Facial massage for facelift reviews

Hello ladies! The reflection in the mirror is very upsetting (I’m 30 years old), the oval of my face has become noticeably “swimming”, apparently it’s genetics (it was never well defined + round face), because of this, my nasolabial lips have begun to appear. I don’t like myself terribly, I look in the mirror and all I see are these shortcomings. Share, maybe someone has found a way to make the oval of the face clearer. What helped you? Injections, massage? Thank you for any advice, otherwise I’m not in the mood at all, and I still have half my life ahead. I’m not exaggerating the problem, because yesterday I took a passport photo and it’s clearly visible that the contour of the face is sagging:((

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Easily. Look for a good cosmetologist, and go ahead - injections of hyaluronic acid, Juvederm, etc. The cosmetologist herself knows what, where and how much to inject. And then look at the condition of the skin. Repeat some things once every six months, some once a year

please tell me, if I don’t have nasolabial folds but there are expression lines around my lips, will mesotherapy help me? or what injection should I get?

Tell me, what will happen to the skin of the face if these injections are given until old age? Will it get worse? Or, let’s say, the skin gets used to it and then there will be no effect?

let the oval float in its direction

let the oval just be itself and float in its direction

Hyaluronic acid will help you. In the nasolabial area. For the oval of the face - threads, but you are still early, at 30 years old, this should be done closer to 40-45 years old.

Related topics

Try Japanese facial massage (just for tightening up) there is a 10 min video on YouTube)

Massaging my face with a wet towel helps me. Wet a small (preferably with a stiffer pile) towel with cold water, wring it out and beat yourself from the bottom and sides, rolled into a roll.

Try biorevitalization. And if everything is really bad, then mesothreads. The only condition is to do it in a good clinic, do not be fooled by low prices. Look at the prices in clinics in your city and compare with others. Such procedures are not cheap

Watch your posture. At this age, it really helps to tighten the oval a little.

I gave myself several facial massage sessions. At the second session the result is already visible. With its help, my double chin was removed, my cheekbones began to stand out more, and in general my face became noticeably fresher. I think once a year, if you do a facial massage, you will always look good. I go to cosmetologist Evgenia Shevtsova, I recommend it.

I gave myself several facial massage sessions. At the second session the result is already visible. With its help, my double chin was removed, my cheekbones began to stand out more, and in general my face became noticeably fresher. I think once a year, if you do a facial massage, you will always look good. I go to cosmetologist Evgenia Shevtsova, I recommend it.

Elina, good afternoon. I’m also thinking about raising the oval of my face. I still don't know where to go. I would like to see a trusted cosmetologist. Did you have any side effects from this procedure? What if something happens) Where does Evgenia work?

I didn’t like the oval shape of my face, and my bite wasn’t right either. I always wanted to fix it, but I certainly wouldn’t wear braces - they don’t look too nice. And then I found out about transparent mouth guards and decided that I had to make a decision. I was happy with everything, I had StarSmile plates, they are transparent and not visible on my teeth, so I didn’t even worry that they would somehow ruin my appearance. It was also convenient for me that I could take them off myself for eating and brushing my teeth, so I didn’t have to worry about caries. Well, the most interesting thing is that I corrected my bite and the oval of my face also changed, now my chin doesn’t bother me)) So the wrong bite could also be the reason.

I had problems in the middle third of my face - after I turned 30, my face became thinner and the volume in the cheekbone area disappeared. I don’t know how I decided to have the operation, but it all started with a consultation. I came to SelinKlinik to talk with G.I. Korobkov. And having described his dissatisfaction, he told me how to fix it in a less traumatic way. In the end, they operated on it that way) I liked that the surgeon was experienced and I felt comfortable talking to him.. I understood my preferences. I'm happy with the result. The light lift came out without large incisions and the recovery was also quick!

