Evening primrose oil for hair

While most beauties buy new advertised hair products in search of the most effective, another part uses evening primrose oil. It was considered a unique remedy for many ailments among the American Indians. By using this oil at home, you will see positive effects on your hair in a short time.

Benefits of primrose oil for hair

Primrose oil has long been used in cosmetology. The benefits of oil cannot be overestimated. The fact is that it contains the so-called essential acid – linolenic acid. The body is unable to synthesize it on its own, so we get it from foods. In addition, the oil contains tocopherol, which improves the nutrition of hair follicles and strengthens them.

So, what exactly is evening primrose oil good for hair and what effect will regular use of the oil bring:

  1. Regenerates scalp cells;
  2. Removes skin irritation;
  3. Combats dryness;
  4. Helps with dandruff;
  5. Treats seborrhea;
  6. Revitalizes and strengthens hair;
  7. Restores brittle hair;
  8. Stops hair loss.

Where to buy primrose oil?

If you decide to buy primrose oil, it is best to do this at the pharmacy. This way you are guaranteed its quality. The fact is that real oil can be obtained by cold pressing the seeds of mature evening primrose. The color of the oil is yellowish, and the oil itself is transparent.

The oil can be sold in capsules for oral use or in vials like regular essential oil. The price for 50 ml can range from 650 to 1100 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. If you buy capsules for oral administration, then 100 pieces will cost you about 1200–1400 rubles. Instructions for use must be included with the packaging. In addition to the oil itself, such capsules may contain auxiliary substances.

When buying oil, do not forget that in addition to the usual name - primrose oil, it also has other names: evening primrose, rapunzel or aspen.

Using primrose oil for hair

Evening primrose oil for hair problems is very effective when used internally, and at the same time combined with its external use. The oil has a specific taste, but since the product is produced in capsules, it is not necessary to chew them. So don’t be surprised when you see such a combination of primrose-capsules, but buy them right away.

Hair care will also be effective if you use the oil externally. The simplest application is applications using this oil. It is enough to apply the oil to the scalp for just 15–25 minutes and after a couple of procedures you will notice how the problems recede.

In order not to cause increased oily skin, and also to increase efficiency, it is recommended to mix the oil with your favorite base oil: olive, avocado. It is enough to add 20–30% oil by volume to the mixture to already feel the effect.

Add oil to shampoos, which also promotes healthy hair.

Such use of oil will not cause harm, and the contraindications of oil are individual intolerance.

Masks with primrose oil for hair

There are many hair masks with evening primrose oil. The most effective and simple recipes can be found below.

Hair loss mask

Those who decide to use primrose oil for hair loss and growth will definitely appreciate the following mask:

  1. Heat 5 ml of primrose oil.
  2. Mix them with 15 ml of warm macadamia oil.
  3. Add rosemary oil (3 drops) and ylang-ylang (5 drops).
  4. Rub into scalp and leave on for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Wash off the composition with shampoo.

Attention! Masks will be no less effective if you mix primrose oil with almond or avocado oil.

Mask for dandruff and seborrhea

  1. Mix primrose oil with jojoba oil, 6–7 ml each.
  2. Add tea tree oil (5 drops).
  3. Rub the mixture into the skin, massaging for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave the oil on overnight.
  5. Wash your hair in the morning.

Recipe for strengthening hair

  1. Mix primrose oil and burdock oil in equal proportions.
  2. Warm the mixture slightly.
  3. Add pepper essential oil (8 drops).
  4. Rub in and leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse thoroughly.

Hair restoration mask

Evening primrose oil is no less effective for hair restoration.

  1. Mix equal amounts of primrose and black cumin oils (approximately 5–6 ml each);
  2. Add orange oil (6 drops) and rosewood oil (4 drops);
  3. Let the mixture stand for 20 minutes;
  4. Rinse off.

Reviews about the use of primrose oil

I have long made it a habit to add primrose oil to my hair conditioner. After this, all that remains is to comb your hair and incredible shine is guaranteed.

Ekaterina, 31 years old

I don’t understand those who buy oils with silicones for crazy money, when in a simple pharmacy you can buy ordinary primrose oil and get an effect from it that is several times greater than the effect of store-bought hair products. The main thing is not to be lazy and apply it regularly.

