Expression wrinkles nasolabial how to remove at home forum

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Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds at home? Yes, but even and smooth skin is the result of a whole set of measures performed constantly. If you don’t know what frequent bouts of laziness are, then this article is for you.

What are they and where do they come from?


The nasolabial folds that are boring you are facial wrinkles that look like two furrows that run from the corners of the lips to the nose.

Folds are a problem for women of any age, as they can appear even in young girls with rich facial expressions. And without proper care and leading an unhealthy lifestyle, they will appear very soon. For this reason, it’s better to take care of wrinkles when they don’t exist yet.

How to clean at home?

As mentioned above, removing nasolabial folds at home needs to be approached comprehensively. If you don’t have them yet, then you can get by with proper nutrition and minimal facial care using homemade masks, creams and similar products. If wrinkles have already appeared, then you cannot do without:

  1. daily facial care;
  2. normalization of nutrition;
  3. massage and exercises.

Grandmother's remedies in the fight for eternal youth


The title was not chosen by chance: the recipes below were used by our grandmothers. From now on, your daily care should include the following manipulations:

1. After washing your face in the morning, massage your folds with an ice cube for a minute. For greater effectiveness, freeze a decoction of St. John's wort or chamomile.

2. After wiping with ice, perform the following exercises several times:

  1. draw out your lips into a “tube”;
  2. open your mouth like the letter “O”;
  3. puff out your cheeks.

In the evening, dip a cotton pad in warm brewed natural green tea and apply it to the fold, making a compress for 20 minutes. To keep the disc warm, repeat dipping every 4 minutes.

Correction of nasolabial folds at home includes the application of masks. Anything that is natural and fresh in the refrigerator can go on your face. The most effective recipe is:

  1. Brew bay leaf. To do this, pour 50 ml of water into 12–17 leaves and boil for up to 5 minutes, then drain the broth.
  2. Beat 4-5 quail egg yolks.
  3. Add the table to the yolks. a spoonful of olive oil and 5–15 gr. burnt alum.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons to the mixture. spoons of bay leaf decoction.
  5. Stir thoroughly.
  6. Dip a cotton pad or bandage into the mask and secure it to the masonry with an adhesive plaster.
  7. After 40 minutes, rinse your face.
  8. The mask needs to be done for 3 days in a row, after which you give the skin 4-5 days to rest and repeat the procedures.

Carol Maggio's Secret


Carol Maggio is a world-renowned cosmetologist serving many Hollywood stars. Having worked in her profession for many years, she has created a unique exercise technique that can completely remove nasolabial folds. The result of this complex is compared to plastic surgery, the effect is so good.

The exercises are performed like this:

  1. Mentally identify 2 points located in the middle of the upper and lower lips, respectively.
  2. Open your mouth so that the designated points remain on the same line, but move away from each other, forming a regular oval.
  3. Use your fingers to move quickly up and down the folds until a burning sensation appears.


The simplest massage, which can be performed at work, however, the best time is early morning and evening. Using this technique, you can reduce nasolabial folds at home and slightly improve the overall condition of your skin. To give a massage:

  1. Move the pads of your index fingers to the corners of your mouth.
  2. Massage for 30 seconds. corners of the lips, from the middle of the lower lip, moving upward, to the edge of the corners themselves.
  3. Apply the cream to the skin, massaging it in circular movements.

Greetings from India


Indian massage is based on biologically active zones and points. Several procedures can quickly remove nasolabial folds. The effect lasts a long time, and even if you give up the technique for some reason, the folds will not return to you for a long time.

The massage is carried out like this:

  1. Prepare your face and yourself. Do simple breathing exercises (inhale and exhale), warm up the skin with massage movements.
  2. Use your index fingers to apply moderate pressure on the folds and hold them there for 5-6 seconds.
  3. Use circular motions and moderate pressure to move your fingertips up and down along the folds. Repeat 2 more times.
  4. Without stretching the skin, use your palm to make twisting movements along the nasolabial muscle.
  5. Using twisting movements with your index fingers, pull the folds up.
  6. Place your index finger on the fold, and with your other hand move a semicircle around it with a stretch.
  7. Fix the nasolabial fold with the phalanges of your fingers, stretching the skin. Hold for 10 seconds.

Breathing by Greer Childers

Greer Childers is a provincial American who has become world famous thanks to her weight loss techniques. After the third birth, her skin condition worsened, and her weight exceeded 90. Then she began training using her own methods. The latter are based on saturating the blood with oxygen and increasing muscle tone. You can see the result for yourself: Greer looks 30 years younger than he actually is.

