Pharmaceutical preparations for age spots on the face

Pigment spots on the body are a problem that worries a large number of girls. The reasons may be different: hormonal imbalances after 50 years, the manifestation of pigmentation during pregnancy, metabolic disorders, severe overheating in the sun, severe sensitivity of the skin, improper care.

In any case, this problem needs to be solved. In cosmetic stores and pharmacies there are a huge number of different products to solve this problem. There are also pharmaceutical products and separate cosmetics. The difference is that some treat age spots, while others whiten them.

Treatment with anti-pigmentation creams is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. with freckles;
  2. when butterfly spots appear;
  3. when pigmentation appears due to sun exposure;
  4. for pimples, acne and other defects;
  5. with chloasma (high sensitivity of the skin);
  6. with lentigo (the appearance of flat and white spots on the body in older people who are often exposed to the sun).

TOP best creams

In order to choose a really good and high-quality anti-pigmentation cream, you need to study its composition, look at popular brands and the products they offer. You need to pay attention to the presence of hydrochion in the composition.. This is a toxic substance that gives a quick and long-lasting effect, but has many side effects. The use of this drug is prohibited throughout the world, and therefore it is prescribed only in extreme cases. Another not very useful component is mercury. Using a cream with this composition too often will lead to exposure to poisonous fumes. The consequences may be different.

A good anti-pigmentation cream should contain the following substances:

  1. vitamin C – promotes rapid restoration of the skin, softens the strong chemical effect of other components on the epidermis;
  2. arbutin – take care of problematic and sensitive skin;
  3. beta carotene – prevents the appearance of new pigmentations;
  4. gluconic acid – enhances the effect of all other components and also has a whitening effect;
  5. tretinol – a chemical substance that helps other components be absorbed faster into the skin through the pores, and also helps damaged areas recover faster;
  6. rucinol – component responsible for whitening pigmentation;
  7. tocopherol – prevents the appearance of new pigmentations;
  8. kojic acid – effectively fights stains, but may be an allergen;
  9. hydrochion - toxic substance. It removes pigmentation perfectly and for a long time, but has side effects.

During pregnancy, you need to choose a whitening cream with a separate composition.

For expectant mothers, it is very important that when using this or that drug, it does not harm the baby. Therefore, you need to choose whitening creams very carefully. It is strictly prohibited to use products that contain the following components in high concentrations:

  1. arbunin;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. kojic acid;
  4. bismuth salt;
  5. hydrochion;
  6. silicones;
  7. flavorings;
  8. chemical dyes;
  9. petroleum products.

It is better to pay attention to products that contain the following components:

  1. vitamin E;
  2. gluconic, citric and lactic acids;
  3. salicylic and hyaluronic acids;
  4. parsley or licorice extract;
  5. calendula, jojoba, grape oil;
  6. rucinol.

Green pharmacy face cream whitening

An effective budget remedy against age spots. It has a light pleasant aroma and does not contain dyes. Suitable for expectant mothers, does not harm the fetus and removes age spots without side effects. Contains only natural substances. Active components - shea butter and vitamin C, moisturize, nourish, maintain water balance, and restore damaged areas of the dermis. Reduce the risk of re-pigmentation and protect from environmental influences.


  1. Shea Butter;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. lemon juice;
  4. parsley and licorice root extract;
  5. vitamin E;
  6. glycerol.

Use during pregnancy

Use several times a day. Especially apply before going outside - this will protect the skin from sun rays. Find out how to choose a face cream that protects against sun and age spots in this material.

Biocon for age spots

A gentle whitening product from the Biocon company is great for expectant mothers and their children. Intensively and at the same time carefully cares for the skin. Quickly and without traces removes freckles, age spots, redness and inflammation. Moisturizes the dermis and maintains water balance. Soothes, treats acne, pimples. Nourishes with beneficial vitamins and minerals to ensure the healthy condition of the mother’s epidermis and the good development of the child.


