Badyaga as a face mask

Anyone suffering from skin inflammation (pimples, blackheads) can recommend effective badyagi face masks, which can be easily and quickly prepared at home. Find out how this unique algae works on your skin and how to make an anti-inflammatory mask out of it.

Badyaga - a unique substance in terms of origin and composition. In general terms, it is an algae, in particular, a variety (family) of freshwater sponge. In nature, it has a very unsightly appearance and can be of different colors - brown, yellow, green.

It is extracted and converted into various types of medicines (powders, gels, ointments, etc.), which can be used at home to solve your cosmetic problems. The main effect that badyagi face masks have on the skin is anti-inflammatory.

After them, the number of pimples and acne significantly decreases. You should definitely try this unusual remedy.

Skin treatment with badyaga

A face mask made from badyagi is usually used for acne and pimples, as this algae has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant and wound-healing properties. According to research, it contains substances that have a very beneficial effect on the various layers of the epidermis.

  1. The basis of the badyagi - silica (or silicon), which has a rejuvenating and wound-healing effect on mature, sagging or damaged skin: under its influence, a large amount of elastin and collagen is produced at the cellular level, dead cells fall off and no longer impede the access of oxygen to viable cells. Therefore, for those who are already over 40 and older, a mask with badyaga will be better than any rejuvenating salon procedures: after it there are much fewer wrinkles, the complexion noticeably improves, the skin takes on a fresher, younger, even blooming appearance.
  2. Another uniqueness of badyagi is that silica in the body of the sponge is very unusually located: it represents network of needlesirritating to the skin. This causes the small blood vessels on the face to dilate, resulting in improved blood circulation. Disturbed cells are protected from external irritants, beginning to actively regenerate. So another magical effect of badyagi masks for the face is the healing of bruises: with regular use, they turn pale and soon disappear completely. Pigmentation also does not stand up and fades away, including freckles and various kinds of spots on the face.
  3. The third feature of the structure of badyagi is that the flint needles are held together by a natural protein, spongin. It has a very beneficial cosmetic effect on inflamed, irritated skin. It is thanks to him that badyaga has such a pronounced anti-inflammatory, and in some cases, analgesic effect. Most neoplasms under the influence of spongin quickly resolve. Badyaga is indicated for acne even for teenagers.

At first glance, it may seem that this algae is indeed a unique remedy for acne, bruises and wrinkles, which prevent many from living in peace. However, it should be understood that it has a fairly strong irritating effect on the deepest layers of the epidermis, thanks to flint needles.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to make a badyagi face mask at home and apply it correctly. If you ignore the instructions, you may suffer from side effects and undesirable consequences, which can lead to disappointment and even prolonged treatment and recovery of the skin.

Dosage forms of badyagi

First, you need to know that this drug is available in various forms. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but all of them can be used for cosmetic purposes with equal success. Choose the best option for yourself in terms of price and ease of preparation. Be sure to consider the skin problems you want to get rid of with this unusual seaweed.

  1. It is very actively used for making homemade masks. badyaga Forte, which is a grayish gel with an unusual odor. This badyaga-gel perfectly brightens the skin, eliminating pigmentation of any origin (including freckles).
  2. Very convenient to use for making homemade masks badyagu powder - this is what cosmetologists recommend for treating any inflammation on the face, removing pimples and blackheads.
  3. If you need to unclog pores on oily and dirty skin, the ideal option would be badyaga peeling - this medicinal product contains particulate minerals and other substances. They actively renew the surface layer of the epidermis (however, it must be borne in mind that such a thorough facial cleansing with a badyagi is strictly contraindicated owners of delicate, thin, sensitive skin).
  4. Pharmacies also sell generic badyaga ointment — it can be used both as part of homemade cosmetic masks, and in its pure form as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

When going to the pharmacy to buy badyaga to prepare a cosmetic face mask from it, you need to take into account all these nuances. Having studied in advance the various forms of release of this unique and inimitable algae, you can choose the most suitable one for your skin type, which will avoid unpleasant misunderstandings and side effects. And now - the basic rules on how to make a face mask from badyagi at home correctly.

