Warming body scrub

Updated: May 1, 2019

Scrub translated from English means “scrub.” This is its main purpose, like peeling: to cleanse the skin by scraping off dead particles, dust, dirt and sebum. Cleansing occurs due to the fact that the composition contains abrasives - solid particles: crushed apricot kernels, salt, coffee, sugar, etc. Surely this natural body remedy can be found in every kitchen, and if not, it can be easily found in any store or pharmacy.

Homemade body scrub: pros and cons

Beneficial features

  1. Using a scrub, you can gently and without damage cleanse the skin until it “squeaks.”
  2. The scrub helps not only cleanse the skin, but also fight cellulite.
  3. Stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and makes the skin more elastic.
  4. Provides a mini-lifting effect: the skin after its use is smoothed, becomes smoother and silkier.
  5. Prepares the skin for the application of anti-cellulite creams, wraps, and massage.
  6. It does not harm the body, since it contains only natural and safe ingredients.


  1. The scrub should not be used by women with thin, sensitive skin, as abrasive particles easily injure it and cause irritation.
  2. It should not be used in cases where the skin has wounds, scratches, eczema, or atopic dermatitis.

How to make an organic product at home?

Before how to make homemade scrub, you need to decide what will be used as solid particles and base.

The most suitable abrasives are:

  1. sugar: regular white, as well as cane and coconut sugar will do;
  2. salt: black sea, regular rock, iodized;
  3. sand;
  4. semolina;
  5. ground coffee beans;
  6. oatmeal, etc.

As a moisturizing or nourishing base you can use:

  1. various oils: olive, almond, coconut, avocado, etc.;
  2. yogurt, kefir, milk, cream;
  3. honey;
  4. chopped soft vegetables and fruits;
  5. regular shower gel.

All products are thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder/mill and mixed with the base. The proportions can be changed by adding more scrubbing particles or oil, focusing on what is more suitable for a particular skin type. The finished mass is stored in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator.

ADVICE. It is advisable to prepare the scrub 1-2 times, because due to the presence of natural ingredients in the composition, it will not be stored for a long time. 10-14 days is the maximum.

Technology for proper application of homemade body scrubs

For a homemade scrub to work, you need to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Carry out initial cleansing of the skin with soft products: tonic, milk, hydrophilic oil or foam.
  2. Warm up the skin so that all the pores open and are ready to receive active substances; to do this, take a bath or hot shower.
  3. Apply the required amount of scrub to the glove or hand and rub it over the skin: in a circular motion over problem areas and the entire body, avoiding the neck and décolleté.
  4. You can rub the scrub in from 1 to 15 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the skin and the composition of the product.
  5. After self-massage, you need to completely rinse off the composition and lubricate the body with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

ADVICE. The scrub will work even better if you massage it with a dry brush before applying it.

For dry and sensitive skin

It is better not to scrub sensitive skin at all. An exception may be a scrub that is made from soft ingredients: a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and ground coffee beans, fruits and semolina crushed in a blender, etc. These products will definitely not harm your skin.

It is important to apply a small amount of the product and rub it in for about 2 minutes, no more. After scrubbing, the skin should be lubricated with cream.

For oily skin

Oily skin is less sensitive than dry skin. Therefore, to cleanse it, you can use scrubs with hard and large particles: salt, sugar, ground fruit seeds and nuts.

You can massage your body for longer than 5 minutes. At the end of the procedure, be sure to use a light nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Homemade scrub recipes

Salt based

Salt scrubs cleanse the skin and enrich it with useful substances: iron, iodine, magnesium.

Kefir and salt

Thoroughly mix 5 large spoons of salt ground in a coffee grinder and 10 spoons of kefir. Instead of kefir, you can use cream.

Sea salt and lemon juice

For this recipe you will need fine sea salt - 5-8 large spoons, olive or any other cold-pressed oil - 2-3 tablespoons and a little juice from a quarter of a lemon. Thanks to lemon, the scrub whitens and tones the skin.

Sea salt

You need 5 tablespoons of sea salt, a few tablespoons of cold-pressed vegetable oil and quite a few essential oils of your choice.

Anti-cellulite cream made from sea salt, grapefruit and olive oil

To prepare the anti-cellulite composition, you will need sea salt - 5 tablespoons, the zest of half a large orange, 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed oil and a few drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil.

From orange peel, ginger oil, sea salt, cedar oil

Mix 2 large spoons of salt, powder obtained from 2 cups of orange peels, and oil: 2 drops of cedar, 3 drops of lemon and 1 large spoon of olive.

