Causes of stretch marks on the lower back in teenagers

Stretch marks (striae) on the back are quite common in teenagers. About 20% of boys and girls face such problems. In most cases, this is simply a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated with proper nutrition, adequate exercise and cosmetic procedures.

Why do they appear?

The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the back of a teenager include:

  1. genetic predisposition. If parents or grandparents have stretch marks on their backs, then there is a high probability that the child will also develop them;
  2. jumps in weight and height. In this case, the level of growth hormone (somatotropin) increases in the teenager’s body. Testosterone or estrogen levels may also increase. As a result, fatty tissue is quickly redistributed, and the skin does not have time to produce elastin and collagen, as a result of which it stretches;
  3. weakened immunity. In this case, the teenager’s skin becomes less elastic and more susceptible to stretch marks;
  4. Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (hypercortisolism). This is a group of diseases in which the body is affected by an excessive amount of hormones from the adrenal cortex. Additionally, other symptoms occur in the form of obesity, muscle atrophy, and disruption of the nervous and reproductive systems.

What they look like

Stretch marks (striae) are wavy stripes that appear where the skin is stretched. Due to microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue, collagen and elastin are torn, and red or pink lines up to 5 mm wide and up to 10 cm long appear on the skin. Over time, they become red-violet in color, and then white with a pearlescent tint.

Features of the problem in adolescents

The formation of stretch marks is becoming a serious aesthetic problem among teenagers. During this period, puberty occurs, hormone levels change, which is accompanied by sudden mood swings and psychological problems.

Video: Back exercise

How to remove stretch marks on your back

In order to get rid of stretch marks and prevent their further appearance, you need to choose the right vitamin complexes. They should include vitamins: A, E, C, K.

You can remove stretch marks on your back using pharmaceutical products.

The most effective creams are:

They can be applied to both fresh and old stretch marks. The preparations restore the skin, restore its pigmentation and moisturize. Treatment with such remedies can last from 6 months to a year.

Procedures in a cosmetology salon

Stretch marks that are more than a year old are almost impossible to remove. In order to make them less noticeable, you should seek help from specialists.

Cosmetology procedures:

  1. laser skin resurfacing. This removes the surface layer of skin and stretch marks become less noticeable. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The effect becomes noticeable within a month;
  2. deep peeling. In this case, acids are used, with the help of which the top layer of skin is burned and exfoliated. At the same time, stretch marks become less noticeable;
  3. microdermbrasion. This is a mechanical peeling using aluminum oxide. In this case, the skin is actively polished, its tone is evened out and stretch marks become almost invisible. In this case, stretch marks should not be older than 8 months. In order to eliminate them, up to 10 procedures will be needed.

How to get rid of stretch marks on your legs at home, read here.

Useful tips

Eliminating stretch marks at home

Dry brown seaweed – 20 g.

Warm boiled water.

Dry raw materials are poured with warm water and left until they swell. The resulting mass is applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply nourishing cream. The product is used every other day for 2 weeks.

The product helps stimulate biochemical processes in the cellular structures of tissues, improves skin regeneration, saturates it with vitamins and microelements.

Oatmeal - 5 tablespoons.

Homemade sour cream – 3 tablespoons.

Mumiyo – 2 tablets.

Oatmeal is ground into powder using a coffee grinder and mixed with sour cream. Mumiyo tablets are crushed and added to the resulting mass. It is applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use every other day for a month.

The product improves metabolism and promotes skin regeneration. After using it, the skin becomes more elastic, and stretch marks noticeably lighten.

Rosemary oil – 10 drops.

Jojoba oil – 10 drops.

Grapefruit oil – 10 drops.

Peach seed oil – 2 tablespoons.

Place the base oil in a dark glass bottle, gradually add other oils, shaking the product regularly. Apply to skin twice a day, rub in with light movements and leave until completely absorbed. Continue treatment for 21 days. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

The mixture of oils has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. The skin becomes elastic, the number of stretch marks decreases, and they become less noticeable.

Cocoa butter – 1 tablespoon.

Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon.

Vitamin E – 3 drops.

Heat all components in a water bath and mix. Apply to the affected area twice a day for a month. Store the finished product in a cool place.

The mixture helps speed up metabolism, moisturize the skin, even out its tone and get rid of stretch marks.

Refined olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Jojoba oil – 5 drops.

Vitamin A – 3 drops.

Vitamin E – 3 drops

Heat the olive oil in a water bath and add the remaining ingredients. Rub into skin three times a day. Continue treatment for 3 weeks.

The product softens the skin, helps retain moisture, accelerates regeneration, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Pumpkin pulp – 50 g.

Almond oil – 1 teaspoon.

Vitamin A – 2 drops.

Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater and add oil. Apply the product to the affected area for half an hour. Then it needs to be washed off. Use every other day for a month.

