Kuznetsov applicator instructions photo

In modern man, headaches caused by problems with the cervical spine have become an almost natural condition, due to a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect position when working at the computer, and birth injuries. The need for daily massage for relaxation is growing, and the Kuznetsov applicator can help fill it: according to reviews, if handled correctly, it benefits the entire body. How does this device work and how to choose the optimal shape?

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

People started talking about this method of reflexology not yesterday - back in Soviet times it was actively used at home and during sanatorium-resort treatment. At the Priorov Institute, the Neurosis Clinic, the Central Research Institute of Reflexology and the Institute of Neurosurgery, a needle applicator created by the inventor I.I. Kuznetsov was tested, which showed that there was no deterioration in the condition of the patients to whom it was applied. However, no one talked about high efficiency, even after Western research. The device may be sold as a “Lyapko massager.”


Kuznetsov’s applicator (in some sources – an applicator, combined “needles” and “applicator”) works in a similar way to acupuncture, only there is no damage to the skin: there is only a slight pressure that can cause mild pain. The effect on the human condition is determined by the impact of needles on nerve endings at certain points responsible for blood circulation and oxygen transport in tissues. A similar effect can be obtained from massage, but it requires a specialist, and with this device you can improve your health on your own.

Kuznetsov’s invention brings many benefits to the body:

  1. Positively affects metabolic processes.
  2. Increases immunity with long-term use.
  3. Increases skin elasticity by increasing blood circulation in the upper layers.
  4. Relaxes the muscles of the back and neck.
  5. Increases brain performance.
  6. Improves blood circulation in the cervical region, which contributes to a positive effect on overall well-being and blood pressure.
  7. Normalizes sleep and nervous system function.

Indications for use

Reflexotherapy helps to influence all internal organs and systems, so Kuznetsov’s massage mat and other forms of this device can be used to treat almost any disease: from gynecological to nervous. Doctors say that it makes sense to use this prickly massager if a person suffers from:

  1. obesity, diabetes and other diseases caused by metabolic disorders;
  2. inflammation in the uterus;
  3. stomach or intestinal colic;
  4. muscle pain;
  5. migraine, blood pressure;
  6. diseases of the ENT organs;
  7. problems with the thyroid gland;
  8. mood swings, panic attacks, sleep disturbances;
  9. osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  10. neuralgia.


According to doctors, reflexology is not the safest method of treatment, since the reaction of each organism is individual: it relieves pain in one person, while in another, with the same pattern of use, it worsens the condition. The use of Kuznetsov's applicator can provoke the appearance of hematomas, if there is a tendency to bleeding, cause irritation of the skin, so it is not advisable for people with sensitive skin and problems with blood clotting to use this device.

The applicator is also contraindicated for:

  1. presence of wounds and burns at the site of use;
  2. pregnancy (only on the recommendation of a doctor);
  3. epilepsy;
  4. accumulation of moles, warts, papillomas in the application area;
  5. presence of tumors;
  6. fever;
  7. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator

The essence of this device is a fabric or metal base on which there are:

  1. magnetic plates;
  2. short needles.

The latter cannot be plastic (this is typical for Chinese counterfeits): the original version called for metal ones, since only they can give the desired effect. There are several applicator shapes: the classic one is a plate-mat, the sizes of which can be chosen - small for the cervical region, larger for the lumbar region. There is also a Kuznetsov massager, presented in the form of a roller, and for a number of diseases a belt can be used.


The traditional form of Kuznetsov's invention looks like a rectangular flexible plate studded with short needles. There are small narrow rugs and larger ones. Initially, they were used in the treatment of sleepwalking: for this they were placed in front of the bed so that the person would take a step and wake up. Now the device is known as a mat with needles for Kuznetsov’s back, since it is used primarily for reflexology aimed at the spine area, although it can also be used for the abdominal area.

If a person suffers from lower back pain or gynecological diseases, doctors advise turning to the Kuznetsov belt - this is almost the same mat, but is fixed at the waist with Velcro. It is made of dense material, under which a soft pillow with needles is hidden. Even taking into account the fixation, experts do not recommend moving while wearing the Kuznetsov belt so that the needles do not slip on the skin.


