Apricot oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Almost half of pregnant women are familiar with this skin flaw firsthand. However, if you choose a high-quality skin care product, you can not only avoid such a nuisance, but also get rid of existing ornate scars of various lengths and trajectories. One such remedy is oil. But which oil to choose, and which one should you not just refuse, but even avoid if you are pregnant?

Let's talk about oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

What oils should an expectant mother choose to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The fight against stretch marks with the help of oils has been carried out since time immemorial, but our grandmothers and mothers most often used sunflower, corn, flaxseed or olive oils. Nowadays, in cosmetics departments or in pharmacies you can see a large selection of oils for skin care, but do not rush to take the first one you come across, the shape of the bottle, the smell or the bright label appeals to you. Oils can have different effects on the skin, but not all of them can be used by an expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes quite large changes in a relatively short period of time - due to the influence of hormones and rapid tissue growth. An increase in the size of the abdomen and mammary glands leads to the appearance of stretch marks and, unfortunately, not every remedy can be used by an expectant mother to combat this skin defect. You need to choose the most suitable, gentle, safe and most importantly - effective.

Oils are an excellent choice for moisturizing the skin; with their help, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared. The main advantage of this choice is the 100% naturalness of the product.

Natural oils

One of the options for combating stretch marks are natural oils:

  1. Olive oil - the most popular all over the world. This product will benefit the body both as a nutritional supplement and as a skin care product. Oleic acid contained in high concentrations in the oil makes it an ideal remedy for combating stretch marks during pregnancy. Penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, the oil nourishes and enriches cells with essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - contains a large amount of linolenic and lenoleic fatty acids, carotenes, vitamins, bioactive substances, amino acids and vegetable fats, which allows it to successfully maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin and effectively combat stretch marks.
  3. Almond oil - safe skin care product during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B, microelements stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restore the water-lipid balance of skin cells, and biologically active substances strengthen it and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
  4. Coconut oil - effectively copes with recently appeared stretch marks and is completely safe for use by expectant mothers. Vitamin E contained in the oil protects the skin structure from atrophy and degenerative changes in cells. Thanks to this oil, the skin texture becomes smoother, and the skin itself becomes soft and elastic.
  5. Apricot oil - a tonic and regenerating product suitable for use by young children and pregnant women with any skin type. The oil provides natural hydration to the skin and maintains its optimal level of elasticity. Oil is obtained from apricot kernels, which contain vitamins A, C, F, which makes this oil one of the basic components in the cosmetic industry for the production of various creams and balms.

Cosmetic oils

Due to the high concentration of beneficial substances obtained from plant materials, cosmetic oils are also quite effective in the fight against stretch marks and are recommended for daily body skin care:

  1. Weleda oil — nourishes the skin well, maintains its tone and prepares the outer cover for even greater stress associated with physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ with the addition of arnica and almond flower extract. Penetrating through the pores, the active substances begin to act almost instantly, improving metabolic processes in skin cells. The oil perfectly helps to remove cosmetic blemishes of the skin, and therefore is recommended for use as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. Universal oil "Johnsons Baby" It tones, restores and moisturizes the skin, stimulates microcirculation of cells and renews their structure. This product can be combined with other natural vegetable oils and fats (for example, olive or apricot kernel oil). To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub daily into problem areas of the body without fear of allergic reactions.

Essential oils

Essential oils are even more effective in the fight against stretch marks than organic fats. However, you need to be very careful with esters, because using them in their pure form can cause a chemical burn, and during pregnancy, not all of them can be used, and there are reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Essential oils can be added a few drops (2-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base product) to your favorite body care products (creams, masks, natural oils) and thereby increase the healing effect of the base you use, and at the same time get rid of too sharp, rich etherol smell. You can use regular yogurt, kefir or honey as a basis for the essential oil (if you are not allergic to it), or you can add it to blue clay or seaweed, using it as a mask.

  1. orange essential oil — contains many vitamins A, B, C and stimulates cell regeneration;
  2. pink — moisturizing the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  3. anise — normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin;
  4. sandalwood — tones and eliminates sagging skin;
  5. ylang-ylang essential oil - stimulates the formation and division of new skin cells;

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

P.S.: On my own behalf. Of course, the main thing is the skin itself, heredity... In my first pregnancy, from the 20th week, I used olive, apricot, wheat germ oils and more... I mixed them with Vita Mino m AEVIT. Every day I applied it to the skin of my thighs, abdomen and chest. I also used a cheap glycerin hand cream that nourishes and moisturizes... As a result, not a single stretch mark. I don’t know what happened.

Now I also use different oils (olive oil dries out the skin this time; I don’t use it) and the same cheap glycerin cream.

Article: Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Almost half of pregnant women are familiar with this skin flaw firsthand. However, if you choose a high-quality skin care product, you can not only avoid such a nuisance, but also get rid of existing ornate scars of various lengths and trajectories. One such remedy is oil. But which oil to choose, and which one should you not just refuse, but even avoid if you are pregnant?

What oils should an expectant mother choose to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The fight against stretch marks with the help of oils has been carried out since time immemorial, but our grandmothers and mothers most often used sunflower, corn, flaxseed or olive oils. Nowadays, in cosmetics departments or in pharmacies you can see a large selection of oils for skin care, but do not rush to take the first one you come across, the shape of the bottle, the smell or the bright label appeals to you. Oils can have different effects on the skin, but not all of them can be used by an expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes quite large changes in a relatively short period of time - due to the influence of hormones and rapid tissue growth. An increase in the size of the abdomen and mammary glands leads to the appearance of stretch marks and, unfortunately, not every remedy can be used by an expectant mother to combat this skin defect. You need to choose the most suitable, gentle, safe and most importantly - effective.

Oils are an excellent choice for moisturizing the skin; with their help, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared. The main advantage of this choice is the 100% naturalness of the product.

One of the options for combating stretch marks are natural oils:

Olive oil is the most sought after oil all over the world. This product will benefit the body both as a nutritional supplement and as a skin care product. Oleic acid contained in high concentrations in the oil makes it an ideal remedy for combating stretch marks during pregnancy. Penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, the oil nourishes and enriches cells with essential vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn oil contains a large amount of linolenic and lenoleic fatty acids, carotenes, vitamins, bioactive substances, amino acids and vegetable fats, which allows it to successfully maintain skin firmness and elasticity and effectively combat stretch marks. Almond oil is a safe skin care product during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B, microelements stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restore the water-lipid balance of skin cells, and biologically active substances strengthen it and minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Coconut oil effectively copes with recently appeared stretch marks and is completely safe for use by expectant mothers. Vitamin E contained in the oil protects the skin structure from atrophy and degenerative changes in cells. Thanks to this oil, the skin texture becomes smoother, and the skin itself becomes soft and elastic. Apricot oil is a tonic and regenerating agent, suitable for use by young children and pregnant women with any skin type. The oil provides natural hydration to the skin and maintains its optimal level of elasticity. Oil is obtained from apricot kernels, which contain vitamins A, C, F, which makes this oil one of the basic components in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of various creams and balms. Cosmetic oils

Due to the high concentration of beneficial substances obtained from plant materials, cosmetic oils are also quite effective in the fight against stretch marks and are recommended for daily body skin care:

Weleda oil nourishes the skin well, maintains its tone and prepares the outer layer for even greater stress associated with the physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ with the addition of arnica and almond flower extract. Penetrating through the pores, the active substances begin to act almost instantly, improving metabolic processes in skin cells. The oil perfectly helps to remove cosmetic blemishes of the skin, and therefore is recommended for use as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy. Universal oil "Johnsons Baby" well tones, restores and moisturizes the skin, stimulates microcirculation of cells and renews their structure. This product can be combined with other natural vegetable oils and fats (for example, olive or apricot kernel oil). To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub daily into problem areas of the body without fear of allergic reactions. Essential oils

Essential oils are even more effective in the fight against stretch marks than organic fats. However, you need to be very careful with esters, because using them in their pure form can cause a chemical burn, and during pregnancy, not all of them can be used, and there are reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Essential oils can be added a few drops (2-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base product) to your favorite body care products (creams, masks, natural oils) and thereby increase the healing effect of the base you use, and at the same time get rid of too sharp, rich etherol smell. You can use regular yogurt, kefir or honey as a basis for the essential oil (if you are not allergic to it), or you can add it to blue clay or seaweed, using it as a mask.

orange essential oil - contains many vitamins A, B, C and stimulates cell regeneration; pink - moisturizing the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks; anise - normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin; sandalwood - tones and eliminates sagging skin; ylang-ylang essential oil - stimulates the formation and division of new skin cells; Juniper essential oil - tones, improves blood circulation and reduces stretch marks.
We offer several recipes for preparing essential oil skin care products: 4 tbsp. olive oil, add 2 drops each of orange, lavender and geranium oils. In 1 tbsp. add 1 drop of orange and 2 drops of geranium jojoba oil. Add 2 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of orange to 4 tbsp. carrier oils (for example, olive, sesame, almond or peach). Use the resulting mixtures daily - and the result will not be long in coming.

What oils should you avoid during pregnancy?

Even ethers that are approved for expectant mothers should be used after consultation with a doctor, since among them there are some that should be used with great caution (for example, juniper or rose essential oil).

Due to the ability of some oils to cause uterine contractions (which may result in miscarriage or premature labor), it is best to avoid the following oils during pregnancy: basil, ginger, fennel, thyme, nutmeg, parsley, mint, sage, wormwood, cedar, rosemary, oregano.

Which oils will help a pregnant woman best against stretch marks?

There are quite a few oils that effectively combat stretch marks, but the following deserve special attention from pregnant women:

Almond is effective both as a means of prevention and as a fighter against existing stretch marks. The product has the ability to relieve irritation and saturate the skin with essential vitamins. It can be used as an independent means of combating stretch marks, or in combination with other oils (for example, lavender). Cocoa beans - a high content of valuable amino acids and triglycerides has a noticeable regenerating effect on the skin, and esters and fatty acids maintain its stable structure for a long time. It is an excellent source of antioxidants. The mixture of liquid organic fats present in cocoa butter does not undergo oxidation, which allows it to be stored in a cool place for quite a long time. The product fights stretch marks so well on its own that it does not require mixing with other components. Calendula is an excellent base product that, while providing a regenerating and softening effect on the skin, is well absorbed. You can use this oil from the early stages of pregnancy, and this will not only get rid of existing stretch marks, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. Most often, calendula oil is used in combination with almond oil. Melissa - will provide double benefits during pregnancy: firstly, thanks to its aroma, it reduces the likelihood of toxicosis, and secondly, it will soothe the itching that occurs when stretch marks form, reduce the severity of stretch marks and even out skin tone. In addition, the oil will provide firmness and elasticity to the outer skin. Thyme essential oil - regenerates, tones, stimulating microcirculation in tissues. Myrrh - reduces existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones due to its ability to stimulate blood circulation. Linalool (an organic substance) contained in the oil helps to activate metabolic processes in the skin.

A few secrets and nuances for using oils for stretch marks

To ensure that the oils you use bring more benefits and accelerate the visible effect, follow a few simple rules:

Apply the oil to problem areas of the body with massage movements, and in the hip area you can use gentle pinching and patting. Use cosmetic and natural oils daily, and mixtures with essential oils - 1-2 times a week. When choosing an oil to prevent or combat stretch marks, make sure that no allergic reactions occur. Before using the oil on a large area of ​​the body, test it on the elbow or in the pulse area: if no discomfort (itching, burning, redness or rash) occurs within 12 hours, then the oil can be used without fear. When choosing an oil, be guided by your feelings, but it would be a good idea to consult a doctor about this. Store purchased and already uncorked or created oil mixtures in a cool place for no more than 2 months. The following will help to enhance the effectiveness of using oils for stretch marks: proper and balanced nutrition; applying oil to damp skin - after taking a shower or bath; physical activity - for example, exercise, walking, fitness, swimming; massage - will allow the oil to penetrate the skin faster and deeper; oil baths - take not just by pouring the oil into water (so it will float on the surface of the water and will not bring the expected and desired result), but by first dissolving it in milk, honey, sea salt (this will allow the oil to “dissolve” in the water), and do not rush to wipe the skin after the procedure - let it dry on its own; oil compresses - good for removing small stretch marks on the chest: moisten a napkin in oil diluted in water and apply it to the chest for 25-30 minutes (repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week); wraps - create a sauna effect, which allows the oil to penetrate deeply into the skin: the prepared product is lubricated with problem areas of the body, then they are wrapped in film, insulated with a scarf or towel and left for 30 minutes. When using oils in the fight against stretch marks, remember that only regularity of the procedure will produce the desired effect and ensure your victory over the “enemy” of beautiful skin.

Be healthy! Be beautiful!

P.S.: On my own behalf. Of course, the main thing is the skin itself, heredity... In my first pregnancy, from the 20th week, I used olive, apricot, wheat germ oils and more... I mixed them with Vita Mino m AEVIT. Every day I applied it to the skin of my thighs, abdomen and chest. I also used a cheap glycerin hand cream that nourishes and moisturizes... As a result, not a single stretch mark. I don’t know what happened.

Now I also use different oils (olive oil dries out the skin this time; I don’t use it) and the same cheap glycerin cream.

During pregnancy, almost all organs and systems of the expectant mother are subjected to extreme stress, and the skin is no exception. An expanding belly, fuller breasts and rounded hips are the most common places for stretch marks to appear. Some pregnant women treat them as inevitable changes, while others try with all their might to avoid the appearance of this cosmetic defect, because becoming a mother does not mean ceasing to be a beautiful woman.

What are pregnancy stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, have a very specific medical name: stripe-like skin atrophy. It affects not only pregnant women, but also teenagers and even men. They appear as the body’s response to hormonal swings, some endocrine diseases, and weight changes. Genetic predisposition also plays an important role.

In pregnant women, the pregnancy hormone progesterone is involved in the appearance of stretch marks. It reduces the ability of skin cells to produce collagen and elastin - structural elements of the dermis that ensure its firmness and elasticity. When the skin is stretched for a long time, its fibers simply burst, and their place is filled with connective tissue (as in scars). Pregnancy stripes - stretch marks - at the beginning of their appearance are pinkish, then acquire a more saturated color (from dark pink to violet-purple), then gradually turn pale, but do not go away completely.

The skin is only a “mirror” of the changes occurring in the body, and not a single product used externally can with a 100% guarantee prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Advertising promises from cosmetics manufacturers to prevent the appearance of scars or get rid of existing ones are still deceit. Moreover, even using the full range of available remedies and following recommendations on diet and drinking regimen, you are not guaranteed to be protected from the occurrence of these annoying changes. And the reason for this is genetic predisposition.

In no case do I urge you to completely abandon self-care, attributing everything to genetics. I just want to warn against unjustified expectations from using this or that cosmetic product. And genetic predisposition is also very capricious: my sister, having become pregnant at the age of 25, acquired stretch marks, but I, having given birth to my first child at 39, did not... Neither she nor I gained more than the 11–12 kilograms recommended by gynecologists during pregnancy. I used skin care products very irregularly.

Can oils be used for stretch marks during pregnancy?

There is no direct ban on the use of oils to combat stretch marks, but the choice of product must be approached wisely. The general properties - retaining moisture in the skin, nourishing, smoothing, increasing elasticity and firmness of the skin - are characteristic of all oils, but some components of complex mixtures may make them unsuitable for use during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

What skin oils can you use during pregnancy?

Among the various oils for skin care during pregnancy, you can find both pure vegetable oils (liquid and solid) and cosmetic ones. All of them must be hypoallergenic and not have a potentially harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

It is allowed to use natural liquid vegetable oils:

  1. sunflower;
  2. olive;
  3. corn;
  4. linen;
  5. peanut;
  6. castor;
  7. sesame;
  8. burdock;
  9. mustard;
  10. sea ​​buckthorn;
  11. almond;
  12. from avocado;
  13. from wheat germ;
  14. from peach, grape, watermelon, apricot seeds;
  15. from pumpkin seeds.

Photo gallery: the most popular liquid vegetable oils allowed during pregnancy

There are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) for the use of solid oils (butters):

Photo gallery: solid vegetable oils allowed during pregnancy

The choice of cosmetic oil to prevent the appearance of stretch marks should be approached more carefully, since most of them contain essential oils - natural or synthetic (artificial).

You can prepare cosmetic oil for yourself by adding essential oil to your base (vegetable oil). Due to their high concentration, pure essential oils cannot be used unchanged for the skin - you will get irritation, redness or burns.

Some plants from which essential oils are produced contain phytoestrogens. These are substances similar in action to the female hormones estrogens, that is, they can potentially cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Such plants include:

  1. cedar;
  2. mint;
  3. Melissa;
  4. fennel;
  5. ylang-ylang;
  6. rosemary;
  7. sage;
  8. ginger;
  9. parsley;
  10. thyme;
  11. juniper;
  12. chamomile;
  13. nutmeg;
  14. nayoli;
  15. geranium;
  16. incense;
  17. vetiver;
  18. star anise;
  19. verbena;
  20. rose.

Be careful if the oil you purchase contains a large amount of vitamin A - pure fat-soluble retinol can negatively affect the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

According to experts, the following essential oils have teratogenic properties (i.e., leading to disruption of fetal development, including death):

  1. common and bitter wormwood;
  2. rue;
  3. pennyroyal;
  4. thuja;
  5. hyssop;
  6. Salvia officinalis;
  7. lavender spica (spike lavender, spike lavender).

The following essential compounds are considered relatively safe for use during pregnancy in cosmetic oils:

  1. citrus fruits (in the absence of allergies);
  2. conifers;
  3. rosewood;
  4. bergamot;
  5. tea tree.

The largest producers of essential oils on the world market are Styx Naturcosmetic (Austria), Bergland-Pharma (Germany), Vivasan (Switzerland), R.Expo (India), Floressence (France), and the Russian company LECUS.

Properties and effects of oils to combat stretch marks

What happens in the skin when we apply oil for stretch marks? Main manifestations:

  1. Hydration (hydration). This quality manifests itself when oils are applied to slightly damp skin. True, only the epidermis - the top layer of the skin - is moisturized; the deeper layers - the dermis (the skin itself); oils do not penetrate due to their hydrophobicity. But they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.
  2. Acceleration of regeneration. New cells appear faster due to more active metabolism.
  3. Improving blood supply and skin nutrition. This occurs due to the action of both the active components of the oils and massage movements during application.

For optimal effect in the fight against stretch marks, do not forget to drink enough fluid, and also remember that proteins and vitamins A and E are needed to build skin cells (be careful with the latter - they are easy to overdose on)

Effect on the fetus

The use of cosmetics with essential oils in the first trimester is not recommended by experts. The placental barrier has not yet been formed; oil components from the surface of the skin enter the general bloodstream. Even the effect of aromas on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus has been studied very little.

When and how to use oils to combat stretch marks

It is often impossible to get rid of stretch marks without the help of aggressive cosmetology (laser treatments, chemical peeling, mesotherapy). It is also impossible to prevent their occurrence with a 100% guarantee. But it is possible to minimize their manifestations with the help of skin care products, in particular, with the help of oils.

In the first trimester, the use of only pure natural vegetable oils is allowed, the top three of which are headed by olive, almond and peach (due to their high content of vitamin E).

In the second and third trimesters, you can purchase cosmetic oils containing approved essential components.

Rules of application

When purchasing oil, pay attention to:

  1. shelf life - if stored for too long, the composition of the oil may change for the worse;
  2. price - the low cost should be alarming, because natural ingredients are almost always expensive;
  3. directions for use on the label or instructions - if you choose a cosmetic oil, check when it can be used - during pregnancy or after childbirth (they have different compositions), there are also universal products;
  4. appearance of the product - the bottle should not contain flakes or foreign inclusions;
  5. aroma - the smell should not be rancid.

Before use, be sure to do an allergy test: drop 1 drop of oil on the inner surface of the elbow, wait 12 hours. If local redness, swelling, itching, or peeling appear, stop using this product.

Oil should be applied:

  1. on clean, damp and intact skin of problem areas (chest, thighs, abdomen);
  2. light massage movements (especially for the abdominal area), but not too zealously - you do not have the task of warming up the skin;
  3. always observing the direction of movement from the periphery to the center - along the flow of lymph (i.e. from the knees to the groin, from the center of the abdomen to the sides, from the areolas on the chest to the armpits).

If there are no contraindications for taking a bath, you can add oil to the water after mixing it with milk, honey or bath salt

For the décolleté area, try compresses by moistening a cloth with water and oil and leaving on the skin for half an hour.

Wraps are undesirable due to excessive local warming effect and increased blood circulation in the lower extremities and abdomen.