  1. thermal water;
  2. Shea Butter;
  3. vitamin E;
  4. chamomile, calendula extract;
  5. lemon juice;
  6. beta-carotene;
  7. rucinol;

Use during pregnancy

Apply morning and evening after completely cleansing the dermis of cosmetics, dust and dirt.

Natura Siberica Whitening

Day face cream with whitening effect. It has a light, pleasant and delicate texture, spreads evenly on the skin and is quickly absorbed. The active component is turmeric extract, which quickly and easily fights pigmentation throughout the body, and also helps eliminate postpartum stretch marks. The natural ingredients in the product help nourish, moisturize, and saturate the dermis with beneficial vitamins and minerals. The product protects well from exposure to ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, cold, and strong wind. Eliminates inflammation and irritation. Has no side effects. In case of overdose, there will be no negative effect on the skin.


  1. turmeric extract;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. licorice extract;
  4. grape seed oil;
  5. glycerol;
  6. tocopherol

Use during pregnancy

Apply once or twice daily. Use together with sunscreen before going outside. You can choose a sunscreen for your face for sensitive skin using this link.

Mama Comfort

Safe and natural cream for age spots. Whitens well and leaves no residue. Helps heal scars and scars. Moisturizes, nourishes, maintains water balance. The active component is rucinol, which has a calming and restorative effect. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Evens out tone, removes acne and pimples. Tightens pores and removes excess shine. Gives a healthy glow to the dermis. Recommended by dermatologists.


  1. thermal water;
  2. licorice and parsley extract;
  3. glycerol;
  4. calendula, chamomile extract;
  5. rucinol.

Use during pregnancy

Apply morning and evening. Do not rinse off. Use throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

KORA cream against freckles and age spots

A good effective remedy against age spots and freckles. It contains only natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis, and also effectively remove redness, spots, pimples, and acne. The active component, vitamin C, promotes the rapid restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis and damaged areas. In addition, the product in their series of caring cosmetics has a rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing effect. Find out more about Cora face sunscreen in this article.


  1. vitamin C;
  2. tocopherol;
  3. citrus extract;
  4. chamomile and licorice root extract;
  5. glycerol;
  6. arbunin

Use during pregnancy

Apply once daily.

Maybe an allergy to the presence of citrus extract in the composition.

Pharmacy ointments

In addition to cosmetics that can temporarily mask pigmentation, there are pharmaceutical preparations. They are stronger, but at the same time they treat, and do not just temporarily eliminate the problem. Each type of epidermis has its own pharmacy creams against freckles and blemishes. They are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Natural. They do not contain any dyes, silicones, fragrances, etc. They are non-toxic and do not cause allergies. Contains only natural ingredients, vegetable oils, vitamins.
  2. Vitamin. They contain a huge amount of vitamins to intensively write the dermis and restore its healthy appearance.
  3. Organic. Composition of organic products. Soften the strong effects of whitening components on the skin. They have healing and moisturizing effects.
  4. Hormonal. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after 50 years are taken into account. They even out hormonal levels and quickly deal with pigmentation.

Below you can see examples of whitening pharmaceutical ointments.

Salicylic and salicylic-zinc

An effective remedy that will quickly get rid of the problem once and for all. Prescribed for dermatitis, pigmentation, eczema, acne and other skin diseases. It is contraindicated to use the drug if you are allergic to the composition, purulent diseases and burns. The active components in the composition are salicylic acid and zinc oxide. They treat acne, pimples, pigmentation.

Side effects: burning, irritation, itching, rashes, possible allergic reaction to the drug. In case of overdose, side effects will increase.


This is an antibacterial agent with a slight healing effect. Quickly and easily removes age spots. Treats acne, comedones. Tightens pores, evens out tone. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Promotes regeneration of the damaged upper layer of the epidermis. The active component is synthomycin, which has a strong antibacterial effect. The product is prescribed for skin diseases, pigmentation, dermatitis, acne and allergic rashes.

Side effects: There are no special side effects. In case of an overdose, there will be a burning sensation, irritation, itching, and possible burns.

Contraindications: purulent diseases, burns, severe sensitivity of the skin, dry skin type, pregnant and nursing mothers.


A good ointment against pigmentation, acne and allergies. Quickly whitens freckles and pigmentation. Treats acne, dries out pimples, tightens and cleanses pores. Restores water balance, evens out tone. Treats damaged areas of the dermis. Prescribed for dermatitis, acne, pigmentation, burns. The active ingredient, clorimazole, provides protection from sun rays and relieves inflammation. Contraindications: sensitive and dry skin. Find out how to moisturize your face here.

Side effects: irritation, itching. Overdose will increase side effects.


Strong bleaching and healing agent. The active component – ​​zinc oxide, allows you to quickly and effectively relieve inflammation, heal damaged areas, even out tone. The product also cleanses and tightens pores, restores water balance. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, burns, purulent diseases.

Side effects: irritation, itching, some types of dermatitis, burns. In case of overdose, the side effects will increase.


A good pharmaceutical remedy against pigmentation, acne, and irritation. The active component, retinol, promotes the quick and painless removal of age spots, pimples, comedones, and freckles. Restores tone and heals damaged upper layer of dermis. Contraindications – allergy to the main component.

Side effects: itching, burning. In case of an overdose, there will be no negative effect on the condition of the epidermis.


Sulfur is the active substance of a powerful pharmaceutical product. Helps get rid of pigmentation, protects damaged areas from exposure to sunlight. Treats acne, dries out pimples. Nourishes with essential vitamins and minerals. There are no contraindications.

There are no side effects. In case of overdose, there may be a slight burning sensation.


A good remedy against pigmentation, acne, comedones. Protects the skin from external environmental factors. The active component is salicylic acid, which fights rashes and irritants of the epidermis. Additional components nourish, moisturize and even out tone. There are no contraindications.

Side effects: irritation, possible allergies. Overdose – burns, itching, irritation, rash.


An active pharmaceutical product known for its high quality and quick results. The active ingredient is azelaic acid. It promotes skin regeneration, restoration of water balance, hydration and nutrition. The presence of tocopherol helps to quickly remove pigmentation. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug. You can learn more about drugs with azelaic acid here.

Side effects: none. In case of overdose, mild irritation may occur.


A popular anti-pigmentation remedy. Does not harm the skin, does not cause allergies. The composition contains no dyes, fragrances or other harmful components. The active substance is benzocaine and sodium heparin. The product restores the upper layer of the dermis, participates in moisturizing, nourishing, and whitening pigmentation.

Side effects: burning, tingling. In case of overdose, individual intolerance to the drug may occur.

How to choose

  1. Choose only a certified product.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of hydrochion.
  3. Study the composition carefully.
  4. Do an allergic reaction test.
  5. Take into account the characteristics of the skin type.


This video provides an overview of the best pharmaceutical products for freckles and age spots.

Pigment spots on the face can truly poison the lives of representatives of the fairer sex, who always strive for a well-groomed, attractive appearance. In some cases, this defect indicates internal problems in the body or quite serious health problems. The best remedies for facial pigmentation and medical recommendations will be discussed in this article.

Briefly about the possible causes of pigmentation on the face

Human skin color depends on the amount of melanin in the epidermis. When melanin is formed in large quantities in a certain area of ​​the skin, darkening of this area occurs, which indicates pigmentation. At the same time, pigment spots can be located in both the upper and lower layers of the epidermis, arising due to various reasons. Of these, the most common are the following:

Age spots on the face

  1. heredity;
  2. hormonal imbalances;
  3. presence of gynecological diseases;
  4. problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. skin diseases;
  6. lack of vitamins;
  7. allergic reactions;
  8. age-related changes;
  9. strong ultraviolet radiation;
  10. stress.

Before turning to cosmetics and pharmaceutical products for whitening facial skin, it is necessary to establish the cause of pigmentation. So, in case of allergies, you need to identify the main allergen that provokes the spread of spots so that they completely disappear from the face and neck once and for all. For skin diseases, the approach should be comprehensive; only regular procedures aimed at combating the disease itself and its consequences will help remove age spots.

