Wrinkles on the forehead name

Every year, science reaches a new level, improving skills. And no matter what direction it develops, the main thing that research is aimed at is people. More and more people are becoming interested in physiognomy. This branch of scientific research is aimed, in particular, at answering the question of what wrinkles on the forehead mean.

In fact, every part of the body, every fold, wrinkle and notch can tell everything about its owner. The main thing is to learn body language and understand what it tells us. By studying a person's forehead and how it has become with age, one can calculate character traits, health status, and much more. It all depends on the number and location of the folds formed.


As a person ages, wrinkles appear on his face. On the forehead they look like straight and intersecting lines. If many small folds have formed, then their owner has a stern disposition and has health problems. One vertical wrinkle intersecting three horizontal ones indicates that their owner is a happy and successful person, he has an excellent career and everything is in order in the family. Long-livers and lucky people have a rather interesting arrangement of lines; they form a rhombus. And that's not all that wrinkles on the forehead say.

Horizontal wrinkles

Those with horizontal folds in the forehead area are usually happy people, very respected among their friends and popular among the opposite sex. If there are two such wrinkles, then fate clearly loves these people; they differ from others in their increased luck. In addition, they have well-developed intelligence and always have a high level of intelligence. If a person has three horizontal folds on his forehead, then this means that he is artistic, positive, with great creative potential.


If the wrinkles are located in a zigzag shape, then their owner is not very well versed in business matters and, most likely, fails in any attempt to start his own business. People with a nervous character become the owners of short horizontal wrinkles. If the ends of the folds have creases, then it will be difficult for such a person to share personal space with others, and it will not be easy to get along with him.

If wrinkles are located on the outer corners of the eyes, then this is a clear sign of cunning character. People who have well-developed business abilities often have similar wrinkles on their foreheads.

What do vertical folds mean?

If a person has a large vertical wrinkle in the center of his forehead, this indicates a large number of troubles in life and poor health. It is believed that such people feel uncomfortable in a team, are prone to conflict, and are difficult to get along with. In addition, it is quite difficult for them to improve their own lives.


If a person with such a wrinkle has a family, then we can safely say that he does not live very peacefully with his other half. They have constant quarrels, perhaps the person has gone through a divorce.

If a business person develops a vertical wrinkle, this means that he has reached certain heights in doing business. If angular wrinkles appear above his eyebrows, this means that the person has experienced a lot of anxiety and is constantly worried about something. This is what vertical wrinkles on the forehead mean.

Parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows

Strong leadership qualities are manifested in the owner of parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows. Such people are very successful, they are able to reach heights in the creative and political spheres. Often their ability to learn quickly leads them to the path of teaching, where they pass on their knowledge to others.

If these wrinkles are curved, then the person has an unhealthy psyche. You are faced with a person prone to criminal acts and violence. He has a very tough and firm character, it is better to behave carefully with him, because he is not always sensibly aware of his actions. It is also worth noting that vertical folds between the eyebrows may appear as a result of a heart attack. They also often indicate digestive problems.


Seriously considering the question of what wrinkles on the forehead mean, it is worth noting that the interpretations of every small detail are very detailed and with in-depth study, a complete psychological portrait can be made. Also, using them, you can find out a person’s hidden illnesses, and perhaps this will save his life, since the sooner the presence of a problem is determined, the easier it will be to solve it.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is mainly due to the elasticity of the skin, the age factor, as well as the peculiarity of the cell structure. But these are not all the reasons. Polluted atmosphere, air temperature changes and other natural factors can have an impact. Genetics and various diseases also have an impact. Wrinkles can appear due to bad habits, poor nutrition, and poor skin care. Psychology, facial expressions, stress and other factors can also cause changes in the structure of facial skin.

Chinese technique

One of the things that wrinkles on the forehead indicate is disease. The ancient Chinese used wrinkles to diagnose human health as early as the third century BC. With their help, they determined the condition of internal organs; this practice has survived to this day. They also determined the hidden and obvious abilities of a person.


So, the upper part, namely the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, could tell about the intelligence and conditions in which the person grew up. From the eyebrows to the nose, the folds indicated fortitude and the ability to control one’s emotions and actions in emergency situations. The lower part of the face was examined exclusively in older people, with its help it was possible to find out how successful a person had become and what kind of attachments he had.


