Contractubex instructions for use

Contractubex is a combined external preparation that has a proteolytic effect and promotes the resorption of keloid scars. Available in gel and patch form.

The composition of 1 g of gel includes the following active ingredients:

  1. Onion – 0.1 g (in the form of liquid extract);
  2. Allantoin – 0.01 g;
  3. Heparin sodium – 50 IU (international units).

Onion extract has a fibrinolytic effect. Heparin has a fibrinolytic, anticoagulant effect. Allantoin has a keratolytic effect.

Thanks to the innovative shape of the patch and the matrix of active release of components in the composition, the Contractubex patch has a triple active effect:

  1. prevents excessive formation of scar tissue;
  2. helps smooth out the scar;
  3. protects the sensitive surface of the skin.

Indications for use

What does Contractubex help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. hypertrophic and keloid scars that occur after surgery, amputations, burns and injuries;
  2. ankylosis (contracture) of joints;
  3. Dupuytren's contracture;
  4. traumatic tendon contractures;
  5. stretch marks after pregnancy;
  6. atrophic scars (including those occurring after acne or furunculosis);
  7. prevention of the formation of pathological scars in the postoperative period or after injury.

Instructions for use Contractubex, gel dosage

The gel is used externally. Consumption per application is on average 0.5 cm of gel on a scar surface with an area of ​​20-25 cm2. The standard frequency of application, according to the instructions for use of Contractubex, is 2 to 3 times a day, easily rubbing into the scar tissue. The course of treatment for fresh scars is up to 4 weeks.

For dense, old scars, an occlusive dressing with gel should be applied at night.

To prevent the appearance of scars, the product is used in the phase after epithelization of the wound (the gel should not be applied to granulation).

For Dupuytren's contracture, the course of treatment lasts an average of 12 months.

Instructions for the Contractubex patch

  1. Rinse and dry the scar area thoroughly. Make sure the wound is completely healed and the surrounding skin is intact.
  2. Open the package and remove the Enhanced Night Patch.
  3. Remove the transparent film from the adhesive surface of the patch.
  4. Do not touch the sticky surface before applying it.
  5. Apply the patch to completely cover the scar.
  6. For a smaller scar, you can cut the patch to the desired size using clean scissors. Cut until the clear film is removed.
  7. For large scars, apply the patches close to each other.
  8. Keep the patch on the scar at night, for at least 6 and no more than 12:00, as the skin regeneration process is especially active at night.
  9. Remove the patch in the morning and discard it because patches are not reusable.
  10. It is better to apply a fresh patch every day for at least three months.

special instructions

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to apply the gel to pre-steamed skin.

It is possible to use Contractubex simultaneously in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures.

When treating fresh scars, ultraviolet irradiation, intense massage and exposure to cold should be avoided.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Contractubex:

  1. local skin reactions (rash, itching);
  2. allergic reactions.

The drug was very well tolerated, and undesirable effects were observed extremely rarely.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Contractubex gel in the following cases:

  1. atopic dermatitis;
  2. trichomycosis;
  3. male alopecia (baldness);
  4. skin rashes in children;
  5. increased individual sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug (including parabens);
  6. hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical drug.

Contraindications to the use of the patch:

  1. open wounds or wounds before suture removal;
  2. do not use on mucous membranes;
  3. Do not apply to fresh burns;
  4. Do not use if you are allergic to acrylates, cepalin or allantoin.


There are no cases of overdose described in the medical literature; if adverse effects of treatment occur, you should immediately contact your doctor or qualified dermatologist.

Analogues of Contractubex, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace the Contractubex gel with an analogue in terms of therapeutic effect - these are the following drugs:

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Contractubex, price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow and Russia: Contractubex gel 50 g - from 922 to 1073 rubles, you can buy a tube of gel 20 grams from 595 to 642 rubles, according to 386 pharmacies.

Store out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C. Shelf life – 4 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

What do the reviews say?

There are a lot of both positive and negative reviews about the drug - some people consider the gel a dummy, others tell how Contractubex got rid of unpleasant skin defects in a short time.

