Coconut oil based face masks

Due to its wide range of healing properties, coconut oil is actively used in cosmetology. The thick white mass helps to moisturize and heal dry sensitive skin, preserves youth, protects against negative ultraviolet effects, and saturates it with vitamins and microelements.

Benefits of coconut oil


The product of plant origin has a unique set of microelements that saturate with health, restore damaged skin, and rejuvenate. The popularity of the oil is due to the presence of the following components in its composition:

  1. Lauric acid (mass fraction more than 50%) provides a powerful antibacterial effect.
  2. Hyaluronic acid - powerful moisturizing of the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. Panthenic acid (vitamin B3) will eliminate the problem of premature appearance of wrinkles.
  4. Folic acid (vitamin B9) fights the problems of acne and red pimples, soothes inflammation.
  5. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has pronounced antioxidant properties and preserves youthful skin.
  6. Triglycerides serve as a conductor of nutrients and vitamins into the deep layers of the dermis.
  7. Thiamine (vitamin B1) slows down the processes of natural aging of cells, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.
  8. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has an anti-inflammatory calming effect.
  9. Niacin (PP) stimulates the regenerating properties of the epithelium.

Properties of coconut oil as a skin care product

Coconut oil is perfectly absorbed and has an adaptive consistency, convenient for application to the skin of the face as part of cosmetic creams and masks.


The result of using a mask with coconut oil will be noticeable on the skin just a few minutes after application. It will become noticeably softer and smoother, regardless of the type of epidermis. At the same time, experts in the field of cosmetology recommend that owners of dry, flaking and roughening facial skin take advantage of this beauty component.

The secret to the effectiveness of coconut oil lies not only in its ability to soften and vitaminize the dermis, but also to maintain a healthy level of hydration. And this is the first and main step towards prolonging the beauty and youth of the face.

Coconut oil is an indispensable attribute of homemade masks and creams. Can also be used as a stand-alone moisturizer and nourisher.

The effectiveness of coconut oil face masks

A course of using masks based on the described natural component creates favorable conditions for healing and maintaining the beauty of facial skin, namely:

  1. has a complete nutritional effect;
  2. has a complex anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. has protective and antibacterial properties;
  4. slows down the aging process, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  5. helps to obtain a beautiful, even tan without harm to the skin;
  6. relieves stress.

In addition to face masks, lotions, moisturizing emulsions, safe tanning products, and soothing creams are made from coconut oil.

How to choose the right coconut oil for use at home?

Coconut oil is sold in two forms: refined and unrefined. What is the difference? The oil is obtained by squeezing the pulp of ripe nuts. Extraction is carried out by cold or hot pressing. The first method is more common; it has a gentle effect on raw materials and allows you to preserve the maximum of useful elements.


In its pure form, unrefined oil has a white color with a yellow or beige tint and a barely noticeable aroma. At a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius it thickens noticeably, at 0 degrees it hardens.

Refined oil is the result of additional purification of unrefined oil. As a result of filtration, the finished product loses color and aroma.

Cosmetologists have different opinions about the advisability of using refined and unrefined coconut oil. Some are confident in the absolute benefits of the unrefined product, because... it retains a maximum of vitamins and microelements. Others argue that in combination with beneficial substances with unrefined oil, particles of dirt also get onto the skin, clogging pores and preventing the rapid absorption of the cosmetic product. Speaking in defense of the refined variety, their opponents draw attention to the fact that it does not leave an oily sheen on the skin and can be used in the care of combination skin.

When starting to prepare a face mask with coconut oil, every girl should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of its types and choose the appropriate option for herself.

How to revive thickened coconut oil?

An increase in oil thickness is direct evidence of its naturalness. If you heat it to a temperature of 25 degrees, the consistency of the product will become liquid.

To do this, place the container with oil in hot water or store it in a warm place in the bathroom.

For coconut oil face mask recipes, it can also be used in a thickened state. This way the consistency of the care product will be denser. To maintain optimal oil thickness, it is enough to maintain the temperature in the place where it is stored at 20-22 degrees.

Below are the best recipes for coconut oil-based masks that will make women's skin glow.

Moisturizing mask with coconut oil and honey

The original recipe will not only provide deep hydration, but also cleanse the skin of dust, dirt, dead skin cells, etc.

In combination with coconut oil, honey effectively solves the problem of hydration of the epidermis and also has antiseptic properties.

It is no coincidence that it contains lemon. Citrus is indispensable for whitening age spots and tightening pores.

How to make a mask from coconut oil? Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and 10 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

In a ceramic container, add the ingredients described above to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Stir until completely smooth.


Clean your face with tonic or running water. Apply the mixture in an even thick layer and leave for 10 minutes. Before rinsing off with warm water, massage your face a little with your fingertips. Gently pat your clean face dry with a towel.