First of all, lose weight. You clearly have a deformation type of aging, since the oval has floated. Have you seen the woman with hanging cheeks? This is how everything will happen to you if you don’t keep the weight on. The second is to find a good cosmetologist who will guide you for years, look at skin changes and select care. I managed to correct my oval shape using the Altera apparatus - this is a non-surgical lifting plus contour plastic surgery. The result is excellent, I want to see my beloved Elena Egorova from Celine Clinic on Belarusian and I don’t know grief. Top level cosmetologist!


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All women, especially those over 30, would like to have a beautiful facial contour, even skin color, highlighted cheekbones and smooth brow ridges. Of course, over the years, age-related changes make themselves felt: a double chin appears, the upper eyelid droops, jowls form and numerous wrinkles appear. To avoid such situations, the fair half of humanity should think about visiting a cosmetologist’s office, whose specialist will probably recommend a massage to tighten the oval of the face. Thanks to the effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, the fat layer and muscles, an even contour is provided, allowing you to look several years younger.

Features of the problem

After 25 years, due to metabolic processes in the body, the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, begins to decrease, preventing wrinkles from appearing on the face. Due to the loss of tone, after 35 years, women notice not only wrinkles, but also the presence of:

  1. double chin;
  2. sagging cheeks;
  3. too pronounced nasolabial folds;
  4. ptosis (sagging of the upper eyelid).

All these manifestations are associated with loss of turgor in muscle tissue. You need to understand that the muscles of the face, like the whole body, need loads. Judge for yourself, many women work out in the gym, attend yoga sessions or go to fitness classes to get their body sculpted. Regular physical activity makes it possible to maintain muscle tone. It’s the same with the face - the effect on the muscles will allow you to have a beautiful and even contour without sagging.

Women and men at risk are:

  1. whose age has passed the 35 years mark;
  2. those in the family whose relatives aged quickly;
  3. suffering from bad habits;
  4. often staying under the scorching sun;
  5. those who are constantly on diets and drink little water;
  6. regularly exposed to stress and nervous disorders.

Some women take drastic measures, going under the surgeon's knife. But cosmetologists say that There is a more gentle way to get rid of the above problems - corrective facial massage.

Who is it shown to?


  1. indicated for women and men over 30 years of age;
  2. the master influences the hypodermis and activates muscle function;
  3. its effectiveness resembles botulinum toxin injections and thread lifting;
  4. a person’s reaction to a massage is purely individual (in most cases, with deep treatment of individual areas, their own collagen and elastane begin to be produced);
  5. the movements are stroking, somewhat rubbing in nature.

After completing the full course, you will not have any doubts about whether it is possible to tighten the shape of your face with a massage.

Interesting moment! The effect on the facial muscles is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep a night. So a massage will not only help you form the desired relief, but will also give you a boost of energy. After such procedures, you will feel as rested as after a week's vacation.

Expected effect


Massage will help you get rid of many problems associated with age-related changes and poor collagen production. He helps:

  1. improve blood circulation in the areas where manipulation was performed;
  2. minimize facial wrinkles;
  3. smooth out the texture of the skin;
  4. eliminate fat layer;
  5. make the skin uniform and velvety;
  6. ensure normal breathing of the skin, because the accumulated secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands is removed;
  7. improve the penetration of nutrients when using creams and oils;
  8. strengthen muscles.

In addition to improving the condition of your skin, after the procedure you will feel a surge of energy. Such manipulations can be carried out both at home and in a cosmetologist’s office.

Execution Rules

Today, cosmetologists successfully use many techniques for face correction. It is best to take a massage course or at least several sessions in the office of a professional massage therapist.to feel the intensity of the effect on the skin and see how to correctly apply the technique in practice. You can also use training videos that you can easily find on the Internet.

Basic rules of implementation:

  1. Before each procedure, you will need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. All decorative cosmetics are removed from the face.
  3. Massage movements are carried out strictly along the lines.
  4. As a rule, two fingers are used - the index and middle, because they are the easiest to apply pressure, circular movements and smoothing. To clap, use the edge of the palm.
  5. Each movement in a specific area is repeated 7–8 times.
  6. Your cosmetologist, depending on the massage technique performed, age-related changes in the skin and his own preferences, will select special cosmetics. It can be cream, oil or talc.