A number of dermatologists are skeptical about the effectiveness of this drug, which, in their opinion, has no evidence base. As an anti-acne cream, the gel can be recommended for long-term use in adolescents, however, when applied, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate scar tissue, according to experts.

If used regularly over a long period of time, the gel helps eliminate residual spots after chickenpox during conservative sanitation, since they are not scars, but hyperpigmented inflamed areas of the skin. Thanks to its active components, the inflammatory process is minimized and local blood circulation is improved.

The description is valid on 27.12.2014

  1. Latin name: Contractubex
  2. ATX code: D03AX
  3. Active substance: Onion bulb extract (Aliicepaesquamae extract), Heparin (Heparin sodium), Allantoin (Allantoin)
  4. Manufacturer: MerzPharmaGmbH&Co. KGaA (Germany)


The composition of 100 g of ointment includes the following active ingredients:

  1. onion extract – 10 g;
  2. heparin – 5000 IU (international units);
  3. allantoin– 1 year

The following are used as excipients:

  1. sorbic acid;
  2. perfume DROM 2700;
  3. methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;
  4. polyethylene glycol 200;
  5. purified water.

Release form

The pharmaceutical product is supplied to licensed points of sale in the form of a watery light brown gel for external use in aluminum tubes of 20 or 50 g. A cardboard pack contains 1 tube and instructions for use of the medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Contractubex ointment has the following set of therapeutic properties:

  1. antiproliferative;
  2. smoothing;
  3. softening;
  4. anti-inflammatory.

Biologically active substances contained in onion extract, significantly reduce the release of local inflammatory mediators in the area of ​​application of the gel and slow down, and sometimes completely eliminate allergic manifestations. On the spot keloid scars, due to inhibition of the mitosis process and inhibition of the formation of extracellular matrix substances (mainly proteoglycans), the growth and reproduction of cellular elements is reduced, which makes it possible to control the proliferation of scar tissue.

Also inherent in onions bactericidal effect on the skin, that is, the potential possibility of infection with a pathogenic or conditionally harmful microflora. Thus, the risk of postoperative complications, possible suppuration at the site of mechanical injury, post-burn wound or other skin defects is reduced.

The key property of sodium salt heparin, due to which the chemical compound is actively used in medicine, is its antithrombotic effect on the macro- and microcirculatory bed. However, in dermatology this biological component is used due to its antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects. That is, such physiological mechanisms as:

  1. excessive proliferation of cellular and tissue structures of connective tissue;
  2. development of swelling;
  3. pain syndrome;
  4. local increase in temperature;
  5. arterial hyperemia in the pathological focus.

Separately, it is worth noting that under the influence of heparin, the saturation of damaged skin with water improves, which manifests itself in softening collagen-containing components and structures of replacement connective tissue. This therapeutic effect ensures the cosmetic appearance of the scar, limited by the height of the skin, its elasticity and approximation to the physical parameters of normal, intact skin.

Allantoin, first of all, it accelerates the epithelization of the wound surface, that is, it promotes its rapid healing, due to which the entrance gates for the invasion of infectious pathogens are closed, and healing occurs much faster. The keratolytic effect of the active component stimulates trophic processes, as it facilitates their entry into places of increased need. Also, the biologically active substance has a softening property, that is, its influence reduces itching and discomfort during tissue scarring.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

During clinical studies, it was discovered that Heparin, one of the active components of the drug, penetrates the connective tissue within 4 hours in the amount necessary to provide therapeutic effects. The biochemistry of this process is facilitated by bulb extract and Allantoin. Systemic absorption into the main bloodstream is not observed with topical application of the ointment.

Indications for use

  1. hypertrophic or atrophic scar growths;
  2. ankylosis of the joints;
  3. keloid scars;
  4. Dupuytren's contracture for chronic alcoholic hepatitis;
  5. cicatricial changes in the skin afteracne or furunculosis;
  6. traumatic tendon contractures;
  7. skin deformations after burns;
  8. stretch marks after pregnancy;
  9. prevention of the formation of pathologically altered scars in the postoperative or post-traumatic period.


  1. hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical drug;
  2. atopic dermatitis;
  3. trichomycosis;
  4. increased individual sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug (including parabens);
  5. men's alopecia (baldness);
  6. skin rashes in children.

