Dior anti-wrinkle cream

How to use facial serum correctly

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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A cosmetic product such as serum is very popular among women of all ages. With its help, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin and give it a fresh, radiant look. Pimples and age spots become less noticeable after using the serum. The product successfully fights the signs of aging, providing a pronounced rejuvenating effect. However, not everyone knows how to use facial serum so as not to harm the skin. In this publication we will talk about how to choose the right product for the face, taking into account the age and characteristics of the skin.

  1. How to choose the right serum
  2. Serum for young girls
  3. Moisturizing facial skin after 30 years
  4. Rejuvenation in adulthood
  5. Products for the eye area
  6. Anti-rosacea agents
  7. How to use the serum correctly

How to choose the right serum

Facial serum (serum) is a highly concentrated product. It contains almost 10 times more biologically active substances than the most expensive and advertised facial skin care cream.

In addition to concentration, serum is distinguished from cream by high molecularity. The elixir’s small molecules penetrate massively into the deep layers of the epidermis and have an effect on the tissue. They act quickly and precisely. A small amount of serum has a more pronounced effect than a large portion of a regular cosmetic product.

You can’t apply the first serum you see in the store to your skin. Serum is not selected depending on skin type. You need to know exactly why it was needed and what defect the product should eliminate.

Unlike creams, the elixir has a narrowly targeted effect. It will not be possible to solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, to eliminate each specific skin flaw, you need to select a separate product.

When choosing a product, you need to focus on the age for which it is intended. The time of year should also be taken into account. Oil-based serums are recommended in winter and spring, and light water-based ones in summer and autumn.

Serum for young girls

Under the age of 25, the skin does not require special care. For it to look great, it only needs to be cleaned in a timely manner. Serum may be needed if a young girl has problem skin. The use of anti-inflammatory serum will help reduce the number of pimples, reduce their size, prevent the appearance of new foci of inflammation and remove redness. The product will soothe sensitive skin prone to irritation. Anti-inflammatory serums contain extracts of medicinal plants, propolis, hyaluronic acid, zinc and magnesium.

If a girl suffers from comedones and acne, an anti-inflammatory serum with azelaic acid will help her. This substance inhibits the proliferation of bacteria that cause inflammatory reactions and acne.

Anti-inflammatory serum gently exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, smoothes its surface and whitens. In winter, it can cause dry skin.

Serum is a product designed primarily to combat age-related changes. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the serum for a long time before the age of 30. It is best to limit yourself to a few doses. If the defect is not eliminated after several servings of the serum, you should consult a dermatologist about the advisability of its long-term use.

Moisturizing facial skin after 30 years

After reaching the age of 30-35, women's skin needs regular moisturizing. Moisturizing elixirs improve the barrier functions of the epidermis and saturate its tissues with moisture. Ladies with dry and sensitive skin especially need this serum. By receiving enough moisture and restoring the ability to retain it, the skin becomes velvety and well-groomed.

Until the age of 35, it is better to use light moisturizing formulas. After 35-40 years, you need to purchase a moisturizing product with glycerin, amino acids, lactic and hyaluronic acids. Glycerin moisturizes and softens the skin, making it elastic. Its effect lasts for 24 hours.

It is desirable that the cosmetic product contains NMF (natural moisturizing factor). NMF is a complex of hygroscopic molecules that is localized in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and creates a kind of water shell around its scales. When the body produces little NMF, the skin loses its elasticity and ages quickly. The use of a moisturizing serum with the NMF complex allows you to restore the water-retaining functions of the skin. Natural moisturizing factor attracts water molecules to itself like a magnet. After using the serum with the NMF complex, the skin becomes tightened, fresh and radiant. The first signs of wrinkles disappear without a trace.

Rejuvenation in adulthood

The use of facial serum is especially recommended after the age of 50 years. Women who have crossed the psychological threshold need skin tightening. Anti-Age (anti-aging) serums have the ability to restore the skin's hydrolipid mantle (epidermal skin barrier) and strengthen intercellular connections. They stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which ensure the strength and elasticity of the skin, in addition, they saturate the tissues with microelements.

Two-phase serums labeled “serum in oil” on the packaging will help women in their late teens effectively rejuvenate their faces. This modern beauty product has 2 directions of action. It has a rejuvenating effect and nourishes tissues. The elixir reduces the depth of wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, reduces dullness and sagging skin.

Anti-aging products contain rosehip seed oil, black currant, cocoa, macadamia, evening primrose and shea butter. The linoleic acid they contain is rich in valuable Omega-3 fatty acids.

The complexes contained in NMF anti-aging products are enriched with peptides. Peptides penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis and transport hygroscopic molecules into them. Thanks to the combination of NMF and peptides, deep hydration of the epidermis occurs, which is so necessary after the age of 50.

Anti-aging products are enriched with innovative products. Some contain blue lotus stem cells or antarcticin. Antarcticin is a high molecular weight glycoprotein. It is obtained from bacteria living in the glaciers of Antarctica. The unique properties of Antarcticin are due to the ability of bacteria to survive in extremely low temperatures. Even its small content in a living cell does not allow intracellular fluid to freeze at sub-zero temperatures.

Antarcticin stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and also accelerates regenerative processes in skin tissue.

Anti-aging facial serums are very effective, so you can use them on your own. But in winter it is better to use the product in combination with a suitable nourishing cream.

The cream should also be used together with serum for those women for whom it causes skin tightness. This combination of products will eliminate the unpleasant sensation and enhance the effect of the serum, sealing it in the layers of the epidermis. The cream will cover the healing composition with a film and will not allow it to evaporate.

Products for the eye area

Eye puffiness serum can be used at any age. It not only eliminates swelling, but also eliminates dark circles under the eyes. Eyelid products contain plant extracts and healing oils (rosemary, lavender), in addition, microscopic particles with high reflectivity (diamond and pearl powder).

The whey product improves blood hemodynamics (accelerates movement through blood vessels). Caffeine is used as a blood booster. With its help, you can quickly eliminate the traces of a wild night spent at the club.

Various silicones and adenosine, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin, help restore elasticity to the skin of the eyelids after 50 years.

Innovative technologies are used in the manufacture of products for the skin around the eyes. The Motion Correct complex is able to stimulate the production of a protein that restores skin cells wrinkled as a result of active facial expressions.

Anti-rosacea agents

Some women develop spider veins on the wings of the nose, cheeks and décolleté. It is a sign of the development of rosacea. Vascular disease occurs both in young girls and in women after 50 years of age.

To prevent and treat rosacea, anti-rosacea serums should be used. They contain vitamins K and C, which improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Anti-rosacea agents include extracts of medicinal plants (cornflower, sweet clover, horse chestnut, licorice), retinol, hyaluronic acid, lemon zest and grape extract.

How to use the serum correctly

Before applying the serum to your face, you need to cleanse it with a cleansing gel.

Serums are usually packaged in pump bottles, microcapsules, or sold with a dropper. The presence of a dosing system helps to use the product economically. It also minimizes contact of the contents of the container with air. Many active substances contained in the serum lose their properties after oxidation.

Knowing how to apply serum correctly, you can achieve better results. It is necessary to remove the product from the container in small portions as needed. Excess serum can have negative effects on the skin. 2-3 drops of the product are enough to achieve the desired effect. A small 30 ml bottle contains about 50-60 single servings.

Apply the product only to the problem area of ​​the face. The effect of eyelid composition on the cheek area will be meaningless. An anti-inflammatory agent that gets on the surface of the eyelids can cause a negative skin reaction.

The serum is applied with light patting movements in the direction of the massage lines. It should lie on the surface in a thin, even layer. There is no need to rub it in.

Once a day is enough to get lasting results. It is best to take care of your facial skin in the evening. At night, restoration processes in the tissues of the body are activated.

It is not recommended to go to bed immediately after applying the product. It is advisable to use the serum 1 hour before bedtime. If you go to bed immediately after treating your facial skin, some of the composition will remain on the pillow. Liquid that does not have time to be absorbed can clog pores and cause irritation.

The optimal time to use the elixir is 17-21 hours. If the product is applied in the morning, it is recommended to do it between 7 and 8 o'clock.

If the serum is used together with cream, it is applied 5-10 minutes after it.

When using the product, you must adhere to the rules of its use specified in the instructions. They contain detailed information on how to use the serum correctly. Some products should be used starting with microscopic doses and gradually increasing the portions.

In adulthood, the serum can be used for a long time. Lasting results appear after 2-3 months of use. If for some reason the use of the serum is stopped, the achieved effect usually lasts for several months.

Every 3-4 months you need to take breaks of 1 month. Rest periods are necessary so that the tissues do not become oversaturated with biologically active substances.

For more useful information on using facial serum at home, watch the video:

We invite you to read the following information: “Dior anti-wrinkle cream” and discuss the article in the comments.

From the manufacturer : The innovative formula of Dior Capture intensive anti-wrinkle cream is designed to quickly and effectively restore the beauty of your skin.

Dior Capture Cream not only smooths out wrinkles along their entire length and depth, but also truly rejuvenates the skin, restoring its structure. Apply the cream morning and evening after using the anti-wrinkle serum with light massage movements. Thanks to its rich texture, the cream penetrates deep into the pores of the skin and has a quick noticeable effect.

Push: I write all the time about decorative cosmetics and decided to write about basic care, which is where our face begins. The effect of anti-wrinkle creams is disputed by many; it is believed that a moisturizing cream is enough, but either the surgeon or no one can argue with wrinkles. Well, about the surgeon, I don’t think this is about me, but I really want to delay the time when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are no longer that girl. I use anti-aging creams, don’t go to cosmetologists and don’t do hardware procedures. How old I look is for you to judge, in fact I’m already 34, I think it’s not so little. I started using anti-wrinkle creams when I was 30.

About other qualities Dior Capture cream - very comfortable, I have combi skin and it absorbs without forming a film, does not crease when applying makeup, smells very delicately pleasant, non-comedogenic. Overall, I'm very pleased.

I bought the cream at IDB on sale in a set with miniatures of serum and eye cream in a cosmetic bag for 4400 rubles without a discount, 50 ml

17 April 2012, 13:11 | ILE DE BEAUTE

Wrinkles, these first signs of age, indicate a slowdown in processes in the skin. In the deep layers of the skin, where the source of cell regeneration lies, the dynamics of all processes decreases. Some substances necessary for maintaining the architecture of the skin, for example, a very effective natural filler of skin tissue - hyaluronic acid - begin to be produced in insufficient quantities. As a result, a qualitative change in skin texture occurs. The skin is deprived of load-bearing elements and loses its mechanical properties, literally “breaks” in different areas, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

In order to effectively counter these phenomena and quickly restore the skin to its smoothness and “fullness” without resorting to injections, targeted cosmetic care is necessary.

XP. These two letters in the name of the new care symbolize experience, expertise Dior – eXPert – in the field of anti-aging products. The products of the line completely restore the skin’s ability to continuously restore its youth on all layers of tissue, literally “under every wrinkle” (Tests in vitro on the ingredients).


– Deep in the skin:

Complex Gialu-Stem™: Under each wrinkle, cells continuously restore their own Hyaluronic acid.

  1. Main result: stimulation of hyaluronic acid production - galangal extract.
  2. Additional result: protection of stem cells – TP-Vitil™.

Result: the supporting structures of the dermis are restored, preventing the deepening of wrinkles.

– On the surface of the skin:

Bi-Skin Premium™: Instant wrinkle reduction.

For daytime: Dior offers 3 ultra-high performance products to smooth out and fill every wrinkle with a youthful glow.


A gentle liquid gel with a tightening effect is instantly absorbed into the skin, providing intensive correction of damage to the skin structure. Even the deepest wrinkles are smoothed out.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 5,400 rub.


Available in two versions.

A cream for normal to combination skin with a delicate and oily texture that gently smoothes the skin and gives it a flawless matte finish.

The texture of the cream for dry skin is a thick and rich balm. It is pleasant to use, intensely nourishes and protects the skin. It “fills the skin from the inside,” relaxing and deeply saturating it, and on the surface it smoothes, instantly hiding signs of fatigue.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 4,700 rub.


A delicate veil with a lifting effect concentrates its effect in the most delicate area of ​​the face. The cream “fills out” the microrelief of the skin from the inside, giving a smooth and rested appearance to the eye contour. On the surface, it has a smoothing effect on crow's feet wrinkles, leaving the look fresh and serene.

Volume: 15 ml
Price: RUB 2,950

At night: a duo of highly effective anti-aging experts.

Night is the most favorable time of day for the skin. The skin is protected from external aggressive influences and can fully devote this unique recovery period to the absorption of all beneficial active ingredients. Dior takes advantage of this precious moment and introduces 2 new highly effective products with sensual textures.


Melting serum with a satin texture envelops the skin in a refreshing veil. This true concentrate of active ingredients deeply corrects wrinkles and nourishes areas of the face with pronounced signs of fatigue.

Volume: 30 ml
Price: 5,600 rub.


This cream has a generous, oily texture that gives your skin the nourishment it needs. An expert-level cream effectively uses the night to intensively correct wrinkles and deeply saturate the skin. When you wake up, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 5,200 rub.

Complementing the effects of new day care products Capture XP two innovative stages give the skin a new anti-aging program “Expert”, which incorporates all the perfection and effectiveness Dior.

All products in the range XP They are distinguished by a light and fresh enveloping, exquisitely delicate aroma. It increases the feeling of pleasure that the textures of the products give. The range is offered in elegant packaging in blue-lilac shades that evoke a state of serene calm. Clean and expressive forms emphasize the modernity and technology of the products.


I write about decorative cosmetics all the time and decided to write about basic care, which is where our face begins. The effect of anti-wrinkle creams is disputed by many; it is believed that a moisturizing cream is enough, but either the surgeon or no one can argue with wrinkles. Well, about the surgeon, I don’t think this is about me, but I really want to delay the time when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are no longer that girl. I use anti-aging creams, don’t go to cosmetologists and don’t do hardware procedures. How old I look is for you to judge, in fact I’m already 34, I think it’s not so little. I started using anti-wrinkle creams when I was 30.

As for the other qualities of the cream - it’s very comfortable, I have combination skin and it absorbs without forming a film, doesn’t crease when applying makeup, smells very delicately pleasant, non-comedogenic. Overall, I'm very pleased.

Interesting and important material on the topic: “Dior anti-wrinkle cream” with a full description and accessible language.

From the manufacturer : The innovative formula of Dior Capture intensive anti-wrinkle cream is designed to quickly and effectively restore the beauty of your skin.

Dior Capture Cream not only smooths out wrinkles along their entire length and depth, but also truly rejuvenates the skin, restoring its structure. Apply the cream morning and evening after using the anti-wrinkle serum with light massage movements. Thanks to its rich texture, the cream penetrates deep into the pores of the skin and has a quick noticeable effect.

Push: I write all the time about decorative cosmetics and decided to write about basic care, which is where our face begins. The effect of anti-wrinkle creams is disputed by many; it is believed that a moisturizing cream is enough, but either the surgeon or no one can argue with wrinkles. Well, about the surgeon, I don’t think this is about me, but I really want to delay the time when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are no longer that girl. I use anti-aging creams, don’t go to cosmetologists and don’t do hardware procedures. How old I look is for you to judge, in fact I’m already 34, I think it’s not so little. I started using anti-wrinkle creams when I was 30.

About other qualities Dior Capture cream - very comfortable, I have combi skin and it absorbs without forming a film, does not crease when applying makeup, smells very delicately pleasant, non-comedogenic. Overall, I'm very pleased.

I bought the cream at IDB on sale in a set with miniatures of serum and eye cream in a cosmetic bag for 4400 rubles without a discount, 50 ml

17 April 2012, 13:11 | ILE DE BEAUTE

Wrinkles, these first signs of age, indicate a slowdown in processes in the skin. In the deep layers of the skin, where the source of cell regeneration lies, the dynamics of all processes decreases. Some substances necessary for maintaining the architecture of the skin, for example, a very effective natural filler of skin tissue - hyaluronic acid - begin to be produced in insufficient quantities. As a result, a qualitative change in skin texture occurs. The skin is deprived of load-bearing elements and loses its mechanical properties, literally “breaks” in different areas, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

In order to effectively counter these phenomena and quickly restore the skin to its smoothness and “fullness” without resorting to injections, targeted cosmetic care is necessary.

XP. These two letters in the name of the new care symbolize experience, expertise Dior – eXPert – in the field of anti-aging products. The products of the line completely restore the skin’s ability to continuously restore its youth on all layers of tissue, literally “under every wrinkle” (Tests in vitro on the ingredients).


– Deep in the skin:

Complex Gialu-Stem™: Under each wrinkle, cells continuously restore their own Hyaluronic acid.

  1. Main result: stimulation of hyaluronic acid production - galangal extract.
  2. Additional result: protection of stem cells – TP-Vitil™.

Result: the supporting structures of the dermis are restored, preventing the deepening of wrinkles.

– On the surface of the skin:

Bi-Skin Premium™: Instant wrinkle reduction.

For daytime: Dior offers 3 ultra-high performance products to smooth out and fill every wrinkle with a youthful glow.


A gentle liquid gel with a tightening effect is instantly absorbed into the skin, providing intensive correction of damage to the skin structure. Even the deepest wrinkles are smoothed out.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 5,400 rub.


Available in two versions.

A cream for normal to combination skin with a delicate and oily texture that gently smoothes the skin and gives it a flawless matte finish.

The texture of the cream for dry skin is a thick and rich balm. It is pleasant to use, intensely nourishes and protects the skin. It “fills the skin from the inside,” relaxing and deeply saturating it, and on the surface it smoothes, instantly hiding signs of fatigue.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 4,700 rub.


A delicate veil with a lifting effect concentrates its effect in the most delicate area of ​​the face. The cream “fills out” the microrelief of the skin from the inside, giving a smooth and rested appearance to the eye contour. On the surface, it has a smoothing effect on crow's feet wrinkles, leaving the look fresh and serene.

Volume: 15 ml
Price: RUB 2,950

At night: a duo of highly effective anti-aging experts.

Night is the most favorable time of day for the skin. The skin is protected from external aggressive influences and can fully devote this unique recovery period to the absorption of all beneficial active ingredients. Dior takes advantage of this precious moment and introduces 2 new highly effective products with sensual textures.


Melting serum with a satin texture envelops the skin in a refreshing veil. This true concentrate of active ingredients deeply corrects wrinkles and nourishes areas of the face with pronounced signs of fatigue.

Volume: 30 ml
Price: 5,600 rub.


This cream has a generous, oily texture that gives your skin the nourishment it needs. An expert-level cream effectively uses the night to intensively correct wrinkles and deeply saturate the skin. When you wake up, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

Volume: 50 ml
Price: 5,200 rub.

Complementing the effects of new day care products Capture XP two innovative stages give the skin a new anti-aging program “Expert”, which incorporates all the perfection and effectiveness Dior.

All products in the range XP They are distinguished by a light and fresh enveloping, exquisitely delicate aroma. It increases the feeling of pleasure that the textures of the products give. The range is offered in elegant packaging in blue-lilac shades that evoke a state of serene calm. Clean and expressive forms emphasize the modernity and technology of the products.


Any woman wants to have in her arsenal high-quality cosmetics that have been tested by experience, time and provide luxurious care. All these definitions characterize cosmetics from the legendary Christian Dior brand.

Christian Dior is a world-famous company that began its history back in 1946 with a clothing show, revolutionizing the fashion industry.. Currently, this fashion house produces clothes, underwear, shoes, watches, accessories, perfumes, cosmetics and much more.

Cosmetics have no analogues and are represented in a wide range. Therefore, the Dior brand has become a kind of symbol of beauty, luxury and grooming.

Stylish and trendy clothing lines and luxurious fragrances are especially popular.”Addict” and Dior creams, providing complete comprehensive care for young skin, fighting age-related changes and prolonging the youth of fading dermis.

The Dior brand offers users high-quality creams for face and body skin care, which have some features compared to cosmetics from other brands.

  1. Dior scientific laboratories in Japan, China and France work in accordance with fashion trends and the latest innovations in the field of cosmetology and collaborate with the most prestigious universities around the world. Qualified cosmetologists regularly make discoveries in the field of slowing down the aging process (introducing liposomes, aquaporins and stem cells into the production of creams), spending years searching for truly effective formulas, which puts their products at the forefront of ratings of products for preserving youthful skin.
  2. Creams consist of plant components. The founder of the Christian Dior brand has always had a negative attitude towards deforestation and the destruction of rare plant species. Therefore, for this purpose, their own named gardens were founded in France. A whole arsenal of gardeners, florists, scientists and various phytospecialists maintain a favorable ecological environment, natural cleanliness in these gardens and take care of endangered plant species, which affects the quality of products.
  3. Dior creams have a sensory effect on the skin. The delicate consistency of the products fits perfectly even on the most sensitive skin, giving it a bouquet of comfortable sensations and comprehensive care.

Christian Dior creams are presented in a wide range, which are adapted to certain areas of the skin, different skin types, problems and age periods. Depending on this, they have different consistency, composition and method of application and are produced under different lines. This fact makes it possible to choose the most optimal remedy based on individual characteristics. Let's look at the most popular series and lines containing cream products.

  1. Creams from the “Capture Totale” line created for aging skin with initial signs of aging. They fight all age-related changes, such as excessive dryness, age spots, wrinkles.
  2. Hydra Life line (hydra - “water snake” in Greek mythology) represents products that provide not only nutrition and protection, but also intense hydration of the deepest layers of the epidermis.
  3. Dior "Prestige" - a line of products, the main component of which is the extract of the Rose of Granville - a flower with its own legendary history, growing near the Normandy cliffs. The forces of nature contained in the flower nourish, moisturize, restore and improve the skin.
  4. "Diorskin Forever" – a series of foundations, the products of which perform 4 main tasks of instantly improving the color and tone of the face: correction, matting, color, durability.

Christian Dior believed that it was necessary to treat your face with due respect, which is why this company has developed a wide range of facial care products. Let's look at the most popular ones.

"Dream skin" – a remedy for any age and for any problems. The cream reduces visible wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones, evens out and improves skin color, fights pigment spots, moisturizes, nourishes and gives a healthy glow and fresh look. This happens thanks to natural ingredients.

Longoza extract has regenerating properties; the opilium extract penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it. A mixture of silicon and mica plates instantly refreshes the complexion.

Cream-gel “Multi Perfection” It has primarily sculpting properties. The product tightens the facial contour, acting directly on mother cells, tones and reduces visible wrinkles and blocks the appearance of new ones. Thanks to its super-airy structure, the gel is quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling, making it ideal for use even in the hottest and most humid climates.

Moisturizing cream "Sorbet Pro-Jeunesse" has moisturizing and nourishing properties. Extracts of mallow, sanguisorb and gaberlea stimulate the normalization of moisture inside cells and the natural production of elements necessary for internal health and the beautiful appearance of the skin.

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and requires delicate but comprehensive care. Products for this area of ​​the skin from Christian Dior are very popular among representatives of the “fair half”.

  1. "Le Concentré Yeux" - an eyelid product with a revolutionary formula and delicate consistency, thanks to which the cream can be applied to the entire area around the eyes. The innovative “Open-EyeTM” applicator allows for easy application and the beneficial effects of nutritional ingredients. The cream fights visible signs of fatigue: fine wrinkles, swelling, redness and bags under the eyes, and also saturates with health and resumes the natural processes of normal cell activity.
  2. "Capture Sculpt 10 Yeux" Provides skin elasticity and eliminates dark circles and puffiness. After just a couple of weeks of use, users note a lifting effect, a reduction in crow’s feet, fresh-looking skin and a maximally open look.
  3. "Hydra life" – contour moisturizing cream, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, it pushes out deep wrinkles from the inside. The product eliminates signs of fatigue and the first age-related changes, fills the skin with inner radiance.

The offer of body creams is amazing in its diversity and will satisfy even the most demanding wishes of users. Let's look at the most popular means.

  1. "Svelte"– a double-action firming cream that saturates the skin with nutrients, moisturizes it, tightens and tones. Thanks to its active ingredients, the cream helps get rid of the “orange peel” effect. After the first use, the dermis becomes firm, elastic and velvety to the touch.
  2. Cream "Svelte Body Desire" helps restore five universally desired signs of an ideal female silhouette: slimness, elasticity, moisture, tone and smoothness of the skin. Thanks to the innovative Desirectine TM Complex and algae extract, the process of producing adiponectin, which plays a leading role in a slim figure, is restored.
  3. "J'adore" with nectars of cotton and pansies provides comprehensive care for the body's skin: nourishes, moisturizes and fills with radiance. Perfumed additives envelop you in a cloud of floral aromas.

Having monitored numerous reviews from users of creams from the Dior Fashion House, several general trends can be noted:

  1. consumers note high quality cosmetics;
  2. The creams have a fairly light consistency, are well absorbed without leaving any unpleasant sensations;
  3. cream products have unobtrusive pleasant aromas with notes of luxury and style;
  4. products rich in natural ingredients, take care of the skin, giving it a healthy glow and vitality.

As a result, in the vast majority of cases, having tried Dior creams once, consumers make these products permanent “residents” of their cosmetic bag.

You can watch a review of Dior Capture Totale cream in the video below.

  1. Kostyuzhev Artyom Sergeevich

Psychotherapist, Sexologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Reutskaya Inga Gennadievna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Lokotkova Marina Igorevna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Natalia Evgenievna Pokhodilova

Psychologist, Kinesiologist Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Denisov Pavel Valerievich

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Andreevna Nikitenko

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Tereshkina Yulia Borisovna

Psychologist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Skidan Ilona Petrovna

Psychologist, Interpersonal Relations Specialist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Shiyan Olga Vasilievna

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru