Masks for smoothing wrinkles at home after 40 years

Over time, obvious signs of aging appear on every person's face. One of these signs is wrinkles, which become more and more noticeable after the age of forty. Wrinkles form due to loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin.

The aging process is inevitable, but proper skin care can slow it down. Thus, an anti-wrinkle mask after 40 years will not only help prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, but will also help smooth out existing wrinkles.


Of course, when using homemade masks, you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. The procedures are not able to eliminate deep folds formed in the lower layers of the dermis. To correct them, it is necessary to use “heavy artillery” in the form of salon procedures. But with superficial wrinkles formed in the upper layers of the skin can be treated well with home care.


If a woman has taken proper care of her skin from a young age, it is unlikely that she will have developed deep wrinkles by the age of 40. Most of our contemporaries look great at this age. But even if a woman has not systematically cared for her face before, home procedures will help significantly improve skin condition.

With regular use of masks, you can get the following results:

  1. metabolic processes will flow faster in the cells, due to which the cells will renew themselves more actively, and the skin will look fresh and young;
  2. blood circulation is activated, due to which oxygen and other necessary substances are supplied to the tissues;
  3. improve significantly complexion, he will become smooth and healthy;
  4. small superficial wrinkles will disappear completely, and deep folds will become less noticeable. This happens due to the active components of the masks, which enhance the synthesis of substances and are “responsible” for the elasticity of the skin.


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Basic Rules

Even the most effective homemade mask recipe will not give the desired result if certain rules are not followed during the procedure.

  1. Cosmetic compositions should only be prepared from fresh and natural products. Using products with preservatives will give a much less pronounced effect. If you plan to make masks using fresh fruits and berries, it is best to use the fruits during their ripening season. Do not use expired or spoiled products, otherwise you may harm your skin.
  2. It is not advisable to use for the preparation of compositions metal utensils, it is better to use glass or earthenware cups, and wooden or silicone spatulas for mixing.
  3. During the cooking process it is very important grind all components and achieve homogeneity of the mass. It is worth using modern kitchen appliances, such as a blender.
  4. It makes no sense to prepare cosmetic compositions in advance. Even when stored in the refrigerator, beneficial substances are quickly destroyed. The prepared composition must be used in within half an hour.


  1. Before applying the mask, do not forget prepare the skin. It is necessary to completely remove makeup and further cleanse the face. To open the pores and allow the beneficial substances to penetrate more deeply, it is advisable to steam your face. Take a steam bath, or apply the mixture after taking a bath.
  2. As a rule, masks designed to rejuvenate aging skin do not contain aggressive substances (alcohol, mustard, etc.), so they can be left on for half an hour. But if during this time you feel burning, feeling of tightness or other discomfort, then remove the composition immediately.
  3. The choice of method of applying the composition is determined by its consistency. Liquid compositions are conveniently applied with a brush, thick ones are applied with fingers or a cosmetic spatula. In any case, the area around the eyes is left free.
  4. It is recommended to apply the compositions in the direction from the chin to the forehead, and movements should be directed via massage lines.
  5. Many women try to combine cosmetic procedures with household chores. This is not quite the right approach. For the duration of the mask it is recommended lie down and completely relax your facial muscles. This will make the effect of the mask more noticeable.
  6. Very important remove correctly remnants of cosmetic composition. If it has hardened into a crust, you need to first soak it by applying a sponge soaked in water to your face. After such preparation, the composition can be easily washed off. When washing, it is not recommended to use foams and gels.
  7. After washing, apply a suitable cream to still damp skin.
  8. After forty years, it is necessary to make cosmetic anti-aging masks twice a week. You should not use the same composition for more than two months, but it is not recommended to change masks too often. It is best to carry out a course consisting of 12-15 procedures using one recipe, and then start using another version of the mask.


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Effective recipes

Home cosmetic procedures give excellent results when used systematically. Below are the most effective recipes that are recommended for use after 40 years.


This nutritional composition will saturate the epidermal cells with useful substances, soften and smooth. To prepare, you need to slightly warm a tablespoon of honey in a cup. When the product becomes elastic and soft, add a pinch of baking soda and a spoonful of fresh heavy cream to it. Beat everything until smooth. Keep for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Creamy with cognac

This composition gives almost instant results, perfectly tightening and smoothing.


