutrients to the skin. But it also has a secret effect - it activates the natural synthesis of collagen, which maintains the firmness and elasticity of the skin.


If you use this product, after a short time the wrinkles on your face will not be noticeable, the skin will tighten, become elastic and fresh. The main thing is that before applying this ointment, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin of other products. Retinoic ointment is also applied to spots if there are problem areas on the skin. It is recommended to use the ointment at night.

Solution for droppers "Tiogamma" is pure alpha lipoic acid. Its strength is that it is a powerful inhibitor that threatens molecules that accelerate skin aging. Thiogamma renews skin cells, smoothes wrinkles, and removes acne of various origins.

It can be used to treat sunburns. The detox effect is also interesting; detoxification today is important in the life of every person; it is the removal of toxins that the environment is full of. The consistency of Thiogamma resembles ordinary water; it can easily be used to moisten the skin before applying your usual makeup. It is recommended only for oily and combination skin types; Tiogamma should not be used with other types.


Thiogamma retains its properties only in the dark. Vials of the drug should be sold in pharmacies in black paper bags that do not allow light to pass through. At home, you need to ensure the correct storage conditions for the bottle.

Hydrocortisone ointment so effective that it seriously competes with Botox injections. Hydrocortisone prevents natural moisture from evaporating from the skin layers, which makes wrinkles less noticeable. The main active ingredient is hydrocortisone acetate. It has a powerful all-round effect.

When used externally, the therapeutic activity of the drug demonstrates an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. By the way, it has an excellent vasoconstrictor effect. It is recommended to smear the face with a thin layer 2 times a day to get a youthful effect.

Relief presented in pharmacies in the form of suppositories and ointments. We will buy an ointment because we are interested in its properties of healing small cracks and wounds, stopping and treating inflammation on the skin from acne, and constricting blood vessels. This is important to keep your skin clear and tight. However, you should know that the main purpose of the ointment is to treat hemorrhoids.

However, the highly active active compound of Relief, phenylephrine hydrochloride, is included in the formula of anti-aging products in cosmetology. Well, why not hemorrhoids - constantly fight wrinkles, sagging cheeks, and age-related pigmentation. It is inappropriate to be surprised in another direction of using a pharmaceutical ointment if it gives the desired effect of use.


You need to be careful when getting rid of wrinkles with Relief. This can only be an additional remedy. Apply the product only to a clean face, thinly or spot-on, at night. Use not often - 2-4 times a month. Applying the ointment to the face provides quick, noticeable rejuvenation, removes age-related wrinkles, erases dark circles and age spots. But it is not recommended to use it often; this must be taken into account.

- a common remedy for poisoning. The main active ingredient is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, which provides the ointment with a porous structure. Enterosgel has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. When you need to remove puffiness under your eyes, you should apply the gel under your eyelids. Water accumulated in fatty layers will be removed thanks to Enterosgel. The gel removes excess moisture, but also dries out the inner layers of the dermis. Because of this, its use is not recommended constantly, but only occasionally. And after washing your face in the morning, you need to apply a special moisturizer to your eyelids.

Heparin ointment – an ideal remedy for getting rid of small folds, swelling and blueness on the lower eyelids. Active ingredients: sodium heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate. Targeted anticoagulant. After application to the face, sodium heparin is gradually released from the ointment, relieves inflammation, resolves bruises, and releases accumulated moisture. To obtain a lasting result, it is recommended to apply the ointment every day in the mornings and evenings.


Cream "F-99" consists entirely of vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acids. A drug was being developed to treat eczema. It turned out that a drug with several secrets was obtained. The cream perfectly removes peeling after chapping and treats sunburn well. You can apply this remedy to your feet every day before going to bed: cracks disappear and roughness on the heels softens. Dry facial skin becomes elastic and elastic. The cream easily copes with multiple acne and pimples of various origins. As a result, dead cells are exfoliated.


Ointment Radevit It is effective due to its composition containing high doses of vitamins A, E, D. Gradual saturation of the skin with these vitamins completely transforms the face, wrinkles disappear, and skin color improves.

This ointment has a very wide range of cosmetic effects on the skin: it accelerates regeneration, intensively moisturizes the skin, and normalizes the water balance in the tissues. Vitamins strengthen the immune system and protect the skin from environmental influences. Additionally, the ointment protects the skin from photoaging and reliably protects against ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to use the ointment 2 times a day.


Important secret! Radevit activates the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin. Another little secret: apply the ointment with light massaging movements.

Unexpected facts about ointments and gels familiar for other purposes are simply amazing. It is worth thinking about the costs of expensive cosmetics and comparing their prices with simple pharmacy creams.



We women can go very far in pursuit of beauty and rejuvenation of facial skin. Of course, your loved one needs to spend money on personal care products, but now at PhotoElf we want to offer you an alternative to expensive cosmetics - pharmacy face creams that have a simply stunning rejuvenating effect!

Meet the ten BEST pharmacy face creams


Pharmacy face creams - right on the bull's eye!

1. Enterosgel is a familiar remedy for many, the main purpose of which is to help with intoxication of the body.

For cosmetic purposes, Enterosgel can be used to eliminate the consequences after parties, after which the skin of the face becomes swollen, and small wrinkles that are not pleasing to us still appear.

Enterosgel pharmaceutical face cream is a lifesaver!

It is known that swelling under the eyes is caused by stagnant water in the eyelids. Instead of expensive creams, you can use Enterosgel - just apply a little gel to the lower eyelids before going to bed.

The result will be amazing - in the morning there will be no swelling under the eyes, since this truly magical remedy pulls out excess fluid from the top layer of the skin, which actually provokes swelling.

The price of pleasure is about 450 rubles.


2. Cream F 99 is a pharmaceutical drug that relieves eczema, and for cosmetic purposes it is intended to eliminate flaking of the facial skin, fight pimples, acne and rashes of various types, restoring elasticity to the skin, protecting against microbes and normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result of using F 99, you have soft and delicate facial skin.

Pharmacy face creams F 99 will cost you no more than 150 rubles per tube.

3. Thiogamma is a traditional solution for droppers that saves you from poisoning. In fact, it is a strong antioxidant that promotes the regeneration of facial skin, starting the process of renewal of epidermal cells. However, this product is not suitable for dry skin.

The price of the miracle remedy is 350 rubles.

4. Curiosin gel is a well-known remedy for fighting acne. Considering that its principle of action is based on accelerating the regeneration process, Curiosin can be used as an anti-aging agent (the gel contains hyaluronic acid).

Due to deep hydration and renewal of skin cells, facial skin becomes noticeably younger, as if after salon procedures.

The cost of the drug is approximately 600 rubles.

5. Bepanten - pharmaceutical face cream containing a large amount of B5 - pantothenic acid, from which vitamin A, essential for the skin, is obtained.

If you want to restore smoothness and silkiness to your facial skin, the price is 450 rubles.

6. Capsicam - an ambulance for cellulite. It is enough to apply the ointment to problem areas for 20 minutes, and then wipe the skin with ice cubes, after which cellulite will become invisible within several hours.

Excellent, almost instant result for 300 rubles.

7. Blepharogel - pharmacy face creams, but can also be used for the delicate skin of the eyelids. As a result, the skin will look tightened, fine wrinkles will disappear, since the gel contains a high content of hyaluronic acid.

The average price is 300 rubles.

8. Arnica is a well-known remedy for bruises and hematomas. It is clear that increased blood circulation is also useful in cosmetology, soothing and regenerating the skin.

For just 250 rubles (or so) you can restore the tone to “tired” facial skin.

9. Apilak is a miracle remedy for acne known since Soviet times. In cosmetology it is used for nutrition and disinfection of facial skin due to the content of royal jelly in the composition.

The price, symbolic for cosmetology, is in the range of 100-150 rubles.

10. Relief is a well-known remedy for hemorrhoids. It turns out that Relief is an excellent eyelid care that eliminates wrinkles and swelling. After using it, your facial skin becomes like that of a baby.

The cost is about 350 rubles.

As you can see, dear readers of Foto-elf magazine, for quite affordable money, you and I can buy pharmaceutical products for facial skin, which in their effectiveness turn out to be no worse than advertised cosmetics. And in some cases - even better. 🙂

Prices naturally vary depending on the region where you live and the general pricing policy at a given time. The article was created by us in December 2015, and the prices indicated are in Moscow. Moreover, even in Moscow they are different, somewhere cheaper, somewhere more expensive... plus/minus a couple of tens of rubles.

So arm yourself with information, do not spare money for yourself, your loved ones and yourtake care of your facial skin wisely 🙂