Massage for Premature Babies

The physical development of premature babies depends on body weight at birth, previous diseases, constitutional characteristics and individual care. Most premature babies develop basic psychomotor skills later than full-term babies.

Premature babies are more likely to have damage to the nervous system and are susceptible to infections. In the first year of life, the child’s body has the ability to restore the functions of organs and systems. This is facilitated by activities using games, gymnastics and massage.

The massage technique for premature babies is developed taking into account their physiological characteristics. It includes classical and acupressure techniques, as well as gymnastics. These methods can be used together or alternately.

In the first months, a gentle massage is used. From 1.5-2 months, massage is combined with gymnastics. From 3-4 months the child is forced to turn on his side. From 4-5 months they are taught to take toys. From 5-6 months they are encouraged to crawl. From 7-8 months - to sitting and standing. From 9-13 months they teach walking.

Before physical exercise, massage the relevant areas of the body. Classes are conducted one complex at a certain time. The complex is repeated 2-6 times. The duration of the lesson is up to 5 minutes. Gradually increase the load.

Classic massage includes stroking, rubbing, kneading. Acupressure - pressing on reflexogenic zones. Gymnastics is based on innate reflexes. The complexes are made taking into account the age of the child.

Thus, properly selected massage and gymnastics contribute to the physical and psychomotor development of premature babies, increase their immunity and improve their emotional state.