Massage mat for cellulite


Every representative of the fair sex fears for the beauty of her figure, and the most unpleasant thing, according to many, is extra pounds and cellulite. And if excess weight can be reduced through diet and exercise, getting rid of cellulite is much more difficult. Although today there are a large number of different cosmetic preparations that promise complete relief from this disease, in fact they are either less effective than stated in their instructions, or are too expensive. It is for this reason that women begin to resort to home treatment. The Kuznetsov cellulite rug is considered one of the most popular home remedies.


What is Kuznetsov's applicator

Kuznetsov's applicator is a kind of mat or plate on which plastic or wooden elements with sharp spikes are located. Basically, the applicator consists of segments and has different shapes depending on the area of ​​the body where it is used. Today you can purchase it at any pharmacy in finished form or in the form of separate modules that are designed for self-assembly.

During the creation of the applicator, or applicator (as the creator himself called it), Ivan Kuznetsov intended to make a device that could act on a painful area according to the principle of reflexology. In other words, his idea was to create a device that was more gentle on the body, with acupuncture function and influence on certain points on the body. And initially it was used for back or joint pain. Today, the scope of application of the applicator is much wider and it is used not only to eliminate pain, but also for weight loss, as well as to get rid of cellulite.

Types of Kuznetsov rugs

Kuznetsov's applicator varies depending on the shape and color. In addition, it can also be divided by size. The standard mat is 10.5 x 23 cm in size. The smallest applicator is 3 x 5 cm in size, and the largest mat is 12 x 47 cm in size.

By shape

According to the shape, the Kuznetsov applicator can be divided into 4 types:

  1. Needle - often looks like a belt with needle elements. It is used to relieve tension in muscles and joints, as well as to prevent and treat disorders of the endocrine system. Thanks to this effect, it is used to combat cellulite in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
  2. Tibetan - looks like a rug with needle-like elements, but with forked tips of the spikes. It is effective for increasing blood flow and relieving muscle spasms resulting from injuries or various types of stress. When applied to areas affected by cellulite, you can use the natural circulation of blood and lymph to increase the elasticity of the skin and make it taut.
  3. Needle roller – used to relieve pain in less accessible areas of the body; it is usually used in the neck area. To eliminate cellulite, it is used as a massager to carry out massage manipulations in all areas of the problem.
  4. Magnetic type - also looks like a mat, but with a more advanced module, which contains not only needle elements, but also small magnets. Such an applicator has a significant effect on the subcutaneous fat layer, removing excess moisture from the cells, which leads to stimulation of lymph outflow.


By color

Kuznetsov's applicator differs not only in the shape of the massager, but also in the color of the needle-shaped elements, which indicate the degree of sharpness of the thorns.

The green color is the most gentle applicator and has needle-shaped elements. They are less sharp and suitable for use on very sensitive and irritation-prone skin.


Red spikes indicate a medium pungency, indicating a more intense effect on sensitive to moderately sensitive skin.


Blue color means that the rug has the sharpest needles. This applicator is recommended to be used only with a high pain threshold.


Yellow needle elements are located on magnetic mats. This color indicates the presence of small magnets inside, in addition, it has needles that are slightly above average sharpness.


Does Kuznetsov's applicator help with cellulite?

Kuznetsov's applicator is very useful due to its main action - reflexology. Due to the sharp thorns during its use, irritation of the skin and stimulation of nerve endings occurs, which stimulates blood flow and dilation of capillaries. This action starts the process of regeneration and renewal of tissue cells and promotes the removal of excess fluid, waste, as well as toxins with lymph and blood cells at the site of exposure.

The principle of the effect of the Kuznetsov rug on cellulite

In addition to launching an accelerated process of tissue regeneration and renewal, the Kuznetsov mat has a positive effect on reducing subcutaneous fat deposits. Its use causes muscle tissue to contract, toning it, which improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This results in the reduction and smoothing of excess fat deposits under the skin, eliminating cellulite.

Preparing for anti-cellulite massage

In order for the Kuznetsov mat to be as useful as possible when performing anti-cellulite massage with its help, you need to properly prepare for its use.