On a note. Improper functioning of the digestive organs is reflected in different ways on the face.

Here it is worth keeping in mind that many gastrointestinal diseases occur in a latent form, and therefore you cannot do without visiting a doctor. During treatment, you can additionally use lightening creams and serums.

Hormonal imbalances can occur during pregnancy, gynecological diseases, menopause, or problems with the thyroid gland. In such cases, it is not recommended to treat age spots with cosmetics. In some situations, only laser resurfacing, which removes the top layer of the epidermis, can cope with skin defects.

Using traditional methods, you can easily remove age spots caused by a lack of vitamins. And, of course, we should not forget about proper, balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Home remedies will also help with age-related changes in the skin, prolonged depression and stress. To bring your state of mind back to normal, you should drink soothing teas. Vitex tincture or liquid extract helps well. This product can be used in combination with pharmaceutical products to whiten facial skin if pigmentation appears as a result of stress.

Important! It is necessary to use anti-pigmentation cosmetics after consulting a doctor. Some of them are prohibited for use in certain diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rating of whitening products for age spots on the face

Regardless of the cause and spread of pigmentation, special lightening products can help your face look well-groomed and beautiful. The best results are ensured by an integrated approach using topical agents, protection from ultraviolet radiation and taking vitamins. Among the effective remedies for age spots on the face, sold in pharmacies, it should be noted:

  1. freshwater. Due to the presence of active natural substances, it has an exfoliating effect, so it can be used as a peeling to remove the upper layer of the epidermis along with pigmented cells. Natural ingredients and low cost have made bodyaga one of the most popular whitening products. It is sold in powder or gel form. After just a few days of using bodyagi, the skin tone becomes lighter and more even. Its unique composition enhances collagen production, cell regeneration and helps saturate the skin with oxygen;
  2. Camphor oil is another excellent remedy for age spots on the face. This useful cosmetic product is famous for its soothing, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and brightening effects. Using camphor in the form of masks once or twice a week will improve your complexion, get rid of fine wrinkles and skin rashes;
  3. clotrimazole ointment effectively affects the dermis, since it is an antifungal and antibacterial drug. Doctors prescribe it to improve the condition of the epidermis and lighten it during skin fungal diseases;
  4. Ascorutin is available for sale in every pharmacy. With its help you can regulate the level of melanin in the skin. Topical use of ascorutin allows you to whiten pigmented areas, even out tone, and relieve inflammation. The product is enriched with vitamin C, which improves the skin's immunity, gives it a fresh look and rejuvenates. They use an accessible and inexpensive product in the form of masks or add crushed tablets to lotion, tonic, or cream. If the pigmentation is not extensive, then ascorutin pulp, diluted with water, can be applied only to places where spots accumulate;
  5. aspirin can be used not only at body temperatures above 36.6, but also for cosmetic purposes, for example, to combat skin pigmentation. However, its use is possible only if the pigmentation is not caused by serious reasons. Aspirin has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms and cells that are responsible for the production of melanin. Aspirin masks should not be applied every day and left on for more than twenty minutes. A prerequisite is that it must be mixed with other ingredients of your choice - clay, honey, lemon juice or herbal decoctions;
  6. Salicylic alcohol is one of the best remedies for facial pigmentation. It is sold at the pharmacy in small bottles. Please note that salicylic alcohol should not be used by people with very dry skin and a tendency to allergies. The optimal application option is spot-on, after which the product should be washed off and the skin should be moisturized. Many ready-made dermis whitening lotions are made with salicylic acid, which exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, eliminates freckles, makes the skin tone more even and fights pathogenic bacteria. All products based on this acid are used for cosmetic purposes to dry, lighten and cleanse the skin.

Important! With the help of clotrimazole it is impossible to get rid of pigmentation if the cause of its occurrence does not lie in skin diseases. Aspirin dries out the top layer of the epidermis. Its regular use can make the skin dry and lifeless, so it is recommended to use moisturizers after lightening procedures.

