Mama comfort body cream for stretch marks

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Most women, upon learning about their pregnancy, experience genuine joy. And this is understandable, because in the near future a baby will be born. However, the period of bearing a child is often accompanied by “side effects,” among which stretch marks (striae) are common. This is why the cosmetic industry began to develop products that can prevent the appearance of unwanted scars on the body or make stretch marks less noticeable.

Reasons for the formation of stretch marks

In order for the skin to retain its original appearance after childbirth, it is necessary to properly care for it, and for this you should know the reasons for the formation of stretch marks.

During pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases every day, and the skin gradually stretches. Sometimes this causes ruptures in the inner layer of the skin, which are “stitched” together by connective tissue. Initially, the tears have a purple or dark purple color due to the blood vessels located in them.

Initially, stretch marks are dark in color.

However, connective tissue has such a dense structure that no vital processes occur in it. Therefore, the need for capillaries disappears, and they gradually die off. This leads to the fact that the scars on the body begin to gradually turn white and become very noticeable on the body.

In addition to stretching the skin, the formation of stretch marks is also facilitated by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. During this period, hormones such as progesterone and estrogen begin to be intensively produced, and they, in turn, suppress the release of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin.

Over time, stretch marks turn white

However, you should not think that skin stretching is the main cause of stretch marks. After all, it happens that one woman, even in the early stages, when the stomach is small, has already formed stretch marks, while another woman’s skin does not change its appearance even in the last weeks.

From this we can conclude that the appearance of striae is favored by other factors:

  1. heredity. Most often, if previous generations developed stretch marks during the period of bearing a child, then this problem will also arise in descendants;
  2. age. It is known that over the years the production of collagen and elastin slows down, so the risk of stretch marks increases;
  3. intense weight gain. If a pregnant woman’s body weight begins to increase sharply, then the appearance of tears becomes more likely;
  4. lack of vitamins. These substances play a significant role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin;
  5. Lifestyle. The elasticity of the skin is greatly influenced by the lifestyle a woman leads. With inactivity, the skin's ability to stretch without consequences is lost;
  6. some diseases. Diabetes mellitus, obesity and other ailments caused by metabolic disorders lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

Striae during pregnancy and after it can most often be observed on the stomach, hips, and chest.

Cream against stretch marks Mama Comfort

To eliminate stretch marks on the body, there are many remedies, both folk and cosmetic. Among the finished products against stretch marks, manufacturers offer Mama Comfort cream.

The product contains the following components:

  1. active Reguo-stretch complex, which restores the damaged structure of collagen and elastin fibers;
  2. horse chestnut extract containing esculin. This substance stimulates microcirculation and enhances metabolic processes in skin cells;
  3. hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin. One molecule of hyaluronate is capable of holding 500 molecules of water in the intercellular space, which helps maintain the collagen framework in the correct position;
  4. natural vegetable oils nourish and moisturize the skin, promoting its restoration;
  5. vitamin complex (A, E, F, PP, C, B5) increases skin elasticity.

According to the manufacturer, Mama Comfort cream has the ability to effectively eliminate scars, moisturize, nourish and soften the skin, and increase its tone. In addition, the product can prevent the formation of stretch marks if you start using it in the early stages of pregnancy.

Mama Comfort cream has a fairly liquid consistency, which makes it easier to apply and contributes to economical consumption.

Mama Comfort cream has a liquid consistency

The product has a white color and a faint odor, which is a strong argument in favor of the cream, since many women during pregnancy become overly sensitive to fragrances.

The Mama Comfort anti-stretch mark line also includes a gel balm that contains:

  1. green coffee oil;
  2. fucus extract;
  3. green tea extract;
  4. horsetail extract;
  5. ivy extract;
  6. nettle extract;
  7. meadowsweet extract.

All these components activate blood circulation in problem areas and saturate the skin with biologically active substances.

The gel balm contains components that enhance microcirculation in the skin.