Preparation of badyagi face masks

Badyaga is a medicinal product and therefore requires careful handling. After you have chosen an acceptable product option for yourself, learn how to competently make masks from badyagi for the face. Remember: they should benefit the skin, not harm. And it depends only on you.

  1. First, study the contraindications to the drug. If you have delicate, sensitive, thin skin, any diseases of the circulatory system, too extensive foci of inflammation, discard this product. Individual intolerance to the drug also prohibits its use as a cosmetic product.
  2. Be sure to check if you are allergic to badyagu. Apply a small amount of product to the skin on the bend of your elbow (inside) or wrist. Rinse off after 5-7 minutes. Within 4-5 hours (or even more), see if there are any unpleasant sensations in the area lubricated with badyagi: for example, itching, redness or spots. In their absence, you can safely start preparing a miraculous mask.
  3. Gel and ointment are convenient because they can be immediately mixed with additional ingredients: their semi-liquid, viscous consistency allows this. But the badyagi powder will need to be diluted with cold filtered (or boiled) water so that a creamy mass is obtained. On the one hand, there is more hassle, but on the other hand, this particular mask is more effective.
  4. Since badyaga is a very active drug and very quickly enters into chemical reactions upon contact with other substances, it is better to prepare a mask from it in a ceramic or glass (you can even use a wooden) container. Oxides may form in the metal, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the prepared product.
  5. This algae is not a product with which you can experiment in terms of formulation and dosage. Be sure to follow exactly the recipe that you have chosen for your skin type.
  6. Apply the badyagi mask to the skin in a very thin layer using fingertips and circular massage movements.
  7. Action time: no more than 10 minutes.
  8. You need to rinse off with water, very generously. This is the case when it is better not to use milk, herbal infusions, or any other liquid to remove the mask. Water is the only possible option.
  9. After the badyagi mask, it is advisable to apply a nourishing or protective cream to your face, which will help calm the skin a little after the stress it has received.
  10. You should not use such irritating and rather aggressive products too often. If there is a lot of inflammation or age spots, and the skin reacted quite normally to the algae for the first time, only in this case is it permissible to use a badyagi mask 2 times a week. In other cases, once every 7-10 days will be enough.
  11. After 10-15 procedures, it is strongly recommended to take a break of 3-4 weeks so that the skin can rest from such quite stressful procedures.

A properly prepared badyagi face mask will be a real salvation for those who have serious skin problems and do not have the finances, time or desire to go to beauty salons. Trust this unique gift of nature if you suffer from acne, acne, or age spots.

Even stretch marks and scars with regular use of this miraculous remedy fade and become almost invisible. You can find a large number of recipes for making face masks from badyagi on the Internet - choose at your discretion.

A selection of badyagi face mask recipes

If you use badyaga for facial skin in its pure form, it may become too aggressive a procedure and lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to mix it with various other components that significantly soften its effect. Choose a mask depending on the specific problem you need to solve. Usually recipes indicate what effect it is intended for.

Mix badyagi powder (1 teaspoon) with the same amount of cosmetic clay (for this mask it is better to take white or black). Such a mask made of clay and badyagi for the face will be very useful for whitening age spots and freckles.

  1. For scars and stretch marks

Dilute badyagi powder (1 tablespoon) with 3% hydrogen peroxide (until creamy). Therapeutic face mask badyaga and hydrogen peroxide will relieve you of unwanted scars and microcracks on the skin, as well as whiten it and remove hair.

  1. For pimples and acne

Dilute the algae powder with 2% boric acid to obtain a creamy mass. An excellent anti-acne mask, which, according to reviews, helps cope with even the most advanced forms of acne. It is recommended even for teenagers.

Dilute gel or ointment (1 teaspoon) with medium-fat fermented baked milk (2 tablespoons).