Traditional whitening products

In addition to medications purchased at the pharmacy, age spots can be removed using folk remedies. They should be used for a long time, but they will not bring negative consequences, they will saturate the skin with vitamins and beneficial microelements, making it silky and well-groomed. What traditional medicine recommends:

  1. parsley is a miraculous herb that grows in every garden plot, useful for both internal and external use. A regular decoction of parsley is used to wipe the face twice a day, this makes the skin smooth and fresh. Based on the decoction, you can prepare cosmetic masks, tonics, lotions and ice cubes;
  2. Cucumber is an excellent remedy for pigmentation on the face. It whitens and tones the dermis. The peel and pulp of the cucumber should be poured with boiling water and left for six hours, after which the pigmented areas should be treated with the infusion;
  3. Lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 is excellent for wiping the face. This vitamin lotion can be used to treat the skin several times a day;
  4. Fermented milk products also have a good whitening effect. These are yogurt, whey, kefir and yogurt. Masks and compresses made from them will allow you to quickly remove age spots and give your face a perfect look.

Advice from experienced doctors and cosmetologists

What should you do if your skin tends to develop pigment spots that, depending on external factors, change their color, size and saturation? Cosmetologists recommend:

Washing with whey

  1. in winter and especially in early spring, before the onset of solar activity, lean on citrus fruits, which contain a lot of vitamin C. It is also worth introducing green onions, sweet peppers and currants into the diet;
  2. Washing with whey or sour milk helps remove stains. You should not refuse this procedure, especially since lactic acid products make the skin younger and softer;
  3. starting in spring, it is necessary to wear dark glasses and wide-brimmed hats, using decorative cosmetics with ultraviolet protection. And during periods of strong solar activity, avoid walking.

On a note. If no pharmaceutical products or cosmetics for whitening facial skin help, and there are no serious health problems, then you can contact a cosmetic specialist.

salon. Chemical peeling, laser resurfacing or phototherapy are not the cheapest “pleasure”, but are recognized as effective means in 2018 in the fight against pigmentation. After modern procedures performed by an experienced master using the latest technical means, pigmentation will no longer appear.

It is best to contact a cosmetologist in the fall or winter, since the skin after laser or chemical peeling needs very careful care and must be protected from ultraviolet radiation. All procedures for getting rid of age spots have two main contraindications - pregnancy and the hot season. It is not recommended to go to a beauty salon during menstruation, when the pain threshold is significantly reduced and bleeding increases.

On a note. Experienced cosmetologists are against the use of decorative cosmetics during the recovery period after gentle salon procedures.

Even high-quality cosmetics from Korea or Japan, made from natural ingredients, can cause irreparable harm to weakened, damaged skin. Especially avoid using powders and foundations that clog pores. Only after two weeks can you use good products, giving preference not to Avon or Faberlic, but to natural cosmetics made from natural ingredients.

There are many ways to eliminate age spots, so every woman can find among them exactly the one that will allow her to quickly get rid of the problem and always look stunning.

Women want their skin to have an ideal structure. Periodically, spots appear on it, adding an unaesthetic appearance to the face. To give the epidermis a healthy, radiant appearance again and remove dark areas, women either use traditional methods or go to the pharmacy to purchase a whitening agent for age spots on the face. However, first you need to understand why this happens.

What are age spots on the face?

Special substances called melanocytes are responsible for the color of the epidermis. Under their influence, one shade of epidermal cells is distributed. Thanks to melanin, which is produced in these substances, the face acquires a normal, healthy appearance. However, it often happens that the structure of the cells changes, resulting in pigment spots. They come in several types: freckles, moles, chloasma (bright, large spots), vitiligo (the appearance of white areas).

Why do age spots appear?

Darkened neoplasms may appear due to a hereditary factor. The only way out of this situation is laser correction or resurfacing. With hormonal disorders in women, skin pigmentation changes. Pregnancy, disruption of the endocrine system, excess sun, medications that cause an allergic reaction are a small part of what causes the skin to change color.

How to get rid of age spots on the face

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the spots and undergo examination by the right specialist (gynecologist, endocrinologist or dermatologist). When the disease passes, the darkening will disappear. In parallel with treatment, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist. He will check your face type, prescribe ointments, creams, procedures: whitening, cleansing, and find applications for peeling. If it is not possible to visit doctors, some people use folk remedies at home.

The most common method for treating tumors is a cream for age spots. The ease of use and the ability to use it every day is a huge advantage. A few peas are enough to treat all problem areas of the skin. Within a month you will see inspiring results. The best creams for age spots on the face:

  1. Our mother (Mama comfort). Ingredients: fruit acid, grape seed oil, lemon, parsley extract. Reduces pigmentation that appears due to pregnancy. It is considered safe and is used throughout the forty weeks before giving birth. Apply a small amount to dark areas of the epidermis. Rub the product into the skin using stroking movements. The cost varies from 244 to 321 rubles per 50 ml.
  2. Noreva Exfoliac Acnomega. Ingredients: keratolytic ingredients, AHA acids. Removes deep wrinkles located in the layers of the epidermis, affects skin lightening, removing dark color. Anti-pigmentation cream improves it. Suitable for daily use. Apply to clean, dry skin using smooth movements. Available in tubes: 30 ml costs 1103 rubles.
  3. La Roche. For all skin types. Ingredients: retinol, thermal water. Smoothes wrinkles, removes dark pigment, has a whitening effect, evens out complexion, mattifies the surface, and skin regeneration occurs. Apply after waking up and before bed, suitable for every day. You need to rub two peas of cream onto your neck and face with your fingertips, avoiding the area around the eyes. Cost: 1990 rubles for 50 ml.

Whitening creams for age spots in the pharmacy

The pharmacy sells a whitening face cream for age spots. The main difference from stores: the product is sold as a medicine. The doctor who examined the woman prescribes medical care according to the prescription. Some pharmacy creams for pigmentation are sold openly; any woman can buy them in pharmacies. Most Popular:

  1. L'Oreal Dermo (whitening). Ingredients: fruit and glycolic acids. Removes severe wrinkles, fights age-related pigmentation, relieves fatigue and dark tint. Apply in the evening, suitable for long-term use. It is necessary to squeeze a small amount of cream onto cotton wool and apply it to your neck and face. Pre-cleanse the skin and dry it. Cost 840 rubles for 30 ml.
  2. Libriderm. Sunscreen cream for face and body. Ingredients: hyaluronic water, camelina oil - a natural analogue of vitamin F. Able to increase collagen production, making the skin more elastic. Provides skin protection from ultraviolet radiation and prevents the appearance of dark circles on the skin due to tanning. It is recommended to apply sunscreen every day. Must be applied to dry skin thirty minutes before sun exposure. Cost: 1029 rubles for 30 ml.
  3. Skinoren. Ingredients: azelaic acid. The main component of this cream removes excessive pigment from cells, removes toxins, helps reduce pigmentation and acne, and normalizes the process of keratinization of the sebaceous glands. Can be used every day, spreading the cream onto darkened areas of clean skin. Contact with eyes should be avoided. Cost: 695 rubles for 30 ml.

The ointment for pigment spots differs from the cream in its denser structure and has a healing effect. It eliminates the darkened areas of the skin itself, removes the cause of its occurrence, penetrates deep into the cells of the epidermis, and treats dry skin. Any ointment is sold by a pharmacy, and the advantage is that Russian manufacturers set a low price for them. Some types of ointments:

  1. Salicylic. Ingredients: salicylic and boric alcohol, auxiliary elements. Deeply cleanses the skin, removing its top layer. Has an antibacterial effect, smoothes the surface of the face. It is good to apply the ointment twice a day to problem areas. Application period: three weeks. When you have a sensitivity to alcohol, it is important to tell your doctor. The cost is low: 30-40 rubles per 30 ml.
  2. Zinc. Ingredients: petroleum jelly, fish oil, zinc oxide, lanolin, parabens. The ointment has a whitening, anti-inflammatory effect, dries problem areas of the skin, removes dark color and acne. The course of treatment is one and a half weeks. The ointment is rubbed onto the inflamed areas five times a day. Cost: 30 rubles for 30 ml.

Anti-pigmentation serum

There is another good remedy that helps with age spots on the face. Serum, which has a different effect than cream and lotions, has a lighter and weightless structure. When the serum is already applied to the face, it becomes soft and velvety, acquiring a matte finish. Many companies offer different options. A few of the best examples are listed below:

  1. Vichy. Ingredients: thermal water, diacalite, lipohydroxy acid. Thanks to the active components, the serum acts on the cause of dark spots, resulting in instant relief from them. Directions for use: used for a month, in the morning and before bed. It is necessary to apply to a clean skin surface with soft, stroking strokes. Cost: 2594 rubles for 50 ml.
  2. It's skin. Ingredients: chamomile and mulberry extract, arbutin. Blocks excessive melanin production, prevents dark spots on the face, the skin glows and breathes freshness, fights irritation. Lots of nutrients. Rub into face twice, suitable as a base for makeup. You need to squeeze a drop of serum into your hand and rub it into the skin with stroking movements. Cost: 890 rubles for 50 ml.

Saline solution for face

Doctors prescribe saline solution (sold by any pharmacy) to rinse the nose or throat, but it is also excellent as a remedy for age spots on the face. To prepare the mask, glycerin soap is added to sodium chloride. First of all, the face is soaped, and a saline solution is rubbed into the foam. Contraindication is contact with eyes. You can clean it 2 times in 2 weeks. Cost: 26 rubles per 200 ml.

Folk remedies for age spots on the face

What to do if serums don’t help, you don’t have time to consult a doctor, and the pharmacy is closed? To begin with, you can try folk remedies on yourself. When there were no cosmetologists and beauty procedures, people used natural ingredients, consisting of natural ingredients, and prepared products from them with fresh milk and cucumber juice, and sour cream.

Mask with starch

At any supermarket or kiosk you can buy potato starch in bags and citric acid or a whole lemon. Take one tablespoon of starch and mix with lemon juice. The resulting product must be applied to the brown element of the skin and left for six minutes. Then rinse with cool water. The skin must be moisturized to avoid dryness and discomfort.

Clay masks

Blue clay is often used in cleansing masks, which are easy to prepare at home. Dry clay must be combined with water, one part to two. When the skin of the face is very sensitive, before applying the mask, it is lubricated with a rich cream. After this, apply clay to your face and leave for 45 minutes. The mask is washed off with non-soap water.

Natural juices

The most important fighter against pigmentation is lemon oil. It is contained in creams, pharmaceutical ointments, and cucumber masks. However, there are other healthy, tasty berries and fruits: kiwi, orange, grapefruit, strawberries. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits and applied to problem areas, then washed off with running water. You can add a spoonful of kefir or lubricate the skin with honey mixed with lemon juice. Strawberries and kiwi are chopped into slices and placed on the face.

Essential oils

This folk method is good because a pleasant aroma will remain on your face for a long time. All you need is a couple of drops of essential oils, and your homemade mask will be ready. Distilled water and extracts are mixed in an opaque plastic or clay container: chamomile, lavender, lemon. The made tonic must be placed in the refrigerator. If possible, it is diluted with parsley juice.

It is easy to prepare a mask from sodium bicarbonate to make oily skin look normal. Take three tablespoons of soda, mix with lemon juice and water to a paste. You need to apply the resulting mask onto your face with a measuring spoon in a thin layer, lie still for five minutes, and rinse with water. The only limitation is that soda is not applied to damaged and sensitive areas.


Infusions from the plant are used when usual means and cosmetics do not help. Celandine is poisonous and is used to remove warts and other growths. However, reviews about it are favorable. The leaves are chopped into tiny pieces and poured into a glass jar, after which they are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. Decoctions are used externally. The course of treatment is 7 days.