How to get rid of internal pimple on chin quickly

The most painful pimples that appear on the face and body are boils. The inflammatory process occurs under the skin and the pus does not come out.

Therefore, these rashes take a long time to mature and can leave behind spots or scars. It is possible to cure an unpleasant pathology. A dermatologist will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

What it is

Internal acne on the chin is the result of blocked sebaceous glands. The medical name for this type of acne is furuncle; a disease with multiple rashes on the face or body is furunculosis.

The inflammation is deep under the skin and takes up to two weeks to mature. Externally it appears as a red or yellowish tubercle without a rod. Subcutaneous acne begins with a small induration, the site of inflammation reacts sharply to touch.

The rash causes a lot of inconvenience: it takes a long time to mature and go away, and is difficult to treat. On problem skin, a large number of bumps may appear, which form a solid red sheet.


Treatment of external manifestations of internal acne is not effective. Cosmetics are not able to eliminate blockage of the sebaceous glands in the deep layers of the skin.

To get rid of problem skin, you need to understand what causes rashes.

  1. oily skin: excessive secretion of sebaceous glands;
  2. changes in hormonal levels in women: pregnancy, menopause, the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  3. blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  4. disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. failure of hair follicle growth: hyperkeratinization;
  6. diseases of the endocrine system;
  7. hyperhidrosis;
  8. poor nutrition: fatty, sweet, smoked foods, alcohol consumption;
  9. hypothermia;
  10. allergic reaction: to medications, cosmetics, household chemicals, food;
  11. lack of skin care;
  12. avitaminosis.

If subcutaneous pimples occur regularly and form a cluster of inflammation, you should think about the presence of some internal diseases. The localization of boils on the chin indicates inflammation or dysfunction of the ovaries.

The accumulation of toxins and waste in the body not only spoils the condition of the organs, but also manifests itself externally in the form of purulent inflammation.

Types and their features

As a result of the formation of purulent inflammation in the skin cells, boils appear in women and men. Internal acne is divided into types. Each differs in severity, ripening time, size and color.

The form distinguishes between the chronic and acute nature of the rash. In the first case, the patient constantly suffers from subcutaneous inflammation, scars and pits form on the skin. In the second case, the disease goes away after proper treatment.


A large boil on the chin occurs very often and can reach 2 cm in size. Maturation is long and accompanied by growing pain. Sometimes several small pimples merge into one and develop into a purulent cyst.

Also, advanced acne of this type can be treated surgically. The extraction of pus takes place in a cosmetology or doctor's office. The boil is cut and the wound is carefully treated.


If you notice a small rash on your chin, be sure to consult a dermatologist. This symptom may indicate the onset of perioral dermatitis, or an allergic reaction to cosmetics.

In an internal pimple, the inflammatory process can last up to several weeks, during which time the boil does not hurt. It looks like a colorless tubercle about 2 mm in size.

The rash can be treated with professional peeling or medicated masks prescribed by a doctor. It is also recommended to visit a cosmetologist every six months, who will perform vacuum or mechanical cleansing of the skin.

To use Vishnevsky ointment for acne on the face. Click on the link.


White pimples occur due to the accumulation of sebaceous secretions, which, after the bacteria multiply, form a knot. Improper mechanical impact on them can provoke new inflammations, the formation of large boils and cysts.

Treatment takes place in a cosmetology salon. Where the specialist uses a sterile syringe needle to remove the dense contents of the pimple. If cleaning can be done by hand, the cosmetologist works with gloves and a sterile bandage.

Video: Getting rid of subcutaneous acne

How to treat internal acne on the chin

Do not ignore rashes on the chin, especially if they hurt and become inflamed in the deep layers of the skin. The pus cannot come out and the bacteria develop, spreading to new areas.

The main goals of treating internal acne on the chin:

  1. reduce the volume of sebaceous gland secretions;
  2. eliminate foci of inflammation, clearing them of pus;
  3. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous gland ducts;
  4. reduce the likelihood of spreading infection.

In addition to salon procedures with peeling and facial cleansing, a dermatologist can prescribe treatment at home. This method of therapy will be the most effective. You will get rid of the rash and prevent its reappearance.

Medicinal ointments are used to treat small and inflamed subcutaneous pimples.

It's better not to choose the product yourself.

  1. Zinc ointment. The product eliminates the inflammatory process, has an antibacterial effect, reduces pore clogging and the formation of new acne.
  2. Baneocin. With the help of the ointment, inflammation and pain are eliminated, it actively affects internal acne. However, it contains antibiotics, so it should be used spot-on and not for long.
  3. Ichthyol. The ointment is applied daily until the rash disappears completely. However, an allergic reaction may occur from using the product, so you should monitor your skin condition.
  4. Curiosin. Hormonal drug for long-term use. After a course of therapy, the patient will forget about skin problems for a long time. Use without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. Apply to inflamed areas. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, regenerates and heals damaged skin.

Tetracycline, heparin, sulfur ointment and a homeopathic remedy based on calendula are also used to treat subcutaneous inflammation. Local therapy can eliminate the initial stage of acne.

An effective remedy

Many women and men who are prone to acne are interested in how to get rid of internal acne quickly. Ozone therapy will help the boil to mature.

This method acts on the inflamed area with oxygen.

As a result, the patient observes:

  1. elimination of pain;
  2. resorption of edema;
  3. eliminating redness;
  4. no scars, scars or blemishes after the procedure;
  5. complete disappearance of the boil after a few hours.

With complex therapy with ozone and medications, the patient will be able to forget about subcutaneous acne. After recovery, you should follow skin care rules and a special diet.

Is it possible to squeeze out

Squeezing out a subcutaneous pimple will be very problematic. With this procedure at home, you can cause an infection and cause the spread of pus to other areas of the skin.

If you manage to get rid of the inflammation, a scar and a dark spot will remain in place of the acne. Mechanical impact on the boil will extend its maturation time to two weeks.


To effectively treat the problem and completely eliminate skin rashes, in addition to drug treatment, a diet is prescribed. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Fatty, sweet, rich foods increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Limit your consumption or completely remove smoked meats, sausages, and processed foods from your diet. Drink more purified water.

Proper care

For skin care, purchase special cosmetics. With the help of a cosmetologist, you can choose the appropriate brand and type of cosmetics.

Follow the main steps:

  1. cleansing with gels, foams, soaps;
  2. drying and disinfecting wounds and inflammations with lotion and tonic;
  3. moisturizing cream;
  4. peeling with a mask or scrub (no more than 3 times a week).

Instead of lotion or tonic, you can wipe cleansed skin with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, thyme, calendula. Tinctures and ointments are also used for spot drying of acne.

Photos before and after

How to get rid of acne on the nose at home? The answer is here.

How to get rid of acne using ointments? Click go.

Therefore, if boils appear frequently, you should seek help from a specialist. By treating your skin once and following your doctor’s preventative recommendations, you will no longer encounter acne.

Various rashes often cause severe discomfort to a person. Subcutaneous acne on the chin not only looks unpleasant, but also causes pain. They can appear at any age in both men and women. It is impossible to say exactly right away what exactly caused the disease and how to quickly cure a painful rash. It is necessary to first identify the cause and provoking factors, and only then begin therapy. In some cases, consultation with specialists is required: a dermatologist, endocrinologist or gynecologist. Only a doctor knows exactly how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the chin.

Causes of rash in men and women

Initially, large subcutaneous pimples on the chin develop as a simple abscess: blockage of the sebaceous glands, infection by microorganisms and an inflammatory process. However, the deep layers of the skin are affected, which causes severe pain. Provoking factors include the following:

  1. Incorrect or insufficient care of the dermis. Women often use products that are inappropriate for their skin type, and many men do not take care of their facial condition at all. Contamination of the epidermis with dust or dead skin particles, as well as neglect of cleansing before bed, causes acne that looks like bumps. This can easily include the habit of touching your face with dirty hands.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. This problem often occurs during adolescence, but adults are also susceptible to hormonal rashes. Subcutaneous pimples form on the chin and with other disorders that affect hormone levels. For example, thyroid diseases or autoimmune diseases.
  3. Poor nutrition, as well as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating large amounts of unhealthy foods has a negative impact on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Malfunctions of these organs lead to a rash on the face or body.
  4. Nervous overstrain. During stress, the body produces the hormone cortisone, which is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. They begin to produce more fat, the skin gradually becomes dirty and comedones appear.
  5. Infectious diseases. Some people do not suspect that pathogens or parasites have settled in their body. Staphylococcus and subcutaneous mites are frequent guests and cause large acne on the forehead, cheeks and lips.

Why do acne appear on the chin in men? The most common reason is improper shaving. A dirty or dull razor literally tears off the epidermis and leads to infection with various microorganisms. The bacterial infection quickly spreads to healthy areas, causing a rash on the forehead, cheeks and around the nose. Poor nutrition also affects health, but this does not stop men. Many of them choose harmful products for snacking, consisting of additives, fast carbohydrates and dyes.

In children, white subcutaneous rashes mean an allergic reaction, an infectious disease or a hormonal imbalance. The norm is small nodules on the newborn’s body that go away on their own during the first week of life.

Signs and sensations

Internal rashes have distinct symptoms. When palpating, you can feel a large inflamed lump under the skin. The sensations are not entirely pleasant: there may be severe or moderate pain. Acne takes a very long time to mature; it is impossible to squeeze out a subcutaneous pimple at an early stage. Initially, redness appears on the dermis, then a thickening that grows over several days and looks like a lump. Next, an abscess may appear - it can be easily squeezed out, but this is not recommended.

Is it possible to squeeze pimples?

In most cases, it is impossible to get rid of the contents of a blackhead on your own, so the question is: “How to squeeze out a lump?” It's better to forget. Firstly, if your fingers exert a strong influence on the inflammation, a bruise may appear (a bluish spot appears near the rash, which takes a long time to disappear). Secondly, in most cases it will not be possible to squeeze out subcutaneous pimples on the chin, since they are located in the deep layers of the skin. When opened, there is a huge risk of infection and causing even greater inflammation. It is better to lightly cauterize the acne with a cotton swab dipped in iodine.

You can't squeeze pimples

If the desire to remove a pimple in this way still remains, then precautions must be taken. Be sure to wash your hands well and treat them with an antiseptic, then disinfect the dermis and the instruments that will be used for manipulation (most often a needle is used). You need to carefully pierce the skin at the site of accumulation of pus and squeeze out the contents with your fingers (with your fingers, not your nails - this is where the largest accumulation of bacteria) until blood starts to flow. Then you should treat the epidermis again with an antiseptic: you can use salicylic alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to peel off the blood crust, otherwise a mark will remain.

Treatment methods

Fortunately, modern medicine knows how to quickly get rid of acne. It is enough to visit a dermatologist or cosmetologist, choose an effective treatment method and stick to it until the rash goes away. Sometimes a consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or gynecologist is required if a subcutaneous pimple has formed on the chin and a lump has appeared due to diseases of the internal organs. You will definitely need to take blood and urine tests, and sometimes you will need to undergo other examinations, for example, an ultrasound.

Drug therapy

They use medications that normalize the level of estrogens or antiandrogens in case of hormonal imbalances; they should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Women are often prescribed oral contraceptives, which restore the level of female hormones and successfully combat rashes on the face or back. The most effective are Trimaran, Jess, Estrostep. You can also try hormone replacement therapy, but it should not be used without consulting a gynecologist.

If there is an infection and inflammatory process in the body, a course of antibiotics, antiviral or antibacterial drugs is required. Enterosorbents are prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to rid the body of toxins. All medications are prescribed individually for each patient, as is the duration of treatment. Drinking them yourself is also not recommended, despite reviews. Each of the medications has contraindications and side effects that are important to consider.

If the problem is not chronic and has a mild form, then you can get by with topical medications. An effective remedy is Baziron AS gel. It contains benzoyl peroxide, which perfectly cleanses the dermis, helps tighten pores and relieve inflammation. In addition, the product is aimed at destroying bacteria, so it can be used for skin infections. Should be used no more than 2 times a day, applying to a specific area or a single rash.

The second proven remedy is Zinerit solution based on erythromycin and zinc. Clindovit, Dalatsin or Tetracycline have a similar effect. You should be careful when using such drugs. It is necessary to use them strictly according to the instructions and not to treat them for longer than the recommended time. Bacteria quickly develop immunity to the components of the products, so they stop helping.

To treat subcutaneous acne on the chin and nose, retinoids are often prescribed to help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This component is found in many local medications, for example, Differin, Clenzit or Effezel. Among anti-inflammatory drugs, it is recommended to use Metrogyl gel, which relieves swelling, reduces pain and redness. Acne can be wiped with antiseptics: salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. There is no need to apply it all over the face; you should spot disinfect the affected areas. This can be done at night or several times a day, but the products can dry out the dermis.

If the acne “sits” under the skin for a long time, and the white head is not visible, then it is possible to use products that will draw out the pus. Available products will help remove a subcutaneous pimple: Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol. It is enough to apply the drug in the form of an application and leave it for a while.

Alternative ways to combat rashes

How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the chin and body? To do this, you can seek help from cosmetologists who will select the most suitable method. Many of them can be done during inflammation, and some can only be done during remission. The most effective:

  1. Laser therapy. It seems that everyone knows this method, since they use it for many problems. Scars, scars, post-acne, painful formations, wrinkles - all this can be corrected by laser skin resurfacing. The laser beam evaporates pus and reduces inflammation, and also helps destroy bacteria. After the procedure, redness appears, which quickly passes, leaving smooth skin without rashes or marks. Treatment of advanced acne requires several sessions.
  2. Cryotherapy. It has a positive result in bacterial infections, since most pathogens die at low temperatures. After the procedure, you can notice how your face has smoothed out and acquired an even tone.
  3. Mesotherapy. It can be used both during exacerbation and during remission. A special solution of drugs is injected into the epidermis. Do not be afraid of the session - the mixture is injected with a very thin needle, which does not cause severe pain. Depending on the problem, various medications are used: for inflammation, viruses and infections, or for the prevention of rashes.
  4. Ozone therapy. Used both for the treatment and prevention of acne. The affected areas are treated with ozone and oxygen, due to which bacteria die and the skin returns to normal.
  5. Chemical peeling. It is not advisable to use such methods during exacerbations of the rash. It is better to use it before or after the inflammatory process. Peels allow you to quickly remove the stratum corneum and free the ducts of the sebaceous glands from impurities.

Laser skin resurfacing

From traditional medicine, it is recommended to make compresses from aloe. To do this, you need to cut a leaf of the plant, peel it and apply it to the inflamed area. Secure with a bandage, leave overnight, and remove the compress in the morning. Another effective compress is a decoction of birch buds. Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of the raw material, leave for 30 minutes, moisten a cotton pad and apply to painful subcutaneous pimples.

It is recommended to take traditional medicines orally in the form of decoctions or herbal teas so that the rash goes away. One of the simple but effective recipes is a collection of herbs brewed with boiling water. You need to take 1 teaspoon each of plantain, rose hips, linden and nettle, mix and brew with a glass of hot water. Leave to infuse for 20–40 minutes, then strain. Drink half a glass once a day before meals.

Before an important event in life, you want to look perfect. But emerging subcutaneous acne darkens life. It is possible to get rid of them using a specially selected product or even using folk recipes. They will help make acne not only less noticeable, which will allow you to hide it with corrector or powder, but also completely eliminate it in the shortest possible time.

Ways to get rid of acne

Inflamed formations on the face are an unpleasant phenomenon that is noticeable to others. There is no way to hide it with clothes, a headscarf, a scarf, or even carelessly styled hair. Fortunately, there are many ways to help deal with acne much easier. In addition, to carry out this process, improvised means are used, which are found in every home.

Under no circumstances should such a formation be squeezed out, as this will worsen the situation.

As a result, inflammation may occur, which will take a very long time to resolve. But the situation is much more serious when, as a result of squeezing, the infection enters the wound, which often leads to blood poisoning.

Opening an abscess can only be performed by a doctor who uses sterile instruments.

To get rid of pimples, there are the following simple and effective ways:

  1. A solution of salicylic acid is highly effective in combating annoying acne. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy. It not only effectively dries, but also fights pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. A one or two percent solution of salicylic acid is applied to the epidermis. The procedure is carried out no more than twice a day.
  2. Bodyagi powder effectively cleanses pores and dries out irritations. It is diluted with boiled water and applied to the face for literally fifteen minutes. After this time, it is necessary to wash off the solution. The skin may suddenly turn red, so the product cannot be used in case of an emergency fight against annoying acne. Bodyaga not only effectively removes inflammation, but also exfoliates and cleanses the skin.
  3. Subcutaneous pimples on the forehead, cheeks or chin require a special approach, so to get rid of them it is more advisable to undergo a course of treatment procedures. For example, this could be darsonvalization, which uses a device that generates high-frequency impulses.
  4. Chamomile infusion, which is used to apply compresses to problem areas of the face, has a gentle effect on the skin. The procedure is carried out only with a heated agent. It is more advisable to treat the entire face, since the plant has an antiseptic effect, which will prevent the spread of the inflammatory process. Its safety has long been proven, so such compresses are allowed to be applied to the face several times a day.
  5. Clay-based masks are also beneficial, as they not only relieve inflammation, but also dry out pimples. This will remove redness, making it much easier to disguise acne with cosmetics. Clay is able to draw out impurities that caused inflammation. For this purpose, you should not purchase expensive masks; ordinary cosmetic clay packaged in bags is enough. It is diluted with warm water until it becomes sour cream. Once the product is ready, it should be immediately applied to the face and left for fifteen minutes. It is advisable to wait until it dries, and then simply wash off the cosmetic clay with warm water.
  6. Ozone therapy will help get rid of multiple subcutaneous acne. The procedure not only speeds up recovery, but also does not leave scars at the site of treatment.