If the applicator is to work for the benefit of your joints, you should choose a roller: a rotating cylinder with short spikes is convenient to use on your knees, elbows, and, if desired, you can roll it over your neck. Some people use the Kuznetsov roller as a foot exerciser: this way it also becomes useful for the whole body, since there is a high concentration of points on the feet associated with internal organs and the spine.


A variation of Kuznetsov’s classic invention is the Tibetan massager, which also has a mat format, but between the needles (made of plastic, so the impact is weaker than metal ones) there are magnetic disks. There are 3 versions of this applicator on sale:

  1. yellow - will actively act on the magnetic field, calm the nervous system;
  2. red – it improves cell regeneration, eliminates dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  3. blue – improves muscle tone, mainly used for legs, prevention of thrombophlebitis.

Instructions for use of the Kuznetsov applicator

The key point in using this device is maintaining hygiene: it is advisable that the purchased applicator is only yours, since needles, even with slight pressure, can cause microdamage to the skin. If you plan to use the Kuznetsov applicator with someone else, you need to disinfect it with alcohol.

A few more important nuances on how to use the Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. In order to minimize harm, it is advisable to conduct a session after emptying the bladder and no earlier than 1.5 after a meal.
  2. For a relaxation-oriented session, after using the applicator you need to maintain a horizontal position for another half hour.
  3. Be sure to ventilate the room in which the procedure will be performed.
  4. If you have moles or warts, but in small quantities, but you are afraid of damaging them, cover them with a band-aid.

You should decide how long to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator based on your own feelings, or based on the numbers recommended by doctors:

  1. Lower back pain, spinal problems, osteochondrosis, sleep disorders, fatigue, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction – 15 minutes.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, premenstrual syndrome – 7-10 minutes.

For the back

Spread a blanket or thick blanket on a flat surface, open the Kuznetsov rug with the needles facing up, and lie on it so as to feel the injections in the problem area. It is important to maintain a perfectly horizontal line of the body, so the surface should not sag under you (choose the floor, not the bed). You need to lie down without clothes, since the applicator needles are short and do not penetrate through layers of tissue well. Try to relax, you can close your eyes. The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, frequency – 3 times a day.

For the neck

For surges in blood pressure, headaches around the circumference and nagging nature, a feeling of fatigue in the neck and after prolonged work at the computer or papers, experts advise applying a needle applicator to the neck area every evening. For a strong effect, lie on the mat for 15 minutes; for a less pronounced effect, roll the roller for the same time, but with weak pressure and touching the shoulders.

For legs

Doctors recommend using a Kuznetsov rug (necessarily a classic one, with metal needles) to treat flat feet. To do this, a person needs to walk barefoot on the needle surface for 15 minutes every day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime. Basic exercises will help increase the effectiveness of therapy: walking on your heels, transferring weight to each zone of the foot. Additionally, you can roll the roller under the arch for 5 minutes, being sure to feel the pressure on the needles. The duration of the course of treatment is a month, after which a break is needed.

For face

For cosmetic purposes, magnetic mats are used, which must be applied to a cleansed face for 10 minutes every other day to improve the condition of the skin with dermatitis, eliminate inflammation, tighten the oval and increase tone. However, some women also use a classic needle applicator, mainly a roller or plastic mats, performing massage along ascending lines from the center to the periphery. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, the pressure is minimal so as not to damage the skin.

For osteochondrosis

The area of ​​application of the applicator in case of osteochondrosis is the cervical and thoracic spine. Here doctors recommend 2 options:

  1. ask someone at home to roll the roller over these areas, applying slight pressure for 10 minutes;
  2. lie on the mat for about 15 minutes, and after the session, maintain a horizontal position for another half hour.

For sciatica

Pinching of the sciatic nerve requires sessions with the Kuznetsov applicator every other day or daily (determined by the strength of the pain syndrome), while the pressure of the needles is average, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The working area is from the lower back down the buttock and from the side to the knee along the outer side of the thigh. The inner and rear zones must not be touched. Ideally, use the Kuznetsov roller, slowly walking down and up the designated areas. The session ends with a manual massage.

