How to remove dark spots on face

Many people have age spots on their faces, but this problem is especially acute for women. Such a cosmetic defect not only spoils the appearance, but also causes psychological discomfort. It is not surprising that most women think about how to remove age spots on their face, but for this process to be as effective as possible, you must first find out the reason for their appearance.

Causes of age spots on the face

The reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face are varied, including:

The period of gestation. The appearance of spots in this case is caused by hormonal imbalance. After childbirth, they often go away on their own, but in some cases they persist for a long time;

Lack of folic acid in the body. As a result, disturbances occur in the functioning of the human circulatory and immune systems;

Negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. It is especially dangerous to be in the sun during its maximum activity, which is observed in the summer and spring months;

Some components of cosmetics, perfume, and personal hygiene items, especially if the cosmetics are of poor quality, can lead to increased skin pigmentation;

Taking certain medications. Antibacterial agents and hormones pose a particular danger in this regard;

Excessive exposure to the sun, tanning;

Age. The older a person gets, the more pigment spots he appears. Moreover, they occur on open areas of the body (on the face, on the hands, in the décolleté area). Such spots are often called senile ripples.

Cosmetic procedures to remove pigmentation

Having determined the cause of the appearance of age spots on the face, you can create an individual plan to combat them. In some cases, it will be sufficient to use bleaching creams, compresses, decoctions, and sometimes more radical measures are required. This can be chemical peeling, dermabrasion and other salon procedures.


Phototherapy is a modern method of eliminating age spots. The effect can be felt after the first procedure. During the session, the spot is exposed to photo flashes. As a result, melanin is destroyed, pigmentation becomes less noticeable or disappears altogether.

Advantages of the phototherapy method in getting rid of pigmentation:

Atraumatic procedure. The skin remains intact, which reduces the risk of infection to zero. After a phototherapy session, there are no scars or scars;

No pain. You may experience a slight tingling sensation on your facial skin during the session;

Accelerated recovery period;

Like any other procedure, phototherapy has a number of contraindications, including:

Herpetic rashes in the treatment area;

Bleeding disorders;

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling involves applying special substances to the skin that actively exfoliate old cells and thereby whiten age spots.

There are several types of peeling:

Surface. In this case, the upper layers of the skin are exposed. The procedure can be carried out 4 to 10 times a year. It is important that the interval between cleansing sessions is at least 10 days;

Medium peeling, aimed at cleansing the deeper layers of the epidermis. This peeling can be done once every 30 days;

Deep peeling affects the deep layers of the epidermis. This type of peeling can be performed no more than once every 6 months.

Features of the procedure and its consequences:

During the cleansing session, you may experience a burning sensation. It can last up to 24 hours;

Hyperemia of the skin is a natural reaction of the skin. Redness may persist for up to 24 hours. If deep peeling was performed, then hyperemia may remain for another 14 days;

Blisters or scars may appear on the skin. This happens during deep cleansing, or due to insufficient qualifications of the master who did not follow the technique of the procedure.

Laser removal

Laser removal of age spots is the most gentle and safe of all modern salon techniques available. The cosmetologist has the opportunity to influence only a limited area of ​​the skin, independently choosing the place of treatment. Healthy skin does not suffer. The skin on the treated area begins to peel off, and after two weeks the stain disappears.

High efficiency of the procedure;

To remove pigmentation, 1-2 sessions are enough.

Women should avoid laser whitening while pregnant.

The procedure cannot be performed during lactation, as well as in the following body conditions:

Fresh tan in the treatment area;

The presence of inflammation on the skin.

Cosmetical tools

The choice of cosmetics to eliminate age spots is very wide. These are various creams, serums, masks, peelings, lotions. They are designed for different skin types and help whiten and exfoliate.

