Jaquet facial massage reviews

Pinch facial massage (Jacquet massage) is therapeutic and recreational. Often this type of massage is prescribed after cleansing the face, as it stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and promotes its rapid healing. This is one of the most intense types of massage with a complex technique: it is carried out strictly in accordance with massage lines, affecting not only the surface layers of the skin, but also the subcutaneous fat with a certain force, which largely depends on the patient’s sensitivity and the presence of problem areas.


  1. Seborrhea
  2. Oily skin
  3. Scarring
  4. Stagnant spots after acne
  5. Comedones
  6. Loss of skin elasticity


  1. Damaged skin and open wounds
  2. Dermatitis, allergies
  3. Herpes
  4. Low intracranial pressure
  5. Cuperosis

When to do it: as the need arises.

Number of procedures: course of 10-15 procedures.

Result: massage is an excellent preventive way to treat acne, preventing its transition to the inflammatory stage. It also helps fight imperfections such as oily skin and enlarged pores, and can smooth out scars and scars on the skin.

Rehabilitation period: absent.

Painful sensations: tolerable.

Facial massage according to Jacquet is a therapeutic and health-improving technique. Its main difference from traditional techniques is the intense effect on the skin and tissues. This type of massage has a powerful stimulating effect: its use “stimulates” blood circulation and metabolism, thereby accelerating regeneration processes. This is what determines the therapeutic effect of Jacquet massage on the skin. The procedure technique is complex: it is carried out with a certain intensity (depending on the sensitivity of the client’s skin), in strict accordance with the massage lines.


The massage is named after its author, dermatologist Leonard Jacquet, who outlined the fundamentals of the technique in his works at the end of the 19th century.

Massage was invented at the end of the 19th century.

In fact, plucking tissue was used back in Ancient China. The Frenchman's know-how lies in the combination of Chinese and Western techniques, as well as the combination of pinching with gripping and vibration, influencing the skin in accordance with massage lines and the idea of ​​​​using this technique for the treatment of dermatological diseases.


Jacquet massage is primarily a therapeutic and preventive technique that promotes the treatment of various skin diseases, the prevention of their development, and the rapid restoration of the skin.

The technique helps eliminate purulent foci and is used as a resolving agent for any skin diseases accompanied by congestion.

Pinch massage is used for the following problems:

  1. increased activity of the sebaceous glands, leading to increased production of sebum;
  2. acne, comedones;
  3. acne spots;
  4. scarring;
  5. seborrhea;
  6. circulatory disorders;
  7. hyperpigmentation;
  8. hyperkeratosis.
    Massage is used for acne

Therapeutic massage can be used for problem skin and after hygienic cleaning. It should be noted that the Jacquet technique does not have a pronounced lifting effect and does not eliminate gravitational wrinkles and some other signs of skin aging.

Action provided

Pinch massage technique can be used not only on the face, but also on the neck, chest, and back. It is aimed at regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improving microcirculation. Thanks to a more intense and deeper effect on tissue than with other types of massage, local blood circulation and metabolism are enhanced, cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. The result is the achievement of the following effects:

  1. the secretion of secretions from the glands located in the skin is activated;
  2. areas of stagnation are eliminated, leading to the accumulation of pus and the development of inflammatory processes in the skin;
  3. regulates sebum production;
  4. skin turgor increases;
  5. the complexion is evened out;
  6. pigment spots disappear;
  7. irregularities are smoothed out;
    Massage smooths out facial unevenness
  8. accelerates the healing of damaged areas;
  9. There is a general improvement of the skin.


Pinch massage is not performed if the following problems exist:

  1. violation of skin integrity;
  2. pustules;
  3. flat warts;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. allergy;
  6. viral diseases (for example, herpes);
  7. individual intolerance to massage;
  8. a sharp decrease in intracranial pressure;
  9. close proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin (stars or red mesh on the skin of the face);
  10. the period immediately after medium or deep facial peeling.
    Cleanse the face before the massage

Preparing the skin for massage

This type of massage is performed using talcum powder. The use of oils or cream is not advisable, since on slippery skin it is quite problematic to perform deep pinching, vibrating and kneading movements that form the basis of the Jacquet technique.

It is optimal to cleanse the face and treat the skin with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol before the procedure (especially for advanced skin diseases).

Immediately before the massage, talc is applied to the skin of the face and hands of the massage therapist.

Massage technique

The procedure involves the use of three main techniques:

They are performed with two fingers - the thumb and forefinger. Movements must be intense, forceful, and sometimes even painful. During rhythmic pinching, the superficial and deep layers of the skin are captured. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of the massage lines.

At first, during “pinching”, only the upper skin layer is lifted. The depth of the grip increases with each subsequent movement. Energetic pinching alternates with relaxing strokes and vibration. Their goal is to stimulate blood flow and metabolic processes, open pores and remove the contents of the sebaceous glands (mainly spiral-shaped rods or a mass of curdled consistency).

Massage techniques are quite complex and require strict adherence to massage lines and the correct choice of force. Therefore, conducting a session is possible only with a high level of professional training.

Some rules

  1. The duration of the session depends on the condition of the skin and its thickness. On average it lasts 15-20 minutes. For thin skin, the exposure time should be reduced.
  2. It is better to perform a massage in the evening, since applying makeup after the session is not advisable.
  3. The procedure should be performed on completely dry skin and dry hands. Slipping your fingers while pinching is unacceptable.
  4. Despite the intensity of the impact, movements should be smooth.
  5. Do not stretch or pull the skin too much or pinch too hard.
    Finish the procedure with a forehead massage

Massage sequence

The Jacquet massage technique involves the following sequence of movements:

  1. The procedure begins with working on the neck. One palm is placed above the other. Lightly pinch from the décolleté towards the chin (in the center of the neck). It turns out to be about 5-6 steps. Along the lateral surface, movements are directed from top to bottom - from the earlobes to the shoulders. Pinches in the cervical area have a therapeutic effect, increase muscle tone, preventing sagging skin. During the massage, you need to tilt your head back and stretch the skin tightly.
  2. The fingers are located in the middle of the chin. Grabbing the skin with tweezers, hands move along the lower jaw line to the earlobes. At the same time, the head is slightly raised up and thrown back. This is the area of ​​most intense impact. Its pinching helps prevent the appearance of a double chin and improve the contour of the face.
  3. Using pinching movements, move your fingers from the corners of the mouth to the tragus of the ears. At the same time, a massage is performed on the right and left half of the face. The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle should be treated especially carefully. The path from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips must be carefully “plucked” several times.
  4. In the periocular area, massage according to Jacquet should be carried out very gently and carefully. Light pinching is performed: along the upper eyelid - from the inner corner to the outer, along the lower - in the opposite direction. Skin pulling should be avoided. The pinching should be very light and not lead to unpleasant or painful sensations. Moderate punching with vibration is also used.
    Massage movements are repeated 3 times
  5. The forehead massage is carried out with pinching movements from the center along the superciliary arches to the temples and from the area between the eyebrows up to the hairline. Pinching the skin in this area is a little difficult because of its tension and tight fit to the frontal bone. Doing kneading and vibration is much easier. The combination of these techniques improves the condition of the skin, helps smooth out folds between the eyebrows and smooth out longitudinal wrinkles.

The movements are repeated three times. After the session, it is recommended to wipe your face with tonic and apply a nourishing cream.

Reviews from experts confirm the effectiveness of Jacquet massage in the treatment of problem skin. Patients also find the procedure very useful and enjoyable. After a professionally performed session, a feeling of warmth should appear in the facial area. The skin becomes lightly flushed. To improve the effect, it is recommended to combine massage with facial cleansing. After pinching, the skin perfectly absorbs the cream and assimilates the active substances contained in it.

Is it possible to perform a massage yourself?

Correct execution of the procedure is permissible only if you have a medical education, precise knowledge of the location of massage lines and the ability to calculate the intensity of the effect, taking into account the characteristics of facial anatomy and skin type.

It is better to have a massage from a specialist

It is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed massage technique and not violate the ban on moving and stretching the skin and the formation of folds.

Only a specialist can choose the right type of massage needed for certain skin problems. Therefore, performing self-massage in this case is undesirable.

Schedule, number and duration of sessions

In the initial period, pinch massage is recommended to be performed every day, then gradually reduce the number of procedures to 2-3 per week. The therapeutic massage procedure, including facial cleansing, takes a maximum of 20 minutes. If the skin is thin, the exposure time is limited to 5-6 minutes.

The average course consists of 12-20 procedures. If necessary, it can be repeated after 5-6 months.

When can I see the result?

Positive dynamics will be noticeable almost after 3-4 sessions. Skin oiliness begins to decrease after a week's course. Around this time, pores begin to shrink and the severity of acne decreases. A lasting therapeutic effect from Jacquet massage is achieved after completing the full course.

