Why do stretch marks appear on the skin of teenagers?

For a long time it was believed that stretch marks appear only in pregnant women and overweight people. However, stretch marks in teenagers are very common. According to statistics, 10 children out of 100 may encounter this problem during puberty.


Causes of stretch marks in teenagers

Why can girls and boys develop stretch marks? Adolescence is a time when rapid weight gain and body growth are also accompanied by a hormonal surge. Due to the fact that the skin quickly stretches, the epithelium ruptures. The result is the appearance of red and purple stripes on the teenager’s body, which are called stretch marks (striae). After some time, the color of the stretch marks changes to white, but against the background of tanned skin they are very noticeable.

Stretch marks are equally likely to appear in girls and boys. They most often occur on the abdomen, thighs, legs and butt due to increased muscle mass. In girls during this period, the mammary glands begin to grow, which contributes to the formation of stretch marks on the chest.


The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the body can be different. The main ones:

  1. A sudden weight gain or growth spurt leads to thinning of the skin and cracks. These cracks are then filled with connective tissue and red and purple stripes appear.
  2. Weight gain, caused by hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle, can also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks on the legs, thighs, butt or abdomen.
  3. A weakened immune system will sooner or later cause the skin to become less elastic and tears to occur.
  4. Heredity. The predisposition to developing stretch marks in a child can be passed on from parents. In this case, it is worth taking preventive measures as early as possible.
  5. Lack of muscle mass with rapid bone growth is the cause of the formation of stretch marks on the back. If a teenager feels pain, then it is worth seeing a doctor as soon as possible. Displacement of the vertebrae may occur.

If your child begins to grow rapidly, be sure to warn him about the possibility of stretch marks appearing on his legs, stomach or butt.

You can, for example, show a photo so that he knows what they look like and immediately turns to you the first time he appears. Explain that there is nothing wrong with this and stretch marks can be treated.

What solution do cosmetologists offer?

Having learned why stretch marks form in teenagers, you should immediately begin procedures that will help eliminate them: the sooner, the greater the chance of eliminating skin defects. You should not hope that the treatment will go quickly. As a rule, it takes more than a month. There are different methods: both traditional medicine and folk methods.

There are 3 effective methods that will help cure stretch marks:

  1. Mesotherapy is quite effective in combating skin defects, painless and safe. Using thin needles, the doctor injects drugs that speed up the skin restoration process. The procedure is usually carried out 2 times a month, and the course itself will take up to six months. It must be remembered that this type of therapy is contraindicated if the teenager has infectious and inflammatory processes.
  2. Laser resurfacing is an expensive procedure, but after the first session, some stretch marks disappear. It usually lasts for an hour, and after completion there is slight redness and burning on the thighs, legs, butt and other parts of the body. The effectiveness is very high: after a couple of weeks, all defects can be completely eliminated.
  3. Cosmetic preparations - ointments and creams that contain collagen and silicone, will also help in the fight against stretch marks, as they accelerate skin regeneration. Before use, it is necessary to check whether the child is allergic to the components of the drug.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods of combating stretch marks can be combined with folk recipes. Wraps with honey and aloe are very helpful for stretch marks on the hips, legs, butt and stomach.

You need to take 5 tablespoons of honey and aloe (porridge), mix with 100 ml of warm water and divide into 2 parts. Freeze one in an ice cube tray, and apply the other to the skin after taking a shower and wrap in film. After an hour, rinse everything off with water and wipe the skin with prepared cubes of the frozen mixture. After drying, additionally lubricate the skin with a cream containing collagen or silicone. Repeat the procedure every day for a month.

A paste of cucumbers and oatmeal, rubbed into the skin within half an hour after a shower, will also be effective.

Prevention measures

During adolescence, children react sharply to appearance problems. Therefore, it is best to try to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

  1. Try to ensure that your teenager’s diet is dominated by protein foods, which accelerate the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Moisturizing creams with collagen, massage with olive and essential oils, baths with sea salt are an excellent measure for the prevention of skin defects.
  3. It is also worth choosing a good vitamin complex.
  4. An active lifestyle is an effective preventative measure, but excessive physical activity must be avoided.

Monitor your child’s health, and then puberty will be the most comfortable for him!