Almost no one can avoid the appearance of age-related wrinkles, except that the period of their occurrence is slightly delayed with the help of cosmetics. But if they occur ahead of time, then this is a clear manifestation of a tendency to various diseases. After 25 years, many men and women are interested in what deep wrinkles on the forehead mean.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the upper forehead

By studying the lines on the face, you can learn about many diseases that their owner himself does not even suspect. For example, wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate a liver condition. The folds on the upper part of the forehead are responsible for the bladder. The wrinkles in the center of the forehead speak for the intestines.

If there are longitudinal, small wrinkles, we can say that a person has a weak nervous system, he is prone to neurotic conditions, depression, and he may have problems with sleep. Any folds between the eyebrows indicate abnormal metabolism; when they appear, it is better to examine the condition of the liver.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the lower forehead

But what the wrinkles on the forehead located transversely will tell you is that a person often experiences headaches. The frequency of their occurrence can be calculated by the depth of the folds. If they are intermittent, then the nervous and autonomic system of their owner is weak, but at the same time he is a very smart and intellectually developed person.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate arrhythmia and stomach problems. Longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows can indicate problems with the spine. Most often they indicate the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.

Human character and wrinkles on the forehead: what they talk about, photo

Over time, wrinkles appear on every person's face, and if you carefully consider their depth, location and shape, you can tell a lot about their owner. For example, determine his behavior in society or find out important traits of his character. If the folds appear to emerge from one point, then this is a clear sign of a complex character.



A persistent character is observed in people with the same folds. They are determined to achieve goals, never relying on the help and support of others. This is what the wrinkles on the forehead of a man, similar to each other, say. People with a line in the center of their forehead have strong will and courage. They are able to calm everyone around with their determination and responsibility.

The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process, inevitable. Their occurrence is due to age-related changes, hormonal imbalances, and stressful situations. Both men and women are concerned about the question of how to get rid of them, but few people think that wrinkles can become a signal of unfavorable changes in the body, signaling serious problems. This article examines what folds on the forehead can mean and indicate.

What causes folds on the forehead

Wrinkles are transverse and longitudinal folds on the forehead, which arise under the influence of many external and internal factors. The reasons for the appearance may be the following influences:

  1. Unfavorable environmental conditions: increased air temperature, air pollution, insufficient air humidity. That is why during hot periods it is recommended to use protective creams and install household humidifiers at home.
  2. Genetics is the most common problem and is caused by the structure of muscle tissue. In this case, wrinkles appear at an early age.
  3. Diseases of various types. Viral diseases and thyroid diseases, which disrupt basic metabolic processes, have a particular impact on the skin condition.
  4. Changes in diet, lack of vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fats.
  5. Addiction to bad habits. Scientists have proven that smoking and drinking alcohol contribute to premature aging.
  6. Mimic individual characteristics, for example, the habit of wrinkling the nose and frowning.
  7. Incorrect skin care procedures, use of low-quality, inappropriate cosmetics.
  8. Stressful situations, tense external environment, sleep disturbances, difficult work schedule.

Note! A healthy lifestyle is of great importance in maintaining the natural state of the skin, since the main reason for changes is non-compliance with the principles of nutrition, sleep, and lack of clean fresh air.

When are wrinkles diagnosed?

Diagnosis of facial muscles by the presence of wrinkles appeared a long time ago. The first mention is in ancient China, which produced the Yellow Emperor's Treatise on Innerness. Much later, Hippocrates and Aristotle used this information in their medical practice, based on the location of wrinkles on the face. Scientists argued that the location of the folds can also speak about a person’s character and predispositions.

Modern medical practice also uses the knowledge gained by its predecessors. In addition, research has made it possible to obtain the dependence of the number of wrinkles and their type on possible diseases and pathologies. This largely determines further treatment.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

In order to competently solve the problem, you need to find out what wrinkles on the forehead mean. Activities for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention depend on this. Only a specialized doctor can tell about the state of health solely by the location of the skin folds. Each type speaks of a separate disease or problem. What do wrinkles on the forehead mean and what information do they carry?

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

A deep horizontal mark can be a sign of problems in the nervous system, lack of sleep, and frequent stressful situations. The most common location is the eyebrow, eyebrow. This type of wrinkle often indicates a depressive predisposition and neurotic disorders.

The number of folds can also say a lot. A large number of them can indicate disturbances in the functioning of the spine, as a result of which a person often experiences headaches, dizziness, and malaise.

