Anti-inflammatory acne cream

Nothing spoils your appearance more than acne-strewn skin. Even the most beautiful person loses a lot of attractiveness due to stale, inflamed skin. But it is not always necessary to use very expensive cosmetics or contact a cosmetologist to treat acne and pinpoint rashes. If the situation has not yet reached a clinical form, simple and inexpensive pharmaceutical ointments for acne will help to cope with skin defects. They will quickly put the skin in order, provided that they are used correctly and regularly and follow the doctor’s advice.


Main components of acne ointment

In order for a high-quality anti-acne ointment to be effective, it must perform the following functions:

  1. Disinfect the skin.
  2. Dry out inflammation.
  3. Have anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Possess bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.
  5. Accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration.
  6. Do not cause allergies.
  7. Well tolerated by the body.
  8. Have no toxic effect.

A good ointment has a full range of such beneficial properties. The ointment consists of a base that is made in such a way that it is not completely absorbed by the skin, but remains on its surface for a long time. This is why medicinal pharmaceutical ointments are never applied to the face and body in a continuous layer, like a cream. The base contains the main active ingredient and additional components.

Basically, drugs with antibacterial properties based on anti-inflammatory substances, antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to treat acne.

Review of popular ointments

The best ointments for acne cope excellently with the problem, have no side effects when used correctly, have a minimum number of contraindications and are perfectly accepted by the skin, without causing allergies or clogging pores. It is desirable that such ointments also have an affordable price. No matter how strange it may be, there are now many simple and cheap acne products on sale that are highly effective and cost literally pennies. So it is absolutely not necessary to spend crazy amounts of money, because... the fight against acne should always be carried out comprehensively, including from the inside, therefore the use of external agents is necessary only to eliminate the consequences of internal causes.

1 Zinc and salicylic-zinc ointment


This is the most famous inexpensive ointment for red acne spots. The active component is zinc oxide, which acts as a disinfectant and dries out purulent pimples well. Under its influence, acne marks dissolve much faster, and pustules dry out without leaving scars.

If applied pointwise, it may cause allergies. It is forbidden to use it for too long a time and on large areas of the skin, as it can cause unsightly unnatural blueness.

Often used with salicylic acid in the composition. This product promotes enhanced exfoliation of the skin, which virtually eliminates the formation of rough scars.

The product is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to it.

It is sold in all pharmacies without a prescription and costs only 30 - 40 rubles.

2 Syntomycin emulsion


This ointment contains the antibiotic syntomycin and is an antibacterial agent for external use. Due to its action, it copes well with suppurating, inflamed pimples, especially if they are located over a large area and provoke an acute skin reaction. Synthomycin emulsion quickly penetrates the skin and effectively eliminates even old foci of infection.

However, the body gets used to using the product, and bacteria develop immunity to it, so you should not abuse it.

The product is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  1. Allergy to the composition.
  2. For newborn children.
  3. For problems with blood.
  4. For acute porphyria.

For pregnant and lactating women, the use of ointment is possible with the permission of a doctor.

The cost of the drug is up to 50 rubles, depending on the volume of the package.

3 Vishnevsky ointment


It is not for nothing that this effective and inexpensive ointment for acne in the pharmacy is called balsamic liniment. Its natural composition has a pronounced effect against purulent acne and boils. It accelerates the maturation of an already picked, “ripe” pimple and helps those that are just forming to resolve.

The product is based on natural substances:

  1. Birch tar is a well-known antiseptic and seal-absorbing drug.
  2. Xeroform - has an antiseptic effect.

Castor oil acts as a guide and softens the skin, helping it heal faster and more smoothly.

Individual intolerance is a contraindication. Despite the popularity of the drug, it is undesirable to use it on the face without the supervision and permission of a doctor, as it can aggravate the situation.

The medicine costs about 40 rubles.

4 Ichthyol ointment


This is another old and proven remedy based on the natural component - ichthammol. The drug has a specific recognizable smell, almost black color and a viscous, thick consistency.

It is used to accelerate the maturation of abscesses with a keratoplasty effect. Ichthyol also affects streptococci and staphylococci and has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Apply the drug in a thin layer locally, up to 2 times a day.

