Nasolabial folds fillers before and after photos


Filling nasolabial folds with fillers is a common injection procedure that gives a natural and lasting rejuvenating effect. It is carried out for the first time at the age of 30-35, but sometimes it is quite reasonable to start at a young age if there are a number of objective indications. Filling folds requires the cosmetologist to have excellent knowledge of the structure of the face and mastery of the method of injecting special solutions. This procedure is offered in almost every beauty salon.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Filler is a viscous substance that is widely used in cosmetology to correct imperfections and highlight the advantages of appearance. The density of the solution is a very important characteristic of a cosmetic product.

Benefits of nasolabial fold correction

The cosmetic procedure is in demand among women and men who want to forget about wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle for a long time.

The main advantages of correcting nasolabial folds with fillers:

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    No surgical intervention. The appearance is improved only with the help of injections.
  2. The procedure is suitable for those who are contraindicated to undergo a facelift through surgery due to health reasons. For example, problems with the heart and respiratory system. Such disorders are often aggravated by the use of anesthesia. Injection correction is carried out without anesthesia.
  3. The cost of using fillers is quite different from the price of plastic surgery. As a rule, the final cost includes the time spent in the ward, anesthesia and consumables. The injection method does not require hospitalization or anesthesia. A special application anesthesia is used (the cosmetologist applies a cream that reduces sensitivity).
  4. It is easier to predict the effect of filler than the outcome of plastic surgery. But even if a minor correction of the effect is required, this can be done in the near future. Whereas plastic surgery does not always meet the patient’s expectations and has irreversible results. It is difficult to correct the defects of plastic surgery, and this requires a new operation.
  5. Fillers do not have a detrimental effect on the muscular system. Injecting a cosmetic product into the nasolabial triangle is safe, while botulinum toxin (Botox) has a negative effect on facial expressions. Makes it monotonous and unnatural.
  6. After injection rejuvenation, skin restoration occurs faster, and the healing process is painless. Among the advantages is the ability to evaluate the result immediately after administering the drug.
  7. Low likelihood of allergic reactions. The drug based on hyaluronic acid takes root well, since the composition of the filler is identical to the components of human tissue.

Negative consequences of the procedure

Possible side effects are divided into two groups:

  1. arising during the administration of the drug (the body’s natural reaction to the intervention and the administered substance);
  2. complications during the recovery period, which, in fact, should not be a consequence of the injection.

The following side effects occur during and after the procedure:

  1. Puncture. At the injection site, several points remain, which may bleed for some time.
  2. Edema. The degree of edema intensity ranges from mild swelling to obvious puffiness. This is a common reaction of the skin to a violation of its integrity during manipulation.
  3. Hyperemia. There is no need to worry if there is limited redness of the skin. The injection of filler into the folds causes slight hyperemia. As a rule, normal skin color is restored on its own within a few hours. No treatment required.
  4. The intervention of a cosmetologist can cause pain, an allergic reaction, prolonged swelling of the skin, pulsation in the injection area, itching, and increased body temperature.
  5. Formation of lumps at the puncture site. This phenomenon is considered an abnormal result of the procedure.


All of these signs indicate incorrect distribution of the solution within the tissues due to excessively superficial administration of the drug.

A good specialist knows how to correctly calculate the depth of a needle puncture and at the same time takes into account the physiological characteristics of each patient’s skin - its density, thickness. Other symptoms indicate intolerance to the drug, infection at the puncture site, disruption of the facial nerve (with an unprofessional specialist or lack of knowledge of anatomy).

Phenomena that require the intervention of a cosmetologist are classified by time period. They appear immediately after manipulation or after 1-7 days. In any case, any complications that arise must be reported to the cosmetologist.

Preparation and implementation of correction

Comparing how the nasolabial lips were filled in different time periods, it should be noted that the current modern cosmetic procedure is quite safe. Today, biopolymer and silicone are not used, which often led to detrimental consequences. Modern fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which eliminates such an unfavorable outcome.