The Chaidres technique includes a set of exercises for the face and body:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on points located 2 cm above your kneecaps. Inhale and exhale 2 times. Hold your breath and open your mouth as much as possible, while squeezing your lips into a ring to prevent wrinkles from forming. stick out the tip of your tongue and stand there for 10 seconds. Repeat the entire action 5 more times.
  2. Stand up straight. Place your lower jaw behind your upper jaw and protrude your lips. Stretch your neck up as much as possible and raise your head. If performed correctly, you will feel a stretch in the muscles from the chest to the chin. Stay like that for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times.



The technique of this massage goes back to ancient times, to the Japanese geishas, ​​who were famous for their smooth and smooth facial skin. Exercises will help strengthen your facial muscles and eliminate those hated nasolabial folds. Follow these steps:

  1. Place your index fingers on the upper depressions located at the wings of the nose.
  2. With pressure, make 5 movements up and down, figuratively drawing figure eights.
  3. Without removing your fingers, stop pressing on the skin.
  4. Using your middle and ring fingers, placing them on the bridge of your nose, make stretching movements from the center of your nose to the folds. Repeat three times. When moving towards the folds, increase the pressure, and when moving back, release the pressure.
  5. The last step is performed three times: with pressure from your palms, smooth the skin from the center to the earlobes.

The fight against nasolabial folds should not be abandoned halfway! If you have already taken on the solution to the problem, then think through the tactics from beginning to end: change your lifestyle, give up bad habits, schedule classes and exercises. It is not necessary to dramatically change your entire life: take each step step by step, and soon you will notice how much better you have become.

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Pronounced nasolabial folds are a clear sign of age. Where do they come from? The cheeks begin to droop with age. In the upper part of the cheeks, the muscles are little involved in facial expressions; they become thinner and weaker. The layer of subcutaneous fat on the cheekbones is reduced, the cheeks become flatter and droop. A gap forms between the lips and nose. By taking a set of measures in time, when wrinkles are just beginning to appear, you will push the time of their pronounced appearance into the future. But only a radical approach will help remove the folds that have formed.

How to remove nasolabial folds in a week


If you have just begun to notice the formation of a fold between your mouth and nose, then try such a conservative method as gymnastics. They are more related to wrinkle prevention products. Each of the exercises below must be performed daily for ten minutes.

Fold your lips into a tube and begin to pull them forward, as if you were kissing someone.

Open your mouth as if you want to pronounce the letter “o”. Try your best to puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Relax your lips, stretch them out with a tube. Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Puff out your cheeks and begin to move air from one cheek to the other in turn.


Don't forget to use firming and moisturizing face creams. They can increase the elasticity of the skin and remove nasolabial folds. To visually hide wrinkles, learn how to apply makeup correctly. If the wrinkles are obvious and deep, only aesthetic medicine will help. She has several effective measures in her arsenal:

Hyaluronic acid injections in cosmetology - the introduction of gels of natural origin into the problem area through a thin needle. The risk of bruising or tissue injury is reduced to zero. Hyaluronic acid acts as a crease filler, smoothing them out and making the skin look more even. After the first session, injections will help remove nasolabial folds. The effect lasts from six months to a year, depending on the characteristics of the skin. When the drug loses its activity, the skin is renewed several times, wrinkles spontaneously smooth out.


Mesotherapy – a cocktail of active ingredients is injected into the skin using injections. The product may contain minerals, vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, coenzymes, and plant extracts. Thanks to the stimulation of biological processes in the skin and the action of medicinal components, the result is achieved in the form of reduction of nasolabial folds.


Lipofilling – an operation to transplant one’s own adipose tissue from one place to another. It is performed using micro-hollow needles to correct the contours of the body and face. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. And visible results are achieved in 2-4 months. After lipofilling, no traces remain, the vessels remain intact, the tone of the skin increases, and the face is rejuvenated.


How to remove facial wrinkles around the mouth at home

Only the plastic method will help remove nasolabial folds and get rid of them forever. At home, you can maintain skin tone and prevent wrinkles from deepening. If they have recently appeared and the skin is still young, then there is a chance to correct the situation. The universal recipe for maintaining a youthful face lies in two simple things - less emotions and more calm. All cosmetologists in the world unanimously advise against grimacing. At home, massages, cosmetics, masks, and articulation exercises can help.



Bay leaf mask will help remove nasolabial folds.

Ingredients: 30 ml boiling water, 15 bay leaves, three eggs, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. burnt alum.

Preparation: pour boiling water over bay leaves, boil for five minutes, strain and cool. Mix a tablespoon of the broth with beaten eggs, burnt alum and olive oil. Application: dip the bandage into the mask, secure it with a bandage on the nasolabial folds for forty minutes. Repeat for three days, then take a break for three days and reapply. So we alternate until we get a visible effect.