For spinal hernia

The scheme for using the applicator in case of intervertebral hernia is the same as the general one for the back: lie down with the affected area on the mat, having first undressed. However, the session lasts half an hour, and after it, doctors recommend treating this area with camphor oil, covering it with food paper, and wrapping it with a bandage. The person must spend the next hour under a blanket. After a course of 5 daily procedures, a month-long break is taken.

For radiculitis

Acute forms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, firstly, require up to 3 sessions of reflexology with Kuznetsov’s invention per day. Secondly, their duration at the time of severe pain should be less than with classical therapy. In the case of radiculitis, doctors advise using the applicator on the affected area for no longer than 6 minutes, and if the disease is chronic, the duration of the session can be increased to 15 minutes, but only 2 times a day. You can first rub the affected area with vodka.

For coxarthrosis

Persons with damage to the hip joint should use the applicator daily, if possible in the morning and evening. Sessions last about 10 minutes, during which you need to apply a Kuznetsov mat, or move a roller along the side (on the side where the diseased joint is located), buttock (similarly) and the hip joint itself. The pressure is average, the skin should remain reddish after the procedure. Ideally, wear something warm afterwards to maintain the warming effect and increase blood circulation.

For headaches

If you often experience migraines, use the roller on the base of the skull and throughout your head. The pressure is medium or weak, determined by your sensitivity. It is advisable to make movements in a circle and downward, “driving” the pain to the heels. Experts call the optimal duration of the procedure 10 minutes, but it can be reduced to 5 minutes, or carried out until the pain completely disappears. An alternative method is to apply a magnetic mat to the base of your neck and lie on it for 15 minutes.

Price for Kuznetsov's applicator

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price picture for this massage device is almost the same: a classic mat in pharmacies can be found for 150-350 rubles, a roller will be more expensive - about 300-450 rubles, depending on the size. As for how much the Kuznetsov applicator costs when buying online, it all depends on the online store - some of them charge a lot of money, so don’t be surprised by options for 1000-1500 rubles.

How to choose a Kuznetsov applicator

There are no particular difficulties in buying this device: the main point that doctors focus on is the shape. Classic mats are used for the back and neck, a belt is needed to work on the lower back, and a roller can work on all areas, including the head, so it is universal. Magnetic influences mainly on blood vessels and does not relieve pain well.

The material from which the needles are made is also easy to choose:

  1. Metal gives a more obvious effect, but can injure the skin.
  2. Plastic applies less pressure and is good for massaging the face and abdominal area.



Polina, 28 years old I periodically use the Kuznetsov applicator in the form of a roller to relieve migraines, and only once it did not work. The reason was discovered after the procedure: I accidentally found out that I had a high temperature, I understood the cause of the headache and loss of strength, but it didn’t get any worse, although I won’t repeat the risky experience. It helps a lot with migraines from the neck!

Lisa, 24 years old If someone had said before that a simple needle mat stimulates metabolism, I wouldn’t have believed it, but it saved me! I have been fighting with my figure for a long time, my diet is normal, there are minimal errors, but cellulite and my stomach are with me. On the advice of a doctor, Kuznetsova used the massager for 1.5 months daily for 15 minutes, on the stomach and thighs, and noticed significant progress!

Alena, 32 years old I started using a needle roller due to problems with the musculoskeletal system, following the advice of a surgeon. However, in addition to the positive effect on the lower back and knees, I noticed an interesting bonus: the applicator can act on cellulite! I rolled it on my thighs when I was treating my knees, and I saw how the skin tone in this area improved!

Anna, 20 years old When choosing between plastic applicators (supposedly Tibetan indicators) and metal ones, I vote for the latter: even if the price is higher, they will justify themselves. The painful effect is stronger, but after the session there is an incredible feeling of calm and relaxation, osteochondrosis is easier to treat with them - plastic ones have almost no effect.

Massage is an ancient method of therapeutic and medical-prophylactic effects on all systems of the human body. There are many types of procedures, but each of them is based on a direct contact effect on the body. Thanks to the teachings of acupuncture, additional devices for massage have appeared that make it possible to effectively influence the necessary points on the human body. One of these tools is the Kuznetsov applicator.

