How to disguise purse-string wrinkles

  1. how to hide wrinkles with cosmetics

  1. - olive oil;
  2. - vitamin E;
  3. - sour cream;
  4. - grape essential oil;
  5. - white beans;
  6. - lemon juice;
  7. - vitamin complexes.

Medical supplies
The most effective (and radical) method in the fight against wrinkles is Botox. The poison contained in it blocks nerve impulses, preventing muscles from contracting. As a result, wrinkles no longer deepen. True, the procedure will have to be repeated several times a year.

You can also use special patches that “freeze” facial expressions. They are glued to areas most susceptible to emotional movements and left overnight.

Before applying the mask, clean your face of any remaining makeup and dirt and apply a compress of linen cloth soaked in hot water. This extraordinary procedure will enhance the effect of the masks.

Masks made from boiled corn, peas, beans, pumpkin and potatoes have a good nutritional effect. These products can be combined with olive oil, various dairy products and honey. If you need to whiten your skin, use lemon, cucumber, currants and gooseberries. Raspberries, strawberries, and peach fruits have softening properties. Pomegranate, egg white, quince and lingonberry will help narrow enlarged pores.

At the first signs of skin aging, it is useful to make compresses from medicinal herbs. Coltsfoot, chamomile, sea buckthorn and yarrow have a good rejuvenating and tightening effect. Soak a linen napkin in the herbal decoction and apply to your face for 10-15 minutes. You can cover the top with a terry towel to keep warm.

After any mask, you need to apply cream to the skin. To prepare it, take the zest of three lemons, pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to steep for 8 hours. Then strain the liquid and mix with the juice of three lemons, 1 tsp. honey and olive oil, 2 tbsp. cologne and cream. The product must be stored in the refrigerator. Warm the cream to room temperature before use.

Anti-aging cream can be made from chicken yolk, crushed rowan berries and honey. All components are taken in equal proportions. Mix the products until smooth and add 15-20 ml of camphor alcohol. Store the finished cream in the refrigerator.

One of the most sensitive areas of the face is the area around the mouth. This is where the first signs of skin aging become more noticeable. Purse-string wrinkles are transverse folds above the upper lip that are quite difficult to camouflage. Their appearance is associated both with the individual characteristics of a person and with the adverse effects of the environment. Eliminating the problem requires considerable effort.

Causes of wrinkles

The appearance of purse-string wrinkles occurs due to age-related changes.

As a result of a decrease in collagen fibers and elastin produced by the body, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner, and the hydrobalance in the dermis is disrupted.

The aging process begins at the age of 25, the consequences can be noticeable in the near future. An additional blow is caused by bad habits (mainly smoking), as well as the harmful influence of the environment.

Important factors are:

  1. thin skin and fatty tissue;
  2. excessive muscle activity;
  3. sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels;
  4. regular exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  5. taking diuretics;
  6. disruption of daily routine;
  7. sudden weight loss due to diet or illness;
  8. genetic structural features in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold;
  9. loss of front teeth (relevant for long-term delays in prosthetics);
  10. pathologies of the thyroid gland and digestive tract organs;
  11. vitamin deficiency;
  12. insufficient care;
  13. active facial expressions;
  14. sleep on the stomach (face in the pillow);
  15. unfavorable environmental conditions (mainly with frequent exposure of the skin to sub-zero temperatures).

Methods of disposal

Purse-string wrinkles around the mouth require a special approach due to the sensitivity of this area - some procedures for smoothing the skin are not permissible. However, there are quite a few methods for eliminating aesthetic defects.

To prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

  1. As care products, preference should be given to drugs with regenerating components. It is important not to allow the dermis to dry out.
  2. Control of facial expressions: it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the movement of the facial muscles that contribute to the formation of folds.
  3. Regular massage and gymnastics, the purpose of which is to relax the circumlabial muscles.

Gymnastic exercises

Facial gymnastics is one of the most accessible ways to solve the problem.

The disadvantages of the method include the long period of achieving results - it becomes noticeable after at least 2 months.

Before charging, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin and moisturize it with cream or cosmetic oil. Repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

  1. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and puff out your cheeks. The position is held for 15 seconds.
  2. Use your finger to lift your upper lip, then try to smile so that the corners of your mouth rise. Manipulations are carried out until tension appears in the cheekbones without involving the upper part of the face.
  3. Make an imitation of a kiss. In this position, you need to apply resistance to your lips with your fingers (several seconds). Then smile and hold your facial expressions in this position for several seconds.
  4. They throw their head back and exhale forcefully (as if they are blowing away dust particles).
  5. Next you need to pronounce vowel sounds with your lips extended forward.
  6. Alternately cover the upper lip with the lower one, and vice versa.