Algorithm for preparing the mixture:

  1. Heat a spoonful of honey to make the product softer;
  2. add mashed yolk and half a teaspoon of juice squeezed from lemon to warm honey;
  3. pour two tablespoons of good cognac and heavy fresh cream into a homogeneous mass;
  4. beat everything together and apply with a cotton swab or brush in several layers.

With kelp

Brown seaweed contains a lot of useful substances - microelements, vitamins, amino acids. Seaweed actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and valuable substances can penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, which is why the rejuvenation effect when using this product is quite pronounced.

Several effective anti-aging compositions can be prepared from kelp, but they will have the same base.

Preparing the base:

  1. You need to purchase kelp powder at the pharmacy (if the product is available in the form of grains, then you can grind the algae at home yourself);
  2. two tablespoons of powder should be poured with cold boiled (in no case, not hot!) water and allowed to stand for at least half an hour to swell;
  3. excess water (if any) must be drained, and the thick pulp should be placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out a little, then used for preparing cosmetic compositions.

Mask options:

  1. Oil-honey: add a mixture prepared from a spoon of honey and the same amount of unrefined vegetable oil to the prepared base.
  2. Sour cream: mix the base with two tablespoons of thick sour cream and beat.
  3. Clay: mix a spoonful of red clay with the prepared base, add five drops of lemon essential oil and a spoonful of natural yogurt.

With avocado

The composition prepared on the basis of this tropical fruit has an immediate effect. After the first use, the skin will become smoother and noticeably tightened. Only ripe fruit is suitable for cooking; if you come across a hard avocado, then you need to put it in a dark, warm place (for example, in a kitchen cabinet) for ripening, wrapped in paper. In just a few days the fruit will become soft.


Grind half a peeled avocado in any convenient way and mix with a spoon of almond oil.


A yeast rejuvenating mask intended for mature skin is prepared with the addition of vitamins.


  1. 5 capsules of the vitamin preparation Aevit (the capsules will need to be opened and their contents added to the ready-made composition just before application);
  2. a third of a glass of oat bran;
  3. a quarter glass of warm milk;
  4. 1 packet (11 grams) of instant yeast;
  5. a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  6. a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil and fresh aloe juice.

Stir honey and dry yeast in warm milk. Let the mixture sit for a while until it starts to foam up. Then add oil, juice, bran and stir. If the mixture turns out too thick, add a little more milk. If the mass turns out to be liquid, you need to add a little more bran. You need to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream. At the very end, the contents of the vitamin capsules are added. Keep the composition on your face for half an hour.

From boiled potatoes

This simple anti-wrinkle facial mask effectively smoothes the skin and gives the face a healthier, more even complexion.

To prepare, you need to boil one large potato, mash it until it cools down. Pour a spoonful of fresh milk and unrefined vegetable oil into the puree, stir. Then add glycerin and thick fatty sour cream (a teaspoon each). Apply a thick layer to prepared skin.


Starch masks are very popular among women. They perfectly tighten and smooth out small shallow wrinkles.

Can be cooked composition with dry starch (all ingredients except starch, take a teaspoon):

  1. melt honey;
  2. mix with kefir or sour cream;
  3. pour aloe juice;
  4. At the end, add starch, add a little at a time, achieving a creamy consistency.

The second option is being prepared based on starch paste:

  1. boil 150 ml of water;
  2. pour a heaped tablespoon of starch diluted in a small amount of water into boiling water;
  3. stir until desolate, without letting it boil;
  4. pour two tablespoons of carrot juice into the cooled base and add 10 drops of vitamin E;
  5. Apply with a brush in several layers, apply a new layer when the previous one has dried.


Gelatin is an excellent product for facial care after the age of 40. This product contains a large amount of collagen, which aging skin lacks. Gelatin masks perfectly help cope with wrinkles.

Preparing the gelatin base is simple. It is necessary to pour gelatin with water in a ratio of 1 to 8. For example, for a spoonful of gelatin you need to take eight tablespoons of water. After infusing for half an hour (during this time the gelatin will swell), you will need to heat the composition, preventing it from boiling. You need to heat until all the crystals dissolve and you get a homogeneous solution. The solution should be allowed to cool and the remaining components should be added.