The preparatory stage includes several actions:

  1. Before the procedure, you must refrain from eating for an hour;
  2. before using the applicator, it is best to warm up the muscles by performing a series of simple exercises;
  3. after training, you need to take a shower and cleanse the skin with scrubs;
  4. then wipe yourself dry.

After these procedures, you can begin performing massage using a Kuznetsov mat.

You should also ventilate the room well and normalize the temperature in it for a comfortable stay.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator against cellulite

The use of the Kuznetsov applicator on different parts of the body has its own characteristics. In addition, you can use various forms of this massager to target problem areas. But it is best to use a belt to eliminate cellulite in the abdominal area, and a mat is suitable for the hips and buttocks.

Anti-cellulite massage on different parts of the body should be performed according to a specific pattern.

For the belly

Before you start using the Kuznetsov applicator on your stomach, you need to go to the toilet. Then the mat or belt is placed on a flat, hard surface, preferably on the floor, where a blanket or towel must first be laid. The exposed abdominal area must be carefully placed on the needle module. When first used, lie on the applicator for 5-7 minutes, then increase the time to 10 minutes.

For the buttocks

When using a mat for the buttocks, it is also placed on a flat, hard surface. You need to sit on the needle module and rest your hands behind your back with your palms on the floor (it is advisable to bend your legs at the knees). This position will allow you to regulate the pressure of the needles during the massage.

The procedure begins with 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 15 minutes.

For hips

In this case, there are 2 ways to use it:

  1. for the front of the thighs;
  2. for the back of the thighs.

When using the applicator on the front of the thighs, you must lie on it so that the mat is located between the kneecaps and the groin area. In this case, the procedure can be performed for both legs simultaneously, or for each separately. The massage is performed for 10 to 15 minutes (on each leg or on both legs at the same time).

To massage the back of your thighs, you need to sit on the mat so that your torso is at a right angle to your outstretched legs. The duration is from 8 to 10 minutes. You should also rock slowly left and right to distribute the pressure of the needles on each leg.


When will the effect of using the Kuznetsov rug appear?

Since the method of using the Kuznetsov mat is of a massaging nature, it is quite effective in the fight against lipodystrophy. But you should understand that there will not be an immediate effect. By itself, this method is ineffective in the fight against cellulite, so it is recommended to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

It is necessary to combine massage with an applicator with:

  1. other means against cellulite (wraps, application of special creams);
  2. proper nutrition (exclude fried, smoked, salty and high-carbohydrate foods);
  3. performing a set of exercises (any active exercise will do).

This is how you can achieve success.

Possible side effects

Like any procedure, the use of a Kuznetsov mat has its side effects, namely:

  1. redness and swelling, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin, as well as hematomas and bruises (as a rule, this happens during the first uses, after which the skin gets used to it and stops reacting sharply to the procedure);
  2. nausea, dizziness, headache and rapid heartbeat (such symptoms indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, so you should refuse the procedures and visit a cardiologist).

It is up to each individual to decide whether to continue the procedures or stop due to unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications to the use of the Kuznetsov applicator

You should not take the use of the applicator lightly, as its use has a number of contraindications:

  1. It should not be used if the skin has rashes, a large number of moles or warts.
  2. Massage is contraindicated for people with hypertension, heart failure, and kidney failure.
  3. When the first signs of acute infectious diseases appear and at elevated temperatures.

The use of the applicator during pregnancy is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kuznetsov rug

Like all products, the Kuznetsov rug has its pros and cons.

Highly effective in combination with other methods of eliminating cellulite.

It has a large number of contraindications.

Does not damage the skin.

Do not use if the skin is damaged.

Convenient to use.

The presence of side effects, including pain.

The device is multifunctional, which allows it to be used not only to eliminate cellulite, but also to relieve tension and eliminate muscle spasms.

The device does not act on a specific point, but on the entire affected area.

Can be used regardless of the time of day.

Doctors are skeptical about his positive actions.


Ineffective without additional procedures.

What is the difference between Kuznetsov’s mat and Lyapko’s applicator?

Kuznetsov's applicator, compared to Lyapko's device, is more gentle to use, since its needle element is often made of plastic. The Lyapko applicator has spikes made of various metal alloys. They are sharper and tougher, capable of damaging the skin. In addition, Lyapko’s device, although more effective, since metal has a better effect on body points, has more contraindications.