The methods really work, but in order not to torment yourself with the question of how to urgently eliminate pimples, it will be more effective to engage in prevention. To this end, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, give preference to a healthy diet and care for delicate and sensitive skin every day.

How to eliminate acne in an hour

Situations often arise when urgent help is required, for example, if an appointment is scheduled in an hour, but there is no time to look for medications. To get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face at home quickly and effectively, you can try the following remedies:

  1. Regular toothpaste, which is applied to acne areas and left for an hour. If time allows, the product can remain on the skin longer. After this, simply wash off with warm water. The effect is due to the fact that blood flow to the site of inflammation is activated, which leads to a reduction in the size of acne. You should not use toothpaste too often, as it can cause burns.
  2. An ice cube is applied to the pimple, which effectively removes redness, making it easier to cover up the acne. The cold is not able to get rid of the problem, but at the first manifestations the procedure will be effective.
  3. Aspirin, which is crushed and mixed with water, also works great. The product is applied pointwise and allowed to dry.
  4. Honey is a natural antiseptic that fights infection and promotes healing. To do this, rub it into the problem area and leave for thirty minutes. After this time, wash off with warm boiled water.
  5. Honey can be mixed with cinnamon or lemon, which enhances the effect of a natural antiseptic.

But all these methods fight the manifestation, not the root cause, so more often than not, effective treatment will be required.

Getting rid of subcutaneous pimples overnight

If there is enough time for treatment, then achieving a positive effect from it will not be difficult. But, when the result is needed in the morning, you can use the recipes listed below. They will help get rid of subcutaneous pimples overnight.

This is interesting! Some women use lavender oil to combat acne, which not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps restore the condition of the skin. To do this, apply a drop of the natural product to the pimple and leave it overnight.

Despite the fact that alcohol has a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis, there is a method that is very popular - alcohol tincture of iodine. You can use it if there is not much acne. Apply the composition pointwise and leave overnight. As a rule, iodine is quickly absorbed and no traces of its use remain in the morning.

If funds allow, you can use not only traditional methods, but also cosmetic preparations. For this purpose, you should not purchase medications containing alcohol, as it dries the skin, causing additional negative symptoms.

The safest remedy is zinc ointment, which eliminates redness and destroys pathogenic bacteria, while drying the epidermis. If you apply it only to the affected areas, the bumps in the morning transform into small spots that can be easily dealt with by foundation or powder. Vishnevsky’s ointment is also highly effective, with which the lump is lubricated and covered with a sterile bandage, folded several times, and secured on top with an adhesive plaster.

If there is pus in a pimple on the chin or on another part of the face, this is the first sign of a bacterial infection.

To solve the problem, you will need to use topical antibiotics, for example:

  1. Tetracycline ointment.
  2. Metrogil.
  3. Zenerite.
  4. Erythromycin ointment.
  5. Levomekol.
  6. Levomycetin.

They easily cope with microorganisms, preventing their reproduction.

Attention! Despite the fact that the products quickly alleviate the skin condition, literally after the first use, to completely destroy pathogenic microbes it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which usually lasts for at least a week.

How to prevent acne from appearing

Acne, especially subcutaneous acne, is easier to prevent than to try to eliminate it later. This requires regular skin care, which includes the following:

  1. washing twice a day with boiled water;
  2. Before applying makeup, hands should be thoroughly washed;
  3. If possible, change bed linen and pillowcases more often;
  4. any cosmetics should be removed before going to bed;
  5. avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on delicate facial skin;
  6. get rid of additional bacterial infections by wiping your phones with antibacterial wipes daily;
  7. once a week, use a peeling or scrub that exfoliates the epithelium;
  8. after cleansing procedures, the skin must be moisturized with special products;
  9. do not abuse alcoholic beverages.

The main rule of any dermatologist: do not touch your face with dirty hands, as this leads to infection, and do not squeeze pimples.

A similar situation is with blackheads, which most often appear on the chin.

It is better to cope with excess oily skin using mattifying wipes rather than powder.

Diet and the foods themselves play a special role in the frequency of pimples. If you constantly experience unpleasant acne on your face, you should think about periodically cleansing the body with products such as Activated Charcoal or Lactofiltrum.

Subcutaneous acne worries not only teenagers, but also adults, and dealing with them is not so easy. You can use safe folk methods, but if an urgent solution to the problem is required, it is better to resort to more radical means.