Removing the gelatin mask is not so easy, as it hardens into a film. To make the task easier for yourself, soak a towel in hot water, wring it out and place it on your face for a minute. After this, you can pry the gelatin film from below and carefully remove it.

Options for gelatin-based masks that are suitable for women over 40 years of age:

  1. Dairy: pour a spoonful of full-fat milk or cream into the finished cooled base, and add a little talc to make a semi-liquid paste.
  2. Glycerin-honey: add two teaspoons of honey and two tablespoons of glycerin to the prepared base, stir.
  3. Banana: add two tablespoons of freshly prepared banana puree to the prepared base. You can make an apple mask in the same way.
  4. Cucumber: Grate the cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Pour a spoonful of cucumber juice and cold, strongly brewed green tea into the prepared gelatin base.

Cleopatra mask

This anti-aging mask has such a beautiful name, which is recommended for use by ladies over 40 years old. Of course, the modern composition bears little resemblance to the drugs used by the famous Egyptian queen. After all, it is difficult for modern beauties to find wild buffalo milk, and powder from crocodile teeth is unlikely to be available in the nearest pharmacy. But the modern version of the mask also has an excellent rejuvenating effect.


To prepare the composition you will need to prepare quite accessible products:

  1. oat flakes crushed to fine grains;
  2. flower honey;
  3. fresh milk;
  4. yellow cosmetic clay;
  5. rose oil.

To prepare the composition, heat a quarter glass of milk and stir a teaspoon of honey in it. Then add a spoonful of yellow clay and oatmeal. You need to pour in enough flakes to get a creamy mass. Apply the composition to the prepared skin in a thick layer.

Chocolate (three options)

To prepare anti-aging compositions, you need to use dark dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more. No additives should be included in the tile composition.

  1. 50 grams of dark chocolate must be melted in a water bath until liquid;
  2. add a teaspoon of barley flour and the same amount of sesame oil, stir.

Apply with a brush to prepared skin for 20 minutes.

You can prepare the composition from cocoa powder, you need:

  1. stir a tablespoon of cocoa powder with a small amount of boiled cold water;
  2. add a teaspoon of peach oil to the creamy mixture.

The following cosmetic composition, prepared with the addition of cocoa butter, also has a magical rejuvenation effect:

  1. mix 30 ml of grape seed oil and 5 ml of cocoa butter, cook the mixture in a water bath;
  2. Add the crushed aloe leaf pulp into the cooled mass and stir.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has unique anti-aging properties. There are many options for masks with this wonderful product:

  1. Melt a teaspoon of coconut oil, add two tablespoons of rice flour to it and dilute this mass with freshly brewed and cooled green tea until the required thickness is obtained.
  2. Melt 50 grams of coconut oil and mix with 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution. This composition can be applied to the entire face, including the skin of the eyelids.
  3. Melt a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix it with a teaspoon of blue clay, add three drops of orange essential oil.

Delicate care

The area around the eyes requires special attention. The skin here is thinner, so regular masks cannot be used to combat wrinkles. Special formulations are prepared for the delicate area of ​​the face.

Protein with aloe

This composition smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin of the upper eyelidswhich over time begin to hang over the eyes.

  1. one small chicken egg white;
  2. a spoonful of fresh aloe juice;
  3. a teaspoon of full-fat sour cream and soft honey.

Grind soft honey thoroughly with sour cream and egg white, then pour in fresh juice made from aloe. If this plant does not grow in your home, you can buy the juice extract at the pharmacy and dissolve the contents of one ampoule in a tablespoon of cold boiled water.


You need to apply the composition very carefully using a brush or swab; most importantly, make sure that the mixture does not get on the mucous membranes of your eyes. Rinse off after twenty minutes without using soap.

The same composition is perfect for neck skin care, so you can combine two procedures.

Potato with vitamins

This mask option is ideal for eliminating wrinkles under the eyes. For application, you need to prepare two clean gauze pads.

Grate one medium-sized potato, mix the mixture with a spoon of almond butter and an egg yolk. Just before application, add the contents of two capsules of the vitamin preparation Aevit to the composition. Place the mixture on gauze pads and apply to the area under the eyes for twenty-five minutes.


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Precautionary measures

To ensure that a rejuvenation course carried out at home does not cause health problems, you need to remember about precautions.

