Rash after peeling what to do

There are often cases when a client of beauty salons is faced with an unpleasant situation - after peeling, acne appears, the face is covered with redness, there is a burning sensation and itching.

When deciding on a peeling procedure, the client must remember that for the most part this is a chemical effect on the skin. This means that the integument cannot help but react to such interference. Undoubtedly, peeling is a very effective method of cleansing the face and significantly improves the appearance and condition of the skin. But often, before you get tangible changes, you need to go through a period of regression and deterioration. In other words, before you turn into a princess, you will have to be a frog for some time.

The comparison is, of course, unflattering, but there is some truth in it - the skin begins to peel off approximately 3-4 days after cleansing. During this time, side effects of peeling in the form of various skin problems may well form on the face. How to deal with them? And are there any measures to prevent the appearance of acne after exfoliation?

Why do acne appear after peeling?

Why do acne appear after peeling? After all, many clients turn to the procedure just to eliminate acne and other skin problems. And often exfoliation solves them, and quite effectively.
So where and why do acne appear after peeling?
If a rash appears on the surface of the face as a result of peeling, this can happen for a number of reasons:

Incorrect actions of a cosmetologist:

  1. Lack of proper preparation of the client's skin for the procedure.
  2. Use of low-quality drugs.
  3. Selecting the type of peeling that is not suitable for your specific skin type.
  4. Using skin cleansers that contain allergens.

Incorrect actions by the client:

  1. Failure to follow recommendations regarding post-peeling facial care.
  2. The use of aggressive detergents for washing bed linen (with which the skin of the face comes into contact).

Independent factors:

  1. Penetration of the herpes virus into the body.
  2. Individual intolerance by the client to individual components of the exfoliant.

By the way. The reasons for the appearance of acne and pimples after peeling may not be related to the cleansing procedure. Often, a rash after peeling is triggered by problems within the client’s body, mainly hormonal (adolescence, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, etc.). In this case, a visit to the doctor and a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s condition with the subsequent prescription of treatment methods is indicated.

What to do after peeling to avoid redness

What to do after peeling to avoid possible acne? To prevent post-peeling rashes, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. At first, it is worth completely eliminating the impact of decorative cosmetics on the skin.
  2. Try to stay in the heat as little as possible, in places directly exposed to the sun's rays (to avoid sunburn).
  3. The use of creams with a high level of SPF filter (to protect renewed thin skin from ultraviolet rays).
  4. Exclude scrubbing from your care (so as not to cause injury to skin that has not yet reached the required thickness).
  5. Follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist who performed the peeling and determined the needs of the client’s skin type.
  6. When cleansing the skin, you should choose foams or gels. Their light structure allows them to be better absorbed into the skin, cleansing it from the inside, which is especially important for dry skin.
  7. Do not touch your face with your hands (otherwise you may cause infections or micro-injuries).
  8. Temporarily minimize physical activity that increases sweating (the sebaceous glands did not have time to fully renew themselves after peeling).

If you follow these rules, the risk of situations where your face becomes covered in acne after peeling is significantly reduced. The healing process is much easier and painless and the skin quickly acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

How to get rid of pimples?

What to do in situations where acne appears after superficial peeling? How to restore a well-groomed and fresh look to your skin?

If acne appears as a result of peeling, you should not rely on folk recipes or usual products from your cosmetic bag - these methods are unlikely to bring relief.

You should definitely contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Specialists will help you find out the reason why large or small pimples formed after peeling. They will also help you choose the right treatment.

In such cases, the following remedies are recommended:

  1. "Panthenol". Relieves inflammation, accelerates the regeneration process.
  2. "Bepanten." Promotes rapid healing of the skin.
  3. "Chlorophyllipt". Used as an antiseptic, destroys bacteria and germs.

Additionally, the patient may be prescribed antihistamines to eliminate allergic reactions. You can use cosmetics with a calming effect; in some cases, a decoction of chamomile for wiping the face helps.

Attention! You can’t crush pimples, much less pick them off! It is important to remember that the skin is still weakened after exfoliation and its protective functions have not been fully restored. It is necessary to combat rashes, taking into account the reasons for their appearance. With proper treatment, acne will disappear on its own after some time.
After Jessner peel

The Jessner Peel is considered a stronger procedure than most superficial types of cleansing. Lactic, salicylic acid and resorcinol in exfoliants promote deep cleansing and exfoliation of the skin. This type of peeling perfectly removes dead skin cells, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates acne and acne.

With such a list of positive aspects, the more perplexing question is: why did acne suddenly appear from such peeling?
The situation in which the face becomes covered with small pimples after Jessner peeling is considered typical. This process indicates the sensitivity of the patient's skin, which reacted in a similar way. After a short period of time, the old skin will come off the face, taking with it all the reddish spots.

For your information. The deeper the effect of the Jessner peel, the longer the recovery period will be. This means that new pimples may appear on the client's face from time to time.

After chemical

Pimples are a common reaction that occurs after a chemical peel. Exposure to various types of acids is undoubtedly beneficial for the skin, but before the desired renewal occurs, sometimes you need to endure a phase that is not the most pleasant for the skin. Therefore, if red pimples appear on your skin immediately after a chemical peel, you should not prepare yourself for the worst in advance. It is worth waiting until the rashes that appear after peeling go away (at the same time using special care products).

After salicylic

Salicylic peeling is often aimed specifically at eliminating pimples, acne or acne. But often the side effects of such an intervention are the very acne that the exfoliant was actually fighting against.

Typically, pimples after salicylic cleansing appear after the first session. After a few days, the anti-inflammatory properties of the previously applied composition will take their toll and irritations will gradually disappear from the surface of the face. The skin will look much better and cleaner.

Attention! Sometimes the problem of acne after salicylic peeling is aggravated by the fact that the face is very itchy. Both pimples that appear and skin peeling off after exfoliation can itch. At such moments, you should under no circumstances allow touching your face, much less scratching the itchy areas. To eliminate discomfort, you should use special delicate care products (thermal water, serums and masks).
After glycolic

Glycolic acid in exfoliants is designed to smooth out wrinkles, eliminate hyperpigmentation and, of course, fight all kinds of rashes. But in some cases, acne forms after glycolic peeling. This can happen if this type of cleansing is used too often, especially on sensitive skin.

Attention! To avoid possible side effects such as pimples, itching and redness of the skin, you should use peels with a glycol content of no more than 15%.

Typically, acne that appears after glycolic cleansing goes away on its own within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, the use of this type of exfoliation should be discontinued.

Attention! Glycolic acid is very sensitive to direct sunlight. To avoid unpleasant consequences for the skin, you should constantly use creams with sufficient SPF filters.

After yellow

Yellow (retinoic) peeling has strong exfoliating and whitening effects. After this procedure, wrinkles are significantly smoothed, hyperpigmentation is eliminated and collagen production is stimulated by cells.

But some clients note that several pimples appeared on their face after peeling. As a rule, this reaction goes away on its own after a few days and the skin acquires an even tone, smoothness and softness. If acne and rashes do not go away after retinoic peeling, but intensify even more, it is possible that there is an intolerance to the main component of exfoliants - retinol. In this case, you need to stop the procedures and choose an alternative method of cleansing your face.

After acid

Subcutaneous acne after chemical peeling often appears as a result of exposure to fruit acids. In the vast majority of cases, they go away on their own and do not require additional therapy. Of course, this statement is only relevant in cases where the client follows all post-peel recommendations.

After milk

Lactic acid is used as part of peeling most often for sensitive skin prone to allergies. However, this superficial and delicate method of exfoliation can lead to a situation where the client discovers that the face is covered in pimples after peeling.

Usually the rashes after such a procedure are minor and go away without any therapy after a few days. If a pustular rash or internal acne occurs, it is time to suspect problems within the body (disruptions in the endocrine or gynecological sphere, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract). In this case, you should contact a specialist to solve your health problems.


Acne after peeling is a common side effect of the procedure. As a rule, this defect goes away after a few days and is simply eliminated along with the old skin. If this does not happen, you should not put off a visit to a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Proper cosmetic care or drug therapy will alleviate the situation and bring the face back to normal.

After peeling, acne appeared - such a side effect of exfoliation for many is not just undesirable, but paradoxical. After all, what brings women to a cosmetologist’s office is the desire to get rid of the manifestations of acne, acne or unpleasant comedones. Tired of masking such skin imperfections with cosmetics, they turn to the power of chemical or hardware exfoliation, which can erase all minor aesthetic defects from the face. But sometimes the effect is the opposite - an even larger number of purulent pustules, which can only be gotten rid of with local antibiotics. Let's figure out what to do if the problem makes itself felt.

Peeling and acne: do we treat or cripple?

Most types of peeling are designed to get rid of skin defects such as acne. Women decide to undergo chemical or hardware exfoliation in the hope of at least a year to forget about unpleasant inflammations, which often have to be hidden under powder or foundation. The good aesthetic results of peeling sessions are explained by the very mechanism of professional skin cleansing.

The basis of acid and physical procedures is the destruction of the keratinized epidermal layer and artificial stimulation of its deep renewal. Skin burned by chemical compounds or injured by small abrasives strives for rapid regeneration. In the inner layers of the dermis, the production of natural collagen and elastin fibers begins to double, blood circulation increases, and the skin easily absorbs nutrients and oxygen. Internal changes lead to the fact that dead epidermal cells slough off and are replaced by healthy and smooth skin. The rejuvenation caused by peeling from previous imperfections in appearance leaves no trace: wrinkles and unevenness disappear from the face, the tone is evened out, pigmentation becomes invisible or disappears completely.


Superficial and medium peels help get rid of acne, because their active components normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, open clogged pores, reduce the secretion of skin secretions and block the development of pathogenic microflora. Correctly selected exfoliation taking into account age and skin type helps a woman get rid of the “teenage” complex for a long time.

Any peeling, especially if it is performed for the first time, is stressful for the skin. The reaction of the skin to external irritation with chemicals or scrubs can be predictable and typical, but sometimes it can be unexpected and frightening.

Do not worry and rush to seek medical help if the following appears after peeling:

  1. peeling. Separation of the keratinized epidermis is the first result of peeling. The absence of such a result means that the procedure was performed or selected incorrectly. Therefore, peeling of the facial skin after peeling is the main and expected effect of exfoliation. How long the change of skin will continue depends on the depth of penetration of the active ingredients and the characteristics of the skin. Peeling within a week is considered normal. The main thing is not to interfere with the process and not to try to speed it up by scrubbing. Only patience will help you deal with dry scales without damaging your appearance. The skin will peel less after applying special care products;
  2. redness. The appearance of red areas on the face, especially after acid peeling, is nothing more than a chemical burn. Weak redness (I degree burn) means that the procedure was successful, intense redness accompanied by swelling (II degree burn) is a sign of overexposure of the peeling composition, an overly aggressive or incorrectly selected chemical agent. Redness may persist for up to 5 days, then the skin will begin to turn pale;
  3. swelling in the eye and neck area. Most often, swelling may appear after a medium peel on sensitive skin. But those with oily or combination skin are not immune to such a skin reaction. There is no need to worry about swelling; it usually subsides on its own within 2 days. Antihistamines will also help correct the situation.

Side effects of peeling include skin reactions to cleansing, such as:

  1. extensive pigmentation. The cause of the spread of brown pigment spots on young skin can only be exposure to ultraviolet radiation. During the recovery period of the skin after medium or deep peeling, they are protected from direct sunlight with special creams. This is a rule that is dangerous to break. It is also dangerous to perform serious acid peels in late spring or summer;
  2. scars and cicatrices. Skin thickening and scarring are guaranteed if you interfere with the natural course of its healing. Don’t touch dry crusts, don’t pick off the peelings, and this problem will go away;
  3. hives. This is an allergic reaction of the skin to a chemical peeling agent or micron particles of abrasives. A nettle rash may appear immediately after the procedure and spread instantly. Extensive pale pink or red blisters are very itchy and cause a lot of discomfort. Antihistamines and ointments will help alleviate the condition;
  4. acne. Pimples after peeling can appear for various reasons. The most common are an incorrectly selected procedure and careless attitude to post-peeling skin care. In addition, hidden skin infections and lack of preparation for exfoliation sessions can be the causes of painful and deep inflamed pustules.

Complications after peeling also include the appearance of papillomas, herpetic rashes, and exacerbation of dermatological diseases. Inappropriate exfoliation or disruption of the skin regeneration regime can also cause small pimples or pustules.

Causes of acne and their prevention

The main reasons why acne may appear after peelings are divided into three categories: cosmetic, dermatological and household. Fans of superficial and medial exfoliations turn to specialists with complaints of inflammatory rashes on the face. Pustular pustules can irritate the skin both with a light glycolic peel and as a result of a serious retinoic peel. So, let's find out why acne appears after peeling.

Cosmetic causes of acne:

  1. inappropriate exfoliation. Not all ages are susceptible to peelings. For example, young skin does not allow medium or deep exfoliation. Up to the age of 25, cosmetologists recommend getting rid of aesthetic imperfections only with the help of rare superficial techniques - soft fruit peelings or ultrasonic facial cleansing. More severe exfoliation at a young age will likely cause inflamed bumps to appear on the skin. Radical cleansing is allowed to be performed no earlier than 25-30 years. And only if there really is evidence for it;
  2. improper pre-peeling preparation is another cosmetic reason for the appearance of purulent pustules. On the eve of peeling, many experts advise preparing the skin for the procedure. How exactly depends on the type of skin and the cause of their imperfections. For example, for those with oily or combination skin with clogged and enlarged pores, comedones or acne, it is advisable to perform a manual or ultrasonic cleaning session 3-4 days before peeling. And for those who often suffer from herpes, take the antiviral drug Acyclovir a week before exfoliation;
  3. violation of post-peeling care rules. After peeling, acne may break out if a woman violates the protocol of care procedures. For example, in the first few days he touches his face, especially with dirty hands, picks off dry crusts, tries to disguise peeling with decorative cosmetics, does not cleanse the skin of the remnants of nourishing creams and masks;


An allergic reaction to a peeling drug or abrasive also results in a rash. Chemical exfoliation should be preceded by an allergy test for the components of the product. To do this, the specialist applies a drop of the composition to the thin skin of the inner bend of the elbow or under the knee. If no changes occur within 15 minutes, the peeling composition is suitable for you. Remind your cosmetologist about this before the procedure.

Dermatological causes of acne:

  1. infection of the skin by the Demodex mite. Before the exfoliation procedure, a woman may not be aware of the presence of this parasite in her body. Demodex develops in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, causing extensive redness, inflammation and itchy ulcers. Subcutaneous mites can only provoke worsening of acne and furunculosis after peeling - the face takes on a terrible appearance, inflamed nodules do not go away for up to 2-3 weeks. Cosmetologists must prescribe tests for Demodex and Staphylococcus to patients before a course of peeling procedures. And in case of a positive result, carry out drug therapy;
  2. stress for the sebaceous glands. In response to an acid irritant, the sebaceous glands can increase secretion production. In this case, the next day after peeling, a pustular bump may appear on the face;
  3. hormonal imbalance associated with hormonal therapy, chronic diseases of the endocrine system or taking contraceptives.

Household causes of acne:

  1. visiting a bathhouse or sauna during the period of skin rehabilitation after exfoliation;
  2. physical activity that provokes increased sweating in the first 3-4 days after peeling.

Getting rid of inflammation correctly

What to do if acne suddenly appears after peeling? Do not hesitate to consult a doctor about your problem. Especially if the pustules hurt and don’t go away for a long time. A cosmetologist’s advice may vary; depending on the condition of the skin, the number and depth of rashes, the specialist may prescribe the following:

  1. Do not squeeze out ulcers under any circumstances;
  2. disinfect the skin with “Miramistin” (gently wipe with a cotton pad soaked in the solution);
  3. treat inflammation with “Zinerit” or creams containing metronidazole;
  4. take antihistamines to relieve allergies;
  5. take a course of darsonvalization of facial skin;
  6. use zinc-based products;
  7. in case of infection with a subcutaneous mite, treatment with antibiotics and antiparasitic agents is added to standard therapy.

The treatment regimen for inflammatory nodules is selected individually. The therapy will help get rid of post-peeling acne within 2-3 weeks.

The appearance of acne after exfoliation can occur in those who have not previously suffered from inflammation on the face, and in those who came to a cosmetologist to get rid of purulent rashes. Provoking factors include improper preparation of the skin for peeling, age-inappropriate exfoliation, or the presence of hidden dermatological diseases. Only a professional doctor can eliminate these causes of acne and protect a woman from complications. Therefore, it is so important to choose a competent and attentive specialist.

Peeling is a popular procedure today, which is widely used both in beauty salons and at home. Like any other method of caring for the face and body, it requires the implementation of a number of rules. Otherwise, you may not only fail to achieve the desired result, but also significantly worsen your skin condition. In this case, you can observe acne after peeling. Why they appear, as well as how to deal with this nuisance, we will tell further.

Why do acne appear after exfoliation?

Many girls face a number of problems after such procedures. And this is truly paradoxical. After all, many girls turn to a cosmetologist precisely because of acne or other defects on their skin. Peeling helps get rid of a number of such problems. So why aren't pimples after peeling a rare occurrence? There are many reasons for this.

Most often, acne after peeling - retinoic, yellow, glycolic or another version of the procedure - appears due to incorrect actions of the cosmetologist. If you do it at home, it becomes even easier to make a mistake. Even professional cosmetologists sometimes do peeling incorrectly. They may not pay enough attention to properly preparing their client's skin before performing the procedure. Also, acne or other problems may appear due to the use of low-quality cosmetics.

In some cases, side effects after peeling appear due to the wrong choice of product. It is important to consider your facial skin type. It is extremely important to select funds individually. If the composition contains allergens (for example, honey), you need to take this into account and conduct a preliminary tolerance test. Not every cosmetologist uses such precautions. Therefore, various negative consequences are possible, including acne.

Also, incorrect actions of visitors to a beauty salon cause skin problems. Most often, acne appears due to non-compliance with the recommendations given by a specialist after peeling. Also, some girls use aggressive detergents when washing clothes. This may cause skin problems after peeling.

Sometimes the rash is not associated with such a procedure. Acne can be a symptom of certain pathologies, most often of a hormonal nature. Acne and rashes can appear in adolescence, during pregnancy, when using hormonal contraceptives, etc. In this case, only a doctor will help solve the problem.

Reviews about the procedure

Many girls are interested in why acne appears after peeling. First of all, you need to make sure that the procedure is performed correctly. It is especially important to pay attention to skin preparation. If you skip this step or do it incorrectly, there is a high probability of cosmetic problems and defects. Preparation is carried out differently for different skin types. Otherwise, according to cosmetologists, inflammation may appear that spreads throughout the face and is difficult to treat.

Also, you should not carry out such procedures at home. Professional cosmetologists claim that in this case, many people begin to experiment and engage in amateur activities. An incorrectly selected (even high-quality) cosmetic product will do more harm than good.

According to reviews, acne after peeling is not uncommon if the procedure is performed at the wrong time of year. It is worth considering that there are many varieties of it. Each type of peeling has a number of features. Many of them are undesirable to do in the hot season.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, young girls (under 25 years old) should not undergo facial peeling at all. If there is a need for this procedure, only superficial options for cleaning the epithelium can be carried out. In this case, fruit acids are used.

Many women over the age of 25 claim that they experience skin problems after peeling. And such reviews occur quite often. The fact is that even at an older age, deep cleansing is only permissible as prescribed by a cosmetologist. According to reviews, not every girl is suitable for facial peeling.

Precautionary measures

To prevent acne from appearing after facial peeling, you need to take a number of precautionary steps. This is a preventive measure that will help you avoid various skin problems after the procedure.

After peeling, it is important to switch to a gentle regimen during daily care. A complete refusal to use decorative cosmetics is required. Otherwise, skin regeneration processes slow down.

You need to reduce your time in the heat as much as possible. Direct exposure to sunlight is excluded. After peeling, the epithelium is deprived of its natural protection. Therefore, sunburn and subsequent hyperpigmentation may occur.

When carrying out daily care procedures, the use of scrubs should be avoided. You should also give preference to cosmetics in the form of foam or gel. They are easily absorbed, moisturizing the epithelium.

To avoid the appearance of acne after peeling, you should get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands. It is also worth temporarily eliminating physical activity. They cause increased sweating, which increases the risk of complications.

By following these recommendations, you can prevent serious problems from occurring. Healing will occur faster. The skin will remain healthy.

General recommendations

If acne appears after peeling, you need to take a number of actions. This will quickly get rid of the problem and restore the health of the epithelium. It is important to take into account the mistakes made that led to such negative consequences. For example, you should change your cosmetic product or contact a different cosmetologist.

When the first signs of a rash appear, you should seek help from a qualified specialist. This could be a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The first warning signs of problems are:

  1. the skin in some areas changes color (it can either darken or lighten);
  2. the entire surface of the face acquires a reddish-lilac tint;
  3. a noticeable capillary network appears.

If acne or the listed symptoms appear after peeling, you need to consult a specialist. Self-medication can be dangerous. The consequences can be very sad. Skin health can be compromised due to improper actions. Only an experienced specialist will be able to select the correct treatment.

You need to take into account the advice of your cosmetologist. You may just need to wait until the recovery period passes. In most cases, after some time, the healthy appearance of the skin returns. But this is only possible if you follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

The specialist will also draw up a program of action in case of acne. This is a set of special procedures that have a comprehensive effect on the epithelium. Only by taking into account the characteristics of your body, the type of procedure and the cosmetics used, will the doctor be able to choose the right treatment regimen.

Glycolic peeling

There are different types of peeling. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular procedure. This allows you to take effective actions to get rid of acne. One of the most popular treatment options is glycolic peeling. It is suitable for both young and mature skin.

Glycolic acid, which this technique involves using, allows you to get rid of age spots, rashes and shallow wrinkles. A professional knows how to choose the right concentration of solution for treating facial skin. In this case, the appearance of acne is unlikely. However, such consequences cannot be ruled out.

If acne appears after a glycolic peel, you will need to seek help from a dermatologist. Most often, in such a situation, the doctor prescribes a set of actions:

  1. Every day the face is wiped with Miramistin. This should be done 2-3 times a day.
  2. A course of antihistamines is prescribed, for example, Suprastin or Claritin. They are taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for a week.
  3. When washing, only tar soap is used.

Both large and small pimples should not be squeezed after peeling. Also, alcohol-based products should not be used to cauterize them. Decorative cosmetics are also prohibited. It cannot be used to mask acne. If after completing the treatment course there is no improvement, you need to undergo a course of full-fledged drug treatment. A comprehensive diagnosis is first carried out, which allows us to establish the cause of such a pathology.

Jessner Peel

Acne may appear after a Jessner peel. This type of procedure refers to aggressive acid treatments. The appearance of acne after it is not uncommon. The special composition penetrates deep into the skin, causing significant irritation. This procedure should be performed by an experienced professional.

Immediately before peeling, comprehensive preparation of the dermis is carried out. There are also a number of recommendations that must be followed during the recovery period. Any violation of the methodology can lead to serious negative consequences.

There are a few steps you need to take if you notice pimples after peeling. A cosmetologist will tell you what to do in such a situation. Most often, experts prescribe the following:

  1. Wipe your face with anti-inflammatory lotion several times a day. You can also use antiseptics instead. They may contain aloe and alcohol.
  2. Within a week you need to take 2 tablets of an antiviral drug. For example, it could be Acyclovir.
  3. If swelling or redness appears against the background of the rash, you need to take antihistamines.

Typically, the recovery period after such a procedure lasts about a week and a half. If after taking the medication there is no visible improvement even after 4 days, additional consultation with a dermatologist is needed. If there is an infectious lesion of the dermis, the listed restorative techniques will be useless. In this case, complex treatment is required.

Yellow peeling

Pimples appear extremely rarely after yellow peeling. This is a gentle and relatively safe technique. It is also called retinoic peeling. In this case, the effect is only on the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, in most cases, side effects can be avoided. Only if you completely ignore the rules that need to be followed during the recovery period, various problems can arise.

In this case, a doctor's consultation is required. The cosmetologist gives a number of recommendations that must be followed during the recovery period. If you ignore them, prepare for serious consequences. It is allowed to have acne after peeling for 5-7 days. If they do not go away after a week and actively spread over the surface of the skin, urgent treatment is needed. In this case, dermatologists often prescribe the following:

  1. Cream with panthenol, which should be applied in a thin layer to the skin. Such drugs accelerate healing and relieve inflammation.
  2. “Clindamycin lotion” is used to disinfect the epidermis. It is applied to the face at night.
  3. "Chlorophyllipt" is used during the day. They wipe the affected areas of the skin.
  4. Bepanten cream also promotes the healing process.
  5. If rashes occur due to demodex mites, you need to undergo a course of therapy using Trichopolum. It is prescribed in tablets and products for external use.

Salicylic and carbon peeling

Of course, acne after chemical peels is not uncommon. This is an invasive type of procedure that can cause significant harm if the rules are not followed. It is much safer to use “soft” types of peeling when cleansing your facial skin. Such procedures include carbon and salicylic types of procedures. They are suitable even for those girls who have sensitive skin.

Carbon peeling involves using a laser during treatment. Therefore, there is minimal impact on the epidermis. The appearance of acne after such exposures is rare. This is possible due to the development of an allergic reaction. It occurs due to the stress that the skin experiences during the treatment process.

Most often, acne after facial peeling appears after treatment with salicylic acid. But this phenomenon is explained by improper preparation for the procedure. This can happen if the cosmetologist has not diagnosed the presence or absence of dermodex mites on the skin. Also, during the period of exacerbation of a chronic endocrine disease, such effects are unacceptable. The procedure in this case almost always ends with the appearance of rashes.

If pimples appear after carbon or salicylic peeling, you should not squeeze or scratch them. The dermatologist prescribes antihistamines, which are taken for 3 days. The face is wiped with an antiseptic.

Almond peeling

Of course, acne after peeling can upset every girl. However, the likelihood of their occurrence after a gentle procedure is much less. This is true for almond peeling. During the treatment process, preparations are used that are made on a basis that is safe for skin health. Therefore, rashes in this case are practically excluded.

The almond base, unlike other types of compositions, does not remove the top layer of the epidermis. It does not cleanse the deep layers of the dermis. This procedure is indicated for young girls who have relevant skin problems. Almond peeling is allowed even in the presence of visible inflammation on the skin.

The only reason why rashes may appear after such a procedure may be the penetration of infection into the epidermis. In this case, the treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the causes of the pathology.

Some general tips

To minimize the risk of acne after peeling, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. Carry out the procedure only by an experienced, qualified specialist. He must comply with all hygiene standards and requirements.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist must exclude the possibility of the presence of dermodex mites on the skin. Otherwise, such exposure is contraindicated.

If you are taking medications or have chronic diseases (especially endocrine diseases), you need to warn your cosmetologist about this.

After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer with an ultraviolet filter to your skin. The skin becomes vulnerable after peeling. Therefore, she needs protection and proper care. During the recovery period of the epidermis, sports, visiting the bathhouse, and the beach are prohibited. You should also avoid taking a hot bath.

It is best to visit a dermatologist before undertaking such procedures. He will give recommendations on choosing a peeling technique. Perhaps this procedure is contraindicated for you. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing care procedures. Also, you should not carry out such effects at home.