How to achieve gray hair color

Who is it suitable for?

Before you dye your hair gray, make sure it matches your color type and overall style. The ash shade is not suitable for everyone, as it tends to highlight facial imperfections. You should avoid it if you have problematic skin with a red undertone and are prone to rashes. The tone also focuses attention on wrinkles, scars, capillary mesh and other flaws.

A good choice would be for girls with the following data:

  1. perfectly smooth skin;
  2. peach, white, porcelain or dark complexion;
  3. blue, grey, brown or light brown eyes.

It should be remembered that artificial gray hair will be combined with rich makeup. It is best to highlight the eyes with dark shadows, and the lips with scarlet, eggplant or red lipstick.

As for clothing, it should be in neutral colors so that there is no dissonance in the image. Choose outfits in white, light gray, light blue and other pastel shades.

Coloring stages

Getting a pure gray shade is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Experts recommend using the services of professionals. The price of the service is high, but it is completely justified. However, if you have experience in coloring and are confident that you will do everything correctly, you can carry out the procedure at home.

Only blondes and those with light brown strands can get a beautiful gray shade without pre-lightening. If they are dark, you will have to bleach your hair 3-4 days before dyeing. The procedure is quite traumatic for the hair, and you should be well prepared for it.


Before dyeing, you should make sure that your curls will not be damaged by this. If your hair is brittle, too dry and prone to falling out, it’s better to postpone changing your look and start restoring your strands. Bleaching followed by toning can only be done on healthy hair.

Two weeks before the procedure, intensively nourish and moisturize your hair. You can use homemade or store-bought masks for this, preferably oil-based. Stylists recommend growing your strands out, because after coloring you will have to cut off the dry ends. Make sure that the length is 3-4 cm longer than usual.


This stage is the most dangerous for the hair, as you will have to use strong chemicals. Give preference to professional cosmetics. Judging by the reviews, cheap blonders appear unpredictably on the hair and greatly damage it.

The lightening technique looks like this:

  1. We dilute the powder and oxidizing agent in a non-metallic container, according to the instructions from the manufacturer. For very dark hair we choose 12% oxide, for lighter hair – 6% or 9%.
  2. To reduce the negative impact of chemical agents on curls and scalp, we add one ampoule of the chromoenergetic complex from Estelle to the composition.
  3. We put a protective cape on our shoulders and rubber gloves on our hands.
  4. Comb your hair well and divide it into zones.
  5. Separate strands 1-1.5 cm wide and apply lightener to them using a brush. We start work from the occipital area, gradually moving upward.
  6. We condition the product according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  7. We wash the hair with plenty of water, then with a special shampoo for bleached strands.
  8. Apply the balm for 10 minutes, rinse off. It is better to dry your hair naturally so that hot air does not injure it even more.

It is advisable to choose weekends for coloring, because there is a break of several days between the first and second stages. It is necessary so that the curls have time to recover.

But if you need results urgently, you can do both bleaching and toning in one day. Just keep in mind that this will be a double blow for your hair.


The main task of this stage is to obtain a uniform and beautiful ashy shade. You can dye short hair yourself, but if it is long, it is better to use outside help. It is very important not to skip a single strand, otherwise the result will be unsatisfactory.

We perform toning according to the following scheme:

  1. Mix the dye and oxygen agent in a plastic bowl, add an ampoule of the chromoenergy complex.
  2. To prevent yellowing, add one drop each of purple and blue mixton. It will neutralize red pigments and help achieve a pure color.
  3. Protects your arms and shoulders from contact with the dye; apply greasy Kerm or Vaseline to the skin at the hairline and ears so that the composition is washed off well.
  4. We comb the hair and treat it with paint in the same way as with the lightener.
  5. Leave for the required time and wash off with a special shampoo for colored hair.
  6. Apply the restoring balm, leave it for 15 minutes, remove the residue with cool water.
  7. We dry the curls naturally or style them with a hairdryer.

The resulting shade may immediately be a little darker than you wanted, but don’t worry, it will lighten up in just a couple of days.

However, keep in mind that ash dyes are not always washed off successfully. Sometimes, after replacing the gray, a red or yellow tone begins to appear. To prevent this from happening, use a tinting balm with purple pigment once a week.


Choosing a dye is a very responsible task. In addition to the fact that the product must be of high quality, you should pay attention to its main tone, additional and subtone. The fact is that gray hair can be presented in several variations - light gray, dark gray or ash.

Let's consider the most popular options from trusted manufacturers.

Name Number Peculiarities approximate price
Stargazer Silver Look L'Oreal Excellent 8.1 The result of coloring will be a light gray shade. The composition is enriched with a healing serum that restores strands. 350 rubles.
L'Oreal Excellence 7.1 It has a creamy structure and gives an ashy light brown tone when dyed. Guarantees uniform and rich pigment development. 600 rubles.
L'Oreal Preference 9.1 Suitable for dyeing light ash brown. Contains components that protect curls during and after the procedure. 400 rubles.
Lebel materia B8 The paint is saturated with ash pigment. Contains natural ingredients that prevent hair damage and moisturize it. 1100 rubles.
Selective Evo 7.1 Gives a light ashy tint. Activates local immunity of strands. 700 rubles.

The presented dyes give predictable results if used correctly. Deluxe and professional segment cosmetics allow you not only to change the shade of your strands, but also to restore them. It contains protective and medicinal substances that prevent the negative effects of chemical components.

It is best to use semi-permanent products that do not contain ammonia. But if you need a very long-term result, give preference to long-lasting products.

Care after coloring

Girls often post photos on social networks in which gray looks amazing. However, to maintain it, you need to properly care for your strands. The tint washes out quite quickly and can turn yellow or red when it reacts with various chemicals.

The following actions will help you prevent tone distortion and restore your hair:

  1. The use of special cosmetics for colored strands. It contains restorative substances and protects the color from fading.
  2. Re-stain every 3 weeks. To maintain a beautiful color, you will have to visit a specialist regularly.
  3. Systematic use of nourishing masks. They can be purchased or homemade. Please note that the composition contains proteins, keratin and plant extracts.
  4. Rinsing strands with water acidified with apple cider vinegar. It covers the hair scales, which helps color pigments stay in them longer.
  5. Use of tinting balms between coloring sessions. They should contain violet or blue pigments that neutralize red and yellow undertones.
  6. Protecting hair from the negative influence of the external environment. Always cover your head when exposed to the sun or frost for a long time, use heat-protective and leave-in cosmetics.
  7. Wash your hair with warm, not hot water. Under the influence of high temperatures, the protective layer of hairs loses its strength, which is why colored particles are quickly washed out.
  8. Minimal use of hot styling tools. They greatly dry out the strands, which have already lost a lot of moisture after bleaching.

Remember that bleached hair is very sensitive to chemical components. Wash your hair with filtered or boiled water to prevent the color from acquiring a greenish or marshy tint.

When visiting the pool, be sure to tuck your hair under your swimming cap, otherwise it may turn yellow or take on another unpleasant tone.


Despite the fact that many people associate gray color with old age, it has been one of the most popular coloring options for several years. With the right choice of tone, it will be possible to refresh the image, give it aristocracy and sophistication.

However, remember that after changing the shade, the hair needs very careful and regular care. Follow the recommendations of experts to maintain a beautiful gray tone for a long time and quickly restore your strands.

The trend of the last decade has been the color gray, its shades, and combinations with other colors. Bright and at the same time elegant, it inspires artists and designers. The beauty industry is no exception - cold steel shimmers are increasingly used in hairdressing. For transformation, gray hair color is chosen by young girls; it also attracts mature women. The psychology of shade includes the spectrum of black and white, the attraction of opposite edges. This is one of his main secrets of popularity among both brunettes and blondes. Maintaining a unique shine is quite difficult; gray requires comprehensive care.

Color Features

Gray includes shades of green, red, blue, and depending on the concentration of each, the intensity of the main tone changes. Coloring in ashy tones is incredibly popular, from natural light brown to rich silver with a blue undertone. Used for colored ombre with strawberry, peach, turquoise, lavender combinations.

Such images require bright makeup - glossy scarlet, berry lips, grotesque eyeliner, lush, doll-like eyelashes. But the color is also suitable for those who want to add natural notes to their appearance. Painting it a light brown smoky color will add sophistication and sophistication.

Advantages of gray color:

  1. transforms appearance;
  2. suitable for different age groups, color types;
  3. looks luxurious on different types of haircuts, from classic to avant-garde;
  4. goes well with natural and rainbow palettes.