The meaning of vertical wrinkles on the forehead

The transverse deep layer and fold symbolize problems in the area of ​​digestion and the gastrointestinal tract. Representatives of this category should pay special attention to the principles of proper nutrition. The main condition is regularity of meals. Experts recommend eliminating fatty, spicy foods rich in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates from your diet.

Important! Another reason is disorders in the cardiovascular system. In this case, problems with heart rhythm and arrhythmia are observed. The way out of this situation is simple - consult a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

The appearance of vertical wrinkles can be caused by serious illnesses or heart attacks. A specialist is able to find out the exact cause, whether it is a sign of illness or a common manifestation of age-related changes. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead are easy to treat cosmetically.

Wrinkles on the forehead in men

Both men and women, of all ages, regardless of lifestyle, are prone to the appearance of wrinkles. But girls spend more time taking care of themselves and carry out home treatments. Wrinkles on a man’s face speak more about habits and character than about diseases and pathologies. What you can understand:

  1. A horizontal wrinkle located across the entire width of the forehead indicates a man’s high intellectual abilities, his determination, and obtaining the desired results. Such a man is persistent, brings goals and objectives to completion, and achieves success in his endeavors.
  2. Two horizontal wrinkles represent harmony with yourself and the world around you. Men with this symbol are distinguished by success in their careers and in terms of relationships. The clarity of the lines speaks of initiative, at the same time constancy, especially in terms of family life.
  3. Many horizontal wrinkles, continuous or interrupted, are a sign of intelligence. A man is distinguished by improved memory, a penchant for analysis and analysis, approaches problems in an unconventional way, and finds a solution. In addition, representatives are distinguished by their hard work.

You should know! Along with high intelligence, representatives of this category have a subtle mental organization and are susceptible to stress and anxiety.

  1. Wavy wrinkles that have a curved shape and different locations indicate normal age-related changes. They are inherent in people after fifty years of age and appear even with a calm and measured lifestyle.
  2. A lot of small wrinkles warn a man, telling him about a tendency to mental illness, exposure to stressful situations, and unnecessary worries. Avoiding the problem is not the answer. It is necessary to contact a specialist so that the current stressful state does not turn into a depressive state, which will be more difficult to get rid of.
  3. The absence of wrinkles is also a symptom that can indicate both positive and negative qualities of a man and the state of his body. Representatives of this category look young compared to their peers, but often their thinking lacks wisdom, knowledge, and skills.

Important! The best way to find out whether the folds on the forehead convey any information to their representative is to contact a specialist.


Division into zones

Diagnostics of folds implies a study that allows you to independently analyze and identify some correspondences. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Divide the face conditionally into three parts - zones. The appearance of wrinkles in each zone indicates a character trait;
  2. The first zone, located from the eyebrows to the hairline, speaks of mental abilities and intelligence;
  3. The second, starting from the tip of the nose and ending at the border of the first, symbolizes fortitude, a tendency to self-control;
  4. The third, from the tip of the chin to the tip of the nose, represents achievements and successes, both in your personal life and in your career.

Diagnostics will allow you to identify the problem and select preventive measures.

Prevention measures

It is quite difficult to get rid of wrinkles completely, especially in a neglected state. Cosmetic procedures do not give a complete result, they only smooth out and have a visible effect. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using preventive measures:

  1. Normalize your diet, make your diet complete and rich. The daily menu should include natural plant foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It is also necessary to ensure a sufficient level of water consumption.
  2. It is recommended to take a biochemical blood test in order to identify what element the body is missing and select a vitamin complex.
  3. Carry out home care, including daily cleansing, peelings, masks, moisturizing and nourishing procedures.
  4. Use protective creams according to the weather. In summer - sun protection, in winter - nutritious.

The appearance of wrinkles does not always indicate illness; often it is only a warning. You need to review your daily routine, make adjustments, and adopt a healthy lifestyle.



Skin aging is an inevitable age-related process that, unfortunately, cannot be completely stopped. One of its direct consequences is the formation of folds of varying lengths and depths on the face and body, the fight against which has become the main task of aesthetic cosmetology and surgery.

Types and types of wrinkles are divided into several groups, depending on their time of occurrence, depth and location, reasons for formation. They are most clearly visible on the face, neck and décolleté, and hands, that is, in areas with minimal subcutaneous fat thickness and increased motor activity of adjacent muscles.