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

The Kuznetsov applicator is a physiotherapeutic instrument designed for passive massage. It is a textile base on which round or square plates with numerous spikes are attached. To carry out the treatment process, the patient needs to apply the applicator to the sore spot for a certain time. The massager first saw the light of day in the USSR in 1988 and immediately became widespread. Today, the applicator continues to be relevant in the post-Soviet countries, but the World Health Organization does not recognize its effectiveness.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator

In addition to the classic design of the applicator, there are a number of modifications that allow it to be used in various places. Regarding the shape and design of devices, they can be divided into the following types:

  1. a rug is a universal option that looks like a thick fabric onto which sharp plates are sewn or glued. This model has a minimal cost and can be used to work all areas of the body (back, arms, legs, neck). Rugs can have different sizes and differ from each other in the number of sharp elements;

All Kuznetsov applicators differ from each other in the colors of the needle discs. Each color corresponds to the sharpness of the needles on the plate:

  1. orange - the sharpest teeth, they are used by people with a high level of training, as well as yogis;
  2. blue - sharp needles, suitable for treating people with a low pain threshold, as well as people with paralysis and loss of sensation in the limbs;
  3. green – medium-sharp teeth, suitable for most people;
  4. yellow - rounded needles with minimal sharpness, which is suitable for patients with a reduced pain threshold or high sensitivity of the skin.

Differences between Kuznetsov’s applicator and Lyapko’s

The Lyapko applicator is an improved product by Kuznetsov, which has a number of fundamental differences. Being a reflexologist, Nikolai Grigorievich Lyapko developed a more functional product, which is made of medical rubber and has the form of plates and rollers. The applicator is equipped with metal needles made from an alloy of zinc, copper, silver and nickel. In the process of its use, a reflex-mechanical and galvanic effect is exerted on all biological systems in the body. The cost of applicators is approximately the same and depends on the size and modification of each specific model. The price of applicators can start from 100 rubles and end at 7,000 rubles for one product.

Effect of the applicator on the body

When using the Kuznetsov applicator, small spikes affect the skin and soft tissues, implementing a number of therapeutic and preventive actions:

  1. blood flow to the skin and muscles increases, tissue nutrition and oxygen supply improves;
  2. muscle spasm decreases - needles help relieve tension, due to which muscle tissue relaxes, soreness and tightness go away;
  3. replacement occurs, distraction from the painful syndrome occurs;
  4. lymph flow improves;
  5. local irritation of the skin occurs, nerve-conducting impulses are stimulated.

Indications and contraindications

The Kuznetsov applicator is not a traditional physiotherapeutic instrument, but it is widely used for various conditions. You can use one of the applicator modifications in the following cases:

  1. pinched nerve;
  2. myalgia (muscle pain);
  3. muscle strains;
  4. painful sensations in the back that occur at the end of the working day, feelings of fatigue and tightness;
  5. impaired sensitivity of the limbs;
  6. headache;
  7. dry cough, difficulty breathing;
  8. pain in the neck;
  9. discomfort in the arch of the foot;
  10. numbness of the limbs;
  11. joint pain.

This device has a number of contraindications that limit its scope of use:

  1. body temperature above 37 o;
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. pregnancy period;
  4. warts, moles, papillomas and other dermatological phenomena in the area of ​​application of the applicator;
  5. oncological diseases;
  6. convulsions;
  7. epilepsy;
  8. inflammatory process in the body.

Use in childhood is not prohibited, but is not recommended, especially without medical prescription.

Before using the Kuznetsov Applicator, you must consult a doctor, since this product is not a certified medical device and may cause deterioration in health in some cases.

Using the Kuznetsov applicator for various diseases

Depending on the modification of the applicator and the problem at hand, massage can be performed in different ways. There are a number of recommendations that allow more effective impact using needle plates:

Muscle pain in the back

If pain occurs in the thoracic region:

  1. Place the mat on a hard surface.
  2. We lie down naked on the mat with our backs so that it touches the sore spot.
  3. We lie down for 3 to 7 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 sessions during the day.
  5. If the pain intensifies in the evening, the duration of the last procedure can be increased to 10 minutes.

For pain in the lumbar region:

  1. We lie down on a soft surface with our backs down.
  2. We place the applicator in the form of a roller in the lumbar region so that it coincides with the anatomical curve of the spine.
  3. We lie down for 3–7 minutes.
  4. For chronic pain, it is recommended to carry out 3-5 procedures during the day.