I have a sad experience of taking a bath with essential oils 10 hours after waxing. After about 3-5 minutes, I thought that the water was somehow too hot - the skin on my legs and thighs began to burn. A minute later I saw spotty redness - hives, all my legs were bright red. Hastily leaving the bath, I ran to the first aid kit for Loratadine. I returned to the shower and washed everything off with soap and water. For another 20 minutes I just walked around the apartment, sorry, in a negligee, since my skin was burning and itching, it was impossible to put on even a light robe. Fortunately, there was no need to call an ambulance, but I learned the science: no use of products with essential oils on damaged skin...

Table: popular oils for the prevention of stretch marks, allowed during pregnancy

Name Active components Action Average price, Yandex Market
Natural oils
(preferably first cold pressed - Extra virgin olive oil)
  1. Vitamins A, E, D, K;
  2. monounsaturated fatty acids, 60–80% – oleic acid (Omega-9),
  3. polyunsaturated fatty acids, 4–14% – linoleic acid (Omega-6);
  4. squalene;
  5. phytosterols;
  6. phenols.
  1. Levels the surface;
  2. increases elasticity and firmness;
  3. slows down aging;
  4. accelerates cell regeneration (restoration);
  5. good for dry skin.
600 rub. for 500 ml
  1. Vitamins A, E, K, B15, S, RR;
  2. mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, palmitic);
  3. phytosterols;
  4. carotenoids.
  1. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  2. restores cell integrity, accelerates their regeneration;
  3. slows down aging;
  4. reduces capillary fragility;
  5. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin.
80 rub. for 30 ml
  1. Vitamins A, E, F, PP, group B;
  2. mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic);
  3. phytosterols.
  1. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  2. restores water-fat balance;
  3. has an antimicrobial effect;
  4. accelerates cell regeneration.
80 rub. for 30 ml
Coconut oil (solid oil, requires heating in a water bath before use)
  1. Vitamins A, E, K, B2;
  2. mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, lauric, linoleic, palmitic).
  1. Has an antimicrobial effect;
  2. due to the high content of lauric acid, it can dry out the skin, so it is better to mix it with other oils;
  3. slows down skin aging;
  4. accelerates cell regeneration.
200 rub. for 100 ml
Cosmetic oils
  1. Wheat germ oil;
  2. almond seed oil;
  3. jojoba oil;
  4. arnica extract;
  5. orange, sandalwood and rose essential oils.
  1. Moisturizes;
  2. nourishes;
  3. accelerates cell regeneration;
  4. increases skin elasticity and firmness.
1300 rub. for 100 ml
Johnson's Baby
  1. Liquid paraffin;
  2. isopropyl palmitate;
  3. fragrance
  1. Moisturizes the skin by preventing moisture evaporation;
  2. softens;
  3. eliminates itching and flaking.
200 rub. for 200 ml
Bio Oil (not the best composition during pregnancy due to controversial essential oils), recommended start of use - II trimester
  1. Essential oils of calendula, chamomile, rosemary, lavender;
  2. vitamins A, E.
  1. Improves microcirculation in the skin;
  2. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. eliminates peeling;
  4. smoothes the skin;
  5. increases elasticity and firmness.
400 rub. for 60 ml

Reviews on the use of oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy I only used olive oil. I applied it every day and rubbed it in for a long time. No stretch marks appeared as such.



Rosemary is very toxic during pregnancy. Use only fatty (peach, jojoba, almond, apricot) oils, every day, and in recent months - more than once a day. Rub into damp skin and don’t forget to use coffee instead of a scrub. I was not too lazy to do this kind of therapy every day for 9 months - not a single stretch mark :)))

Tanya 27


I smear Johnson Baby. After my first pregnancy I didn’t have a single stretch mark. And buy the most gentle shower gel, creamy, so that the skin is moisturized and does not dry out.



I tried a lot during pregnancy (including peach oil). I won't say that it didn't help. I have stretch marks because I gained a lot during pregnancy. There is no super remedy or method. There are a few points you need to follow to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. These are diet, body care and physical activity.



I conducted a survey among my virtual friends on the Baby.ru website, and most of them used Weleda oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.

The use of skin care products during pregnancy, a diet with sufficient protein content, and an optimal drinking regimen help to minimize stretch marks, but does not guarantee their absence. The skin looks healthier, softer and well-groomed, its nutrition, blood supply and metabolic processes improve. Due to the absence of components potentially harmful to the fetus, natural vegetable oils are preferred, especially in the first trimester. Be healthy and beautiful!