How to get rid of deep acne on your face

A subcutaneous pimple is an internal purulent inflammation that can lead to infection of the surrounding tissues and blood. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such inflammation, but it is worth remembering that this is always a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body. Treatment in this case is carried out using a complex method, taking into account medications, cosmetology and folk remedies. Next, you will learn about effective ways to get rid of subcutaneous acne on your face.

Getting rid of acne using cosmetic procedures

Cosmetology is the main method in the fight against acne. Each of the methods of treating subcutaneous acne by cosmetic means is aimed at achieving a particular goal. Together they give effective results. Read each procedure separately below to get detailed information about how the treatment mechanism works and what it is needed for.

  1. Cleaning the skin. Professional facial skin cleansing usually includes several stages depending on the degree of the disease. The main types of cleansing from subcutaneous acne include the following: mechanical (produced by using special tools and the skillful hands of a cosmetologist), vacuum (it is painless and hygienic, it is performed using a vacuum drainage tube that sucks out pore contaminants).

  1. Peeling. With the help of peeling, the skin is cleansed of waste products of the sebaceous glands, dirt, and the facial skin is renewed from dead cells. Refers to harsh methods because drugs containing acids are used. Peeling can hardly be considered an effective treatment method for subcutaneous acne it is rather a skin polishing that helps remove shallow scars. It is best to use it after cleansing the skin after some time.
  2. Laser resurfacing. A procedure similar to the previous method, during which the stratum corneum of the skin is removed using a laser. This helps increase the supply of oxygen to renewed cells. Find out more about laser facial resurfacing.
  3. Disincrustation. Acne and subcutaneous pimples are removed from the face using electrophoresis. It is one of the safest and most painless ways to cleanse your face of subcutaneous acne. It is carried out once every two weeks for 15 minutes for two months.
  4. Ultraviolet irradiation. A physiotherapeutic method that uses UV rays. It is considered one of the deepest methods of skin cleansing. It stimulates the immune system and the release of melanin. Thanks to this procedure, vascular tone increases and blood circulation increases.

  1. Mesotherapy. A treatment method that occurs through injections. Vitamins, medications or meso-cocktails (a mixture of antioxidants, microelements, amino acids, etc.) are injected under the skin to promote rapid recovery, healing, cleansing and rejuvenation.
  2. Ozone therapy. With this method, the face is wiped with a special ozone cocktail. It directly affects the skin and has a gentle effect. Cleanses pores, smoothes wrinkles, effectively treats demodicosis, acne, rosacea, etc.

Find out which acne treatment is the most effective.

How to treat acne on the face at home

It is possible to fight subcutaneous acne at home. However, it is worth remembering that medical assistance will also not hurt, as they will help you establish the true cause of acne, the severity of the disease and apply the correct treatment. See below for some options for effective methods of treating subcutaneous acne, which can be used in combination.


The use of medications for the treatment of acne is aimed at combating inflammation, the appearance and removal of existing subcutaneous pimples, and eliminating scars. For this, various antimicrobial drugs and retinoids are used. Check them out in detail below:

  1. Retinoids. They eliminate the results of the vital activity of the sebaceous glands, treat conglobate acne, remove inflammation, and prevent the new appearance of subcutaneous acne. In the pharmacy you will find this drug under the name:
  1. Roaccutane
  2. Retinol palmitate.
Antibiotics. Treatment of subcutaneous acne with antimicrobial substances is resorted to in cases of damage to large areas of skin with the presence of ulcers. Drugs: Tetracycline. Unidox. Wilprafen.

  1. Hormonal therapy. Used for hormonal disorders that cause subcutaneous acne. Restores the deficiency of one or another hormone in the body.
  1. Jess.
  2. Yarina.
Vitamins. Treatment against subcutaneous acne and the body's immunity are enhanced by vitamins included in the groups: B, C, A, E. Sorbents. Used as auxiliary substances to remove toxins. Used in complex treatment with antibiotics. Lactofiltrum Bifiform Enterosgel

External treatment: ointments, creams and lotions

To eliminate the disease from all sides at once, in addition to medications, external treatment of subcutaneous acne should be included. However, when starting therapy, choose one or another drug taking into account the characteristics of your skin. Among the popular means of external treatment of subcutaneous acne, Metrogyl gel, Curiosin, Klenzit, zinc ointment, Zenerit, Dancil T, Levomycetin are widely used. More information about some medications:

  1. Syntomycin ointment or emulsion. A good remedy for the treatment of fresh subcutaneous pimples and spots after them. Has healing, restorative properties. Apply a thin layer of ointment or wipe your face with emulsion up to three times daily. Use up to 15 days.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment. Contains natural adsorbents, thanks to which it effectively draws out subcutaneous acne while simultaneously opening the pores. Apply compresses at night with ointment until the pimple is completely resolved.
  3. Levomikol. A good healing, antibacterial drug for subcutaneous acne. Apply a small amount to the affected area of ​​the face three times daily. Use until complete healing.
  4. Ichthyol ointment. An inexpensive, effective remedy that helps treat and remove the effects of subcutaneous acne in the form of scars. Apply a thin layer to affected areas of the face twice a day (for example, in the morning and before bed). After the active action of the ointment (after 1-2 hours), wipe acne and subcutaneous pimples with lotions with salicylic acid.


Diet is the first assistant in the treatment of any disease. Subcutaneous acne in this case is also no exception. This is the first indicator of a malfunction in the body due to poor nutrition. In addition to all the other therapeutic measures that you have undertaken in the fight against subcutaneous acne, it is important to follow a strict diet that excludes the consumption of junk food. Check out the list of healthy foods that will help reduce the appearance of subcutaneous acne:

  1. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  2. If you are experiencing an exacerbation of acne, use baby food.
  3. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  4. Prepare food only by boiling, stewing or steaming.
  5. Pasta products are made only from coarse wheat varieties.
  6. Brown rice
  7. Dried fruits.
  8. Instead of sugar - fructose or honey.
  9. Only bitter 100% natural chocolate.

Products that you should categorically avoid eating during the treatment and prevention of subcutaneous acne:

  1. Fried or spicy foods.
  2. Fatty fish (salmon, trout).
  3. All types of sweets and baked goods.
  4. Snacks, smoked products, canned food, spices.
  5. Carbonated drinks.
  6. Semi-finished products.

Folk remedies

All kinds of folk remedies have proven themselves well in order to get rid of problems on the face, including subcutaneous acne. Depending on what type of acne you suffer from, there are certain recipes (infusions, decoctions, ointments) that you can prepare yourself for treatment at home. Below, check out some folk remedies that will help you get rid of subcutaneous and external acne:

For white pimples

  1. Paraffin mask. This component has a cleansing effect on pores where acne forms. To prepare, use white paraffin (available in any pharmacy) about 80 g, melt in steam at 60 degrees. Pre-clean your skin with any tonic or lotion and apply the mask to your face. The procedure lasts up to half an hour. Paraffin hardens, forming a film that is easily removed from the skin. Finally, use a cleansing lotion. This mask is often used by cosmetologists after using the Darsonval apparatus.
  2. Saline solution. It has a scrubbing effect, which effectively removes white pimples. Clean your face by washing with gentle baby soap. Next, take ordinary kitchen salt and apply it to the skin with massaging movements. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse off. Finally, use a moisturizer.

From small

  1. Ice cubes with calendula. They soothe the skin well, cleanse and tone. In a liter of boiling water, add calendula, celandine, rose petals (crushed one tablespoon at a time). Leave for half an hour, cool and pour into an ice tray. Freeze. In the morning and before bed, wipe your face with these cubes, paying special attention to areas with subcutaneous acne.
  2. Soda based lotion. Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar and baking soda in a glass of boiling water. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and rub into problem areas on the face. After washing your face with laundry soap, apply moisturizer. Effectively and quickly cleanses pores.

From a large subcutaneous pimple

  1. Compress with a piece of aloe. Use an ordinary house plant and cut a small piece from an aloe leaf. Cut it in half and apply the pulp to an inflamed pimple on your face overnight. Apply a patch on top. Repeat the procedure up to three to four times. Aloe has healing and antiseptic properties. Effectively cleanses the skin. It is even used to treat infiltrates (furunculosis, abscess, phlegmon).

  1. Compress with tea tree oil. Dissolve a bottle of oil (50 g) with a tablespoon of honey, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Take a piece of cotton wool and soak it in the resulting solution. Apply to the inflamed pimple, covering the top with a band-aid, and leave overnight. This method acts as an anti-inflammatory and drying agent for the facial skin, and it dissolves the purulent ball well.

Find out which folk remedy for acne is most effective.

For acne marks

  1. Tincture with St. John's wort. An effective product that quickly eliminates and smoothes out shallow acne marks on the face. Pour two tablespoons of medicinal herbs with a glass of alcohol and leave to infuse for up to 10 days. Then wipe acne scars and blemishes in the morning every day. Use until the skin is smooth.

Preventive remedies for internal acne

Subcutaneous pimples are dangerous because they do not appear on the surface of the skin, but ripen inside. Ripe suppuration can burst inside and infect nearby tissues, and in worst cases, the blood. Therefore, it is better not to bring your skin and health to such bad consequences and prevent the appearance of internal acne in time. Some tips on this matter:

  1. Follow a proper diet.
  2. Follow basic hygiene rules: personal face towel, personal care products.
  3. Do not use natural pillows (down or feathers) replace them with synthetic ones.


There are cases when methods of quickly acting on a pimple that has just appeared on the cheek or forehead are needed. For example, tomorrow you have a long-awaited event planned and your face should look 100%. In such cases, there are several ways by which a subcutaneous pimple on the chin or nose will disappear overnight. Watch below interesting video tips with detailed information on this topic:

Deep acne is one of the most unpleasant cosmetic defects of the face. Compared to ordinary comedones and pustules, they are much larger in size and more painful. After a deep pimple is healed, a scar may remain on the previously affected area of ​​the skin.

Most often this is due to improper therapy or lack thereof, so it would be wise to figure out how to get rid of such a problem with minimal losses.

What it is

A deep (or subcutaneous) pimple is a formation located in the deep layers of the skin. Its formation is associated with blockage of the pores, the development of pathogenic bacteria inside them and the subsequent filling of the hair follicle with pus and secretion produced by the sebaceous gland.


Visually, instead of a regular pimple, a person can only observe an inflamed and swollen area, the touch of which causes pain. You can squeeze out the contents of such a tubercle yourself only if the pus has already reached its top.

But in some cases, the pimple gradually “dries out” inside. Then the inflammation goes away, but a small tubercle still remains.

The formation is called differently depending on the number of follicles included in it:

  1. boil – when one hair follicle is affected
  2. carbuncle - if the inflammatory process involves several adjacent follicles, united into one common pimple.

Causes of deep acne

The area of ​​localization of deep acne is often the face (nose, cheeks, forehead, chin), neck or back. This is due to the presence of large sebaceous glands in these areas. There are several reasons that lead to the formation of foci of inflammation in these areas.

On the face

The appearance of deep acne on the face can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.

The likelihood of developing skin problems in adolescence is much higher in those people whose parents also suffered from such disorders.

  1. Improper skin care.

This includes the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, their abuse and excessively frequent water treatments, which cause the epidermis to dry out. Similar problems can arise with a complete lack of facial skin care.

  1. Hormonal imbalance.

Significant hormonal changes may be associated with adolescence, menopause or pregnancy (in women). This can equally be facilitated by sexually transmitted diseases and other disorders in the body, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

  1. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy diet and gastrointestinal diseases.

