L oreal extraordinary oil

The skin of the face is the most sensitive and delicate area, and women know that sometimes it needs more careful and special care. Its early aging and coarsening signals the owner’s careless attitude towards her appearance, and without periodic feeding it will give its owner painful sensations. To cope with this problem, specialists from the L’Oreal Paris brand came to the aid of the female half. The brand’s cosmetologists have created a line of “Luxury Nutrition” products for deep facial skin care.

A few words about L'Oreal cosmetics

The brand's products are sold in almost a hundred countries around the world. Due to the fact that each product delights customers, the sales network is developing continuously and at a rapid pace. The new line of products, namely “Extraordinary Balancing Oil” for the face (Loreal), was no exception. Reviews of this series will be presented below. The affordable price was a great joy for customers, although a completely new innovative approach was used to create each product. However, this will be discussed later and in more detail.

Since its founding, the brand has not changed its priorities - high quality and minimal cost. Moreover, the company’s employees observe this rule not only when developing new technologies, but also at the final stage - product packaging.

In addition, the L'Oreal company produces cosmetics for all segments of the population. For a brand, it doesn’t matter where its customers live, what their skin color, gender or social status is. The company values ​​every consumer, because he is its main ideological inspirer.

Luxury and Nutrition Series

The brand's work is based on the desires of customers, and regular public surveys have shown that the Luxury and Nutrition product line is a treasured gift for women of all ages.

Of all the products in this series, “Extraordinary Oil” for the face deserves special love and recognition. Customer reviews on cosmetic forums agreed on one opinion: the product exceeded all expectations.

The process of creating facial care products was difficult and lengthy, as experts tried to create a product that would not only maintain healthy skin, but also improve its condition. Also at the top of the list of general requirements were the affordable cost and ease of application of the product. Therefore, L'Oreal "Extraordinary" oil for the face received all the positive reviews quite deservedly and justified. In addition to this product, cosmetologists have created several more products that satisfy any whim of the female audience:

— BB cream “Perfect radiance”;

— Cream “Lightness of Silk”;

— Cream for night and day use and care around the eyes;

— “Extraordinary serum” for the face.

The design of the products is discreet but stylish. The bottles and jars are laconic in shape and sandy-golden in color, which promises luxurious content.

Briefly about each product

The day cream contains royal jelly, various oils and pro-calcium. The main function of the cream is to restore the protective skin balance and eliminate the feeling of dryness and tightness caused by dehydration. Reviews claim that the product is easily absorbed and is suitable as a base for makeup.

BB cream from L'Oreal does not leave any shine and adapts perfectly to the skin tone. It is also used as a base for makeup, especially in winter.

Night cream from the “Luxury and Nutrition” line is very effective and intensely moisturizes and nourishes the skin while you sleep. It has a soft creamy honey scent and is perfectly absorbed. The next morning the skin becomes soft and velvety.

"Extraordinary oil" for the face "Loreal": composition, reviews

The product is recommended for use when the face needs to look rested. The composition of the oil is based on the 8 essential oils most essential for the skin:

- lavender - to provide antioxidant protection;

— rosemary has antibacterial properties;

— chamomile has a calming effect;

- orange - for the formation of elastin;

- pink - to improve complexion;

- lavender - for the formation of collagen.

The listed substances have antioxidant properties and a protective function. In addition, the creators added rosehip oil and shea plants, which made the products more effective and unique. And it all ends with a pleasant floral aroma that promotes relaxation and real pleasure from the process of applying the product.

Having learned the composition of the product, we can safely say that L'Oreal "Extraordinary" face oil received all the positive reviews due to the effective action of essential ingredients. The product helps restore water balance, thereby toning the skin and restoring its natural radiance.

Product description

L'Oreal "Extraordinary" facial oil also received numerous reviews regarding the packaging design. According to customers, it looks very rich, elegant and luxurious, however, nothing surprising - this is L'Oreal, they think through everything down to the smallest detail. The bottle is packaged in a beautiful golden-black cardboard box with a transparent insert, thanks to which you can see the product itself. The back of the package is covered in small print with information about the manufacturer, composition and method of use of the product. The bottle itself is as elegant as the box. It is quite heavy in weight, made of glass and equipped with a pipette. Volume - 30 ml.


The texture of the "Extraordinary oil" for the face "Loreal" is quite light and slightly greasy, but despite this it is absorbed instantly. After application to the skin, it does not leave a greasy film, does not cause discomfort, redness, on the contrary, contributes to its rapid hydration and nutrition.

Universal remedy

Can everyone use L'Oreal Extraordinary Face Oil? Reviews from some customers said that the product caused them indescribable delight for the first four days. But already on the fifth day, pimples of quite decent sizes began to appear on the skin. Despite this, they were confident that the oil was really good, but not suitable for frequent use. For aged and dry skin, daily use is mandatory, but for normal or oily skin it is better to use once every two days.

Some customers, after the appearance of an unpleasant rash, gave the product to their significant other, who also left their comments on the forums.

What do men think about L'Oreal Extraordinary Facial Oil? Reviews of the stronger sex do not talk about any signs of nutrition and radiance of the skin, but emphasize that the product promotes rapid healing of cuts and has a soothing effect after shaving.

Mode of application

The creators of the oil recommend using it daily, morning and evening. Apply the product to cleansed, damp facial skin. It is enough to place one drop on both cheeks and the forehead area. Next, using pressure (for deep absorption) and massage actions, distribute over the entire skin. The oil can also be used on the neck area. To do this, drop 5 drops onto your palm, rub and apply to the skin.

Many girls use foundation not only for evening makeup, but also for daytime. “Extraordinary oil” for the face (reviews confirm this) is perfect for improving the durability of foundation. It is enough to drop one drop onto the foundation, and you are guaranteed long-lasting makeup throughout the day.

Age category for application

Absolutely every woman is interested in the question: at what age can you start using the product? According to cosmetologists of the brand, the product is suitable for any age category, and the opinion of experts was confirmed by reviews. L'Oreal Extraordinary oil for the face does not eliminate wrinkles from the skin and does not prevent their appearance. The main function of the product is to protect the skin and restore existing damage.


You can buy miracle oil from L'Oreal at pharmacies and cosmetic stores. The average cost of the product is 450 rubles. Depending on the region, the price may vary up or down.

To summarize the topic, we can say that L'Oreal "Extraordinary Oil" for the face is a real effective discovery in the field of beauty.

We always strive for the best to please our customers with the best prices.

Best regards, Wildberries online store.

Product added to the waiting list

Reserve the product and receive it in the store within 1 hour

Reserve period: 3 days

Payment: in store, cash or card

Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

Extraordinary facial oil Luxury nutrition from L'Oreal Paris is designed specifically to transform the skin from the inside! It instantly saturates the skin with nutrients and gives it a natural glow. Day after day, the skin is restored: skin tone returns, it smoothes out and looks rested. The unique Luxury Nutrition formula consists of eight essential oils (lavender, rosemary, geranium, orange, rose, marjoram, lavandin, chamomile), known for their healing, antioxidant and protective properties, and nourishing jojoba and rosehip oils. The product is a dry oil with a light texture that is easy to apply and instantly absorbed. Directions for use: Distribute 2-3 drops of oil with your fingertips over well-cleansed skin of the face and neck. For better absorption, apply with circular massage movements. Avoid the eye area.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details

Extraordinary face oil from Loreal: take a risk?

Hi all! I already wrote about my love for face oil from Clarins, but since the crisis has hit us all, I set out to look for something less hard on my wallet, and, not having any good reviews in my memory, I grabbed this guy at my own peril and risk .

I tearfully apologize for the poor quality of the photo, my phone has completely stopped loving me

The product's name: Loreal paris Luxury nutrition Extraordinary facial oil Balancing.

Since all my life I have been afraid of being “clogged,” and my skin dries out, I still took the oil marked balancing, based on the idea that balance is better than no balance. Unfortunately, I immediately threw away the packaging, but it contained all the information from the manufacturer. I only remember that they advise distributing 2-3 drops on the face and neck. For my apparently huge face, I need about 5 drops. But in this case, I don't use cream.

The oil has a very intense smell, it reminds me of green tea with lemon flavoring, you will smell it for a while. The structure is “dry oil”, that is, after application, you will very quickly stop feeling greasy. I can’t say anything about the composition, since there is no box and I don’t really bother with it. The oil consumption is minimal; in a month of use, it took about half a centimeter.

So, what can I say about this oil, looking back on my past pleasant experience with Clarins oil? Bravo, L'Oreal!. The texture, the feel, the speed of absorption, the uselessness of the cream after application - all this even surpasses the expensive analogue. I completely stopped using any other skincare products. I even almost stopped using washbasins. Water and oil. All.

Yesterday I discovered a very pleasant bonus - if you apply oil to the redness after removing hair on the face and to the places where blackheads were squeezed out, the redness goes away instantly. Can you even imagine using oil on open pores? When could I afford it? But I trusted this remedy too much

In general, I warmly recommend that you try this butter for your 450 rubles it will serve you long and faithfully.

Testing period: 1 -1.5 months.

I think this is important. Since the day I started using this oil, I have not had a single new pimple break out, usually they appeared once every two weeks.

My name is Dasha, contact me
I would be very glad if you share your reviews of this product or suggest good analogues.