If you have a double chin, you need to intensively influence it with the edge of your palm. An alternative is to use a folded towel that has been soaked in cool water.

You need to hold the roller by the edges and straighten it sharply as you bring the device to your chin. Such intense blows will provide good muscle tone.

Recommendations from specialists for performing contour facial massage:

  1. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, 1 hour before bedtime;
  2. Do not drink a lot of liquid before the session, otherwise manipulations may lead to swelling;
  3. after the procedure, it is best to apply a special massage mask (you can use one prepared at home);
  4. It is recommended to apply anti-aging creams and serums, because during the massage the microcirculation of the skin improves, which contributes to better penetration of cosmetic nutrients.

Attention! Facial massage not only improves the condition of the skin, but also cleanses it of various impurities. By establishing metabolic processes, toxins are removed, pores are opened and cleansed. Your skin becomes immune.

Preparing for the session

Before the procedure, you will need to cleanse the skin. At home, it is recommended to steam it and apply peeling agents.

The preparatory stage involves:

  1. You will need to use oil or a special massage cream that improves the gliding of your hands during the session. It is distributed on the surface of the skin of those areas that are going to be treated.
  2. You definitely need to relax before the session so that your facial muscles begin to relax along with you. For example, light incense, light an aroma lamp, or simply turn on classical music.
  3. Sit in front of a mirror. You can also lie down.
  4. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with baby or antibacterial soap.
  5. To avoid injury to the dermis, it is better to shorten the nails.


Execution technology:

  1. Using stroking movements, you need to make a passage from the wings of the nose towards the earlobes.
  2. Place the pads of your fingers between the brow ridges and walk them radially to the hairline (that is, work the entire forehead area, moving to the sides, and then move your fingers to an upward position).
  3. Fix the pads of all fingers in the dimple of the chin and move towards the earlobes. Be sure to repeat this exercise 8-10 times so that your face shape gets the correct shape, without sagging.
  4. Similarly, the area below the jaw is treated - the area of ​​the second chin. And now in this area you need to make clapping movements with the edge of your palm.
  5. To eliminate puffiness and bruising under the eyes, you need to focus on the lower and upper eyelids. Due to the fact that the skin in this area is very sensitive, pressure should not be intense. Walk from the bridge of the nose to the end of the brow ridge under the lower eyelid, and then change the direction to the opposite, but only go under the brow ridge.
  6. Facial correction also involves working on the neck. Take a standing position. Just stroke the skin of this area with the back of your hand. Tilt your head first to one side, doing similar smoothing, then to the other.

This massage procedure will not take more than 20 minutes. Do exercises regularly and you can make your facial contour clear and attractive.

Varieties of techniques

A massage aimed at lifting the face and creating a clear contour with highlighted cheekbones can be performed using various techniques. During the procedure you should not be in pain, otherwise you are not healing, but only injuring the skin. After completing the session, slight redness may occur for 10–15 minutes, which should subside over time.

Classic massage

A fairly simple way to create a clear facial contour and get rid of the signs of age-related changes on the skin at home. Involves performing 7–10 procedures with a two-week break.

Features of execution:

  1. Using the pads of the middle and index fingers, movements are made from the wings of the nose to the earlobes.
  2. A similar technique is used to work the area from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  3. Using a full palm, smooth the area from the chin to the temples. At this moment, you need to raise your head up so that the chin muscles are stretched.
  4. The outer side of the palm is tapped in the area below the jaw, but you should not feel pain.

The classic technique is very easy to use, but requires regular implementation. If there are serious problems, it is best to turn your attention to other corrective techniques.