Active consumption of excessively fatty, sweet or salty foods, smoked dishes, and baked goods not only leads to the appearance of deep acne, but also provokes increased swelling, weight gain and other health problems.

  1. Infectious effects.

The appearance of subcutaneous tubercles is often associated with exposure to staphylococcal infections. Also, the development of the inflammatory process is provoked by a subcutaneous mite (Demodex), but its presence can be accurately determined only by the results of special laboratory tests.

The effect of all these factors increases if a person is under stress, suffers from increased sweating, weakens the body’s defenses, or is under excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

On the chin

There are two additional reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous formations on the chin (in addition to those already listed above):

  1. Incorrect shaving.

Microtraumas of the epidermis caused by inept handling of the razor allow the infection to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers. Shaving using old blades gives a similar result.

In addition to toxic substances, the smoke exhaled when smoking contains resins that clog the pores around the mouth and on the chin. This significantly increases the likelihood of deep acne.

Features in children

The appearance of deep acne in newborns is considered a special disease. These formations are formed in the first 3-5 months of life, but not due to disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous gland, but under the influence of maternal sex hormones, which enter the child’s body with milk.

The rash usually appears on the forehead, cheeks, back of the head, and nasolabial folds and goes away within a few weeks or even days on its own without drug intervention.

A prerequisite for recovery is to provide the baby with proper hygienic care. In addition, it is strictly forbidden for children to squeeze out deep pimples on their own.

About watery pimples on the hands. More details here.

Treatment with folk remedies

To remove the unpleasant symptoms associated with the development of the inflammatory process, you can use one of the following folk recipes:

  1. squeeze the juice out of the prickly tartar grass and use it to wipe acne (at the same time, you must take the product internally - 1 teaspoon after meals)
  2. apply tea tree oil to the inflamed area (if the skin tingles after using it, the product can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio)
  3. pour white lily (petals) with vodka (component ratio 1:1), then let it brew for two weeks, and use the finished medicine to wipe the skin before going to bed
  4. wipe the formations with a cotton swab that has been moistened with fir oil (can be purchased at a pharmacy)
  5. prepare a tincture of sage leaves (1 tablespoon of raw material and 250 ml of boiling water), strain it, add honey (1/2 teaspoon) and use for acne lotions
  6. mix one teaspoon each of honey and calendula tincture, and then dilute them in warm boiled water (250 ml) and use to wipe oily skin
  7. in a ratio of 1:4, mix fresh raspberry leaves and butter (can be replaced with Vaseline), use for daily application to problem areas of the skin.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of subcutaneous acne involves working in several areas at once:

  1. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands
  2. preventing the spread of infectious disease
  3. stimulation of acne maturation process
  4. relieving inflammation
  5. preventing the formation of a scar on the affected area.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use any of the following pharmaceutical products:

  1. Klindovit, Zinerit (give an antibacterial effect, but are used only as prescribed by the treating specialist)
  2. Differin (reduces inflammation, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents keratinization of the skin)
  3. 2% solution of Salicylic acid (used externally, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects)
  4. Salicylic-zinc paste.

The last drug is applied to the affected area for half an hour in the form of applications. The procedure must be repeated daily, once a day.

Video: How to get rid of rashes at home


Squeezing unripe pimples is not only useless, but also harmful. The consequences of such self-medication may have to be eliminated through surgery.

To stimulate the process of maturation of the abscess and avoid surgery, you can make a special compress:

  1. with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekoli
  2. with honey, salt, turmeric and grated ginger
  3. with an aloe leaf (it needs to be cut lengthwise, applied with the cut to the affected area, secured and left overnight)
  4. with iodine (apply the active substance in minimal quantities, so that it covers only the top of the tubercle).

Without such preliminary preparation and compliance with minimum hygiene standards, squeezing a pimple will only intensify the inflammatory process or lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas. Even after successful elimination of purulent formation, scars and age spots may remain.

The most reasonable method of treatment would be to contact a professional cosmetologist (after a preliminary examination and with the test results in hand).

If there are no contraindications, the specialist will prescribe a suitable anti-inflammatory drug and carefully cleanse the face.

It should be taken into account that even professionals do not squeeze out immature deep pimples. However, they have a special method that allows them to speed up the maturation process - ozone therapy. This procedure greatly simplifies the work of removing formations.

Acne on the skin causes pain, brings aesthetic discomfort and psychological disorders to life. Teenagers and young adults are especially upset by deep acne on the face - the reasons should be sought in the state of the endocrine and digestive systems. Subcutaneous formations are difficult to treat and cannot be eliminated within one day.

Deep acne on the face: an overview of the causes

There are few people who suffer from a rash on their face and do nothing. Almost everyone understands that it is useless to cherish dreams of smooth, smooth, radiant skin without doing anything about it. Some people think it makes the most sense to seek qualified help from doctors. When deep subcutaneous acne on the face bothers you, dermatologists and endocrinologists will advise treatment of the underlying and concomitant diseases. Professional cosmetologists organize adequate skin care.

Main causes of rash:

deficiency of vitamins, microelements

rapid growth of hair follicles

An increase in the production of progesterone, which regulates sebum production, increases skin oiliness. The result is deep pimples on the cheeks and chin.

Acne occurs when there is excess or hypersensitivity to testosterone, a male sex hormone that affects the production of sebium.

Peeling of the skin, deficiencies in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, acne appear with a deficiency of zinc and B vitamins2, A (retinol), E (tocopherol).

Various elements of the rash, in particular deep pimples on the forehead, appear in response to the growth of microflora: fungi, bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, P. granulosum, Staphylococcus epidermidis.

How to treat subcutaneous deep acne on the face at home

Taking activated carbon and other adsorbents helps remove harmful compounds from the gastrointestinal tract that disrupt metabolism. Before starting a course of treatment at home, you should seek medical advice and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. As for activated carbon, its tablets should be crushed and taken 3-4 times a day for 10-14 days (1 tablet 0.5 g per 10 kg of body weight).

Using pharmaceutical acne medications at home prevents:

accumulation of excess sebum and dead cells

development of the inflammatory process.

Deep acne on the chin, in the T-zone and around the mouth can be treated with effective and inexpensive topical medications (see table).

Form of the drug and its trade name Action
Gel and cream "Differin" The retinoid adapalene in the product has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes sebum production and the process of keratinization of the epidermis
Cream "Clindovit" The active ingredient antibiotic clindamycin relieves inflammation, the auxiliary components tocopherol and allantoin promote healing
Salicylic ointment (2, 3, 5%) Has an antiseptic effect, reduces inflammation

Home treatments to get rid of subcutaneous deep acne on the face

Steam baths, compresses with herbal infusions, scrubs and masks with natural substances cleanse and tone the facial skin. Cosmetics for home use are prepared partially or entirely based on natural ingredients. In the first case, it is allowed to add baby cream, moisturizing facial gel, and pharmaceutical preparations to the mixtures of natural ingredients. Before applying a scrub, peeling or mask, you should wash and steam your face.

Compositions that help in cases where subcutaneous acne appears on the face:

treatment with a mixture of powdered medicinal herbs with facial gel (2:1)

aspirin tablets dissolved in a small amount of water

green or blue clay and curdled milk (2:3)

It is advisable to apply the selected mixture to the face, which is still damp after steaming. The mixture should cover the skin evenly, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Home treatment of internal acne on the face using a peeling mask with aspirin or salt is carried out within 5-10 minutes. The exposure time for clay and medicinal herbs is up to 15–25 minutes.

The end of the procedure is to gently massage the face for 2–5 minutes, rinse the face with cool water and apply a healing cream. The frequency of performing such procedures is 2–3 times a week. The systematic use of natural scrub-masks promotes deep cleansing and healing of facial skin, gradually getting rid of internal acne.

Amina Pirmanova / article author