Among the most popular means are:

Achromin is a whitening cream that protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight. This allows you not only to get rid of pigmentation, but also to prevent the reappearance of spots;

Clotrimazole is an ointment that is aimed at eliminating a wide variety of skin problems, including eliminating pigmentation;

Badyaga - this cream contains silica, which has a pronounced exfoliating effect, which means it allows you to whiten the skin;

Vichy cream - allows you to effectively and quickly get rid of age spots, even the darkest ones. It is recommended to be used for freckles and senile ripples;

Cosmetic white clay has a whitening effect. To enhance it, you can add lemon juice to the product.

How to get rid of age spots on the face at home?

We bring to your attention several natural remedies for the treatment of age spots on the face and body. Some recipes may seem unusual and not very credible, but their effectiveness has been confirmed by international scientific research.

If you are already tired of looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of age spots on your face at home, take these methods into account. They are safe, do not require significant costs and can be easily implemented at home.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has been tested (1) to reduce or even neutralize hyperpigmentation on the skin.

To use this tool:

mix apple cider vinegar and water in a small container;

Apply the solution to dark spots using a cotton swab and leave for two to three minutes;

wash your face or other treated area of ​​the body with warm water;

repeat the procedure twice a day until you achieve the desired results.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains aloin, a natural substance that has mild depigmenting properties. Aloe vera was proven to be effective in treating age spots in a scientific study conducted in 2012 (2). To quickly get rid of annoying imperfections, it is better to take not raw leaves of a houseplant, but concentrated aloe vera gel, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

It's very simple to use:

Apply the composition to pigmented areas before going to bed and go to rest;

In the morning, rinse off the gel with warm water, the skin will become soft and smooth;

repeat daily until all hyperpigmentation disappears.

Red onion

Red onion extract is a popular ingredient in cosmetic and medicinal creams for skin lightening and scar removal. An international study has shown (3) that dried red onion skins can quickly get rid of age spots on the face and body.

To avoid looking for anti-hyperpigmentation creams and masks containing red onion extract, make your own whitening product:

grate the sweet red onion on a fine grater;

squeeze the juice through cheesecloth;

apply it to the problem area using a cotton swab;

leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water;

Do this simple procedure every day until the age spots disappear.

You can also prepare a decoction of red onion peels:

Fill a glass of husk with the same volume of water, boil and cook for 10 minutes;

leave under the closed lid to infuse for 2 hours;

strain the broth and pour into a jar, store in the refrigerator;

Apply the product to age spots daily until they fade.

Green tea extract

One recent study on the benefits of green tea (4) shows that its extract has a strong whitening effect. You can try to purchase a ready-made extract at a pharmacy or online store, but there is an easier way. Use regular tea bags, but keep in mind that the product must be of excellent quality and absolutely pure, without aromatic additives.

If you want to try green tea to remove dark spots, follow these steps:

Brew the bag with boiling water for three to five minutes;

take it out of the cup and place it on a saucer so that it cools down and does not burn your skin;

apply the bag to the pigmented area and hold for 15-20 minutes;

repeat such applications twice a day until you are satisfied with the result.

Black tea infusion

A 2011 animal study(5) found that a strong infusion of regular black tea lightened dark spots on the body of guinea pigs. Scientists used this remedy twice a day for four weeks, and the results were impressive.

Try to get rid of age spots with the help of this product, because it is in every home:

Brew a tablespoon of good loose leaf black tea in a cup of boiling water;

steep the tea for two hours, then strain to remove the tea leaves;

dip a cotton swab into the infusion and apply to the stain for 10-15 minutes;

Carry out this procedure every day until you get the desired effect.

Licorice extract

Licorice extract contains biologically active substances that, as research shows (6), effectively remove melasma and any hyperpigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Many sunscreens and medicated sunburn ointments contain licorice extract. Try using them to remove age spots from your face or body.

You can also buy dried licorice at the pharmacy - this is a popular cough remedy. Brew the medicinal herb as directed on the package and use it as a daily lotion - this will certainly lighten hyperpigmentation.


Both milk itself and fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt) effectively lighten the skin. This has been proven by scientific research (7). Lactic acid, which is found in the highest concentration in whole milk, leads to a positive result.

Using this method of treating age spots at home is very simple:

Soak a cotton swab in warm milk;

Rub milk into problem areas of the skin twice a day until the desired effect is achieved.

Tomato paste

A scientific study (8) published in the British Journal of Dermatology in 2011 found that tomato paste rich in lycopene was effective in protecting the skin from both short-term and regular sun damage.

Participants in the control group consumed 55 grams of tomato paste with olive oil daily for 12 weeks. If you suffer from skin hyperpigmentation due to excess ultraviolet radiation, be sure to eat fresh tomatoes and use tomato paste more often when preparing dishes.

Orchid extract

Orchid extract is comparable in effectiveness to vitamin C when it comes to removing age spots on the face or body. This is confirmed by the results of a scientific study (9).

It is not at all necessary to try to find pure orchid extract - this substance is included in many ready-made cosmetics for the treatment of age spots on the face. If you come across a cream or mask with this component, try using this product first.

Red lentils

Natural whitening face masks based on red lentils are very popular, especially in the East. There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of these products, but it is known that lentils are rich in antioxidants, and they are very beneficial for the skin.

Making a mask against age spots at home is simple:

Soak 50g of washed red lentils in cold water overnight;

In the morning, grind the product using a food processor or blender to a smooth paste;

Apply the resulting composition to the pigmented area and leave for 20 minutes;

Rinse off the paste with cool water and pat your skin dry with a clean towel;

Make lentil masks 2-3 times a week until results are achieved.

We hope these recommendations will help you get rid of age spots on your face or body as soon as possible. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Prevention measures

In order to protect your skin from the appearance of pigment spots on it, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Apply products with UV filters to the skin to protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight;

Enrich your diet with healthy foods containing vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy skin;

Maintain drinking regime;

To refuse from bad habits.

Author of the article: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna | Nutritionist, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma from Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Kapuscinska A et al. [Use of organic acids in acne and skin discolorations therapy].2015 Mar 22;69:374-83

Sharique A. Ali et al.On The Novel Action of Melanolysis by a Leaf Extract of Aloe vera and Its Active Ingredient Aloin, Potent Skin Depigmenting Agents.2012; 78(08)

Enos Tangke Arung et al.Tyrosinase inhibitory effect of quercetin 4?-O-?-D-glucopyranoside from dried skin of red onion (Allium cepa)15 Feb 2010,

Rashmi Sarkar et al. Cosmeceuticals for Hyperpigmentation: What is Available? 2013 Jan-Mar; 6(1): 4–11.

So-Young al. Whitening Effect of Black Tea Water Extract on Brown Guinea Pig Skin.2011 Sep; 27(3)

Kathryn Watson. Health Benefits of Licorice Root. July 20, 2018

Kristeen Cherney.Everything You Need to Know About Lactic Acid Peels.February 16, 2018

M. Rizwan et al.Tomato paste rich in lycopene protects against cutaneous photodamage in humans in vivo: a randomized controlled trial. 21 September 2010

Tadokoro T et al. Whitening efficacy of plant extracts including orchid extracts on Japanese female skin with melasma and lentigo senilis.2010 Jun;37(6)

7 научных фактов о пользе употребления воды!

Как легко снизить уровень холестерина без лекарств дома?

Пигментные пятна – это гипермеланозы кожи, которые образуются в результате усиленной выработке в ней меланина. Участки пигментации различаются по цвету, по форме, по месту расположения, могут иметься с рождения, а могут быть приобретенными и пр. Пигментные пятна не являются заболеванием кожи, однако, они.

Пигментное пятно – это скопление меланина, которое может располагаться в разных слоях эпидермиса. Глубоко расположенные несовершенства имеют более выраженный оттенок и плохо поддаются коррекции. Они обычно появляются у женщин после сорока лет, однако существуют причины, способные вызвать нежелательную пигментацию кожи.