The product costs from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the volume of the container.

5 Erythromycin ointment


This is an old tried and true antibiotic acne ointment. Its main active ingredient is erythromycin, an antibiotic from the macrolide group. This is a good proven remedy against acne, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

The drug requires local application in a thin layer only if it is known that the patient is not allergic to this type of antibiotic. Usually the product is used up to 3 times a day, treatment is long-term, up to 2 months.

The drug may cause side effects, mainly manifested by dryness, peeling and redness of the skin at the sites of application. An allergic reaction may cause itching and hives-like rashes.

The price of the medicine is from 20 rubles.

6 Streptocide liniment


Another well-known antibacterial drug with a good effect against purulent pimples and acne. For large abscesses it is applied pointwise, for large areas of damage - in a thin, neat layer.

The drug may have a number of contraindications:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the composition of the product.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Breastfeeding.
  4. Porphyria.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Azotemia.
  7. Kidney and liver failure.

If used for too long and exceeding the recommended dose, the following side effects may develop:

  1. Allergic rashes.
  2. Headache.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Vomit.
  5. Leukopenia.

The price of the medicine in the form of liniment is approximately 60 - 70 rubles.

7 Sledotsid


This is not exactly an ointment for acne marks, but rather a product with the properties of a healing ointment. It contains hyaluronic acid, witch hazel, arnica and green tea extracts, as well as yeast polysaccharide. Its main effect is to eliminate traces of acne on the skin, spots and scars called post-acne.

Under its action, hyperpigmentation disappears, seals dissolve and residual effects after acne disappear.

Apply the product as a cream to the affected areas two to three times a day, in a thin layer until completely absorbed by the skin.

The only absolute contraindication is an allergic reaction to the product.

Price - 100 rubles.

8 Regetsin


This drug is based on zinc hyaluronate and has a disinfectant, drying and anti-inflammatory effect.

Apply to pimples up to 4 times a day until they disappear completely, designed specifically for the treatment of acne in adolescents. Its advantage is its simple composition without antibiotics and hormonal components.

The only contraindication is allergies. It has no side effects and is very well tolerated by the skin - acne disappears without scarring or blemishes.

The price of the drug is 150 rubles.

9 Dimexide gel


This effective drug is used if other anti-acne medications have failed to cope with them. It is most often used as a “carrier” for an antibiotic, helping it penetrate deep into the skin layers. It has an analgesic, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect.

It is applied to the affected areas in the form of applications, the solution should be in a concentration of no higher than 30%, the gel is applied in a thin layer. The duration of treatment is approximately two weeks.

Use with caution on the face, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the lips and eyes. In case of contact, rinse the affected areas thoroughly with running water. If you experience any unpleasant sensations in your eyes, consult an ophthalmologist.

  1. Allergy.
  2. Severe liver and kidney diseases.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies.

If burning, itching and redness occur during application, the drug should be washed off immediately and an antihistamine should be taken.

The gel costs 130 - 150 rubles.

Reviews about the application

In many ways, the effectiveness of the drugs used can be judged by the reviews of our readers:

For me, the most effective remedy for acne was the usual cheap synthomycin emulsion. It even helps me with painful subcutaneous abscesses on my chin. One has only to smear the sore spot several times, and the pimple simply resolves. The drug has an equally good effect on inflamed pimples, you just need to lubricate it more often.

When I first got acne, my grandmother, a pharmacist, showed me how to use zinc paste. With her help I got rid of all my acne very quickly. Only if you wash and cleanse your skin poorly after the ointment, there will be even more acne - the pores will become clogged. It is good to combine zinc ointment with rubbing with an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. There is no need to rub your entire face; it is enough to treat pimples with a cotton swab, pointwise. This method allows the pimples to be thoroughly dried and disinfected, without turning the surrounding skin into parchment.

Regular erythromycin ointment always helps me if a pimple suddenly pops up. I apply ointment to it several times throughout the day, and usually by the second day it goes away. And if the pimple has already festered, it is best to stick a thick layer of toothpaste on it, and lubricate it with erythromycin ointment at night. Then it goes away several times faster, sometimes by morning only a red spot remains.