For frequent headaches, you can use the applicator to improve brain nutrition and relieve cervical vascular spasm. To relieve pain, a cushion cushion can be used:

  1. We lie down on a hard surface on our back.
  2. We place the cushion under the neck.
  3. The head does not need to be thrown back, it should be parallel to the floor, provided that the neck is completely relaxed.
  4. You need to lie in this position for 5 to 10 minutes 1-2 times a day.

A roller roller with a handle can be used:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, leaning on the back.
  2. Using a needle roller, smoothly roll the neck from bottom to top and back.
  3. It is necessary to work the area from the back of the head to the shoulders.
  4. The pressing force on the roller can be changed taking into account individual sensations.
  5. The duration of one session is 3–10 minutes.
  6. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day.


Sleep disturbance is often associated with an irrational lifestyle or nervous tension. To relax and prepare your body for effective rest, you can use a large applicator mat. It is better to give preference to a device on a 2-3 centimeter soft substrate, which will allow the needle plates to evenly affect a large area of ​​the body. The procedure can be done as follows:

  1. Spread the mat on a hard surface.
  2. We lie with our backs on the needles so that the applicator affects the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions simultaneously.
  3. The duration of the session is 7–10 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to use the needle roller daily before bed for a week, after which falling asleep will become much easier and more pleasant.

Pain during menstruation

You can reduce pain during menstruation using a needle mat. This reflexology tool will relieve spasms, thereby reducing discomfort:

  1. Place the mat or roller on any convenient surface. It is better to use spikes with a low degree of sharpness.
  2. We sit on the applicator so that it is adjacent to the sacrum area.
  3. The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes.
  4. You can use the mat from 1 to 5 times during the day.

Flat feet

You can form the correct arch of a child’s foot and correct the existing problem using needle plates. The peculiarity of using the Kuznetsov applicator for this problem is that numerous injections tone the muscles of the feet, thereby determining their physiological bend. In this case, you can use the applicator as follows:

  1. Spread a flat fabric mat with rounded spikes on a hard surface.
  2. We stand with our bare feet on the applicator.
  3. We perform a number of exercises from exercise therapy (squats, raising on toes, rolling from toe to heel).
  4. The duration of the procedure is adjusted by the orthopedist individually, taking into account the severity of the problem.

Diseases of internal organs

In exceptional cases, the Kuznetsov applicator can be used as a method of therapeutic action on internal organs. Treatment is carried out by applying needle plates to the paravertebral region (the area around the spinal column). By irritating the nerve endings emerging from the spinal cord, it is possible to suppress painful sensations that arise in the corresponding systems. Thus, it is possible to prevent and treat a number of diseases:

  1. Lay out a textile mat with needles on a hard surface.
  2. We take off our clothes and lie down on the applicator with our backs.
  3. The needle mat should affect the area that is located under the disturbing organ, for example, between the shoulder blades in case of breathing and heart rhythm disorders, or in the lumbar region in case of digestive or genitourinary dysfunction.
  4. The exposure time should gradually increase, every day by a minute, starting from 3 minutes.
  5. The recommended number of procedures is 2–3 per day.

Video: using different types of Kuznetsov applicator

Reviews about using the Kuznetsov applicator

I suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, with stiffness, pain, periodic full-blown attacks (pressure surges, dizziness and endless horror). I decided to try the Kuznetsov applicator - a small rubber mat with many needles - you lay the problem area on it, wait the prescribed amount of time, and you are a happy person! You feel better, symptoms decrease, healing happens right before your eyes... at least that’s what the advertisements and reviews I found on the Internet say - a complete rainbow. In fact, for me it’s the other way around: after using the applicator, even for a short period of five to ten minutes, not only does it not get better, on the contrary, I feel worse, muscle stiffness, noise in the head, and my blood pressure begins to fluctuate.



