Dry acne on the body

Good day, dear readers. Dry acne is an indicator of a malfunction in the body. They always indicate certain disorders in the body and appear in various parts of the body.

Based on the location of the skin rash, you can determine what is currently in your body that needs treatment. Let's study the reasons for the appearance of dry rashes on the body and learn how to deal with it?

An excellent anti-acne remedy is Tritin lotion. This drug acts directly on inflammation, quickly penetrates to its source and relieves irritation. A positive result after using Tritin can be seen within a few hours.

With this lotion, your dermatological problems will disappear quickly and without a trace. You can purchase Tritin on this page.

Why do dry acne appear and what skin type is more susceptible to it?

These pimples that you see in the photo can occur independently or as a residual phenomenon after other types of rash. The main reason is the blockage of pores with dead epidermal particles, which cannot be removed independently and in a timely manner.

Often, dry pimples appear on dry skin, which tends to peel. Such neoplasms themselves do not cause discomfort or pain, but at the same time they spoil the appearance of the skin.

The main reasons for the appearance of such a rash on the face and body are:

  1. improper skin care;
  2. allergy;
  3. hormonal imbalances;
  4. hypothermia;
  5. problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  7. gynecological disorders.

Dry pimples on the face

This rash often occurs due to hormonal imbalances. Pimples on the face are small, hard to the touch, have the natural color of the skin or are slightly different in color.

If a rash appears in a girl or woman, it is initially recommended that she consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe a course of hormonal medications that normalize hormonal levels.

Often a dry rash is an allergic reaction to a certain allergen. Allergies periodically appear in adults and often in children at any age. Allergic rashes can be itchy. In this case, you first need to identify the pathogen and eliminate it from your life.

Hormonal imbalance can be triggered by pregnancy, childbirth, menstrual irregularities, taking oral contraceptives, and thyroid diseases.

Dry rash on forehead

Such pimples on the forehead appear due to improper skin care. If you do not wash off your makeup before going to bed, periodically scrub and cleanse your skin with gels or foam cleansers, then the rash will not take long to appear.

Lack of hygiene is the main reason for the appearance of small, hard, dry rashes on the upper part of the face.

Dry acne on legs

Leg rashes are most often caused by wearing irritating synthetic clothing. It is localized in those places where clothing is in close contact with the body.

Sometimes the cause is injury or allergic reactions to medications, foods, or skin care products.

Dry acne on the back

A rash on the back is caused by increased sweating of the skin and poor hygiene. In addition, small dry pimples may appear due to allergies, as mentioned above. Often a rash on the back is caused by disturbances in the endocrine system.

Dry rash on elbows, shoulders and arms in general

The main reasons, in this case, are:

  1. fungal infections;
  2. allergy;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. metabolic disorders;
  5. hormonal imbalances.

Dry, hard pimples occur especially often on the elbows and hands. Less often they can be seen on the shoulders. In some cases, pimples that look like goose bumps are caused by a certain type of dermatitis called follicular hyperkeratosis. Do you want to know what kind of disease this is? Then read on.

Follicular hyperkeratosis - goose bumps from dry pimples: causes, symptoms, treatment

Externally, this disease looks like goose bumps. Its main manifestation is small, hard, dry pimples that appear in large numbers on a certain area of ​​the body. Often these pimples-nodules have a bright red color and are localized in the following places:

  1. in the elbow area;
  2. on your knees;
  3. on the buttocks;
  4. on the outer thighs.

Skin affected by the disease described above becomes rough, dry and rough to the touch. The causes of dry acne due to follicular hyperkeratosis are:

  1. lack of vitamin A, due to which the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens;
  2. lack of vitamin C, which causes dry acne to turn red.

Unfortunately, today this disease cannot be completely cured, since it is chronic. But you can remove its main symptom - dry pimples. How to get rid of them? With the help of drugs that saturate the body with the above vitamins. These, for example, include Retin-A, which serves as an analogue of vitamin A.

How to deal with dry acne - general recommendations

As mentioned earlier, this rash occurs mainly on dry skin. Therefore, I do not recommend that you provoke drying out of your epidermis. What to do if it has already appeared?

It can be eliminated with proper skin care and elimination of the causative agent.

The dermis affected by dry pimples needs hydration and softening. Care products containing lactic acid will help improve the condition of this epidermis.

In addition, you can soften the dermis with the help of preparations with emollients - fatty components.

Dry keratinized dermis will have to be gradually removed. To do this, you can use scrubs at home or sign up for special procedures (peelings, for example). Don't forget to use emollient creams.

If dry pimples appear on your face, try to fight them with moisturizing masks:

  1. Take 2 tsp. cottage cheese, strong tea, parsley juice, a couple of drops of flaxseed oil and fish oil, as well as citrus zest. All components should be mixed until they turn into a homogeneous paste. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off.
  2. Take 1 s. l. honey and 1 tsp. milk. Honey can be slightly warmed in a water bath, after which it will soften and mix easier with milk. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply the mask to the skin for twenty minutes. You need to wash off the product first with hot and then with sharply cold water.

This concludes my story about dry acne. I hope the article was interesting and informative. Subscribe to updates and share the articles you find on the pages of this site with your friends on social networks. All the best!

Author of the article: Anna Derbeneva (dermatologist)

Publication date: 30-03-2016

Acne most often affects people with oily skin, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Dry acne on the body is also common, and its appearance can be triggered by both external and internal factors.


Reasons for appearance

Dry skin and acne are incompatible concepts in the minds of many people who have not experienced it. However, people who suffer from acne with this type of skin know that this is quite possible. The main reasons why acne appears on dry facial skin are as follows:

  1. sensitive thinned dermis;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. frequent stress;
  6. lack of vitamins;
  7. chronic pathologies.

If your skin is dry, acne may appear if the skin is frequently traumatized. Dry dermis is very sensitive and thinned, so the slightest irritation leads to inflammatory processes in it.

The reason for the appearance may also lie in an allergic reaction to both an external and internal irritant. Acne can appear due to intolerance to a particular food product. In this case, not only the face, but the entire body may become covered in a rash known as hives.


Both low and high ambient temperatures can cause an allergic reaction. People with dry and sensitive skin types often suffer from allergies to cold. But in hot weather, when excessive sweating is typical, a negative dermatological reaction to your own sweat, which contains harmful decay products, may occur. It causes local irritation, resulting in inflammatory processes in the epidermis.

Adolescence, pregnancy and menopause are periods during which a riot of hormones occurs in the body. Dramatic changes occur in all tissues. The dermis, in turn, can react with an inflammatory process. This phenomenon is also observed in chronic pathologies that affect the protective integument due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Abuse of unhealthy foods leads to slagging in the body. Harmful substances are absorbed into the blood through the intestines and then delivered to the skin along with the bloodstream. The result is the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the epidermis, through the pores of which harmful substances leave the body.

Frequent stressful situations also lead to malfunctions of all organs, which leads to a dermatological problem.

Acne on the face with dry skin can also occur due to a deficiency of certain vitamins. Retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, zinc, amino acids, and B vitamins are responsible for the health of the skin. A deficiency of one of the substances can lead to the onset of an inflammatory process in the dermis and a general deterioration in its appearance. Not only do rashes appear, but the skin begins to peel off severely.

Solutions to the problem

Dry skin with acne requires special care and treatment. In this case, the use of local products that help eliminate sebum is unacceptable, since the skin is already deficient in it. You need to decide what to do in this case after undergoing a medical diagnosis, which will identify the cause of the dermatological problem.


Depending on the cause of acne, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. taking vitamins;
  2. topical retinoids;
  3. nutrition correction;
  4. physiotherapy;
  5. homemade masks.

When treating acne, it is necessary to avoid overdrying the skin to avoid worsening the condition.


For acne caused by vitamin deficiency, the following vitamin complexes are prescribed:


The drug "Aevit" is prescribed for acne caused by a lack of tocopherol and retinol. A course of taking a vitamin complex can effectively eliminate inflammation, start the skin regeneration process and help restore the skin to a healthy appearance.

The composition of “Adaptovit” includes all the vitamins and elements necessary for the dermis, which make it possible to effectively eliminate dermatological problems with long-term use of the product. In addition, the treatment complex helps strengthen the nervous system, which helps avoid frequent stress.

"Zinkovital" is a zinc preparation that allows you to compensate for the deficiency of this element in the body. It helps relieve the inflammatory process in the dermis and strengthen its protective functions.


Many modern medicinal gels and creams against acne include retinoids, the most popular of which are:


Local preparations of this group can not only effectively relieve inflammation caused by acne. Retinoids saturate the skin with additional moisture and nutrition, effectively eliminating flaking and dryness of the epidermis. In addition, these drugs launch an accelerated regeneration process by improving local blood circulation. Additionally, retinoids promote the production of collagen, which is responsible for youthful skin, which makes their use relevant in the fight against anti-aging changes in the dermis.

Only a doctor should prescribe drugs in this category, since retinoids are able to penetrate the bloodstream, affecting internal organs. In this regard, these medications have contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation.

Diet therapy

Acne caused by poor diet or vitamin deficiency also requires nutritional correction. During the treatment period, the patient’s diet should not only be correct, but also balanced. The daily menu must be varied; it must include the following food products:


During the treatment period, it is advisable to exclude foods rich in simple carbohydrates from the diet. This group includes all flour, sweets, confectionery products, sweet soda, and alcohol. You should also refrain from eating spicy, fried and fatty foods.

Eating healthy food will help the body quickly cleanse itself of waste and toxins and saturate the tissues with the necessary nutrients.


One of the most effective methods of treating acne with dry skin is physical therapy. The most popular are laser therapy and phototherapy.


During the procedures, local blood circulation improves, which allows you to saturate the tissues with oxygen and beneficial macro- and microelements. Also, after the sessions, local protective functions increase, which contribute to the subsidence of the inflammatory process and restoration of the integument. Sometimes just a few sessions can restore healthy skin.

Homemade masks

In the treatment of acne, the use of homemade masks is especially popular, allowing to relieve inflammation, eliminate dead epidermal cells and saturate the skin with all the necessary nutrients. For dry skin types, traditional acne masks are not suitable, as they can only worsen the condition of inflamed tissues. The following recipes are suitable for use and making at home:

  1. Clay is known for its good cleansing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. For oily and combination skin types, use a white or blue type of cosmetic product. They are not suitable for dry dermis, because they can lead to even greater irritation and thinning of the skin. Pink clay, which has the least aggressive effect, is suitable for these purposes. To prevent the mask from tightening the skin and harming it, add a little olive oil to pink clay diluted with water.
  2. A mixture of chicken eggs and honey has good cleansing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties. Using this mask once a week will help eliminate acne and improve the condition of dry and thin skin.


Before applying any mask, it is recommended to first cleanse the skin with a cleansing gel. Before using the mask for its intended purpose, it is recommended to ensure that there is no allergic reaction to its components.

Skin rashes can vary in shape and size and may be inflammatory or not. I immediately want to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. Some types of acne - dry - do not contain pus inside and can be easily removed from the skin if desired. But treatment must be thoughtful if the goal is to solve the problem once and for all.

Causes of dry acne

Not only oily skin is prone to acne and rashes. Sometimes redness and inflammation appear on skin that is too dry, either naturally or due to improper care. The peculiarity of dry dermis is its tendency to peeling, irritation and chapping. It is susceptible to dehydration, the harmful effects of bad weather (frost, heat) and aggressive cosmetics.

Exposure to all of the above external factors leads to the formation of a rash, whiteheads, and subcutaneous formations (milium). They, as a rule, do not cause pain, but they spoil the appearance and require treatment. Dry pimples can occur independently for a number of reasons, or they can be a residual phenomenon after other types of acne.


The appearance of a dry rash depends not only on external factors. They can result from:

  1. food allergies;
  2. nervous shock, stress;
  3. hormonal disbalance;
  4. endocrine system problems;
  5. gynecological disorders;
  6. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever serves as a catalyst for the appearance of acne, they always indicate malfunctions occurring in the body. The location of the rash will tell about the pathology.

Localization of acne

The peculiarity of dry pimples is that they appear anywhere and in people of different ages - from babies to mature adults. If the phenomenon is one-time, the defect can be eliminated using soft cleansers - foams or mousses. But when pimples appear regularly and you can accurately name the place of their greatest accumulation, it is worth paying close attention to this. If necessary, undergo an examination by a dermatologist.

Acne on the face

Dry rash on the face - hard, but not painful formations. The color stands out slightly against the general background. If there are a lot of them and they itch, you may be allergic to cosmetics, hygiene products or food. By reviewing your diet and facial care products, identifying the allergen and getting rid of it, you can quickly eliminate the problem.

Common causes of “frontal” rashes:

  1. hormonal imbalance during pregnancy;
  2. taking inappropriate oral contraceptives or first reaction to them;
  3. thyroid diseases;
  4. disruption in the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes dry acne is evidence of a hormonal imbalance in girls and women. Then treatment begins with eliminating this problem. After carefully examining the irritation on the face, the dermatologist may refer the client to a gynecologist and order hormone tests.

The practice of oriental medicine has long associated the appearance of acne on the face with diseases of the internal organs. Watch a video about this:

Pimples on the face appear where there is a cluster of large sebaceous glands: on the chin, cheeks, temples, nose, etc. Not always, but they can signal an acquired disease:

  1. a rash on the upper part of the cheekbones indicates pathologies of the gallbladder and liver;
  2. pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. inflammation on the chin is a call to check the body for infections in the genitourinary system.

Pimples on forehead

If small-sized pimples, without suppuration, appear on the forehead, it is worth paying increased attention to hygiene procedures. Irritation often occurs due to poor skin care. The rash threatens people who neglect daily washing and cleansing the dermis of excess sebum, cosmetics and dirt.

And yet, sometimes inflammatory processes in the upper part of the face indicate a problem in the genital area or with the intestines. If the situation with daily hygiene has been corrected, but acne has not gone away, it makes sense to seek advice from a doctor.

Dry rash on stomach

Dry pimples on the body are small in size, not inflamed, but also cause discomfort. When they are concentrated on the abdomen - a place where acne rarely appears - they can become a sign of serious diseases.

The viral nature of pimples is revealed by their color and shape:

  1. Pinkish spots that spread throughout the body and reach the stomach are measles.
  2. Millet-like rashes, limited from each other - rubella.
  3. If the pimples appear as blisters surrounded by redness, the person may have chickenpox.

The common cause of a rash on the stomach is an allergy (to food, fabric or hygiene products). Then the first sign will be the presence of itching, as well as the location of the spots. They are grouped and rise above the surface of the skin. Curing an allergic rash is quite simple: you need to find the irritating factor, eliminate it and reinforce the result with the use of antihistamines.

Sometimes rashes on the abdomen become a consequence of bacterial diseases: scarlet fever and secondary syphilis. In the first case, the irritation is a bright red rash that spreads throughout the body. In the second, red nodules appear throughout the body without clear localization. It is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the root cause.

Dry acne on the back

A common cosmetic problem is dry acne on the back. Such rashes are called hormonal, since the most common reason for their appearance is an imbalance of sex hormones. Sometimes they arise for no apparent reason, throughout life; in women they are tied to the menstrual cycle and worsen on certain days. The regular occurrence of dry rashes on the back is a reason to check the functioning of the endocrine system and prescribe systemic treatment.

Other causes of back rash:

  1. increased sweating coupled with basic non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  2. allergic reactions (for example, to fabric).


Depending on the type of skin rashes, medications with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects (tablets, ointments), as well as antihistamines, can help get rid of them. The former will help relieve itching and redness, the latter will help relieve allergies. It’s good if both types of drugs work together.

Pimples on elbows

Pimples can also appear on the arms, for example, erupting from the shoulder to the elbow, jumping up on the palms and hands, or concentrated on the crook. Usually the skin around them is very dry and red. Rashes tend to become inflamed and even painful.

What does an elbow rash indicate? The location indicates impaired metabolism, lack of vitamins, as well as other standard reasons:

  1. allergies;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. age-related changes and menopause;
  4. infectious, including fungal diseases.

Workers in certain professions who constantly have to lean on their elbows (office managers, bartenders, etc.) and people with sensitive skin suffer from dry acne on the upper extremities. The epidermis reacts sharply to contact with water, cold air, household chemicals, various metals and fabric. If you do not react in time, the elbows will become rough and rough, darken, and the acne will fester.

To prevent minor inflammation from developing into a major one, careful care of the skin of the hands is required: the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams and the use of antibacterial drugs for each lesion (brilliant, fucorcin, etc.). Strong medications and antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Dry acne - follicular hyperkeratosis

Sometimes the appearance of small nodules on the bends of the limbs (elbows, under the knees), buttocks and thighs is a consequence of a skin disease: follicular hyperkeratosis. Externally, the disease looks like goose bumps made up of hard pimples that are densely concentrated in a certain place. Sometimes they may turn red. The skin around the rash becomes rough and rough.

The cause of acne due to hyperkeratosis is a lack of vitamins. When the pimples are red, this indicates a lack of vitamin C, and if they have no color, they are A and E. In this case, the body needs to be saturated with the missing components with the help of special preparations (Ascorbic acid, Retin-A and others). It is not possible to cure the disease completely, since it is chronic. But when you consume vitamins, the external manifestations will disappear.


Dry acne in a child

Dry inflammation occurs in both adults and children. They are not age-related and can be the result of allergies, prickly heat, etc. Breastfed children react to the food they receive with their mother's milk.

The causes of the rash can be natural; there is no need to worry about them.

  1. Small white pimples in newborns are evidence of body restructuring and adaptation to the environment.
  2. A rash on the face during teething is also predictable and is caused by excessive salivation.
  3. Dry white pimples sometimes appear on the face due to sebaceous glands that are not fully formed.

But there are also many cases where rashes are caused by diseases.

  1. An ailment such as heat rash most often appears in the armpits, groin and places that come into contact with clothing and a diaper. Looks like tiny pimples without pus or redness. Treated with creams and regular hygiene procedures.
  2. Small bumps all over the body are caused by poor hygiene, contact with synthetic clothing, and dirt getting on the skin. Inflamed skin also requires additional and proper care.
  3. Lumps with a red rim are an indicator of chickenpox. To eliminate this, you will need to consult a pediatrician and comprehensive treatment.

Recipes for masks and remedies for dry acne

Methods for eliminating dry skin inflammation depend on the nature of the problem and its root cause. In advanced cases, competent tactics are chosen by a dermatologist, endocrinologist and other doctor. But acne, the appearance of which is associated with improper hygiene, can be cured with the help of folk remedies.

All masks are applied to the face and body with clean hands. It is advisable to check each new component for the occurrence of an allergic reaction before use. And in order to achieve the best effect, during treatment with home methods, follow a non-strict diet: refuse or reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks, fatty, spicy, sweet.


Some recipes for homemade masks to eliminate dry pimples:

  1. Toning mask prepared from strong tea, parsley juice, a drop of fish oil, citrus zest and two teaspoons of cottage cheese. All ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous paste, which must be applied to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off.
  2. Chamomile and cottage cheese will help soothe irritated skin. A teaspoon of chamomile is brewed with boiling water (2 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon is added. cottage cheese and egg yolk. The nourishing mass is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes, washed off with warm water.
  3. Milk-honey mask – an assistant in the fight against small pimples. 1 tbsp. Honey must be heated in a water bath, pour in milk (1 tsp) and mix thoroughly. The product is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with contrasting water - first hot, then cold.
  4. Linseed oil can cure acne, redness, and eliminate dry skin. The mask is prepared from oil and herbal decoction of nettle, chamomile, string and calendula (one teaspoon each). Medicinal plants in equal quantities are poured into a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. heated over low heat and then settled for several hours. Then the decoction is mixed with 1 tbsp. linseed oil in a ratio of 3:1. The oily mask is applied to the skin with a napkin for a long period of time (from 40 minutes). It is advisable to carry out at least 10 procedures.
  5. Banana will help moisturize the skin and relieve inflammation. The pulp of one fruit is mixed with 1 tbsp. sour cream and egg yolk. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.
  6. Soap and baking soda - another recipe for a remedy for dry acne. The mask is preceded by steaming the skin: it takes 5 minutes. hold your face over a pan of boiling water. Grate the soap, mix with soda and apply to the skin with a cotton swab. The product is washed off immediately with cold water.


The appearance of acne that is not caused by any disease can be prevented by following some hygiene recommendations. The main thing is daily and proper care, which includes:

  1. cleansing;
  2. hydration;
  3. nutrition.

It is useful to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin particles. You can use the services of a cosmetologist or do it at home. Dry and sensitive dermis does not tolerate rough treatment. It is advisable to choose skin care products that contain lactic acid and without alkali. For everyday care, emollient creams are chosen.

In the fight against dry acne, the main thing is to try to eliminate not the symptoms and external manifestations, but the provocateur of irritation. Skin neoplasms signal the malfunction of any vital system. And it is necessary to take an integrated approach in treating the disease.