The product has a moisturizing effect, restores the structure and pigmentation of the skin, nourishes it and accelerates regeneration.

At When stretch marks appear, special attention should be paid to the following factors::

  1. proper nutrition. The child’s body must receive protein so that the skin has time to grow the required number of cells. To do this, you need to adjust your diet, increasing the amount of protein foods and reducing the level of carbohydrates;
  2. hydration. In order to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that contain collagen;
  3. cleansing the skin. In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you need to keep it clean and promote collagen production. Scrubs help with this. With their help, dead cells are exfoliated, resulting in the dermis being restored. But you shouldn’t get carried away with these remedies; it’s enough to use them twice a week;
  4. improving blood circulation. In order to provide nutrition to the tissues and skin cells, you can do a relaxing massage. In this case, the blood begins to circulate more actively;
  5. physical exercise. It is a proven fact that the skin of teenagers who play sports is less prone to stretch marks.


Details about treating striae at home.

The article describes the treatment of stretch marks on the legs of teenagers.

Read how flaxseed oil and coffee help against cellulite, below.

Particular attention should be paid to methods of preventing stretch marks, since it is easier to prevent their appearance than to get rid of this cosmetic defect. In order to make sure that stretch marks do not signal health problems, you need to visit a dermatologist and endocrinologist.


Stretch marks occur when the body grows much faster than the skin stretches. Overstretching of the skin leads to the appearance of a skin defect, which is called “striae” (translated from Latin - stripes). In the photo, stretch marks really look like parallel flat stripes of a pinkish or reddish-purple hue.

Over time, they fade, but still look unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. According to statistics, 70% of girls and boys will have at least one stretch mark during adolescence.


Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy or being overweight. However, stretch marks are only slightly less common in teenagers than in adults. This is quite natural, although it causes psychological discomfort for many children; they begin to feel embarrassed about their body. When a boy or girl's body grows quickly, the skin, the largest of the organs, also has to stretch quickly and greatly. And this leads to stretch marks. This rapid stretch causes the collagen and elastin fibers found in the lower dermis (middle layer of skin) to tear.

The color of stretch marks changes due to the fact that when the skin is torn, connective tissue with blood vessels is formed. After the vessels drain, the stretch marks turn from red or blue to white. Since stretch marks - micro-tears in the skin - are filled with connective tissue, they lack pigment and are very noticeable in tanned and dark-skinned people.

Why are they dangerous?

Stretch marks themselves do not pose any danger. The reasons behind the appearance of stretch marks can be dangerous. One of the most dangerous causes is Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. This is the excess production of corticosteroid hormones by adrenal cells. Stretch marks can also appear due to hormonal problems.

Spawn Locations

Stretch marks in teenagers usually appear in areas of the greatest muscle growth activity. For girls, these are the hips, stomach, and chest, and for boys, these are the arms and shoulders. The skin's reaction to rapid weight changes during puberty is manifested by stretch marks on and under the lower back and upper back.

Stretch marks in teenagers may be associated not only with changes in body weight and muscle building, but also with genetic factors. Overuse of steroid cortisone skin creams during adolescence can lead to stretch marks on areas such as thighs, knees, shoulders, abdomen, legs, buttocks.

How to avoid appearing

To prevent stretch marks in adolescence, you must:

  1. Eat a healthy diet, choosing a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  2. Exercise regularly – During adolescence, children tend to eat a lot, which causes rapid weight gain. Hence, one needs to manage this rapid weight gain through physical activity.
  3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This will not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but will also make your skin smoother.
  4. Using creams and lotions to moisturize the skin is the best prevention of stretch marks, as such products significantly improve the elasticity of the skin. Applying creams and lotions at night is more effective by increasing the absorption of the product because the skin pores are only fully open at night.
  5. Avoid using topical steroids as they may cause stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the back of a teenager: methods of elimination depending on location


Although stretch marks, once they appear, will never disappear, there are ways to make them visually invisible. The most popular remedies include creams and gels with vitamins and oils, taking vitamins, laser resurfacing and mesotherapy.

Anti-stretch mark cream for teenagers

Using moisturizing creams and gels at night before bed stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity.

Typically, creams that reduce stretch marks include useful ingredients such as vitamin E, caffeine, and almond, coconut and apricot kernel oils (not necessarily all of these components at once; individually they also help). Creams and gels with aloe, shea butter and cocoa are also useful. These are products for moisturizing the skin and increasing its smoothness.

There are products that contain collagen and elastin, which can enhance the moisturizing effect. Such creams do not have any side effects on the body of adolescents. To achieve optimal results, they should be used several times a day. To get rid of stretch marks, you can use Tretinoin cream.