Tips for choosing a drug and rating

To work with the face, cosmetologists most often use fillers based on hyaluronic acid. To eliminate deep nasolabial wrinkles, they must be thick and dense. Rating of the most popular fillers:

  1. Restylane Perlane. A Swedish-made drug that is in demand all over the world. Passed FDA inspection, confirming its high safety and effectiveness. Great for smoothing out deep wrinkles and skin folds.
  2. Princess Filler and Volume. A product of the Austrian holding CROMA, which is produced using patented SMART technology. The effect after use is lasting and natural, the risk of complications is minimal.
  3. Juvederm Ultra 3 and 4. The leader among fillers, produced by the famous company Allergan. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the product contains lidocaine, which reduces pain during manipulation. Juvederm Ultra 3 is used to smooth out minor wrinkles, and Ultra 4 is used for deeper wrinkles.
  4. Glytone 3 and 4. A line of French gels with which you can get a long-term correction effect (up to 1 year).
  5. Surgiderm 24 X.P. Another popular and high-quality product from Allergan.
  6. Teosyal Global Action and Deep Lines. The product is produced by the Swiss laboratory TEOXANE. The main advantage of the filler is the severity of the result, the duration of the effect and safety.

There are also less famous fillers on the market (for example, Russian and Asian). They are also considered decent options, but they are much cheaper. In any case, you need to make sure that the product is registered by Roszdravnadzor, the manufacturer has an official representative office in the Russian Federation, and the cosmetologist has significant experience in using it.

Alternatives to hyaluronic acid fillers

There are alternatives to hyaluronic acid fillers:

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    Preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse), polycaprolactone (Elanse), polylactic acid (Sculptra). Significantly serious means, the effect of which can last up to 2-3 years. This is both a big plus and a minus. If the patient does not like the new changes, then returning the skin to its original state will be very problematic. And so, from the point of view of the external effect, they are almost no different from fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

  2. nosogubnye-skladki-fillery-WZXDb.webp

    Lipofilling. Filling the nasolabial folds with the patient's fat cells, which are taken from the hips and abdomen. The main advantage of the procedure is safety, minimal risk of rejection and allergic reactions. The downside is that it is difficult to predict the result, since the number of transplanted cells that survive can be 50-70%, and in some cases - only 20-30%. The method also requires additional manipulations with the collection of fat cells, which are often performed under general anesthesia.
  3. In some cases, they still resort to botulinum toxin preparations (Dysport, Botox and others). They are used if the nasolabial folds are characterized by muscle hypertonicity in this area. This phenomenon is typical for people with very active facial expressions. But many cosmetologists consider this method useless and ineffective.

Features of the procedure

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special substance (solution) into the nasolabial folds using injections. As a result, the resulting age-related voids are filled, which entails smoothing out wrinkles.

Stages of preparation for the procedure:

  1. Consultation with a cosmetologist. At the first stage, the specialist assesses the general condition of the face, the characteristics of the skin, the degree of the problem and other indicators.
  2. The gel is selected. Which filler is best for nasolabial folds is selected for each patient only by a cosmetologist. He is obliged to introduce the drug, present all quality certificates, tell about contraindications and possible consequences. In turn, the patient must consent to the manipulation.

A cosmetologist uses injections to perform the following actions:

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    The patient lies down in a special chair or couch. The specialist puts on disposable gloves. Apply a special anesthetic cream and antiseptic.
  2. Opens the package with the drug. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the expiration date, composition, and make sure of the name. If any doubts arise, it is better to refuse the procedure.
  3. Next, the cosmetologist inserts a needle into the fold. He makes only one puncture of the skin, but it is quite long. The needle should reach the other end of the fold. Then the gel is slowly injected from the syringe.
  4. At the end of the procedure, an antiseptic is applied again and a cold compress is applied to the treated area.

Prevention of complications

After the procedure, the cosmetologist gives recommendations that are aimed at preventing complications and side effects.:

  1. After the procedure, a cold compress is periodically applied to the filler injection site for the first 12 hours.
  2. The puncture site is treated with an antiseptic solution for 2-3 days.
  3. You must avoid going to the gym or swimming pool for a week.
  4. You should avoid exposure to sunlight and visiting a solarium; you should use sunscreen for your face for 2-3 weeks.
  5. For 3 weeks it is necessary to exclude various thermal influences (saunas, baths, hot baths and even heat from a fire or fireplace).
  6. A special massage is allowed, aimed at uniform distribution of the filler. The cosmetologist does it himself, or can explain the technique to the patient.

Obviously, it can be very difficult to limit yourself. But if you follow these simple rules, you can significantly reduce the recovery period after the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Fillers are indicated for people with the following phenomena::

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    deep wrinkles;
  2. age after 35 years;
  3. intolerance to anesthesia;
  4. for those who want to get quick results;
  5. not recommended for people under 30 years of age without obvious reasons.

Contraindications to the use of fillers:

  1. oncology;
  2. inflammatory processes and skin diseases;
  3. problems with blood clotting;
  4. infections of various types;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. sensitivity to any component of the product.

Before injecting filler, you should tell your cosmetologist in detail about all your health problems.

Filling nasolabial folds with filler is a practical option for improving appearance. It allows you to get rid of skin defects for a long period and remain attractive and young.

From this article you will learn:

  1. how to remove nasolabial folds,
  2. reviews, before and after photos,
  3. side effects and complications.

Having nasolabial folds is normal human anatomy, but these folds can become deeper with age. Deepening of the nasolabial folds occurs primarily due to age-related changes in the skin and subcutaneous fat, gradually leading to gravitational ptosis (drooping) of the soft tissues of the buccal area. Additional influences include exposure to the sun, active facial expressions, and smoking. Patients note that pronounced nasolabial folds give the face a tired look, and ask to make them less noticeable.

The most effective and safe way to make them less noticeable is contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The method involves injecting a gel based on stabilized hyaluronic acid into the base of the fold. The gel smoothes out the area of ​​soft tissue depression due to the fact that it is able to maintain its volume in the soft tissues for a long time. Depending on the type of filler, the effect can last from 6 to 18 months.

Nasolabial fillers: before and after photos



Correction of nasolabial folds with fillers based on hyaluronic acid is the simplest option for facial contouring, which is not too complicated even for novice cosmetologists. A much more complex correction option is the use of semi-permanent and permanent fillers (for example, based on microspherical particles of calcium hydroxyapatite or particles of poly-L-lactic acid), i.e. drugs such as Radiesse or Sculptra. Working with such fillers will require experience, as well as specialized training in working with such drugs.

Correction of nasolabial folds: procedure progress

Before directly starting to inject filler into the nasolabial folds, it is important to decide on the correct treatment strategy, because in this case there are 2 options for correction. The first option is that the filler is injected directly into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, using one of the injection techniques or a combination of them. The second option is that filler can be injected into the cheekbone area, which will increase their volume and tighten the skin + straighten the nasolabial folds.

In patients with pronounced cheekbones and round cheeks, it is best to actually correct the nasolabial folds themselves, however, in patients with thin cheeks and a small amount of soft tissue, it is better to inject filler into the cheekbone area, because this will give the best aesthetic result. Or a combined correction option is possible, when filler is injected into both the cheekbones and nasolabial folds (the choice of correction option will depend on the severity of the result you expect to see and your budget).