Homemade masks

Masks allow you to nourish the skin with beneficial substances. To achieve the desired result, you need to carry out manipulations systematically, 2 times a week.

In addition to expensive store-bought masks, you can use home-made products, which are also considered highly effective.

  1. Cucumber. Grate fresh cucumber and combine with parsley gruel. Keep the mixture for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Kefir. Kefir is mixed with potato starch in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. The result should be a mass with a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream. Keep for 15 minutes.
  3. Banana. Combine crushed banana pulp with a tablespoon of sour cream. Keep for 15 minutes.
  4. Enzymatic. Sauerkraut juice should be applied to the skin using a cotton pad. You can also apply the vegetable itself above the upper lip. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Honey mask. Add crushed aloe stem to 15 g of product and apply the mixture to the perioral area for 45 minutes. First, the mask is kept in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

When using home remedies for applying masks, you should exercise maximum caution. So, if a feeling of discomfort appears, there is no need to take redness and itching as an indicator of effectiveness. Most likely, this is an individual reaction to the products included in the mask. Repeated use may lead to a severe allergic reaction.


Injection cosmetology is the best option for removing purse-string wrinkles. It is able to remove visually noticeable imperfections, and also provides a comprehensive healing of the dermis at the cellular level.

Currently, there are several safe drugs that can eliminate defects not only around the mouth, but also in other areas of the face and body.

  1. Biorevitalization. It involves injections of gels based on hyaluronic acid, identical to that present in the human intercellular biomatrix. The result lasts for up to a year on average.
  2. Mesotherapy. It differs from the procedure described above in the drugs used. In addition to hyaluronate, they contain a vitamin complex, coenzymes, antioxidants, etc. During the invasion, the turgor of the dermis and its general condition improve. Additionally, the processes of cell production of elastin and collagen are stimulated.
  3. Bioreinforcement. Used to tighten contours and strengthen the facial frame. The material used is biological mesothreads based on polydioxanone, which is subsequently coated with lactic acid. The first time after inserting the threads into the subcutaneous matrix, noticeable discomfort may be felt. For the procedure, either standard smooth threads or Aptos are used (promote accelerated collagen synthesis).
  4. Contour plastic. Suitable for filling volumes of soft tissue lost with age, correcting pronounced wrinkles and skin creases. For injections, fillers based on hyaluronic acid with high viscosity are selected.
  5. Lipofilling. The technique is similar to contour plastic surgery. The difference lies in the material used - the patient’s own fat is used as it. The procedure is high cost and difficult to carry out. The result lasts for up to 3 years.
  6. Botox. Helps get rid of purse-string wrinkles if they are accompanied by persistent muscle spasm. The effectiveness is due to the ability of botulinum toxin to affect nerve endings - as a result of the administration of Botox, the muscle fibers go into a relaxed state, and the skin tightens.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

The choice of injection is recommended to be left to the doctor, who selects the drug based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. It often happens that what is suitable for one woman has the opposite effect on another.

Hardware cosmetology

The use of devices allows you to achieve the effect and prolong it from the use of other techniques.

  1. Microcurrent therapy. They resort to effects of this kind in case of the presence of fine wrinkles or as a preventive measure against their appearance. To achieve results, a certain pulse frequency is selected individually, which at the intracellular level contributes to the normalization of regeneration and metabolic processes. Additionally, blood flow is stimulated, the dermis is saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  2. Fractional photothermolysis. The effect is achieved through laser exposure, as a result, old collagen fibers and pigments are removed, and the production of a new substance is activated.
  3. Thermolifting. Thanks to the action of infrared radiation or radio waves, collagen is curled more tightly and a lifting effect is achieved. Additionally, the moisture level in the epidermis is normalized.

In most cases, biopolar devices are used with a temperature that does not cause destruction of the protein structures of the connective tissue.


You can also remove purse-string wrinkles around the lips through a light massage with a toothbrush previously dipped in water. Perform circular or patting movements without strong pressure from the corners of the lips.

You should not massage the skin with your fingers like ironing - this promotes even greater stretching of the muscles and, as a result, deformation of the thinned dermis.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Massage with a toothbrush is strictly contraindicated for people with chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa: gingivitis, stomatitis.

Cold compresses

Ice is the perfect tonic. Short-term compresses can make the skin denser and thereby smooth out wrinkles.

To achieve a double effect, it is better to use decoctions of natural ingredients as a base. Dandelion inflorescences are perfect.

To obtain a homemade coolant, grind 0.5 kg of the plant in a juicer or blender, add a tablespoon of olive oil, and then freeze.

It is recommended to place ice cubes in a thin cotton cloth so as not to injure the skin from the sharp cold.

Plastic surgery

Surgical intervention should be resorted to only at the age of 45 years, when the folds become deep and pronounced.

Plastic surgery for younger people is not advisable.

The result will be impressive, sometimes you can look 15 years younger. However, it is worth considering that such a procedure is a fairly serious undertaking that requires the use of anesthesia and subsequent long-term rehabilitation.

Lifting cream

In addition to masks, to maintain the skin around the lips in proper condition, it is necessary to use anti-aging cosmetics daily, which include:

  1. hyaluronic acid (responsible for the water balance of epithelial tissue);
  2. sunscreen components (minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet rays);
  3. retinol (promotes accelerated production of collagen, normalizes internal metabolic processes);
  4. antioxidants (act as a protective barrier against aggressive external factors and free radicals);
  5. fruit acids (responsible for renewing the outer layer of the epidermis).

The most popular creams:

Cosmetology procedures

Wrinkles in the area around the lips can also be removed through cosmetic procedures.

  1. Chemical peeling. Correction is a kind of burn with acids of varying degrees of concentration. As a result, the upper layers of the dermis are removed, forcing the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Laser peeling. The technique is similar to the previous method. The difference lies in the use of laser pulses. It is also characterized by high precision of impact and lower traumatic impact.
  3. Dermabrasion. It is characterized by a painful process due to the mechanical impact on the skin - grinding.

Photos before and after

Prices for procedures

When considering eliminating defects at home, the price depends solely on the product chosen. The most expensive will be lifting creams, the cost of which ranges from 150 to 2,000 rubles.

In beauty salons, prices for some services are quite high:

  1. laser peeling - from 3,500 rubles;
  2. chemical peeling - from 1,500 rubles;
  3. dermabrasion - from 400 rubles;
  4. plastic surgery - from 50,000 rubles;
  5. thermolifting - from 4,000 rubles;
  6. microcurrent therapy - from 500 rubles;
  7. Botox - from 3,000 rubles;
  8. lipofilling - from 20,000 rubles;
  9. contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, biorevitalization - from 7,000 rubles (depending on the condition of the skin and the filler used).

Experts' opinion

The opinions of experts regarding the optimal ways to get rid of purse-string wrinkles do not always agree.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

To correct wrinkles in the perioral area, it is advisable to use several methods. A good effect can be observed with a consistent combination of peelings, mesotherapy and contouring. Since the procedures are quite expensive, it is necessary to take preventive measures as early as possible. This is especially true for smoking patients.

However, cosmetologists unanimously note how complex the procedure is.

Purse-string wrinkles are one of the earliest manifestations of facial skin aging. They appear around and in the corners of the mouth, which visually increases a woman’s age and makes her facial expression sad. The main reason for the appearance of deep folds above the upper lip is insufficient hydration of the skin. In order to quickly and permanently get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, use various oils, masks, massage, and articulation exercises at home. In salons, they resort to fillers that are injected under the skin.

Wrinkles appear most quickly on a woman’s face. The face, unlike other parts of the body, is constantly exposed to negative environmental factors. Active facial expressions make the situation worse. One of the common early wrinkles on the face are narrow folds located perpendicular to the lips. They can be located above the upper lip, in the corners or around the mouth. These wrinkles are called purse-string wrinkles, because the lips begin to resemble a bag tied with a cord. Their second name is oral, as they are located around the oral cavity.

At the age of about 30, some people begin to notice the beginning of the appearance of such wrinkles, but they become clearly defined by the age of 40-45 if a woman does not take care of her facial skin and rarely moisturizes it. With the appearance of purse-string wrinkles, the appearance of the lips is lost, the corners of the mouth droop, the nasolabial folds look even more pronounced, and the face seems constantly gloomy.

The main reason for the appearance of purse-string wrinkles in the labial area is considered to be constant motor load on the orbicularis oris muscles. This happens because the muscle fibers around the lips are in constant tension throughout the day. They are involved in many life processes:

  1. when eating food;
  2. pronouncing words;
  3. expression of emotions.

The orbicularis muscle, which encircles the oral cavity in a ring, is not attached to any bone, but on the contrary, other groups of facial muscles are attached to it. This allows us to perform complex articulatory movements and express emotions. Constant stretching of the oral muscle due to such a mobile position provokes the early appearance of wrinkles. In addition, there is practically no fat layer in the lip area, so the skin there is dry and thin, which increases the risk of early formation of wrinkles.

There are several additional factors that influence the early appearance of these narrow lip lines:

  1. 1. Heredity. Due to hereditary factors, some women always look younger than their peers, while others do the opposite. This is due to the genetic features of the structure of the skin, the shape of the skull, and the bite.
  2. 2. Belonging to a range of certain professions. People who work as teachers (they talk a lot), musicians (who play wind instruments), singers, glassblowers.
  3. 3. Sharp fluctuations in weight, in particular, rapid weight loss. The rapid thinning of the fat layer provokes sagging of the skin, and purse-string wrinkles form.
  4. 4. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight or abuse of solarium. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, elastin and collagen are destroyed.
  5. 5. A constant lack of vitamins in the body leads to premature aging of the skin.
  6. 6. Living in environmentally unfavorable areas.
  7. 7. Hormonal imbalances arising from diseases of the thyroid gland, reproductive or endocrine system, and gastrointestinal tract. These diseases negatively affect the skin: they cause premature aging and a sallow complexion.
  8. 8. Incorrect or insufficient care. Insufficient hydration or cleansing leads to the early appearance of wrinkles in the area of ​​the facial muscle.
  9. 9. Overexertion and fatigue.
  10. 10. Bad habits: smoking and alcohol. When toxins enter the body, it tries to remove them, including through the skin. Exposure to toxins reduces the rate of cell regeneration processes, and the skin loses its elasticity.
  11. 11. Poor quality cosmetics. It clogs pores, dries out the skin, and does not contain nutrients and vitamins.

It is very difficult to fight purse-string wrinkles; it is easier to prevent their appearance by eliminating the unfavorable factors that influence their appearance.

Wrinkles around the mouth appear in any woman and, naturally, the search for procedures and recipes to get rid of them begins. There are many ways to effectively combat purse-string wrinkles: salon procedures, exercises to strengthen facial muscles, massage, cosmetic masks and products.

Facial skin care should begin long before the first wrinkles appear, and when they appear, targeted care should be taken to problem areas.

Cosmetology presents various procedures that in a short time help reduce the depth of purse-string wrinkles and make the skin above the upper lip smooth, like that of an 18-year-old girl:

  1. 1. Biorevitalization. Delivery of hyaluronic acid to skin cells using injections. It is this acid that is responsible in our body for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The effect is noticeable, wrinkles disappear immediately, but not for long. A course of three to five sessions is carried out every seven days.
  2. 2. Mesotherapy. There are injection and non-injection options. Using a thin needle, not only hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, but also vitamin complexes, antioxidants, enzymes, collagen, and elastin. With non-injection, active substances are applied to the skin using a special device.
  3. 3. Botox injections. Botox is a toxic substance, but in small doses it is harmless to humans. It is injected under the skin and blocks muscle movement, resulting in wrinkles being smoothed out.
  4. 4. Peeling. This procedure is carried out in salons using chemicals or a laser. It stimulates cell function and removes small networks of wrinkles.
  5. 5. Thermage. This is an effect on the skin using high-frequency current. During the procedure, the temperature in the deep layers of the skin rises to 60 degrees, and the collagen framework of the skin becomes denser. Visually, the skin is tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  6. 6. Laser resurfacing. The skin around the lips is treated with a laser and the top layer of the epidermis is completely removed.
  7. 7. Lifting massage. It may be manual or hardware, but the essence of the procedure will remain the same. During the procedure, there is a mechanical effect on the skin in order to normalize the movement of blood and intercellular fluid. Thanks to these manipulations, the cells begin to receive more nutrients and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

With the help of salon procedures, you can effectively get rid of wrinkles around the lips. When choosing a salon, you need to focus on the qualifications of its employees and reviews from visitors.

At the initial stage of the appearance of wrinkles, the use of folk remedies prepared at home allows you to quickly get rid of them. They will cost less than salon procedures, but they must be used constantly to achieve a positive effect and visible correction.

Wrinkles above the upper lip can be removed using the following remedies:

Name Mode of application
Ice Fresh distilled or filtered water is poured into ice cube trays and frozen. In the morning, instead of washing, wipe your face with a piece of ice, lingering on the lip area. You can add a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula to the frozen water. Then the wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin will receive an additional portion of vitamins
Cucumber mask Everyone knows that a cucumber consists of 75% water. Moreover, nutrients, mineral elements and organic acids are dissolved in it. When you apply a mask of grated cucumber to your face, the skin is quite moisturized, wrinkles are filled with liquid from the inside and the skin becomes smooth. The procedure must be carried out at least once a week
Raspberries Crush fresh berries into a paste and apply to the lip area. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water
Zucchini Grind the zucchini on a fine grater, add the yolk to the mixture and carefully grind with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting mixture to the wrinkles that appear and leave for 25 minutes.
Honey, milk and onion Grind a medium-sized onion in a blender, add a teaspoon of honey and milk. Mix the ingredients, apply to the nasolabial part of the face, leave for 15 minutes, then carefully remove with a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.
Cottage cheese and sour cream Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and sour cream, grind until a homogeneous paste is obtained and spread with a brush on the area of ​​​​wrinkles around the mouth. After 10 minutes, the mask should be washed off with water.
Carrots and avocado Mix 50 g of avocado and carrots in a blender, add a teaspoon of honey and heat the mixture in a water bath. Warm paste is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. It is better to do this mask on a day off when you are not planning to leave the house, because carrots can give a slight orange tint to the face, especially noticeable on white-skinned women
Egg white The white of one pre-cooled egg needs to be whipped into a strong foam in a mixer, adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice during the process. Apply the foam to the skin and leave until completely dry. After this, rinse with chilled chamomile infusion.
Vegetable oil Place half a stack of oil in a container of hot water to heat it up. Then soak a piece of bandage or gauze in warm oil and apply a compress to the lip area. Repeat every day for a week. Then you need to take a week break and repeat the course of procedures again.

Products made from herbal ingredients should be applied systematically, starting with the slightest signs of skin aging. Then they give a good effect and the skin will remain smooth for many years.

Pharmacies and cosmetics stores sell special products that help rejuvenate the skin and smooth out small wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and above the upper lip. Among them there are creams, gels, serums and biologically active substances. When applied to the skin, they have a stimulating effect on the processes of metabolism and regeneration, which contributes to the resorption of facial and purse-string wrinkles.

Here are some of them:

  1. Lyoton – eliminates wrinkles, swelling of the limbs;
  2. Blepharogel – smoothes the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates it;
  3. Retinol – vitamin complexes that nourish the epidermis;
  4. Solcoseryl - rejuvenates the skin;
  5. Curiosin is a source of hyaluronic acid and zinc.

There are many special preparations in the pharmacy industry that can be used to preserve youthful skin for a long time. When choosing a product, you must consult a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the most effective remedy.

A very effective way to smooth out lip folds is a special massage. It will only bring benefits if it is done regularly. When performing the exercises, you do not need to forcefully press on the skin, stretching it in different directions. All movements should be smooth, light, directed deep into the skin, and not to the sides:

  1. 1. Warm up. Use fingertips and light pressure movements to massage the skin around the mouth. Start moving from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the upper lip. Further from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the lower lip. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.
  2. 2. Apply a rich nourishing cream to the skin around the lips.
  3. 3. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to follow the same massage lines, adding movement from the corners of the cube to the wings of the nose.
  4. 4. Place your palms on your face so that your thumbs are located at the purse-string folds. You need to press your thumbs on the wrinkles, while simultaneously lifting your cheeks with your palms.
  5. 5. Finish the massage with gentle stroking movements from the corners of the lips to the center.

Hand placement for exercise No. 4

After the massage, it is recommended to perform facial gymnastics to consolidate the rejuvenating effect. Special exercises will help reduce deep wrinkles and completely get rid of small folds.

The lips are pressed tightly together into a thin line. The facial muscles tense and hold the mouth in this state for 60 seconds.

Inhale air through the nose as deeply as possible. Puff out your cheeks all the way and exhale through your slightly open mouth in small portions. The corners of your lips should be held with your fingers.

They inflate both cheeks with air, and then begin to roll it from one side to the other. This exercise effectively eliminates wrinkles around the mouth.

They open their lips a little, and then abruptly close them. Without unclenching, they try to pronounce individual sounds “o”, “i”, “s”, “a”.

Cover your mouth and pull your lower lip down, at the same time trying to pull it back into place. Muscle resistance should appear. The same is done with the upper lip.

Hold the upper lip with your fingers from the inside and outside. They carefully begin to pull it down, while trying to smile as broadly as possible. During the process of resistance, lip wrinkles are smoothed out.

By following these rules, you can prevent the early appearance of wrinkles or smooth out existing ones.