There is always streptocide in my arsenal of acne remedies. In powder form, I rub it into open pimples, and apply ointment to inflamed ones. The effect is wonderful, everything passes without a trace. I use it on both my face and body (I sometimes get a rash on my back, especially after doing fitness classes in the gym).

For me, there is nothing better for acne than washing with tar soap and using salicylic-zinc ointment. This product perfectly dries out inflammation and does not leave acne marks at all. All this is very cheap!

Simple and affordable ointments from the pharmacy can serve as an excellent effective remedy for acne, provided they are used correctly and wisely. Ideally, before using any medicine, you should consult with your doctor, dermatologist, or at least a good cosmetologist. If the ointment causes discomfort, dries out the skin or clogs pores, you need to stop it and try another drug from a wide range of pharmaceutical products.

To get rid of pimples, blackheads and acne, which bring us enormous discomfort, you need to choose the right care product. It must meet the needs of the skin and eliminate a specific problem. However, there are no universal remedies for fighting acne; everyone must find their own remedy - these can be ointments, creams, gels and masks. Let's look at the best.

The main causes of acne

In order for acne treatment to bring maximum results, you need to eliminate the cause that provokes its formation. Skin rashes are caused by:

  1. emotional shocks, stress, nervous strain, worries;
  2. frequent contact with hands or phones that have germs on the surface;
  3. hormonal imbalance, thyroid diseases;
  4. heredity;
  5. use of corticosteroids, birth control pills;
  6. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines;
  7. unhealthy diet - content in the diet of fast food, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets and baked goods;
  8. allergic reaction;
  9. bad habits - nicotine and alcohol provoke metabolic disorders;
  10. wrong choice of cosmetics, use of too oily cosmetics.

A doctor will help determine the true cause of the rash. To do this, you can contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, hematologist. A nutritionist and cosmetologist will also help. By identifying the cause of the rash and eliminating it, you can expect that anti-acne products will be effective.

Popular acne remedies

Anti-acne cosmetics contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components that help get rid of acne. Our review will help you choose the right skin care cosmetics for your face and body.

The rating of remedies for treating acne and pimples is topped by ointments. These are mainly pharmaceutical products. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. “Zinerit” is an ointment containing the antibiotic erythromycin, which destroys propionibacteria and streptococcus, as well as zinc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands. The product cleanses the surface of the skin, eliminates white pimples and blackheads, even if the area of ​​the rash is very large. People with dry and sensitive skin should use this ointment carefully. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks.
    → Reviews of the cream “Zinerit” 1, 2
  2. Salicylic ointment is a medicine containing salicylic acid. Its concentration can reach 2%, 5%, or 10% and 60%. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Cleanser for purulent acne. It also helps brighten post-acne skin. The maximum duration of continuous use is up to 3 weeks.
    → Reviews of Salicylic ointment 1
  3. "Levomekol" is a medicine intended for the treatment of ulcers, rashes, and promotes rapid healing of the skin. Suitable for teenagers who often develop painful pimples on the forehead and other areas of the face. The active components of the ointment are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory and also antimicrobial effect. You need to use the product for 2-4 weeks.
  4. Erythromycin ointment - used in combination with other medications. The active ingredient erythromycin ED effectively fights purulent acne. The ointment should be used continuously for a maximum of a month.
  5. Sulfur ointment – ​​contains precipitated sulfur, which has a drying and antimicrobial effect. As a result of its use, it is possible to quickly get rid of acne and rashes, since the product reduces the intensity of subcutaneous fat production. The product is effective against subcutaneous acne. The sulfides contained in the ointment promote wound healing, which helps even out the skin. You need to apply the product for 2-3 weeks.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is a powerful acne remedy containing ichthyol. Its use provides comprehensive treatment, since the ointment quickly relieves inflammatory processes and minimizes the pain that occurs when internal acne appears. This is a spot treatment that is gently applied to the surface of the pimple to speed up its maturation. Use once a day until the problem is resolved.
  7. Synthomycin ointment is a cleanser that quickly relieves inflammation. Effective against ulcers, acne, rashes, small spots. Contains an antibiotic that destroys germs that cause acne. The duration of treatment with this ointment is a maximum of 5 days. This is an inexpensive remedy.