So much has already been written and voiced about the brilliant invention of I.I. Kuznetsov that many words seem superfluous and hackneyed, but progress moves forward, and old ideas are embodied in new forms. Today there are many analogues of the Kuznetsov applicator, and all of them, in fact, repeat each other. The difference is seen only in the details. I received the applicator as a bonus, that is, as a gift, when I bought Voltaren gel at the pharmacy. Its dimensions are small (12 cm * 30 cm), and therefore the only main area of ​​application is the neck. When I first received it, I was very happy, because I had never heard of it. There are now an abundance of these rugs on sale. How did I use the applicator? I rolled up the towel with a roller and wrapped it around the applicator. I lay on this pseudo-structure for about 10–15 minutes a day for 7 days. Then I repeated the course. There have certainly been improvements. In addition, immediately after the session I felt lightness, better concentration and better neck mobility. The dizziness also left me.



I remember these “magic thorns” from childhood. My mother suffered from lower back pain and used the Kuznetsov applicator to relieve pain. I also had to deal with serious spinal problems in my adult life. Scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine cause me a lot of problems. In addition to pain, I also experience neurological problems. Osteochondrosis is complicated by vegetative-vascular dystonia with all the ensuing consequences: headaches, weather sensitivity, anxiety, etc. As for the thorns themselves, I’ll tell you, this is a thing! Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis significantly reduces the intensity of pain, and sometimes can completely stop a painful attack. When I feel a lot of tension in my back, I also lie down on this wonderful mat. The tension goes away and I can go about my business again. The feeling of the mat is not very pleasant at first. Especially for those who, like me, have a low pain threshold. My advice: just BE PATIENT. Around the third session you will LOVE it. As you know, pain and pleasure receptors in the human brain are located nearby. You will have a great opportunity to experience this phenomenon in practice. If the sensations are completely unbearable, DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF. It is better to shorten the time of the massage session or try to choose a mat with more gentle thorns.

Lady in a plaid


The Kuznetsov applicator is a reflexology tool that is widely recognized in our country. This product can be used to treat most diseases, but the effect of its use is not always positive. Basically, the applicator has a distracting effect, allowing you to remove muscle spasms or temporarily reduce pain.

The Kuznetsov applicator is a simple, inexpensive, but very valuable, from a medical point of view, device. What are the benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator, and how can it alleviate the condition of various ailments?

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

Many people have seen the device at least once, although they did not know the name. The useful applicator looks like an ordinary massage mat with a thick fabric base on which small plastic spikes are attached. The effect of using the device is similar to that of acupuncture - a device with spikes has a targeted effect on the body, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation.

Types of Kuznetsov applicators

Massage devices can be divided into several types.

  1. Classic fabric mat with plastic spikes. Within the category, applicators differ only in size, shape and distance between needles - from 5 to 7 mm.
  2. Belt - a device designed to target the lumbar and abdominal areas, and looks like a wide belt with spiked plates facing inward.
  3. Insoles are a pair of small applicators designed specifically for kneading the muscles of the feet.
  4. The roller is equally suitable for both the neck and the feet. Some massagers of this type are equipped with long handles - in this case, the device can also be used to roll over the shoulders or back.
  5. The disc is convenient both for self-massage and for massaging another person. The device, which is a wide spiked disk, is attached to the hand with a strap.
  6. A magnetic applicator is the most advanced type of device; small magnets are built into each of the spiked plates. Due to this, the force of impact increases, and along with it, the efficiency also increases.

Additionally, applicator mats, or Tibetan mats, come in several color variations.

  1. Blue ones are intended for the treatment and prevention of muscle diseases in people with a normal pain threshold. There are no magnetic inserts in these rugs, but the needles are very sharp.
  2. Yellow ones are best used by those who have a high pain tolerance. In such massagers, sharp needles are combined with magnetic inserts, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
  3. Greens are the “softest” option. There are no magnets here, and the needles are almost blunt. This massager is good to use not for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases.
  4. Red ones are massagers with magnets, but not too sharp needles. Excellent for both treatment and prevention, they can also be used for hypersensitivity.

Operating principle of the Kuznetsov applicator

What exactly are the beneficial properties of Kuznetsov’s applicator, and how does it work? The bottom line is that the spikes attached to the massager have an acupuncture effect on the so-called bioactive points in the human body.

When the needles are pressed into the body, blood vessels and small capillaries are stimulated, causing blood circulation to speed up. Together with the blood, nutrients and oxygen are carried throughout the body. Muscle tone instantly increases, physical and mental alertness appears, and the feeling of fatigue recedes.

In addition, the properties of the spiked applicator accelerate metabolic processes. Accumulated waste, toxins, harmful fats and cholesterol plaques leave the body faster. Pressing needles into the body has a relaxing effect on muscle tissue.

Benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator

Having studied the principle of operation of the device, we can highlight the main healing properties. Useful applicator:

  1. relaxes muscles;
  2. has an analgesic effect;
  3. increases the overall tone and vigor of the body;
  4. has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  5. accelerates metabolic processes, blood flow and cellular renewal;
  6. improves the condition of the skin.

Indications for use of the Kuznetsov applicator

You can also use the device simply for prevention. But the healing properties of the applicator are clearly manifested in a wide range of ailments - it is recommended for use even by doctors. In particular, it will be useful when:

  1. radiculitis;
  2. Do not lie;
  3. myalgia;
  4. osteochondrosis;
  5. vertebral hernias;
  6. arthritis and arthrosis;
  7. neuralgic pain;
  8. injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints.

The useful Kuznetsov applicator is also used for varicose veins, for the treatment of flat feet and spurs.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

For different ailments, a useful massager is used slightly differently. But there are also general rules.

  1. You need to use the device after a meal, no earlier than an hour and a half later - otherwise the acceleration of blood flow may negatively affect digestion, which will be harmful.
  2. The massage should not be too long - usually it is done for only a few minutes with breaks. The maximum duration of the procedure in one day does not exceed an hour.
  3. After a home massage session, it will be useful to take a relaxing warm or contrast shower to enhance the effect - the benefits of the procedure will increase.

You can simply lie on the needles, or you can lightly roll over them with the sore spot, adjusting the force of impact - this will increase the positive properties of the massage.

For osteochondrosis

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you can use a useful applicator with the permission of a doctor, no more than 4 - 6 times a day for 7 minutes on the painful area in a supine position. If the disease is accompanied by vertebral hernias and protrusion, then it is better to press the applicator to the body for no more than a minute with breaks of 10 seconds - otherwise you can get harmed.

During the period of remission, you can use the device for half an hour in a row, up to 2 times a day. This will relieve muscle tension and eliminate inflammation and swelling.

For radiculitis

If the pain is localized in the lumbar spine, then it will be most useful to perform a set of exercises with an applicator attached to the back. Namely:

  1. tilt the body left and right;
  2. make body turns to the left and right;
  3. perform light stretches up to the left and up to the right, alternately raising your arms above your head.

For sciatica

Kuznetsov's applicator has a therapeutic effect when the sciatic nerve is pinched. To carry out therapy, it is recommended to spread the device on the floor or other hard surface and lie down so that your lower back is pressed tightly against the spiked plates. You can also secure the useful applicator to your lower back using a bandage or piece of fabric.

It is recommended to lie down and use the device for several minutes, 2 to 4 times a day, for a couple of weeks - then the benefit will be maximum.

For headaches

The properties of the applicator will help relieve pain in the head if you apply it to the occipito-parietal, cervical or temporal parts for several minutes (5 – 10), depending on the location of the pain.

For spinal hernia

It is recommended to apply the device tightly to the problem area where the diseased vertebra is located and fix it for 20 - 30 minutes. You can also lie down on the spread applicator. The procedure should continue until the pain subsides.

With a heel spur

A useful massage mat with spikes is also good for relieving painful symptoms of heel spurs.

  1. In order to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to walk on the applicator for several minutes.
  2. Then you need to take a break for a couple of minutes and repeat the procedure.
  3. The properties of the applicator will also appear when used while sitting, if you place your sore legs on top of the needles and make pressing movements.

For the treatment of flat feet

The disease is extremely widespread among people of all ages. Kuznetsov's foot applicator can help in the treatment of flat feet or serve as a preventive measure. In this case, “gentle” varieties with blunt thorns are best suited.

For flat feet it is recommended:

  1. walk on the applicator;
  2. stand, periodically shifting your body weight from one foot to another;
  3. When walking, turn your feet either on the outside or on the inside for a full effect on the muscles.

For back and lower back pain

Even healthy people often experience discomfort in the upper or lower back. It is very easy to pull a muscle if you move carelessly or lift heavy objects. A useful applicator with plastic spikes is an effective remedy for eliminating muscle pain in the back.

You can use the device in different ways - for example, lie on it for 10 - 20 minutes, or attach the applicator to the sore area and do a set of simple exercises for the back muscles.

For neck pain

The Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis or muscle pain is most conveniently purchased in the form of a roller with a comfortable handle. By rolling the roller with light pressure, you can massage your neck yourself.

If you don’t have a roller, you can simply roll up the applicator and lay your neck on it from a sitting or lying position for several minutes intermittently.

For the spine

For pain throughout the entire spinal column, the best use case would be to spread the device on a hard surface and just lie on it for 15 to 20 minutes.

The benefits of Kuznetsov's applicator for weight loss

The massage device perfectly accelerates blood circulation and accelerates metabolic processes, which means it has beneficial properties for weight loss. The device will also be useful in the fight against cellulite.

Using the mat for weight loss purposes is very simple. You need to spread the device on the floor and lie on your stomach on it, and then slowly roll over the surface for 10 - 15 minutes. Similarly, the device is used to treat problem areas in the buttocks and thighs.

Is it possible to use the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the contraindications to the use of the device. It is strictly forbidden to use a massage device on the abdomen and back during pregnancy. It is theoretically permissible to use it to relieve pain in the legs or neck - but in the early stages and only after consulting a doctor.

By accelerating the blood, the device increases muscle tone. For pregnant women, such properties will be harmful, since muscle contractions are fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

Which is better: Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator

Another massage device, the Lyapko applicator, is very similar to the device invented by Kuznetsov. The differences between massagers are as follows:

  1. plastic spikes are sewn to the base of Kuznetsov’s applicator, while Lyapko’s applicator has metal spikes;
  2. the height of the spikes in the Kuznetsov applicator is up to 10 mm, in the Lyapko applicator – up to 4 mm;
  3. Kuznetsov’s applicator acts on the human body according to the principle of acupuncture, Lyapko’s invention is a type of electrophoresis - the therapeutic benefits are determined by galvanic microcurrents between the needles of the device.

In essence, the device invented by Lyapko is an expensive, but also more advanced version of the classic massage mat. The effectiveness of both devices is approximately the same, and both will be useful in the fight against the same diseases. Therefore, the choice depends on the preferences of the patient himself.

How to make a Kuznetsov applicator with your own hands

Although the device is inexpensive, if you wish, you can not buy it, but make it yourself - the benefits will be no less. To work you will need:

  1. a piece of dense fabric, for example leatherette, measuring 30 x 40 cm;
  2. thin strong fishing line - best for fishing;
  3. 152 metal bottle caps;
  4. 152 washers.

First of all, you need to mark the places for sewing on the covers - evenly throughout the entire fabric. Then you need to punch 2 holes in the lids. A fishing line is threaded through these holes and the covers are attached to the canvas, and secured with washers on the reverse side.

In addition, the lids can be simply glued to the fabric using high-quality super glue. This option will be less durable, but the device will be made faster.

What harm can Kuznetsov's applicator do?

The massage device is approved for independent use, which means it is quite safe. The device cannot cause any significant harm to the body, but two side effects are nevertheless possible.

  1. If your skin is highly sensitive, lying on a massager may be too painful, especially at first. In such cases, it is recommended to purchase devices with blunt needles, and carry out the first procedures for a very short time.
  2. Also, when using the applicator, pressure surges, increased heart rate, sometimes tinnitus and a feeling of heat are possible. Such effects are caused by a sharp acceleration of blood circulation and disappear over time - but if they appear, the procedure should be stopped.

Contraindications for use

For most people, a massage mat is not capable of causing serious harm. But in case of a number of diseases and conditions, it will still have to be abandoned. Namely, you cannot use the applicator when:

  1. poor blood clotting and bleeding tendency;
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. in the presence of open wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  5. with an abundance of moles, tumors and warts on the back, neck and feet.

You should also refrain from using the device during pregnancy - the properties will harm the mother and fetus.


The benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator depend on whether the person has any strict contraindications. In all other cases, the device will be an excellent prevention of joint and muscle diseases, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.