First of all, you need to check whether the chosen mask option is suitable for you personally. To do this you need to first make a simple skin sensitivity test. This will help avoid the development of allergic reactions that can cause swelling, rashes, and redness of the skin.

The test is very simple: a drop of the prepared composition is applied to the skin (in the area of ​​the inner bend of the elbow) and the area is sealed with a plaster. After an hour, remove the patch and wash off the composition. If there is no redness or other negative reactions, then the composition can be used.

When choosing a recipe, pay attention to your skin type. If it is prone to dryness and flaking, you should choose options made with oils. If, on the contrary, your skin is prone to oiliness, you should choose lighter formulations based on yogurt, kefir, etc.

Important! If there are signs of rosacea on the face, excessive hair growth is noted, or neoplasms have appeared, making homemade masks is not recommended.

At any age, you want to look irresistible and younger than your age. But, unfortunately, the years do not spare us and a network of wrinkles inexorably covers a beautiful face. Only a miracle and plastic surgery will help to radically solve the problem and restore lost freshness, but it is easy to noticeably tighten the turgor and smooth out the relief. You just need to choose the right recipes for rejuvenation at home.

What you need to know to make your peers jealous

As their 40th birthday approaches, most women begin to look at themselves and their lives in a new way. Overestimation often brings frustration and dissatisfaction with appearance. It’s good if the folds appear only around the eyes. Indeed, it is difficult to realize that youth is a thing of the past and now taking care of the skin requires more time and effort. You can trust professional cosmetologists and approach solving problems from an expert point of view. However, not everyone has the opportunity to spend tidy sums on rejuvenation, so most often you have to look for products with a lifting effect that you can prepare at home.

Rejuvenating and tightening face masks after 40 years made from natural products have a multifaceted effect on aging skin and restore it at the cellular level.

To slow down the aging of the epidermis and make it more elastic, you need to know what changes occur in the body and how to prevent them. Closer to 40 years of age, metabolism begins to slow down, which affects the speed of chemical reactions. These processes lead to sagging and sagging skin. Cells stop producing enough collagen and elastin, and this in turn causes the formation of new wrinkles and deepening of existing grooves. The epidermis becomes dry and lifeless.

Rules that help prolong youth:

  1. Home care should be regular and carried out in the morning and evening hours.
  2. After waking up at night, it is recommended to do gymnastics and a special set of exercises to strengthen the muscle layer and improve skin tone. There are no muscles in the area around the eyes, so you need to massage longer and more effectively here.
  3. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule.
  4. Make nourishing masks twice a week.
  5. Add special nutritional supplements to your diet to slow down the aging process.
  6. When going outside, always apply protective creams to the surface of your skin.

Remember that ultraviolet radiation, cold, sudden changes in temperature, and increased humidity levels are harmful to you and contribute to the appearance of age-related changes.

At this wonderful age, a woman should include the following mandatory procedures in her caring program at home:

How to go back a few years

Face masks after 40 years can solve a large number of problems. When taking care of yourself at home, you should choose only the best anti-aging methods, which contain ingredients that are beneficial for your skin and can smooth out the network of wrinkles around the eyes and the grooves around the perimeter of the face.