All anti-acne ointments are applied 1-2 times a day to cleansed skin. They should not be used more often, because pharmaceutical products contain active ingredients. When using them, side effects such as an allergic reaction, redness, swelling are possible, but they occur rarely. Acne ointments fall into the category of inexpensive products.

Acne gels have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. There are cosmetics and medications sold in pharmacies. Let's look at the most effective acne gels:

  1. "Effezel" is an effective gel that helps cure acne and pimples even at the most advanced stage. Contains baziron and differin, which quickly remove rashes, acne, promote healing and smoothing of the skin. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the skin surface well.
  2. "Dalacin" is a pharmaceutical anti-acne gel that contains the strong antibiotic clindamycin. This is a universal drug that copes with acne, pimples, blackheads, redness and other aesthetic defects. The effect of use appears after 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 5 weeks, since the body gets used to the action of this drug.
  3. "Metrogil" is a gel for red acne and rashes that has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The active ingredient is metronidazole. This gel, in combination with other drugs, can be used to treat skin defects, as well as prevent their occurrence. The product is used for 3-6 weeks.
    → Reviews about “Metrogil” 1
  4. “Oxygel” is a gel that is suitable for the treatment of acne and acne of mild or moderate severity. The active ingredient in this drug is benzoyl peroxide. The product should be used carefully by those with sensitive skin, because when the gel gets on its surface it can cause burning and irritation. The duration of the course of use is a maximum of 2 weeks.
  5. "Skinoren Gel" - its active ingredient azelaic acid provides a bactericidal and drying effect. This remedy normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. The gel effectively copes with even the most advanced stage of rashes, but you can use it for a maximum of 14 days, since it dries out the skin too much.
    → Reviews of “Skinoren Gel” 1, 2, 3

The gel is applied to cleansed skin several times a day.


Creams are very popular in the fight against acne. Consider the list of the most effective:

  1. “Differin” is a good cream for the face and body, containing adapalene, which fights acne and comedones. It is used for the treatment and prevention of acne and pore contamination.
  2. "Baziron" is the best acne remedy for dry skin. It provides not only an antibacterial effect, but also regulates the process of sebum secretion and well moisturizes the epidermis. The cream is more effective against acne and rashes. Duration of use is 3-3.5 months.
    → Reviews about “Baziron” 1, 2
  3. “Clean Skin” from Garnier is a cosmetic product for daily use that fights blackheads and red spots. Suitable for those with oily skin as it dries it out greatly. Dry skin may begin to peel after using this product for several days.
    → Reviews “Clean skin” from Garnier 1
  4. "Boro Plus" - consists of plant components: sandalwood, turmeric, aloe and other components. Has a good antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Used for the appearance of ulcers and rashes, suitable for teenagers and adults. The cream must be applied three times a day until the aesthetic defect disappears.

There are many acne creams on the market designed for daily skin care. They can be applied continuously for 1.5-2 months, after which you should take a break and start using another cosmetic product. This will help avoid addiction. That is why it is advisable to look for several options at once so that you can alternate them - a review of acne creams for different skin types can be found here.

Other acne remedies

  1. Ducray Keraknil mask has a triple effect: absorbs excess sebum, cleanses pores and prevents them from getting dirty. Consists of clay, polyhydroxy acid, microparticles of wax. The mask is applied twice a week for 5 minutes. Its regular use eliminates acne and ulcers.
  2. Payot cleansing paste is intended for the treatment of subcutaneous acne. Contains lanolin. The product is applied to cleansed skin before bed. You need to attach a patch on top, and in the morning remove it and wash. 3-5 applications are enough for the subcutaneous pimple to disappear. The product may cause peeling of the skin.
    → Reviews of Payot 1 Cleansing Paste
  3. StopProblem healing and concealing corrector is an antibacterial agent containing salicylic acid, which dries out pimples. Flesh-colored concealer is applied over the pimple to disguise the breakout. At the same time, the active components of the drug promote the resorption of the abscess and cleansing of the pores. After 2-4 days of regular application, the pimple disappears.

If you list the most effective remedies for acne, the top 10 will definitely include Differin, salicylic ointment, Skinoren Gel, Baziron, Keraknil Ducray, ichthyol ointment, Zinerit, Boro Plus, StopProblem, "Oxygel".

How to choose the right product for you

To choose a good external remedy for cleansing skin from rashes, you need to consider a number of parameters. The main ones:

  1. Why do acne appear? If their formation is caused by excessive expansion of pores, you need products that narrow them. When the reason is the presence of certain bacteria on the skin, antibacterial creams and ointments will help.
  2. Skin type – it is important that the cosmetic product matches your skin type. Drying products are suitable for oily skin, but for dry skin they will be too aggressive. The use of skin care cosmetics that are not suitable for a specific skin type can aggravate aesthetic problems. You should especially carefully select products for sensitive skin types. They must certainly have a soft effect.
  3. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  4. Good creams do not contain petroleum products, as well as synthetic additives and artificial flavors. Their presence can further irritate the skin, causing new rashes to appear.

It is very important that anti-acne products do not clog pores, otherwise the skin will receive insufficient oxygen, and this worsens its condition, appearance, and contributes to the spread of rashes.

This effective remedy helps against acne because it acts comprehensively. It provides good cleansing, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and drying effect. The drugs also reduce sebum production and tighten pores, resulting in the removal of acne. The skin becomes healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is to choose a product that suits your skin type and switch to a balanced diet.

Using topical acne treatments provides only 50-60% of the results. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the state of health and lifestyle.

Acne occurs on different parts of the body. But on the face they bring maximum inconvenience and psychological discomfort. There is no universal ointment for acne. But there are still relatively inexpensive and effective drugs.

The main components included in acne ointments

For treatment to be effective, it is important to choose the right ointment, based on the active substance that can actively eliminate the problem. The main active ingredients included in the ointments, depending on their action.


  1. antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol;
  2. ichthyol;
  3. sulfanilamide.


  1. heparin;
  2. acid: salicylic, acetylsalicylic;
  3. zinc;
  4. sulfur;
  5. natural substances: birch tar, oils.


Inexpensive antibacterial ointments

An ointment for acne on the face, inexpensive but effective, must contain components that have an active effect on the bacteriological nature of the formation of acne, i.e. having an antibacterial effect.

Relatively inexpensive means include:

  1. Erythromycin. The active ingredient is erythromycin (antibiotic macrolyte). Replaces drugs of the penicillin and tetracycline group in case of allergic reactions to these drugs. Dosage: applied 2-3 times a day, treatment period up to 2 months. May cause peeling, redness, some irritation, and itching.


  2. Streptocide liniment. The active antimicrobial component is sulfanilamide. The ointment is effective for purulent acne, applied in a thin layer. Has contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, anemia, azotemia. Long-term use may cause nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions. Used by lubricating the affected areas or applying compresses.
  3. Ichthyol. The active substance is ichtamol. Helps accelerate the maturation of boils, is active against staphylococci and streptococci. Has a keratoplastic effect. Apply 1-2 per day.
  4. Levomycetin ointment – active component chloramphinecol, effective against staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, rickettsia and some groups of viruses. Must be used twice daily.
  5. Tetracycline ointment. The active substance is tetracycline. Has an effect on pathogenic stamps. Not prescribed for microses or problems caused by group A streptococci. It should be applied twice a day, spot on.
  6. Levosin – a representative of a combined action agent: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic. Used during pregnancy. Apply three times a day, the effect is observed after 3 days.


  7. Levomekol, contains methyluracil chloramphenicol. Active against staphylococci. Penetrates freely into tissues without damaging membranes and has regenerative properties. Apply to clean skin twice a day.
  8. Streptocide ointment, the active substance is sulfonamide. Effective for purulent acne. In addition to the antibacterial effect, it eliminates inflammation. Should be used 1-2 times a day, period of use is 7 days.

Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments

An antibiotic-based ointment for acne on the face (inexpensive is also effective, since it has an identical composition, and the price varies depending on the manufacturer) is prescribed if the nature of the rash is bacterial in nature.

But most often, a good result can be achieved with an ointment that has an anti-inflammatory effect with a healing effect:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. Thanks to natural ingredients, it is a safe product. Contains: castor oil, birch tar, xeroform. Tar helps relieve inflammation, xeroform is an antiseptic, and oil softens the skin. Has a pronounced regenerating effect. It is recommended to apply twice a day, covering the area with a cotton swab.


  2. Zinc ointment, the active substance is zinc. Has a drying, astringent effect. Before application, the inflamed area on the skin must be treated with an antiseptic. Should be used twice a day.


  3. Salicylic ointment, base – salicylic acid. Additional effect – antiseptic, keratolytic. Needs to be applied twice a day. For severe damage, use as a compress for several hours.
  4. Salicylic-zinc ointment. Combined the properties of the two previous ones and has a double effect.
  5. Heparin ointment. The main component is sodium heparin. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it has an analgesic effect. Do not apply to open purulent pimples. Depending on the degree of damage, use 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days.
  6. Sulfuric ointment. The active ingredient is sulfur. By promoting increased blood supply to cells, it eliminates inflammation. Has a drying, relieving itching, analgesic effect. Apply a small layer twice a day for 5 days.

Hormonal ointments

An inexpensive ointment for acne on the face with hormonal components quickly eliminates the problem, but slows down the regeneration process. Not recommended for use by pregnant women or during lactation.

The products use artificial hormones that quickly penetrate the skin, thereby effectively fighting inflammation:

  1. Sinaflan. The active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. It is necessary to apply after treatment with an antiseptic 2 to 4 times a day. Period of use depending on the degree of disease: up to 10 days.


  2. Hydrocortisone ointment. Contains hydrocartisone. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative effects. Not recommended for pregnant women. Apply a small layer 2-3 times a day, apply for about 2 weeks. The decision to extend up to 20 days is decided by the doctor.


  3. Celestoderm. Contains gentamicin and betamethasone valerate. Apply twice a day. The period is set taking into account the severity of the disease.

Ointments for spots, scars and acne marks

Acne often leaves traces in the form of spots and scars. If the skin is severely damaged, they resort to cosmetic procedures. But if the degree of skin damage is not severe, ordinary ointments will help get rid of it.

These are:

  1. Salicylic;
  2. Ichthyol;
  3. Zinc;


  4. Syntomycin;
  5. Vishnevsky.

The drugs are used in the form of applying a small layer to the affected areas: spots, scars. After an hour, the remaining ointment is washed off. When applying a thick layer of ointment, irritation and redness may appear on the skin.

Badyagi products that fight dark spots are effective. Apply pointwise for a period of time up to half an hour. After the procedure, the residue must be washed off.

List of ointments for subcutaneous acne

Ointment for acne on the face (inexpensive does not mean its ineffectiveness) is part of a complex of antibacterial and hormonal treatments. If boils occur on the face, medical consultation and properly selected means of therapy are necessary. With subcutaneous boils, the abscess occurs internally. This disease is called furunculosis.


Acne with furunculosis is painful, difficult to remove, and significantly spoils the appearance.

Doctors warn that it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples in the nasolabial part of the face (the so-called triangle). The likelihood of pus entering the sinuses and infection entering the brain increases. Small pimples can be removed on your own. With a more complex degree of damage, qualified assistance is required with the prescription of drugs orally.

Ointments effective for furunculosis include:

  1. Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky are able to draw pus out because they penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. You need to use it carefully, lubricating acne spots. If necessary, apply as a compress at night. In case of severe damage, change the bandage once a day.
  2. Levomekol. Contains an antibiotic. The ointment has an antiseptic effect, drawing pus out. Use as a spot application or as a compress.
  3. Streptocide liniment. The active substance is sulfonamide. Has an antibacterial effect, effective for large affected areas. According to the instructions, you need to apply twice a day without rinsing off. In case of severe damage, it is used as a compress, the bandage is changed once a day.


  4. Zenerite. The active ingredients are an antibiotic (erythromycin) in combination with zinc. It has a pronounced bacteriological effect. Promotes regeneration. Apply the ointment twice a day using the applicator.

The course of therapy is calculated up to 10 days; if necessary, the duration of the course is increased.

