Anti-wrinkle cream for young skin


Until the age of 25, the body continues to grow, but after that it begins to age. Visible wrinkles on the face appear around age 30. There is no need to be afraid of the first signs of aging; we need to fight them.


The cream for the first wrinkles will become your ally in the difficult struggle for beauty. It is wrinkles that give us years; they create the effect of fatigue and sadness. Thanks to modern technologies, nano-recipes and composition, a good cream can become your best friend and slow down the aging process.


Reviews indicate that regular use of anti-wrinkle cream significantly improves appearance, making the skin young and fresh. Let's figure out which cream is right for you and when to start using it.

Why is it harmful for young people?

If the body is in the growth stage until it is 25 years old, then it is not worth attacking it prematurely. Only after 25 years does the epidermis begin to lose moisture and freshness. At this age, you should not buy products with collagen and retinol.


They are intended for more mature skin, do not force your body to be lazy and use “advanced” components.




At the age of 25-30 years, cosmetologists recommend buying cosmetic products based on fruit acids. They create a peeling effect. They help the keratinized particles to be rejected and give freedom to new ones. These components stimulate collagen production, smooth and improve barrier function.



The first signs of aging appear on the face with a loss of smoothness and elasticity. With age, the body simply slows down the production of many substances. Their lack causes wrinkles.


The anti-wrinkle product has a complex effect on the skin.

  1. Moisturizes. Every product worth its salt should have a visible moisturizing effect. After all, without moisture we wither, just like flowers.
  2. Smoothes out. Improving the texture of the skin and filling it with useful substances leads to the disappearance of minor imperfections.
  3. Nourishes. The entry of all beneficial vitamins and minerals into the epidermis has a beneficial effect on appearance. When there is balance in the body, then aging is not in a hurry to come.
  4. Protects. Protection from harmful factors and free radicals significantly improves skin condition. Takes her out of the stress zone.
  5. Restores. Even the started aging process can be easily stopped. To do this, it is enough to establish microcirculation in the subcutaneous layer. This is what a good cream does.


To meet all standards, a cosmetic product must have an appropriate composition. Vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic and fruit acid should be included as a minimum.



There are several reasons why facial folds begin to appear.

  1. Photoaging. The sun is the first enemy of the skin; it is its rays that cause the first noticeable wrinkles to appear. Therefore, you should choose a cream with a high level of UF protection. Even very expensive creams will not cope with the problem without sun protection.
  2. Slowing down natural processes. 25 years is a certain milestone when all processes gradually slow down. If you don’t start taking care of yourself in time, then in a couple of years the consequences will be disastrous.
  3. Improper care. The use of lotions containing alcohol, the fight against acne and acne are also included in the list of reasons.



How to warn

Preventing the appearance of wrinkles is much easier than fighting them later. Even if changes are not yet visible, they are already on the way. A properly selected cream will preserve your youth for many years. There are many recommendations on how to keep your face young. To do this, you should adhere to some rules: eat right, get enough sleep, control your facial expressions, choose the right sleeping position.



Which to choose

One of the important tasks is the correct choice of care product. Here you need to be guided not only by positive reviews, but also by your own feelings, skin type and characteristics.

  1. Before purchasing, consult a cosmetologist. He will give you practical advice on choosing the right product for you.
  2. Buy only certified products. Buy products only from a pharmacy or store. This way you will be sure that you are not buying a fake and will get the maximum effect from the product.
  3. For your age, you only need hydration and a little nutrition. Anti-aging cream is already too much.



For oily skin, choose a moisturizer with antioxidants. For example, selenium, magnesium, vitamins.

The texture should be as light as possible. If you have dry skin, choose oil-based products. The care product can be either night or day. Day cream should have UF protection, night cream should nourish and moisturize.

In the video - a review of the eye cream "Rituals" for the first wrinkles.

Rating of popular funds

The variety of caring cosmetics on the market is so great that it is easy to get confused in choosing. Before purchasing a cream, find out information about the manufacturer and the cream itself, whether it is natural, and what components are included.



"Clean line"

Completely natural product. It contains only natural ingredients. The product is hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone. Works great on the first wrinkles. This cream can be used both as a day cream and as a night cream. The downside is that there is no UF protection. The effect of application is cumulative.



Natura Siberica

This product was developed by domestic manufacturers. It is based on natural ingredients. The cream is popular due to its positive effect and affordable price. The cosmetic product has a delicate and pleasant consistency. Moisturizes and nourishes, which is very important in the fight against signs of aging.

After use, it visibly evens out the tone and overall structure of the face.



Since the product is completely natural, its shelf life is not too long. Be sure to do an allergy test before purchasing.



This product is suitable for almost all representatives of the fair sex. Its airy texture and economical consumption make it one of the popular products. The cream perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and evens out. With this remedy you can forget about flaking and tightness, as well as the first wrinkles. Although the cream is one of the best on the market in the fight against wrinkles, its price is far from ideal.



Payot anti-wrinkle cream helps eliminate subtle signs of aging. The light and melting texture of the cream moisturizes and nourishes. Cell division is stimulated, which significantly stops aging.

In addition, constant use of the product evens out the color and adds shine. Does not clog pores and is not felt on the face.




This cream is recommended for daily use. The consistency of the emulsion is quickly absorbed and tones the face. Small wrinkles disappear almost immediately, thanks to the vitamins A, C, E included in the composition. Suitable for tired and dull skin. It can be used as a base for makeup.

Just the perfect tool that will make you perfect in a matter of minutes. In addition to the immediate effect, it also acts proactively. Prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. With this cream you will feel confident at any age.

Anti-wrinkle cream helps slow down the aging process, restore lost freshness to the skin and hide the signs of age. Anti-aging products are present in the product line of almost all cosmetic companies. Among luxury cosmetics, the brands Clarins and Christian Dior are especially popular. Some women prefer professional cosmetics - SesDerma, Christina, Skin Doctors. Pharmacy brands such as Vichy, Avene, Kora are less advertised, but produce no less effective anti-aging products. How to choose a truly effective remedy among such a variety? We analyzed reviews from women and cosmetologists and compiled a rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams for the face and skin around the eyes.

We recommend

Rating #1 #2 #3
Name Goji cream “GOJI CREAM” BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect Botox Active Expert Cream Mask
Unobtrusive aroma
Pleasant consistency Effectively eliminate irritation

Goji cream “GOJI CREAM”

Clinically proven: Goji Cream stops the aging process of cells and normalizes its functioning. A wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as BETAINE in the cream form a heavy molecule that allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin to make the effects of Goji Cream as effective as possible.

  1. In 97 out of 100 subjects, the result was noticeable after the first use. In 93%, fine and shallow wrinkles disappeared after 10 days of using the mask Continues to work actively for 24 hours from the moment of application
  1. Mail delivery

Botox Active Expert Cream Mask

The active component of the BOTOX mask allows you to restore the connective tissue of the epidermis and improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Unfortunately, with age, the body’s recovery processes slow down, so the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask is the most effective means for maintaining the tone of the skin of the face and neck, it helps fight expression lines and age-related changes; with a course of use, the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and restores collagen reserves, smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles.

  1. Result after 1 application 100% natural ingredients Replaces salon procedures
  1. Not found

BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect

BotoMax cream spray is a new generation rejuvenating spray, the secret of which lies in the healing effect of a special composition “like Botox” on the skin of the face. Using BotoMax twice a day neutralizes the aggressive effects of harmful factors that cause premature aging and smoothes out wrinkles like Botox. Due to the active supply of oxygen and under the influence of substances analogous to Botox, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is completely restored.

  1. restores skin firmness and elasticity only natural ingredients deep wrinkles are reduced by 27% per month
  1. Mail delivery

The best anti-wrinkle creams for the face

A good anti-wrinkle cream must contain active ingredients that intensively moisturize and nourish, increase turgor, firmness and elasticity, smooth the skin, and tighten facial contours.

  1. Moisturizing components and antioxidants (vitamins C and E, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, natural oils). These substances will not reduce the number of wrinkles, but will slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and relieve dry skin.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A) and retinoids (retinaldehyde, tretinol, adapalene, tretinoin and other vitamin A derivatives). Stimulate the processes of cellular regeneration and collagen production, thereby maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  3. ANA and BHA acids – exfoliate the upper keratinized cells of the epidermis, activate renewal processes, the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. The most potent are salicylic and glycolic acids. However, before using them, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.
  4. Peptides. They nourish cells in the deep layers of the skin and help reduce the number of wrinkles, which has already been confirmed by various studies. Blocking peptides relax facial muscles, while stimulating peptides activate collagen synthesis. Both have a powerful anti-aging effect and are recommended for mature skin with pronounced signs of aging.
  5. Hydrolyzed collagen. It is the liquid form of collagen that is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, increasing its elasticity. Moisturizes well and fills wrinkles.
  6. Muscle relaxants (NP ceramides, argireline, boswellia and Asian centella plant extracts). Relaxes facial muscles, thereby helping to smooth out wrinkles.

Wrinkles on the face are an extremely unpleasant symptom that occurs in the life of every girl. Sooner or later, her forehead is no longer as smooth as it used to be, crow’s feet appear, and the contour of her lips loses its former appearance. To enjoy their beauty longer, women resort to using the secret of youth, that is, products that can smooth out wrinkles.


According to cosmetologists, the human body begins to age after 25 years. Most often, wrinkles appear on the face, one of the most exposed parts of the body. This is facilitated by unfavorable environmental conditions and too vivid expression of emotions: everything that lies in a person’s soul is instantly displayed on his face.

At first, barely noticeable wrinkles appear, but then there are more and more facial wrinkles. Amazingly, people who are stingy with emotions develop wrinkles later than their antipodes.

However, these are not all the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  1. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  2. uncontrolled weight loss;
  3. blindly following questionable diets;
  4. slowdown or complete cessation of collagen production;
  5. negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  6. stress;
  7. diseases of the body;
  8. Features of the climate zone: lack or excess of sunlight, heat.

To combat premature aging, cosmetologists and doctors create anti-aging creams, serums, ointments - all kinds of generics. In the beauty industry they are also called AA creams.

Such funds vary according to age category: after 30/40/50/60; by area of ​​application: from deep/expression wrinkles, to tighten the skin around the eyes, as well as to prevent loss of skin elasticity.

However, it should be remembered that the main thing about them is not the inscription “30/40+”, but the active components in the composition.

Classification of wrinkles:

Superficial (facial).

They arise as a result of active facial expressions and improper care of dry skin. Subsequently, deep creases form in the facial skin, which must be dealt with in advance using moisturizers and peeling.

Deep (static).

This type of wrinkle occurs due to a slowdown in collagen production, that is, the natural aging process of the body. This also applies to the dermis: you won’t be able to cope with it with AA creams alone. In this case, you can maintain youthful skin with the help of appropriate home procedures, as well as with the help of cosmetic services.

More details about the causes of wrinkles, their types and ways to combat them in the video:

The best remedies for facial wrinkles in 2019.

Currently, there are many anti-aging products being launched, and each has its own composition. You should not take their choice lightly, judging by the cover and without delving into what is written on the wrapper: the components of a particular drug have different effects on human skin. For those with dry skin, an AA cream with one composition is suitable, for those with oily skin - with another. An incorrectly selected remedy can only aggravate the situation. The best option is to consult a dermatologist before use, because each product has its own advantages, disadvantages, and contraindications.

Luxury anti-wrinkle creams for the face.


This intensively regenerating concentrate is suitable for women over 45 years of age, as well as for all skin types.

The innovative technology of upward restoration is that the lifeless cells at the base of wrinkles are replaced with new, healthy ones, with collagen. This is facilitated by a special ingredient in all products of the American beauty company - soy polypeptides. Women who used this cream noted positive effects within a month after use.

However, this Clinique product is not only an AA cream, it is also an EE cream. The concentrate contains reflective particles, which, when placed on the skin, make it radiant and silky after the first use. In addition, wrinkles become invisible.

The cream has a light, pleasant texture. It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving an oily sheen.

It is recommended to use the cream-serum twice a day (morning and evening), applying to the necessary areas of cleansed skin. Can be used in conjunction with other anti-aging and moisturizing products.

  1. the presence of a muscle relaxant;
  2. economical consumption of funds;
  3. can be used as a base for makeup.

Average price: 4300 rubles.

This product is not quite a cream, but rather a cream-gel. Its peculiarity is the presence of a 10% concentration of glycolic acid, a hydroxy acid that promotes the production of collagen and renewal of the dermis. This concentration is harmless to the skin and the body as a whole.

Cream-gel is one of the professional products: it can be bought either in relevant stores or in beauty salons.

The drug not only smoothes wrinkles, filling them with collagen, and removes the stratum corneum, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin of the face.

  1. presence of a convenient dispenser:
  2. safe for use at home;
  3. noticeable positive skin changes;
  4. able to cope with static and superficial wrinkles.
  1. difficult to obtain;
  2. price;
  3. It is also necessary to use a product with a high sun protection factor.

Average price: 4500 rubles.


This cream is recommended for daily facial skin care after 45 years, during menopause in women.

Vichy's product is a double-action cream. It has two actions:

  1. stimulation and renewal of skin cell renewal;
  2. increase in skin density.

Due to this, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin. The oval contour of the face becomes clearer, the skin looks fresh, moisturized and tightened. The visible effect occurs within a month after use.

  1. smoothes wrinkles;
  2. suitable for sensitive skin care;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. a whole line of Vichy Neoval products >Disadvantages:
  1. quick consumption (daily care) at a rather high cost;
  2. The cream is in a jar (but there is also an option in a tube).

Average price: 2100 rubles.


This pharmaceutical cream contains retinol (vitamin A), making it suitable for correcting wrinkles in dry, sensitive skin.

The active component is retinaldehyde, which is converted into vitamin A directly in the dermis. This makes the product especially effective. The texture of the cream is light and delicate. With regular use, the skin becomes tightened and looks fresh.

Can be used as a day or night cream. However, it is necessary to use sunscreen together with the cream.

The color of the cream is orange-yellow, there is no smell.

  1. smoothes out superficial wrinkles;
  2. improves complexion;
  3. one of the most effective products with vitamin A;
  4. neutral smell;
  5. convenient applicator.
  1. high price for a small volume (30 ml);
  2. requires the use of sunscreen products.

Average price: 1550 rubles.

Luxury analogues of anti-wrinkle creams for the face.

Good products are not always expensive. The same effective AA creams are on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores with a modest price tag. Moreover, they are in no way inferior in quality to luxury cosmetics: they often contain the same active ingredients.


Active components of anti-aging products such as retinoids are not able to properly care for the skin around the eyes, but there are wrinkles there too.

Pharmacy cream from a domestic manufacturer contains only natural ingredients:

  1. wheat proteins;
  2. shea butter, soybean, olive;
  3. parsley, fucus, ginseng root, cornflower;
  4. caffeine;
  5. vitamin E

The cream fights dark circles under the eyes, moisturizes and tightens the skin, smoothing out facial wrinkles. Has a pleasant gel texture.

  1. light texture;
  2. Can be used as a base for makeup;
  3. saturates the skin with vitamins, tightens and tones;
  4. cheaper than luxury AA creams.
  1. does not affect static wrinkles.

Average price: 440 rubles.


Laura is a manufacturer of inexpensive anti-aging cosmetics. Their cream is suitable for all skin types.

However, women who use them either scold him or praise him, despite the rather good composition. The cream contains tripeptides (in second place in the list of ingredients after water), moisturizing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, panthenol, and glycerin. But there is one controversial component - wild yam extract. Of course, it is harmless to the skin, but its beneficial effects on the skin have not been proven in clinical trials.

The cream has a good composition for facial skin care, but its help in combating age-related changes can only be seen with individual use.

  1. acceptable composition;
  2. low price;
  3. widespread availability in pharmacies.
  1. recommended to use together with Laura tablets (Before use, you must consult a specialist);
  2. dubious effect.

Average price: 380 rubles.


This cream, released recently, is suitable for any skin type.
It has an excellent composition, it includes 7 oils that are beneficial for the skin:

  1. passionflower seed oil;
  2. peach;
  3. pistachio;
  4. olive;
  5. sunflower;
  6. sesame;
  7. grape seed.

It also contains chamomile extract and skin moisturizing components. The product has a pleasant natural aroma, has a non-greasy texture and is quickly absorbed. It will be an excellent product for daily care of skin with wrinkles: at least they will become less noticeable.

  1. decent composition;
  2. light texture;
  3. price;
  4. Suitable for any skin type.
  1. jar packaging;
  2. It is not a remedy against deep wrinkles.

Average price: 100 rubles.


A domestic manufacturer produces a toning, rejuvenating cream for the skin around the eyes.

Despite its apparent simplicity and unpretentiousness, it has an incredibly strong effect and can be considered a worthy AA cream. It contains a natural anti-aging component, echinacea extract, and a natural tonic, ginseng root extract. In addition, the composition contains olive and avocado oils, vitamins A and E.

The cream has a moisturizing, tightening effect, and fights dark bags under the eyes.