Acne on the chin and cheeks in women

Quotation book

SOURCE: September 5 (Art.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012 23:43 + to quote book

As you know, the main mechanism that triggers the appearance of acne is a disruption of the hormones responsible for the sebaceous glands. But a lot depends on the location of inflammation. So, for example, by the place where acne appears, one can judge the functioning of internal organs (or their pathology), which means it is more effective to choose treatment.

Acne on the cheeks and chin is a fairly common occurrence, especially among young people. An experienced doctor, seeing acne in these areas, will immediately suspect problems with the intestines.

Reasons for their appearance
1. Hormonal disorders;
2. Intestinal diseases;
3. Gynecological diseases (especially ovarian inflammation);
4. Exchange disorders;
5. Hereditary predisposition;
6.Comedogenic cosmetics;
7.Decreased immunity as a result of common infections and colds;
8. Pathogenic microorganisms together with poor hygiene.
9. Perioral dermatitis (reaction to cosmetics).

Acne on the chin and cheeks should be treated based on the cause. So, if you have problems with metabolism, you need to reconsider your diet and go on a special diet, which will be based on limiting fat intake and increasing the content of fresh foods and vitamins.

Products that provoke the appearance of inflammatory phenomena
Coffee (especially on an empty stomach, with sugar);
Flour and sweets (all kinds of buns and pastries, chips and soda, cakes, cookies);
Ice cream and dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
Fats (it is better to use cold-pressed vegetable oils);
Peanuts, pistachios, walnuts - you should not abuse them.

In case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which will show which organ needs to be treated. The therapist will prescribe a regimen that, in combination with external care, will produce results. If the intestines are clogged, toxins are constantly absorbed into the blood, causing inflammation. Therefore, pay special attention to this point in treatment.

Girls suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs are often susceptible to acne attacks on the cheeks and chin. Therefore, the treatment of chronic diseases should be taken seriously - only under this condition will acne disappear.

Habits that people usually don't give much importance to can also lead to inflammation on the cheeks and chin. It's about resting your head on your dirty hands. Bacteria always live on your fingers, which you introduce into your pores without noticing it. Also watch your hair - it often happens that strands of hair touching your cheeks and chin cause skin irritation.

How to get rid of acne on the chin and cheeks?
1. Balance your diet;
2.If necessary, do tests and examination of internal organs;
3. If possible, avoid decorative cosmetics (at least for the duration of treatment). Loose dry products and fatty creams have a comedogenic effect.
4. Take a course of Polysorb. It will remove toxins from the intestines.
5.Take steam baths every day. They will open the pores and help clean them. To do this, boil a handful of herbs (chamomile, string, nettle) for several minutes. Pour the broth into a bowl, cover with a towel and steam the skin for at least 10 minutes. If you see that the sebaceous plugs have come out, remove them with your finger, which is wrapped in a sterile bandage. It's even better if the bandage is moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Don't squeeze pimples!
6. Wash your face daily with a hot decoction of the herb. It can be stored in a cold place for 5 days and reheated before use. Lotions are also effective.
7.If you have dermatitis, you need to use special products. Sea buckthorn oil helps a lot.
8. The products “Baziron”, “Zinerit”, “Skinoren” have a good effect. They are stronger, so it is better to consult a dermatologist before using them. Before using them, you must thoroughly cleanse your skin. It is good to wipe it with some disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine (sold in pharmacies).
9.Increase the body's defenses. Give up bad habits, if you have them, walk more often.

Getting rid of acne on the chin and cheeks is quite possible. The only thing you need is patience and perseverance. If you follow the right lifestyle and take proper care of your skin, your face will be clean and acne will not bother you.

Acne on the chin is mainly associated with hormonal imbalance or clogged sebaceous glands. However, there are other reasons why painful acne appears on the chin, which will be discussed in more detail below.

We will also consider how to get rid of acne on the chin.