Эффективное косметическое средство от пигментных пятен воздействует на пигмент, окрашивающий кожу. Для этого оно должно содержать химическое вещество, которое сможет воздействовать на коричневый или красный цвет пигментного пятна. Подобными свойствами обладают некоторые химические соединения.

Родинка имеет красный цвет, так как представляет собой разросшуюся сосудистую ткань, внутри которой кровь. В то время как обычные родинки являются кожным новообразованием, красная родинка представлена разросшимся сосудом. При этом разрастание может быть одиночным, а может быть и множественным.

Свежий ровный цвет лица — это мечта каждой женщины. Однако даже при качественном уходе за кожей может появляться пигментация на лице. Причины такого явления разнообразны. О том, как вывести пигментные пятна на лице в домашних условиях, поговорим в данной статье.

Причины пигментации

Белые, коричневые, желтые пятна появляться на коже могут в любом возрасте. Почему на лице пигментные пятна? Возникать такой недостаток может в результате:

Гормональных изменений. Пигментацию может спровоцировать гормональный всплеск по причине беременности, эндокринных заболеваний, приема определенных лекарственных препаратов.

Использования косметики сомнительного качества.

Age-related changes. Over time, pigment cells lose their ability to stop melanin production. And age spots appear on the face.

Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Exposure to a variety of chemicals at work.

Deficiency of certain minerals or vitamins (PP, C, A, group B).

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (as a result, sun spots occur).

Unbalanced and unhealthy diet.

As you can see, the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse. Therefore, it is possible to clear your face of age spots only with an integrated approach. And it is advisable, of course, to undergo a medical examination for the presence of any diseases. Perhaps, having gotten rid of a certain ailment, you will forget about pigmentation.

How to remove age spots on the face?

Today, many beauty salons use the latest technology. As a result, pigmentation on the face disappears after several procedures. However, such methods are not very cheap. Therefore, many people think about how to remove age spots on the face at home. There are proven folk ways to eliminate this deficiency.

If you don't drink enough water daily, your skin becomes more prone to developing pigmentation. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. Thanks to this, our body can easily get rid of toxins through urine or sweat. If there is not enough fluid supplied, it will not be able to cope with the task, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin. Every morning you should start your day with a glass of clean, cool water.


Almost everyone knows that this cereal is extremely beneficial for the human body. Oats can significantly improve skin health. To whiten age spots on the face with oatmeal, you should combine 2-3 tbsp. l. cereal with a few spoons of fresh milk. Use the mixture as a mask. Gently massage the skin in a circular motion and leave for 30-40 minutes to allow the mixture to dry. After the specified time has passed, you need to wash your face with water and pat lightly with a towel. This product has a fairly coarse structure; as a result of its use, the skin is naturally cleansed of dead cells and impurities. The positive effect will be noticeable after the second procedure.


Few people know about the benefits of this vegetable for treating facial pigmentation. You need to take a medium-sized potato, wash it, cut it and apply it to problem areas of the skin for a while.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of this product. Honey is an excellent antibacterial agent that can deeply nourish the skin and prevent hyperpigmentation. Apply it several times a day on your face and very soon you will notice a positive result.


The nut is used to eliminate many skin diseases. To treat pigmentation, take a few almonds, put them in a glass of clean water and leave them overnight. In the morning, grind the nuts in a blender along with water. The prepared paste should be applied to the face, gently massage the skin and leave the mask for an hour, then rinse gently. Adding milk or honey will enhance the effect.

Green tea

The drink removes toxins from the body, which often cause pigmentation. It is recommended to drink green tea without sugar. You can also use it externally. Place the tea bags in the refrigerator and then apply to the affected areas.

A pineapple

This fruit is acidic and contains vitamins that perfectly nourish the skin. Soak a soft cloth in pineapple juice, cover your face and leave for 60 minutes. The juice contains enzymes that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with warm water.

Effective masks

How to remove age spots on the face at home? Use proven recipes. The most effective of them are the following:

Pepper mask. Grate the sweet pepper on a fine grater, trying to retain as much juice as possible. Apply the resulting mixture to your face.

Mask of honey, parsley and lemon juice. Grind the parsley leaves, combine 2 tablespoons of the raw material with the same amount of lemon juice and liquid honey. Lemon juice and parsley are the most effective whitening agents.

Lemon-yeast mask. Combine yeast (25 g) with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of milk. This mask can even eliminate white pigment spots.

Cucumber mask. Cucumber can also effectively whiten your skin. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Combine 3 tablespoons of the resulting mass with a tablespoon of lemon juice, olive oil or daily cream (of your choice).

Berry-honey mask. Wash the viburnum and black currant berries well and squeeze the juice out of them. Take two tablespoons of each and combine with liquid honey (1 teaspoon). Moisten a cloth with the resulting mixture and apply it to your face.

Onion juice mask. Take a tablespoon of onion juice and liquid honey (for dry skin) or table vinegar (for oily skin).

Horseradish mask. Combine a tablespoon of horseradish, grated on the fine side of a grater, with a tablespoon of chopped green apple.

Carrot mask. Combine grated carrots (1 tablespoon) with a tablespoon of cream and one yolk.

Kefir mask. To 2 tablespoons of kefir, add a couple of drops of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Starch mask. Dilute potato starch (½ tablespoon) with freshly squeezed lemon juice to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Mask based on blue clay. Combine a tablespoon of clay with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. You can replace lemon juice with yogurt or cucumber juice.

All of the above masks are applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes and washed off with warm filtered water.

Medicinal decoctions and infusions

A medium-sized bunch of parsley is poured with hot (not boiling) water and left to steep for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and a small amount of lemon juice is added to it, after which the liquid is frozen, and the resulting medicinal ice cubes are wiped on the face.

200 g of common dandelions are poured with boiling water (a glass) and left to infuse for 15 minutes, then the mixture is filtered and frozen in the form of cubes.

A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 100 g of viburnum juice and frozen into cubes.

Regular milk and sauerkraut brine have a good whitening effect.

Cream for pigment spots

Today, pharmacies offer a fairly wide range of products that help whiten age spots. One of them is a mercury-based cream. It is highly effective, but has a number of contraindications. It should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for kidney and liver diseases. Before using such a product, you should check how your skin will tolerate it. For this purpose, the cream is applied to the bend of the elbow and the reaction is observed during the day. If no discomfort occurs, the product can be used. Anti-pigmentation creams containing mercury are toxic and should not be used for long periods of time.

Products containing glycolic acid are widely used today. These cosmetic products not only lighten age spots, but also smooth and soften the skin. The only drawback of this cream is that you will have to wait several months for a positive result.

No less popular are products made on the basis of azelaic acid. Such creams have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they are used mainly to lighten age spots formed after acne treatment.

The cosmetics industry also produces special oil-based creams. They do not contain water, so toxic substances cannot penetrate the skin. An important point: when using this product, the skin should not be wetted with water, as severe irritation may occur. It is recommended to cleanse the face using special lotions.

When choosing cosmetic products for skin care, pay special attention to their composition. It is desirable that it contains the following components:

Kojic acid - this substance must be included in creams for the skin around the eyes; its action is aimed at eliminating dark circles.

Hydroquinone is the most effective substance that can eliminate age spots on the face. However, it should be borne in mind that it can cause skin irritation, so women during pregnancy and lactation should avoid it.

Arbutin is a more gentle substitute for hydroquinone and is of natural origin.

Salon treatments

Many cosmetic centers use laser technology to treat pigmentation. The pigment is exposed to concentrated light, causing it to be destroyed. And the skin takes on a normal, healthy appearance. After several sessions of this procedure, unwanted pigmentation will disappear.

Mesotherapy is also quite in demand. This method is based on the action of injections that can destroy pigment accumulations. In addition, this procedure prevents the occurrence of other spots: the enzyme that causes darkening of the skin ceases to be produced.

For shallow pigmentation, spots can be eliminated using phototherapy. Cosmetic defects are eliminated under the influence of intense pulsed light. This procedure is also effective in the treatment of acne.

If you really want to, almost any skin imperfection can be eliminated with folk remedies without resorting to expensive salon procedures. From this article you learned how to remove age spots on your face at home. We hope you find these recommendations helpful.

Age-related changes in some areas of the face, freckles, moles are called pigment spots. This process is caused by an excess or deficiency of melanin in the body. Pigment spots on the face in summer after sunbathing are common. There are many branded and folk remedies that help combat this phenomenon. Let's look at this in the article below.

Video: Useful recipes to help remove age spots

Reasons for appearance

Depending on your skin type, allergic reactions and health status, you need to analyze your body before choosing the appropriate method. Skin color depends on three coloring substances: melanin, carotene and hemoglobin. Depending on which pigment is the main one, the method of getting rid of age spots is determined. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult with specialists and find out the cause and type of color changes.

Causes of age spots:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Age-related skin changes.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Mechanical damage (after depilation).

Folk remedies against pigmentation: masks, lotions, decoctions, peelings

Parsley has been known since ancient times for its beneficial properties, for example, improving potency and eliminating bad breath. With the help of this plant you can quickly and easily eliminate pigmentation on the face: around the eyes, on the forehead, on the nose and above the lip.

  1. Helps whiten skin quickly parsley mask. Made from your choice of parsley stems, leaves or roots. The selected element is thoroughly ground in a wooden container to the consistency of a homogeneous porridge. Apply to the face for half an hour. Afterwards, wash off with water and nourish the skin with cream.
  2. Whitening agent with honey and parsley. The base is the same as in the option proposed above, but a teaspoon of honey is added to the mixture. Gently mix the ingredients and apply to your face, arms or back. With the same remedy you can also quickly and easily get rid of blackheads on your face.
  3. Whitening dry skin. A very meticulous process. Thin, sensitive, dry facial skin will not tolerate chemical exposure, therefore, you need to treat it with home remedies. Mix chopped parsley with tableware spoon of sour cream or heavy cream. Keep the mixture on your face for no more than 30 minutes. We wash it off. In the same way, those with delicate skin can remove wrinkles on the forehead.
  4. Secret of the East. Japanese geishas have always been famous for their exquisite pale complexions. In this they were helped by a very common fruit everywhere - lemon. A decoction of the zest can be used to whiten even the darkest spots on the back, stretch marks during pregnancy, and particularly unaesthetic nevi. Cook the peel of one lemon over moderate heat for half an hour, let it boil, and stand in a cool room. Three times a day, wipe the problem area with a sponge in lemon water.
  5. Parsley and lemon. Boil dry parsley root and leave in a dark place for one day. You can wipe your face with this infusion directly, or mix it with the juice of one lemon. Application method is the same as lemon decoction.
  6. Starch option. Depending on the concentration and number of pigment spots, take half a tablespoon of potato starch and dilute it with lemon juice to a thick consistency. Apply to face for 30 minutes.
  7. The kisses of the sun will also help to effectively lighten juice of grapefruit, kiwi, orange, strawberry.
  8. Pharmacy face whitening product. Hydrogen peroxide doesn't just lighten hair. For a cosmetic product we need a teaspoon of 30% hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons of boric alcohol, 1 spoon of ammonia. The mixture can be applied to the face three to four times a day daily. The effect will not be long in coming. But be extremely careful when applying.
  9. Glycerol. Mix a portion of glycerin with hydrogen peroxide, following the example above, add boric alcohol, wipe the skin several times a day. This solution also easily removes stains in the bikini area.
  10. Another similar recipe. Dining room a spoonful of vinegar, two teaspoons of peroxide, a spoonful of vodka. Mix and wash your face. We will get rid of not only pigmentation, but also oily shine.
  11. Water - assistant in everything. In a glass of water (50 grams) you need to dilute three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Apply to a clean face, do not rinse. This tincture must be used every day three times for a week, at the end of this time the face will noticeably brighten.
  12. Lazy mask. For girls who save their time, there is a quick and effective recipe. One cucumber is crushed (grated, ground in a blender), and mixed to a homogeneous porridge with nourishing cream. Apply the mask to the face, leave it on for 30 minutes, and wash with warm water. Gentle peeling and whitening effect will also help get rid of acne on the back, a very unpleasant and common phenomenon.
  13. Yeastanti-pigment spot remedyon the body . Great homemade recipe: fresh yeast (quarter packet), a spoonful of lemon and a spoonful of milk, stir until smooth. Place in a warm place for 10 minutes so that the mixture begins to ferment. We treat the face, leave the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can carry out such procedures two to three times a week.
  14. Eggs and lemon. A whitening product can be made using a nourishing egg face mask. Add a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of lemon juice and half a glass of water. Mix until smooth and apply to face for 30 minutes. The same method helps open and cleanse pores.
  15. We use blue clay - assistant in everything. Mix the dry mass with water in a 1:2 ratio; before applying, do not forget to apply a nourishing cream to sensitive skin. Apply clay porridge to your face and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water without soap. Regular use of this method will help to noticeably whiten not only freckles, moles and other problems on the face, but also eliminate stretch marks, visible signs of pregnancy, and tighten sagging skin.
  16. Egg and blue clay for face. We prepare this mask right before use; it cannot be infused. Mix one protein until it becomes heavy cream, with sugar. Add 10-15 grams of Cambrian clay, bring to homogeneity. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to the face for 30-40 minutes. Suitable for daily use.
  17. Kaolin mixture. White clay is no less useful than blue clay. Paste recipe: half a spoon of kaolin and a tablespoon of lemon juice, bring until smooth and apply to the skin. Wash off after 25-30 minutes. Kaolin can also be diluted in other bleaching liquids: curdled milk, cabbage juice, hydrogen peroxide, currant juice, etc. - these are ways to effectively get rid of age spots on the body: on the skin, on the face, back, hands.
  18. Salon almond peeling. A wonderful invention of the cosmetic industry, it helps fight not only deep wrinkles, but also removes bags under the eyes and whitens the skin in the most problematic areas, and quickly gets rid of age spots. A very affordable and effective product.
  19. Almond peeling at home. Mix chopped nuts with oatmeal (1:1) and half a spoon of milk powder. Add a little water until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the face using gentle massage movements using a sponge, massage the skin for five minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Use no more than twice in 7 days.
  20. Almonds and apples. The recipe given above can be slightly modernized yourself, and then almond peeling at home will not only successfully whiten the skin, but also saturate it with useful substances. Leave the base and add one fresh grated apple. Application and recommendations are the same.
    Contraindications for almond peeling:
    Mechanical damage to the skin.
    Nut allergy.
    Individual intolerance to almond oil.
  21. Viburnum berry beckoned us to her. Very healthy berries not only cope with heart ailments and acute respiratory infections. Frozen juice whitens the skin very well. You need to wipe your face with fruit ice cream several times a day for at least a week.
  22. Calendula. Grind the leaves and flowers of the plant in a wooden container until it becomes a porridge. We apply the mixture to the face in its pure form, the same method will help to heal wounds faster or disinfect them in extreme conditions.
  23. Cucumber peel tincture. Grate the skin of the vegetable, add a glass of vodka, mix well, cover and place in a cool, dark place. Let it sit for a week and you get a homemade cucumber whitening face lotion.