Nourishing mask with nutmeg

Rarely do any recipes for face masks with coconut oil have a complex effect. But this is one of them. The cosmetic product deeply nourishes the cells of the dermis, exfoliates and moisturizes.

Avocado in the composition is a powerful antioxidant that will protect the skin from premature aging.

Nutmeg, crushed into powder, has mild abrasive properties, gently removes dead cells, promoting their active regeneration.

Please note: it is important to accurately dose the amount of nutmeg in the mask; exceeding the norm can cause an allergic reaction and irritation.

Coffee also has exfoliating properties and gives the coconut oil face mask a rich aroma.


To prepare a cosmetic product at home you will need:

  1. Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon.
  2. Nutmeg – 0.5 teaspoon.
  3. Avocado – quarter.
  4. Ground coffee – 0.5 teaspoon.

The avocado must be peeled and pitted. Grind a quarter of the fruit into a paste with a fork. Add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to a clean face and massage. Pay special attention to the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, and chin. Leave for 5-7 minutes. Remove the mask with a dry sanitary napkin, and rinse off any remaining residue from your face with warm water.

Mask for brightening and softening the skin

How to make a coconut oil mask to soften rough skin and lighten it at the same time? Supplement it with banana and turmeric. Yellow fruit in tandem with coconut oil has a softening effect on rough epidermis, reduces the appearance of spots and scars after acne or acne.

Turmeric is a powerful antiseptic. It thoroughly cleanses the skin, brightens and mattifies it, giving the face a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

  1. Coconut oil – 50 ml.
  2. Ripe banana – 0.5 pieces.
  3. Turmeric - on the tip of a knife.

Mash half a banana with a fork until smooth. Add coconut oil and turmeric. Mix. Apply the resulting composition in a thick, even layer onto cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.

Reviews about the mask with coconut oil and banana are mostly positive. Girls say that after 2-3 uses the skin becomes lighter and softer, like velvet.

Cocoa based mask

We offer a recipe for owners of dry skin prone to chapping.


To create a beauty elixir in your home kitchen, just take a tablespoon of pure cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, and 20 grams of honey.

Cocoa powder and coconut oil must be melted in a steam bath. As soon as the last ingredient becomes liquid, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and removed from the bath. Add honey, bring the mask until smooth.

Apply the mixture to clean facial skin using a cosmetic brush or spatula. Do not apply to the area around the lips and eyes. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Rinse with water.

Use no more than 3 times a week.

Scrub mask

Mask recipes with coconut oil and sugar have long been known for their high-quality scrubbing properties. Fine crystals of sweet sand gently exfoliate dead skin cells, open pores and ensure the penetration of caring oils deep into the dermis. As a result, not only intensive nutrition is achieved, but also comprehensive regeneration.

The mask contains:

  1. Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.
  2. Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon.
  3. Almond oil – 1 teaspoon.
  4. Orange essential oil – a few drops.

Preparation rules and application procedure

Place coconut oil in a glass container and melt in a water bath. Add almond oil, stir, cool. Add sugar and essential oil. Stir until smooth.

Pick up the mask with your fingertips and apply to a clean face with massaging movements in a circle. After the massage, leave the mask on your face for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Additional features

Coconut oil masks are used not only for facial skin care. Their regular use improves the condition of lips and eyelashes.


Coconut oil is a real salvation for dry, chapped lips. Having a soft effect, it maintains the necessary level of moisture, improves blood circulation, and has a tonic and healing effect.

To create lip cosmetics, coconut oil is mixed with honey, beeswax, shea butter, and brown sugar.

In the case of eyebrows, the product strengthens the hairs, prevents their massive loss, and stimulates growth. The recipe does not require any other ingredients except coconut oil, which must be applied in melted form with a cotton swab. It is recommended to do the procedure in the evening and not wash off the oil until the morning.


If you are lost in search of a good product to care for your sensitive, too delicate skin, try coconut oil: face masks made from it will be a real discovery for you.


They will not only protect the skin from stress factors, but will also make it much younger.

The effectiveness of a face mask made from coconut oil

The amazing rejuvenating effect of face masks made from coconut oil is due to its chemical composition, the components of which so gently and delicately care for the skin:

  1. thiamine (B1) prevents skin cells from aging, and also protects them from scorching ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  2. pantothenic acid (B3) actively fights small wrinkles;
  3. pyridoxine (B6) has anti-inflammatory properties and is widely used in medicine to treat a wide variety of skin diseases;
  4. folic acid (B9) helps cope with acne and helps thiamine strengthen the protective functions of cells from external irritants;
  5. ascorbic acid (C) plays a leading role in skin rejuvenation;
  6. niacin (PP) refreshes the complexion and has wound-healing and regenerating properties.

Such miraculous masks with coconut oil are especially recommended for owners of sensitive and dry skin prone to irritation and flaking.


Coconut oil face mask: instructions for use

To increase the rejuvenating and moisturizing effect that coconut oil masks have on the skin, you need to adhere to the basic rules of use.

  1. Once a week is enough to use coconut oil masks.
  2. Apply masks to steamed facial skin after a hot bath.
  3. The duration of action of coconut oil masks is no more than 15 minutes. It is best to wash them off with cool, lukewarm water.
  4. These masks are especially recommended for dry, sensitive, irritated, aging skin.
  5. Coconut oil is contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance or allergic reactions to its components. Be sure to test the prepared mask at the crook of your elbow to avoid side effects.

Considering the fact that coconut oil for the face is a natural cosmetic product, you should not neglect such a unique gift of nature. The rules for using masks from this product are very simple and will not take much of your time and effort.


The best coconut oil face mask recipes

Miracle coconut oil for the face is used primarily in cosmetic masks, which are so easy to prepare yourself at home. There are many recipes - you can choose any one according to your skin type. In any case, the benefits of coconut oil for the face will be obvious.

  1. 1. Nourishing coconut oil mask for any face type

Mix coconut oil (a teaspoon) with rice flour (2 tablespoons) and dilute with freshly brewed green tea until thick.

  1. 2. Coconut oil and vitamin E mask for the skin around the eyes

Mix coconut oil (50 ml) with liquid vitamin E (10 ml). Apply 2 hours before bedtime.

  1. 3. Coffee Coconut Oil Cleansing Mask

Mix coconut oil (a teaspoon) with coffee grounds (a tablespoon). Apply to the face in circular, massaging movements, like a scrub. Leave for 10 minutes.

  1. 4. Coconut oil milk mask for sensitive skin

Mix coconut oil (a teaspoon) with a small piece of wheat bread, previously soaked in milk, and with milk (2 tablespoons).

  1. 5. Rejuvenating mask of coconut oil with rosemary

Heat coconut oil in a water bath, mix (a teaspoon) with rosemary essential oil (3-4 drops), rub into the skin of the face.

  1. 6. Orange coconut oil mask for aging skin

Mix coconut oil (a teaspoon) with blue cosmetic clay (a teaspoon), add orange essential oil (2-3 drops).

  1. 7. Coconut oil honey mask for any skin type

Mix coconut oil (a teaspoon) with fresh honey (a tablespoon) and sour cream (a tablespoon).

  1. 8. Egg cream mask with coconut oil

Melt coconut oil (half a glass) in a water bath, mix with honey (a tablespoon) and a beaten chicken egg. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.

  1. 9. Classic mask with coconut oil

Melt coconut oil in a water bath and wet your face with it. After 10 minutes, repeat the procedure.

Using these masks regularly, you will soon feel how beneficial coconut oil is for facial skin in their composition. Taking into account all the tips, recommendations, contraindications, and also strictly following these recipes, you will soon be able to evaluate in the mirror the amazing results of your home facial rejuvenation procedures using coconut oil.

For several years in a row, a face mask with coconut oil, made at home, has been helping to maintain freshness and youthfulness of the skin, which takes very little time. It can be used as a stand-alone product, but to increase its effectiveness and enhance its effect, women mix it with a variety of ingredients, creating dozens of useful and effective recipes.

The principle of action and effectiveness of coconut oil for the face

When it comes to natural skin care products, coconut oil is one of the first to appear. Its popularity is due to its safety and naturalness, since the high-quality substance does not contain fragrances, dyes, or thickeners.

This healthy product is obtained by squeezing coconut pulp, which contains 60% oil. The quality depends on how it is obtained: for example, during cold pressing, the pulp is processed under a regular press, without the intrusion of third-party agents, so the beneficial properties are preserved as much as possible. This cannot be said about hot pressing, for which special ovens are used to dry the pulp. Often, chemicals are used in such processing, which indicates less delicate extraction and a significant loss of beneficial vitamins.

Attention! The coconut product can make an excellent face mask, as well as a quality hair lotion at home.

Coconut softens rough dermis, saves from cracks and peeling, moisturizes, and makes the skin more velvety. In addition, it has protective properties. The effect is due to useful components:

  1. lauric acid has an antibacterial effect, acting as an antiseptic for problem skin with severe pimples and acne;
  2. folic acid promotes the healing of injured cells, creates a protective barrier on the surface of the dermis;
  3. hyaluronic acid maintains the necessary level of moisture, which helps to resist aggressive external factors, and hyaluronic acid evens out the relief, “smoothing out” fine expression wrinkles and “crow’s feet”;
  4. ascorbic acid enhances the effect of hyaluronic acid, aimed at rejuvenating and transforming the skin;
  5. palmitic, oleic, and other acids nourish and moisturize the epithelium.

In addition to a rich list of acids, coconut is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, which act as protective antioxidant agents. And triglycerides promote the rapid passage of all useful substances to the cells.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Using coconut in a face mask, namely treating the skin with coconut oil at home does not cause any harm and is completely safe. This cosmetic product differs from analogues in the absence of contraindications. Precautionary measures include only individual intolerance to the components of the mask or allergy to coconuts.

Incorrect use of the coconut ingredient can cause a comedogenic effect, which can clog pores and lead to the formation of new acne. People with oily or problematic skin are especially at risk. But this is not a stopping factor in using such cosmetics; It is enough just to observe all the subtleties of application.

Coconut oil will become an integral tool in the fight against such imperfections:

  1. dry flaky dermis;
  2. upper coarsened layer;
  3. flabby weakened skin;
  4. the appearance of the first wrinkles;
  5. greasy shine on the face;
  6. acne, acne;
  7. cracks, damage, burns.

Coconut oil is also a reliable protector before or after tanning. An important exception is that this product is equally suitable for all skin types, causing different effects.

Tips from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists know firsthand that any masks can be made using coconut oil, but to achieve the desired effect, you need to know a few important secrets.

The first thing experts pay attention to is the type of coconut oil. Thus, in cosmetology, refined and unrefined pressed products are used. The difference lies in the quantitative indicators of the content of useful elements, the ability to penetrate into the middle layers of the dermis, and be absorbed into cells.

The refined version has a rich fortified composition, which plays against itself, making penetration and absorption difficult. The second type has fewer fatty acids and microelements in its composition, however, the penetrating ability is much higher. Therefore, unrefined coconut oil is used for skin care.

The second thing to consider is versatility. It can be added to finished cosmetics or new products can be prepared based on it. However, it is rarely used for independent use, and before application the oil needs to be heated in a water bath.

We invite you to look at the features of a face mask with coconut oil:

Third: coconut oil is a favorite remedy for many massage therapists, because in addition to its softening effect, it has a healing effect, which is very important in the presence of cracked heels. Used in preventive measures for the occurrence of cracks and corns.

Note! A high-quality product, instead of a strong odor, is characterized by a delicate aroma with a colorless or light yellowish tint.

When making masks at home, it is important to use natural products. At the same time, you need to understand that real coconut oil is solid, reminiscent of its creamy counterpart, and has nothing in common with sunflower oil. Therefore, be vigilant and beware of fakes!

The best coconut oil mask recipes

To ensure that your face always remains fresh, healthy, and toned, you need to regularly use products based on unrefined coconut oil in the form of face masks, supplementing them with similar creams, tonics, and lotions. Such comprehensive care will allow you to combat problems from several sides at once, which will speed up the process of epithelial restoration.

And so that every woman, regardless of age, the type of dermis with any defects on it, can transform her appearance, cosmetologists recommend several of the best coconut masks for home preparation:

  1. a softening mask is prepared on the basis of 20 g of yeast, coconut oil (add such an amount to form a creamy mass). The oil is preheated slightly in a water bath. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  2. nourishing mask suitable for any type; for cooking you need 2 tsp. melted starting material, liquid honey, beaten yolk, gelatin, essential oil. Apply for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with clean water;
  3. nourishes the face with vitamins, gives strength and tone, a mask with persimmon pulp, yolk, coconut oil, honey and starch. After the usual application and then washing, the face is treated with a herbal infusion;
  4. anti-aging masks and cleansing masks often contain dark chocolate, which is also melted along with butter in a water bath; The anti-aging effect is inherent in blue clay with orange juice. A mixture of 2 tbsp. l. of the indicated components with 3 tbsp. l. coconut oil will increase elasticity, make the first wrinkles less noticeable, and increase collagen production. Orange will also lighten the tone and help get rid of age spots;
  5. In the treatment of fatty or problematic epithelium, lemon juice, protein, coconut oil have proven themselves, which will remove acne, oily sheen, and inflammation in 2 weeks. This mask can be supplemented with warm milk and bread crumbs;
  6. A mask with coconut juice (1 tbsp), fresh parsley, kefir (1 tbsp), lemon juice (1 tsp) will help even out your complexion. Add parsley chopped in a blender to the heated coconut extract, then juice and kefir. After mixing all the ingredients, you can apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes;
  7. Coconut oil diluted with vitamin E in a ratio of 50ml/1 tsp will help remove signs of fatigue and remove bags under the eyes.

Any recipe can be supplemented with your favorite essential oils, vitamins A, B, E, C. To obtain a visible effect, regular application of masks is necessary: ​​2-3 times a week for two months. During this time, a number of disturbing imperfections will disappear, and the skin will be filled with new strength.

Thus, face masks made from coconut oil are another must-have for a modern woman. Preparing recipes will not cause any trouble, and the versatility of the product will allow every girl to choose the right option to solve any aesthetic problem.