Badyagi powder (2 tablespoons) is mixed with dry yeast (2 tablespoons), then diluted with low-fat cream.

Mix the powder (1 teaspoon) with the same amount of rice flour, and then dilute with low-fat cream (2 tablespoons).

For this mask, use face gel, which can be bought at any pharmacy. It must be mixed in equal proportions with melted honey.

Mix algae powder (1 teaspoon) with oatmeal crushed into flour (2 tablespoons), dilute the mixture with low-fat cream (2 tablespoons).

Dilute badyagi powder (a teaspoon) with a raw egg, dilute with milk until creamy.

Badyaga is a truly unique natural remedy that nature itself offers to humans. Take advantage of the extraordinary cosmetic properties of this seaweed to make your skin clear. According to reviews, a large number of people who previously suffered from acne, blackheads and inflammation got rid of them thanks to these miraculous, magical masks. If you do not want to use salon services for facial cleansing, solve the issue differently - with the help of a badyagi.

Who among us has not encountered bruises, hematomas, bumps and inflammation on the skin. Pharmacy cosmetic product “Badyaga” helps to quickly and effectively eliminate defects that have appeared. Due to its medicinal properties, badyaga relieves acne within three days. Let's figure out what badyaga is and why it is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

What is badyaga

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge-algae. It is a slippery green mass, attached to the bottom of river ponds with the help of rhizoids.

To obtain medicinal raw materials, the algae is first dried and then crushed. The powder is stored for three years in a cool, dry, dark place.

Bodyaga for the face is an excellent remedy for wrinkles, bruises, and abrasions. Due to the content of many vitamins and microelements, the sponge increases blood circulation, resulting in rapid healing and a reduction in inflammatory processes.

Bodyaga perfectly removes marks and spots from acne. This herb has regenerating properties no worse than other medications.

Many representatives of the fair sex use badyagi masks for their faces.

This is due to the fact that badyaga is very useful for the skin, since it contains an important set of vitamins for it, its active microelements cleanse pores, heal burns and wounds, and resolve bruises.

The question often arises of how to write bodyaga or badyaga. The correct name of this plant is written with the letter A.

Composition of badyagi

This amazing herb has a unique structure and composition that has a positive effect on eliminating skin diseases.

Microscopic needles, consisting exclusively of silicon, are interconnected by spongin (organic matter).

Silicon (silica)
  1. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  2. Improves metabolic processes;
  3. Destroys dead cells.
Spongin (a type of protein)
  1. Pain relief;
  2. Has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect.

You should know that silicon is used in very prestigious beauty salons to treat wrinkles and age-related changes.

In addition, bodyagi also contains organophosphorus acids, carbon dioxide salts, and many other organic substances.

In the next photo you can see what this wonderful miracle looks like - algae.

Release forms

Manufacturers produce badyagu in several forms. Before using each of them, you must read the corresponding instructions.

  1. Badyagi powder - packaged in packages of 10, 5, 6 and 2.5 grams, cost from 38 rubles;
  2. Bodyagi gel for acne is produced more often than other forms by manufacturers. The main effect is the elimination of inflammation, skin whitening occurs due to the natural properties of the algae. Costs from 70 rubles;

The drug "Badyaga Forte" is used for acne on the face, it is a gel that penetrates well through the skin, the effect of the drug begins almost immediately after its application.

  1. Badyaga ointment is rarely produced by manufacturers, more often it is made at home. It lasts a little longer than the active ingredient in gel form;
  2. Badyaga cream is well absorbed and contains other medicinal components. The price starts from 70 rubles.

Before using any dosage form of this drug, you need to test yourself for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of bodyagi to the inside of the elbow and wait 7-10 minutes. Rinse off the medicine under running water; normally there should be no red spots or abscesses left.

Indications for use

Before and after using Badyagi

The healing properties of this amazing plant will help with various problems:

  1. A bodyagi mask is indicated for women with acne, pimples, abrasions, hematomas, bruises; it removes skin defects without side effects, relieves redness and swelling;
  2. Badyaga eliminates age spots due to the whitening properties of the sponge;
  3. Eliminates acne marks and spots by improving blood circulation in the skin;
  4. Badyaga also helps against wrinkles, rejuvenating the skin by renewing its top layer;
  5. Badyaga has a positive effect on blackheads, the result is achieved by narrowing the pores.

You should use bodyaga no more than once every 7 days, otherwise dark spots will gradually appear on the skin, which will be almost impossible to get rid of.


  1. Pimples, acne, strongly expressed in size and quantity;
  2. Open wounds;
  3. Cuperosis, varicose veins, vascular anomalies, defects;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Abnormal hair growth, badyaga reduces the function of the exocrine glands;
  6. Herpes;
  7. Abrasions and scratches;
  8. Pustular skin diseases.

Side effects

Bodyagi masks are not recommended for use on dry sensitive skin. When applied to the skin, redness and sometimes burning occurs.

Attention! An allergy to thistle may appear in the form of itching and the appearance of a rash.

Rules for carrying out procedures with bodyaga

  1. Check for any allergic reaction.
  2. Gently apply the mask, ointment, gel or cream to the skin without rubbing.
  3. Keep on the skin for no more than 10 minutes. If you feel a tingling sensation, the substance should be washed off immediately under running water.

You can use badyagu for old or newly emerging acne. The powder should be diluted with water or other liquids; recipes for the compositions can be found in the corresponding section of this article.

If there is an acute inflammatory process in the skin, then it is better to refuse to use the drug. Otherwise, inflammation will develop even faster and stronger, as the sponge increases blood flow.

Badyaga cream can be combined with other ingredients, such as boric acid. The new chemical compound will have a new effect - skin disinfection.

Bodyaga ointment, like other dosage forms, is applied to the skin up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 7 days.

Masks with bodyaga for the face should be used no more than once every six to seven days.

Badyaga in a mask cleanses pores well and makes the skin smooth and velvety.

Recipes for face masks from badyagi

The powder from which the mask with bodyaga is prepared is sold in any pharmacy. The drug always comes with instructions, which you should read before use.

To prepare the mask, you need to dilute the powder with water until you obtain a thick paste. Apply to face, leave for 7-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Then apply the rich cream onto your face using light circular movements.

Badyagi and hydrogen peroxide mask

To prepare it, mix:

  1. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder;
  2. 0.5 teaspoon warm water;
  3. 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Use immediately. Apply to skin and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizing or nourishing cream to your face.

After each procedure, the skin will turn red due to the fact that the mask dilates the blood vessels. Badyaga with hydrogen peroxide is used no more than 4-5 times a month.

Bodyagi face masks are also used for oily skin and rashes.

Bodyaga mask for acne

To prepare the composition, dilute bodyagi powder with white clay in a 1:1 ratio. Then dilute with water to form a thick, creamy mixture.

Apply with light movements to problem skin. Rinse off with water after 15 minutes. After the procedure, use nourishing cream or natural oil. After using the mask, your face will be red, so it is better to do the procedure before bed.

Mask for hemorrhages and bruises

An indispensable helper for acne marks and blemishes. For a quick effect, experts recommend using the dosage form in the form of a gel. The product in the form of an ointment is also good for treating bruises.

You can make a mask from the powder by mixing it with water until it becomes mushy, and then apply it to the problem area for 15 minutes.

Masks with badyaga for the first signs of aging and wrinkles

At the first signs of aging, masks made from bodyagi work well to strengthen the skin structure and speed up the blood. Cosmetologists recommend doing them before bed. At night, our metabolic processes occur faster than at night.

With cocoa

To prepare the composition you need to mix:

  1. 14 g badyagi and 15 g cocoa powder;
  2. 22 g of fermented baked milk and 3 ml of almond oil or other natural nutritious food;

Apply along massage lines to previously cleansed skin, starting from the chin, smear towards the forehead.