In this article we discuss stretch marks in teenagers. We talk about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents on the body, chest, back, hips, legs and butt, and what treatment methods are effective to use. You will learn what to do for stretch marks in teenagers, whether they go away on their own, which doctor to see and what to apply at home.

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks, also known as stretch marks, are a kind of skin defect that appears in the form of narrow wavy stripes of different widths and has shades from white to red-violet.

Gradually, the color of the stretch marks becomes lighter and discolored, usually this can take several days, several months or years. Typically, stretch marks are localized on the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. In athletes who rapidly increase muscle mass, stretch marks may appear on the inside of the arms and shoulders.

Striae appear as a result of microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. They often occur in people with a genetic predisposition.


Striae can occur in both adults and adolescents. In adults, stretch marks usually occur due to rapid weight gain and equally rapid weight loss, as well as due to hormonal changes or pregnancy.

In adolescents, stretch marks usually appear on the body at the age of 13-15 years. They can be white, red, pink, purple or brown. The brighter the shade of stretch marks, the less time has passed since their appearance. Most often they are localized on the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs and legs.

Experts cannot name the exact factors that cause the formation of stretch marks on the skin. But among the potential reasons are:

  1. Weak immunity - a decrease in the protective functions of the body causes a violation of the turgor of the skin, which leads to micro-tears of the skin.
  2. Genetic predisposition — if among a teenager’s immediate family there are people with stretch marks, then such a child has a high probability of developing stretch marks. That is why it is important to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of their occurrence.
  3. Hormonal disorders — various disruptions in the hormonal system negatively affect human health. With hormonal imbalance, stretch marks in a teenager are usually localized on the hips and butt. Hormones are responsible for the growth of bones and tissues in height and breadth. But in some cases, the body does not keep up with these changes, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents and pregnant women. It is during adolescence and during the period of bearing a child that the body does not have time to respond correctly to hormonal changes, which leads to microtraumas of the skin.
  4. Sudden increase in height or weight - rapid increase in body weight and development of muscle tissue causes thinning of the skin.
  5. Rapid growth of mammary glands — in adolescence, active breast growth begins in girls, which causes the appearance of stretch marks in the décolleté area. Suitable dermatological therapy will help to cope with them.
  6. Muscle fiber deficiency - this leads to the development of red-blue stripes on the teenager’s back, which must be treated.
  7. Lack of collagen and elastin fibers — because of this, stretch marks on the butt often occur in teenagers. In places where fat and muscle accumulate, it is the hardest for the skin to stretch. Often, such stretch marks on the body in adolescents occur due to poor nutrition or lack of physical activity.

Will stretch marks in teenagers go away on their own? No, this is impossible, since stretch marks are a microtear in the skin, that is, a kind of scar that remains with a person for life.

Which doctor should I contact?

If stretch marks appear on the body of a teenager, you should consult a dermatologist. Depending on the condition of the skin and the location of the stretch marks, the use of special ointments, creams or vitamins, as well as the use of certain cosmetic procedures may be prescribed.

Location of stretch marks on the skin

Striae are most often located in areas of intense muscle and bone growth. In teenage girls, stretch marks appear on the hips and legs, in teenage boys - on the shoulders and arms.

Excessive consumption of cortisone steroids leads to the formation of stretch marks on the knees, thighs, abdomen, butt, legs and shoulders.

If stretch marks form in the back of the head, arms and back, then this indicates serious pathologies. Therefore, urgent consultation with a specialist is required.


Eliminating stretch marks on a teenager’s body requires a comprehensive approach. As a rule, experts prescribe the use of special creams and ointments, folk remedies or cosmetic procedures, depending on what triggered the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of a teenager. Let's take a closer look at each of the remedies.


Photo of stretch marks on a teenager's back

Creams and ointments

In cosmetology, a wide range of products are used, the action of which is aimed at eliminating teenage stretch marks. The presence of collagen, elastin, silicone and glycerin in the creams helps to increase and improve skin elasticity and prevent moisture loss.

It is recommended to reduce physical activity while using ointments and creams. But it is advisable to carry out massage sessions as often as possible, as this helps to quickly restore the skin to its previous appearance.

In order for the effect of using cosmetics to be noticeable, it is important to regularly use cream and ointment.