Estimated cost of funds:

  1. cream Mama Comfort 100 ml - 250 rub.;
  2. gel-balm Mama Comfort 175 ml — 420 rub.

You can purchase the Mama Comfort line in cosmetic stores, pharmacies or online resources.

Mama Comfort products for stretch marks can be used not only by pregnant women or women who have already given birth, but also by anyone who has developed stretch marks for various reasons.

Rules of application

In order for Mama Comfort cream to show the desired result, it must be used correctly.

You need to know that stretch marks are quite difficult to eliminate. Therefore, the fight against them must be started as early as possible!

The manufacturer recommends using the product already in the second month of pregnancy.

Apply the cream as follows:

  1. First, the skin surface must be cleaned of contaminants.
  2. A small amount of cream should be applied to the skin of the abdomen, thighs, and chest.
  3. Mama Comfort should be distributed over the skin with light circular movements for 1 minute. You should not rub the cream intensively (especially in the abdomen), as this can lead to muscle tone of the uterus and the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you should not intensively massage the abdomen, so as not to provoke miscarriage.

Contraindications and possible skin reactions

Mama Comfort stretch mark remedy was originally intended for pregnant women, therefore its composition is hypoallergenic, and the only contraindication to the use of the cream is individual intolerance.

Some consumers carefully studied the composition of the product and found in it components that can cause dermatitis (methyl-chloro-isothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone), skin pigmentation (alpha-hydroxy acid), irritation (Glycerol Stearat, polyethylene glycol - 2 stearate).

However, product reviews do not highlight such issues.


I started getting stretch marks shortly before giving birth. That's when I bought this cream. Of course, I should have bought it earlier, maybe then they wouldn’t have been there at all, but someone didn’t think about it and it was in vain. It was inexpensive (about 200 rubles), compared to other imported products. The consistency is delicate, absorbs well, moisturizes and nourishes, the aroma is pleasant, non-allergenic. The packaging is very economical, one tube is enough for about a month (one tube contains 100 ml). After giving birth, my stomach and chest looked very depressing. Huge bluish stretch marks, the skin on my stomach was very stretched. I immediately started applying this cream, although sometimes I forgot. After 3-4 months, the stretch marks began to fade, decrease, and are now almost invisible. The skin has tightened (largely thanks to sports).

Striae on the skin noticeably decreased after using Mama Comfort


Specifically about this cream I want to say the following: the cream has a pleasant texture and smell! They wrote that it is poorly absorbed... but, girls! You need to let it soak in for at least a minute! And... voila - no greasy marks! Regarding cost-effectiveness... Personally, I use a 100 ml tube for three weeks and, I think, will last for the same amount of time! Conclusion: the cream is excellent!


Here are several components of the cream that can be dangerous for pregnant women: Glycerol Stearat (glyceryl stearate) is an emulsifier. I read about it that it is not recommended to use during pregnancy! That an allergic reaction is possible! PEG-2 Stearate (polyethylene glycol - 2 stearate) is also not the best component for pregnant women, I read the following about it: it can cause irritation if it comes into contact with mucous membranes and damaged areas of the skin, especially sensitive people should avoid using products with this component, it may cause dermatitis! AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) There is a risk of increased pigmentation! Methylchloroisothiazolinone (methyl-chloro-isothiazolinone) preservative, can cause allergies and dermatitis! Methylisothiazolinone (methylisothiazolinone preservative) can also cause dermatitis! Yes, a formula for pregnant women... And here is a photo of my belly now, 11 months after giving birth, the skin has become noticeably flabby and no Mama Comfort helped me. And thank God I didn’t get dermatitis...

The use of the cream did not bring the expected result

Ruff's blog

For many products, pregnancy is a contraindication for their use. And the “Mama Comfort” cream is intended specifically for pregnant women. I figured that if it helps ladies in an interesting position get rid of stretch marks, then it would help me even more so. There are definitely no such contraindications as “not pregnancy”. What captivated me was that the cream in its composition (at the top of the list) contains natural ingredients. You can see the results of my experiments below. I used the cream according to the instructions - applied with light massage movements and rubbed until the cream was completely absorbed.

Mama Comfort cream made stretch marks almost invisible


Mama Comfort cream effectively copes with its task, as evidenced by consumer reviews (there are much more positive statements about the product than negative ones). To prevent stretch marks from damaging the skin in the future, Mama Comfort should be used from the first months of pregnancy.

Is the cream from the Russian brand Mama Comfort effective against stretch marks? This question arises for those who set out to quickly get rid of unsightly stripes on the skin.

What does it contain?

In order to understand the effectiveness of the product, it is necessary to study the composition of the cream. The annotation indicates the following components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. Retains moisture in skin cells.
  2. Chamomile extract. Helps skin stay healthy and hydrated.
  3. Tea tree extract. Helps skin recover.
  4. Horse chestnut extract. Improves fluid exchange in tissues, relieves inflammation and swelling.
  5. A complex consisting of natural oils rich in vitamins, acids and microelements. The composition includes olive, sunflower, castor, milk thistle oil and grape seed extract. They improve blood pressure, make the skin elastic, and blood vessels strong.
  6. Panthenol. Helps against dryness, inflammation and wounds.
  7. A special complex of elements based on herbal extracts and other elements – Regu-stretch. Helps restore damaged epidermis, forms new collagen, making the skin elastic.

The natural composition of the product is the main advantage. A gentle and natural effect on the skin will slowly but surely lead to the elimination of stretch marks.


Mama comfort cream consists of herbal ingredients, and the packaging of the products is marked “hypoallergenic”. However, an allergic reaction to the composition is quite possible.

Advice! To avoid allergies, cosmetologists advise to first spread the cream on a small area of ​​skin (preferably the bend of the elbow) and, if redness, itching and other unpleasant reactions do not appear by the next day, apply the product according to the instructions.

The safe composition is suitable for use as a prevention and treatment of stretch marks for pregnant and lactating women.

As well as contraindications, there are practically no side effects from Mama Comfort. In rare cases, women notice redness after applying the cream to the body.

Mode of application

Manufacturers recommend applying the cream to clean and dry body skin with light massaging movements to the areas:

The cream must be used at least twice a day for prevention - morning and evening. For existing stretch marks, apply the product up to 4-5 times a day.

Nuance! After childbirth, the preventive course of treatment must be continued for 2-3 months.

Since the cream is quite liquid, you should wait until it is completely absorbed, so as not to stain your clothes, you can alternate the cream with olive oil.

How much does the product cost?

The price of cream from Mama Comfort ranges from 240 to 400 rubles. The average cost is 270-300 rubles. You can buy the product in online stores and pharmacies at an average price of 250 rubles.

Interesting! The Mama Comfort brand also produces products for stretch marks in the form of serum, spray oil and gel balm.

Reviews of cream for stretch marks from Mama comfort

Like any product, this cream has advantages and disadvantages, and each woman’s impressions of it are individual. It is useful to get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already tried a remedy against stretch marks. But it is worth remembering that the result of application will depend on the initial condition of the skin.

Among the positive qualities of the cream I can name excellent absorption. However, this is where the advantages of the product end. The smell is repellent - perfumed, pungent. For pregnant women, it would be worth producing a product with a weak odor.

Stretch marks appeared on the body after rapid and severe weight loss. On the advice of a friend, I tried the cream and balm-gel Mama Comfort. I liked the low price and natural composition. After several months of use, I got an excellent result - the stretch marks became barely noticeable!Text

Vasilisa, 34 years old.

Instead of reducing stretch marks, I got the opposite result: there were only more of them! I do not advise anyone to buy this product. I tried everything from the line, because of the reviews I was attracted by the balm-gel and serum. Now I use olive oil and peelings.

At a fairly low price (223 rubles), the effect is fabulous, I was rightly flattered by the reviews! Both before and after pregnancy, not a single stretch mark appeared, and the skin became silky. I advise you to buy the balm too!

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