Leave the composition for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Finally, you can apply bodyaga gel containing kelp to your face.

With kelp

To prepare the composition you need to mix:

  1. 10 g badyagi;
  2. 12 g dry kelp;
  3. Pour mineral water until the composition is covered and leave for several hours;
  4. Before use, add 3 g of bee bread;
  5. 8 ml natural oil.

Mix all components thoroughly. Keep for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

For scars, stretch marks, scars on the skin

Regular use of masks with bodyaga will help even out the surface of the skin on the face and other parts of the body.

To prepare a mask for scars, a classic recipe is suitable - badyagi powder mixed with water.

For age spots and freckles

Due to its whitening properties, badyaga eliminates age spots and freckles. It is enough to treat pigment spots every other day in the evening hours with an alcohol raster for 1 month.

You can also use a bodyaga mask with hydrogen peroxide or the following two masks to eliminate freckles.

Mask with bodyaga and oatmeal

  1. Mix 10 g of badyagi powder with 10 g of oatmeal;
  2. Add oil, cinnamon and chilled chamomile infusion.

Apply to steamed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask with bodyaga and yeast

  1. Dissolve 7 g of yeast in 15 ml of warm milk;
  2. Add 7 g of badyagi and 5 ml of aloe juice;
  3. Add 2 ml of vitamins A and E.

Apply to face, after 15 minutes rinse with water or herbal infusion.

According to the rules, you need to use bodyagu for the face against age spots once a week.

Badyaga for cellulite

Today, about 50% of women suffer from cellulite. A ridiculous orange peel spoils the appearance of the fair half. Cosmetologists strongly advise using expensive anti-cellulite masks, which bring little results. Badyaga is a universal assistant in the fight against cellulite. Massages can be performed at home.

Types of massage mixtures with badyaga for cellulite for weight loss

  1. Badyaga and honey.
  2. Badyaga and vegetable oil. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender, orange, fir, oregano).
  3. Badyaga and wheat germ oil.

These mixtures can be used to massage problem areas. A course of cosmetic procedures up to 10 days.

Wraps with badyaga

The following combinations are suitable for wraps:

  1. Badyaga and mumiyo. Dissolve mumiyo and bodyaga in different containers and mix until smooth.
  2. Bodyaga and coffee scrub for cellulite. The sponge will enhance the cosmetic effect.
  3. Bodyaga, sea salt, vegetable and essential oil of fir or pine.
  4. Bodyaga, warm water, fennel or dill oil.
  5. Blue clay, bodyaga.

When wrapping, the main rule is to not tighten problem areas with cellophane too tightly (legs and all other parts of the body should not go numb). The blood flow must be normal, or there will be no effect.

Masks with bodyaga are also used for the growth of eyebrows and hair on the head. Thanks to improved blood circulation in the skin, hair begins to grow faster.

Taking bodyagu internally due to the presence of silicon needles is prohibited.

Many in their lives have heard at least once a mention of a bodyag. In Soviet times, when the choice of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products was small, this miracle drug was used in the fight against bruises. Few people used bodyagu for the face as a mask, undeservedly ignoring this product. Years later, people remembered it and cosmetics based on it began to become popular.

Benefit from the Depths

Bodyaga, or badyaga, is an algae, a freshwater sponge, colored brown, green or yellow. It is not very attractive in appearance, but its properties are unique. The algae is collected, dried and turned into a homogenized powder, which is how it is sold in pharmacies.

Manufacturers of cosmetics produce various gels, creams and ointments based on the powder. All of these products have powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Face masks based on it are very effective due to the content of rare substances. Bodyagi contains the most valuable components:

  1. Silicon or silica is the basis of medicinal algae. Increases elastin production, gently exfoliates dead skin cells, actively acts at the cellular level;
  2. The basis of silica is small needles, it is they that have an irritating effect and increase blood circulation;
  3. Sponginin is a protein that acts as cement between silicon needles. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and absorbable effect.

