Rag face masks

The article describes fabric face masks, popular cosmetic formulas, each of which has its own targeted effect. You will learn what these drugs are, what advantages and disadvantages they have, get an answer to the question of why it is worth using this type of product, and receive direct recommendations on selecting the optimal versions of the compositions directly for yourself.

What are fabric masks

Tissue cosmetic products, as well as classic oxygen formulas, are one of the most popular means to combat problem skin. She and designed to nourish the dermis with beneficial microelements, comprehensively contributing to its dynamic restoration, protection and strengthening. Moreover, this type of drug has its own significant difference in structure.


The fabric formula is actually a sheet of fabric that is pre-impregnated with natural serums by the manufacturer. This fabric has the lightest possible fibers and a hydrogel-like structure. The effectiveness of masks is ensured by preventing the evaporation effect. The fabric is in close contact with the skin, temporarily minimizing the amount of air penetrating into the dermis.

As for the composition of the masks discussed in the article, it is often based on the following elements:

  1. Collagen and hyaluronic acid. The components smooth out the skin texture and guarantee targeted hydration.
  2. Extracts of various plants and herbs. Stimulates restoration, nutrition and healing of the skin.
  3. Extracts of vegetables, fruits and berries. They are responsible for saturating the dermis with vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  4. Snail mucus, ginseng root, coenzymes and peptides. Neutralizes signs of aging and creates a strong tonic effect.

Why are sheet masks so popular?

The popularity of the drugs discussed in the article is due to their variability and a number of other advantages. If necessary, you can find among them a high-quality whitening mask, a preparation for restoring damaged areas of the dermis, and many other topical products.


If we summarize all the advantages of the drugs in the segment we are considering, we can highlight the following facts:

  1. Providing a comprehensive moisturizing effect.
  2. Increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  3. Rejuvenation and significant slowdown of the aging process.
  4. Restoration of the dermis after the negative effects of directed sunlight.
  5. Deep penetration of beneficial microelements and their rapid absorption.

Review of the best sheet masks

A colossal number of fabric options for facial care are guaranteed to please every representative of the fair sex. Based on such a wide abundance, today every girl will provide herself with a product with the desired effect. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the popular representatives of the segment who have won the trust of a multi-million audience of fashionistas around the world.


These facial formulas are one of the most important “strategic” products of Korean cosmetology. Based on this, it is not surprising that the variants of masks discussed in the article from this region can be found on store shelves more often than others. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the 3 most famous products on the market.

Dr.Jart+ Porecting Solution Dermask

This drug is one of the most popular among celebrities and bloggers. The product copes excellently with dark spots and other skin impurities. Its composition is based on the effect of charcoal and oxygen bubbles, which together make the skin elastic and the complexion brighter and more even.


Note! The presence of synthetic components in fabric masks is not always a negative indicator. Some of these substances, for example, adenosine and niacinamide, perfectly stimulate the dermis to regenerative processes and improve metabolism.

Cosrx Holy Moly Snail Sheet Mask

By choosing this drug in the store, you have given your preference to a product that guarantees a quick tonic effect. Already after the first session of use you notice the neutralization of the effect of fatigue. The composition nourishes the skin with beneficial vitamins and microelements, which also improves the shape of the face.


Holika Holika Baby Pet Magic Mask Sheet

An excellent product for comprehensive skin care. Thanks to its systematic use, you get rid of dry skin, irritation and redness. In addition, the beneficial vitamin composition prevents the first signs of aging and copes excellently with hydration tasks.


Japanese and Chinese

Companies from China and Japan are rightfully considered to be the pioneers in the production of fabric masks. It is not known for certain where exactly the first such mask was made in its familiar form, but it definitely happened in one of the Asian countries. The following are popular brands of cosmetics from these countries.

Dat's your Afterparty Mask

Created in Japan by Boosh Boosh. The main task of the product is to create a relaxing effect. Great for girls who have a busy life and constantly expose their facial skin to stress. The product can be used every day. As for its composition, it is based on brown algae extracts and a small amount of Swiss apple.


Gold Essence

Created by the hands of Japanese specialists from Japan Gals. This is a fairly expensive version of a cosmetic product that based on the effects of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, arbutin, as well as a number of other nutrients.


The fact that the structure of the branded product includes golden pollen also deserves special attention. The reason for this is nothing more than the ability of this ingredient to become an excellent conductor of nutrients.

BIOAQUA Egg Face Mask

Highly effective egg cosmetic product from China, guaranteeing high-quality moisturizing of the skin. The product is based on egg yolk, as well as a large number of useful microelements and vitamins.


As a result of the systematic use of such masks, you contribute to the proper nutrition of your skin, prevent the occurrence of irritation, take care of comprehensive rejuvenation and provide the dermis with an attractive appearance with a natural color.

Animal Mask Sheep

A collection of Chinese masks, each of which has its own effect. In total, the brand’s assortment includes 4 types of drugs. On each product package you will find its own unique animal:


  1. Dog. Formula containing Asian centella extract. Relieves stress and various irritations caused by adverse external factors. It also eliminates fatigue and stimulates dermal cells for regenerative processes.
  2. Tiger. The drug is based on witch hazel extract. It has attractive astringent characteristics that contribute to the formation of a tightening effect. As a result, you provide yourself with a reliable remedy in the fight against excessive fat secretions. In addition, the drug tightens pores, softens the skin, gives a tonic effect and fights inflammatory processes.


  1. Panda. The structure of this product includes tea extract and oats. The purpose of the formula is to target various types of inflammation and acne. At the same time, the composition, rich in minerals and trace elements, also guarantees increased skin elasticity and targeted antibacterial effects.
  2. Sheep. Based on Baikal skullcap extract. The main task of the drug is to fight germs, bacteria and inflammation. Thus, the drug copes with the tasks of caring for problematic skin, and also fights the first signs of aging.


A collection of French cosmetic products that guarantee stable nutrition and hydration of the skin. Each drug from the collection has its own unique composition. At the same time, the unifying features of the formulas are high efficiency and hypoallergenicity.


Note! You don't have to buy a large package to experience the effectiveness of a fabric formula. Today there are a large number of drugs on the market with a one-time use principle. Face masks in this case were no exception. It is enough to buy a small package of the product, designed for one session.


A well-known brand that also produces a large number of fabric masks with different effects on the skin surface. Therefore, when turning to the brand’s assortment, you will always find products that tone the skin, even out its structure, nourish it with useful microelements and prevent aging.



Fabric products of this brand are actively produced in Poland and the Russian Federation. For the most part they focused on cleansing and moisturizing. Excellent for various skin types and have virtually no contraindications.


How to choose a mask for yourself

After reviewing examples from popular brands, you can begin choosing your own anti-aging, nourishing or cleansing facial formula from a wide range of fabric options. Making the right choice in favor of a truly effective product is relatively easy. It is enough to rely on the following nuances:

  1. Skin type. Choose a product only for your skin type. Neglect of this requirement will lead to serious unpleasant consequences, including discomfort, rashes and unpleasant painful sensations.
  2. Consultations. Before purchasing any product, consult an experienced cosmetologist or dermatologist. A qualified doctor will definitely tell you which ingredients should be in the formula you use and which should be excluded, based on your skin type and its condition.
  3. Do a preliminary test. Before using the formula on your face, try applying it to your hand a couple of times. If no negative consequences appear on the treated surface over the course of several sessions, you can try the drug on your face.


How to use a sheet mask

Every representative of the fair sex can achieve the desired effect from using the tissue formula. To achieve this goal, it is enough to remember a simple procedure:

  1. Cleaning. Carry out a thorough treatment of the dermis, removing dirt, dust and cosmetic residues. For washing, you can use the following products: scrub, tonic or gommage.
  2. Hydration. Before applying, be sure to apply patches to the area around the eyes. These sensitive areas of the skin are not treated with the main composition, but they also require high-quality care.
  3. Allow the required amount of time. Keep the formula for no more than 15-20 minutes. On the packaging of each product, the manufacturer must indicate the optimal time for use of the composition. We also note the fact that all preparations are impregnated with useful compounds as thoroughly as possible, therefore, after half the time, turn the fabric over to the other side.
  4. Record a composition. Removing the fabric formula is as easy as applying it. In this case, after removing it, give your face a small massage in order to increase blood flow to the treated areas.
  5. Apply cream. After using the formula, you can apply a nourishing or moisturizing treatment to your face.


Disadvantages of sheet masks

Modern tissue preparations, if selected responsibly, have virtually no contraindications. The main thing is to take into account the above rules, and then no unpleasant effects will affect you. The only one a relatively minor drawback of the formulas is the lack of exfoliating effect.

Therefore, if the surface of your dermis is strewn with dead skin, it is advisable to use additional scrubs and mild peeling preparations.


Note! Many girls consider sheet masks to be a new product on the market, but this is a mistake. The first versions of such formulas were used by women of antiquity, applying special compresses to their faces, containing a variety of herbs and oils in their composition.

Useful videos

While discovering the main advantages of modern cosmetic face masks, do not neglect the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced professionals. Especially to achieve this goal, we have prepared relevant video materials for you.

Thanks to them, you will learn about the basic intricacies of applying tissue formulas, and also receive a lot of recommendations regarding the correct choice of product for a particular type of skin.

How to make your own sheet mask at home.

Improve your appearance with modern cosmetic preparations that provide a comprehensive and gentle effect on the surface of the dermis. Trust branded fabric facial formulas that are currently actively used by millions of the fair sex around the world. Decide on the effect you want to achieve and go to the nearest specialty store for cosmetic products that guarantee you will achieve the desired effect.

Over the past decades asian culture has become firmly in fashion. All kinds of healing methods, weight loss, exotic cuisine and many other things have gained wide popularity. Effective fabric face masks, which we will talk about today, came to us from Japan and Korea.

What is a sheet mask used for and how does it work?

A traditional ready-made fabric face mask is a bag in which a piece of porous fabric is hermetically sealed in the form of a mask with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. The mask is impregnated with any substances, the composition of which determines the effect and purpose of such a mask.

A ready-made store-bought mask refers to express means, therefore, the fabric soaked in active substances and serums is kept on the face for only about twenty minutes. Despite such a short period of time, the ingredients of the mask actively penetrate the skin, nourish, moisturize and fight wrinkles, age spots and other unpleasant things.

If you are a fan of quick and effective masks, you will definitely like the Golden Face Mask.

Rules for preparation and application

How to use fabric face masks correctly? To use a ready-made fabric mask, you need to carefully open the bag with the mask, take out the fabric soaked in the composition, unroll the mask and carefully distribute the mask over your face. You need to try to ensure that the mask adheres well to the skin and that there are no air voids under the fabric.

In the photo we see a fabric mask applied to the face.

The exposure time of the mask is from ten up to thirty minutes.

Classic recipe for a toning face sheet mask

Despite the abundance of ready-made store-bought options, you can make a fabric face mask with your own hands. You can use multiple layers of gauze for the base, but it is best to find a piece of pure cotton fabric. It is desirable that the cotton is not colored.

Preparation of the mask:

  1. cut out the base for the mask from the fabric, make holes for the eyes, nose and mouth;
  2. Brew loose leaf green tea with boiling water and wait until it cools to room or slightly warm temperature;
  3. dip the mask blank in tea, squeeze lightly and spread the fabric over your face;
  4. It is advisable to lie down and close your eyes;
  5. After half an hour, remove the mask and wash the fabric carefully.

This mask perfectly tones the skin and relieves irritation.

Other recipes

Whitening and moisturizing cucumber mask

  1. grate the pieces of fresh cucumber on a fine grater or beat them in a blender, add half a bunch of chopped parsley;
  2. Wet the fabric mask well in the resulting slurry and spread the fabric over your face;
  3. To prevent the juice from draining, the mask can be slightly squeezed out;
  4. After half an hour, the mask can be removed and the remaining moisture can be blotted with a napkin.

If you want to whiten your face, you can find many interesting and effective recipes in the article The best whitening face masks.

Castor mask for wrinkles

  1. mix castor and Peach oil (or jojoba oil);
  2. lightly heat the mixture in a water bath;
  3. dip the fabric mask blank into the oil mixture, soak and squeeze lightly;
  4. spread the cloth over your face and leave for half an hour;
  5. blot the residue with a napkin, and then rinse with your usual cleanser.

Vitamin mask

  1. Blend a few strawberries with two drops in a blender liquid vitamins A and E;
  2. soak the fabric base of the mask in the resulting slurry;
  3. lightly squeeze and spread the fabric over your face;
  4. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Precautionary measures

Despite the benefits of ready-made and homemade fabric face masks, you should not forget that:

  1. homemade masks should be used immediately; the mixture should not be stored;
  2. Almost any of the ingredients in the mask can cause allergies, so do a sensitivity test first;
  3. for making homemade masks use only natural fresh ingredients, and for mixing you need to use only glass or plastic tools;
  4. If while wearing the mask you feel any discomfort such as itching or burning, the mask should be washed off immediately.

Reviews of fabric-based face masks

Our readers told us about their experience of using ready-made and homemade fabric masks, sharing their impressions and results from the procedure.

Tatyana, 30 years old

It's hard for me to name the best sheet face mask among those I've tried - all my reviews about them are more or less positive. But for a very long time I have been using a ready-made moisturizing mask. It is produced in Japan, and the accuracy, conscientiousness and accuracy of the Japanese has long been known and is beyond doubt. Inside the bag there is a mask soaked in a gel-like liquid. I usually use it as an emergency remedy - if I need to refresh, tighten and moisturize the skin. I keep the mask on my face for about ten minutes longer than indicated in the instructions, and I’m always happy with the result.

Photos before and after using a sheet mask.

Varvara, 39 years old

In the past, I often used Japanese and Korean sheet face masks purchased from the cosmetics section of supermarkets. But recently, reviews from cosmetologists about the quality of Korean fabric face masks are very contradictory. And Japanese masks have risen significantly in price. Therefore, I have already made homemade fabric face masks myself several times. There is, of course, more hassle, but the result is not bad. A vitamin mask works especially well - the skin seems to come to life, begins to breathe and glow with health. I’ve already tried strawberry and raspberry masks, and next time I’ll use some more complex mixture.

Photos before and after using a vitamin sheet face mask.

Violetta, 43 years old

I first saw fabric face masks about ten years ago. I immediately liked them - not very expensive, convenient and effective. I used to use a moisturizing sheet mask from the Garnier brand two or three times a week, and I still can give the most flattering reviews about it. But since then, prices have changed significantly, and I switched to homemade fabric masks. My favorite mask is based on a mixture of oils. Sometimes I cook it with castor oil and sometimes with olive oil. I add a couple of drops of rose oil to the warm mixture - it perfectly smoothes out fine wrinkles. I leave it on for almost an hour, then blot the residue with napkins or cotton pads. The result is quite satisfactory, I just have my doubts - maybe I shouldn’t wipe it off, and should I wash my face after using a fabric mask?

Photos before and after using a homemade sheet mask with oils.

Video about fabric face mask

Video on how to properly create a fabric face mask. Expert advice. Just a few steps to deeply hydrate your skin.

Even more tips and opinions about different types of masks in the Review with real reviews.

Fabric masks are a great way to get your skin in order in 15-20 minutes. They solve a lot of problems - from dryness and tightness to the fight against wrinkles. We decided to carefully study the issue and selected for you the 10 best masks for all occasions!

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The Best Cloth Face Masks

Moisturizing mask Aurealux Mask from Dolce & Gabbana

For what: humidification

A real miracle from Dolce & Gabbana - this moisturizing sheet mask containing olive oil and vitamin E will instantly make your skin softer and more velvety. You need to put it on your face for just 10 minutes - and the result will be noticeable immediately. The effect is as if you slept like a baby for at least 8 hours! Use a mask before important events (New Year's celebrations, for example) if you want to look fresh and rested.

Price: about 7000 rub. for a set of 6 masks

Tony Moly Pureness Placenta Mask

For what: fight against wrinkles

The Korean brand Tony Moly has again pleased us with a quality product. A sheet mask containing placenta increases collagen production and effectively fights wrinkles. You need to use the mask for 20-30 minutes, after which you will notice that the skin has become much more elastic - the product has a pronounced lifting effect!

Sleeping against wrinkles: 10 simple rules

Price: about 100 rub.

Royal Jelly Royal Jelly Mask from Steblanc

For what: nutrition and anti-wrinkle

A sheet mask, the main ingredient of which is royal jelly, has a double effect. Firstly, the product slightly lightens the skin and fights pigmentation, and secondly, it increases elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles. In addition, the mask soothes sensitive skin thanks to aloe vera extract and panthenol. For winter, this product is simply irreplaceable: make a mask twice a week, and you will forget about problems such as peeling and tightness.

Price: about 250 rub.

Pearl Essence Mask from Beauty Friends

For what: even complexion

A mask with pearl extract will help you out in the morning - you can even put it in the refrigerator the day before for better results. It moisturizes the skin, tightens pores, evens out the complexion and generally prepares the skin for a new day and makeup application. There will be no swelling or reddish spots - it’s better to start your morning with this remedy than with a cup of coffee!

Price: about 100 rub.

Mask with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule from Holika Holika

For what: fight against wrinkles

This fabric mask from the Korean brand Holika Holika can give a real blow to wrinkles. Its main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which promotes collagen production and increases skin elasticity. In addition, the product contains bamboo extract for deep hydration. Do this mask once a week - your skin will be grateful!

Price: about 100 rub.

Gold Essence mask from Japan Gals

For what: fight against wrinkles

A Japanese mask for lovers of luxury contains not just anything but golden pollen! And this is not pampering, but a necessity: gold is supposedly an excellent conductor of nutrients because it helps cells “open up”. And then hyaluronic acid, arbutin and vitamin C enter the fight for your beauty and youth. For a truly noticeable result, you need to take a course, making seven of these masks.

Price: about 500 rub.

Skinlite Green Tea Mask

For what: skin tone

The antioxidant properties of green tea are widely known, which is why it was used to create this mask designed to improve skin tone. If you want to look fresh, then use this sheet mask in the morning to deeply moisturize your skin and make it more toned. The composition also includes vitamin E, phytocollagen, licorice root and purslane extract. Your skin will definitely be delighted with such a natural cocktail! And if you are going on the road, be sure to take a mask with you - it will refresh your face after the flight.

Price: about 230 rub.

Mask with ginseng Animal Mask Red Ginseng from Berrisom

For what: humidification

A cool option for those who want not only to make a mask, but also to cheer themselves up! The fabric base of this product is made in the shape of a tiger's face - you definitely won't be bored. But seriously, the mask contains red ginseng root, which deeply moisturizes the skin. The product is best suited for those who are aware of problems such as dryness and tightness - and in winter this is true for almost all girls.

Price: about 300 rub.

Cleansing mask Mineral Powder Mask from The Skin House

For what: against acne

A cleansing mask for problem skin will help dry out pimples, tighten pores and control sebum production. This mask contains a concentrated serum with absorbent powder that soothes breakouts and absorbs excess sebum from pores. Goodbye nasty rashes!

Price: about 250 rub.

Sephora Pomegranate Extract Mask

For what: skin tone

This mask from Sephora is a favorite of international beauty bloggers. And for good reason! The sheet mask contains pomegranate extract, smells very nice and perfectly moisturizes the skin. Use it after a hard day if your goal is to restore a fresh and rested look to your face. The skin will become velvety, as if you had just returned from a spa treatment, and not from work.