There are a number of studies that have shown that Tretinoin, which is a form of vitamin A, can improve the appearance of stretch marks and stimulate collagen production. Tretinoin works better on new pink stretch marks. This cream will not help with old purple or light colored stretch marks. It may irritate the skin.

Vitamins for stretch marks in teenagers

Taking vitamins A and C helps increase the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which helps reduce stretch marks on the thighs in teenagers. These vitamins are most easily obtained from foods such as oranges, grapefruits, spinach, carrots, peaches and milk.

Laser resurfacing

Laser therapy (also called laser peeling and resurfacing) can improve the appearance of skin with stretch marks using an erbium laser. It allows you to remove the outer walls of the scar layer by layer.

Thanks to this, the surface of the striae is leveled, and they become almost invisible. In addition, laser therapy stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. The main disadvantage of this cosmetic procedure is the high price - on average 1,700 rubles per 1 square centimeter of skin and 650 rubles for each subsequent outbreak.

Several treatments may be required before results are visible. Some doctors refuse to perform laser therapy on teenagers because stretch marks themselves become less noticeable with age. Stretch marks on a teenager's back can be removed using a mechanical peeling called microdermabrasion.

This is a procedure that “polishes” the surface of the skin using microscopic crystals. Microdermabrasion stimulates the growth of more elastic skin and makes stretch marks invisible. The cost of the course is 8,000-10,000 rubles. Some doctors may be reluctant to perform microdermabrasion on teenagers because their skin is very sensitive.

To treat and prevent stretch marks, an injection method called “mesotherapy” is used. Beneficial ingredients such as amino acids, collagen, vitamins and plant extracts are introduced internally, using a syringe gun, or through skin pores under high pressure (hardware mesotherapy). The effect of mesotherapy lasts a long time, but it is temporary and to achieve it you need at least Price - from 3,500 rubles per session.

Traditional methods of treatment

Eating certain foods and avoiding junk food also improves the appearance of your skin. A diet high in fat and sugar increases weight, which causes the skin to stretch and stretch marks. Therefore, teenagers, especially those prone to obesity, should avoid sweets in large quantities.

And foods high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, including fruits and vegetables such as raspberries and carrots, are very beneficial for the skin, keeping it youthful and beautiful and increasing elasticity. One of the most popular folk methods for treating stretch marks is to rub olive oil into the area with stretch marks daily. Mothers and grandmothers of modern teenagers also resorted to this remedy.

Olive oil is high in oleic acid, which creates a barrier that prevents damage to the top layer of skin. Moreover, such a barrier does not impede skin breathing. In addition, oils, including olive oil, fill the space between dead skin cells, smooth out its surface and make the skin softer and more tender. For optimal results, you can mix olive oil with peach oil or wheat germ oil.

How to use olive oil:

  1. rastyazhki-na-poyasnice-u-nDlFQRi.webp

    Apply the oil to the stretch marks and massage the area in a circular motion for at least five minutes.
  2. Wrap the area with a thin cotton cloth. Using a hot water bottle or a warm (not hot) heating pad, warm the affected area for 30 minutes.
  3. Repeat this process daily for at least one month to notice positive results.

Another simple way to reduce stretch marks is to apply lemon juice to them. It is a natural bleaching agent. How to use:

  1. Apply a small amount of lemon juice to the stretch marks in a circular motion.
  2. Let the lemon juice soak into the skin for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

If you have a limited budget, you can smear your buttocks, breasts and other places with stretch marks with regular Vaseline every day for a month. This will help reduce itching from stretch marks, making the skin softer and improving its ability to stretch. Any baby cream will also help. It is important for adults to remember that teenagers feel self-conscious when they see stretch marks on their bodies. This affects their self-confidence and is a serious problem. You need to draw the attention of your son or daughter that stretch marks are not a disease, but a part of growing up.


Stretch marks on the back are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in both adults and adolescents. This is a cosmetic skin defect that is formed due to microscopic tears in the skin. Usually the problem appears in people who have rapidly gained weight or lost weight suddenly. In adolescents, they appear due to intensive growth, which the dermis cannot keep up with. Externally, stretch marks, which are also called striae, look like streaks that give the skin a loose, unaesthetic appearance.

Reasons for appearance

Stretch marks do not cause physical discomfort or pain, so they do not require specific treatment. But they cause psychological discomfort to many, especially boys and girls in adolescence. They do not want to wear a swimsuit on the beach or in the pool, which can gradually lead to the development of self-doubt. Stretch marks appear as a result of loss of skin elasticity, lack of collagen and elastane production.