Mask for nasolabial folds made of gelatin will make wrinkles less pronounced and improve skin condition.

Ingredients: 0.5 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. gelatin, 2 drops of vitamin A, 4 spirulina tablets.

Preparation: pour a quarter glass of water into gelatin for half an hour. Pour spirulina with two teaspoons of water and leave until dissolved. In a steam bath, bring the gelatin to a homogeneous mass, but do not let it boil. Mix spirulina with vitamin and lemon juice, add gelatin, mix. Dip the gauze into the mask and apply it to the face. avoiding the eye area. Leave for twenty minutes. Repeat twice a week for a month.

Fruit masks nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements, tone.

Ingredients: any fruit or berry.

Preparation: Mash the pulp of the berry or fruit with a fork. Application: apply the mask to the face, leave for ten minutes, rinse with warm water.


Any cream or mask for nasolabial folds should be started before wrinkles appear, that is, in order to prevent them. This is where the whole secret lies. When wrinkles have already formed, no amount of cosmetics will help remove them.

A good cream that will really benefit your skin, promote rejuvenation, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and nasolabial folds, should contain the following components:

UV protection. The sun helps our skin age even faster, so it's worth thinking about minimizing its impact. You need to develop the habit of going outside only with sunscreen on your skin.

The active ingredients of the cream must suit your skin type and its characteristics, so the product should be selected by a cosmetologist. Antioxidants, for example, the well-known coenzyme Q10, keratin, elastin, collagen to maintain moisture and elasticity of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is also an excellent moisturizer. Lecithin, vitamins E, C, A.

Prepare the famous Cleopatra cream at home. It restores the elasticity of the skin, helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and helps remove nasolabial folds.

Ingredients: 30 g each of honey, wax, garden lily bulb juice.

Preparation: mix all the ingredients of the cream, place in a water bath, wait until the wax melts. Stir and cool the mixture. Application: rub the cream in the evening and morning hours, remove excess with a napkin.



Japanese Asahi massage strengthens the muscles around the mouth.

First step – place the index fingers in the upper depressions of the wings of the nose.

Second step – in the up and down direction we make five pressing movements, as if we were drawing a figure eight around the wings of the nose. Third – you no longer need to apply pressure, your fingers remain on the skin. Fourth – place the middle and ring fingers on the upper part of the bridge of the nose. Using stretching movements, we move from the central axis of the nose to the folds. Repeat in the opposite direction. Fifth – press from the eyes to the cheeks, from the necks to the nose. Sixth – we place both palms on the face, stretching the skin towards the ears.


Japanese Shiatsu massage helps hide wrinkles, make them less pronounced, and remove nasolabial folds. It should be performed in the evening and in the morning:

Step one – Place the tips of your thumbs and index fingers at the corners of your mouth.

Step two – massage the corners for half a minute, starting from the center under the lower lip, moving upward. Step three – lubricate your fingers with moisturizer and make circular movements around your mouth.

The following massage technique was developed by world cosmetologist Carol Maggio. This technique can minimize the severity of nasolabial folds.

Mentally place two dots in the center of the upper and lower lips.

Open your mouth so that the dots remain on the same line, but move away from each other, forming an oval. With quick movements, we move our finger down and up along the folds until a burning sensation appears.

Folk remedies


At home, it is recommended to remove nasolabial folds using a folk method. Such procedures are aimed at proper skin care, increasing collagen production, and hydration.

Washing with ice – cosmetic ice plays the role of shock therapy on skin cells. As a result, protective mechanisms are activated, one of which is cellular regeneration, which increases the production of elastin and collagen.

Herbal compresses enhance collagen production. It is recommended to apply them daily, changing only the herbs. The most suitable plants are calendula, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, and birch buds. You can prepare decoctions from a mixture of herbs: pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, boil for about five minutes, and leave for half an hour. Tampons are soaked in warm broth and applied to the nasolabial folds for about twenty minutes.

Also check out methods on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes.


The videos below clearly demonstrate the complex without injections and surgery. By doing the exercises every day, you will be able to see the result in a short time: the folds will become less pronounced, the face as a whole will be tightened by training the facial muscles.

How much does a cosmetic procedure cost in salons?

Prices for lipofilling, mesotherapy and hyaluronic acid injections

Prices for cosmetic procedures in Moscow clinics in rubles.

Remove nasolabial folds

NRemoving special folds with massage will be the most effective and safe solution than other more radical and expensive methods.

Nasolabial folds are especially noticeable in thin women, and in those who have lost weight by more than 5 kg.