Cinnamon, pepper, salt and olive oil

The combination of cinnamon, pepper and salt crystals is ideal for the prevention and elimination of fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks. You need to mix 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and black pepper, add a large spoon of salt and a little oil. You need to wash off the scrub at the moment when a burning sensation appears.

Coffee based

Coffee perfectly exfoliates dead cells and improves blood circulation.

Coffee scrub

The classic coffee scrub contains natural coffee and oil: avocado, coconut or olive. The proportions can be approximate, the main thing is that the mass does not crumble.

ATTENTION! Instant coffee is not suitable for coffee scrub. It scrubs poorly and does not bring any effect.

From coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are more suitable for making a scrub than ground coffee. It contains less caffeine, so it practically does not stain the skin and has a more pleasant smell.

To prepare the scrub you need 2-3 large spoons (or large pinches) of coffee grounds and your favorite shower gel.

Made from coffee and applesauce

You need ground coffee and applesauce (can be replaced with grapefruit pulp) in a 1:2 ratio.

Sugar based

Sugar scrubs are suitable for sensitive skin. Sugar nourishes and moisturizes the skin, cleanses well and helps fight cellulite.

Sugar and olive oil

You will need 6 large spoons of sugar, 4-5 large spoons of olive oil and very little essential oil: about 3 drops. Sugar can be either regular white or brown.

Latin American Sugar Scrub

You will need 1 cup of unrefined cane sugar, 3 tablespoons of cold-pressed oil: coconut, olive or almond, 4 teaspoons of milk or cream and 3-5 drops of essential oils: vanilla, lemon or rose.

On brown sugar

Mix 1 cup brown sugar, ? glasses of olive oil, 3 large spoons of honey in liquid form (but not heated) and just a little vanilla essential oil or vanilla extract for aroma.

Sugar-sour cream raspberry anti-aging scrub

The ingredients include 6 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of sour cream and a large handful of fresh or thawed raspberries.

Made from sugar and coconut

You need to take 1 glass of fine sugar (about 100 g), 3-4 large spoons of melted coconut oil, 1 pinch of natural coconut flakes and 6 drops of lemon essential oil.


Fruit scrubs, due to the fact that they contain fruit acids, whiten the skin well.

Strawberry scrub

Strawberries (3-5 pieces) must first be ground to a mushy state. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 vitamin E capsule.

Cranberry Date Moisturizing Scrub

Ground dates are used as scrubbing particles - 8-10 pieces. To them you need to add 1 cup of cranberries and 1 tablespoon of wheat or oat bran.

Orange scrub

You need dry and well-ground orange zest - 2 large spoons, sea salt - also 2 spoons, ground oatmeal - 1 spoon, white clay and sugar - 1 teaspoon. Mix the ingredients and add 7 drops of essential orange oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1-2 capsules of vitamin E.

From orange peels

Orange peels need to be ground in a blender or home mill, then take 1-3 large spoons of the resulting powder and mix with 2 large spoons of olive oil.

With orange zest and yogurt

You need the zest of 1 orange, 5-6 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 3 tablespoons of orange juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

From ginger

Ginger beauty products are designed to combat cellulite. Ginger stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation.

To make a ginger scrub, you need to prepare 1 large spoon of chopped or grated ginger, 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup cold-pressed vegetable oil . You can add any essential oil to the mixture.

From corn flour

Corn flour is an excellent remedy that removes dead skin cells and helps fight comedones and acne. Corn flour can not be mixed with anything, but immediately applied to well-steamed skin and massaged intensively. To achieve a warming effect, you can prepare a mixture of flour and honey.

Made from honey and cinnamon

Honey nourishes the skin with nutrients, saturates it with moisture and helps prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. Cinnamon rejuvenates and tones the skin, helps fight inflammation. To prepare a scrub from honey and cinnamon, you need to mix these components in a 2:1 ratio.

Oatmeal with cinnamon

A mixture of oatmeal and cinnamon is suitable for skin that is prone to oily skin. Ground oatmeal (3-4 pinches) is mixed with cinnamon (1 large spoon), a small amount of fermented baked milk and 1-2 capsules of vitamin E.

The best natural body remedies at home: TOP 10

To make it easier to choose the right homemade scrub recipe, we have made the TOP 10 most popular products:

1 – Coffee. Coffee is used most often, as its effect is immediately visible: it tones, refreshes and smells very pleasant.

2 – Honey. Honey scrub is very popular as it is great for preventing cellulite.

3 – Coffee + honey. Naturally, the TOP includes a mixture of the most popular ingredients: honey and coffee. This is a powerful remedy in the fight against cellulite.

4 – Saline. There is salt in any kitchen, but for the recipe it is better to use sea salt, as it contains more valuable minerals.

5 – Oatmeal. Ground oatmeal allows you to get a very gentle scrub, but at the same time effective: it cleanses the skin well without injuring it.

6 – With ginger and cinnamon. This is a burning scrub that instantly improves skin tone. But because of its pungency, not everyone likes it.

7 – Sugar. Every housewife has sugar, just like salt. This affordable ingredient is an excellent skin scrubbing agent.

8 – Coconut. A very fragrant, soft and effective scrub. You can use both coconut oil and shavings at the same time.

9 – Rice and coffee. This scrub is quite gentle and suitable for sensitive areas (décolleté and neck).

10 – Carrot-apple. A juicy and effective scrub; you can use starch or semolina as scrubbing particles.

Homemade beauty products for cleansing your skin can be made from almost any ingredient in your refrigerator. The most important thing is that their composition includes ground particles and a high-quality base is selected. You can follow the proportions, or you can come up with your own: it all depends on what consistency you need to achieve and how much scrub you want to get.

Fitness body hot scrub is an anti-cellulite product with a warming effect. Reduces fat deposits, eliminates “orange peel”, activates metabolic processes in subcutaneous tissues, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.


Features of the drug

The consistency of the product resembles a cream. The thick texture is complemented by small abrasive particles. When applied to the skin, a slight tingling sensation is felt, followed by a pleasant warmth over time.

With regular use, the keratinized layer of cells is exfoliated, the outflow of lymph from the upper layer of the epidermis is normalized, metabolism is activated, fat deposits are resolved, and skin elasticity increases.

The organic components of the scrub do not have any harmful effects. The product can be used for a long time in combination with other anti-cellulite drugs.

The hot body scrub smells like cinnamon, applies well, and spreads easily. Small abrasive particles do not injure the skin, but simply remove dead cells and promote the penetration of active components into the deeper layers.



Fitness body hot scrub is based on the action of natural ingredients:

  1. Pepper extract.Stimulates metabolism by irritating nerve endings. Increases blood flow to treated areas, increases microcirculation. Natural processes are activated, fat energy is consumed, subcutaneous fat disappears.
  2. Caffeine. Stimulates cellular metabolism, exfoliates the top layer, enhances blood microcirculation, burns subcutaneous fats. Tones the epidermis, evens out the relief, smooths out wrinkles, and increases the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Cinnamon essential oil. Enhances the effect of pepper, has antioxidant properties, accelerates the regeneration process, and promotes the formation of a new layer of epidermis.
  4. Seaweed extract.It acts in several directions at once. Saturates the epidermis with necessary beneficial components, tones, increases protective functions, strengthens the immune system, smoothes wrinkles.

The action of each of these components is aimed at stimulating active cell activity, enhancing microcirculation, and resorption of the subcutaneous fat layer.

How to apply a hot scrub


The scrub should be applied to cleansed, steamed skin. The ideal option is after taking a bath or shower. The skin is completely ready for the procedure of light peeling and absorption of beneficial components.

The product is distributed in a thin layer over the entire surface of the problem area. Give a light massage for 5 minutes. The oily texture of the product does not allow it to be quickly absorbed and allows for full massage manipulations.

After some time, warmth is felt in the areas where the hot Fitness Body Scrub is applied. This means that the drug has begun to work. Redness of the skin, tingling, and mild burning may occur. During this period, active actions begin. Using a hard sponge, rub the problem areas well. Repeat manipulations for 15 minutes.

Finally, wash off the remaining product with warm water and soap, dry the skin with a towel or napkin, and apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream.

Application Feature

A product with a warming effect cannot be used in case of varicose veins, the presence of individual intolerance to the components, or on damaged areas of the skin.


  1. Skin sensitivity must be taken into account.
  2. Avoid active movements that injure the skin.
  3. Rinse off the product immediately if a strong burning sensation occurs, without waiting for the end of the procedure.
  4. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of scrub residues.
  5. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

To achieve the best anti-cellulite effect, it is recommended to carry out wraps:


  1. Apply the scrub to pre-steamed, cleansed problem areas (hips, stomach).
  2. Distribute the product in an even layer without rubbing into the skin.
  3. To create a sauna effect, wrap the application areas with cling film.
  4. Leave the scrub on the body for a maximum of 40 minutes. Short-term application of up to 20 minutes reduces the effect.
  5. Rinse off with warm water and soapy water, massaging the problem areas.
  6. Moisturize the skin with anti-cellulite cream from the same series.

The effect is achieved after several uses. The minimum recommended course is 2 weeks.

Pros and cons of hot scrub

A drug with a warming effect acts faster than a conventional anti-cellulite product, but may cause some inconvenience.

Disadvantages of the scrub:

  1. Pepper extract causes a burning sensation. Sensitive skin becomes severely red and burns.
  2. Efficiency is achieved subject to the comprehensive use of the entire line of products.
  3. Contraindicated in sensitive skin prone to allergies, varicose veins, in the presence of oncological processes, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus.

Advantages of the scrub:


  1. Organic base.
  2. Activation of metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  3. Achieving effect by stimulating natural processes.
  4. Firming effect without signs of “orange peel”.
  5. Cleansing of dead particles of the dermis.
  6. Acquisition of anatomical curves by the body.
  7. Democratic price position.

Hot scrub is used to eliminate and prevent cellulite. Simultaneous adherence to a diet and normal physical activity improves the result.

The best preparations from the Fitness body series with a warming effect

When choosing a suitable drug, you should pay attention to the products of the following brands.

Fitness Body by Floresan


The drug from the Floresan company is characterized by a bright design of an orange can with a nominal volume of 500 ml. The product has passed dermatological testing and complies with GOST conditions.


  1. “Hot” substances that help activate metabolism in epidermal cells, accelerating blood circulation in the area of ​​application. The sensation is manifested by the effect of heating the skin. These functions are performed by cinnamon oil and red pepper extract.
  2. Caffeine tends to speed up metabolic processes in fat deposits. Promotes breakdown and further removal from the body.
  3. Diatoms are found in dry, crushed form. They have abrasive properties and remove dead skin cells as a result of a light massage movement. The skin takes on a well-groomed appearance, firmness, and elasticity.

Excipients: coconut oil, glycerin, collagen, fragrances, purified water. The price of the product is about 220 rubles.

Hot scrub from Planeta Organica


A popular domestic brand of natural cosmetics, Planet Organica, has offered its own version of a warming anti-cellulite scrub. The drug combines innovative production technologies and folk recipes that have been tested for centuries.

The scrub contains:

  1. extract from avocado oil, ginger;
  2. red pepper extract;
  3. sea ​​salt from the Dead Sea;
  4. white clay base;
  5. Aleppo pine squeeze;
  6. vitamin complex.

The nominal volume of the jar is 300 ml. The color of the product varies from brown to dark brown. Pine and pepper extract gives a light, specific aroma. The abrasiveness is provided by Dead Sea salt. Average price 225 rub.

Salt scrub from Natura Siberica


The manufacturer of the “Sauna and SPA” scrub provided a hot salt scrub on a natural basis to help women fight cellulite. The composition includes essential oils that provide simultaneous heating and skin care. Salt crystals act as an abrasive and remove dead skin cells.

Salt scrub consists of:

  1. a complex of essential oils - peppermint, lavender, rosemary, palm and coconut;
  2. plant extracts - Siberian cortuse, larch, juniper bark;
  3. honey extracted from Altai herbs;
  4. brine (saline solution).

These ingredients are completely organic and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Extracted from domestic raw materials. The average price in Russia for a 350 ml jar is 330 rubles.

Hot scrub differs from other anti-cellulite products by deep penetration of active ingredients and quick effect. However, you can notice the results after some time with regular procedures.



You can leave your reviews about the Fitness Body Hot Scrub, they will be useful to other users of the site!


All hot scrubs act similarly. The only difference is the smell and color. Exfoliate the stratum corneum. Immediately the skin becomes smooth, soft, silky. But, unfortunately, I didn’t notice any anti-cellulite effect. The skin condition has improved, but the orange peel bumps have not disappeared.


You should not pin your hopes in the fight against cellulite only on cosmetics. You need to act comprehensively - diet, physical education, massages. It is difficult for cosmetics to “reach” the subcutaneous fat layer. Active components can only activate processes, but do not remove fat.


I liked the effect. It stings nicely, and then a feeling of lightness, freshness appears, and the skin begins to breathe. I did a massage and body wrap. With regular use there is a result. You just need to take yourself seriously.


Pay attention to the correct use of the product. Violation of the procedure nullifies all efforts - regularity, uniform distribution, massage, application of anti-cellulite cream after the procedure.

We always strive for the best to please our customers with the best prices.

Best regards, Wildberries online store.

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Reserve period: 3 days

Payment: in store, cash or card

Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

Hot Chocolate warming body scrub gently awakens the dormant energy of the skin, bewitches and seduces with a subtle sensual aroma. Organic cocoa butter takes care of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, vanilla increases its tone, walnut deeply cleanses pores and improves cellular respiration, Guinea pepper extract warms, evens out the color and texture of the skin, making it smoother and more elastic. Shelf life: 2 years Application: Apply to damp skin with light massaging movements, massage for several minutes, rinse with warm water.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details