Bodyaga for facial skin

Representatives of the fair half, who prefer natural cosmetics made at home, often use freshwater sponge powder as a base. Bodyaga helps to improve the condition of the skin in many ways and has a number of positive characteristics:

  1. Helps get rid of pimples and acne;
  2. Cleanses and tightens pores;
  3. Strengthens the production of collagen and elastin;
  4. Improves skin turgor and smoothes wrinkles;
  5. Activates regeneration;
  6. Saturates cells with nutrients;
  7. Evens out the skin structure;
  8. Resolves scars and cicatrices;
  9. Eliminates pigmentation and stagnant spots;
  10. Excellent prevention of premature skin aging.

Acne and post-acne

Badyagi masks have proven themselves to be excellent for treating acne. Thanks to the action of micro-needles, all processes in the skin are activated. Due to irritation of the epidermis, blood circulation increases, thereby accelerating biological reactions.

The main advantage of this method is that no mechanical effect on the skin. The tissues begin to actively cleanse themselves and regenerate; the effect occurs not only on inflamed lesions, but also on old spots - traces of previous inflammatory processes.

Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, inflammation is relieved without spreading to other areas of the skin. Since bodyaga powder is a 100% natural plant component, it great for young skin, which is so characterized by problems of clogged pores and acne. The main thing is to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the product by first doing an allergy test. To do this, apply the prepared composition to the bend of the elbow; in the absence of redness and other unpleasant reactions, the product can be applied to the face.

The choice of products based on the miraculous sponge is quite wide, you can use powder, gel, ointment or peeling cream. The powder is used when preparing mixtures yourself. It is diluted in water and mixed with other ingredients or used on its own.

Bodyaga gel is easy to use and economical; it is easy to apply in a thin layer, so it requires little consumption. Works great with pigmentation and post-acne. The ointment is a universal option; it can be used separately or added to masks.

This pharmaceutical drug effectively relieves inflammation and treats acne. Bodyagi-based peeling renews the skin very effectively. After such procedures, the regenerating and protective functions of the skin are launched.

Recipes for pimples and blackheads

There are a lot of cosmetic recipes with “prickly” algae. It is advisable not to use this product as an independent product very often due to its irritating effect. The use of badyagi in cosmetology is very common; it is an ideal assistant for problem skin, but it must be used strictly according to the instructions to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Badyagi face masks are very effective and easy to use. To prepare a universal version, you just need to dilute the powder with warm water to a paste. Apply the finished mixture without rubbing onto the face, using smooth circular movements and leave for no more than 10 minutes. Then wash off with plenty of clean water without using cleansers. There is no need to keep it longer than prescribed, as this can lead to severe irritation and even burns. The skin will remain red for some time after the mask, so you should not do it before an important event. For severe irritation, you can use panthenol.

If the skin reacts normally to the powder mixture, you can try a stronger and more effective recipe. For preparation, use 1 teaspoon of bodyaga powder, diluted with water to a pasty state and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of gel based on bodyagi. The mask is left on the face for the time specified by the manufacturer and washed off with clean water.

In case of severe irritation and discomfort, a bodyagi mask can be prepared with the addition of other components. The mask has an excellent healing and anti-inflammatory effect. with the addition of blue clay and green tea. Mixture of 1 tbsp. Mix spoons of bodyaga and 1 teaspoon of clay with warm green tea until a homogeneous paste is formed. A couple of drops of rosemary essential oil will enhance the effect and add a pleasant aroma. The mask should be kept on for no more than 15 minutes.

Anti-aging masks

Algae-based cosmetics can refresh and restore fading and lifeless skin. Micromassage with bodyaga needles improves blood circulation in the skin, and cells begin to intensively synthesize elastin and collagen. Skin turgor after procedures improves significantly, and skin color becomes fresh and uniform.

Particularly popular mask with honey. You can use bodyagi powder or ready-made gel for the base. A mixture is prepared from an equal proportion of ingredients and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After the procedure, you must apply a moisturizer.

To restore facial contours and have a good anti-aging effect, you can use a more complex composition:

  1. Bodyaga - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  2. Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. Ryazhenka - 1 tbsp.
  4. Almond oil - 1 teaspoon.

The mixture is kept on the face for 10-15 minutes and washed off with water. After such a mask there is no need to apply cream, however, if there is a feeling of tightness and discomfort, it is better to apply cream.

Anti-aging masks must be applied in a course, 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. After this, you can maintain skin tone by making a mask 1-2 times a month.

Brightening effect

To get rid of pigmentation and stagnant spots, masks with a freshwater sponge are a real godsend. Course use will give a good refreshing and brightening effect, and will also perfectly even out skin tone.

The most commonly used is a mask with the addition of oatmeal, cinnamon, chamomile and green coffee oil. To prepare, you need to mix the same amount of bodyaga powder and flour, about 2-3 teaspoons each, and dilute the bulk ingredients with a chilled chamomile decoction to a liquid paste. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and butter to the finished mixture, mix thoroughly until smooth. The finished product is kept on the skin for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with still mineral water.


A mask with the addition of 3% hydrogen peroxide has a deep exfoliating effect. This product removes acne marks, rejuvenates and cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum.

It must be used with caution do an allergy test first. Dilute the required amount of bodyaga powder with peroxide. When the mixture begins to foam, apply it to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and apply cream. During application, avoid the delicate area around the eyes and lips.

Also very effective boric acid mask, it is recommended for those with oily and problematic skin. Before use, the acid must be diluted with water to obtain a 5% solution. The powder is mixed with an acid solution to a thick paste and heated in a water bath to 40 degrees. Apply to the face for 10-15 minutes, then wash off. After this procedure, the face becomes red, so it is better to do it before bed. Overnight, the skin will recover and return to its normal color.

Contraindications for use

Despite the amazing healing and rejuvenating effect, you must treat this product very carefully. Silicon needles in the powder, in addition to not the most pleasant sensation during the procedure, can lead to allergies or burns. It is better to avoid the use of bodyagi if there are existing contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Childhood;
  3. Individual intolerance;
  4. Very dry or sensitive skin;
  5. Cuperosis;
  6. Hypertrichosis (increased hairiness);
  7. Open wounds and ulcers;

Bodyaga—wonderful natural product, which has long established itself as an effective aid for various skin problems. It can restore a beautiful, even color, ridding the epidermis of pigmentation and post-acne spots, smooth out wrinkles and even out the skin structure.

The main thing is to use the product carefully and strictly follow the instructions, this will help prevent unpleasant consequences and give excellent results.


I often use a mask with bodyaga for the face, I don’t add anything, I just dilute the powder in water. I started with 2-3 minutes, the feeling, of course, was not very good... But the effect was excellent. Now I keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then the skin is, of course, red, but everything goes away overnight. No cosmetologists or expensive creams are needed; friends and colleagues often ask what is my secret. When I say, half of them don’t believe that everything is so simple. I have been using this inexpensive and useful product for several years now.

I burned on the beach while on vacation, and terrible brown spots appeared on the skin of my face and décolleté. No matter what I tried, even expensive creams did not give a good result. I started using bodyaga, a doctor friend advised me. Then I found a recipe on the Internet with oatmeal and cinnamon, a miracle thing! The spots disappeared, completely. I continue to use Bodyagu from time to time and have noticed a good rejuvenating effect after it.

Magic mask! This is the only product that has helped me deal with acne. There were terrible purple spots on the skin from old and new inflammations. I made a mask with badyaga 2 times a week for 2 months, changes were visible after two weeks. The skin became smooth, pits and scars disappeared, and large inflammations disappeared. I am very pleased, no more acne or ulcers! Sometimes small pimples appear, but after drying they immediately disappear. I use the mask no more than 1-2 times a month, which is enough to maintain the result.