The mole turned red after removal

A mark on the body in the form of a mole is a formation that appears at birth and remains with a person throughout life. It is variable in color, size, and type. In normal condition, the spot does not hurt or cause discomfort. If it interferes or changes externally, this indicates the need to eliminate it. Many patients complain that after removing a mole, a red spot remains. What this means will be discussed in the material.

Why does a spot appear after mole removal?

Specks at the site of moles are formed as a result of procedures performed by a doctor on the skin. They do not depend on the method of therapy used. The following circumstances are identified as key factors of pigmentation.


  1. Scale of growth. Penetration depth. The occurrence of relapse depends on the size of the mole. The larger it is, the greater the likelihood of a scar and pigmentation.
  2. Method of liquidation. With laser therapy, the likelihood of a relapse is reduced, since during the manipulation the deep layers of the skin are not affected. With a surgical strategy, the possibility of formation of red spots increases.
  3. Irrational care. After surgery to remove the growth, there are restrictions that the patient must observe. For example, avoid exposure to the sun and do not wet the wound. If this norm is neglected, the risks are aggravated.

If all aspects are violated, the wound changes, which is fraught with postoperative complications.

What is considered normal

In the area in which removal measures were carried out, a crust forms after the operation. What happens underneath is called the granulation process. Over several hour periods, there is a possibility of redness and swelling of the resulting wound. The crust peels off on days 7-14. It is important that it is eliminated on its own. To avoid the process of infection and the appearance of a scar, it is prohibited to rip it off.

As soon as the crust comes off, after 10 days a speck of a reddish or pinkish hue may form in the area of ​​the removed mark. This is not a reason to worry. Young skin appears at the site of the wound. During the peeling of the crust, great care must be taken to avoid exposing the area to solar radiation. This circumstance can be explained by the fact that young skin has not yet undergone final formation. Therefore, the skin pigment melanin instantly accumulates on it.

If rational care is provided, the red spot becomes lighter, and after 20 days it becomes barely noticeable. Discomfort in the area of ​​surgical intervention or other form of destruction may occur 4-5 weeks after the procedure. 3-4 months after the manipulation, complete rehabilitation and restoration of the skin occurs.


It is important to know! The larger the area the doctor involved during the operation, the longer the regeneration process takes.

What should you be wary of?

After surgery aimed at destroying the tumor, there is a risk of complications. Such difficulties are rare, but require detailed knowledge of them.

Inflammatory process

In case of excessive pain and swelling of the spot after removal of the growth, it makes sense to talk about inflammatory processes in the tissue area. In a number of situations, the occurrence of pain is normal, since during the operation the doctor injured tissue structures and nerve endings. Once the area heals, the pain and swelling will go away.

If pain continues in the treated area, even after healing, or the area swells, this is a reason to immediately contact a doctor.


If during the operation the rules of disinfection were ignored, or the wound surface was not properly cared for, suppuration will form in the area of ​​the removed spot.

To talk about it, there must be 4 signs that make themselves felt simultaneously:

  1. swelling,
  2. pain,
  3. pus,
  4. hyperemia.

If the patient finds slight swelling or redness, this does not mean that an abscess has formed. There is no need to worry if a certain volume of yellowish liquid is released from under the crust. The only thing that should alert you is the formation of a whitish liquid with a thick consistency (pus).

It is important to know! In order to prevent suppuration, you should adhere to strict medical recommendations, and in case of complications, consult a doctor.

Reappearance of a mole

If a lump appears or an identical spot appears, it means that the formation cells were not completely eliminated and remained in the skin. In the area of ​​the operation, slight pigmentation is often observed, which has dimensional characteristics of 1-3 mm.

If during histological examination it was confirmed that this is an ordinary birthmark, then this does not lead to complications and does not provoke the development of a cancerous tumor. There are two ways to solve the problem - leave it as is and continuously monitor the condition of the skin area, or remove it again.

If the removal procedure did not involve a histological examination, and a speck has formed in the elimination zone, it should be excised with a scalpel. Excised samples of tissue structures are sent for histological examination.

Hypertrophic scar

When removing a nevus without preliminary or accompanying histological examination, you should contact a specialist. This is especially true in practical situations when symptoms of hypertrophy have developed in the form of redness and thickening. If histology does not reveal a malignant component, there is no need to panic, even if the formation itches and hurts. Most likely, after a few months the alarming symptoms will disappear.

It is important to know! The formation of a reddish or pinkish spot at the site of destruction should not worry if the study (histology) did not show anything bad or alarming.

Prevention of complications

To prevent the tubercle from appearing again, it is recommended to follow preventive rules.

  1. Avoid exposure to direct UV radiation after surgery.
  2. Do not wet the site of destruction.
  3. Boost immune defense naturally (HLS).
  4. Avoid injury to damaged areas.

Compliance with such tactics will prevent complications and improve the patient’s overall health.

Healing time

Based on the technique used to remove the formation, size and nature of the nevus, the healing procedure lasts from a couple of days to a couple of weeks or months. The duration of the rehabilitation stage is directly related to the rational choice of the method and level of qualification of the specialist, the quality of the work done and the degree of compliance with the basic conditions that are necessary for carrying out certain procedures.

When choosing laser treatment tactics, the healing process is completed after 5-7 days. If liquid nitrogen or electric current is used, the duration is 7-10 days. If the surgical route has been chosen, rehabilitation traditionally takes from two weeks to a month or more.

There are several factors that can have a direct impact on this period:

  1. addition of an infectious process during the postoperative period;
  2. irrational care of the wound site formed during treatment;
  3. incorrect direction of the resulting cut;
  4. disruption of connective tissue and its fibers.

Thus, removing a birthmark is a process that involves several tactics and the likelihood of certain consequences. A competent approach to its implementation is a guarantee of health and immediate rehabilitation.


Mole removal is a simple and common procedure. Modern cosmetology and medicine make it possible to get rid of almost any unwanted and dangerous neoplasms on the face, body and mucous membranes. However, despite the large selection of removal methods, the procedure remains “conditionally surgical,” that is, it is carried out with a violation of the integrity of the tissue. Therefore, it is important to ensure proper wound care after such an intervention to avoid complications. We'll talk about possible complications below.

When should you delete?

In most cases, nevus is a benign skin tumor that does not require additional outside intervention. Under unfavorable conditions, injury, hormonal imbalances in the body or after serious illnesses, moles can degenerate into malignant tumors. The first signs of such degeneration are:

  1. rapid growth of tumors;
  2. pain, itching, peeling;
  3. bleeding;
  4. changes in color and shape.

If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor - a dermatologist or oncologist.

Another indication for removal is that the nevus is not aesthetically pleasing. If the mole is large and located on an open area of ​​the body, then most likely it causes some discomfort.

How to get rid of nevi?

The most modern and popular method is laser coagulation of moles. The latest technologies make it possible to get rid of tumors of any size and from any part of the body. The laser, penetrating the epidermis, affects the nevus without damaging the surrounding tissue. The procedure takes a few minutes and is comfortable and painless for the patient.

After the procedure, the wound heals quite quickly, about 5-6 days. Since skin damage is minimal, long-term recovery is not required. The laser leaves a dark crust at the site of the nevus; after a week it disappears without a trace.


Another method of getting rid of moles is surgical excision. It has been used for many decades. And today it is offered to patients only in the presence of large tumors. The operation involves a long recovery, up to 2 weeks. Since in this case there is a lot of damage to the skin, stitches are applied, and the tissue takes longer to heal. Pain, swelling and redness are normal post-operative reactions. After healing, a scar forms.

The third most popular method for removing nevi is electrocoagulation. Cauterization of moles is carried out using current. The procedure is painful. Healing lasts for 10 days. After cauterization, a brown crust forms, which will fall off on its own. There is a possibility of tissue scarring.

How to care for the wound after removal?

The main condition for rapid and proper tissue regeneration after mole removal is compliance with all doctor’s recommendations. For 7-10 days, follow the following care rules:

  1. do not peel off the scab from the wound;
  2. treat it with a solution of manganese, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide;
  3. to speed up rehabilitation, can be lubricated with healing ointments;
  4. refrain from taking baths;
  5. do not apply cosmetics to the removal site;
  6. avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and do not visit the solarium;
  7. do not scratch or scratch the wound;
  8. do not drink alcohol.

Failure to follow these recommendations may result in unpleasant consequences.

Possible complications

Complications can occur if the wound is poorly and poorly cared for after nevus removal. When an infection occurs, when a crust is torn off from the removal site, or when a mole is excised unprofessionally.


If the procedure was performed using a laser, then in most cases there are no marks or scars left on the skin. In the first days, skin damage and redness will be visible, which will gradually disappear and the skin will take on a healthy appearance. If the mole was small in size, then you will not even be able to determine where it was exactly. The main rule is not to peel off the crust that covers the wound; it should fall off on its own.

A red scar may remain after surgical removal, as well as due to improper care after surgery. However, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, there will be no noticeable scars left on the skin. Typically, specialists prescribe absorbable ointments, as well as creams for rapid tissue regeneration.


Redness of the skin in the area of ​​excision is common. It indicates that the healing process is underway. The redness will subside in a few days. If the redness does not go away for a long time, and inflammation and swelling appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps there was an infection in the wound.


Most often, the scar hurts after surgery, in this case pain is a normal condition, since the tissues and nerve endings are damaged and require time to heal. However, if throbbing pain appears, with redness and swelling, you should consult a doctor, as these may be signs of an inflammatory process.


After removal with a scalpel, a tubercle may appear at the site of the mole; it is called infiltration. It develops due to severe tissue damage and poor skin regeneration. The lump may be filled with lymph fluid and blood. When it appears, wound healing stops. As a rule, a non-inflammatory infiltrate can resolve on its own within a few weeks. However, there are tubercles of an inflammatory nature. They cause discomfort, pain, swelling and redness. If you notice an incipient inflammatory process, be sure to seek medical help.


In some cases, a small pit may appear on the skin after the laser procedure. After a few months, the skin will begin to smooth out and the hole will heal on its own. Healing usually takes up to 6 months.


Experts note that an increase in temperature is possible in individual cases. This is how the body reacts to a stressful situation and tissue damage. If the temperature persists for several days and the excision site turns red, you should consult a doctor, as these are symptoms of infection.


Itching is often a common occurrence during wound healing and scar formation. However, if it is accompanied by redness, pain, swelling, or fever, then you should see a doctor.


This complication indicates that dirt, germs or infection have entered the wound; either they were introduced during surgery, or with blood flow from inflammatory foci existing in the body, or due to improper care of the wound. An abscess may be accompanied by swelling and redness. It is best to see a doctor to remove the pus and clean the wound. He will be able to determine the cause of the pus and also prescribe the necessary medications.


Hypopigmentation is a white patch. It manifests itself when deep-lying nevi are cut out from the skin. This defect goes away on its own within 6-12 months.


Hyperpigmentation at the site of the mole occurs due to strong and long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, doctors do not recommend staying in the sun for a long time or visiting a solarium after laser removal of tumors.

Moles (nevi) are benign formations on the skin containing a large number of pigment cells (melanocytes). They vary in shape, size, color, and can be congenital or appear throughout life.

There are potentially dangerous types of nevi that can degenerate into malignant neoplasms. The triggering factor is often their damage, so if a mole is located in an unfortunate place where it is constantly injured, it must be gotten rid of. If birthmarks on the face and visible parts of the body spoil the appearance, cause self-doubt and problems in communication, they are also removed.

Brief overview of operation methods

  1. Laser coagulation is a modern technique for removing birthmarks using a laser beam that acts locally. Suitable for small nevi on exposed areas of the body and face. With laser coagulation, the risk of complications and scar formation is minimal.
  2. Cryodestruction is the destruction of the nevus with liquid nitrogen, cell death occurs under the influence of low temperature. Used for superficial moles. It is not used on the face, since it is not possible to regulate the depth of exposure, and there is a risk of damage to healthy tissue.
  3. Electrocoagulation – burning out a mole with an electrical current. Bloodless method, after healing there may be scars.
  4. The radio wave method (Surgitron device) is a modern method that is not inferior in efficiency to laser removal; it is possible to remove surface formation layer-by-layer and cut out a larger area using a tungsten filament. A significant advantage is the ability to take material for research.
  5. Surgical removal is the oldest traumatic method. It is used for large tumors and when there is doubt about the benignity of the mole. After excision, the material is sent for analysis to the laboratory. Cosmetic stitches are applied to the wound. It takes a long time to heal - at least 3 weeks. After surgical excision, a scar always remains.

Moles require careful treatment, therefore, before getting rid of them, you should understand for yourself all the possible consequences of removing moles.

What affects the outcome of the operation

The consequences of mole removal are affected by:

  1. Features of the neoplasm itself - the deeper the mole is located, and the larger it is, the greater the likelihood of scar formation.
  2. Removal method - each of them has its own indications, features, advantages and disadvantages. Scars rarely form after laser coagulation, but always after surgical excision. Benign moles are removed using gentle methods. If malignant changes are suspected, the method of choice is surgery.
  3. Qualification of a doctor - a specialist must know how to determine the nature of the neoplasm, exclude the possibility of malignant degeneration, master the appropriate diagnostic techniques, based on this, choose the optimal method for eliminating the birthmark, and have experience in carrying out such manipulations.
  4. Congenital characteristics of the human body - there is a category of people prone to scar formation.
  5. The patient’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations regarding the wound care regimen during the postoperative period.

Features of the early postoperative period

What consequences after mole removal are considered normal:

  1. Pain on the first day after the procedure - it can be aching, twitching, and have varying intensity. Sometimes you even need to take a painkiller.
  2. Swelling around the wound appears after 6-8 hours and lasts about a day.
  3. Increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels. The larger the volume of intervention, the more pronounced these phenomena were.
  4. The formation of a crust on the surface of the wound - it protects the skin defect from infection, and the wound heals underneath it.

Situations requiring additional treatment

Complications after mole removal occur when sterility is violated during surgery and improper care of the wound in the postoperative period:

  1. swelling of the skin around the postoperative wound, which persists for more than a day;
  2. severe pain and itching after mole removal;
  3. bloody discharge from the wound;
  4. wound suppuration;
  5. fever that lasts more than a day after the procedure.

In this case, you need to run to the doctor as fast as you can and under no circumstances self-medicate!

Features of the late postoperative period

What consequences can there be after the removal of moles in the long term? With a small superficial nevus and the correct technique for performing the procedure, no traces remain. However, sometimes the following consequences occur.

Area of ​​hypopigmentation

This white spot at the removal site occurs when deep-seated nevi are eliminated. As a rule, this defect disappears on its own within a year and a half.

Area of ​​hyperpigmentation

A spot of a darker color compared to the surrounding skin at the site of the nevus. Occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, when being in the sun after surgery without special protective equipment.

Retracted scar

It occurs when a deep-lying neoplasm is eliminated and the patient’s skin has a low innate ability to regenerate. As a rule, it smooths out on its own after six months.

Convex scar

Remains when a large area of ​​skin is surgically excised; after other methods of removal, scars rarely occur. There is a category of patients who are genetically predisposed to keloidosis - the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of rough scars. As a rule, scars smooth out over time, and sometimes the doctor prescribes medications to resolve them.

Nevus recurrence

If the pathological cells are not completely destroyed, they will begin to grow again, and moles will reappear after removal. There may be redness around the extraction site. This situation requires consultation with a specialist to determine further tactics for patient management: reoperation or observation.

Progression of melanoma (skin cancer)

If you initially incorrectly determine the degree of danger of a neoplasm, skip the initial stage of a malignant disease and choose the wrong method for removing a mole, cancer cells will remain in the skin. Their number will increase and spread throughout the body, leading to an unfavorable outcome.

Melanoma is a dangerous and aggressive cancer. Therefore, birthmarks can only be removed in medical institutions: an oncology clinic or a private medical center with a good reputation.

You cannot do this in beauty salons, although sometimes they offer similar services.

Preoperative examination of the patient

Professional preoperative diagnosis is the main condition for the prevention of melanoma. The doctor first talks with the patient, then examines him: assesses the total number of birthmarks on the body, their size, contours, consistency of the neoplasm, color. Even an experienced specialist cannot always accurately determine the degree of danger of a neoplasm without additional methods.

Dermatoscopy is an examination of a nevus using 10-40x magnification, which makes it possible to examine changes on the surface of the mole with high accuracy.

If doubt remains about the benignity of the nevus, a more serious examination is prescribed, including the following methods:

  1. echography of the affected area to determine the depth of germination,
  2. radiography,
  3. local thermometry (malignant areas have a higher temperature),
  4. indication by radioactive phosphorus isotopes,
  5. puncture biopsy.

Such an examination is necessary to select the optimal removal method.

General recommendations for wound care

To avoid the negative consequences of removing moles both in the early and late postoperative periods, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations after the operation.

  1. For the first week after surgery, on the doctor’s recommendation, treat the skin defect with antiseptic agents and apply a bandage.
  2. Protect the removal site from external influences. It is recommended to wear loose clothing. The crust should not be wetted, scratched, or torn off, as this can disrupt the process of tissue regeneration and lead to the formation of a scar. You cannot use decorative cosmetics.
  3. Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna until the wound heals.
  4. After the crust falls off, an area of ​​light skin will appear. Until its color matches the color of the surrounding skin, you should not be in the sun without special sunscreens or visit a solarium. This can subsequently lead to excess pigmentation.

Healing of the skin defect after removal of the nevus lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. The duration depends on the volume of intervention. The larger the affected area, the longer the recovery process.

Removal of nevi is a common cosmetic procedure. To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences of mole removal, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the location of the operation: find reviews about the medical institution, talk with friends. In the postoperative period, follow the doctor’s recommendations for wound treatment and regimen.