The result is visible after 3 sessions

Possible complications

Reviews from cosmetologists indicate the absolute safety of the procedure when carried out professionally. However, if the massage therapist is not sufficiently prepared, serious consequences are possible:

  1. worsening of skin diseases;
  2. increased skin oiliness;
  3. increase in acne;
  4. stretching of the skin, leading to an increase in the number of wrinkles;
  5. decreased skin tone and disruption of facial contours.


Prices for facial massage according to Jacquet vary in a fairly wide range from 400 to 2800 rubles.

Customers' opinions

“Acne has been giving me a complex since I was 12 years old. It seems that I tried everything possible: special gels, soaps, alcoholic infusions of herbs, Zinerit, Zerkalin. All this helped a little, but temporarily. The doctor told me that the problem needed to be treated and recommended a massage for Jacquet. This is a special technique with which impurities are literally squeezed out of the skin. As a result, acne gradually disappears and the face becomes clearer. After three sessions I really noticed an improvement. I hope this method will be more effective than drugs” - Anatoly, 20 years old.

“I have very oily skin. Cosmetics don’t apply well, and they always look kind of unkempt. You have to dry it all the time and clean your face with various degreasing agents. A friend read on the Internet about an interesting massage technique - according to Jacquet. During the procedure, the face is treated with pinching movements. We found reviews. If you believe them, massage helps to finally cope with the problem of oily skin, pimples and blackheads. I decided to try it. Signed up for a session. The procedure is pleasant, but a little strange; not very similar to a regular massage. There have already been five sessions. I can’t say that I’ve completely gotten rid of oily skin, but the result is obvious: I no longer have to cleanse twice a day and constantly touch up my makeup. I decided to take the whole course” - Angelina, 25 years old.

“I was prescribed Jacquet’s massage to treat the scars left behind by acne. Because of them I have been suffering for three years now. My esthetician said that this procedure was very helpful for several of her clients who also could not get rid of acne marks. I decided to try it. After ten sessions, the face was noticeably smoother. I can’t say that the scars have completely disappeared - in any case, they have become almost invisible. For now I’m masking them a little with foundation and powder, but I’m sure that soon there won’t be a need for this” - Veronica, 28 years old.


Long-promised post: my massage routine - what facial massage techniques I use and how often I use them.

How it all started:
I became interested in facial massage about three years ago (maybe even more, I don’t remember exactly) - when the first signs of changes in the oval of the face began to appear on my face, and when I realized that cosmetics were quite powerless in solving this problem. And now in my facial care it is massage that occupies the FIRST place: serums/creams, etc. can be simply basic without strong anti-aging components (the main thing is that they consist of components beneficial to the skin - for example, Trilogy or Pai , and would not just be polymer-synthetic putties), and almost the entire anti-aging effect is provided by massage.

Many years ago I completed a course as a cosmetologist (this was back in 98, so this can no longer be considered true :) - I never planned to connect my life with this profession, so I did it just for myself, I’ve just always been obsessed with this topic . It was there that I learned how to do two types of classical massage that cosmetologists use (Jacquet massage and plastic/modeling), and they are undoubtedly very good, but you can’t do them yourself, although I still repeated some techniques on myself, but the effect is completely different from what it would be if another person did the same to me.

Luckily, there are great techniques itselfmassage, thanks to which I now no longer need to go to a cosmetologist (this question is often asked in the comments, so just in case, I’ll note that I don’t go to a cosmetologist at all - neither for a massage, nor for other procedures, and I’ve never had injections) .

Of course, when I started studying various techniques, I tried them all on myself, this is what I had:

1. Aerobics for skin and facial muscles Carol Maggio

I was not impressed by this technique: it is difficult to remember, it did not give me pleasant sensations or visible results, but perhaps it will just be yours, so you can try it just for fun. There is a video in Russian:

2. Revitonics, facemonics and others like that

At first I was very interested in these methods; they were all developed by Natalya Osminina, who also wrote a lot of books, bOmost of which I have read. Hmm, well, what can I say, I generally like this direction, but in the end I left it because the incorrect moments in the books began to depress me (for example, the statement that industrial creams are all mineral oil, and mineral oil in general it’s darkness, horror and a nightmare (I’m exaggerating here a little, but that’s the gist of it): it’s just strange to hear this from a specialist, it immediately seems like it’s something in the style of Malakhov+), and many of the exercises began to irritate me - I realized that this is not mine, it’s not ideal for me, but I’m not trying to persuade anyone - maybe this is just your ideal option, to each his own. In general, I don’t like the fact that now this is a business first and foremost.