I tried applying primrose oil just a couple of times and I can already feel the results! The hair becomes very soft, and the dandruff has disappeared! I will continue to use it, as the beneficial properties of the oil are really noticeable.

For dessert, video: A new and effective mask for hair growth

The oil that is extracted from evening primrose seeds is commonly used as a medicinal preparation, for topical treatment, or as a supplement for hair problems.


Evening primrose is also known as night or evening primrose. It is a yellow-flowered flowering plant that primarily grows in North America and Europe. While most flowering plants open at sunrise, the evening primrose opens its petals at dusk.

Evening primrose oil is known for its hormonal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also popular as a natural remedy for reducing hair loss, but at the moment there is not enough research done to confirm this.

What are its supposed primrose benefits for hair?

Evening primrose oil is rich in omega fatty acids. This means that it can:

  1. fight oxidative processes;
  2. reduce inflammation;
  3. stimulate healthy cell growth.

Because of this, it is believed that primrose oil can help with hair loss that is caused by:

  1. nutritional deficiencies;
  2. environmental damage;
  3. inflammation of the scalp.

This plant also contains phytoestrogens, suggesting that it may help reduce the symptoms of hormonal conditions such as menopause. Hair loss is a common symptom of menopause, so primrose can do double duty here.

Research on Primrose and Hair Loss


Research on the use of this plant for hair growth and overall hair health is limited. But there have been studies on how certain ingredients or chemical components affect hair health. While this provides some insight into whether using primrose oil may affect hair loss, more research is needed to clarify the plant's effects on hair health.

Primrose oil promotes new hair growth. Like other vegetable oils, primrose oil contains arachidonic acid. This ingredient has been proven to promote new hair growth and help existing hair shafts grow longer.

Primrose oil can help reduce scalp inflammation and hair follicle damage. Gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) is an omega fatty acid found in this oil. This ingredient is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Although there has been no research on primrose oil regarding scalp inflammation, it has been studied as an herbal therapy for inflammatory conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema). Some studies also suggest that sterols found in the plant may help reduce inflammation.

Primrose oil can help reduce oxidative damage. The stress you put on your hair—such as products, heat styling, and the like—can aggravate hair loss associated with alopecia.

Evening primrose oil is rich in antioxidants vitamin E, which is known to relieve the oxidative process. A 2010 study found that taking oral vitamin E supplements helped improve alopecia symptoms. Participants taking vitamin E supplements also had a higher number of hairs per centimeter of scalp than participants taking a placebo. This suggests that evening primrose oil may stimulate and protect hair follicles, keeping them healthy and active.

How to use evening primrose oil for hair

You can apply it topically, consume it orally, or use both methods. But don't confuse "evening primrose essential oil" with "evening primrose oil." Essential oils are much stronger and release volatile aromas used in aromatherapy.

If hair loss is associated with inflammation, anecdotal evidence for the benefits of primrose oil suggests topical use. If your hair loss is due to a hormonal disorder, primrose oil supplements will be more beneficial.


Unlike medications, herbal dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This means that you should only buy quality products from trusted manufacturers.

You should also talk with your doctor about your individual risk for side effects or interactions with other supplements and medications.

Primrose oil supplements are best taken with food. The average dose is 500 milligrams per day—you should discuss higher dosages with your doctor.

Topical application of evening primrose oil for hair

Unlike essential oils, evening primrose oil does not need to be diluted. But you need to do a preliminary test to check for possible allergic reactions. If you use evening primrose essential oil, you should dilute it in a carrier oil before use.


How to use evening primrose oil:

  1. Start with dry hair for maximum penetration into the hair follicle.
  2. You can warm the oil slightly by rubbing it between your palms before applying it to your head.
  3. Massage the oil onto your scalp.
  4. Let the oil sit on your hair for about 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse it using a mild creamy cleanser.

You can even add the oil to your favorite shampoo. Just be sure to massage the mixture deep into your roots and scalp before rinsing it off.

There are also ready-made shampoos with evening primrose oil that you can purchase in stores and online. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a shampoo with only primrose oil or with the addition of other components necessary for hair loss, such as biotin or rosemary oil.

Potential Side Effects and Risks of Using Evening Primrose Oil

Primrose oil is generally safe to use for short periods of time. It is not clear whether it is safe for long-term use. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before using it or any other alternative remedy.

If you experience any unusual side effects while using this product, stop taking it and talk to your doctor. Side effects to watch out for include increased hair loss, hair breaking along the length or at the root, change in hair or scalp color.

The benefits and harms of evening primrose oil are known in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Depending on the method of administration, you can choose the most suitable form of product release - capsules or liquid.

Description and benefits of evening primrose

Evening primrose has several names - evening primrose, evening primrose. It is an ornamental flowering plant characterized by greenish-yellow tubular flowers and dark green leaves. In addition to its decorative properties, evening primrose is famous for its beneficial properties. Primrose plant oil, the benefits of which have been known for a long time, is used for medicinal purposes. It is obtained from the seeds of the plant using cold pressing or extraction methods.


Composition and calorie content of primrose oil

Primrose oil extract has medicinal properties and is widely used in medicine and cosmetology thanks to the rich chemical composition shown in the table below.

The table shows the acids that make up primrose oil:

In addition to the listed components, the product contains essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamins C, E, microelements (sodium, iron, zinc, calcium).

Since the product contains mainly fats, its calorie content per 100 g is high - 900 kcal (or 3767 kJ).

Benefits of primrose oil for women and men

Consuming evening primrose oil has benefits for both women and men. Regardless of age, it helps fight various ailments and maintain the body in a healthy state, for example:

  1. stabilize blood pressure;
  2. balance glucose and cholesterol levels;
  3. improve vision;
  4. prevent thrombosis;
  5. reduce the harm caused to the body by medications taken;
  6. reduce the breakdown of liver cells when drinking alcohol;
  7. reduce joint pain due to osteoporosis.

Many women often face certain feminine problems. Taking oil helps solve most of them - relieve pain during menstruation, symptoms of menopause.

Regular intake of primrose oil extract will be a salvation for the symptoms of prostatitis in men and will reduce the risk of prostate diseases.

How to use primrose oil for medicinal purposes

The rich composition of the product determines its beneficial properties in the treatment of various diseases.

During pregnancy

The use of evening primrose oil during pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system, and allows the mother to avoid severe ruptures of the perineum during childbirth.

Despite all the benefits, the product is highly not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. At the beginning of the second trimester, it is administered in small dosages and taken 500-1000 mg daily. Starting from the 34th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to increase the dose to 1500-2000 mg.

Dosages should not be exceeded, otherwise the oil may harm mother and baby. You can start taking it only after consulting a gynecologist.


Before birth

Gynecologists recommend taking it internally and externally. In the first case, the beneficial properties of evening primrose oil in capsules smooth out the muscles and form their elasticity. From 34 weeks of pregnancy you need to take 1 capsule, from 36 - 2 pieces, from 38 weeks until birth - 3 pieces. daily.

When massaging the perineum with primrose oil extract, the skin acquires elasticity, firmness, and becomes prepared for high labor stress.

During menopause

The use of evening primrose oil extract significantly alleviates the symptoms that occur in women during menopause: hot flashes, mood swings and irritability, problems associated with bloating, fatigue. To do this, it is enough to take one capsule of the drug with each meal (no more than 6 times a day).

During menopause, you need to undergo treatment in courses, each of which lasts from 20 to 30 days. It is advisable to take 2-3 courses per year.

For endometriosis

In the fight against endometriosis, it is necessary to take a monthly course of medications based on evening primrose. In specific cases, it can be extended as prescribed by a doctor. An oil intake regimen is also developed individually. Usually 2-3 capsules are prescribed daily with meals.


For fibroids

Products based on evening primrose oil effectively stop the growth of fibroids and, due to their beneficial properties, can prevent its formation. The daily dosage of oil is 500 mg. The exact dosage regimen should be discussed with your gynecologist.

With an ovarian cyst

Primrose oil extract can be included in the general vitamin complex prescribed by the gynecologist in the treatment of cysts. Its benefits are determined by the presence of gamma-linoleic acid, which restores hormonal levels, Omega-3 and vitamin E, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The maximum daily dose of oil extract is 600 mg. The duration of one course of treatment does not exceed 30 days.

For neuropathy in diabetes mellitus

The benefits and harms of evening primrose oil in the treatment of neuropathy in diabetics have not yet been fully studied, despite the fact that it can alleviate many symptoms of the disease (weakness, tingling and numbness of the limbs, etc.). The result is achieved only after a long course. Its duration can be a year. The first effect is noticeable after six months of continuous treatment. The maximum daily dosage of the drug for diabetes is 480 mg, taken with meals.

The oil is especially harmful to people taking blood thinners; bruises and bleeding may occur.

For sclerosis and memory impairment

Evening primrose oil exhibits its beneficial properties in the treatment of brain disorders: it helps improve memory, coordination of movements, and supports intelligence. Therefore, evening primrose is effectively used in the treatment of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and sclerosis diseases.

When consuming primrose oil, essential medications continue to be taken as recommended by your doctor. The course of treatment is 1 month. Over the course of a year, the patient must undergo several such courses; their exact number and dosage are prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.

The use of evening primrose oil in cosmetology

Primrose oil has found wide application in cosmetology. It is applied externally in a mixture with other oils. Primrose is particularly effective and beneficial as a component of cosmetic products for facial skin and hair care.

For facial skin

The beneficial properties of evening primrose oil in facial skin care are determined by the content of linoleic acid. This component restores and softens dry skin, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Below are several recipes for face masks.

Recipe 1. The benefits of primrose in caring for dry skin

You need to mix the oils:

  1. evening primrose – 1 tsp;
  2. shea – 1 tsp;
  3. jojoba – 2 tsp;
  4. avocado – 1 tsp.

Add 2 drops of geranium, lavender and chamomile oils to the composition. The beneficial mixture is applied daily as a day and night cream. In a short time, the appearance of the skin will improve.

Recipe 2. Useful properties of evening primrose in the fight against pigmentation and freckles

To prepare the composition you will need to mix the following oils:

  1. primrose – 2 tsp;
  2. cocoa – 1 tsp;
  3. safflower – 5 drops;
  4. lemon – 2 drops;
  5. rosewood – 2 drops;
  6. petitgrain – 2 drops.

The mixture is applied only to areas of pigmentation.


For hair

Evening primrose oil has particular benefits for hair due to the tocopheron it contains. The substance strengthens and nourishes hair follicles, so it is often used in the fight against hair loss. Also, masks and applications based on it will help improve the appearance of your hair. Below are recipes for masks in which the beneficial properties of evening primrose are most effective.

Recipe 1. Benefits of evening primrose for hair loss

To combat this problem you need to:

  1. prepare a mask - mix and heat primrose oil (5 ml), macadamia (15 ml), rosemary (3 drops), ylang-ylang (5 drops);
  2. Rub the beneficial composition into the scalp using massage circular movements and leave for half an hour;
  3. wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 2. Useful properties of evening primrose in the fight against dandruff

In this case, the mask is prepared and used according to the following scheme:

  1. mix evening primrose and jojoba oils (7 ml each), add 5 drops of tea tree oil;
  2. The composition is applied with massaging movements for 5 minutes;
  3. The procedure is carried out in the evening, the mask is left overnight, and washed off with shampoo in the morning.


What preparations contain primrose oil?

In pharmacies you can buy drugs, one of the active ingredients of which is primrose oil. To treat female diseases, gynecologists often prescribe various dietary supplements, such as Gynocomfort or Femicaps. For problems with the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to take Solgar. In addition to the above on pharmacy shelves, there are many other medications, supplements and cosmetics based on evening primrose oil extract.

Harmful effects of evening primrose oil and contraindications

The product can cause harm only in case of individual intolerance. There are special groups of people for whom the use of oil is undesirable, these include patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy, and systemic blood diseases.

Patients with psoriasis should be especially careful when using this product. Use it only after consultation with your doctor. If the dosage is not followed, an allergic reaction may occur.


The benefits and harms of evening primrose oil in various fields of medicine and cosmetology have long been proven. Its use in the treatment of a specific disease should be discussed with your doctor. This is the only way to get the maximum benefit for the body without harming it.