Forms of Massage

Forms of massage

Massage is one of the most ancient and effective ways to improve human health and well-being. With the help of massage you can eliminate pain, fatigue, nervousness, improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension and improve the general condition of the body. There are several forms of massage, each of which has its own characteristics and is used in different cases.

  1. General massage

General massage is a form of massage in which the entire surface of the body is massaged. The time for a general massage depends on its type, as well as on the body weight of the person being massaged, his age, gender and other characteristics. Typically, massage begins with large areas of the body and large muscles, so it is best to start a general massage from the back. Then you should move on to the neck and arms. It is more convenient to massage each side of the back and neck separately, moving from one side to the other. The left and right hands should also be massaged separately. Then you need to massage the pelvic area, buttocks, and thighs. After this, you should begin massaging the knee joint, calf muscle, Achilles tendon, heel, and plantar surface of the foot. The next stage of the massage is massaging the toes, ankle joints and legs (the person being massaged must assume a supine position). Next you need to massage your knee joints and hips. Then you should massage the far side of the chest and move on to massage the near arm. Having finished massaging the closest arm, you need to go to the other side and massage the opposite side of the chest, and after that – the arm closest to you. The last stage of the massage session is abdominal massage. General massage should be performed in compliance with the sequence of massage techniques. First, you should perform stroking, squeezing, rubbing, then kneading and vibration techniques. You need to finish the massage with stroking techniques.

  1. Local massage

When performing a local massage, a separate part of the body is massaged, for example, the neck, back, leg, etc. If necessary, using a local massage, individual muscles, joints, ligaments, etc. are massaged. The time for a local massage session depends on which part body is massaged. Typically, a local massage lasts at least 3 minutes, but no more than 25 minutes. Local massage should begin from the overlying areas, for example, if the leg is being massaged, then first massage the thigh, and then move on to massage the calf muscle, knee joint, ankle and foot. When performing local massage, the same massage techniques are used as for general massage.

  1. Sports massage

Sports massage is a specific type of massage that is used to improve athletic performance, as well as to prevent and treat injuries. Sports massage is performed before and after competitions, as well as during preparation for competitions. It includes massage of muscles and ligaments, as well as muscle stretching. Sports massage is performed at a higher intensity than general or local massage and may cause some soreness. However, it helps increase muscle flexibility and endurance, relieve muscle tension, eliminate soreness and speed up recovery after training and competition.

  1. Reflexology

Reflexology is a form of massage that works with specific points on the body that are responsible for a particular disease. Reflexology is used to treat many conditions, including headaches, digestive problems, joint and muscle problems, as well as to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Reflexology is performed using massage techniques that are aimed at stimulating specific points on the feet, hands, ears and other parts of the body.

  1. Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a special form of massage that stimulates the body's lymphatic system. The purpose of lymphatic drainage massage is to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, reduce swelling and improve the general condition of the body. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed with light movements that are aimed at stimulating the lymph nodes and channels. It can be useful in the treatment of edema, varicose veins, cellulite and other problems associated with impaired lymphatic circulation.

Each form of massage has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing a specific form depends on the goals you want to achieve. Before starting a massage, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases or health problems.