Also, nasolabial folds, as well as wrinkles under the eyes, and bags under the eyes appear in those who sleep face down on a pillow, or in the “stomach sleeping” position. Convenient, but it is the enemy of smooth facial skin!

In the same way, the enemy of a clear facial contour and a provocateur of nasolabial folds due to stretching of the skin is excess drinking at night.

If you are getting a facial massage from a cosmetologist, then keep in mind that a non-professional cosmetologist may simply irreversibly overstretch both your skin and muscles. And here they are - nasolabial folds, they weren’t removed for you, but vice versa.

What to do now that nasolabial folds have appeared? and you really want to remove them? Lifting measures are required.

In addition to very expensive cosmetics and injections, laser technologies, plastic correction, there is another effective way - massage! Yes, nasolabial folds can be removed with massage.

Today these are such well-known methods as Remove nasolabial folds:

  1. Japanese shiatsu massage;
  2. Japanese Asahi (“sun”) massage or, as it is better known, Zogan-massage;
  3. Indian Ayurvedic facial massage;
  4. facial exercises from Carol Maggio (facial aerobics);
  5. Bodyflex for the face from Greer Childers.

And one more simple way that the Japanese came up with:

Take a washed plastic bottle and fill it a third with water. If it’s too hard, you can do less. And lift this bottle with just your lips!

Raised - hold for 20 seconds. In this technique, according to the Japanese, previously idle muscles are activated; they call them “dog muscles.”

As a result, the muscles near the nasolabial folds will gain tone from such a massage and the folds will smooth out.

Remove nasolabial folds: Japanese massage

As for Japanese massage, which is now considered the most effective (look how porcelain and smooth the skin of Japanese women is into adulthood!), below is a photo diagram of such two exercises fromnasolabial folds. Put away they will be easy both by yourself and with the help of a partner. This massage is available for self-care, or you can ask your cosmetologist or professional massage therapist to perform it.

1. Massage with two fingers from the lips to the bridge of the nose up and down several times.

2. Then smooth the bridge of your nose to your cheekbones with your fingers several times.

3. Finish with a smooth movement of your fingers from the bridge of your nose to your temples, then down along the edge of your face and so on to the sides of your neck until you reach your shoulders.

Yes, this is perhaps one of the most famous and obvious signs of aging. Over the course of many years throughout your life, facial wrinkles become deeper and deeper, eventually turning into folds. This not only reveals your true age, but also makes you feel insecure and unattractive. Lucky for you today remove nasolabial folds no problem. There are many ways, including home exercises, cosmetic correction and even plastic surgery.

However, before discussing how to get rid of this problem, I want to go over with you some basics that you should know about nasolabial folds in order to prevent their occurrence in the future.

What are nasolabial folds?

These are deep folds on the face that start at the sides of the nose and extend towards the lips. No matter what age you are, these lines will always be expressed due to facial expressions. But starting from the age of 20-30, they can begin to deepen and remain on the face permanently.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Most often, the reason is banal – it’s facial expressions. When you smile, you may see small lines appear on your face along the line of your nose and lips. And that's completely normal. However, when you stop smiling, the wrinkles smooth out. But over time it gets worse and worse. Why? This may be sagging and laxity of the skin, lack of collagen, which is responsible for its elasticity, as well as age.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds?

Well, you can't stop smiling, right? This will not solve the problem. However, there are a few simple solutions that you should adopt to delay their occurrence.

  1. Perform regular facial exercises (described below) and SPECIAL MASSAGE, which helps smooth the skin.
  2. Moisturize your skin regularly.
  3. Use a sunscreen that has a high sun protection factor.
  4. Use an anti-aging cream based on hyaluronic acid.
  5. Eat right and choose healthy foods that are rich in fiber and antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables.

Well, if the problem is already out of control, the following options will help you.

Facial exercises

This is the first thing you should try. But before you start doing gymnastics to remove nasolabial folds, be sure to wash your hands, as you will be touching your face with them. Then stand in front of the mirror.

1. Place the index fingers of both hands at the corners of your lips and begin to pull them away from each other. Stretch your lips about half a centimeter and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this up to 50 times a day.

2. Puff out your cheeks and release air through your mouth. Just do it slowly and smoothly.

3. Using the force of your facial muscles, pull your upper lip down, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds and return to the starting position. Then use your fingers to gently stretch the skin around the folds so that they disappear.

4. And lastly. Press firmly with your fingertips on the nasolabial folds, without stretching the skin, but simply making pressing movements.

Thanks to these FACE LIFTING exercises, wrinkles and folds in the lip area can be reduced, and this will also prevent the appearance of deep creases.