For those who want to achieve a gray shade, Don't forget about its disadvantages:

  1. it is necessary to first bleach the strands so that the gray pigment is evenly fixed;
  2. brunettes, brown-haired girls, and fair-haired girls should have their coloring done only in a salon, otherwise the curls may acquire yellowish-greenish tints;
  3. to preserve color and shine, it is necessary to select care products for silver blond;
  4. you will need a whole series of products - dry, brittle trunks after painting require regular moisturizing and color protection;
  5. restrictions apply to all thermal procedures - blow-drying, styling with tongs, and even walking under the bright scorching sun can lead to yellowness.

Note! Periodically, the color must be tinted using tinted shampoos or balms.

Who is it suitable for?

Gray color does not tolerate lack of shape and styling. This shade looks great on Hollywood curls, voluminous bobs, architectural soissons and pageboys. Avant-garde asymmetrical haircuts are at the peak of popularity; tandems of ash with pink, purple, gray, and green are often used. Gray-ashy afro-braids, weaves, and careless buns look interesting. When laying, you need to add volume to the root area.

Suitable for:

  1. mousey ash-blond color is often found in the Summer color type with gray-blue, gray-green eyes; You can add brightness to your appearance by tinting your curls in a steel tone;

  1. suits mature men and women when most of the hair is covered with gray; you can use coloring to obtain a beautiful, elegant shade;

  1. suitable for Winter: perfectly shades milky porcelain or dark skin, the combination of dark brown or blue eyes adds a fabulous look;

  1. Spring and Autumn should choose combinations of smoky and golden - pure steel color can highlight all the shortcomings of warm undertone skin, green-tea eyes, making the appearance faded and expressionless.

Popular shades

The diversity of the gray palette allows everyone to find their favorite tone. Even warm color types of appearance can be matched with a harmonious shade.


It is a rich gray color, suitable for those with a bright, expressive appearance with blue or black eyes, an ideal skin tone without redness or age spots.


The muted shade is often intertwined with beige and golden colors. You can choose for girls with blue, blue, gray, azure eyes. Not suitable for green-brown eyes, pale skin with bronze blush.


It differs from natural gray strands in its glossy shine. Recommended for use after bleaching, gives a healthy glow.


Natural light brown with brown-golden tints. Suitable for girls with blue eyes and naturally light hair. Will highlight natural beauty in combination with chocolate and chestnut shades.

Dark grey

Visually makes you look older, so it is more often used by girls under 30 years old. It is very difficult to achieve at home - obtaining the desired pigmentation requires experience and knowledge of color secrets. Suitable for those with natural light brown hair and a cool appearance.

Light gray

Golden brown is recommended for those with tanned and fair skin with freckles. Can also be used by natural blondes to obtain a more expressive color.


Combines 3 shades at the same time: light brown, ash, blond. The palette suits girls with gray, blue, gray-blue eyes, milky skin color.


This can only be achieved on blonde hair. Pearl highlights neutralize yellow tones for a clean, even, cool glow. Suitable for those with perfect skin tone and expressive facial features.

How to get it at home

It is easier to get a gray, rich shade for light brown, fair-haired girls, as well as those who have undergone blonding. Brown-haired women, as well as brunettes, will have to go through the bleaching stage in the salon - a procedure carried out independently can lead to the destruction of the stem structure and the appearance of yellowness.

Permanent paints

Hair dye-gel Estelle Only rich in variations of blond, ash blond, light blond, light ash blond, light ash blond, light ash-violet blond. The formula contains a unique quat-acrylic complex and is enriched with argan oil. As a result, 5 levels of protection of the structure and color of curls are provided. The condition of the strands improves, they become smooth and manageable. The long-lasting rich shade lasts for about 2 months. Cost 210 rub.

Cream hair dye Londa. The gray palette is represented by medium blond, light blond, platinum blond, dark ash, ash blond, platinum silver. Provides gentle coloring that maintains shine and curl strength for up to 8 weeks. The coloring pigment penetrates the stem structure, allowing you to obtain a uniform shade from the roots to the very tips. The formula of the balm used after coloring is enriched with panthenol and vitamin E. Protects strands from external factors, including ultraviolet radiation. You can buy it for 180 rubles.

L'Oreal Paris Recital Preferenc hair dye allows you to achieve exquisite shades - ash blond, Copenhagen light blond, Viking very light blond, light blond pearlescent, ultrablonde cold ash, ultrablond cold pearlescent. Thanks to large molecules, it helps maintain a glossy, rich color for 2 months. The dye contains a vitamin complex and filters that provide strength and shine to curls. The kit includes a balm that enhances color and protects hair from fading in the sun, exposure to hair dryers, and ironing. You can buy it for 434 rubles.