The Kuznetsov cellulite rug is considered one of the main methods of combating this disease at home, but everything depends only on the correct use of the device. Since it is ineffective without additional procedures, an integrated approach is needed.

Cellulite is a change in subcutaneous fat tissue, in which the skin begins to resemble an “orange peel.” The reason for its development is the hormone estrogen.

Most often, cellulite appears on the thighs, buttocks and legs. In these places, the collagen structure resembles the shape of a honeycomb, the cells of which are filled with fat deposits and stretch. Cellitis leads to disruption of blood microcirculation, which complicates fat burning in these areas.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem with diet and exercise, so Kuznetsov’s applicator comes to the rescue.

What it is

The Kuznetsov applicator is a plastic mat or mat with moderately sharp plastic spikes sewn on it. It can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. The device can be ready-made in the form of plastic plates or you will need to assemble it yourself by purchasing separate modules, the size of which is 2 - 3 cm.

In order to assemble an applicator according to the size of your back, you will need from 200 to 400 modules. They can be secured to the base using glue or thread, having previously made markings. The shape of the modules can be arbitrary; this does not in any way affect the final result.

Indications and contraindications

The Kuznetsov applicator is a multifunctional device that can be used in different cases:

  1. to get rid of cellulite;
  2. for weight loss;
  3. to eliminate swelling;
  4. to relieve joint and back pain;
  5. in the complex treatment of diseases of the respiratory system;
  6. for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases;
  7. for the treatment of headaches;
  8. for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

It is better to avoid using the Kuznetsov applicator if you have the following pathologies:

  1. skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
  2. the presence of large moles, warts, papillomas on the skin;
  3. for cancer of any location;
  4. for chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  5. for vascular and heart diseases;
  6. with individual sensitivity;
  7. during pregnancy and lactation;
  8. with circulatory failure of the 3rd degree;
  9. during hypertensive crises;
  10. with renal and liver failure;
  11. for epilepsy and psychosis.

How it affects the body

There are a large number of biologically active points in the upper layers of the skin. Direct influence on them allows you to improve the functioning of the body.

The applicator spikes irritate the nerve endings, resulting in:

  1. stimulation of metabolism;
  2. development of restoration processes;
  3. improved blood circulation;
  4. improvement of tissue nutrition;
  5. increased sensitivity of the peripheral nervous system;
  6. normalization of psychological state;
  7. activation of the body's defenses;
  8. activation of the hormonal system;
  9. burning fat deposits.

Video: Operating principle

How to properly use the Kuznetsov applicator for cellulite

The Kuznetsov anti-cellulite applicator is used as follows:

  1. the skin should be clean and dry, since microcracks may appear through which infection can enter the body;
  2. in order to enhance the effect of the massage, before starting the procedure, you can take a hot bath or stand in the shower, steaming the skin;
  3. in order to speed up the process, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or grapefruit essential oil to problem areas;
  4. to massage the buttocks and back of the legs, you need to lay out the mat on a flat surface and lie on it;

The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes. Gradually, the skin gets used to the effects of the applicator and it is continued for up to a quarter of an hour;

In order for the procedure to be safe, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. before use, the device must be treated with hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  2. Before each procedure, it is necessary to check the applicator modules and replace broken ones in a timely manner;
  3. after using the device, it is necessary to wash it with soapy water;
  4. The applicator is intended for personal use and should not be shared with others.
  5. The device must be stored in a box or a clean, tight bag.


Read what chocolate wraps for cellulite are.

What medications are there for cellulite? Details in the article.

Adverse reactions

When using the Kuznetsov mat for cellulite, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  1. severe pain;
  2. redness and swelling in the affected area;
  3. the appearance of spider veins, bruises, hemorrhages;
  4. minor skin damage;
  5. cardiopalmus;
  6. dizziness;
  7. weakness;

If tachycardia or dizziness occurs during use, then the exposure time of the device must be reduced or the procedure completely canceled. If changes appear on the skin in the form of spider veins, you should consult a doctor.

Expert advice

Some people complain that the moment the applicator touches the body, a very sharp pain occurs. The reason for this may be an incorrectly selected step between the points of the spikes or strong stimulation of the nervous system.

In this case, you need to perform several relaxation exercises or just rest. If this does not help, you need to reduce the distance between the applicator segments.

It must be taken into account that after the start of the procedure, pain is felt for 2 - 3 minutes, and then it is replaced by a feeling of slight tingling and pleasant warmth.

In order to speed up the processes in subcutaneous adipose tissue, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The massage should be carried out warmly, covered with a blanket;
  2. the procedure should be carried out half an hour or two hours after eating;
  3. Before starting the massage, you need to empty your intestines and bladder;
  4. After the procedure is completed, you need to lie down for 10 minutes.


According to reviews from people who have used the Kuznetsov applicator in the fight against cellulite, the procedure is quite effective and can improve the condition of the skin in a short time. The main condition is regular use of the device.

In order for the effect of a massage to increase, it must be carried out in combination with a diet and regular physical activity.

In order to get rid of cellulite using the Kuznetsov applicator, it must be used daily for 2 to 4 weeks.

The duration of exposure to problem areas is from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on individual sensitivity and condition of the skin.

It is optimal to use the applicator for 15 minutes for each area. Within a week after starting to use the device, the condition of the skin will improve significantly.


See how to make hot body wraps for cellulite at home.

How to get rid of cellulite on legs at home? Instructions below.

How is a vacuum massage for cellulite carried out in the salon? The answer is here.

Alternative uses

  1. For headaches, the applicator should be placed on the back of the head and back of the neck and pressed firmly with your hands. Exposure time 5 minutes. Then it must be moved to the parietal zone and the procedure continued. Continue until the pain decreases;
  2. For lower back pain, apply the applicator to the affected area and secure it with an elastic bandage. In this case, you need to bend in different directions for 5 minutes. This will help stretch the muscles of the affected area and enhance the effect of using the massager. The contact points of the device need to be changed periodically. Repeat the procedure daily until the pain disappears;
  3. Kuznetsov's applicator can be used as a tonic for those people who feel weak and tired in the first half of the day. The procedure is carried out in two stages. First, while standing on the mat, you need to transfer your weight from one leg to the other leg. Then, using the applicator, you need to actively massage the base of the skull. Exposure time from 5 to 10 minutes;
  4. massage with an applicator can have a relaxing effect. But this depends on the psychological mood and individual characteristics of a person. The massager will help relieve physical and psychological fatigue and improve sleep. In order to get the effect, you need to lie on the mat with your upper back and restore calm, even breathing. Carry out the procedure once a day for 20 minutes;
  5. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, massage will help prevent atrophy of nervous tissue and its consequences. In order to get the effect, you need to massage your feet, and then your legs and arms for 5 minutes, twice a day;
  6. for osteochondrosis, the applicator should be used in conjunction with a soft roller. The piercing effect is produced using body weight. From time to time you need to rise a little and move the device so that the needle position points change. The procedure should be carried out for 7 minutes twice a day. And for acute pain, 5 minutes, every 3 hours. The massager allows you to enhance the effect of medications.

People with severe chronic diseases should consult their doctor before purchasing the Kuznetsov applicator.

To get rid of the “orange peel”, there are many anti-cellulite creams and hardware methods. But they often turn out to be either not as effective as advertised or extremely expensive. For this reason, devices for home treatment of cellulite are becoming increasingly popular. These include the Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators, available to every woman, which have proven themselves excellent in the fight against cellulite.

History of the creation and use of the Kuznetsov applicator

Initially, Kuznetsov’s applicator was invented to relieve joint and muscle pain, treat osteochondrosis, radiculitis and flat feet. The operation of this device is based on the same principle as in the ancient Chinese acupuncture technique. The ancient art of acupuncture refers to reflexology and is based on the fact that active stimulation of certain points on the human body can effectively get rid of a number of serious diseases.

The creator of this amazing applicator is Ivan Kuznetsov, who developed the device and the method of using it to get rid of severe illness.

Chinese acupuncture originated approximately five thousand years ago. Ancient healers believed that a person gets sick only when some kind of obstacle arises in the way of his energy flows. Sharp needles restore the flow of energy, affecting points located on the energy meridians, and the patient regains health.

A few years later it turned out that Kuznetsov’s applicator is extremely effective for weight correction, treating some stages of obesity and getting rid of cellulite. The effect on nerve endings that regular use of the Kuznetsov applicator has is comparable in strength only to expensive acupressure procedures. In addition, the use of the applicator leads to amazing results in those suffering from diabetes and obesity caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

The universal massager has a low cost and is available to every woman who takes care of her health and wants to remain young and attractive for a long time. Externally, it is a small flat rug, on the surface of which round plates with sharp needles are placed in a checkerboard pattern. Later, Kuznetsov's applicators appeared in the form of rollers with a comfortable handle, belts with an elastic band and prefabricated plates with magnetic inserts.


All types of applicators are necessarily equipped with needle-shaped modules made of plastic, which provide a therapeutic effect on the human body.

It should be remembered that in order to exclude the possibility of infection entering the body through the skin, each person must have an individual device for acupressure.

Physiotherapeutic device Lyapko

If Kuznetsov’s applicator was invented by a self-taught person, Lyapko’s physiotherapeutic device was created by a reflexologist of the highest category. Unlike Kuznetsov’s applicator, which was made using textile fabric and plastic plates, Lyapko’s massage device is made of rubber and metal. The Lyapko applicator needles are made of nickel, copper and silver, which provides not only a mechanical effect on nerve endings, but also acupuncture stimulation of energy points to stimulate the body.


The use of Lyapko's physiotherapeutic device is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, neuroses, insomnia, disorders of the endocrine system, as well as during breastfeeding as a method of normalizing the production of breast milk.

During treatment with the Lyapko applicator, it was noticed that the tissues and skin were saturated with ions of useful microelements due to intense galvanic effects. It has been recorded that even the chemical composition of the body’s physiological fluids can change after procedures with a unique massage device.

Regular use of the Lyapko applicator restores skin tone and healthy appearance, reduces severe tissue swelling, and increases turgor. The most powerful electrophysiological effect also activates the immune defense mechanism, healing the body as a whole and having a beneficial effect on individual areas affected by cellulite.

Interestingly, even in ancient India, healers used rugs with silver needles to treat seizures, hysteria and chronic melancholy. The servants gave the fading beauties a special massage using wooden plates with protruding silver needles. Such manipulations, according to doctors, helped prolong youth and restore skin tone.

Types of applicators

Massage devices by Kuznetsov and Lyapko are made in several modifications, which is due to their purpose for a more pronounced therapeutic effect on various areas of the human body.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. needle. Made in the form of a belt with needle modules. Designed for the prevention and treatment of disorders in the endocrine system and relieving muscle and joint tension. It can be effectively used as a massage device to combat cellulite on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen;
  2. Tibetan applicator. It is a flat mat with more modules than a needle massager. Treatments using the Tibetan applicator are extremely effective for improving blood flow and relieving muscle pain after injuries and extreme stress. The impact of the Tibetan Kuznetsov applicator on areas affected by cellulite allows you to naturally increase skin turgor and make your figure more toned;
  3. roller with a comfortable ergonomic handle. It is one of the varieties of the Tibetan applicator and is used to eliminate pain in the neck and treat cervical osteochondrosis. Thanks to the convenient shape of the roller, it can be used to perform anti-cellulite massage of all areas prone to the appearance of “orange peel”;
  4. Kuznetsov applicator with magnets. An improved version of the massage device is also made in the form of a mat, but the effectiveness of the device is greatly increased by a magnetic field, which has a beneficial effect on diseases of the nervous system. In addition, Kuznetsov’s magnetic applicator has a beneficial effect on the subcutaneous fat layer, removing excess moisture from fat cells and stimulating lymphatic flow.

Photo gallery: massage devices to combat cellulite

Lyapko’s physiotherapeutic devices have the same principle of operation and differ only in shape, size and distance between the needles. The use of several massagers allows you to most effectively work on the areas of the body that need therapeutic effects.

Anti-cellulite manipulations using Lyapko rollers and mats can with great success replace expensive hardware cosmetology procedures offered by beauty salons.

Types of Lyapko applicators:

  1. rug with needle spikes. It is successfully used to treat osteochondrosis, eliminate pain in the muscles of the back, lower back and shoulder girdle, as well as to get rid of edema and effectively combat cellulite;
  2. rollers. This applicator is great for working out your legs, thighs, buttocks and stomach. With regular use, it is possible to get rid of not only the “orange peel”, but also unsightly sagging skin, uneven color and decreased tone. In addition, the roller is very convenient for working on the lower thoracic spine, shoulders, forearms, legs and feet.
  3. belt. Due to this form of use of the physiotherapy device, this type of applicator is usually recommended for use in the lumbar area or in the abdominal wall area. But the belt can also be used for anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks and thighs, which helps combat structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer;
  4. Lyapko applicator in the form of a tape. Made of special elastic material, which ensures a gentle effect on the skin. The advantage of using such an applicator is that it can be used to treat a larger area of ​​coverage, while during the massage the patient can move freely and not remain in a static state. Lyapko tape is absolutely indispensable for combating cellulite on the upper and lower extremities of the body;
  5. insoles with acupuncture effects on special points located on the foot. This type of the famous applicator allows not only to launch the processes of normalization of metabolism and immune improvement in the body, but also to have a beneficial effect on the course of a number of chronic diseases, including as a replacement for specific medical equipment or certain medications.

Photo gallery: various types of Lyapko physiotherapeutic device


Despite the long list of advantages of using massage devices by Kuznetsov and Lyapko, you should also pay attention to the harm that doctors have proven from the effects of applicators in some cases.

Diseases for which needle applicator therapy cannot be used:

  1. psychosomatic disorders;
  2. infectious infection;
  3. the presence of inflamed moles and papillomas;
  4. oncology;
  5. thrombophlebitis;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. abrasions and hematomas on the skin;
  8. violation of the integrity of the skin;
  9. recovery period after major surgical interventions;
  10. ARVI.

In rare cases, when using massage applicators, severe pain and the appearance of small bruises, swelling and redness on the skin are observed.

The use of applicators in the fight against cellulite

Kuznetsov and Lyapko developed several types of massage devices with which you can successfully get rid of cellulite and heal the body. The use of each of them has some nuances.

Anti-cellulite treatments using a mat applicator

A mat with needle modules should be laid out on a flat, hard surface, preferably on the floor or on a special massage table. After this, you should lie on the applicator with your stomach or buttocks, and then relax your muscles.

It is extremely effective to use the Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator in conjunction with the use of anti-cellulite creams and gels, since the effect of the needle modules of the massage device normalizes blood flow and facilitates the penetration of medicinal compounds into the deeper layers of the skin.

Manipulations using an elastic belt

This type of applicator allows you to successfully fight not only the manifestations of cellulite, but also excess weight. The reason for this process is that the needle applicator acts on active points, stimulates them and greatly increases blood circulation. Together with the blood flow, the tissues begin to receive more nutrients and oxygen, causing excess fluid to leave the body along with toxins and ballast substances from the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, excess weight begins to decrease, and the appearance of cellulite is significantly reduced.

The spiked belt must be secured with an elastic bandage on problem areas, which most often are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. Before fixing the belt, you can apply a pharmacy or home remedy to the area of ​​skin prone to cellulite to increase skin elasticity.

Massage using a Lyapko roller

To achieve a greater effect from the massage, experts advise carrying out the procedure after a warm shower and applying anti-cellulite products with a high degree of penetration to the affected areas. After this, using a roller with needle-shaped protrusions, it is necessary to work on all areas of the body that are subject to structural changes.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to treat the roller with a disinfectant that does not contain chlorine. Lysoformin, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, is excellent for this purpose.

The impact of the applicator at the beginning of the procedure should be extremely light so that the skin gets used to the tingling sensation. Then you should increase the pressure, tracking your own sensations and carefully observing the reaction of the skin. Slight redness is a normal skin response to physiological influences and galvanic processes.

Application of Lyapko elastic tape

Truly magical Lyapko tape is able to get rid of cellulite and excess volume in those places where it is most difficult to get rid of sagging skin and structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer. The upper and lower extremities of the body, unfortunately, are also susceptible to the appearance of “orange peel”, in the fight against which the massage applicator in the form of a tape has proven itself to be excellent.

Elastic tape should be used only on clean skin, onto which you can apply a nourishing cream or anti-cellulite product that warms the tissue and stimulates metabolic processes in the tissue. The applicator must be firmly fixed on the selected limb, monitoring your own sensations and adjusting the level of tension of the elastic band. Tingling is a normal reaction to the therapeutic effects of the applicator.

Necessary actions before starting an anti-cellulite therapy session

  1. Remember that massage procedures using reflexology applicators cannot be performed immediately after eating. After eating, at least two hours should pass.
  2. Before massage procedures, it is extremely useful to empty the bladder and intestines.
  3. After performing anti-cellulite massage manipulations, blood flow in the body increases many times over. The circulatory system supplies oxygen in increased quantities to all organs and tissues, due to this the body gets rid of waste and toxins. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not eating for an hour after the end of the treatment session.
  4. Observe the temperature regime in the room where you intend to conduct a reflexology session. The room should not be too hot, as this may reduce the effect of the procedure. In the same case, if the temperature in the room is too low, the body will have to be distracted by maintaining the optimal functioning of organs and systems, which also neutralizes the expected effect.
  5. Try to provide a constant flow of fresh air in the room.

General rules for massage manipulations

On the day of the start of treatment procedures, exposure to the applicator should not last longer than 10 minutes. On the second day, you need to increase the procedure time by 5 minutes. In subsequent days, you should add 5 minutes to each anti-cellulite massage session, gradually achieving a procedure duration of at least 40 minutes.

With each anti-cellulite massage session, the effect on problem areas will increase and will eventually reach maximum levels. The procedures must be carried out every day for a month, then a two-week break should be taken.

The effect of the procedures will increase many times over if they are performed in combination with nutritional correction and increased physical activity. Swimming or water aerobics are great for physical education. A comprehensive effect on excess weight and the appearance of cellulite will significantly reduce treatment time.

Inexpensive and accessible to every woman, Kuznetsova and Lyapko applicators have been helping out generations of women for more than a century, providing an anti-cellulite effect comparable only to expensive salon procedures or hard-to-find acupressure.

Video: review of the Tibetan applicator on a soft backing


I use the Kuznetsov applicator as follows: I take a warm shower or bath, smear my back with ointment and my butt with some cream (sometimes essential oil) and alternately lie down with different parts of my body on a plate studded with these spikes. It stimulates blood circulation very well, due to which, by the way, cellulite does not appear on the butt, and the back becomes good, good! You have to try it to believe me! And if you’ve already tried but given up, then it’s worth trying again.


I used different products to combat cellulite, but they had little effect until I bought a Lyapko rug - one large rug and two small ones. My problem areas are on the buttocks and hips below the buttocks, so I use three mats - a large one under the back and buttocks, and small ones under the right and left buttock folds, or, more accurately, below the line of the buttock folds. using this applicator, I got excellent results - the skin on the problem areas evened out and became smooth and elastic, and even I noticed that the volume in the hips had gone away, just like I recently went to the store for jeans and discovered that I fit into jeans two sizes too small, than I usually wore.


The applicator is a thing from God!) We all know that massage, acupuncture, vacuum, wraps used in the fight against cellulite, and often costing a lot of money, have a positive effect on blood circulation, which in turn leads to a reduction in the hated cellulite! So there you go! A wonderful miracle that will allow you to avoid expensive procedures - the Kuznetsov Applicator! It is clear that it was created to eliminate back pain, which, by the way, it copes with just as successfully! But! After all, “needles” stimulate blood circulation very well, so why not use them for the beauty of butts and tummies?)



Smooth, elastic skin and a toned figure demonstrate not only the youth and beauty of a woman, but also her state of health. Galvanic currents at the tips of the metal needles of the Lyapko applicator and the plastic needle modules of the Kuznetsov massage device help maintain health and preserve youthful skin. With the help of home non-drug therapy, you can get rid of not only cellulite and excess weight, but also significantly improve the health of the body as a whole.