Thermal water instead of tonic

Thermal water is one of the most popular products that helps refresh, soothe and moisturize our skin. But often we don’t think about how we use some beauty products, which leads to their ineffectiveness. We promise that this won't happen again!

Thermal water is water from thermal springs, saturated with trace elements and minerals. Depending on the composition, it may have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. We love to use it “everywhere and always,” especially in the summer. But is this right?

We decided to look at the main mistakes that are made when using thermal water or sprays with concentrated salts.

1. Spray randomly

The main mistake is that for the product to work effectively, you need to keep a distance of 20-30 cm. Many experts recommend spraying water in the air and entering the haze.

2. We use thermal water in direct sunlight

The spray will not make your tan better, but, on the contrary, can lead to burns.

3. Let it dry on its own.

No and no again! After a minute, blot the thermal water with a napkin. And these are not just words or a useless ritual. When the drops evaporate, the components (especially the concentration of salts) begin to take moisture from the skin of the face, thus we get the dryness that we are trying so hard to get rid of.

4. Moisturize your face on the plane

Water will always refresh, but it is not a fact that it will have a positive effect on the face. On board an airplane, water evaporates very quickly and this can lead to dry skin (hydrobalance is disrupted).

5. Thermal water instead of tonic

An eternal topic that requires special attention. Yes, many sprays replace toner, but when choosing a multifunctional product, pay attention to its composition. If it contains nutritional components and vitamins, then such a product can become a full-fledged skin cleansing product in three stages. It is better to combine tonic and thermal water. For example, use a spray in the morning and throughout the day, and a tonic in the evening.

6. More is better

Manufacturers indicate that you can use the funds of such a plan without restrictions. But is this right? The skin should not be oversaturated. Use the product about three times a day.

7. We use a product that does not suit us

This is why many sprays seem useless to us. Thermal water has very different properties, so before you buy, study the product and think about what effect you expect.

Since thermal water is a very multifunctional beauty product, next time we will tell you about all the ways to use it. Perhaps you didn't even know about some of them.

Thermal water has gained enormous popularity among modern beauties.

This is a leading cosmetic product for moisturizing, healing and skin rejuvenation.

Secret in saturating the epidermis with essential microelements, minerals and moisture throughout the day, even with makeup.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to learn how to use miracle remedy Right.

Composition and benefits of thermal water for the face

The popular name for thermal water is "living water".

A real fairytale term with a similar effect.

Word "thermal" came from the French language (thermal), literally translated as “warm”.


Thermal water is of natural origin. Its source is gushing underground geysers. Properties of water depend on the temperature of the source.

There are 3 types:

  1. Subthermal water (up to 37 °C). Does not exceed human body temperature.
  2. Thermal water (up to 42 °C). The source is suitable for taking medicinal baths.
  3. Hyperthermal water (above 42°C). The most valuable gift of the earth for restoring the water balance of the skin.

The value of such water is that it is saturated with various healing minerals:

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Depending on the concentration of salts, the living elixir has the following classification:

  1. hypertonic water tones and moisturizes dry skin (maximum salt content);
  2. hypotonic water soothes, normalizes metabolism for oily skin types (minimal salt content);
  3. isotonic water, similar in chemical composition to human blood (suitable for all skin types).

Manufacturers have improved the composition of the thermal product, enriching it with various herbal extracts and essential oils. Thanks to them, the elixir acquires medicinal properties depending on the plant element used.

For example, chamomile fights irritation and inflammation, violet dries out oily skin and removes acne, and aloe juice disinfects. Therefore, when choosing a bottle pay attention on its composition.

Any type of thermal water is beneficial affects the skin:

  1. returns healthy complexion;
  2. removes acne and irritation;
  3. fights dryness (especially in hot weather);
  4. cleanses from excess fat;
  5. moisturizes the face all day long;
  6. protects the skin from negative natural factors;
  7. activates blood circulation (cells receive maximum nutritional components, maintaining youth);
  8. used as a kind of makeup fixer, making it more durable.

How is thermal water different from regular water?

Main difference thermal liquid from ordinary - its super composition. This determines its mechanism of action. Plain water evaporates and dries out the skin. And living water not only moisturizes, but also creates protection against evaporation of the body’s internal moisture. Thermal elixir is a natural source of hydration.

How is thermal water different from micellar water?

Micellar water is also a popular cosmetic product. Its main constituent element is solutions of fatty essential acids. They allow you to carefully remove makeup and various contaminants without damaging the layers of the epidermis. The product is optimal for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Both of these miracle remedies differ in their functions. Thermal water moisturizes, and micellar water cleanses. And they should complement each other in regular care.

Why is thermal water needed?

With the modern pace of life, it is not always possible to find time for healing cosmetic facial procedures. And there is no time to rest.

Humidification problem can be solved with a bottle of thermal water, which can be used to moisturize and refresh your face at any time, support your skin with minerals and vitamins, and remove signs of fatigue.

This issue is especially relevant in the summer, when the sun mercilessly “fries the skin. Thermal water also catalyzes cellular regeneration, which allows you to maintain youth and freshness. The oligoelements contained in it are responsible for this.

Cosmetologists insist that daily use of thermal water keeps you young for years. The aging process slows down significantly.

How to use thermal water?

Manufacturers of moisturizing products describe in detail the possible ways to use it in the instructions. The list of uses of thermal water is extensive:

  1. The main product for daily facial skin care.
  2. Facial care after peeling, polishing and other damaging cosmetic procedures.
  3. Cleansing the skin after removing unwanted hairs. This will help prevent irritation and will also hydrate your skin better than any toner or lotion.
  4. To fix makeup, thermal water is sprayed onto the face at a distance of 30 cm.
  5. Dilution of dry masks and various clays, which will enhance their effect.
  6. When staying in a room with dry air for a long time, using thermal water will help minimize the harmful effects of the environment on the skin. To do this, it is enough to spray your face several times a day. If your mascara is not waterproof, then avoid getting liquid on your eyes.
  7. During a long flight on board an airplane, your skin experiences stress. Thermal water will prevent skin dehydration during this period.
  8. Thermal water creates a protective layer. Before applying moisturizer, use it so that there is a barrier for the evaporation of natural moisture.
  9. Before using a mask or scrub, moisturize your skin with thermal water. This will allow the beneficial substances to be absorbed as much as possible.
  10. To enhance the effect of a cream or mask, add “live” water to it. It will help cope with many problems, including psoriasis.
  11. Thermal water can be used to irrigate your face during sports training, when the body loses precious moisture.

After the life-giving moisture has reached the skin, it needs to be given time to dry. Excess can be removed in 30 seconds. The ideal time to moisturize your face is before using night cream. After 18.00, the skin absorbs nutrients more efficiently.

If you don’t want to deal with the “chemical” subtleties, buy isotonic water. She's useful for any skin type.

Thermal water instead of tonic

Cosmetologists recommend replace regular tonic with thermal water, as it performs similar functions more effectively.

But replace masks and creams with this life-giving elixir not worth it, since the skin will not receive enough necessary nutrients. You can only add thermal water to their composition before use to enhance the effect.

It's better to give preference proven brands:

Most firms For convenience, spray bottles of different volumes are produced. They are convenient to carry in your pocket and handbag of any size.

Products differ in their properties as they are obtained from different sources. Buy bottles recommended in pharmacy chains or online. A reliable manufacturer ensures that the bottle is sealed, since when reacting with oxygen, healing salts turn into sediment.

Is it possible to make thermal water at home?

There are some recipes online for homemade life-giving elixir, but they have no relation to real thermal water. The liquid from the source retains its wonderful properties for three days, so it is impossible to stock up on it for future use. Therefore, under production conditions, the product is hermetically packaged, excluding the entry of air and all kinds of microorganisms.

Every beauty dreams of healthy and beautiful skin at any age. It is impossible to protect yourself from stress and the harmful effects of external factors on the skin. But you can provide it powerful protection. This kind of armor is thermal water. Using it daily will preserve precious moisture, and your skin will glow in any situation.

Why do you need thermal water for the face? For an overview of the best brands and reviews of them, watch the video:

With the onset of summer, many cosmetologists recommend using thermal water to moisturize and refresh your face. As a rule, it has no contraindications and is recommended for all skin types.

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In the heat, when the skin most lacks hydration, thermal water should become the main product in your cosmetic bag. And we will tell you how to use it correctly.

What is thermal water

Thermal water appeared in the middle of the last century. Manufacturers extract this water from various thermal springs, so the composition of the products cannot be the same for each brand. Some have more sodium or potassium, others have more selenium.

Unlike tonic or micellar water, it does not cleanse the skin, but it performs no less important functions - it soothes and enhances the natural protective properties of the skin.

The main convenience of thermal water is that the bottle can be carried with you everywhere. This tool is especially useful on the road, on an airplane or just in the office.

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How not to use thermal water

Not everyone knows that if you spray thermal water all over your face and leave it to soak in, you will get the opposite effect: dehydration instead of proper hydration. The fact is that along with water droplets, moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin, so if you use this product to refresh your face, do not forget to carefully blot off excess moisture with a napkin.

If you spray thermal water on the beach, the consequences can be sad. In this case, each drop works like a magnifying glass, which will increase the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the skin, which means it will not be difficult to get a burn.