Restorative Massage

Restorative massage is used to restore strength after physical activity, as well as in complex rehabilitation after certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It helps relieve fatigue and tension, normalize muscle tone, and improve blood and lymph circulation.

When performing a restorative massage, stroking, rubbing, kneading, and vibration techniques are used. Intensive techniques such as chopping and beating are not used so as not to cause a negative reaction from the body.

The massage is carried out in a calm environment, sequentially from the back to the limbs. Particular attention is paid to the back as an important reflexogenic zone. The duration of the procedure depends on weight and age, usually 10-35 minutes.

For athletes, restorative massage helps to recover faster after training and competitive stress. It is carried out immediately after the performance, as well as between loads. Intensive techniques are used and stroking is not recommended before performing again.

For sports injuries, restorative massage is prescribed after inflammation and pain have been relieved. It accelerates the restoration of functions of the damaged area in combination with physical therapy and physiotherapy. The massage is carried out carefully, taking into account the nature of the injury.