Why does our skin lose its original smoothness so quickly and what can be done about it? Which changes will you have to come to terms with, and which are completely reversible? Which procedures will help and which will not give the desired effect? TecRussia.ru tells and shows:

How, when and why do wrinkles appear?

For most people, the first signs of skin aging appear at the age of 20-25. Visually, they are still practically invisible, but it is at this age that the skin begins to lose moisture and tone, and its ability to regenerate decreases. Various fuels are added to the fire negative factors, both external and internal:

  1. Various lifestyle deficiencies: stress, chronic overwork and lack of sleep, constant contact with dry and/or polluted air, low mobility, poor diet, bad habits.
  2. Increased load on facial muscles (professional, for example, among announcers, or the usual everyday habit of actively grimacing)
  3. Insufficient or improper skin care, incl. use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, selection of creams that are not suitable for skin type, etc.
  4. Sharp weight fluctuations during weight loss, pregnancy, hormonal changes
  5. Intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation - whether from a solarium or the sun
  6. Heredity, etc.

It is quite possible to limit the impact of these circumstances, but it is almost impossible to completely avoid it. As a result, already at the age of 25-35, shallow irregularities in the form of grooves appear on the most vulnerable areas of the skin. They can be easily treated with home or professional salon care. But age inevitably takes its toll, and by the age of 35-40, wrinkles begin to increase and join, in some places turning into quite deep creases. To correct them at this stage, more serious methods will be needed: injections, hardware cosmetology, plastic surgery.

What are the types of wrinkles?

There is no single, unambiguously approved classification that would include all our skin folds. However, cosmetologists and aesthetic surgeons distinguish several dozen main types, depending on their depth, cause of occurrence and location. And this is not just theoretical research, but a completely serious basis for prescribing one or another anti-aging procedure: for example, eyebrow folds are well corrected with Botox, but this drug is absolutely useless for smoothing the skin on the hands. So, wrinkles differ:

By depth:

  1. Superficial or epidermal - look like thin lines, located in the epidermis. Most often they appear due to insufficient hydration.
  2. Medium-deep - reach the middle layers of the skin (dermis), appear as a result of the development and deepening of the epidermal.
  3. Deep - are pronounced relief folds, changes affect the middle and deep layers of the skin down to the hypodermis.

By location:

  1. There are horizontal lines on the forehead, a direct consequence of our facial expressions. They are also called “anxious” because they appear as a result of emotions such as excitement and anger;
  2. between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose (“wrinkles of the proud” or “anger”) - large vertical folds that appear when the eyebrows move, as well as small folds on the upper part of the bridge of the nose.
  1. on the nose - “rabbit's feet” - diverge from the center of the bridge of the nose to the lower eyelids or cheeks, becoming especially noticeable when we squint or frown;
  2. periorbital - wrinkles around the eyes. These are, firstly, “crow’s feet”, which diverge from the outer corners of the eyes, and secondly, folds on the upper and lower eyelids;
  1. tear trough - runs from the inner corners of the eyes towards the cheekbones;
  2. on the cheeks - skin deformations of various types and depths (depending on the general anatomy of the face), best visible when smiling;
  1. nasolabial folds - large creases diverging from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips;
  2. around the lips there are purse-string wrinkles - vertical folds above the upper lip, and sometimes also under the lower lip; wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and “marionettes” - folds running from the corners of the lips to the chin;
  3. on the chin – here, as a rule, small skin irregularities appear with age;
  1. on the neck - “rings of Venus” - long horizontal folds;
  2. in the décolleté area;
  3. on the back of the hands, etc.

Due to the formation of wrinkles, they are divided into:

  1. Mimic - appear on areas of the skin closely associated with the facial muscles, which are responsible for the expression of emotions.
  2. Gravitational – formed as a result of sagging (ptosis) of the skin – drooping corners of the eyes and mouth, nasolabial folds, “puppet lines”, etc.
  3. Age-related (senile) - occur throughout the skin naturally as a result of chronoaging.

By nature of behavior:

  1. Dynamic - appear and disappear depending on muscle activity; in a relaxed state they are invisible.
  2. Static – preserved even in a state of muscle rest.

And how to get rid of them?

Skin smoothing is one of the main areas of aesthetic medicine, so a huge number of effective ways to combat wrinkles on the face and body have been developed. Among them there are both universal ones and those that are designed to eliminate wrinkles of one specific type and localization. Most often this is:

The most effective procedures
Small “dry” folds on the face, neck, hands, and décolleté Shallow peels – chemical, laser, microdermabrasion
Eyebrow wrinkles and some wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, crow's feet, drooping corners of the lips Botulinum therapy – injections of botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport, etc.)
Nasolabial folds, tear troughs and other wrinkles caused by age and/or gravitational ptosis Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid fillers, lipofilling. For obvious ptosis – thread or hardware lift (all these procedures combine well with each other and are often used in combination)
Deep age-related folds combined with pronounced sagging skin Surgical lift. For optimal effect, can be supplemented with one or more of the above-mentioned cosmetic procedures

At the same time, it is important to understand that:

  1. None of these methods will get rid of wrinkles forever. The duration of the result may vary - from 3-6 months to several years, but sooner or later it will be necessary to take your skin seriously again.
  2. Professional procedures must be supported by regular home care and general care for your health, otherwise the resulting effect will not last long.
  3. Deep age wrinkles can only be dealt with through surgical lifting - a major operation with general anesthesia and a long recovery period (usually performed on patients aged 45 years and older). There are no non-surgical alternatives comparable in effectiveness. At the same time, after such plastic surgery you should not expect completely smooth skin; it is aimed at overall facial rejuvenation, and individual problem areas will need to be corrected pointwise, for example, with the help of hyaluronic injections or lipofilling.

The last word in choosing a technique usually rests with a specialist - a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon - who makes a decision during an in-person consultation, having studied the condition of the skin, the anatomical features of the patient and related problems (and they almost always exist). Here's what it has to offer:

What's the point?
How will it help?
Mesotherapy Injections of compound cocktails based on hyaluronic acid (HA), also containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. Mainly used to improve problematic skin. Deep folds will not go away, but it is quite possible to get rid of a network of fine wrinkles on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
Biorevitalization Injections of monopreparations based on hyaluronic acid. Used to deeply moisturize the skin.
Bioreinforcement GK injections performed using special techniques to strengthen the skin framework, lift it, increase tone and elasticity. Elimination of changes caused by gravitational ptosis of the skin in the initial stage
Contour plastic Introduction of gels based on high-density, high-molecular HA, which fill hollow subcutaneous areas. Spot filling of wrinkles of any depth, mainly used for working on the face and hands. Reduces the severity of deep folds, completely removes small and medium ones.
Lipofilling Transplantation of the patient's own fat cells, previously taken from the abdomen or thighs, sometimes additionally enriched with stem cells
Botox Injections of purified botulinum toxin type A. Blocks nerve signals in facial muscles, due to which the skin adjacent to them is smoothed It is considered one of the best options for combating expression wrinkles (around the eyes, on the forehead and bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, around the mouth), but in other cases there will be no effect
Ozone therapy Intravenous or subcutaneous administration of ozone. General rejuvenation and healing of the skin, improvement of local metabolism. They improve the quality of the skin and can help smooth it, but as independent anti-wrinkle treatments they are ineffective
Plasmolifting Injections of the patient’s own purified and platelet-enriched blood plasma. Microcurrent therapy Exposure of muscles and subcutaneous tissues to low-intensity alternating current. Improves local metabolism and muscle tone. Lifting with mesothreads Installation of biodegradable (absorbable) threads to tighten the skin and form a “framework” of connective tissue. It tightens soft tissues well, reduces the severity of gravitational changes at the initial stage. Ineffective for significant ptosis and excess skin. Non-surgical lifting (ultrasonic, radio wave, laser) Impact on the deep layers of the skin using ultrasound, radio waves or laser radiation. Provides a lifting effect, stimulates the body's production of its own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Reducing the severity of any wrinkles on the face and body (small ones disappear completely, medium and deep ones become less noticeable). Peels (chemical, laser, dermabrasion, etc.) Controlled damage to the skin, due to which active regeneration processes are launched with the formation of fresh cells. ELOS therapy Simultaneous exposure to light and thermal energy for skin rejuvenation Phototherapy Exposure to light energy to stimulate the production of your own collagen, elastin and HA. Nanoperforation A gentle version of laser skin peeling to create microzones of enhanced regeneration in it. Plastic surgery Skin tightening (lifting) on ​​any part of the face or body Smoothing out wrinkles that appear due to sagging and stretching of the skin. When working with the face, simultaneous tightening of the subcutaneous tissues is often carried out, due to which the duration of the result is significantly increased.


To delay or reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face, neck and hands: