Lymphatic drainage facial massage technique

It's no secret that our body needs regular detoxification, cleansing and nutrition to function properly. This greatly affects the psycho-emotional state of a person and his appearance.

Why is lymphatic drainage needed?

Lymphatic drainage facial massage stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system in the face and neck and thereby improves the condition of the skin, in particular, returns a healthy color, reduces wrinkles, restores skin tone, and removes swelling.

The fact is that lymph participates in the general metabolism of the body, carries proteins, fats, vitamins dissolved in these fats - E, A, D, K - and vitamins dissolved in water - the group of vitamins B, C. In addition, it removes decay products, toxins, waste and excess fluid from the body.


Lymphatic currents

Over the years, the work of the lymphatic system can slow down, the fluid begins to stagnate, and swelling occurs with all the ensuing consequences. With the help of lymphatic drainage massage, lymph is literally accelerated, which has a pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation after just a few sessions.

Indications for procedures

Based on the above features of the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage is the most effective in the presence of the following facial skin changes:

  1. obvious and persistent swelling of the face;
  2. the presence of jowls - sagging skin of the cheeks and chin as a result of ptosis:
  3. drooping eyelids;
  4. unclear facial contour, change in oval shape;
  5. many facial wrinkles of varying degrees of depth;
  6. nasolabial folds;


    Indications for facial lymphatic drainage
  7. bags and bruises under the eyes;
  8. unhealthy dull complexion;
  9. dry and flabby skin;
  10. signs of seasonal vitamin deficiency: peeling, swelling, previously observed, age spots, pale skin, etc.

Contraindications for carrying out

For all its obvious benefits, lymphatic drainage massage is a procedure that triggers all metabolic processes in the body, which have been malfunctioning for some time. Therefore, if you have a number of diseases, it is not recommended to resort to these sessions, so as not to harm your weakened health and not worsen the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

Contraindications for this type of massage include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. age under 16 years (not recommended without obvious reasons, prescribed only by your doctor);
  3. problems and diseases associated with the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, high blood pressure;
  4. the presence of tumors of any origin;
  5. open or purulent wounds, unhealed scars, fresh stitches on the skin, allergic skin rashes;
  6. skin diseases, rosacea;
  7. infectious and viral diseases. Even a common runny nose is a strict contraindication, because... with a massage, the lymph flow will increase and will only spread the infection throughout the body faster;
  8. recent surgery (plastic surgery, ENT surgery, etc.);
  9. neuralgia of the facial nerve;
  10. critical days. At this time, lymphatic drainage can provoke heavy discharge, sharp and painful spasms.

Considering all of the above, before undergoing a lymphatic drainage massage procedure, you should consult with a professional therapist.

Rules for lymphatic drainage

Of course, lymphatic drainage massage belongs to the category of therapeutic and cosmetic massage. Therefore, a specialist must not only have special training, but also know the anatomical features of the body, for example, the direction of lymph flow in the facial area, the location of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels.

And if you don’t fully trust yourself, trust a professional massage therapist. Then the benefits will be obvious, and the risk of harm will be minimized.


Rules for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage

Important Recommendations:

  1. Rule 1. Massage is performed manually. It is allowed to use available means: mesoscooters, vacuum cans, steel massage balls, etc. Without experience and skill, it is better to do without them.
  2. Rule 2. Massage is carried out ONLY on a thoroughly cleansed face. Many experts even insist on preliminary light fruit peeling.
  3. Rule 3. The skin of the face must be moisturized with a special massage cream, oil or something similar. Otherwise, skin injury due to stretching is guaranteed.
  4. Rule 4. Before the lymphatic drainage procedure, the skin must be warmed up with light rubbing movements.
  5. Rule 5. Massage movements must be performed strictly according to the instructions. If we are talking about Japanese technology, then each manipulation is repeated three times.
  6. Rule 6. The massage should be completed with light patting movements, soothing the heated skin.
  7. Rule 7. Repeat the procedure once every 7 days.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be manual or machine-based. A cosmetologist will help you choose the right and effective technique in the salon. For independent home procedures, only the manual method is definitely suitable. If all the rules are followed, the effect in this case will be as noticeable as with a hardware massage.

Let's look at each type in more detail.


First of all, manual lymphatic drainage facial massage gives results in the presence of minor skin changes.

In any case, experts carry it out at three levels of impact, based on skin condition:

  1. Surface level. With this lymphatic drainage, swelling is removed and tone improves.
  2. Deep level. The lymph nodes and deep facial muscles are stimulated for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.
  3. Projection level. It is used to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, blood supply, and improves the supply of oxygen and vitamins to the skin.


Manual massage

Before starting the procedure, the face is cleansed and moisturized. Afterwards, the salon may suggest applying a mask, this enhances the rejuvenating effect.

During the massage, the specialist uses pulsating pressure, alternating with stroking, to massage the skin clearly along the lymph flow lines, which are somewhat different from the massage lines of a classic massage. In this case, there is an impact on certain points of the lymphatic system.

On average, a manual massage lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, pain is minimal, but immediately after the massage, clients note lightness in the face and neck.

The most popular today is the Japanese method of manual home lymphatic drainage of the face.


Hardware lymphatic drainage technique, in turn, can be performed using three different techniques:

  1. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage. A gentle technique of hardware lymphatic drainage is usually prescribed to correct the contour of the face, eliminate the first age and facial wrinkles.
    It is performed with a device that produces weak electrical impulses that stimulate the upper layers of the skin and facial muscles, smoothing out wrinkles.
  1. Vacuum method. This technique is vaguely reminiscent of medicinal cupping for warming up, and only in its effect of retracting the skin. During this massage, facial muscle spasms are relieved. Lymphatic drainage vacuum hardware massage actively uses the effect of negative pressure, which enhances the outflow of lymph. Edema and congestion in renal diseases are eliminated. Toxins and comedones are removed from the upper layers of the skin, and dead cells are removed.

Along with all the advantages, vacuum lymphatic drainage is one of the most traumatic methods. Because in the absence of the necessary skills to control the force of vacuum retraction, ruptures and microdamages of epidermal tissue can easily be caused.

To carry out the procedure correctly, special preparations are used.:

  1. For lifting – gel with elastane;
  2. For moisturizing – gel with hyaluronic acid;
  3. To eliminate oily skin - gel with sulfur;
  4. For rosacea – gel “Anti-cuperosis”, etc.

How massage is performed using different techniques


Classic massage technique:

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
  2. Preparing the face for the procedure. Stroking with light, slightly pressing movements towards the lymph nodes.
  3. Massage frontal part. Press on the center of the forehead with the fingertips of both hands for 3 seconds. Without reducing the pressure, spread your fingers towards your temples.
  4. Massage eye area. Using the pads of your index and middle fingers, applying very light pressure, move along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Repeat 5 times.


    Classic manual massage
  5. Massage the area around the lips. Use your fingers to press on the middle of the chin, smoothly move towards the nasolabial folds. With your index finger, press on the bottom of the nasolabial fold and for 5 seconds. slowly rise to the wings of the nose.
  6. Massage for oval face. Open your mouth, relaxing your muscles. With both hands, with resistance, lift your lower jaw up, closing your mouth. Feel how the muscles work. Repeat three times.
    Then, from the corners of your lips along your cheekbones, move towards your eyes and spread your fingers towards your ears, linger at the lobes and return to your lips. Repeat the manipulation 5 times.
  7. Make an upside down Christmas tree. Using the knuckles of your index fingers, draw lines from the center of the chin along the lower cheekbone to the neck, from the corners of the lips up to the earlobes, from the nostrils to the top of the ears. Repeat 5 times with noticeable pressure.

Movement along the lower cheekbone can also be performed with the lower part of the palm.

The classical massage procedure is similar to the Zogan massage, which will be discussed separately.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

Let us remind you that this method of hardware lymphatic drainage is carried out exclusively in a beauty salon by a professional specialist.

  1. Makeup removal, tonic treatment
  2. Applying a moisturizing cosmetic product.
  3. Setting up the device.
  4. Conducting a session with electrodes along massage lines.
  5. Cleansing the skin from gel.
  6. Applying a mask, then a special cream based on skin type.


Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

The procedure takes about 30 minutes, for a lasting result it is necessary to carry out from 5 to 10 sessions, 2 times a week.

Vacuum massage

  1. Cleanse your skin. The more carefully you do this, the less likely it is that the pores that open during the massage will become clogged with remnants of cosmetics and sebum.
  2. Use special vacuum jars for the face; their diameter is smaller than regular ones - about 2-3 cm. For the skin around the eyes, the diameter of the jar is even smaller - approx. 1 cm.
  3. Be sure to apply massage oil. You can replace it with natural unrefined olive, sesame or coconut. Or cosmetic oils of jojoba, avocado, almond, peach, macadamia, etc.


    Vacuum massage with cups
  4. Do the massage strictly along the lymphatic drainage massage lines, this promotes lymph outflow. When working around the eye area, take in less air to reduce pressure, and never stay in one place.

Electroiontophoresis and galvanization

  1. A test for allergic reactions is needed. If the result is normal, cleanse and treat with gel with a medicinal substance.
  2. The plates selected by the doctor are placed on the electrodes and a massage is performed along the lines of lymph movement.


  3. Under the influence of current, the medicine is introduced into the body, the facial muscles are stimulated.
  4. After the procedure, a nourishing mask is applied.
  5. For maximum effect, you need to repeat the massage 6-10 times.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage YukukoTanaka (Asahi) or Zogan (Tsogan)

Yukuko Tanaka is a world-famous Japanese cosmetologist who has developed her own effective Japanese technique of anti-aging lymphatic drainage massage.

  1. Preparation: Cleansing and moisturizing. Hands should glide easily over clean skin without stretching it.
  2. The main condition is calm. In behavior, in breathing and in movements. YOU CAN'T FRONT OR HURRY.
  3. Asahi massage is recommended to be performed daily for 2 weeks. Then the frequency of sessions is reduced to 2-3 times a week.
  4. Perform the massage while standing or sitting with your back straight. When the position of the body changes, the nature of the lymph flow also changes.
  5. The movements of the ores are smooth and continuous strictly in the direction of the lymph flow, WITHOUT PRESSURE ON THE LYMPH NODES.
  6. Each exercise ends with the same technique - the fingers slide from the temple perpendicularly down the face and neck to the largest lymph node under the collarbone.


Massage Yukuko Tanaka


Every woman dreams of having young and tightened skin, but not everyone knows that for this it is not necessary to use radical surgical rejuvenation methods. One of the simplest and most effective ways to achieve the desired result is lymphatic drainage facial massage.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

Lifestyle, chronic diseases, and fad diets provoke disruption of lymph flow. Because of this, fluid is not removed from the cells at all or is removed, but not in full. This affects the appearance of swelling. This fluid can be removed with the help of a drainage massage, which is carried out in the salon or at home. Lymphatic drainage massage is a pleasant and effective way of rejuvenation. It helps improve complexion, wrinkles are reduced, swelling goes away, and a regular oval is formed. The woman becomes more beautiful and younger. This is confirmed by many reviews.



Hardware facial lymphatic drainage involves the use of special devices that conduct current to problem areas. Thanks to this, nourishing, stimulating and moisturizing substances reach the deepest layers of tissue and lymphatic drainage is enhanced. The effect of this procedure lasts for a long time, which allows you to look younger than your age. Hardware drainage can be carried out in several ways: vacuum and microcurrent, galvanization, electroiontophoresis. Such methods are actively used in beauty salons.


Manual lymphatic drainage facial massage is easy to perform. It can be easily mastered at home. The essence of the method is circular movements on problem areas: this can be pinching, stroking, tingling. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin and treat it with a special product. You cannot massage on dry skin, as this can injure it. Manual manipulations help when you notice facial problems in time and the skin is not neglected. In another case, you should contact a cosmetologist who can use hemolymphatic drainage massage.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Many women do not have the opportunity to go to a beauty salon, but this is not a reason to neglect their skin. You can perform facial lymphatic drainage at home, which will save both money and time. In this case, a manual procedure is recommended, but judging by the reviews, many people use various devices in the process. To avoid leaving bruises or other damage on your face, you need to use these devices correctly.


How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage

There are 3 types of massage – superficial, projection and deep. In our country, the Japanese technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka is very successful. It is called Asahi facial massage or Zogan facial massage. The Asahi technique is carried out according to the following scheme: 12 steps repeated 3 times and a final exercise. This is a kind of gymnastics for the face. It is important here not to touch the lymph nodes.

  1. Preparing the face. Place the fingers of both hands on your forehead (in the center), then start moving, reach both temples, then vice versa. After this, stroke the area from the cervical lymph nodes to the collarbones.
  2. Forehead. Bring your palms to the middle of your forehead, touching your fingertips. Press your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger onto the skin and count to three. Then draw a line to the temples, extend it to the ears, go down the neck (side) to the collarbones.
  3. The area around the eyes. Press the pads of your middle fingers to the outer corner of your eyes and move in an arc towards the inner corner. Do the same movement back along the edge of the eye socket. From there, with an intense movement, go to the temples, hold your fingers at the tragus of the ear and go down along the lymphatic lines of the neck to the collarbones.
  4. Area around the mouth. Place your fingers in the center of your chin, press, and hold for a while. Then swipe to the corners of your lips. At the same time, the skin should “move” upward. In the same way, pressing for a few seconds, work out existing or potential nasolabial folds.
  5. Nose. Using active manipulations in a circle, massage the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose. Then move along the cheekbones to the tragus of the ear, hold for 3 seconds and move along the neck to the collarbones.
  6. Chin. From the middle of the chin, apply pressure to the corners of the lips, hold for 3 seconds. The next movement goes to the edges of the nostrils, and then to the outer corners of the eyes. Finally, move to the tragus of the ear and down the neck to the collarbone.
  7. Cheeks. Support your lower jaw with your left hand. Place your right hand vertically with the edge of your palm to the right of your nose, press and hold for 3 seconds. Then move to the edge of your face, as if wiping sweat from it. Do the same for the other side, switching hands. Complete as in the previous paragraphs.
  8. Cheekbones. Press your fingers against both cheekbones and lift them up to the corners of your eyes. Complete as before.
  9. General massage. Place your face in your palms and make movements as if you were washing your face, moving the skin away from the center. Then pinch the skin with two fingers and gradually move towards the ears. At the end, as before, along the neck to the collarbones.
  10. Relaxing massage. From the wings of the nose, apply point pressure to the ears. Then from the chin to the ears and from the center of the forehead to the ears. The ending is traditional.
  11. Vibration massage. Open your mouth slightly and shake your head with your eyes closed. Then repeat the movements from point 10.
  12. Smoothing massage. Moving your palms from the chin to the hairline, “wash” slowly and with noticeable effort. Do this as if you were squeezing out excess liquid.
  13. The final stage. Using zigzag movements in a transverse direction, massage your forehead with the fingers of one hand. Support your chin with your other hand. Then smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples, fix the pressure and move from the ears to the collarbones.



Due to the fact that lymphomassage affects the deep layers of tissue, it can have disastrous consequences. There are some contraindications to lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. age up to 16 years;
  2. recent rhinoplasty;
  3. lesions on the face, herpes, ulcers, eczema, boils;
  4. any diseases of the lymphatic system;
  5. infections, colds, including the common runny nose;
  6. overwork, prolonged depression;
  7. thin face;
  8. skin diseases, including dermatosis;
  9. ENT diseases;
  10. low pressure.

Price for lymphatic drainage facial massage

The cost of the procedure is affected by its type and the equipment used. The choice may depend on the wishes of the client or on his individual characteristics. On average, the price for lymphatic drainage for the face in Moscow varies from 1,500 rubles. up to 3000 rub.

Medical center ON CLINIC on Zubovsky

Multidisciplinary clinical diagnostic center Trustmed

Sinai Multidisciplinary Clinic

Multidisciplinary clinic MedicCity

Medical Center K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

Beauty Line Clinic

Clinic Capital on Leninsky

Beauty salon Bonita



Natalya, 29 years old I often do facial lymphatic drainage at home. I like the manual method. It's simple, effective and doesn't take much time. If there is severe swelling, then I use the cold method - I wipe my face with an ice cube. Within a few minutes, the face is transformed. There are no signs of fatigue and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Vika, 32 years old I noticed that I had a “double chin”. I read about the beneficial effects of drainage on the skin and went to the salon. The result pleased me. Many skin problems have gone away. The cosmetologist explained to me that the cause of all the troubles are impurities and toxins that need to be removed regularly. Since then I have been going for massages and am happy with my appearance.

Tatyana, 45 years old Lymphatic drainage massage is a wonderful alternative to plastic surgery. It really helps solve many skin problems. With his help, I got rid of swelling, wrinkles around the mouth, around the eyes, and bags under the eyes. I look younger than my age and I'm proud of it! I recommend everyone to try this miracle method.

Such a simple and effective procedure as lymphatic drainage facial massage can significantly improve the condition of the skin: reduce the number of wrinkles, get rid of swelling, jowls (sagging tissue in the cheek area), bags on the cheekbones, a double chin and drooping eyelids, and refresh the complexion. Of course, this will take time. But after just a few regular sessions, the positive results will be very noticeable. In this publication we will talk about what types of lymphatic drainage facial massage there are, how to carry out the procedure correctly, and consider indications and contraindications.

The essence of lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic system is involved in metabolism and serves to cleanse cells and tissues of waste and toxins. With age, its work slows down, so fluid stagnation occurs in the tissues. Lymphatic drainage massage helps activate the lymphatic system, helps eliminate excess fluid from tissues and thereby has a rejuvenating effect. Facial lymphatic drainage can be performed both in professional beauty salons and independently at home.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for lymphatic drainage facial massage include the following:

  1. severe swelling of the face with the presence of jowls, double chin, ptosis of the eyelids, pronounced nasolabial folds;
  2. blurred facial contour;
  3. expression wrinkles;
  4. stale complexion;
  5. bags under the eyes;
  6. seasonal vitamin deficiency;

Contraindications for carrying out

Lymphatic drainage facial massage also has a number of contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  1. age up to 16 years;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. the presence of purulent or open wounds on the face;
  4. recent surgical intervention - rhinoplasty, ENT surgery and others;
  5. viral diseases, colds, ENT diseases (it is strictly prohibited to perform lymphatic drainage facial massage even with a common runny nose, otherwise the procedure may have the opposite effect and aggravate the situation, since infection and viruses with increased lymph flow will spread faster throughout the body);

If you ignore these contraindications, this massage can cause significant harm to your health. Therefore, before performing lymphomassage, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor!

Types and methods of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage of the face can be hardware or manual. The first type is carried out in a beauty salon, the second can be done independently at home.

Hardware execution method

Hardware technology is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage. Refers to gentle massage methods. Recommended for correcting facial contours and removing the first wrinkles.
  2. Vacuum method. According to the principle of influence, it can be compared with the medicinal “banks” that were actively used in Soviet medicine.
  3. Galvanization. Manipulation based on low voltage currents.

Manual method of lymphatic drainage massage

Manual massage gives excellent results, of course, if the skin is not affected by severe changes. Specialists perform manual lymphatic drainage at three levels, which depends on the condition of the skin and the method of exposure:

  1. Surface. Improves skin tone, removes excess puffiness.
  2. Deep. It is carried out for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes to stimulate the lymph nodes.
  3. Projection. Aimed at improving the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood supply, and, consequently, skin nutrition.

Features of lymphatic drainage massage, difference from cosmetic massage

A lymphatic drainage massage session in the salon lasts 30-60 minutes. According to people who have undergone this procedure, it causes very pleasant sensations.

The specialist influences certain points of the lymphatic system. It should be noted that the massage lines for this type of massage do not coincide with those that are oriented towards during a classic massage. The movements of a professional are pulsating pressures alternating with stroking.

Before the session, the skin is usually cleansed and cream or oil is applied. After the procedure, you may be offered a mask in the salon. It’s better not to refuse this combination, the effect will be amazing!

Rules for facial lymphomassage

Therapeutic and cosmetic lymphatic drainage facial massage requires special training and knowledge of anatomical features. In particular, the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of lymph flow in the facial area. If you are not sure that you will perform the massage correctly, we recommend that you contact a professional massage therapist. Otherwise, manipulating your face at home will do more harm than good.

So, Basic Rules:

  1. It is better to carry out lymphomassage manually; the use of various improvised means is allowed: steel balls, mesoscooters, special cans, etc. If you have no experience working with these devices, do not take risks, otherwise bruises and bruises will appear on your face due to inept handling.
  2. Before the procedure, it is recommended to do fruit peeling.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique

Watch the video and get acquainted with the detailed technique of performing a manual, self-administered lymphatic drainage facial massage:


In salons you can be offered a hardware or manual method of lymphatic drainage facial massage. A specialist will tell you which technique is best for you. Try different methods to find the perfect facial rejuvenation option. You can perform the massage yourself, the effect will also be excellent: your face will acquire a fresh and toned appearance after just a few regular sessions.
