Sea buckthorn oil in cosmetics

Sea buckthorn oil is an incredibly valuable product in cosmetology. Its beneficial properties have been successfully used by women for several decades, or even hundreds of years, to maintain the beauty of hair, skin, nails, and to solve dermatological problems. Today we propose to talk about how to get the maximum benefit from fragrant and juicy fruits. We will tell you how to use sea buckthorn oil correctly. Benefits and harms, components with which it can be combined, and what results to expect are the topic of this material!

Unique composition

The truly amazing properties of sea buckthorn oil are explained by its composition. This product is obtained from fresh sea buckthorn fruits by pressing and further processing. The surprising thing is that the oil does not lose its beneficial properties at all. Due to the large number of vitamins that make up sea buckthorn oil, it is used in cosmetology to get rid of wrinkles. This remedy helps not only preserve youth, but also cell regeneration. The product also contains a complex of amino acids, a large amount of phytosterols and phospholipids. It also contains organic substances. Experts say: you need to use oil regularly, this is the only way to achieve the best results. The average number of procedures per week should be 2-3.


Medicinal properties

Due to the increased content of useful components, sea buckthorn oil is used in the creation of various creams, masks, shampoos and lip balms. It is worth noting that this product is characterized by high bioactivity, and therefore its use in caring for the skin of the body and face guarantees:

  1. getting rid of inflammation;
  2. skin nutrition and hydration;
  3. skin softening;
  4. removal of edema;
  5. increased elasticity.

In addition, with regular use of sea buckthorn oil, its properties will allow you to normalize microcirculation, strengthen capillaries, slow down the aging process, and normalize fat balance. Sea buckthorn oil will get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones, and will promote the formation of collagen and elastin. With its help, you can significantly lighten freckles and age spots, and cure peeling.

By the way, the product is perfectly absorbed and penetrates into the very depths of the pores, while it improves metabolic processes and normalizes the acid-lipid balance. We invite you to talk about the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil for the skin. It perfectly helps with chapping and dry skin, cracks and wounds, burns, and the appearance of rough areas - both on the face and body. In addition, this product is indispensable for the first signs of aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Dermatologists note: cold-extracted oil is not suitable, because it is quite toxic; preference should be given to products that were obtained using cold pressing.


Anti-wrinkle oil

In pharmacies and specialized stores you can purchase ready-made anti-wrinkle products made from sea buckthorn. You can also make them at home. It is worth noting that in combination with other natural ingredients, sea buckthorn oil very quickly and carefully smooths out fine wrinkles, and makes deep ones almost invisible. We have prepared for you the best recipes for anti-wrinkle products based on sea buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn and cocoa

In order to get rid of imperfections in the eyelid area, you will need one tablespoon each of sea buckthorn oil and solid cocoa butter. You will need to add a teaspoon of tocopherol to them. The cocoa butter shavings must be melted (it is best to do this in a steam or water bath), then cool to body temperature, add the rest of the ingredients. After this, the mixture must be mixed and applied to the skin in the morning and evening. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator - preferably in a glass container. Cosmetologists recommend preparing a special spatula for this cosmetic product so as not to introduce germs into the container when scooping it from a jar. Please note: the mixture will be quite hard, but it will melt from the warmth of your hands. This product is also perfect for strengthening eyelashes.


Sea buckthorn, sour cream and egg yolk

Based on sea buckthorn oil, you can prepare a composition that will rejuvenate the skin and eliminate wrinkles. To prepare, you will need one tablespoon each of homemade full-fat sour cream and sea buckthorn, one egg yolk. All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. You should prepare cling film in advance: you need to cut a hole in it for the eyes, lips and nose, then cover the nutritional composition with film in order to enhance the overall effect. This mask should be removed after 10-20 minutes.

Sea buckthorn, honey and aloe

Sea buckthorn oil is often used in cosmetology to make lotions for oily skin. You can prepare it at home: you need to combine two parts of sea buckthorn oil, one part each of aloe juice and fresh honey. To enhance the effect, you can add three drops of geranium extract to this mixture. This composition must be applied to the face using a cotton pad, and after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Sea buckthorn against acne

Speaking about the properties of sea buckthorn oil and its application, we cannot fail to say that it perfectly relieves acne from the skin. Products based on this product are simply irreplaceable for various inflammations, blackheads and acne. Please note: you should not apply undiluted oil to your skin - this will weaken it, make it sensitive and turn it a deep orange color. It is best to prepare cosmetics at home using this product.