Plastic massage

This type of effect on the skin not only promotes microcirculation and muscle tone, but also ensures the correct movement of lymph through the channels. The specialist carries out pressing movements along the massage lines, so lymphatic drainage occurs. In most cases, talc is used, but cream or oil may be used.

Plastic corrective massage is indicated for women with aging, aging skin. Recommended for sagging cheeks, double chin and jowl formation. This type of massage can be performed on a full face; you just need to apply more intense pressure.


Japanese facial massage Asahi

According to reviews from clients of beauty salons, visible improvements occur already on the second day after the first session. To nourish the skin, professionals use special milk. At home, oatmeal will also work.

To carry out the procedure, use your fingertips. The forehead is worked with the index, middle and ring fingers; in order to eliminate swelling under the lower eyelid, only the middle finger is used, and for the area of ​​the mouth and chin - the tips of the middle and ring fingers.


Face forming by Benita Cantieni

Involves a whole range of exercises that includes facial yoga, acupressure with fingertips and special gymnastics. To achieve a visible effect, you will need to work on yourself regularly. You should conduct sessions 5 times a week, and also learn to meditate and visualize. In general, the complex consists of 13 exercises, each of which lasts 2 minutes.


Italian lifting

Is a type of acupressure, since during the execution the master applies pressure on certain points with the back of his hand. The frequency of procedures is 1–2 days. To improve the oval of the face, you need to place your chin in your palms and press them from bottom to top. The impact occurs within 10–15 seconds.

In a similar way, pressure is applied to the cheeks, ears, forehead and temples. Cheekbones and nasolabial folds are worked out with hands crossed together.


Pinch massage to eliminate a double chin

This technique has proven itself positively among women who have fat deposits accumulated in the area of ​​the so-called double chin. Use 2 or 3 fingers (index, thumb and middle).

During the session, the master dynamically plucks the chin, moving from its center to the ears. The neck is treated in a similar way (from the center to the periphery), but only if you are in a sitting position, be sure to throw your head up. At the end of the session, the cosmetologist strokes the chin and neck-collar region with his fingertips.


Honey massage

It is a type of lifting massage. Due to the fact that natural honey is applied to the skin, when tapped, the dermis springs more and comes into tone very quickly.

The bee product is distributed on the skin in an even layer, 5 mm thick. The master tries to make movements very quickly, since the fingertips stick to the skin due to the viscosity of the applied suspension. The areas of the forehead, cheeks, and double chin are treated. Try not to apply honey to the lower and upper eyelids. If this happens, it is only when the client has ptosis or bags under the eyes.


Cost and number of sessions

An effective massage for tightening the oval face requires 10–12 sessions. At home, it is recommended to perform the procedure 2-3 times a week. At the end of the course, you should take a short two-week break and then resume therapy.

The number of facelift sessions in the salon is prescribed by a cosmetologist, taking into account the degree of neglect and the presence of secondary problems (severe wrinkles, jowls, pronounced nasolabial folds, etc.) As a rule, women over 35 years old should order a course from beauty salon professionals twice a year.

The price of a classic massage session in Moscow salons starts from 750 rubles. But if you want to carry out a more effective plastic facial massage using modern technologies and special massagers, you will have to fork out a little. On average, you will pay 2000–2500 rubles for a corrective facial massage.

The price of a salon procedure is affected by:

  1. chosen technique;
  2. the use of additional cosmetics (serums, honey, hot chocolate, oils, age creams with a lifting effect, etc.);
  3. professionalism of the master;
  4. prestige of the salon;
  5. manipulation time.

It should be noted that plastic influence with the help of hands should take place cyclically. After a course of 10–12 procedures (the number of sessions is determined taking into account the scale of the problem), it is recommended to take a month's break. Then you can take the course several more times a year.