The most popular and effective remedies for teenage stretch marks are:

  1. Bepantol (emulsion) - perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, giving it elasticity and preventing the development of stretch marks. Judging by the reviews, this emulsion is effective for removing stretch marks on the legs and abdomen of a teenager.
  2. Mustela - a French-made cream containing natural oils and resinous substances that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and effectively deal with them.
  3. Bio-Oil - an oil that perfectly copes with stretch marks, scars and other skin defects in teenagers.
  4. Sanosan - a cosmetic product actively used by pregnant women. But it can also be used by young people. Sanosan contains natural ingredients that remove stretch marks on the hips and are effective for removing stretch marks on the chest and abdomen.
  5. Vichy - is the most suitable remedy for removing stretch marks in teenagers. The substances included in the product give the skin elasticity and lighten stretch marks. The only negative is the high cost of the cosmetic product.
  6. Avent — the effectiveness of this remedy for stretch marks has been proven by many tests. The substances included in the product are safe for the body of a teenager.

You can buy all these products at any pharmacy, specialized stores, or by going to the official manufacturer’s website.


Some vitamins are no worse than expensive creams and ointments in treating stretch marks and preventing their appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, - has a beneficial effect on the growth of bone and muscle tissue. Helps strengthen the body's protective properties and restore cells. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in dairy products, fish oil, beef liver, carrots, red rowan berries, eggs, herbs, orange vegetables and fruits.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) — gives the skin elasticity and firmness, improves immunity, takes part in the absorption of retinol and the synthesis of hormones. Present in large quantities in sunflower oil and sunflower seeds, almonds, cereals, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn and rowan.
  3. Vitamin K - takes part in blood clotting, gives the dermis elasticity and firmness. Contained in large quantities in spinach, broccoli, beef liver, Brussels sprouts, green beans, and chicken.
  4. Vitamin D — gives strength to the muscle and bone tissue of a teenager, normalizes the activity of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland. Present in cod fat and liver, fatty fish, seafood, butter, egg yolk.
  5. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - has a powerful antioxidant effect, restores elasticity and synthesizing collagen to the skin. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits, walnuts, black currants, rose hips, sweet peppers, and kiwi.

If a teenager has vitamin deficiency, a specialist may prescribe additional multivitamins.


Photos of essential oils for stretch marks

Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are many remedies whose action is aimed at combating teenage stretch marks. In some cases, such means are even better than traditional ones. But before using them, you need to test for an allergic reaction.

To do this, a small amount of the prepared product should be applied to the teenager’s wrist. If after a quarter of an hour there are no changes in this place, you can use it.

Listed below are the most famous and effective traditional medicine against stretch marks at home:

  1. Cream with mumiyo — to prepare it, dissolve 2-3 mummy tablets in water and mix with regular body cream. Treat problem areas with the prepared mixture up to 3 times a day.
  2. Coffee scrub - Grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder, then mix with honey or essential oil. While taking a shower, the prepared mixture should be rubbed with light movements for 15-20 minutes into problem areas of the body: butt, legs, hips, chest or back. Then the product is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is recommended to use this scrub no more than 2 times every 7 days.
  3. Essential oils — to carry out a home SPA procedure, you need to use only fatty massage oils. Wheat germ, jojoba, avocado and almond oils are excellent. It is also permissible to use olive, peach, flaxseed and sesame oils. Natural oils are used in combination with aromatic oils. An example of a cosmetic recipe: 3 drops of essential oils of geranium, myrtle, rosewood are mixed with ether of frankincense gum, immortelle (2 drops each) and with 10 ml of argan and 30 ml of rose hips. The resulting composition is applied in a circular motion to the stretch marks on the chest and gently rubbed in. It is advisable to repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.
  4. Chamomile wraps — to prepare the product, pour 0.2 kg of chamomile flowers into 250 ml of warm milk and bring to a boil. The cooled mixture should be applied to the problem area, covered with cellophane on top and wrapped in a towel. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes, then take a contrast shower and spread the skin with nourishing cream.
  5. Carrot lotion — to prepare this remedy, you need to take one carrot (grated on a fine grater), pour 220 ml of distilled water into it. Wait 15 ml, squeeze out the carrots and add 1 tbsp. almond oil The prepared lotion should be lubricated on problem areas twice a day, and the product itself should be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. Aloe cream “Ambulance” — to prepare the product you will need 0.1 kg of dandelion leaves, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 3 medium sized aloe leaves. Aloe and dandelion leaves need to be crushed in a food processor, then add olive oil to the mixture and mix well, gradually adding flour. The resulting composition should have a creamy consistency. This cream is applied to problem areas and washed off after 20 minutes.

Cosmetology procedures

There are many safe procedures in cosmetology that help remove stretch marks on a teenager’s skin. Here are the most common:

  1. Mesotherapy - an effective and safe method of combating stretch marks in adolescents. Injections into different parts of the body activate the metabolism and effectively eliminate stretch marks. A cosmetic session is carried out 2 to 3 times a month. The duration of the course is six months and at least 12 procedures. Contraindications for mesotherapy are the presence of inflammation in the area where injections are performed, blood diseases, herpes, viral and colds. It is also undesirable to carry out the procedure in the summer.
  2. Microdermabrasion — using this technique you can remove stretch marks on your back. With the help of microscopic crystals, the growth of new elastic cells is activated and the skin becomes more elastic. Striae on the abdomen, thighs and back of a teenager after mechanical peeling remain only if the patient’s skin is hypersensitive.
  3. Laser skin resurfacing - quite an expensive cosmetic procedure. But its main advantage is the elimination of stretch marks on a teenager’s skin in just 1 session. After the first procedure, you can additionally use special creams and folk remedies against stretch marks - this will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from laser skin resurfacing. The duration of the procedure is about 1 hour. During the session, a slight burning sensation is felt, and after it swelling and redness are likely to appear.
  4. Massage is an integral part of a comprehensive approach to getting rid of teenage stretch marks. The massage can be varied: plucking, using natural oils, mumiyo, creams, vacuum cupping, smoothing.

Stretch marks on a teenager’s skin are an unpleasant phenomenon that can be dealt with with an integrated approach. Parents should monitor their child and at the first sign of stretch marks, immediately consult a doctor and not wait for them to go away on their own.


Children playing sports


Preventing the formation of stretch marks is much easier than trying to cope with their consequences. That is why it is important to adhere to certain preventive measures that will protect a teenager from the appearance of unsightly stripes on the body.

Here's what to do:

  1. Monitor your teenager's diet. It should contain a sufficient amount of fiber and as little junk food as possible so as not to provoke excess weight gain.
  2. Visit doctors regularly and get tested to promptly identify hormonal imbalances.
  3. Maintain good personal hygiene and use various moisturizing creams and lotions.
  4. Move more and spend time outdoors. A sedentary lifestyle provokes the development of stretch marks in adolescence. That is why it is important to motivate your child to have an active lifestyle or send him to a sports section.
  5. Follow the drinking regime, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gases per day.
  6. Follow a work-rest schedule, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  7. If possible, try to protect the teenager from bad habits and instill in him a love of a healthy lifestyle.

Following these recommendations will help prevent stretch marks from appearing on your teenager's body. And if they do appear, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent their further development and increase in size.

Video: How to get rid of stretch marks

Skin stretch marks in adolescents are a fairly common occurrence; in dermatology, these changes in the epidermis are also called stretch marks. For some reason, there is a stereotype in society that stretch marks can appear on the body only in overweight people or in pregnant women. But this is a misconception, because stretch marks can form even on the body of children and adolescents.

In this situation, there is a significant difference between an adult and a teenager in their reaction to such a phenomenon. Teenagers react more emotionally to this, and some are even afraid. Especially teenage girls fall into despair when they see stretch marks on their chests and butts. But, as a rule, this is a completely harmless phenomenon and a way out of such a situation can be found. The main thing is to have desire, and, of course, patience.

Where do atrophic skin changes come from?


Most people simply do not know why such defects appear on the body. To understand this, you need to remember what the skin is made of.

The skin of the human body is its outer covering, protecting all other organs from any influences of the external environment. And it consists of three layers - the outer epidermis, the intermediate dermis and the inner fatty tissue. As a rule, subcutaneous tissue is susceptible to stretch marks. The greatest accumulation of subcutaneous tissue is on the thighs, buttocks, and in girls also on the chest. And in overweight people, it exceeds the normal amount throughout almost the entire body, so stretch marks can form anywhere.

When there is an excess of internal fatty tissue, the second layer ruptures and small cracks appear. At the site of the cracks, small hemorrhages from the capillaries occur, which is why fresh stretch marks look like reddish stripes.

The skin's reparative system reacts to all this, and restoration processes begin. Moreover, it is most active in adolescents. At the site of microtrauma, the process of creating new connective tissue is activated. New young collagen fibers are formed. But unlike ordinary fabric, these fibers are irregularly ordered and coarse. This explains the yellow-white color of later stretch marks. Over time, collagen becomes more organized. The fibers are naturally arranged as in normal skin, and the stripes themselves become barely noticeable.

Interesting! Microcracks usually appear in those areas of the skin that are subject to heavy stress. That is why stretch marks are most often localized on the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs, and less often on the legs.

Provoking factors


For teenagers, the situation is not entirely clear. In some cases, the doctor cannot understand the exact causes of atrophy. Striae in adolescents can act as an independent manifestation or be a sign of some hidden disease. Dermatologists identify several factors that contribute to the occurrence of this phenomenon.



If you look in detail and find out that one of the parents had stretch marks as a teenager, then it is likely that the appearance of stretch marks in a teenager is due to a genetic factor.

Fast growth


Teenagers often experience growth spurts. One organ system grows, while the other fails to keep up. That is, the skeleton and muscular system rapidly progress in growth, but the skin does not grow at the same pace. Slow skin growth and insufficient elasticity cause stretch marks on the back, hips and legs. This is especially observed with rapid growth in adolescents of asthenic body type. In this case, competent prevention will be very important, otherwise stretch marks cannot be avoided.



The mechanism for the formation of stretch marks is triggered not only by growth, but also by weight gain. But if the rapid growth of adolescents is a completely normal physiological phenomenon, then overweight and obesity are a pathological condition. This is the main cause of stretch marks on the thighs and abdomen. It is necessary to normalize the child’s weight to the level that is normal for his age and height.

Insufficient muscle development


In fact, it’s a paradox, but this explains the appearance of stretch marks on the back between the shoulder blades and on the legs. This is already an alarm bell, as it is an external manifestation on the body of hidden and more global problems in the body. Insufficient muscle mass is caused by a poor diet, lack of physical activity, or endocrine pathologies. To find out the cause of muscular dystrophy, you need to visit a therapist and, if necessary, an endocrinologist.

Weak immunity


Cells in the human body that are responsible for humoral and cellular immunity actively take part in the reparative process. If, in addition to stretch marks on the skin of the legs, the patient suffers from a fungal infection or suffers from ARVI more often than usual, he should consult an immunologist.

Breast and buttock growth


Some teenage girls complain about the appearance of stretch marks on the skin specifically in the area of ​​the mammary glands and on the butt. During adolescence, a girl’s body type is formed according to the female type, as a result of which, in addition to adipose tissue, the bones of the pelvis and legs grow. Therefore, girls may develop stretch marks on the buttocks, legs and thighs.

This is a normal phenomenon and is explained by the rapid development of adipose tissue around the glands and in the subcutaneous tissue of the buttocks. This process is physiologically determined by the production of female hormones. But on the other hand, rounding the figure leads to overstretching of the skin, and stretch marks appear on the butt.

Features of treatment


Treatment of stretch marks should begin with an analysis of the causes of skin atrophy - this is the only way the therapy will be effective. If these reasons are hormonal imbalances in the child, then, first of all, it is necessary to treat the endocrine system.

When there are no associated diseases, you can begin to eliminate stretch marks on the body. This is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process. But the reward for patience will be beautiful skin. Today there are many ways to combat stretch marks.

Preventing the causes of stretch marks

Of course, stretch marks on the skin can be successfully cured, but on the butt and thighs, in most cases in adolescents, they go away on their own. But it’s still better to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body by following basic recommendations:

  1. regular and moderate physical activity;
  2. balanced and rational nutrition;
  3. constant immunological control, monitoring your well-being;
  4. periodically checking the child’s hormonal levels and, if necessary, correcting them.

Of course, stretch marks are a rather unpleasant surprise that can be accidentally discovered on the skin. The parents' task is to reassure the teenager and explain that this is typical of his age and will pass. You need to live an active, full life, eat normally and take care of your health. And then the skin will be healthy and beautiful.

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