  1. Vegetable. To prepare the composition, you need to mix beets, eggplants, white cabbage, and zucchini in equal proportions. Grind using a grater. Wash off the paste after 20 minutes.
  2. Nourishing dry dermis at home. In 20 ml. Mash 30 grams of milk. yeast, pour in 5 drops of liquid honey and the same volume of olive oil. Leave for some time to ferment. Apply for 20 minutes and remove with warm water.
  3. A tightening mask against wrinkles around the eyes and oval definition. Place the aged aloe leaf in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Next, you need to squeeze out the juice in the amount of 1 tbsp. and mix with egg yolk. Apply the resulting product to the surface of the skin of the face and neck and leave to act for a quarter of an hour. After washing, it is recommended to tone with an ice cube. It’s easy to make cosmetic ice at home: pour the herbal decoction into molds and freeze.
  1. Warm rejuvenation at home. Strongly brewed tea in an amount of 10 ml. mix with 2 tbsp. oatmeal and the same amount of honey. Steam a bowl of ingredients, mix and distribute over the problem area. It is recommended to cover the warm mass with a towel or paper napkin on top. Remove after 20 minutes.
  2. A miracle mixture for dry skin around the eyes and pronounced wrinkles. Prepare the composition as follows: dilute 2 dessert spoons of good quality cognac with 100 g cream, 5 ml lemon juice, 10 g. honey and egg yolk. Gently cover your face with the finished mixture using a cotton swab. You can wash your face after 1 hour. Store leftovers at home in a cool place or in the refrigerator.
  3. Effective fight against aging and dry dermis. Bake any type of apple in the oven, wait until it cools completely and mash it into a puree. Add 1 tsp to the fruit mixture. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. olive oils. Before applying the composition, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and cosmetics. The exposure time is 15 minutes.
  4. Exotic at home. Crush 3 strawberries and 3 strawberries each in a container and mix them with 2 tbsp. medium fat cottage cheese. To smooth out wrinkles, 10-12 minutes are enough. Remove with cool water. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream. Particular attention should be paid to the delicate skin area around the eyes.
  5. Sweet rowan. Berry juice in the amount of 1 tsp. dilute with the same volume of bee honey and sunflower oil. Add egg yolk to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the face and neck area for 5 minutes. Rinse off first with warm water, then with cool water.

Choose masks depending on the problems that need to be solved and the type of skin. Almost all products intended for aging skin have a toning and smoothing effect. Use the recipes at least once a week, and you can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles and remove the rays of expression lines around the eyes and mouth. If you are fighting against aging at home on your own, then try to provide comprehensive care and maintenance.


At 20 years old, the skin glows with youth and freshness, and this condition seems to last forever. But as the years go by, by the age of 30, care products must be used, and by the age of 40, a person needs an intensive anti-aging program. Anti-wrinkle masks for the face and eyelids after 40 years are one of the important components of skin care at home.


The benefits of homemade masks

Violation of the daily routine, lack of sleep, bad habits are instantly reflected on the skin. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your appearance starting from the age of 25, when the first aging processes begin. But even at Balzac’s age, one should not forget about proper care. During this period, a woman literally blossoms, performing beauty rituals.

A feature of age-related processes after 40 years is a sharp decrease in elastin and collagen. The fibers quickly lose their tone, the oval lines lose their clarity and float down. Jowls are formed - sagging cheeks, a double chin. Nasolabial and frontal wrinkles worsen. Increasingly, bags under the eyes appear in the morning, and swelling of the eyelids is observed. Skin type is also changing: even those with oily, inflamed dermis are increasingly faced with dryness and a feeling of tightness.

You can stop age-related changes on your own. To do this, it is not necessary to sign up for aesthetic medicine clinics for hardware procedures or beauty injections. Everything you need to restore turgor and reduce the number of wrinkles is available to everyone. Nature's recipes will allow you to regain your second youth and once again feel admiring glances.

Useful properties of homemade masks:

  1. hydration, nutrition;
  2. deep cleansing;
  3. removal of toxins, oxidants;
  4. toning;
  5. strengthening capillaries;
  6. restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  7. oval shape correction;
  8. whitening pigmentation;
  9. protection from adverse environmental conditions.

Important! In addition to cosmetic procedures, to maintain a fresh, blooming appearance after 40 years, you should follow simple recommendations. Pure water, in a volume of 2 liters, full sleep, at least 8 hours and exercise, good mood, significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Effective face masks that help against wrinkles at home after 40 years provide comprehensive care and, unlike store-bought products, they do not contain parabens or preservatives. Masks are a worthy alternative to professional salon procedures due to their gradual, cumulative action. A huge advantage is the absence of side effects and recovery period.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, damage to the integrity of the integument structure, recent hardware lifting procedures.

Recipes for homemade masks for the face and area around the eyes after 40 years

The best way to saturate your skin with important vitamins and elements is to take advantage of the gifts of nature. Regular use of natural home remedies will quickly achieve the desired results. It is important to change the composition of anti-wrinkle masks so that the skin receives the maximum range of active elements.

The most effective nourishing masks

Thanks to the use of caring products, the skin becomes soft and velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out. The immune parameters of the epidermis increase, the influence of unfavorable factors decreases. Nourishing masks are especially useful after forty in summer and winter. They protect the dermis as much as possible from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, dry air, and low temperatures.

With avocado

The oily fruit contains unsaturated fatty acids, as well as beauty vitamins A, E, and B group.

Nourishing face masks are most useful after 40 years in winter to restore and protect the cellular structure. The content of retinol (vitamin A) ensures renewal processes, tocopherols (vitamin E) smoothes wrinkles. B vitamins help relieve inflammation and irritation, and achieve a beautiful, healthy tone. The use of starch improves lymphatic drainage and relieves swelling.


  1. 20 gr. avocado;
  2. yolk;
  3. 10 gr. rice starch.

The fruit pulp must be crushed in a blender, add the yolk and rice powder. The result should be a mass of thick consistency. Clean your face with thermal water, or steam it with a warm compress. The mask should be applied with a cosmetic spatula over the entire surface of the face, including the lower eyelids and mouth area. Enjoy the action for at least half an hour. Then carefully remove the mixture with damp cotton pads along the massage lines. This will improve microcirculation and avoid stretch marks.

With cottage cheese

Nourishing face masks made at home using dairy products help women over 40 years old restore skin texture and whiten it.

Curd masks have regenerating properties and restore irritated dry dermis. Their use allows you to achieve a matte porcelain shade and significantly increase elasticity and firmness.


  1. 20 gr. cottage cheese;
  2. 10 ml cream;
  3. 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

The cottage cheese needs to be doused with boiling water, this will allow the mass to become plastic, add milk cream and sandalwood ether. Mix well, the consistency should be homogeneous, without lumps. Clean the skin; you can additionally use a scrub or peeling roll (gommage). Apply the mask with a cosmetic spatula, starting from the chin, moving up to the forehead. The effect of the product is designed for 15-20 minutes, after which remove the residue with a damp sponge.
Moisturizing home masks after 40 years

Anti-wrinkle face masks made at home for women over 40 will help preserve cell hydrobalance and restore metabolic processes. This is a great way to avoid the appearance of peeling, prevent the appearance of sagging, remove or reduce wrinkles. Moisturizing compositions allow you to refresh, improve your appearance, and hide signs of fatigue and insomnia.

Fruit rejuvenating mask (kiwi+banana+grape oil)

A do-it-yourself rejuvenating fruit mask contains a constellation of vitamins, minerals, and life-giving moisture. The presence of organic acids helps strengthen thin capillaries, preventing the appearance of rosacea mesh. Oil grape The seeds have a softening effect, relieve redness, and soothe the skin.

  1. 10 gr. kiwi;
  2. 10 gr. banana;
  3. 10 ml grape seed oil.

Grate the kiwi, then pass through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. Crush the banana in a mortar and combine the fruits. Before adding, it is advisable to heat the oil in a water bath, this will maximize its properties. Distribute the finished mask on steamed skin, avoiding the eyelid and mouth area. Place a damp compress on top; the procedure lasts for 15-20 minutes. After washing your face, do not dry your face with a towel, but lightly blot the moisture with cotton pads.

Cucumber Moisturizing Face Mask

This express mask should be in everyone's arsenal. A cucumber mask is a wonderful way to give a fresh, well-groomed look in 15 minutes.

It restores moisture levels, improves oxygen breathing, and whitens pigmentation. Cucumber is effective for relieving puffiness and smoothing facial and static wrinkles. Citrus oil accelerates blood flow and stimulates collagen synthesis.


  1. 20 gr. cucumber;
  2. 10 gr. oatmeal;
  3. 5 ml peach oil;
  4. 4 drops of orange ether.

Grate the cucumber pulp and grind the flakes into powder in a coffee grinder. Heat the peach oil in a water bath, remove from the stove, add orange ether. Having combined the components, spread a generous layer on cleansed skin. Enjoy a spa treatment for 25 minutes. The mask is also useful for the neck and décolleté area.

Homemade masks with a lifting effect

An age-related decrease in elasticity leads to a shift in the oval line. Lifting eyelid masks at home after 40 years will help to cope with sagging cheeks and restore facial contours. Effective formulations will allow you to achieve non-surgical circular lifting.

Yeast lifting face mask

The home remedy has a mild peeling effect, evens out the structure and removes dead cells.

A homemade yeast face mask helps women over 40 years old to give their skin a perfect matte tone. Cocoa has a pronounced lifting effect and is an effective component of anti-aging procedures. Tightens the contour, restores cell saturation with nutrients and oxygen.


  1. 20 gr. yeast;
  2. 15 ml milk;
  3. 5 gr. cocoa;
  4. 10 ml olive oil.

Dilute the yeast with warm milk, knead thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass. Add cocoa powder and olive oil. Steam your face and lightly blot any excess moisture. Distribute evenly with a brush, using pulling movements from the center to the hairline. After resting for 20 minutes, you can wash off.

Regenerating algae mask

Kelp, in addition to containing important minerals, helps quickly restore skin elasticity.

To correct age-related changes and restore turgor, it is recommended to regularly use beauty recipes with algae.


  1. 20 gr. kelp;
  2. 10 gr. coconut oils;
  3. 5 drops of glycerin;
  4. 2 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Kelp first needs to be prepared. Grind the dry seaweed in a coffee grinder, then pour the resulting powder with warm broth or green tea. After 15 minutes, the mass will swell, the gel structure is similar to the serum in Asian fabric masks. Add dense coconut oil, glycerin and bergamot ether. Mix well, the structure will not be completely homogeneous, algae particles will be noticeable. Clean your face and apply the prepared product with a flat, wide brush. Enjoy the caring procedure for half an hour. Remove residues with a damp sponge; to facilitate removal, you can apply a warm, damp compress.

Caring eye masks

Caring masks for wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years, prepared at home, help eliminate puffiness and restore the elasticity of the area around the eyelids. Subcutaneous tissue is devoid of fat cells necessary to maintain hydrobalance. With age, a decrease in elasticity leads to stretching of the thin skin around the eyes, swelling, and increased pigmentation.

Anti-crow's feet mask

Eye masks at home after 40 years will get rid of wrinkles and help cope with signs of fatigue. The classic recipe will help achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect.


Wash the parsley leaves and dry them on a towel. Using a press, squeeze out the juice and mix with chilled sour cream. Distribute evenly, starting from the inner corner of the eye, moving towards the outer corner. If there is severe swelling, leave the mask on overnight. In the morning, carefully rinse with thermal water.

Mask for bruises and wrinkles under the eyes

A universal mask for delicate eyelid skin will help refresh your look and reduce the number of wrinkles.

Regular use will help stop age-related processes, significantly transforming your appearance.


  1. 1 potato;
  2. 10 ml aloe juice;
  3. 15 drops of retinol.

Note! First you need to prepare natural aloe gel. To do this, you need to cut the stems of the plant, wrap it in parchment, and place it on the side shelf of the refrigerator. After a week, you can use the finished biologically active product to rejuvenate your face and body.

Peel the potatoes and puree them in a blender. Add squeezed aloe juice and retinol (pharmacy vitamin A). Cut 2 circles with a diameter of 10 cm from a thin paper napkin. Place the resulting blanks on closed eyelids, cover the resulting cosmetic mass with a thick layer on top. Press lightly with your fingertips to release the liquid. Complete the mask after 10 minutes, carefully removing the paper blanks along with the composition.

Recommendations and rules for using masks

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks are important beauty rituals that require adherence to certain rules. You can provide comprehensive care yourself, knowing some professional secrets.


  1. Choose only high-quality and fresh ingredients. They should be prepared in a small volume, sufficient for one-time use.
  2. Do not store leftover masks in the refrigerator. The absence of preservatives leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora within a few hours after preparation.
  3. Before the procedure, be sure to test the composition for a possible allergic reaction. Apply a small amount to the wrist or elbow. If there is no burning redness, the mask can be used.
  4. Nourishing, moisturizing anti-wrinkle masks for mature skin are used in courses of 10-12 sessions. It is enough to apply cleansing compositions once a week.
  5. The optimal time for cosmetic procedures is late evening. During this period, the epidermis is most susceptible to the action of active components.
  6. To remove the remnants of the mask, it is better to use chamomile decoction, warm green tea or mineral water. Afterwards, be sure to apply a moisturizer or serum with hyaluronic acid.

Using nature's recipes, you can look luxurious at any age. Well-groomed, glowing skin at 40 is the result of careful home care. It’s easy to treat yourself to a spa treatment by using natural anti-wrinkle masks.