Side effects

As a rule, even with long-term use of the ointment, no adverse effects are observed, however, in some patients the following adverse reactions were noted:

  1. From the outside skin: itching (indicates a structural restructuring of scar tissue), erythema, atrophy of normal skin, local hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia, hives, unpleasant sensations (burning, tension or irritation of the external integument), single papules.
  2. From the outside immune system: local allergic manifestations by the mechanism of hypersensitivity reaction.
  3. General violations: swellingand pain at the site of application of the pharmaceutical drug.
  4. Infectious skin lesions: shallow pustular rashes.

Instructions for Contractubex (Method and dosage)

The gel is used for external use. Apply the medicine to the skin defect in a small layer of 0.5 cm and rub in until completely absorbed. The recommended area for simultaneous use of the drug is 20-22 cm, and the frequency of such manipulation should be 2-3 times a day to provide the expected therapeutic effect. For newly formed scar tissue, the conservative course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Contractubex ointment, instructions for use

In particularly severe clinical cases, for example, with old scars, high density of connective tissue elements or with Dupuytren's contracture It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the use of a pharmaceutical drug by using an occlusive dressing. First, it is soaked in medicinal ointment and only then applied; it is recommended to do this at night, since the activity of reparative processes increases with the predominance of the parasympathetic system. For long-standing or extremely dense scars, the course of conservative sanitation should be extended to 6 months, and for a specific type of contracture - for the entire 12 months.


Cases of drug overdose have not been described in the medical literature; if adverse effects of conservative treatment occur, you should immediately contact your doctor or qualified dermatologist.


Contractubex ointment is fully compatible with other drugs of local and general action.

Terms of sale

Storage conditions

Contractubex gel should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children of younger age, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

During conservative measures to get rid of scar tissue that has recently formed, ultraviolet irradiation, general or local exposure to cold and intense massage should be avoided, as this may adversely affect the effectiveness of the medicinal ointment.

Analogues of Contractubex

Pharmaceutical ointment is not the cheapest on the market for cosmetics of this type, so most attempts to replace it with another drug come down to searching for less expensive drugs in the form of gels or creams. Of course, there are cheaper analogues for Contractubex, but the evidence of their therapeutic effect does not always reach the required level.

As a rule, in such situations, one of the following drugs is chosen: Aekol, Algofin, Vinylin, Wundehil, since the price of Contractubex analogues from this list is significantly lower than the original drug.

Contractubex or Dermatix – which is better?

Dermatix is ​​a silicone gel to prevent the formation of scar tissue, which consists of a mixture of polymeric organic compounds based on silicon. Its therapeutic effects include maintaining the physiologically normal water balance of the skin, smoothing and reducing protruding parts of dense connective tissue. Also pigmentation is eliminated skin and unpleasant itching sensations, usually accompanying the proliferation of fibroblasts.

Dermatix, like Contractubex, does not allow you to completely get rid of an unpleasant, sometimes disfiguring skin defect, however, as a palliative measure it has a good therapeutic effect. It should be noted that Dermatix is ​​easy to apply even on difficult skin areas (including joint surfaces and face) and dries quickly.

Contractubex or Mederma – which is better?

Mederma is a pharmaceutical preparation similar in composition to the medicinal ointment Contractubex, but it also has its own unique features, allowing for slightly different therapeutic properties. The main effects of Mederma are fibrinolytic And anti-inflammatory, accordingly, it is more advisable to use the drug for acne or acne, the consequences of laser resurfacing or cryotherapy, and the elimination of minor damage to the skin.

Mederma is also prescribed to eliminate hypertrophied areas, keloid scars in post-traumatic and postoperative care, however, like Contractubex, the pharmaceutical product does not have an evidence base for the effectiveness of such use from the point of view of traditional medicine.

For children

Contractubex for acne marks can also be used in pediatric practice, since this problem is very common in adolescence, both in girls and boys, and the pharmaceutical drug is usually well tolerated by young skin. With short-term use as a conservative measure to get rid of unpleasant, and sometimes disfiguring, pathological lesions, side effects practically do not develop.

With alcohol

The active components of the pharmaceutical drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore they have no opportunity to interact with products metabolism alcoholic products.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not absorbed into the regional bloodstream, cannot be distributed by major vessels, and therefore has no systemic therapeutic or side effects. Accordingly, external use of ointment for pregnancy does not pose a potential threat to the health of the developing child or the mother's body.

Typically, the pharmaceutical drug is used by young women as a cream for stretch marks, a common problem postpartum period. However, clinical studies have proven its low effectiveness in eliminating these skin defects.

At breastfeeding, as during pregnancy, the use of Contractubex ointment is not prohibited, but the indications for rational conservative therapy should be consulted with a qualified dermatologist, because there are skin defects that cannot be corrected by gels or similar medications.

Reviews about Contractubex

Reviews about Contractubex are striking in their diversity. There is a category of patients who consider this medicine to be a scam by pharmaceutical companies in order to earn material benefits. And another group for whom Contractubex helped in a short time get rid of unpleasant skin defects. Therefore, reviews of medicinal ointments should be approached very critically.

The drug turns out to be effective in almost all cases of conservative sanitation of residual stains after chickenpox, since they are inflammatory hyperpigmented areas of the skin, and not scars, as many people think. The active components of Contractubex ointment can improve local blood circulation and eliminate signs of the inflammatory process, and accordingly remove the consequences of the transferred nosological unit.

You can verify the therapeutic effectiveness of a pharmaceutical drug by looking at the photos before and after undergoing a course of conservative treatment:

Reviews of Contractubex ointment from qualified dermatologists question the effectiveness and evidence of the use of this pharmaceutical drug. Of course, as a cream for acne in adolescence, the drug does its job well and experts can even recommend it for everyday use when treating adolescents. However, speaking about scar tissue and methods for its elimination, experts are unanimous in their opinion - not a single ointment can get rid of this problem.

Gel for acne scars or connective tissue formations of another origin has antiproliferative and other useful therapeutic effects, but already formed tissue can only be removed surgically using traditional methods or laser surgery.

There is no need to get rid of acne spots that are not scar tissue. They go away on their own within a week if the pustule was small in size and was not opened using “artisanal” methods. Otherwise, as in the process of getting rid of scars, the use of Contractubex is not very effective, although there are isolated reviews that the medicinal ointment really helped, but there is no reliable medical evidence after such statements.

Reviews of Contractubex for stretch marks during the postpartum period also cannot be taken seriously from the point of view of qualified specialists. On histological examination, stretch marks are dense connective tissue that is formed due to the rapid increase in size of the pregnant woman’s abdomen. Accordingly, conservative methods of treating the adverse consequences of bearing a child are ineffective.

The situation is similar with scars after cesarean section. Only a surgeon can give a cosmetic appearance to a woman’s abdomen during surgical manipulation using a special technique for matching the edges of the wound and applying an intradermal suture. But this technique requires considerable skill and professional skills, and is also associated with certain risks, which makes it possible to use this type of sutures only in certain cases.

Another female problem when Contractubex medicinal ointment is used are synechiae is a pathological condition that represents the sticking together of the labia minora. The origin of this nosological unit is not fully understood. At the moment, there is an opinion among qualified specialists that this disease is a consequence of low levels of female sex hormones (estrogens).

With synechia of mild degree of development of the pathological process, treatment is not necessary, since this age-related feature of the female body tends to resolve independently with the onset of puberty, when biologically active substances increase their concentration several times. If the nosological unit is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine or infection of the labia minora, then the use of hormonal drugs based on estrogen is rational. Contractubex is not included in the group of these pharmaceutical drugs, and accordingly turns out to be practically useless for synechia.

Contractubex price, where to buy

The price of Contractubex in Ukraine varies significantly depending on where the pharmaceutical drug is purchased. So Donetsk, a large eastern center of the country, offers to pay 260 hryvnia for scar ointment. And Kharkov, located nearby, is somewhat more profitable, because the cream in a 20 g aluminum tube can be bought here for 220 hryvnia. In the western part of the country, the cost of all pharmaceuticals is lower, so you can buy Contractubex for 180 hryvnia.

You should find out in advance how much cream for stretch marks and scars costs in a pharmacy in your city using the Internet or telephone information. Licensed points of sale are interested in each buyer, and accordingly, on an individual basis, they can offer a price slightly lower than the market price.

The price of Contractubex on the territory of the Russian Federation, unlike Ukraine, is practically the same throughout the country. In average pharmacy kiosks, the price of Contractubex gel ranges from 550 to 790 rubles.

Registration number in the Russian Federation:


Dosage form:

gel for external use


gel from light yellow to light brown color with a characteristic odor.

Compound: per 100 g gel
Active substances:
Liquid onion bulb extract 10 g
Heparin sodium 0.04 g (5000 IU)
Allantoin 1 g
Sorbic acid 0.1 g
Methyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.15 g
Xanthan gum (xanthural 75) 2 g
Macrogol 200 (Polyethylene glycol 200) 25 g
Flavored oil (aroma 231616) 0.3 g
Purified water 61.41 g

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

D03AX. Hyperscarring treatment.

Pharmacological properties

A combined drug whose effect is determined by the properties of its constituent components. It has fibrinolytic anti-inflammatory (due to the presence of Serae extract), antithrombic (due to the presence of heparin) and keratolytic (due to the presence of allantoin) effect. Stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia. Inhibits the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts.

The experiment showed that heparin penetrates into the connective tissue of the dermis within 4 hours in a clinically sufficient amount. Deep penetration is ensured by a combination of heparin with Serae bulb extract and allantoin (transepidermal heparinization).
When using the drug Contractubex, systemic absorption is not observed.

Indications for use

  1. Hypertrophic and keloid scars that occur after surgery, amputations, burns and injuries
  2. Ankylosis (contractures) of joints
  3. Dupuytren's contracture
  4. Traumatic tendon contractures
  5. Stretch marks after pregnancy
  6. Atrophic scars (particularly those occurring after acne or furunculosis)
  7. Prevention of the formation of pathological scars in the postoperative period or after an accident. Can be used in children.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 1 year of age.

Directions for use and doses

The consumption of the drug per application is on average 0.5 cm of gel on a scar surface with an area of ​​20-25 cm². For adults, the drug is applied 2-3 times a day, for children over 1 year of age, the drug is applied 1-2 times a day. The gel is applied in a thin layer and lightly rubbed into the scar tissue. The course of treatment for fresh scars (including ankylosis (contractures) of joints, traumatic tendon contractures, stretch marks after pregnancy) averages 4 weeks. For old, dense scars (including ankylosis (contractures) of joints, traumatic tendon contractures, stretch marks after pregnancy), an occlusive bandage with gel is applied at night. The course of treatment averages 3-6 months. For Dupuytren's contracture, the course of treatment lasts an average of 12 months. For prophylaxis, the phase after epithelization of the wound is used (not applied to granulations).

Side effect

Contractubex is usually very well tolerated, even with long-term use. Most often, skin reactions were observed at the site of application.
Classification of the frequency of adverse reactions: very common (≥1/10). often (≥1/100 to From the skin: often: itching, erythema, telangiectasia, scar atrophy; uncommon: skin hyperpigmentation, skin atrophy.
The following spontaneous adverse reactions have also been reported:
Infectious diseases: frequency not established: pustular rashes.
From the immune system: frequency not established: hypersensitivity (allergic reactions).
From the nervous system: frequency not established: paresthesia.
From the skin: frequency not established: urticaria, rash, itching, erythema, skin irritation, papules, burning sensation, tension, contact dermatitis.
General disorders and disorders at the site of application: frequency not established: swelling, pain and peeling at the site of application. Itching, which is a manifestation of natural processes during scar formation, usually does not require discontinuation of the drug.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions worsen, or any other side effects not specified in the instructions are noted, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs


special instructions

To enhance the effect of the drug, apply to pre-steamed skin. It can be used in combination with physiotherapeutic measures. When treating fresh scars, ultraviolet irradiation, exposure to cold and intense massage should be avoided.
The effect of the drug during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in children under 1 year of age has not been studied.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

Release form

Gel for external use, 20 or 50 g in an aluminum tube. The tube along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25°C in a dry place. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
6 months from the moment the tube is opened. Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Manufacturing company

Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA" D-60318, Germany, Frankfurt am Main