Pharmacy solutions

Not only ointments help against acne on the face, but also solutions that contain the same ingredients as the ointments. Solutions are inexpensive but effective.

The presented medications are recommended to be used in combination:

  1. Salicylic acid. Has anti-inflammatory, drying, antibacterial effects. It is effective in removing acne spots as it has a lightening effect. It should be applied by spot spreading. When used on large lesions, it will dry out the skin. Suitable for oily skin, effective for blackheads. For treatment, 1% and 2% solutions are recommended. If used improperly, it causes itching, redness, and peeling.


  2. Boric acid. Deeply cleanses the skin, disinfects pores, which reduces the likelihood of new breakouts. An excellent antiseptic, without addictive effects. To achieve results, it is recommended to wipe your face with a cotton swab at night. Apply until the problem is completely eliminated. The situation may worsen: hidden pimples appear. Procedures must be regular. If used incorrectly, there is a risk of drying out the skin, resulting in redness.
  3. Levomecithin solution. Antibiotic based. Has a disinfectant effect and is effective against purulent infections. The affected areas of the skin should be treated with dots directly on the affected area, several times a day. The course lasts about a week.

Inexpensive acne remedies: toothpaste and aspirin

The use of toothpaste has come into use in the treatment of acne. The effect is drying and accelerating healing. May cause irritation if used incorrectly. The reason lies in its ingredients: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, triclosan. These components are contained in white types of pasta.

It is not recommended to choose colored types of pastes, as they contain components that can cause irritation and allergies.

Also, you should not choose a transparent paste in the form of a gel; it will not provide the desired result. It is important to avoid the use of whitening pastes, which can burn the skin and form scars. It is advisable to give preference to pastes that contain organic elements: tea tree extract, aloe, myrrh, eucalyptus, etc.

Before using the product, cleanse the skin. Apply directly onto dry skin. Leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water. The main effect of toothpaste: cleanse, tighten pores, dry out inflammation. Repeat the procedure in a couple of days.

The use of aspirin is due to its ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Acetylsalicylic acid has properties similar to salicylic acid. Sometimes aspirin is more effective than expensive drugs. The main application is the following method: crush one tablet and mix with water to obtain a paste. Apply the mixture directly to the pimple. Leave overnight.


Masks containing aspirin have become widely used. Blue clay, honey, aloe, oils and other components of your choice are added to this composition. Masks dry out, accelerate the ripening of acne, and get rid of blackheads.

Approximate cost of inexpensive and effective acne ointments

The cost depends on the size of the package and the percentage of the main component.

The average price fluctuates:

  1. Antimicrobials: Erythromycin ointment - 85-90 rubles, Streptocide liniment - 70-100 rubles, Ichthyol - 50-80 rubles, Levomycetin ointment - 40-50 rubles, Tetracycline ointment - 50 rubles, Levosin - 80-90 rubles, Levomekol - 130-140 rubles, Streptocide ointment - 100 rubles.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Vishnevsky ointment - 30-42 rubles, Zinc ointment - 18 rubles, Heparin ointment -70-80 rubles, Salicylic ointment - 27-30 rubles, Sulfur ointment - 50-55 rubles, Salicylic-zinc ointment - 25 -30 rub.
  3. Hormonal drugs: Sinoflan - 35-70 rubles, Hydrocortisone ointment - 33-35 rubles, Celestoderm - 240 rubles.

Results of using inexpensive ointments

The main result of using pharmaceutical products is the main effect of the active component: relieving inflammation, antibacterial, antiseptic properties, cleansing pores. All main actions are manifested depending on the components of the ointment: reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, drying, relieving itching, allergic reactions (for hormonal ointments).

The more active the drug, the harsher its effect on the skin, so after use it is recommended to nourish and moisturize it with special products.

When acne forms on the face, ointments are often used. Inexpensive drugs have no less effect than expensive ones. But the effectiveness of both is directly dependent on the correct identification of the cause of acne formation. Only a correctly established diagnosis is the key to effective treatment.

Article format: Olga Pankevich

Video about inexpensive and effective ointments for acne on the face

Pharmacy ointments to combat acne and rashes: