Massage Methods

To achieve the maximum effect from vibration massage, it is necessary to correctly select the impact parameters depending on the goals of the massage and the individual characteristics of the patient.

  1. Pneumomassage (vacuum massage)

Pneumomassage is a hardware massage method in which a special apparatus creates a vacuum or pressure on the surface being massaged. Vacuum massage can be performed both on bare skin and on the skin using special products (oils, creams, etc.). Pneumomassage is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Pneumatic massage has a mechanical effect on the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolic processes in tissues. As a result of improved microcirculation, the skin becomes more elastic, its color and texture improve. In addition, pneumomassage improves tissue metabolism, which helps reduce volume and weight. Vacuum massage also has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces stress and fatigue.

  1. Hydromassage

Hydromassage is a hardware massage method in which the massaged surface is exposed to a stream of water of varying temperatures and pressures. Hydromassage can be performed both on open areas of the skin and on the skin using special products (oils, creams, etc.).

Hydromassage improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, reduces swelling, improves metabolic processes in tissues, helps reduce volume and weight loss. Hydromassage also has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and fatigue.

  1. Combined massage

Combination massage is a combination of two or more massage methods. For example, a massage therapist can use manual massage in combination with hardware or hydromassage to achieve maximum effect.

Combined massage allows you to more precisely adjust the effect on the tissues being massaged and achieve the best result. In addition, combined massage allows you to more effectively combat various problems, such as cellulite, swelling, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the choice of massage method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, his health and the goals of the massage. Each massage method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and only a qualified massage therapist can choose the right method and impact parameters to achieve maximum effect. When choosing a massage method, it is necessary to take into account the age, physical shape, presence of diseases and the characteristics of a particular patient.

It is important to note that massage is an effective method of treating and preventing many diseases, but it is not a panacea and cannot replace full treatment. If you have diseases or health problems, you should consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In general, massage methods are an effective means of influencing the human body, allowing to improve health, eliminate painful symptoms, increase performance and overall well-being. A combination of different massage methods can give the best results, so it is important to choose a qualified massage therapist who can choose the right method and impact parameters for each specific case.