Above, we allowed ourselves to say that this is a fairly simple technique even for novice cosmetologists. This is true if we consider the complexity of correcting nasolabial folds with the correction of other areas of the face. But this relatively simple technique also has subtle points, some of which can make the procedure more effective, while others can lead to complications. Particular attention here should be paid to the upper third of the nasolabial fold, where the angular branch of the facial artery passes, and it is very important not to damage it and avoid embolism (

1. Contraindications to the procedure –

We should not immediately start injecting fillers into the nasolabial folds. At the first stage of communication with the patient, we must assess the medical history and the presence of contraindications to the procedure, after which the patient must fill out an informed consent form for filler injections. There are a number of contraindications for the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid (including for the correction of nasolabial folds) -

  1. pregnancy and lactation,
  2. oncology (even if clinical recovery is achieved - at least 5 years must pass from this moment + permission from the oncologist has been obtained, since there is evidence that injections of hyaluronic acid can contribute to relapse),
  3. against the background of acute infectious diseases,
  4. inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intervention,
  5. autoimmune diseases,
  6. tendency to form keloid scars,
  7. if the patient was previously injected with semi-permanent and permanent fillers in this area, or fillers of unknown origin.

In addition, if you have a pathology of the thyroid gland, then this can also be regarded as a relative contraindication. Against the background of this pathology, the destruction of fillers in tissues occurs much faster compared to ordinary patients, and therefore the duration of the effect can be several times shorter. The risk group also includes patients who often use corticosteroid ointments on the skin of the face (they develop granulomas much more often), people who abuse tanning, as well as patients with diabetes.

2. Choosing a filler for the procedure –

To correct nasolabial folds, denser fillers are used than, for example, to correct superficial wrinkles or to increase lip volume. The final choice will depend on the severity of the nasolabial folds: the deeper they are, the denser the filler with hyaluronic acid should be used. For example, for moderate folds you can use fillers Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Volift, Restylane, Belotero Balance.

For deep folds – Juvederm Ultra 4, Restylane-Perline, Belotero Intense. All of the fillers listed above have FDA recommendations for the correction of nasolabial folds (with the exception of Juvederm Volift, as it is a recently introduced drug). There are a number of cheaper fillers - such as Princess Volume, Hyalax Base and others - that can also be used. However, these fillers are less flexible and behave worse in mobile areas; when used, gel displacement may occur more often.

As for the required volume of filler, usually 1.0 ml of filler is enough to correct moderately severe nasolabial folds (0.5 ml on each side). It is best to choose fillers without lidocaine for correction, because... the latter can lead to temporary whitening of the tissue at the injection site (especially with superficial injection), simulating ischemia, which is a symptom of vascular complications of the injection and requires urgent cessation of the procedure.

However, not only HA-based fillers, but also semi-permanent/permanent fillers can be used to correct nasolabial folds. Their undoubted advantage is their longer-lasting effect, but at the same time, the number of complications after their use reaches, according to various authors, even about 40-50%. Therefore, we still recommend using safer bioresorbable fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

3. Anesthesia –

If a 13 mm needle is used to correct nasolabial folds, then anesthesia is carried out using a cream or gel containing the anesthetic Lidocaine (the concentration of which in products of different brands varies from approximately 5 to 12%). The cream is applied to the surface of the skin at the site of intended injection for about 20-25 minutes, after which it is washed off, and the skin is treated several times with antiseptic solutions.

If the cannula technique is used, the injection site is numbed with an injection of local anesthetic. This again can be either Lidocaine, or Ultracaine, or some other anesthetics without or with a small content of vasoconstrictor components. Below we will look at the techniques of working with a needle and cannula separately.

4. Injection techniques (needle) –

In order to remove nasolabial folds, the linear-retrograde technique and its variations are used. For injections, a 13 mm long needle or a long flexible cannula can be used. The use of a needle implies that after injection, the needle moves parallel to the skin in the middle or deep layers of the dermis to the end to its entire length, and the material is removed with a retrograde movement of the needle backwards. We consider correction of nasolabial folds with a needle to be preferable, because... this anatomical area is relatively safe, and the needle is much easier to control in the tissue.

a) First option The classical linear technique implies that the filler is removed along the nasolabial fold, i.e. along it. To do this, needle injections are made at certain intervals of 13 mm to go through the entire length of the nasolabial fold (just short of reaching the wing of the nose, as well as the corner of the mouth). The first injection is made 13 mm from the wing of the nose, and at this moment it is very important to do an aspiration test. Injecting the needle to its full length each subsequent time, we should not immediately begin to remove the material, but first carry out a small separation of the tissues with characteristic movements of the needle (this is necessary for good distribution of the material).

Linear technique for correcting nasolabial folds: video

A complicated version of this technique is a fan technique (Fig. 3), when from one injection point not one linear pass is made with a needle with the material being removed while the needle moves retrogradely backwards, but several passes are made without completely removing the needle from the skin, each time changing its direction . Moreover, each time, remember to separate the tissue a little with a needle before removing the material. Do not forget about the aspiration test to prevent embolism of the angular branch of the facial artery, which runs near the wing of the nose.



b) Second option – use of linear-retrograde technique in such a way that the material is removed perpendicular to the direction of the nasolabial fold in tracks of 10-12 mm (Fig. 5). First, we stretch the skin with our hands to completely smooth out the nasolabial fold. Next, we make sequential injections, moving in the direction from the wing of the nose to the corner of the mouth, perpendicular to the direction of the nasolabial fold. The material is removed by retrograde movement of the needle; each needle injection takes approximately 0.03 ml of filler, the distance between injections is 1.0-1.5 mm. In total, each nasolabial fold usually requires about 15-20 needle passes.

Important : There are a number of clinical studies comparing the effectiveness and duration of the results of the two above techniques. Moreover, for clarity, in the same patients, the correction was carried out as follows: the nasolabial fold on the left was filled with a linear technique along the direction of the fold, and on the right side, a linear technique with a perpendicular direction of injections was used. Below you can see the results of these techniques in before and after photos of patients (Fig. 5-6). Photos of patients are taken from a clinical study, which can be viewed here.




Please note that the appearance of those nasolabial folds (see Fig. 5-6, after 4 weeks), the correction of which was performed perpendicular to the direction of the fold with injections, is somewhat better than where the classic linear injection technique was used in the direction of the folds. However, the advantages of both techniques can be used simultaneously by using a third correction option.

c) Third option Is a combination of the first two techniques. This option first involves a linear passage with a 13 mm needle along the entire length of the nasolabial fold (do not forget about separating the tissues before removing the material), after which we pass perpendicularly several times, leaving the so-called “stiffening ribs” at a distance of 5 mm from each other. Do not forget about the depth of needle insertion, so if the material is removed too superficially, both contouring of the material and its translucency through the skin are possible (Tyndall effect).

5. Injection techniques (cannula) –

To remove filler into tissue, not only 13 mm long needles can be used, but also long cannulas (have a blunt end). This method has the following advantages: firstly, there is only one injection point on each side, and secondly, there is less risk of damage and embolism to blood vessels. The insertion point for the cannula is near the corner of the mouth. The injection site must be numbed with an injection of local anesthetic.

Next, using a needle, we create a puncture in the skin and the direction of insertion of the cannula, and only after that we insert the cannula into the tissue, moving it to the base of the nasolabial fold at the wing of the nose. Before removing the material, it is advisable to separate the tissues by moving the tip of the cannula. Next, we make several passes (fan technique), removing the material with a retrograde movement of the cannula back. A digital passage of the excretion area is required.

Correction of nasolabial folds with cannulas: video

Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds: price

For contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds, the price in professional dermatological clinics starts from 10,000 rubles (as of 2019). The final cost will depend on the brand and volume of filler. For example, the cost of correction when using 1.0 ml of Juvederm Ultra 3 or Ultra 4 will be about 13,000 - 14,000 rubles, Restylane or Perlane - 16,000 rubles.

The cost of services from private cosmetologists is usually somewhat lower, but we immediately draw your attention to the fact that too low prices can only indicate the use of counterfeit drugs, the volume of use of which, according to statistics, already reaches 40% of the total volume of drugs. For example, the cost of the Juvederm Ultra 3 filler alone is about 7,000 rubles, and the Restylane line of drugs costs from 8,000 to 10,000 rubles. Therefore, if you are offered a final cost of 7000-8000 rubles, then this is only possible if you use counterfeit drugs or fakes.

Side effects and complications –

The most dangerous complications that can be encountered during the correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid fillers are vascular complications. They arise, firstly, due to the introduction of a large amount of filler near the vessel, which can lead to its compression and disruption of blood circulation in this area. Secondly, the vessel may be damaged by a needle (rarely by a thin cannula), which can lead to embolism due to filler entering directly into the lumen of the vessel.

In these cases, ischemia first occurs, accompanied by tissue whitening, which, if no assistance is provided, can progress to tissue necrosis. Whitening of tissues without pain indicates compression of the vessel, and whitening with sharp pain is a symptom of embolism. But in rare cases, tissue whitening can be caused by the presence of the anesthetic lidocaine in the filler, simulating ischemia. Treatment of ischemia and embolism must be urgent and require injections of hyaluronidase.

Examples of some complications -




Another complication is the Tyndall effect, which occurs when fillers that are too dense are injected too superficially. This leads to a change in the refraction of light and the fact that bluish or pinkish stripes begin to appear under the skin at the places where the filler was introduced. If such an effect occurs, it can only be eliminated by dissolving the filler using hyaluronidase injections.

Granulomas are another complication, but they are more common with semi-permanent and permanent fillers than with hyaluronic acid fillers. However, this is also possible when using HA fillers. Granulomas in the form of small bubbles on the surface of the nasolabial folds arise due to the fact that the body reacts to the filler as a foreign body and tries to isolate itself from it using a capsule of granulomatous tissue (granulomas can be either inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature).

Granulomas often form when fillers contain high levels of residual substances used to stabilize (crosslink) hyaluronic acid molecules. This component includes, for example, BDDE. Its recommended residual concentration in the filler should not exceed 0.9-1.0%, and therefore you should not choose very cheap fillers.

Exercises for nasolabial folds –

Some people claim that exercise can strengthen the muscles surrounding the nasolabial folds, potentially making them less noticeable. Nevertheless, it is believed that active facial expressions associated with contractions of the facial muscles, on the contrary, lead to a deepening of the nasolabial folds. There are no clinical studies on this issue. The complex for nasolabial folds includes the following exercises, which are recommended to be done every day -

  1. Pucker your lips while lifting them towards the tip of your nose and hold for 15 seconds (repeat 4-5 times).
  2. Pucker your lips so they appear fuller, then pull the corners of your mouth outward and hold for 15 seconds (repeat 4-5 times).
  3. With your mouth slightly open, pull the corners of your mouth with your index fingers, moving them further apart, and hold for 2-3 seconds (repeat 25 times).

Author: maxillofacial surgeon K.V. Kamenskikh, who has advanced training in contour plastic surgery with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and the use of botulinum toxins.

The area of ​​the nasolabial folds is extremely mobile, so wrinkles can appear before the age of 30, and already at an older age, massages and just a moisturizer stop helping. Defects in this area are most pronounced and most difficult to correct due to the active work of the facial muscles. Modern cosmetology offers the fight against age-related changes by introducing special fillers. Get visible results from the first procedure.

What are fillers

Filler is an injectable filler that is injected subcutaneously into the area of ​​wrinkles or to increase tissue volume (cheekbones, lips, etc.). Fillers are either synthetic or biocompatible. The main component of most of the most commonly used fillers is stabilized hyaluronic acid (animal or non-animal origin).


The result is the elimination of wrinkles and increased skin elasticity.

Many drugs contain an anesthetic, so their use does not cause pain, but discomfort may occur.

Correction is indicated from 30-35 years of age, when the skin condition is not yet aggravated by hormonal changes, but skin care cream and face masks no longer help. It is during this age period that the maximum rejuvenation effect can be achieved with the help of fillers.

After 50 years, such a procedure does not work as well as we would like; resorting to injections loses its effectiveness due to menopause. After 60 years, it is better to choose surgical techniques.

The essence of the technique

With age, the skin loses its elasticity, it sags, and wrinkles deepen. The only way to remove defects is correction with fillers. They can also be used to enlarge lips and cheekbones.


