Is it possible to smear your face with radevit?

A woman always wants to look young. But what to do if hated wrinkles betray your age? Currently, there are many products that effectively smooth out and eliminate wrinkles. One of them is Radevit ointment.

What is the ointment for and what does it contain?

Radevit was developed by the pharmaceutical research and production enterprise "Retinoids". The immediate purpose of the product is to treat the skin, eliminate peeling and inflammation. Radevit is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. dermatitis (contact, allergic, atopic, etc.) and dermatoses;
  2. ichthyosis - hereditary diseases associated with impaired keratinization of the skin, as a result of which scales resembling fish scales form on the skin;
  3. burns: thermal, solar, chemical;
  4. difficult to treat skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema;
  5. non-infectious wounds, scratches, cracks.

The patented ointment formula allows you to solve all these skin problems. It contains vitamins A, E and important for skin health. D. The uniqueness of Radevit lies in the fact that all three vitamins retain their active form.

Vitamin A (retinol) has strong anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerating properties. Retinol has a small molecular weight, so it is able to penetrate deep into the skin and activate the process of growth of new cells there, which promotes the renewal of skin tissue.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) stimulates the processes of cell restoration and renewal. It is a powerful antioxidant. Tocopherol favors the reproduction of elastin fibers.

Vitamin D plays an important role in skin health, as it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. This substance gives skin tone and takes part in metabolism.


In addition to the main components, Radevit contains wax and glycerin. Glycerin forms a protective layer on the surface of the skin that retains moisture. Wax protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, drying out, and bacteria.

Vitamins A, E, D can often be found in anti-wrinkle cosmetics. Manufacturers use the ability of vitamins to regenerate cells, promote the production of collagen and elastin, and activate metabolic processes.

Video: composition and properties of Radevit ointment

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any product, ointment has its pros and cons. The advantages of Radevit include:

  1. the ointment contains virtually no fragrances or dyes, so it can rarely cause irritation;
  2. the product, thanks to its composition, allows you to effectively treat many skin diseases and solve cosmetic problems;
  3. economical consumption;
  4. availability. Radevit can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Among the disadvantages of the product, the following can be noted:

  1. When applied to the skin, Radevit creates a noticeable film, which can cause some discomfort;
  2. to increase shelf life, manufacturers have added preservatives to the ointment, so there is a risk of an allergic reaction in the form of itching to these components;
  3. in dry air, glycerin, instead of preserving moisture in the skin, can, on the contrary, extract water molecules from the deep layers of the skin;
  4. with prolonged use of the product, a yellow tint may appear on the skin;
  5. Do not sunbathe while using Radevit;
  6. the effectiveness of the ointment may be significantly reduced if certain medications are taken (for example, hormonal drugs);
  7. There are a number of contraindications for use.

Radevit ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

Indications and contraindications

Radevit is distinguished by its powerful regenerating ability and moisturizing effect on the skin. In addition, the ointment helps relieve inflammation. Therefore, in cosmetology the product can be used in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  2. excessive dry skin;
  3. peeling of the skin;
  4. acne;
  5. post-acne;
  6. scars and cicatrices.

However, Radevit is a pharmaceutical drug, so it has a number of contraindications for use, and you need to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation period;
  3. hypervitaminosis;
  4. individual intolerance to ointment components.

How to use anti-wrinkle ointment

Since Radevit is a medicinal drug, before using it as an anti-aging agent, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the inner bend of the elbow and observe the skin reaction for 24 hours. The product can be applied to the face if the test results do not reveal any changes in the skin.

Anti-wrinkle ointment is applied as follows.

First, the skin must be cleansed of impurities, decorative cosmetics and sebum. Then apply a small amount of Radevit to the face, distributing the product along the massage lines.


The ointment is used 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of use should not exceed 45 days, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop, since all three vitamins in Radevit are in active form.

It should be noted that applying the ointment to the area around the eyes is not recommended. The skin here is extremely thin and delicate, and the Vaseline included in the product can clog pores. When using the drug in the area around the eyes, tearing and swelling may occur.

The ointment cannot be used as an ingredient in face masks, since the skin may become oversaturated with vitamins with all the ensuing consequences.

Radevit anti-wrinkle product is recommended for use after reaching the age of 35 years. An exception may be people with numerous facial wrinkles (for example, artists).

Experts' opinion

According to Evgeniy Orlov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the Department of Skin Venereal Diseases of SAMSMU, Radevit ointment differs from many other drugs in that it can be used for treatment and skin care at the same time.

Director of the pharmaceutical research and production enterprise "Retinoids", Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Nozdrin, claims that vitamin E, which is part of Radevit, neutralizes harmful components and toxins formed in our body, thereby helping to restore and renew the skin.

In general, experts have a positive attitude towards the use of Radevit in the fight against wrinkles. However Before using the ointment to eliminate wrinkles, you must consult a qualified doctor, since the drug is a medicinal product.


The effect is wow! The ointment perfectly nourishes, restores the skin, heals sores without the effect of clogged or tight pores (as happens with acne creams), prevents inflammation, and smoothes out wrinkles. In general, it feels like Radevit simply makes the skin better and healthier.


I have been using it for many years and recommend it to everyone! The effect is simply amazing, smoothes out wrinkles and removes dryness. I tried Vichy and Garnier - there is no comparison. A complex of three vitamins works wonders. I even got my husband hooked on Radevit, he’s a military man and can’t stand the cream, but there’s nothing here, he uses it when something goes wrong.


Radevit is a godsend for me, I used it for about a month. My face looked terrible (dry skin, acne, first wrinkles). I spent a long time searching on the Internet for a remedy that could help me. And then one fine day I found him - Radevit. Light in texture and application, generally a super cream. The face became softer, the color evened out, of course, it also contains vitamins. My first wrinkles on my forehead have become less noticeable, but this is only one course (a month), I will repeat it in a month. I only used this cream at night.

Anastasia Kom

I also decided to use Radevit for wrinkles. I bought it and read the instructions. And there the indications are so serious for skin problems. At first I was surprised, what about wrinkles? And then I realized that with all these problems, powerful skin regeneration is necessary, so we will attach our wrinkles to this regeneration - let the skin be restored.


Radevit ointment contains vitamins important for skin health. Therefore, the product has powerful healing properties. However, the ointment also effectively combats many cosmetic problems. But since Radevit is a drug, you should get a doctor’s advice before using it.

Cream Radevit: its composition, effect on the skin

Radevit is actually an ointment, it is a medicinal product, but most consumers are accustomed to calling it a cream, since many use it as a regular skin care product. This is due to its soft formula, which has a positive effect on the condition and appearance of the skin.


Radevit is a face cream that helps in the fight against various dermatological problems (pimples, acne, wrinkles)

You can use the cream even on delicate baby skin. According to many mothers, it helps fight diaper rash, allergic rashes and other troubles in babies.

The main active components are vitamins. Their beneficial properties are indicated in the table:

Vitamin included in Radevit cream Its benefits for the face
A Anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The vitamin helps the epidermis renew itself
E Antioxidant, rejuvenates
D3 Immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

Thanks to these components, after using the product, tissue regeneration accelerates, skin tone and texture improves, and it becomes more elastic. The cream prevents the sun's rays from destroying collagen, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles (and also reducing visible ones).

In addition to the main active ingredients, the ointment contains glycerin and vaseline oil, which additionally has a softening effect on the skin.

When using in the morning, it is important not to go outside without protection from UV rays, because the cream increases the skin's sensitivity to them - the face may become covered with pigment spots.

Cream Radevit for face: indications for use

Radevit (cream for the face and any parts of the body) is a medicine, and its main purpose is to relieve itching and increase the protective properties of the skin. Medical indications for its use are:

  1. dermatitis, neurodermatitis, dermatoses;
  2. diffuse keratoma;
  3. cracks;
  4. eczema and psoriasis;


Radevit is recommended for topical use for psoriasis and eczema

  1. uninfected wounds;
  2. burns;
  3. erosions and ulcers;
  4. chapping of the skin and increased dryness;
  5. prevention of inflammation and allergic reactions after treatment with topical corticosteroids.

The ointment is also great for restoring the skin of your hands after working with soil and various chemicals.

Instructions for using Radevit cream

The product in question has a wide range of effects, therefore it is used to combat wrinkles, acne, and to treat lips. However, each case has its own instructions for use, which are recommended to be followed in order to achieve good results.


How to use Radevit anti-wrinkle cream

Women often use Radevit as an anti-aging product to eliminate wrinkles. However, it is worth noting that getting rid of existing deep wrinkles is unlikely. Radevit face cream will help prevent the appearance of new ones by improving the structure of the skin and increasing its elasticity.

Due to the activation of the ability to retain moisture in the connective tissue with the help of the cream, the skin becomes elastic and smooth. Small wrinkles are straightened out.

Thanks to vitamin A, which protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, and vitamin E, which protects it from the effects of free radicals, facial skin is less susceptible to the aging process. And vitamin D increases her local immunity.


Apply Radevit in the morning, after a shower, and in the evening before bed.

It is recommended to use the cream as a remedy for wrinkles 2 times a day: after a shower in the morning and in the evening before bed. Already after the first use, the next morning, the softness and silkiness of the skin will be noticeable.

The cream is applied, like all others, with light patting movements on the face, neck and décolleté. Do not rub the product, since with such an approach the skin stretches, which threatens to have an effect opposite to the expected one.

Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles should begin at the age of 20 to 25 years, because already at this time the activity of processes occurring in the skin begins to decrease.

Using Radevit cream for acne

Radevit cream is also used on the face to get rid of acne, as it fights them well.


The vitamin A contained in the product helps to restore damaged areas more quickly, and also thanks to it, the protective forces in the skin increase. Due to vitamin D, which helps normalize metabolic processes in cells, the affected areas heal easier and faster. Vitamin E also stimulates protective functions, and the skin takes on a better appearance.

Due to its antiseptic properties, the cream prevents acne from enlarging, and in the future, they gradually disappear. Thanks to its moisturizing effect, the product prevents the appearance of new lesions (since it is excessive dryness of the skin that provokes the active production of sebum and, as a result, clogging of pores, and hence acne). The cream is especially suitable for treating remaining wounds and post-acne.


Radevit anti-acne face cream can be used both on the entire face and on a specific area

You can apply the anti-acne cream to the entire face or locally. (including on the back, where this problem also often occurs). Continuous use of the ointment on large areas is possible for no more than 6 weeks, then a break is necessary. Otherwise, there is a possibility of getting an overdose of vitamins, and this is fraught with negative consequences for the skin and overall health.

Application of Radevit lip cream

In case of excessive dry lips, including in winter, when frost and wind make them especially vulnerable and often even lead to cracking, the use of Radevit will help solve the problem. The vitamins contained in the cream will strengthen the structure, eliminate dryness and nourish the lips, in addition, excipients (vaseline and glycerin) will further soften them.

Most women who used the cream as a lip product noted a positive result after the first use: their lips became softer, cracks healed, and dryness completely disappeared.


The drug can be used in different ways: either apply a thin layer daily, using it as a hygienic lipstick, or make 5-10-minute masks once or twice a week, applying the ointment in a thick layer, and then simply blot with a napkin.

Cream Radevit: what result to expect

In general, Radevit has a large number of advantages over other means due to its wide spectrum of action. Using this cream, you can notice the following changes in the condition and appearance of the skin:

  1. Chapped and dry areas become soft, silky and healthy.
  2. Pimples, small wounds and cracks disappear very quickly, and the skin is restored almost immediately.
  3. After using the product, the skin acquires elasticity and a healthy appearance.
  4. The fabrics receive the necessary moisture (in addition, moisture is retained).

Radevit also helps fight fine wrinkles. Face cream reduces their number and prevents new ones from forming.

When used to eliminate wrinkles, the cream should not be applied to the eyelids, as vitamin A can be irritating to delicate areas and lead to redness and swelling, and sometimes tearing.

Various irritations of the skin of the face, hands and other parts of the body - allergic, chemical (cosmetics, sanitary products, etc.), thermal (for example, sunburn) - decrease and disappear under the influence of the components of the product.

Most skin diseases can be treated with Radevit. The cream eliminates itching and pain from injuries, soothes the skin and relieves other discomfort.

Who should not use Radevit cream: contraindications

Despite the great benefits for the skin, There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

  1. taking retinoids;
  2. excess vitamins A, E or D in the body;
  3. hypersensitivity to the components of the cream;
  4. exacerbation of skin inflammation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is prohibited to cover large areas of skin with Radevit cream (this applies to use on the face and any other parts of the body).

Besides, Possible side effects, which also in some cases require discontinuation of the drug:

  1. the appearance of allergic reactions;
  2. exacerbation of acne;
  3. hyperpigmentation.

The appearance of redness, itching or peeling of the skin is usually a temporary reaction and does not require discontinuation of the product.

Where to buy Radevit cream, price

Since Radevit is a medical drug, you can only buy it in a pharmacy; it is not sold in stores. You can buy the ointment without a prescription. The average price for this product is 400 rubles per 35 g tube.

It must be remembered that Radevit is a medicine, and its uncontrolled use is unacceptable. To avoid negative consequences for any purpose of use, you must first consult with your doctor.

What are the benefits of Radevit, face cream:

How to rejuvenate your skin with Radevit face cream:

Face cream "Radevit" is considered one of the most effective pharmaceutical products for the treatment of acne, pimples and even wrinkles. The range of application of the product is wide, which allows us to call it universal. Dermatologists allow women in adulthood, even teenagers, to use it. We will tell you what is included in the miracle cream and how to use it correctly.

What is important to know about the effectiveness of the product

Cream and ointments "Radevit" are the development of the Russian pharmaceutical company "Retinoids VNPP" and at the moment it is one of the most well-proven medicines. Among the numerous drugs for the treatment of skin diseases, it is the ointments and creams of the Radevit brand that are praised for their high effectiveness, balanced composition, which is allowed to be used even by young children, pregnant women (with the consent of the attending physician), and used both for the skin of the hands and faces. It helps fight age-related changes, treats peeling, and saves you from chicks in winter, being an effective means of preventing frostbite.

Curious! Radevit has another huge advantage. This is the price. The product is quite inexpensive (about 300 rubles per tube), but is used very sparingly - a small pea is enough to completely lubricate the face or hands and achieve speedy healing.

The cream is considered a dermoprotector, that is, a way to protect the epithelium from external factors. It does not contain hormones, although the therapeutic effect is superior to many strong drugs. But the main secret is in the unique composition, where the most beneficial components for the skin are selected. Let's tell you what "Radevit" consists of.

Composition of "Radevit"

The ointment contains three vitamins - A, E and D, each individually helps maintain the health of the epithelium. They protect from the sun, moisturize, remove toxins and heavy metal salts.

Among the active components of the cream:

  1. Alpha tocopherol (acetate) or vitamin E. This is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from early aging, which has powerful antitoxic effects, cleansing the skin from harmful external factors (frost, heat, drying winds). Vitamin E has the ability to accumulate in the skin, and thus bind water molecules, so that the skin remains moisturized for a long time. The amount of component is 1 mg.
  2. Vitamin D2 (in the Radevit Active cream, this substance is replaced by the manufacturer with vitamin D3). This ingredient plays the role of protector of the natural immunity of the epithelium, due to which it does not allow pathogenic bacteria to pass through, and pathogenic flora does not develop. It also prevents skin drying, relieves inflammation, and eliminates peeling. The vitamin is present in a volume of 50 mg.
  3. Retinol palmitate or vitamin A. The main advantage of the component is its ability to stop photoaging and smooth out wrinkles. After 35 years (and older), the need for vitamin A in the body increases sharply, and the cream makes it possible to fill the deficiency. The amount of vitamin A is 10 mg.

The composition also contains components that improve the consistency of the cream and increase its shelf life. These are glycerin, petroleum jelly, water, alcohol. There is no bright fragrance in the product; it looks pleasant white.

Take note! Everyone can choose the most convenient form of release: the ointment is available for sale in the form of aluminum “cones” with a volume of 10, 20, 35 ml, and the Radevit cream is produced in soft plastic tube packaging, which is pleasant to use.

Before use, it is always important to study the instructions for the product, understand what it will help cure, and when it is strictly contraindicated.

For whom is the cream intended and for whom is it prohibited?

The main effect of using “Radevit” is the relief of inflammation, starting the process of natural restoration inside epithelial cells. It eliminates itching, treats peeling, quickly heals pimples, and at the same time nourishes the skin from the inside, making it moisturized. At the same time, the tone and texture of the skin improves, it becomes soft and velvety. If a woman uses it, regular use noticeably evens out the texture and smoothes out small and large wrinkles.

Is it possible to use Radevit in the summer? Cosmetologists do not prohibit applying it from time to time: this way collagen will not be destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and the skin will remain elastic. But after using ointments and creams, pigment spots may appear, so it is better not to apply Radevit before leaving the house.

The cream is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. dermatitis (including allergic);
  2. erosions;
  3. neurodermatitis;
  4. seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis;
  5. with cracks on the surface of the epithelium;
  6. for the treatment of wounds (excluding open ones).

Dermatologists also advise using it after hormonal therapy with ointments with corticosteroids: the use of this product softens the “hormonal shock”, promoting the speedy restoration of the integument.

Like any other medical drug, Radevit ointments and creams have their contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for anyone who has an individual intolerance to individual components (see composition above), or who has increased sensitivity of the epithelium. The cream should not be used by people with hypervitaminosis of retinol, tocopherol, or vitamin D. It is also not recommended for anyone who takes retinoids.

Pregnancy is considered a relative contraindication: if necessary, the doctor allows its use, but the situation is always discussed individually, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.

Doctors talk about using the Radevit cream:

But in general, Radevit is safe, side effects are recorded in the rarest cases. The cream is hypoallergenic and easily tolerated by people of different ages.

Instructions for use: remember the rules of use

The key to the effectiveness of the product is to strictly follow the instructions for using “Radevit” for the face and other parts of the body. Usually you need to apply a thin layer of the product twice a day. But for wrinkles, for lips, against acne and burns, there are nuances of use. They are worth remembering.

Remember the rules:

  1. The ointment heals cracks on the lips well, which often appear in cold and hot weather. In the cold season, “Radevit” will save the delicate skin of the lips from chapping, so it is easy to use the product for a long time for preventive purposes. It is enough to coat the surface of your lips with cream, and then absorb the excess with a waffle towel.
  2. For wrinkles, it is recommended to apply Radevit twice a day, in the morning and before bed, in a thin layer on previously cleansed skin. The effectiveness increases several times if a woman has undergone a course of peelings with fruit acids.
  3. "Radevit" perfectly helps with burns, chemical and solar. The skin heals faster if you lubricate the burned areas two to three times a day. A prerequisite for successful treatment is to apply the cream before bed. At night, regeneration processes accelerate several times.
  4. For pimples, blackheads and acne, the cream has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and at the same time mattifies the skin, preventing the appearance of unsightly reddish “smudges” - the consequences of acne. Since the cream helps the formation of a new layer of skin, regular use of the cream helps teenagers get through a difficult period without consequences. “Radevit” is applied pointwise, applying the cream directly to the pimples with a cotton swab.
  5. If the peeling of the skin is severe, deep cracks are observed, dermatologists advise purchasing special bandages at the pharmacy and covering the affected areas with them: access to oxygen will be blocked, the skin will recover and heal faster. Sometimes cracks and other defects need to be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

"Radevit" is often prescribed to children with allergies, who often suffer from skin rashes. Pediatricians allow the use of the drug from an early age. It does not contain hormones, so the cream does not affect the growth and development of the child. Children are advised to use "Radevit" 2 times a day - in the morning and at night.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Reviews from cosmetologists about the Radevit cream indicate that the product can rightfully be considered one of the best modern developments of Russian pharmacists. It is recommended to be used all year round for treatment and prevention.

Lyudmila Smirnova, Nizhny Novgorod: “Personally, I recommend using the cream to my clients who celebrated their 50th anniversary. As a rule, pensioners are frugal people and know the value of every penny. For its price, the cream is simply ideal: good composition, pleasant texture, and what a wonderful effect! The cream is sold only in pharmacies, which also inspires people’s trust.”

Elena Elkina, cosmetologist, Samara: I discovered Radevit a long time ago. In winter, my hands were constantly covered with pimples. There was a time when I had my hands treated by a professional dermatologist, spending a lot of money on ointments. But only Radevit saved me! The cream helps a lot and gives quick and convincing results. Now in winter I admire my velvety hands, and I don’t know trouble. I recommend using it to all my clients and their children.

Irina Bakhmetyeva, Saransk: I consider Radevit the best cream for maintaining mature skin tone. The cream has a very balanced composition and the components are selected exactly in the concentration that women over 40 need. Other expensive creams do not work so well, but this one also has a reasonable price. I also advise my clients to trust more mass-market pharmaceutical cosmetics, which are actively advertised, but often do not live up to expectations.

Vasilisa Pirogova, Khvalynsk: the cream is excellent for preventing the appearance of wrinkles if you start using it from the age of 35. As my practice shows, expensive imported professional creams are not always needed. Our Russian manufacturers have recently been offering decent products, and Radevit only confirms my words. Vitamins A, E, D are the most important for mature skin, thin, prone to photoaging, early appearance of wrinkles. It also helps my son keep his skin in order in the winter: now his lips don’t dry out, and the pimples that previously tormented us for several years in a row don’t appear.

Irina Brandina, Obninsk: I think the cream is a worthy alternative to expensive ones anti- age series. It works great, evens out the skin, gives it softness, velvety, and well-groomed appearance. One of my clients was transformed before her eyes after just a month of regular use of the cream. And six months later she looked a good 5 years younger.

When purchasing Radevit, remember: the cream is easy to purchase at the pharmacy and does not require a prescription. It is important to store the tube in the refrigerator, not expose it to direct sunlight, and generally not heat it. Akriderm, Cynovit, and Retinoic ointments have a similar effect. But still, it is Radevit that provides the best results.