But there are other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. Weight change. Unsightly stripes appear on the back and abdomen only during a period of rapid body growth, with which the upper layer of skin simply cannot keep up. They can occur in both men and women. Stretch marks can also be observed after sudden weight loss.
  2. Dry skin. This problem affects people who drink a small amount of clean, purified water per day. Normally, an adult needs about 2 liters per day. With a deficiency, unaesthetic skin defects may appear.
  3. Poor nutrition. Usually, if your diet consists of only fast food, fatty and fried foods, and beer, this will invariably lead to stretch marks and excess weight.
  4. Genetic predisposition. This is not the main factor, but it also should not be excluded. If one of the parents had stretch marks, there is a high probability that the child will also develop them.
  5. Problems with the thyroid gland. They usually lead to hormonal imbalance, which affects the functioning of all systems and the general condition of the skin.
  6. Taking hormones. Striae often appear after taking corticosteroids. If they are taken for muscle growth, the dosage should be adjusted.

Stretch marks on the back in teenagers

Stretch marks on the back of adolescents can form during puberty, due to serious restructuring of the entire body. Growth and weight fluctuations lead to micro-tears. But there are also striae that appear as a result of the following:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Serious dietary errors or obesity.
  3. Pathological processes of the skin.
  4. Endocrine disorders.
  5. A sharp decrease in immunity.
  6. Excessive physical activity.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. Vertebral displacement.
  9. Hidden pathologies of internal organs.

If parents notice other symptoms in a child besides stretch marks, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be high blood pressure, accompanied by heavy nosebleeds, or increased hair growth. Conventional cosmetic procedures will be ineffective here, since the cause must be sought internally.


Getting rid of stretch marks on your back is quite problematic, regardless of whether they are new or old. Although today there are many ways to combat them. Some are aimed at evening out colors, reducing their depth, and reducing visibility. It is necessary to approach solving the problem comprehensively, using all available methods in order to determine the most effective ones.

Cosmetology procedures

It is almost impossible to remove stretch marks from the back without using hardware techniques. Therefore, when they appear on the skin, first of all they turn to a dermatologist and cosmetologist. They will advise which methods will be the most optimal for restoring the aesthetic appearance of the skin. The following techniques work well to remove stretch marks:

  1. Laser skin resurfacing. It destroys the top layer of skin, which makes stretch marks less noticeable. The procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. The effect is noticeable a month after the procedure.
  2. Deep peeling. With age, the skin becomes thick and rough; acidic compounds remove all dead cells and start the process of skin regeneration. As in the previous case, the result is noticeable only after some time, when the epidermis begins to recover.
  3. Microdermbrasion. It removes stretch marks thanks to the mechanical action of aluminum oxide. Polishing allows you to even out the skin, adjust its shade, and make stretch marks almost invisible. Only old stripes that are more than 8-9 months old can be treated in this way. Only 10 procedures are required.
  4. Chromopiling. A cosmetic procedure that involves exfoliation, which in the process gives the skin a tan. The effect is quite long-lasting, but it must be repeated periodically.
  5. Mesotherapy. An effective and modern way to eliminate any skin defects. But to get a lasting result, you will need at least 7-10 sessions. The downside is the fairly high cost of one procedure.

Home Recipes

At home, you can also deal with the problem of stretched skin no less effectively. It is better to treat it with natural remedies, which with regular use will provide lasting results. Proven recipes of traditional medicine include:

  1. One tablespoon of sugar is mixed with a couple of drops of lemon juice and almond oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, rub the stretch marks with it for 5 minutes, after which you need to take a shower.
  2. Potato juice renews the upper layer of the epidermis well, thanks to the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. One slice of potato should be rubbed into each stretch for 3 minutes. A large root tuber should be removed in one procedure.
  3. A homeopathic remedy is aloe juice mixed with vitamin A and several capsules of vitamin E. The resulting composition must be rubbed in a circular motion.
  4. Lemon juice is mixed with cucumber juice in equal proportions. After which the solution is applied to the skin. This must be done carefully so as not to cause redness.
  5. Alfalfa powder is mixed with chamomile oil. A compress is made from the resulting paste, which cleanses the skin and enriches it with vitamins K and E.

You can also use fresh apricots for rubbing if they are in season. Fresh fruits are divided into two slices and rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes. You can also make a paste from them and apply to the surface, leaving for a while. The above recipes should be used with caution, having previously tested the skin for sensitivity.

Striae in a teenager

If your son has stretch marks all over his back, then treatment should begin with the most harmless methods. An excellent remedy is olive oil. It is used as follows:

  1. The teenager lies on his stomach, on a flat surface.
  2. The oil is applied to the stretch marks in a circular motion with slight pressure. This must be done within 5 minutes.
  3. Wrap the area in a clean natural cloth, preferably cotton, to allow it to breathe.
  4. Take a bottle or heating pad and fill it with not too hot water. Warm up for 30 minutes.

The procedure must be repeated every day for 25-30 days. As soon as lasting results become noticeable, you can stop. In addition to oil, stretch marks in adolescents can also be lubricated with lemon juice if the skin is not hypersensitive to citrus extract.