Tint preparations

Shampoo for colored hair Schwarzkopf Color Freeze protects color, protects strands from exposure to external adverse factors. Gentle, gentle cleansing, even with frequent washing, allows you to maintain the intense radiance of cool, ashy tones. Moisturizes, cares for the scalp, makes strands soft and silky. It is recommended not only to preserve color, but also to neutralize yellowness. Apply shampoo to damp strands, foam, and rinse off after 1–2 minutes. You can buy it for 612 rubles.

Shampoo for colored hair with silver effect Indola allows you to achieve cold overflows. The complex contains violet and blue pigments; as a result of washing, the shade acquires a rich metallic sheen. The composition includes nutritional components and amino acids. Application allows you to avoid subsequent staining and tinting. It is recommended to use indole shampoo to maintain and neutralize yellowness once a week. The composition is applied to damp curls, foams, and is washed off after 3 minutes. Price 1650 rub.

Yellowness neutralizer shampoo with biolamination effect Tonic Recommended for bleached and blonde hair. It has antiseptic properties, relieves irritation, and gently cares for the scalp. Contains peach oil and a vitamin complex that nourish and moisturize curls along the entire length. Suitable for frequent use, applied to damp strands and washed off after 3 minutes. You can buy it for 154 rubles.

Partial coloring techniques

Gray color is suitable for painting using various modern techniques. To combine with a gray shade, a natural dark palette can be used; rainbow colors are also relevant.

  1. Gray highlightsperformed on medium and ultra-long hair. Contrasting “salt and pepper” involves alternating ash and black strands. Suitable for natural brunettes with expressive facial features.

  1. Shatush - the technique allows you to achieve an imitation of burnt strands under the influence of sunlight. The paint is applied randomly, allowing you to create the most natural look. Natural ash, light brown shades are used to tint the main length and ends in tandem with darkened roots. Hair volume visually increases; renewal is required no more than once every 2-3 months.

  1. Ombre — the color of the root area is sharply different from the tips, the transition is smooth, gradient. Not done at home, looks better on long straight curls. Gray can be used as a base color with strawberry, lavender or turquoise highlights. In classic coloring, combinations of ash and dark blond, blue-black and pearlescent will be successful.

  1. Balayage - unlike the shatush technique, there is a V or Sh-shaped distribution of the dye on the strands. Permanent dye or tinting agent is used mainly on medium and long curls. Details on how to perform ash balayage can be found on our website.

Cost of the procedure in the salon

To obtain ashy, gray curls, it is recommended to turn to professionals. Even those with light and brown hair may need additional bleaching or blonding. For women with natural gray hair, hairdressers may recommend a toning procedure to evenly distribute the silver tone. The entire palette of gray is in fashion, both for monochrome and partial coloring.

The cost of coloring for short hair is from 1000 to 2500 rubles, for medium length (from 20 to 35 cm) - from 1500 to 3700 rubles, for ultra-long curls - from 2700 to 6000 rubles. The salon can also offer restorative procedures, nourishing masks, treatment with ampoules, glossing and lamination.

Color care

Experts recommend purchasing a set of products to preserve cool, silver shades immediately after dyeing. They not only moisturize, protect from mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation, but also have a toning effect.

Care secrets:

  1. natural or colored curls must be regularly nourished and moisturized exclusively with professional products; homemade masks can lead to the appearance of yellowness;
  2. Before using a hair dryer, curling iron or hot roller, be sure to distribute protective styling products on the strands;
  3. In summer, protect your hair from fading using balms and masks with UV filters.

The mesmerizing shine of silver-gray strands suits different color types of appearance. You can achieve an elegant shade by turning to professionals. To give light strands an ashy undertone, entire series of shampoos and conditioners have been created. Beautiful, luxurious curls will decorate your appearance, making you feel like a Hollywood diva.

Ideas for bright, incredibly beautiful and stylish coloring:

Useful videos

How to dye your hair gray or gray at home.

The old perception of this now fashionable trend is no longer relevant for a long time. If earlier girls tried their best to give their hair a less “mousy” look, using dyes with a golden tint, now dyeing it gray is literally a tribute to fashion. What causes the excitement around this color, why does it attract the eyes of many beauties, and why is gray hair not only the preserve of older women? Let's figure it out.


A la naturel

Many people are convinced that there are only a few natural colors - brown, light brown, blond, red and black. But in practice, ashen shades are also distinguished. You could probably see them on roots that have grown back after dyeing or on young people who don’t want to dye their hair. Typically, blonde children's strands darken and become more ashy as they age.

With this hair color, it is better to choose brighter makeup. In order not to look like a gray mouse, your shade should be rich. Suitable for blue-eyed girls

In the winter season, without exposure to direct sunlight, it is possible to preserve the natural dark gray color. And in the summer it’s easy to lose it, because it will simply fade in the sun and take on a brownish tone.

Popular colors include:

  1. Probably the most popular among fashion-conscious people is graphite. It has a dark metallic tint, reminiscent of the lead of a regular pencil. The palette is quite diverse - from bright gray to wet asphalt. Expect good results only in a beauty salon, where the master will add a silvery sheen to plain strands.
  2. Ash blonde has become the choice of white-haired ladies, as it adds glamor to the image and perfectly removes yellowness. It is distinguished by its silver or ash sheen and the ability to give the beauty wearing it a noble appearance.
  3. Ash gray one of the most common even among famous people due to the fact that it looks very naturalistic on both light brown and blond curls. There are various variations - you can color your curls in the classic way or do it in 3D (using three shades). To create a voluminous effect, you need blonde, ash and a light brown undertone.

Graphite Ash blonde Ash gray

  1. Light gray is a semblance of an ordinary light blond. He is a chameleon - during the day you will see a light tone on your strands, and darker in the evening. To achieve this result, you will have to resort to multi-level coloring, which includes both silver blond and light brown tones.
  2. Rich gray resembles gray hair. But it is distinguished by its uniformity and excellent shimmer, as well as the absence of dark zones. Its advantage is its aristocratic appearance. For proper coloring, it is necessary to evenly distribute the coloring pigment and create multi-level tints.
  3. Gray-blond Nature gifts many girls with hair. If you want to diversify this range a little, add ash-gray notes.
  4. Dark gray The range fits perfectly on the base of regular light brown hair. This is just a classic that can be slightly transformed at your discretion by adding light notes. You simply must try this tone for yourself, because it suits absolutely everyone.

Dark gray Light gray Lilac gray

  1. Gray-blue the palette is achieved by adding blue mixton to the coloring agent. Thanks to this, the strands will have a white background with a bluish tint. Only the most daring beauties, who strive to look as unusual as possible, dare to undertake such experiments.
  2. For lilac-gray strands you will need a purple mixton. As a result, you will become the owner of a beautiful pearl pink color. But be careful, if you add too much color pigment, your strands will turn purple.

Light brown-gray Blue-gray

How to paint yourself “mousy”?

So, you have finally come to the conclusion that you simply need this type of painting, but you don’t know where to start. Let's begin to understand this issue.

You can immediately start making your dream come true if you are naturally light blonde or have a small percentage of gray hair. Having a dark pigment, be prepared for the fact that you will have to carry out the lightening procedure repeatedly. Unfortunately, sometimes a yellow or green tone may appear on bleached strands, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

Platinum shades work best on light-colored hair Gradient transition Dyeing several shades of the same color

The entire palette of gray is truly diverse; every fashionista can find something of her own. Each color type is played out in its own way, with the help of additional accent highlights. First, study the number designation of paint tones - for example, golden chestnut is numbered 4.0, and light ash starts at 8.12. This is really a very important point, because only by knowing the number you need, the master will be able to select profitable combinations for it.

When starting to work on your braids, the specialist should take into account the structure of your strands and the original color. This will help achieve a uniform texture and purity of shade.

Advice! If your curls are damaged by previous dyeing or are lacking basic care, you should not dye them. You should get your mane in the best possible shape, and only then go to hairdressers.


Have you really decided to act alone, without resorting to the services of specialists? Then a difficult path awaits you to achieve the ideal and desired color on your own.

It is very difficult to get the perfect tone on your own. It is best to seek help from a professional in the transformation. Good colorists will help make your image harmonious.

As mentioned above, initially you need a lightening mixture. Use only professional dyes sold in brand stores (Schwarzkopf, for example). Having chosen the paint, follow the instructions left inside the box, keeping the composition on your head within the time specified there.

To avoid the appearance of yellowness, take a closer look at platinum dyes. Coloring products from Wellaton (“Ash Blonde”) or L’Oreal (“Light Blonde Ash”) are perfect.

Don't be upset if you don't get the gamma you want. For example, an unpleasant situation may arise - the appearance of a greenish tint if the ingredients were incorrectly mixed or their dosage was violated. But you can fix everything at any time by repainting it back to your natural color or going to a beauty salon.

Self-dyeing can lead to unexpected results Ashy with purple Good tone on thick curls

Choosing a tint

If you have ever dyed your curls yourself, then, when choosing a dye, you were probably faced with the problem of choosing its number. Let's figure out how to determine from the numbers on the box what result we will get.

  1. So, let's pay attention to the first number - this is the color depth. Dark gray – numbers 7 and 8 (light brown), light gray – numbers 9, 10 and 11 (blond).
  2. The meaning of the second digit after the fraction is the main color note. We only need one (i.e. 10/1, 11.1).
  3. And the third number indicates an additional tone. You need pure ash - choose the number 1 at the end of the number, natural gray-beige - 3 (gold), pinkish - row 6 (purple).

This tone is best chosen by girls under thirty Young skin and platinum blonde will not cause associations with gray hair Luxurious shimmer

The nuances of coloring

Many fashionistas are eager to create such beauty on themselves and become grey-haired. But sometimes they forget about following simple rules that help achieve the desired result.

  1. You should not experiment with your appearance on your own. Only a professional can give you a beautiful steel nuance that you will enjoy every day. If you paint it yourself, you will probably end up with a dull result.

Dark roots and light ends Even tone along the entire length Ash blonde bob

  1. Use more than one paint, but combine ash pigments with each other, which only a master can do.
  2. The composition of the dye can vary greatly. This is necessary to obtain hair of the best quality and with an attractive color. Therefore, try to entrust such an important task only to a specialist so that he can evenly color your hair, this is especially important at the lightening stage.

Recommendation! Having ideal white skin, dyeing in these shades will highlight its beautiful appearance.

And if you have freckles or acne, it is advisable to choose a different look for yourself so as not to attract unwanted attention to problematic skin.

When coloring, it is better to combine several shades of platinum. Girls with ideal skin condition should choose this shade. Freckles and acne will ruin the image.

If you're not particularly into regular gray highlights, try jazzing up your style with highlights or ombre. After adding bright highlights to your hairstyle, you will look a little younger.

As we remember, to get a grayish tone, clarification is required. This procedure is usually not painless. Therefore, it is in your best interests to provide the best possible care for your curls after coloring.

What to use to keep your hair in good condition?

Organic strengthening and restoring balms and masks that can moisturize and saturate our hair follicles with the necessary components.

Dyed curls require careful care. Use restoring balms and masks. If the color turns out to have an undesirable tint, use tinted shampoos.

What to do if a gray-blue tint appears?

You can use a variety of tinted shampoos that can give your braids a beautiful shade. Also, do not forget about timely tinting.

Folk remedies

Your first and indispensable helpers will be natural remedies, the recipes for which are known to all women of the older generation.
For example, one of the “grandmother’s recipes” is an egg yolk mask. You just need to mix the yolk with two spoons of cold water and use this mixture instead of your shampoo. Don't worry that the yolk will curl and tangle the hairs; cool water will prevent this from happening.

Fashionable combination with pink This coloring is best combined with a modern haircut Luxurious long curls Young fairy

If you need a rinse, use a lemon water solution. For medium length you need one liter of water with a teaspoon of vinegar. Make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly to get rid of strong odor. This product will serve to restore shine to your hair.

Also try infusions of nettle or yarrow as a rinse.
To avoid active hair loss, you will need to make masks from castor oil or apply red pepper tincture to your roots. This will perfectly stimulate the growth of hair follicles, so that you will soon forget about this problem.

A few more final points:

  1. Trim your ends every three months.
  2. Do not use a hair dryer or curling iron.
  3. Don't resort to monthly coloring. If you understand that the quality of your hair leaves much to be desired, ask the specialist to “stretch the color” using the ombre or balayage technique. There will be no need to tint your roots, so with the help of various oils and balms you will tidy up your hair.

Ombre dyeing Make sure your hair looks neat and well-groomed Give your hair the nutrition it needs A variant of an original hairstyle A bright accent in the form of red lips will come in handy

When choosing this color scheme for your curls, you should definitely be prepared for serious work. But isn’t it worth a little effort to achieve your goal? I hope you've been inspired and made the decision to change your style. Good luck to you in all your endeavors, especially in the fashion field!