Other means cannot completely replace them, because even skin tightening cannot cope with the lack of soft tissue.

The advantages of injections: safety, quick recovery, no effect on facial muscles, which means maintaining lively facial expressions.

Hyaluronic acid, the main substance in the composition, is a natural moisturizer that is produced in the body. With age, the content decreases, and the network of collagen and elastin fibers begins to sag. Fillers differ in HA concentration and degree of viscosity.

The result of the injection is visible after the first time due to the instant thickening of the dermis: nasolabial wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed and moisturized, and becomes radiant.

Filling soft tissues allows you to target the problem area. The effect lasts for several months, often several injections are enough for a year (this depends on individual characteristics).

Hyaluronic gels are gently introduced and distributed well under the skin.

High-quality ones dissolve on their own, with practically no side effects.

Therefore, cosmetologists strongly recommend choosing only natural-based products that break down through biodegradation and are absorbed by the body without consequences.

What drugs are used

The best fillers for nasolabial folds are considered to be Korean, American, French and Italian. Rating of the most popular drugs:

  1. Overage Deep − the Italian manufacturer paid special attention to the soft distribution of the filler in the skin without additional massage. A special feature is the long-lasting effect up to 12 months.
  2. Patch filler from Librederm – a Korean invention that is suitable for independent use at home. Each patch has 130 microneedles of hyaluronic acid, which dissolves within 3-4 hours. The optimal remedy for early signs of aging.
  3. Regines – plastic absorbable filler from a South Korean brand. Contains an anesthetic. Does not cause allergies.
  4. Juvederm Ultra 3 and 4 - from an American manufacturer. Fillers have optimal viscosity to fill wrinkles of varying depths in mobile areas of the face. Hyaluronic acid goes through many stages of purification and is not rejected by the body. Contains lidocaine.
  5. Revofil Ultra – made in South Korea, recommended for people over 35 years old. Contains antioxidants and peptides, the effect lasts up to 12 months.
  6. Stylage Lubaratoire Vivacy – the line includes preparations marked S, M, L for wrinkles of various depths. The gel does not clump. Contains lidocaine and antioxidants.







Cost of drugs, where to buy

Average price for drugs per 1 ml (1 syringe) in Russian rubles:

Overage Deep 14 000
Librederm patches From 1000
Regines From 3000
Juvederm Ultra 3.4 12 000 – 16 000
Revofil Ultra From 4 200
Stylage Lubaratoire Vivacy 13 000- 17 000

You can buy drugs in specialized cosmetic stores, beauty salons and clinics. The price in online stores is often lower.



You should treat injections with special caution - you need to consult a cosmetologist in advance about diseases and individual features of the facial structure, and find out contraindications to injection techniques.

Health restrictions include:

  1. Allergy to the components of the drug;
  2. Autoimmune diseases;
  3. Oncology;
  4. Pregnancy and lactation;
  5. Infections and inflammations;
  6. Injuries and skin diseases in the treatment area;
  7. Blood clotting disorder;
  8. Rosacea.

Also, prohibitions on the use of fillers include the presence of jowls, swelling and ptosis above degree 2, excessively thin skin, and a tendency to form scars.

Hyaluronic fillers act to fill the tissues, so they make the already drooping parts of the face heavier, increasing the swelling of these areas.

The consequences can be very serious, and complications will contribute to the aggravation of problems, even asymmetry of features is possible.

Most often, anti-wrinkle beauty injections are suitable for thin faces and finely wrinkled types of aging.

Precautionary measures

Only a cosmetologist with a medical education can give an injection, because it is important to know the places where muscles are attached to the skin, the location of blood vessels and nerve clusters.


The injection technique depends on the correction area and the density of the product. Only adherence to technology and knowledge of the anatomical structure prevent complications.

Drugs must have certificates and be stored according to instructions, taking into account expiration dates. The package is opened in front of the patient.

Even after a correctly performed procedure, improper facial care in the next 7-10 days can lead to filler displacement, the development of side effects and accelerated destruction of hyaluronic acid molecules.

Side effects

Possible consequences include:

  1. swelling;
  2. bruises;
  3. changes in skin color at injection sites;
  4. allergic reactions in case of increased individual sensitivity.

Complications usually subside within 7-10 days. Bruises appear most often in areas with an active blood supply.

If the procedure is violated or low-quality products are used, the harm can be extremely serious: infectious diseases and inflammation, Quincke's edema, formation of compactions, scars, tissue necrosis, embolism, gel migration, etc.

  1. If a lump has formed at the injection site, you should seek advice from a specialist and do not try to distribute the drug yourself. It can also appear if the filler is installed incorrectly, due to inflammatory diseases in the body and if the rules of skin care are not followed. In this case, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy and ultrasound.
  2. If the filler was installed too superficially, a blue stripe appears along the entire line of the nasolabial fold. This phenomenon disappears as the gel is absorbed.
  3. When correcting the lips, a hard cushion periodically forms above the upper lip. In this case, the introduction of an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid is required.


If there are serious side effects, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist who will prescribe further care and procedures.

Description of the procedure

The correction takes about 30-60 minutes and does not require special rehabilitation afterwards. The volume of filler depends on the condition of the skin, but a standard 1 ml syringe is sufficient to fill the nasolabial fold.



Preparation begins with cleansing the facial skin of makeup and impurities. The drug is removed from the refrigerator 20 minutes before the injection.

The cosmetologist may first recommend light peeling. Before administration, the skin is treated with a disinfectant and, if necessary, an anesthetic cream.

The product is checked for expiration date and opened in front of the patient.

Administration technique


The filler is injected with a needle along the wrinkle line into the nasolabial folds in one long injection, which passes under the skin so as to reach the end of the fold.

It is possible to carry out a light massage in the injection area by the doctor at the end of the procedure to evenly distribute the drug, and it is also recommended to apply a compress to relieve swelling.

Duration of action

The duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the face and the quality of the drug. On average, the duration of action is 6-10 months, but can increase up to a year for certain fillers with a denser gel.

The result lasts longer with repeated injections throughout the year if correction is required.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

It should be noted that before correction with fillers, it is recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy or biorevitalization to improve the overall condition of the skin and moisturize it. Then the biodegradation period of the filler increases and you will be able to enjoy the results of the procedure longer.

Photos before and after





Healing period

Rehabilitation does not take much time. The swelling subsides within 2-3 days, but final healing and distribution of the filler can take up to 10-14 days.


During this period, skin care should be as careful as possible; you should first consult a cosmetologist.

Before introducing fillers into the nasolabial folds, traumatic cosmetic procedures, including medium and deep peels, cannot be performed. Otherwise, you can use standard care and cosmetics.

Recommendations after the procedure:

  1. on the first day you cannot wear makeup or even use moisturizer; you are allowed to wash your face only the next day;
  2. During the week, active sports, visiting the sauna, bathhouse are prohibited, sunbathing, and opening your mouth wide are prohibited;
  3. if there is swelling, do not try to remove it with massage or compresses - in this case, you can displace the gel;
  4. in the next month, facial massage is prohibited without special indications from a specialist;
  5. avoid deep peelings and warming masks;
  6. When herpes appears, treatment is carried out with standard ointments.

If you take into account all the tips, the effect will be maximum and there will be no complications.

Cost of the procedure in clinics

The cost of injections depends on the region and level of the clinic. Average price in Russian rubles depending on the type of drug:

Barnaul 7000- 15 000
Novosibirsk 15 000- 23 000
Ekaterinburg 7 000 – 19 000
St. Petersburg 10 000- 23 000
Moscow 12 000- 25 000

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists talk about the need for careful preparation for procedures - preference should be given to qualified specialists and biodegradable fillers:



Doctors point out the importance of general skin care, despite the rapid anti-aging effect after filler injection: