Botox for wrinkles around the eyes

Recently, more and more women have resorted to using Botox around the eyes in order to prolong their youth. This is not surprising, because the aging process is primarily reflected on the face. Botox injections have gained great popularity due to the simplicity of the procedure and the rapid achievement of the desired result. The anti-aging product allows you to get rid of both facial wrinkles and deep age wrinkles. A special advantage of the drug is that it can eliminate many other defects from the skin of the face, remove crow’s feet, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

What it is

Botox is a drug that is injected under the skin using a thin needle. The product has nerve paralytic properties. After its administration, temporary muscle paralysis occurs, due to which the skin at the injection sites is rejuvenated. Wrinkles gradually smooth out due to muscle relaxation.

Today, the use of Botox under the eyes is one of the most effective and safe anti-aging procedures. This method of getting rid of wrinkles is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. The method is not so painful and allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time, and the rehabilitation period lasts several times less than after plastic surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages

Just like any anti-aging procedure, the injection method has its pros and cons.

The benefits of using Botox include:

  1. No skin trauma. The procedure is carried out by administering an injection using a syringe with a very thin needle, which, unlike surgery, minimizes the likelihood of damage to the skin;
  2. Speed ​​of the procedure. The duration of the rejuvenating session is from 20 to 30 minutes. If, half an hour after the procedure, no negative consequences are observed, then the patient can go home;
  3. The ability to get rid of various types of wrinkles. The product helps eliminate both age-related and expression wrinkles;
  4. Short rehabilitation period. Already on the third day after the procedure, a positive result is noticeable. The total rehabilitation period lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  5. The ability to get rid of various facial defects. The use of Botox can eliminate the problem of strabismus and eye asymmetry.

Important: in addition to the above advantages, it should be noted that the client does not experience pain when administering the drug. Also, after using Botox, a person gradually loses the habit of squinting, which helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Despite the large number of advantages, the injection anti-aging procedure has certain disadvantages. These include:

  1. Short-term effect. The positive result obtained from the introduction of anti-aging injections can be observed from 10 to 12 months. After this period of time, the procedure will have to be repeated;
  2. A large list of contraindications. For many people, the drug is prohibited for health reasons or due to the presence of individual characteristics of the body. For example, in case of vision problems, Botox can provoke an exacerbation of the existing disease;
  3. Risk of side effects. Complications after anti-aging injections can arise if existing contraindications to the procedure were not taken into account, or the doctor made a mistake during its implementation.

Rejuvenation with Botox has many more advantages than disadvantages. And you can avoid unpleasant consequences by choosing a specialist responsibly and following all his recommendations.

Effect of the procedure

The first skin changes after Botox injection can be noticed after 2-3 days. Complete muscle relaxation occurs only 14 days after the procedure.

Using Botox around the eyes can achieve the following effects:

  1. elimination of crow's feet;
  2. skin lightening;
  3. eliminating bags under the eyes;
  4. smoothing age wrinkles;
  5. elimination of asymmetry of facial muscles;
  6. elimination of strabismus;
  7. removal of facial wrinkles.

The duration of the result depends on the quality of the injection, the patient’s behavior during the rehabilitation period and the individual characteristics of the skin. In most cases, a positive effect can be observed for at least 10-12 months.

Indications and contraindications

The use of Botox around the eyes is indicated for the following problems:

  1. facial wrinkles;
  2. deep age wrinkles;
  3. "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
  4. drooping upper eyelids;
  5. bags under the eyes.

In addition to the above indications, Botox may be recommended by a doctor for some forms of strabismus and asymmetry of the orbits. Also, after using the drug, women note that the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

The Botox procedure around the eyes also has certain contraindications. Rejuvenation by injection should be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. in case of individual intolerance to the drug;
  3. if you have serious vision problems;
  4. during menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. for diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  6. for bleeding disorders;
  7. for colds and viral diseases;
  8. during the recovery period after surgery;
  9. for skin damage.

It is also worth rescheduling the date of the procedure if the person drank alcohol the day before. The optimal age for rejuvenation by injection is from 30 to 55 years.

Ignoring the above contraindications and using Botox for the skin around the eyes if they are present is fraught with many negative consequences, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Composition of drugs

The main active ingredient of Botox used for the skin around the eyes is botulinum toxin. It is this component that leads to blocking of nerve muscle fibers. It is important that botulinum toxin only temporarily blocks nerve activity, but does not damage it. In addition to the main component, the drug includes excipients albumin and sodium chloride. This combination helps to launch the process of rejuvenation and restoration of the dermis.

How many units do you need?

Of course, a person who has decided to undergo rejuvenation using the injection method is interested in how many units of Botox should be used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. Such information will allow you to calculate the cost of the anti-aging procedure.

You should know that the price of 1 unit of Botox averages from 400 to 600 rubles. When calculating the cost of the procedure, you should be guided by the following data:

  1. When injecting the drug into the area between the eyebrows, 4 to 15 units of Botox are used. The price of the service will be from 1600 to 9000 rubles;
  2. For injections above the eyes and in the area under the lower eyelids, it is necessary to use 10 to 25 units of the drug. The cost of the procedure will be from 4,000 to 15,000 rubles;
  3. To correct the shape of the eyebrows, you will need to use 3 to 5 units of Botox. The price of the service will be from 1200 to 300 rubles.

The required volume of the drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, will be determined by the doctor during the consultation before the procedure.

How it is done in salons

The rejuvenating procedure in specialized salons is carried out by a specialist in the following order:

  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and other contaminants and treated with an antiseptic solution;
  2. At the client’s request, a special anesthetic cream is applied to the skin to eliminate pain during Botox injection;
  3. The doctor identifies problem areas and marks the points where the drug will be injected;
  4. The specialist then determines how much Botox should be used and injects it into the muscles;
  5. The final stage is treating the skin with an antiseptic, then the doctor monitors the patient’s well-being for half an hour.

The whole process takes no more than 1 hour. A rejuvenating procedure using Botox helps not only remove facial wrinkles under the eyes, but also get rid of deep age-related folds.

Important: the procedure for administering the drug must be carried out only by a qualified specialist. Using Botox on your own can lead to unpredictable consequences, including death.

For wrinkles

The procedure for introducing Botox under the skin has the same algorithm of actions, regardless of what cosmetic problem needs to be solved. The only difference is in which area the drug will be injected. To eliminate wrinkles, Botox is injected into problem areas, and it is important that the doctor steps back at least 3 cm from the eyes and accurately hits the muscle.

To lift eyelids

In order to lift the upper eyelids, the doctor makes injections at points near the tips of the eyebrows. Botox is then injected into an area of ​​skin located a few millimeters from the outer corners of the eyes. Injecting the drug into these places allows not only to eliminate swelling of the lower eyelids, but also to get rid of crow's feet. Another point is located under the pupil at the level of the bone. An injection into this area helps eliminate bags under the eyes.

For the upper part of the face

Injections in the upper part of the face are given to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and raise the eyebrows. The doctor, depending on where the skin needs to be smoothed, injects the drug into points near the tips of the eyebrows, a few millimeters above the bridge of the nose, or in the forehead area. Regardless of where the specialist injects, it is important that he correctly calculates the depth of injection. Otherwise, instead of the desired effect, the person will receive large bruises and lumps.

Side effects

It is important to know that, just like with any cosmetic procedure, when rejuvenating by administering Botox there is a risk of side effects. They may be the result of a doctor’s error or the body’s individual reaction to the drug. Therefore, before providing a service, a specialist must make sure whether it is possible to inject Botox around the eyes of his patient.

The most common side effects include:

  1. excessive muscle locking;
  2. drooping upper eyelids;
  3. allergic reaction in the form of itching, inflammation and swelling;
  4. presence of bruises and lumps;
  5. migraine and dizziness;
  6. irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, tearing and blurred vision.

The above consequences may occur if the doctor diluted the drug incorrectly, injected Botox into an area of ​​the skin that was not suitable for correction, or performed the procedure when there were contraindications. Also, one of the reasons for the occurrence of side effects is the patient’s violation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Rehabilitation period

The success of a cosmetic procedure depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on how the patient behaves after Botox injections. After receiving anti-aging injections, a person should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For 6-8 hours after the procedure, you only need to be in a vertical position, you cannot bend;
  2. For at least 2 days it is forbidden to touch your face with your hands and use various cosmetics;
  3. For 5-7 days you should sleep only on your back, avoiding contact of your face with the pillow;
  4. For 2 weeks after Botox injection, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, sunbathe, or visit the bathhouse or sauna.

Compliance with the above recommendations will avoid negative consequences and significantly prolong the effect of the procedure.

Repeated administration of the drug

Some people strive to regain their youth in the shortest possible time through regular injections. Experts advise not to abuse the injection method of rejuvenation, since after frequent Botox injections many negative consequences can occur.

Doctors recommend resorting to a rejuvenating procedure no more than 1-2 times a year. This amount will be enough to maintain the effect obtained and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Photos before and after

You can clearly see the results of using anti-aging injections by looking at the following photos:

Photos of patients' faces before and after the Botox injection procedure in the area around the eyes:

Reviews for Botox around the eyes

You can see the real results of facial rejuvenation using Botox injections by reading the following reviews:

«I tried Botox 4 years ago. I wanted to look younger, remove wrinkles under my eyes and on my forehead. I was satisfied with the result. The procedure is painless, the price is reasonable. Now I inject Botox consistently once a year. The procedure is always performed by the same master. Botox allows me to remain much younger than my age. There have never been any side effects, rehabilitation is always quick»

«I first used Botox 2 years ago. I went with my friend, but to different masters. I liked it all very much. After just 3 days I noticed that small wrinkles became less deep. And after 2 weeks, even large wrinkles smoothed out. The results lasted for 10 months. Now I do the procedure annually. My friend, on the contrary, didn’t like it. Apparently, the specialist who injected her with Botox did not have enough experience. Those who decide to undergo injections should always contact experienced doctors!”

«I agree that you should only contact professionals. The first time I had Botox injections, everything went well. Expression wrinkles disappeared and I did not experience any discomfort. The second time I went to another specialist, since the specialist I had contacted earlier had changed his place of residence. As a result, during the injection process, my facial nerve was hit. Because of this, I suffered from involuntary seizures for almost a year. Therefore, look for a qualified specialist


Thus, Botox is truly one of the most effective and safe ways to prolong the youth of the face. The main thing when choosing this method of rejuvenation is to contact only experienced doctors. Before deciding to have Botox injected into the area around the eyes, you should read patient reviews of the work of the chosen specialist. Also, after rejuvenating injections, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the master during the entire rehabilitation period. Then the result will exceed all expectations, and you can forget about wrinkles until the next planned procedure.

For many years, Botox has remained the leader among drugs for skin rejuvenation and the elimination of facial wrinkles.

Botox injections effectively eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, age-related folds, and also have a general rejuvenating effect.

Before deciding on this procedure, you should learn more about what Botox is, how the process itself works, the recovery period, what the consequences are, etc.

The content of the article:

Operating principle

When the drug is administered, the skin is smoothed, facial wrinkles, “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes and bags under the eyelids disappear. Injections also help reduce the depth of age-related wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

In addition, Botox gives a lifting effect, which can be used to tighten the outer edges of the eyebrows to make the look more open.

When the substance is under the skin, a person breaks the habit of squinting, and the process of the appearance of new wrinkles slows down.


Botulinum toxin (the active ingredient in Botox) - temporarily blocks impulses from nerve fibers in the muscles. In this case, the nerve itself is not damaged, but only its functional activity stops.

Under the influence of the drug, complete relaxation and lengthening of the orbicularis oculi muscle occurs.

Excipients: sodium chloride, human plasma albumin. They stimulate the process of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin.


Botox injections around the eyes are recommended for people with the following problems:

  1. the presence of wrinkles, age-related folds under the eyes or “crow’s feet” in the corners;
  2. ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelids;
  3. hypertrophy of the orbicularis oculi muscles;
  4. regeneration of muscle tone;
  5. asymmetry of the palpebral fissures.

Sometimes injections are used to treat some forms of strabismus.

Optimal age

The age at which Botox injections are given can be divided into four groups:

  1. Up to 20 years old. Doctors allow the use of injections from the age of 18. But it is extremely rare for such young girls to develop wrinkles or creases, so there is no need for the procedure.
  2. 20-30 years. Injections for people of this age are a chance to get rid of the bad habit of squinting their eyes, and therefore delay the appearance of new wrinkles.
  3. 30-55 years. This is the most suitable age to undergo the procedure. Wrinkles and age-related changes are already noticeable, and injections will effectively help eliminate them and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  4. 55 and older. It is not recommended to do the procedure. People at this age will not get the desired effect; only professional surgery will be able to rejuvenate the skin.


  1. for any chronic diseases that are in the acute stage;
  2. in case of individual intolerance to the drug;
  3. with poor blood clotting;
  4. for viral or infectious diseases;
  5. during menstruation;
  6. when planning pregnancy, bearing a child, lactation;
  7. if there is any inflammation or damage to the skin;
  8. if the patient drank alcohol on the eve of the procedure;
  9. if there are problems with the nervous system;
  10. while taking blood thinning medications;
  11. for pathologies of the endocrine system;
  12. in the postoperative period.

Find out the price of chin augmentation with fillers here.

At this address you will find positive and negative reviews about beauty injections for the face.


In addition, there are other important advantages:

  1. Smoothing out fine and deep wrinkles.
  2. Getting rid of appearance defects (eye asymmetry, strabismus).
  3. Painless, no discomfort.
  4. Short duration of the procedure.

Botulinum toxin does not act immediately, so the first result is noticeable after 2-3 days. But maximum muscle relaxation occurs only after two weeks. The skin is smoothed, fine wrinkles disappear, and deep ones become almost invisible.

The duration of action of the drug varies from 6 to 8 months. Afterwards, it is completely broken down and excreted from the body. How quickly this happens depends largely on the body’s sensitivity to botulinum toxin.

After several sessions, the skin remains smooth a little longer - 10-12 months. To maintain the effect, it is enough to make one injection under the eyes once a year.


The disadvantages of the technique include:

  1. short duration of action;
  2. a large number of contraindications;
  3. side effects.

Despite the disadvantages, Botox injections are the most gentle and effective way to get rid of wrinkles.

Find out the opinions of scientists about the likely consequences of Botox from the video.


A few days before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink alcohol to reduce the risk of hematoma formation.

If possible, you should stop smoking and drinking coffee. The day before, you should refrain from massage sessions or visiting the sauna.

There is no need to undergo any examinations or tests. All that is required is an examination and consultation with a doctor who will administer the injections.

Description of the procedure

Before the manipulation, the specialist disinfects the skin with an antiseptic. Then, at the patient’s request, it can be treated with an anesthetic cream to make the procedure as comfortable and painless as possible.

Afterwards, marks are placed on the skin using a marker. Usually the first mark is made at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye.

Next, the patient should close his eyes. If wrinkles appear, the doctor puts a few more marks.

The areas of greatest activity of the eye muscles are also marked. For more accurate administration, a device is used that measures the electrical activity of muscles - an electromyograph.

The specialist selects the required amount of the drug (usually from 4 to 16 units) and injects directly into the muscles that need to be relaxed.

Thanks to the use of disposable syringes with very thin and short needles, there are absolutely no marks or wounds left on the skin.

It is important that the doctor clearly calculates the depth of the injection. If this is done incorrectly, there is a high probability of lumps and bruises.

The treated area of ​​skin is then disinfected again and ice bags are applied to prevent swelling.

The procedure takes 15-30 minutes and does not require a hospital stay. The doctor observes the condition of the skin for another half hour. If all is well, the patient goes home.

In this article we will talk about how to get rid of jowls on your face at home.


  1. It is not advisable to take a vertical position for approximately 5 hours after the “operation”.
  2. For two days you should not touch the chipped area with your hands, or apply cream to it.
  3. For several hours after the manipulation, it is necessary to close your eyes as often as possible. This way the substance will be evenly distributed in the muscles.
  4. It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages for 7-10 days after the procedure. For the same period, you should exclude spicy, smoked, and too salty foods from your diet, and also try not to drink a lot of liquid.
  5. It is not recommended to visit the solarium or sauna for two weeks.

Possible complications

Most often, negative consequences after injections arise due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor. Therefore, it is better to undergo the procedure in a trusted clinic, with a qualified specialist.

The most common mistakes made by doctors:

Dilution of the drug in the wrong proportion. As a result, excessive blocking of muscle activity or, conversely, lack of the desired effect.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to eliminate the excess substance using botulinum toxin antagonist drugs. The missing dose of the drug can be added until the desired result is obtained.
Injection of a substance into an area that is unacceptable for correction. This can cause asymmetry or drooping of the upper eyelids.

It is not easy to eliminate such complications; you just have to wait a few months for the botulinum toxin to be removed from the body. You can reduce the effect of the substance by massaging the treated area and washing with warm water.

It also happens that all the advice is strictly followed, but there are still side effects. Usually, negative consequences after Botox injections are observed during the first seven days. Very rarely do they stay for several months.

Possible side effects:

Allergic reaction. It may appear as a red rash or itchy skin several hours after the procedure. As a rule, it is directly related to the administration of the substance.

Antihistamines will help reduce its manifestations. You should definitely consult a doctor with this problem, because after Botox injections there is a possibility of developing anaphylactic shock (in very rare cases).

Swelling, bruising, bruising under the eyelids. Ice bags will help relieve these symptoms. Even if you do nothing, they will go away on their own in 2-3 days. Inflammation at injection sites. Sometimes severe redness occurs as a result of an overdose of Botox. Over the course of two days they go away on their own.

If they do not disappear after two days, this indicates an infection. You need to urgently consult a doctor to undergo treatment with antibiotics or other medications.

Lumps under the skin. They are extremely rare. They may appear when an insufficient dose of the drug is administered or when it is unevenly distributed. You can eliminate them using mesotherapy or wait a few days until they resolve naturally. Tearfulness, headaches. Such symptoms may last for several days. They usually occur in older people or if the procedure was performed too often (several times a year). To reduce discomfort, you can take painkillers.

Until today, there have been no cases in medical practice where Botox injections led to serious irreversible complications.

The cost of the procedure depends on the status of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, and most importantly, on the amount of the drug administered. Botox is measured in units of action, so it is not difficult to calculate the price of one injection session.

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, you need from 4 to 16 units of the substance for each side. On average, one unit of Botox costs from 280 to 400 rubles, and the average price of one session is from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles.


In addition to Botox, you can eliminate wrinkles and tighten the skin under the eyes using the following non-surgical methods:

  1. Thermage. This is a cosmetic manipulation during which the skin is rejuvenated thanks to monopolar equipment that stimulates the effects of radio frequencies.
  2. Botulinum creams – enhance the production of your own collagen and reduce the number of wrinkles, while facial expressions remain the same.
  3. Mesotherapy. This technique involves the introduction of various biologically active components under the skin by injection.
  4. Carboxytherapy – a modern rejuvenation technique in which carbon dioxide is injected subcutaneously in small doses.

Watch an informational video that dispels myths about Botox.


Based on numerous reviews, we can conclude that most women consider Botox injections around the eyes to be a high-quality, complete alternative to plastic surgery.

Women especially note the painlessness of the process and the natural effect. You can write your reviews about this procedure in the comments to the article.

Elastic, smooth skin pleases with freshness and flawless complexion. Youth is so fleeting, and the first changes are already visible in the mirror. New wrinkles gradually appear, becoming deeper and more expressive. Puffiness of the eyelids gives a tired, exhausted appearance. Similar aesthetic problems can be observed after 30 years. And with unfavorable external factors, signs of aging appear earlier. Botox around the eyes allows you to quickly and painlessly restore a fresh, youthful appearance, although not for long.

Age-related changes

The main reason for the appearance of folds, bags under the eyes, as well as displacement of the eyebrow line is thinning and a decrease in the amount of moisture in the skin. In addition, the orbicularis oculi muscle constantly contracts. Expressing emotions, blinking to moisten the eyes, leads to continuous contraction of the fibers. And the lack of subcutaneous fat, low collagen and elastin content provokes the onset of aging processes earlier than other areas of the face.

Age changes:

  1. Not everyone notices a shift in the eyebrow line. It is characterized by lowering of the outer edge of the arch, located at the temple. This often causes discomfort due to a drooping eyelid, which impairs vision functions. The forehead muscles compensate; regular pulling of the eyebrow arches up leads to the appearance of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
  2. Excess skin of the upper eyelids is caused by decreased elasticity, stretching of tissues, and deterioration of lymph outflow.
  3. Crow's feet often form before the age of 30, due to increased emotionality. They stand out when laughing, smiling, active facial expressions, and also when squinting from bright sunlight.
  4. The downward displacement of the outer corner of the eye occurs under the influence of natural age-related processes. The muscles of the lower eyelid are stronger than the muscles of the lower corner, resulting in a tired, sad look.
  5. Fatty hernias are not always a consequence of age-related processes. Often the appearance of bags and swelling indicates a malfunction of the internal organs.

The first prerequisites for eye skin aging can occur after 25 years; 1–2 main signs are observed. By the age of 30–40, most people have characteristic wrinkles and swelling, which are caused by natural age-related changes. It is also considered the optimal period for using botulinum toxin injections. You can achieve amazing results comparable to plastic surgery or thread lifting.

After 50, in addition to Botox, a set of correction measures will be required, including hardware procedures, as well as the use of fillers.

Indications for use

Injections are effective in combating facial wrinkles, as well as at the first signs of aging. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible not only to remove wrinkles, restore smoothness and elasticity of the skin, but also change facial expression.

With hyperfunction of the eyebrows, the corners of the outer eye droop, and the line of the arches also shifts. Thanks to the introduction of the toxin, it is possible to relax the muscle fibers, paralyzing the target areas.

Indications for use:

  1. drooping of the upper eyelid, displacement of the eyebrow line;
  2. crow's feet, lower eyelid wrinkles;
  3. asymmetry of eyebrow arches;
  4. eyelid ptosis;
  5. low location of eyebrow arches;
  6. swelling, bags under the eyes.

This is one of the best methods for rejuvenating and correcting the upper part of the face between the ages of 30 and 45. Facial and static folds are effectively smoothed out, the eyebrow line can be restored, and the outer corner of the eye can be lifted. Beauty injections do not affect the elasticity of the skin and do not trigger rejuvenation processes. But thanks to temporary paralysis of muscle fibers, within a few months it is possible to get rid of the habit of squinting. Also, wrinkles will not appear when expressing strong emotions.

Attention! Botox is powerless for the appearance of age-related wrinkles; a whole range of procedures is used for correction. Contour plastic surgery, lipofilling, plasma lifting, surgical lifting in combination with the introduction of a toxin will help restore an expressive look after 45–50 years.

Preparation for the procedure

At the first consultation, the cosmetologist identifies problem areas and chooses correction tactics. Also at the meeting, the patient’s medical history, the presence of individual characteristics, chronic diseases, and allergic reactions are discussed. You must tell your doctor when you last took medications.

To achieve the desired results, the beautician must obtain detailed information to avoid possible risks of side effects. A week before the scheduled procedure, you should stop drinking alcohol, which increases the likelihood of swelling. Smoking will cause bruising and prolong the recovery period.


  1. limit physical activity and intense sports 1–2 days before injections;
  2. 2 weeks in advance, stop using homeopathic medicines containing B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, herbal infusions, decoctions;
  3. after treatment with antibiotics, the timing of injections is postponed by 2–3 months;
  4. the predominance of salty, spicy, hot dishes in the diet can cause swelling, such combinations should be avoided;
  5. Drinking alcohol and smoking will also lead to unpredictable results.

Manufacturers of botulinum toxin

Just 20 years ago, there was only one drug on the market, used for both cosmetic and medical purposes. Today, analogues of the famous Botox are becoming increasingly widespread. Not only the pricing policy differs, but also the dosage of injections.


The main components are botulinum toxin type A, albumin, sodium chloride. Produced by an American company. Injections are often performed without anesthesia; side effects or allergic reactions rarely occur. Does not migrate to neighboring areas, the result lasts from 4 to 7 months. After the repeated procedure, an addictive effect is observed, the absence of the desired smoothing of wrinkles.


Budget drug from South Korea. Not long ago it was used by Russian cosmetologists. Short-term results and a number of side effects are noted by both patients and doctors.


Produced by a French laboratory, it is characterized by the onset of results after three days. The drug can affect non-target muscle fibers, the toxin is quickly eliminated from the body. The price is lower compared to Botox, but more units are used due to the low concentration of active components.


The drug is produced in Russia, the regimens and dosages are similar to Botox. Many patients complain that injections are painful, but the effect lasts about 9 months.


Produced in Germany, a distinctive feature is low molecular weight. This helps prevent allergic manifestations, and can also be used for sensitive areas. Allows you to maintain natural facial expressions.


The Chinese analogue of Botox is characterized by painful injections. With regular use, it is possible to prolong the wrinkle smoothing effect. The cost is an order of magnitude less, but the risks of developing allergies are higher.

Safety precautions

Despite the positive recommendations that the toxin has gained over years of practice, it is important to pay attention to safety rules. The popularity of the procedure has led to an increase in unprofessionalism, negligence, and an increase in the number of fakes. To protect yourself from negative consequences, you should:

  1. choose an aesthetic medicine clinic that has been providing services for at least 5 years;
  2. read reviews and examples of work;
  3. find out the qualifications of the specialist - a cosmetologist should give injections, and not a person who has completed course training;
  4. check the license, quality certificate, batch number, expiration dates of the botulinum toxin drug;
  5. after dilution, the toxin can be stored under certain conditions for several hours, but the patient is unlikely to be able to verify compliance with the technology, so the cosmetologist must dilute the injections in the presence of the client;
  6. The doctor works exclusively with disposable consumables, the reuse of which is strictly prohibited.

How does the procedure work?

Only an experienced cosmetologist can perform the procedure in the eye area; the area is particularly complex. The skin is incredibly susceptible to any influence, choosing the wrong dosage or deviating from the regimen can lead to side effects.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The patient sits in a cosmetology chair. The doctor determines the injection points of the toxin. To do this, you need to make a face so that all the problem areas stand out.
  2. Marks are made with a special marker. 4 points are selected, the first is located near the tip of the eyebrow. Using Botox allows you to correct the line of the arches, raise the tip, restore facial symmetry, and remove drooping eyelids.
  3. The next 2 points are located from the outer corner of the eye at a distance of several millimeters. For safety reasons, you need to step back from the eyes by at least 3 cm. Injections in this area can eliminate crow's feet and partially help cope with swelling of the lower eyelids.
  4. The last point is located under the pupil in the area of ​​the bone border. Injections allow you to remove bags, restore an expressive look, and remove wrinkles.
  5. Typically, no anesthesia is required for Botox injections. But at the request of the patient, the doctor can treat the injection areas with anesthetic ointment. Due to the increased sensitivity of the eyelid area, experts recommend using time-tested, high-quality products.
  6. The injections are carried out with an ultra-thin needle and the process takes no more than 10 minutes. After completion, the patient remains for some time under the supervision of a cosmetologist and receives recommendations for the recovery period. The whole procedure lasts no more than half an hour.

Photos before and after

Cost of services in Moscow clinics

How much correction in the eye area will cost depends on the individual characteristics of the face and the thinness of the skin. Experienced cosmetologists usually administer a minimum dosage during the first procedure, so that after 2 weeks they can evaluate the result and possibly repeat beauty injections. This technique helps preserve natural facial expressions and prevents side effects. The price is also influenced by the drug used for injection, as well as the prestige of the aesthetic medicine clinic. You can calculate it yourself by first finding out the cost of 1 unit of botulinum toxin. Depending on the manufacturer, the price ranges from 300 rubles. up to 500 rub.

Botox under the eyes will help you get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. On average, from 10 to 30 units are required, the course costs 3,000 rubles. up to 15,000 rub. For bags under the eyes, it is not used separately on the eyelids; injections are administered into the orbicularis muscle from the outer eyelid. To lift eyebrows with Botox you will need from 2 to 5 units; they are often used with the correction of frown lines between the eyebrows. The total cost varies from 1500 rubles. up to 8000 rub.

Healing period

The results of the injections appear gradually; depending on the drug administered, they can be assessed after 3–14 days. After injections, hematomas, swelling, and painful sensitivity may appear in the correction areas. The discomfort goes away on its own during the first days, but if additional symptoms appear after this period, you should consult a doctor.

Restrictions during the recovery period:

  1. in the first 5–8 hours you should not bend over or take a horizontal position;
  2. on the first day you cannot wash your face, touch your face with your hands, or perform cosmetic procedures;
  3. for 2 weeks you must refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool, beach, solarium;
  4. for the same period, limit the consumption of strong tea, coffee, exclude hot, spicy, salty foods from the diet;
  5. do not take medications or alcohol for 14 days;
  6. To sleep, choose a position on your back and place a high orthopedic pillow under your head to avoid facial asymmetry.

Important! If you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, eliminating alcohol and medications, the result will please you for 4 to 6 months. Repeated correction after 2 weeks will help prolong the effect of the rejuvenating procedure.

Security measures

In most cases, the administration of botulinum toxin is well tolerated, and undesirable consequences are short-term. But you need to know which Side effects are possible when performing injections around the eyes:

  1. headaches of varying intensity;
  2. the appearance of creases under the lower eyelids, on the forehead;
  3. displacement of wrinkles;
  4. dry, watery eyes;
  5. facial asymmetry;
  6. seals at injection sites;
  7. eyelid ptosis;
  8. double vision;
  9. swelling;
  10. hematomas, bruises.


  1. acute, chronic diseases;
  2. postoperative period;
  3. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  4. menstruation;
  5. increased body temperature, fever;
  6. skin diseases in injection areas;
  7. pathologies of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems;
  8. individual intolerance.

One of the most common reactions is the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. Usually develops after 7–10 days. It can be triggered by taking hormonal drugs, alcohol, or the presence of pathologies of the endocrine or cardiovascular system.

Causes of edema:

  1. cosmetologist mistakes - incorrect choice of injection site, drug overdose;
  2. fatty hernias of the eyelids;
  3. pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  4. specific reaction of the body to botulinum toxin;
  5. violation of the rules of the recovery period, hiding information from the doctor about the characteristics of the medical history and treatment.

If after 10–14 days the swelling in the eye area has not gone away, you should consult a doctor. Stagnation of lymph and blood is successfully eliminated with the help of diuretics. But only a doctor can prescribe and describe a dosage regimen. The use of hardware lymphatic drainage procedures gives good results. Injections of succinic acid into problem areas may also be prescribed. Hot compresses and masks, hardware photorejuvenation Mesotherapy with the introduction of solutions including rutin, artichoke, green tea, ginkgo are effective.

How to speed up the removal of Botox

The toxin is eliminated on its own within several months. But if the result is unsatisfactory, the validity period can be reduced. The main way to activate renewal processes is to improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Acceleration methods:

  1. manual, hardware massage;
  2. drug treatment;
  3. physiotherapy.

Only a doctor can determine the optimal type of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. A comprehensive approach may be required to solve aesthetic problems.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Like other methods of aesthetic correction, botulinum toxin has its own indications. It is optimal to use between the ages of 30 and 45, after which complex methods of rejuvenation will be required. When deciding to use a toxin, it is worth knowing its main advantages, as well as disadvantages.


  1. getting rid of facial wrinkles;
  2. rapid appearance of results;
  3. painlessness of the procedure;
  4. the ability to correct facial features without surgery;
  5. short recovery period;
  6. Side effects rarely occur.


  1. short-term result;
  2. the need to regularly repeat injections;
  3. ineffective for severe age-related wrinkles;
  4. During the recovery period, lifestyle changes are required.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists discuss issues of working with Botox injections and share their experience of working with various drugs.

The review states that different dosages are used depending on the location, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the client.

The user writes about a similar effect of botulinum toxin preparations from different manufacturers.

The participant writes about the need for correction 14 days after the procedure.

Patient reviews

On forums, clients describe mostly positive effects after injections.

The review describes the experience of using Botox and obtaining a natural result.

A participant writes about the ineffectiveness of Botox for lower eyelid wrinkles, as well as the dosage, which leads to an unnatural appearance.

The user talks about the gradual effect of opening the eyes; solving problems requires other cosmetic methods.

The user indicates the appearance of wrinkles elsewhere after the injections.

Useful videos

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cosmetologist about correction methods.