How to consolidate the result


To consolidate the effect you will need:

  1. use oils, for example, roses, chamomile, sage, violets, which are heated in a water bath to a temperature of 45 degrees;
  2. try immediately after the massage to do gymnastics from the face-building series;
  3. be sure to perform movements strictly along the massage lines;
  4. do not forget to remove any remaining massage cream or oil with a damp cloth after the procedure and apply an anti-aging mask;
  5. review your diet (eat fish, meat, liver, greens, eggs, fruits and vegetables);
  6. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, as well as maintain a daily and rest routine;
  7. give up bad habits (if any).

Precautionary measures

There is a whole list of prohibitions on facial massage to correct the oval. Among them:

  1. hemophilia (incoagulability of blood);
  2. herpetic infection in the acute stage;
  3. the presence of acne, ulcers and other inflammations of the skin;
  4. rosacea and close location of blood vessels to the skin;
  5. open wounds and unhealed injuries;
  6. large moles, warts and papillomas;
  7. any salon procedures (mesotherapy, phototherapy, etc.), from the date of which 3 weeks have passed.

Thus, if you have an inflammatory process on the dermis of your face, you will have to first eliminate it, and then do a facelift. In general, you need to be extremely careful with moles and warts. Their injury during massage can lead to the development of malignant neoplasms.

It should be noted that it is possible to correct the shape of the face without the help of plastic surgeons. It is enough to complete a full course of skin treatment in a cosmetologist’s office or regularly perform tightening self-massage at home. Many women who have experienced all the delights of such a procedure are satisfied with the result. If you really want to look spectacular after 35 years, then be sure to try one or more massage techniques for a facelift.

Useful videos

Japanese massage for face lift Asahi.

In this article we will talk about effective anti-aging and face lifting massage at home. This type of massage is attractive primarily for its ease of implementation and cost, in contrast to other salon procedures associated with age-related changes in facial skin. Let us analyze the essence of this massage and study in detail the technique of its implementation. You will discover for yourself all the pros and cons of this technique, and also learn how to perform such a massage professionally, even at home.

The essence of massage for tightening the oval face

As we age, our skin loses fluid, firmness and becomes less elastic. Over time, muscles lose tone and wrinkles and creases appear, the skin sags and becomes unattractive. Facial massages are considered an excellent method of combating skin aging. They come in the following types:

  1. Classical – strengthens facial muscles, gives tone and elasticity to the skin, produces a tightening effect.
  2. Relaxing – relaxes the facial muscles and gives a natural glow.
  3. Lymphatic drainage – relieves puffiness, removes dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.
  4. Plastic – tightens the contour and improves skin elasticity.
  1. Chiroplastic – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has a lifting effect on the skin.
  2. Myofascial – smoothes the skin, eliminates deep wrinkles.
  3. Medicinal – helps fight acne and seborrhea.

We will talk in more detail about classic massage, namely massage for a facelift at home. This type of massage affects blood circulation, improves muscle tone, increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. The contour of the face is tightened, the skin pleases the eye with a beautiful color, looks healthy and young, becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

If you repeat this procedure regularly, the muscle tissue will be in good shape all the time, which helps the disappearance of small wrinkles and a significant reduction in large ones, reduces swelling of the face and improves metabolism.

An alternative to this type of massage are massages that you can actually learn at home, such as lymphatic drainage facial massage; another good alternative is vacuum facial massage. Recently, Japanese facial massage has become very popular.

Massage technique

Before starting the massage, you need to do a hot herbal facial compress or a herbal steam bath. You can use chamomile or St. John's wort herbs. Procedures of this type will warm up the facial muscles. Hair must be removed so that it does not get under your fingers, as this can lead to injury.

Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap or use an antiseptic, it is recommended to use massage oils, which will increase the effectiveness of this procedure.

Anti-wrinkle and face-lifting massage is based on light, stroking movements that improve blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage, as well as strengthen muscles. Use your fingertips to stroke your forehead from bottom to top, then move to your cheeks and stroke them towards your temples for about 3 minutes.

Next, you need to massage the temples themselves, then with soft, smooth movements you need to pinch the skin of your face and smooth it out again. Then we rub the skin of the face in a circular motion with the back of the fist and smooth the skin again, slapping the face with the pads of the fingers, especially actively along the contour of the face and cheeks.

We tap along the contour of the face with the edge of the palm, finish the session with stroking, wash the face and apply lifting cream. Massage should be done 2-3 times a week; massage should only be done on previously cleansed facial skin.

You can also include a contrast massage against a double chin in the course of such a massage.. For this you need a towel and water. It is necessary to wet a towel in cold salted water, after folding it in four. Holding its ends, pat it on the chin 10 times. Then we repeat the procedure, only we wet the towel in warm water.

All massages can be combined with anti-wrinkle facial exercises. A set of such exercises is called face forming - massage for a natural face lift.

Pros and cons of massage

Analyzing reviews of this type of massage, The following advantages can be identified:

  1. the facial contour is tightened;
  2. swelling of the face goes away;
  3. bags and black circles under the eyes are reduced;
  4. skin texture is evened out;
  5. wrinkles become less noticeable;
  6. complexion improves, spider veins disappear.

To strengthen the result, experts recommend doing massages in courses, periodically allowing the skin to rest.
The disadvantages include:

  1. pain if you have a high pain threshold and very sensitive skin;
  2. as mentioned above, do not overdo it, as this can lead to negative consequences.


Massage for tightening the oval face is necessary in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. unclear and unaesthetic facial contour;
  4. presence of a double chin;
  1. swelling;
  2. constant tension of the facial muscles;
  3. loss of skin elasticity and firmness.

Contraindications and side effects

This procedure is prohibited if you have:

  1. severe inflammatory processes, ulcers, pimples, acne;
  2. herpes;
  3. hemophilia;
  4. open injuries on the face;
  5. warts:
  6. large moles;
  7. postoperative sutures;
  8. problems with blood clotting.

Only if you approach the massage responsibly will it bring pleasure and have the desired effect. Otherwise, you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Side effects in this situation may include dark circles under the eyes, bruises on the face, pain or swelling of the face.

Effect of massage

If you perform the massage correctly and follow all the recommendations of specialists, you can achieve an excellent facelift effect without surgical intervention. The facial contour will become tightened, the skin will be elastic, soft and healthy.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about facial massage to tighten facial skin are almost uniform. Experts say that if you use a set of exercises for facial gymnastics with massage and approach it responsibly and competently, you can significantly improve the appearance of your facial skin and achieve this without surgical intervention. To enhance the effect, they recommend using auxiliary creams.

Also, I would like to draw attention to tips that, using them in everyday life, you can prevent the occurrence of many problems associated with facial skin. First of all, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to how you sleep., you need to fall asleep on your back in order to avoid skin stretching associated with contact with the pillow.

It is necessary to be attentive to touching the skin, firstly, our hands are not always clean, secondly, when we come into contact with the skin of the face, leaning on our hand or touching our face with minimal effort, we are already affecting the skin and stretching it, thereby accelerating the withering process . When removing makeup, you also need to wash your face delicately and gently, without stretching the skin.



I have been doing this massage for several weeks. The skin has noticeably tightened, the puffiness and bags under the eyes have gone away. I am incredibly glad that I found such a simple recipe for youth.


I learned how to do facial massage professionally. Great money savings and plus positive results. Try it too, you will succeed!


Not long ago, while undergoing a vacuum abdominal massage procedure in the salon, I saw a lifting massage in the price list and became interested. I went to the salon once for the procedure, saw how to do it correctly, and now I do it myself at home. Within a month I noticed a positive effect!

Video tutorial on massage at home

We invite you to watch a detailed video with a facial massage lesson to tighten your facial skin. The video lesson is divided into several sets of exercises, such as getting rid of stagnant acne spots, preventing wrinkles and giving skin tone, active prevention of wrinkles and face lifting. You will be able to see and learn with your own eyes how to properly massage to give your facial skin a wonderful condition.