Types of rashes

First you need to understand what types of rashes exist:

  1. subcutaneous pimples appear due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with a mixture of excess fat or dead skin cells, which is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microbes. A bump appears on the skin, like a bump, with slight redness. Subcutaneous pimples on the chin take quite a long time to mature and are also very painful when touched;
  2. purulent pimples are the result of an inflammatory process, as well as the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In terms of severity, such rashes are not inferior to subcutaneous ones. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out, as there is a risk of infection spreading to healthy areas of the skin;
  3. Blackheads are the most common skin condition and are caused by blocked sebaceous glands. It is possible to remove such a pimple yourself, but it is not advisable, as this can lead to worsening of the skin condition.



Causes of acne on the face

Many women wonder why pimples occur? What changes in the body is this associated with? What internal organ is wrong?

Basically, the appearance of rashes is associated with menstruation. They appear during ovulation and indicate hormonal changes in the female body these days. However, if acne on the chin occurs constantly and cannot be bothered, then it is worth thinking about more global causes.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the respiratory system; they often occur in smokers, as well as in people with allergies;
  2. the forehead is subject to rashes of small pimples due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. the appearance of rashes on the nose indicates a hormonal imbalance, as well as problems of the cardiovascular system, allergies, and respiratory diseases;
  4. What do pimples around the mouth mean? The appearance of rashes in the area near the mouth indicates disturbances in the psychological state, constant lack of sleep, and prolonged emotional distress.


Causes of acne on the chin

Let's look at why acne appears on the chin:

  1. Weak immunity, which leads to frequent colds, affects all organs and leads to skin rashes, including the chin.
  2. Poor functioning of the endocrine system leads to an imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. In both men and women, this leads to increased sebum production, which clogs the pores. This, in turn, leads to the occurrence of large and small inflammations.
  3. Poor diet is one of the most common reasons why acne appears on the chin. Large consumption of salty, spicy, sweet, flour foods leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of characteristic rashes.
  4. Digestive diseases are associated with the accumulation of harmful toxins inside the body, which causes acne to immediately appear on the chin.
  5. Hormonal changes are mainly related to age and pregnancy. In girls from 11 to 14 years old, as in women after 40, subcutaneous sebum with a low content of fatty acids is produced. In a viscous environment, a large number of microbes develop, and dead cells also accumulate, which leads to the appearance of rashes. Pimples on a child’s chin are also associated with the hormonal system, which indicates its immaturity and the inability of the sebaceous glands to function normally.



Treatment options

What to do if a subcutaneous pimple appears on your chin and a bump appears? What products are best to use if your face is constantly covered in dust? For the treatment of acne, complex therapy is indicated, which includes taking medications, physiotherapy, changing diet and lifestyle.

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Zinc ointment.
  3. Tincture of calendula.
  4. Streptocide ointment.
  5. Gel "Baziron AS".
  6. Lotion "Zinerit".
  7. Gel "Mitrogil".
  8. Ichthyol ointment.
  9. Vishnevsky ointment.
  10. Metronidazole tablets.
  11. Anti-acne cosmetics as a prophylactic agent.



  1. Mechanical facial cleansing.
  2. Chemical peeling of the face.
  3. Ozone therapy.
  4. Mesotherapy.
  5. Laser treatment.
  6. Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).

To improve the functioning of internal organs, as well as to prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands, it is best to remove or minimize the consumption of sweets, animal fats, spicy, smoked and too salty foods, alcoholic drinks, fast food, soda, and processed cheese from the diet.

It is best to give preference to vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, salads with vegetable oil, lean meats and fish. It is also recommended to drink plenty of liquid - water, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes.

Where to buy the product

Pharmacy name Address Price, rub
Diaspharm Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka street, 30 from 69
Lavender St. Petersburg, street 1st line of Vasilievsky Island, 50 letter A from 86
Pharmacy on duty Minsk, Partizansky prospect, 13 from 52
7I Kiev, Sofievskaya street, 6 from 15

Treatment at home

You can treat pimples effectively at home. If you suffer from internal acne on the chin, decoctions of herbs such as yarrow, celandine, and chamomile are perfect for treating them. Infusions of birch buds and aloe juice are also good.


For treatment and prevention, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas in the morning and evening after washing. This therapy expands the pores and also removes impurities.

Folk signs

Folklore very often associates the appearance of acne with some life event:

  1. Following folk signs, pimples on a pregnant woman’s chin indicate the birth of a son.
  2. If the pimple does not heal for a long time, the birth will be problematic. And if, on the contrary, the treatment was quick and effective, then the birth process will be easy.
  3. If a single woman or girl has a pimple on the chin, this indicates the approach of a new romance, as well as intimacy. The longer the pimple persists, the longer the relationship will last.
  4. Also, the appearance of a pimple on the chin can mean a quarrel with a loved one or the illness of someone close to you. If there are a lot of acne, then perhaps the relationship will lead to a breakup.

Let's look at what acne on the chin indicates during pregnancy:

  1. First of all, about hormonal changes in the body, as well as the accompanying dehydration. By consuming a small amount of water, hormones remain undiluted, which leads to increased sebum production.
  2. An increased amount of the male hormone testosterone also accelerates the process of sebum production, clogging the sebaceous glands.
  3. During pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation. Acne under the chin in pregnant women indicates the process of intoxication of the body with harmful microbes.
  4. Also, one of the causes of rashes is the improper use of cosmetics and lack of personal hygiene.

What treatments for acne on the chin are acceptable during pregnancy? The most important rule when treating acne is that pregnant women should never use medications, especially hormonal ones, as this negatively affects the development of the fetus. One of the approved medications is Skinoren gel, the active substance of which is low-toxic.

The best remedy for acne during pregnancy is to observe good personal hygiene, regularly cleanse your face using alcohol- and fragrance-free products, as well as a proper balanced diet.

Beautiful skin - a reflection of a healthy body.


The appearance of rashes, pimples or blackheads indicates a dysfunction of internal organs. Rashes can be caused by a certain reaction of the body, the manifestation of allergies.

Skin problems can vary in severity. To restore the skin, it is first necessary to determine the source that provokes the changes.

Causes of acne on the face in women

The main causes of formations are:

  1. Adolescence - Puberty leads to changes in hormonal levels. Increased androgen levels cause acne. The main task during this period is to properly care for your facial skin so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. Low-quality decorative cosmetics.
  3. Incorrectly chosen cleansers regarding skin type.
  4. Impact of the menstrual cycle, especially in women with oily skin. In the second phase, there is a sharp increase in steroids, which further increase the oiliness of the skin, causing the formation of acne.
  5. Gastrointestinal problems instantly appear on the face. Intoxication in the intestines causes the formation of acne, thus the body gets rid of toxins.
  6. Disorders in the digestive system dictates a special diet. Eating spicy, salty or fatty foods leads to metabolic disorders, which causes a rash on the face. Read about the causes of acne on the forehead in women here.

Types of acne

Pimples can be of different types and sizes. They can form singly, or they can affect entire areas of the skin.

Rashes can be divided into two groups:

Inflammatory fragments. Pimples that cause inflammation of the skin are red and purulent. By their nature they are divided into:

  1. Papules. These ball-shaped formations cause swelling around pimples and reach up to 1 cm in diameter. After treatment, dark areas may temporarily remain, the area of ​​the deepest part of the lesion.
  2. Pustules are large, can be up to 3 cm, and have a burgundy, sometimes bluish color. Due to the deep nature of the lesion, scars may remain after treatment.
  3. Purulent acne, cysts tend to merge through the penetration of infection through the channels of the subcutaneous glands. They come in different shapes and change color, from yellow to green. Getting rid of ulcers on your own is dangerous; it can lead to blood poisoning. Such acne causes severe inflammation of the skin, is difficult to treat and leaves behind scars and hardening.