Sea buckthorn scrub

Is your skin inflamed, sallow and looking tired? Try making a scrub. For it you will need oatmeal or bran, sea buckthorn oil and grape seed oil. All components must be taken in equal proportions. You need to use this scrub twice a week. After use, you can wipe your face with a herbal decoction, such as chamomile.

Sea buckthorn and tea tree oil serum

Sea buckthorn oil is used in cosmetology to prevent the appearance of pimples and acne. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a healing course every six months, which lasts a whole month. For 30 days, you should use a serum made from tea tree and sea buckthorn oils. These products should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin before bed for 15-20 minutes. Please note: this product must be washed off thoroughly.

Sea buckthorn compresses

If you can't get rid of irritation on your face, try making an antibacterial compress. You will need strong green tea (you can replace it with chamomile tea), a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. After the tea has cooled to body temperature, you need to soak a natural fabric, such as linen or cotton, in it and apply it to your face. Cover your face with a terry towel on top. After 10 minutes, after the skin has warmed up, you need to take sea buckthorn oil mixed with aloe juice and rub it into the skin with gentle movements.

Night cream

Oil made from sea buckthorn fruits is ideal for preparing nourishing facial products. One of the easiest ways is to mix your favorite face cream with a few drops of oil immediately before use. You can add a small amount of lavender essential oil to this nutritional composition.


In order to prepare a night cream, you should take one part sea buckthorn oil, four parts jojoba oil. You can add beeswax to the composition, which must first be melted in a water bath. This product is ideal for mature skin. It must be stored in the refrigerator. Speaking about the use of sea buckthorn oil in cosmetology and recipes for cosmetics based on this product, we cannot fail to mention the night cream, which, in addition to this ingredient, includes cream, beaten egg and vodka. It is necessary to combine all components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. This cream should be applied to the skin daily, half an hour before bedtime. Like the previous remedy, this needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Anti-aging mask

We suggest preparing an anti-aging face mask. In reviews of sea buckthorn oil combined with honey, semolina, apple juice and a number of other ingredients, women say that they perfectly smooth the skin and give it a fresh, radiant look. You will need the following components:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil – two teaspoons;
  2. semolina porridge - two tablespoons;
  3. apple juice (it is best to take freshly squeezed) – one tablespoon;
  4. egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  5. honey - one teaspoon;
  6. sea ​​salt - half a teaspoon.

Semolina porridge must be cooled to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, combined with egg yolk and honey, and mixed. Mix the remaining ingredients in a separate container. Then both compositions must be combined to obtain a homogeneous consistency. You can apply this mask to your face twice a week; after half an hour, it should be washed off with warm water.

Sea buckthorn for hair

Sea buckthorn oil is extremely useful not only for the face, but also for hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Products based on this product are produced by different companies, for example Natura Siberica. Sea buckthorn shampoo gives curls softness, making them silky and shiny. But don’t think that only products that you can find in the store will benefit your hair. Cosmetics created at home are no worse.

What effect do products made with oil from these bright fruits have? The benefits of Natura Siberica sea buckthorn shampoo or masks prepared at home include cell renewal, getting rid of dandruff, relieving itching and irritation. In addition, sea buckthorn moisturizes dry hair, gives it shine, and heals wounds on the scalp.

Fast Growth Serum

In order to prepare a composition that will accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss, you will need the same amount of sea buckthorn and castor oils. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, and then using a comb, carefully distribute the oils along their entire length. Then the hair must be wrapped in plastic and a towel, and washed after two hours.

Emulsions and wraps

Sea buckthorn hair masks are ideal for solving problems such as split ends. You can prepare an emulsion from a decoction of burdock and oil. The product is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take crushed burdock root (three tablespoons), add boiled water - you will need 300 milliliters.
  2. Boil the burdock over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. After the broth has cooled, strain it thoroughly.
  4. Add five tablespoons of oil to the broth and stir.

This product should be applied to dry hair; after half an hour, the curls should be rinsed.


How to use sea buckthorn oil for split ends? An excellent option is to prepare and apply a wrap. You need to take sea buckthorn oil, as well as olive and grape oil. In a ratio of one to three you need to add castor and almond oil, one to four - argan and avocado oil. This composition should be left on the hair for at least 12 hours. After this time, the oils should be washed off with shampoo.

Oil harm and contraindications

Speaking about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil, its harm also cannot be ignored. The use of homemade cosmetics prepared on its basis is not recommended for people prone to allergic reactions and irritation. Contraindications include age under 14 years. Please note that the oil cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form; it must first be combined with another base oil or decoction.

Description: very valuable oil for both the skin and the whole body.; can be stored for up to 4 years.
Color: red golden liquid
Smell: characteristic
Ingredients: vitamins A and E, C, fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamins B1, B2, K and P, palmitic and palmitoleic acids.
Cosmetic effect
Sea buckthorn oil is indispensable in the care of aging skin, promotes rapid restoration of the skin after damage and burns, has excellent softening properties, and is indicated for wrinkles, freckles and age spots, acne.


Everyone knows about the existence of small orange fruits of sea buckthorn, but few people realize the positive effects of this berry on the condition of the skin. It is not the fruits themselves that bring a special effect, but sea buckthorn oil due to its unique composition. It moisturizes, reduces the number of wrinkles on the face, eyelids and increases skin turgor.


The effect of sea buckthorn oil on the skin

Sea buckthorn oil is highly valued in the field of cosmetology; it is used for beauty procedures at home and in beauty salons, as an effective remedy for wrinkles. The product is also used to produce many interesting cosmetic products.


Within just a month of using this product, you can notice visible changes in the condition of the skin: the skin will become softer, more tender, wrinkles will be less noticeable, and the color will be better and more even. No wonder sea buckthorn oil has so many flattering reviews.

Important! The actual product should be bright orange in color and have a viscous consistency.


The amazing effect of sea buckthorn oil on the skin of the entire face, and, in particular, the effectiveness against wrinkles, occurs due to the unusual composition of the oil. It consists of:

1) Palmitoleic acid (Omega-7). This element is very rare and valuable; it is found in only a few oils. Omega-7 promotes the renewal of old cells with new ones, while increasing their elasticity.

2) Oleic acid (Omega-9). This substance creates a feeling of hydration and nourishment of the skin by helping the penetration of other nutrients into the dermis.

3) Linoleic acid. “Closes” the entrance to allergens and microbes that want to penetrate the skin.

  1. A. Has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.
  2. group B. Normalize metabolic processes, are responsible for the regeneration of cellular epithelium and fight skin diseases.
  3. K. Copes with facial swelling.
  4. E. The strongest antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells.
  5. RR. Well moisturizes the skin, while smoothing out wrinkles.
  6. C. Increases the turgor and elasticity of the skin by 2 times.

5) Amino acids (Alanine, Serine, Proline, etc.). Vital elements that contribute to normal skin condition.

6) Organic acids. Maintain normal acid-base balance.

7) Micro- and macroelements (Fe, Ca, Na, I, Mg). Nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the face.


Thanks to this unique composition, the following changes can be noted after using sea buckthorn oil:

  1. smoothing facial wrinkles;
  2. elimination of peeling;
  3. increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  4. getting rid of acne and pimples.

Sea buckthorn oil, in addition to actively fighting wrinkles, can whiten the skin, eliminating age spots and freckles.


Applying oil on the face

To give your face a healthy look, rejuvenate your skin and smooth out wrinkles, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with this oil.

When using sea buckthorn oil for the face as an anti-wrinkle product, certain rules should be followed:

  1. You should not use the oil for more than 1 month; you should definitely take a short break.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil can be mixed with other ingredients in order to enhance the positive effect of its use. This product can also be mixed with essential oils and used as a massage mixture.
  3. To achieve a better effect against wrinkles, you can not only apply sea buckthorn oil to your face every day, but also make compresses from it that will transform the skin and smooth out wrinkles faster.

The oil is excellent at fighting acne. To treat this problem, you will need to apply the product daily at night.


Tips for applying the product:

  1. Before applying the product, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin.
  2. Then you should soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply it to the entire surface of your face. Particular attention should be paid to the area with wrinkles.
  3. After 30 minutes, you can wash off the composition with warm water.

To enhance the effect against wrinkles, you should mix the product in equal proportions with grape and castor oils.


Depending on the type of skin on your face, you can combine different ingredients with sea buckthorn oil in order to enhance the effect of its use - thus, reducing wrinkles will be more effective. The duration of the procedure also varies depending on the skin type.

  1. Dry skin should be moistened with sea buckthorn oil with milk or cottage cheese. You need to keep the resulting mass for about 35-40 minutes.
  2. Oily skin you need to nourish it with oil with the addition of lemon or cucumber juice. Keep the mask on for less than 20 minutes.
  3. Combination skin it is necessary to moisturize with sea buckthorn mixture mixed with honey or egg. The duration of the procedure should be about half an hour.


Using sea buckthorn oil around the eyes

There are tricks to using sea buckthorn oil for eyelids against wrinkles. To apply the product to the problem area, you need:

  1. dip cotton swabs in oil;
  2. place them on the problem area;
  3. lie down comfortably and relax; cover your face with a terry towel (but this is not necessary).

The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after this time you should wash your face and wipe your face dry.


Advice! This product can be applied to eyelashes and eyebrows. After using it, the hair in these places will grow better and stop falling out.

Does sea buckthorn oil help against wrinkles? It definitely helps, if you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself!


There are no contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil, as it is a pure and natural product. The only option when it cannot be used is individual intolerance, that is, an allergy.


In order to check whether a person will have an allergic reaction from using this product, an allergy test should be performed. To carry it out, you need to smear a small amount of oil on your wrist. After 20 minutes, you should look at the skin reaction - if there is no itching or burning, it means there is no allergy to this product and it can be used.

Despite the absence of contraindications, the product should be used with caution:

  1. pregnant women;
  2. breastfeeding women;
  3. children under 16 years of age;
  4. people with open injuries on the face;
  5. people with serious skin lesions.


The most effective face masks

Sea buckthorn oil can be used for the face both in its pure form and to make oil masks against wrinkles. Below you will see the most effective and convenient recipes:

Recipe No. 1

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil (1 tbsp.)
  2. blue clay (1 tsp)
  3. egg yolk (1)
  4. avocado juice or oil (1 tsp)

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Apply the mask to your face for 25 minutes. To achieve results, you need to use the resulting mixture 2 times a week.


Recipe No. 2

To prepare another effective mask, you will need:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil (1 tbsp.)
  2. curd mass (1 tsp)
  3. apple juice (1 tsp)

The mask should be applied for half an hour. Then it needs to be washed off first with warm water, then with cool water.


Recipe No. 3

To quickly smooth out wrinkles, there is another mask. And to prepare it you need to take:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn remedy (1 tbsp.)
  2. oatmeal (1 tsp)
  3. honey (1/2 tsp)

After mixing all the ingredients, the mask should be applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Video: effective anti-wrinkle face masks with sea buckthorn oil.

Effective masks for the eye area

In order to moisturize the skin around the eyes and remove wrinkles on the eyelids, you can use the following recipes for masks with excellent sea buckthorn oil:

Recipe No. 1

To prepare the product you need to mix:

  1. honey (1 tsp)
  2. milk (1 tsp)
  3. cucumber juice (1/2 tsp)
  4. sea ​​buckthorn oil (1 tbsp.)

You should not keep the mask on your face for more than 40 minutes.


Recipe No. 2

To prepare the next mask, you will first need to make a decoction. It is prepared from linden flowers, parsley and currant leaves. After preparing the decoction, you need to let it cool, then add the oil. It is recommended to mix in the following ratio: 2 tbsp. l. decoction and 1 tbsp. l. oils

This product can be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator for several days. Nothing will happen to it, and it will be suitable for further use.


Recipe No. 3

Mix until smooth:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil (1 tbsp.)
  2. blue clay (1 tsp)
  3. chicken egg yolk (1)

After preparing the mask, you need to apply it to your face with rotational movements (for 25-30 minutes).


Sea buckthorn oil is a valuable product that can combat many skin problems on the face, including wrinkles, rashes, freckles, etc. Therefore, positive reviews and opinions about this natural remedy are abundant. The price of this product is minimal, but despite this it is able to replace many expensive cosmetics.