Although I still recommend reading her books - there are really a lot of useful things there, I especially like her approach to the entire body as a whole: that is, you cannot rejuvenate the face without involving the muscles of the body, without increasing blood circulation throughout the body, without stimulating lymph circulation, since our the body is a single system, and one pushes and stimulates the other.
But, by the way, this approach is not new at all - I think everyone who plays sports or yoga understands perfectly well that these are obvious things: after exercise, the skin looks fresher, tighter and brighter for a reason, increased blood circulation and metabolism have an extremely positive effect on the skin, physical exercise prevents the appearance of all these withers, double chins, puffy faces, etc. Therefore, this information was not new to me, but it’s nice when the author focuses so much attention on this, because it is REALLY important, without physical activity in general, and without proper impact on the upper shoulder girdle, neck, and other parts of the body it is impossible to make your facial skin perfect (although there is another option - injections and plastic surgery, but here it is clear without explanation that this is less useful).

I’ll leave here the exercises that I have adopted for myself and do every morning - these are exercises for the neck, shoulders and back. Previously, my morning exercises included exercises for this zone, but these are more specific, have a more noticeable and profound effect, with regular exercises the neck actually becomes longer, the withers at the back disappear, the face is tightened and fresher.
You can watch from 2.27 minutes:

3. Facebook building and many similar techniques

All such methods did not immediately catch on with me, I clearly saw that the skin was getting worse, and many of the exercises “invented” creases where there were never any, that is, they strengthen facial expressions, creating new facial wrinkles and creases.


This is my unquestioning love, I got used to it very quickly: all the exercises are pleasant and quite simple, and most importantly, after some time I saw a real result: the oval of the face returned to its place (let me remind you that I am 38 years old), and besides, it became even more fit than before the massage course :). I completely got rid of swelling, lost a little weight and my cheeks tightened (but it’s also important nutrition , And sport - only an integrated approach gives maximum results), the skin of the chin and under it tightened, the unpleasant tension in the lower part of the face disappeared.

How often do I do:
I got used to it, it doesn’t bother me, so I do it almost every day in the evening. To get visible results, you need to force yourself to do at least 10 procedures in a row. I usually do this type of massage using a cleansing balm - I get double or even triple benefits: relaxing aromatherapy, cleansing, and massage. Or I use facial oils, although I like the balm better.
Here's what I'm actively using now, all these products are extremely good and recommended by me:



  1. anti-aging oil Trilogy Age-Proof CoQ10 Booster Oil
  2. nourishing oil Suki Nourishing Facial Oil
  3. soothing oil Aromatherapy Associates Soothing Face Oil
  4. all-purpose rosehip oil Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil
  5. cleansing morning balm Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser
  6. and all those oils And cleansing balms, which I praised before, and which I ran out of long ago, but this does not mean that they are worse.

Oh, girls, what a feeling from this massage! The skin then seems to breathe, the face seems to straighten out and become fresh, fresh, filled with life and renewed: these are indescribable sensations, I cannot refuse them, and every evening I automatically perform well-learned movements.

As I recently wrote in a post about the Body Shop massager, sometimes I use massagers instead of fingers, but I do everything along the same lines and in the same sequence as in the original Zogan massage - as a result, the degree of impact is different, but just as effective ( even, perhaps, with massagers it is deeper). Now I have these wonderful assistants, absolutely all workers, despite the fact that they look simple:


A very short, but very pleasant and truly invigorating massage, which was developed by another Asian woman, this time from Taiwan (I still think Asians are the best in this matter) - Su-Man Hsu, the founder of her own brand Su-Man .
In addition to being a specialist in the field of cosmetology, she is also a dancer, a master of shiatsu and Pilates; when developing her massage technique, she combined modern principles and ancient Chinese massage, which is based on pressing on the right points.

Su-Man massage is designed to relax muscles, relieve tension, increase elasticity, enhance microcirculation, oxygenate and tighten the skin.
Here is a wonderful video in which Su-Man clearly, simply and very nicely demonstrates this technique; it is not at all difficult to repeat it (I love her “Voila” at the end :). By the way, she is over 50):

I alternate this massage with Zogan (sometimes I do them every other day, sometimes a course of 10 days of Zogan, then 10 days of this - in general, according to my mood), and I also like the sensations from it. The pressure here is very correct, after the massage the face relaxes and at the same time tightens, the skin becomes fresh, and with regular use, swelling and other troubles are well prevented.