Mustela Bebe Massage Oil

**Mustela Bebe Massage Oil** is a product designed to care for a child’s body. It is a massage oil and contains unique ingredients that help improve the health and condition of your baby's skin.

The manufacturer of this product is the Expansion Laboratory, located in France and Russia. The cosmetic oil was developed by them based on experience in the field of child care, so it is safe and effective for the skin of children of all ages.

Mustela Bebbe Massage Oil is a complex of natural oils and essential compositions that contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the health of children. For example, shea butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil, rosemary and other natural ingredients create a soothing effect on the baby's skin, help fight flaking and ensure healthy-looking skin. They also fight skin irritations.

**How ​​to use Mustella Baby Oil for mass???** 1) Promotes the growth of healthy nails. Due to the high content of vitamin E in the composition, the oil promotes the growth and health of nails. 2) Softens and moisturizes the skin. The moisturizing properties of the oil provide effective care for baby's dry skin, which often suffers from cracking, dryness and itching. 3) Soothes irritation and inflammation. It contains lavender and chamomile extracts, which are considered natural antiseptics and soothing agents. They effectively and gently soothe irritations on the child's skin 4) Improves skin structure. Oil with the addition of B vitamins, as well as vitamins E and A, provides nutrition and intensive protection to the baby’s skin tissue, making the skin firmer and more elastic. Ideal for children with extremely dry skin and a tendency to atopic dermatitis 5) Safe for infants. Natural, odorless ingredients make it an ideal choice for use in infants. Hypoallergenic composition eliminates the risk of allergies