Pharmacy acne talker reviews

Hi all! Finally, Toki got around to writing an article that will definitely please you, at least I really hope so :). After all, it was this remedy that allowed me to get rid of a multi-month attack of acne, all the details of the treatment are below.

Chatterbox, in my humble opinion, is the best acne remedy of all time! Loud name, right? But, in fact, it is so, if you compare efficiency and price, then it simply has no equal!

Words promising and extremely intriguing, so in this article I will try to sort everything out, and also share my wholesale use, more than enough experience, whoever needs it, catch it :)


What is a talker?, in ordinary language, these are mixed substances, which in turn form synergy (thereby increasing their effectiveness).

By and large, everyone knows sinerite too chatterbox, only the name is different :), and you yourself know what the price of this drug is, but the talker costs a penny.

Modern marketing does not stand still, absolutely All Thanks to competent advertising, they can sell tens of times more expensive. Well, I, your humble servant, want to tell you about the “secret” and cheap methods of getting rid of acne :)

I think that’s enough “water”, let’s move on to specifics. You can come up with a lot of ways to prepare mash by mixing various acids and antibiotics. I want to talk about the mash with chloramphenicol, in my opinion, it is the most effective and simple.

acne mash dermatologist's prescription

In order to make a mash with chloramphenicol, you will need:

  1. Salicylic acid 1% - one 40 ml. jar.
  2. 5 tablets of chloramphenicol.
  3. one two-gram sachet of streptocide.

Mix all the components in a jar of salicylic acid, wait until the chloramphenicol tablets soak and precipitate. That's all, the preparation of the medicine is finished.

Before using shake bottle, dip a cotton swab and apply to problem areas of the skin until the acne disappears.

Use once at night, rinse in the morning, By the wayIf the product gets on your lips, you will feel a bitter taste.

For sensitive skin, the main thing is not to dry it out; for this you should not use it too often. First, apply it to spots, and if there is no severe dryness and flaking, then you can apply it all over your face.

Please note, since the composition contains antibiotics, addiction may occur. To avoid this, use the principle of periodization, that is, use it for 2-3 days and rest from treatment for 2-3 days. This way, the efficiency will not be reduced!

If the skin becomes very dry, you should reduce the frequency of use, and do not forget about moisturizers.

A few words about the speed of treatment

All the envy of gravity diseases. If there are few acne and they not purulent, then they will pass very quickly. Well, a large number of purulent pimples a priori take longer to treat, but again the result will definitely be there.

Do not forget, acne treatment should be comprehensive, this means that when solving a problem with external manifestations, one should not forget about possible internal deviations.

If teenagers don’t really need to worry about this topic, since acne appears due to excess testosterone, when the “test” returns to normal, acne does not appear. For adults, you should pay attention to your diet and the health of your endocrine system. Acne doesn’t just appear in adulthood, to figure it out, read about the acne map.

How it works

Salicylic acid dries well, reduces oily skin, removes redness, penetrates deep into the pores, cleansing them from the inside, thereby treating existing pimples and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that fights bacteria very well. As you know, multiplied bacteria are pimples, but chloramphenicol does not allow them to multiply, it insidiously kills them :)

Streptocide, is also an antibiotic, necessary to expand the spectrum of action of chloramphenicol. There is also an opinion that streptocide promotes better healing of scars.

The healing property is manifested because by quickly killing the bacteria, antibiotics allow the wound to heal peacefully.

Due to complex action, this mash becomes a very effective remedy for acne. See for yourself, it removes excess subcutaneous sebum, kills bacteria, promotes rapid healing, isn’t it a miracle remedy. )

Other recipes for mash:

They also use a mash with calendula tincture, add 3 tablets of chloramphenicol and 3 aspirin. All this is mixed in a bottle and applied to the face. I haven’t tried this chatterbox, I’m quite happy with the first option :)

Acne talker Reviews

My review:

This is exactly the tool that I need helped. It must be said that there were other medications that showed good effects, but it was the talker that had both an attractive price and a quick result. I liked it very much!

Also enjoyed salicylic acid alone, but together with antibiotics is much more effective, and the result appears faster! Those pimples that were on my face went away within a week, of course there were traces left, but that’s another story.

Regarding the price, all three components will cost about 60-70 rubles. As you can see the price is very low!

Other reviews:


This tool has a huge number of advantages:

  1. dries out acne.
  2. relieves inflammation.
  3. cleanses pores.
  4. kills bacteria.
  5. low price.

Main disadvantage - this is overdrying of the skin, it is easy to deal with, you should not be overzealous in application, and regularly apply moisturizer.

I believe that chatterbox rightfully occupies a leading place in the fight against acne. I advise everyone to try it, and be sure to share your opinion in the comments. See you soon in new notes!

One of the effective remedies in the fight against acne, which can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made at the pharmacy, is a topical drug known as mash. Its components are selected by a dermatologist after examination and passing the necessary bacterial cultures by the patient. Acne treatment usually includes antibiotics, which act as the main active ingredient against pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the dermis.

What is a chatterbox

As a rule, a face wash for acne contains several active substances that enhance the medicinal effect of each other. The product usually includes one of the following antibacterial components:

Additional substances in the acne mash may include:

  1. dimexide;
  2. salicylic alcohol;
  3. boron solution;
  4. camphor alcohol;
  5. tincture of calendula;
  6. aspirin; streptocide;
  7. sulfur;
  8. Metronidazole.

The components are selected based on the results of bacterial culture, which makes it possible to identify bacteria that provoke acne.

Therapeutic effect on acne

The main objectives of the remedy are:

  1. inhibition of bacterial growth;
  2. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. cleansing the dermis of sebum;
  4. relieving irritation and redness;
  5. elimination of the inflammatory process.

Acne talkers from dermatologists in most cases help to quickly and effectively eliminate rashes that have arisen due to an increase in the population of pathogenic bacteria in the dermis.

Contraindications for use

Before you make an anti-acne cream yourself or buy it ready-made at a pharmacy, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications, the main ones of which are:

  1. fungal infections of protective covers;
  2. psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases;
  3. allergic rashes;
  4. individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Since the drug most often includes one of the most potent antibiotics, its use is prohibited for women during pregnancy and lactation. For people with dry skin, the use of the product is also contraindicated.

Possible negative reactions

In addition to its therapeutic effect, the drug can cause adverse reactions with long-term use. One of the undesirable phenomena that may occur is increased dryness of the skin. In addition, prolonged treatment threatens the development of bacterial resistance to the antibiotic, which makes the use of the product not only ineffective, but can also lead to an increase in the number of acne.

The product can cause allergic reactions that are associated with intolerance to one or another component. In this case, it is recommended to contact a dermatologist who will select a different prescription.

Before using the drug, it is mandatory to conduct a test to identify an allergic reaction.

The best recipes for pimples for acne

There are a large number of ways to make medicinal solutions. Acne mash at home is most often prepared based on the components described above. The following describes the most popular and effective recipes for preparing the product at home.

With chloramphenicol

A well-proven acne powder, the recipe for which is described below, includes the following active ingredients:

  1. chloramphenicol;
  2. streptocide;
  3. salicylic alcohol.

Chloramphenicol tablets contain a powerful antibiotic known as chloramphenicol. It has a broad antibacterial effect and helps disrupt metabolic processes in microbial cells, which prevents their further reproduction.

Streptocide is a sulfonamide drug that has antibacterial activity against pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the skin. At the same time, it is a fairly aggressive component that can cause excessive peeling of the protective covers. It is not used for sensitive and dry skin types.

Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, exfoliating and regenerating effects. Additionally, it helps remove excess sebum and normalize the functioning of the glands responsible for the production of this secretion. This medicinal component can replace pharmaceutical cream for acne spots, as it has a brightening effect.

For a bottle of salicylic acid (40 ml), take a couple of streptocide tablets crushed into powder and half a chloramphenicol standard prepared in a similar way. Thoroughly mixed ingredients can be used for their intended purpose immediately after preparation.

The drug is applied exclusively to inflamed areas, avoiding healthy areas of the skin. It is recommended to use the product in the evening after washing.

A recipe with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid has a powerful anti-acne effect, but it cannot be used for more than 10 days.

There is another way to prepare a product based on chloramphenicol. In addition to the antibiotic, aspirin and calendula tincture are also used. A medicinal solution with calendula additionally improves the protective functions of the epidermis, which helps prevent the occurrence of new rashes.

For a 40 ml bottle of alcohol solution you will need three tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol. The solid components are first ground into powder and then shaken with the tincture.

The period of use is the same as for the drug described above.

The following acne mash is also highly effective; the recipe at home is prepared based on:

  1. chloramphenicol;
  2. streptocide;
  3. camphor alcohol.

For a 40 ml bottle of alcohol solution, take half a standard streptocide tablet and a couple of chloramphenicol tablets. The medicines, crushed to powder form, are mixed with camphor alcohol.

The method and duration of use for all the above-described products is similar. The drug is applied directly to acne after the evening cleansing procedure. The full course is 10 days, then treatment can be repeated after 1.5-2 weeks if necessary.

Home remedies with aspirin

Acne mash can also be prepared at home without adding antibiotics. Products containing acetylsalicylic acid are no less effective against acne. Aspirin helps:

  1. dry inflamed areas;
  2. eliminate excess sebum;
  3. reduce redness.

The medicine is combined with salicylic or boric acid. A 40 ml bottle of one of the solutions will require a couple of aspirin tablets. The product should be used morning and evening for two weeks.

People suffering from rosacea should not use this medicinal solution.

Chatterbox with doxycycline

If chloramphenicol is intolerant, the drug is replaced with another antibiotic. The most common drug used is doxycycline. To prepare the product you will need 5 antibiotic capsules and a Dimexide solution. The latter has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Due to these properties, its use is indicated for inflamed and painful acne.

A bottle with a solution of 50 ml is mixed with previously opened antibiotic capsules and the active components are diluted with water for injection in an amount of 50 ml. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture in the morning and evening. The course of therapy ranges from 5 to 10 days, depending on the extent of the rash.

Recipes with erythromycin and zinc

To prepare a medicine for external use, you will need the following active substances:

  1. erythromycin powder 4g;
  2. bottle of salicylic acid 40 ml;
  3. a bottle of boric acid 40 ml;
  4. zinc oxide powder.[/su_list]

The drug with zinc and erythromycin helps to quickly suppress the growth of bacteria that cause acne, relieve inflammation and start the process of cell regeneration.

To treat acne, a medicinal lotion is also made based on:

  1. zinc oxide 5 g;
  2. Trichopolum 5 tablets;
  3. calendula tincture 40 ml.

The mixed components are distributed directly onto the inflamed areas in the morning and evening.

This drug is especially effective for demodicosis, which causes extensive acne. The main therapeutic component, metronidazole, has a detrimental effect on demodex, which explains its therapeutic effectiveness for this dermatological disease.

Sulfur based recipe

Anti-acne sulfur powder can eliminate the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the number of breakouts and start a faster process of regeneration of skin cells affected by the inflammatory process. The component is used in powder form, which is sold in pharmacy chains. For preparation you will need components in the following proportions:

  1. sulfur powder 5 g;
  2. salicylic acid 40 ml;
  3. streptocide powder 2 g;
  4. boric alcohol 40 ml.

After mixing, the resulting solution is applied exclusively to problem areas. Before each use, the medicinal lotion must be shaken.

Another way to prepare acne mash will require:

  1. aspirin 3 tablets;
  2. sulfur powder 3 g;
  3. boric alcohol 40 ml.

This therapeutic lotion helps remove sebaceous shine, deeply cleanse pores and remove redness from the face and other treated areas of the body affected by acne. It is often prescribed for acne caused by demodicosis.

Pharmacy ready solutions

The following effective ready-made chatterbox preparations are sold in pharmacies:

Vidal's milk - a dermatologist’s recipe that contains active ingredients such as camphor alcohol, boric and salicylic acid, glycerin, sulfur. It is often used for acne caused by demodicosis.

Tsindol - a pharmaceutical mash with zinc for acne, which has an antiseptic and drying effect. Also effective for allergic rashes. Can be used by pregnant women to treat acne.

Boltushka - is part of a series of medicinal products produced by Propeller. Its main ingredients are zinc and salicylic acid. The suspension is applied locally to problem areas.

Among pharmaceutical products, one can also highlight the drug Zinerit, which is a powder for making mash. The active ingredients of the suspension are erythromycin and zinc oxide.

Precautions and special instructions

Before using medicinal lotions prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. A small amount of the substance is applied to the inside of the elbow, leaving for fifteen minutes. In the absence of redness and irritation, the medicinal solution is used as directed.

During the treatment period, you should ensure careful skin care using special washing and cleansing products.

Acne talker: reviews from those who have been treated

You can find out whether the chatterbox helps with acne by reading reviews of those who have been treated. Most claim that this drug has high therapeutic effectiveness and allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process on the skin quite quickly.

The doxycycline shake helped clear up my acne in just a week. True, the rashes reappeared after a couple of weeks, but I started using the product again, and they almost disappeared again.

I became allergic to the chloramphenicol mixture and my skin began to peel off severely. I decided not to experiment with homemade recipes anymore and bought Zinerit at the pharmacy. It didn’t completely remove acne, but it helped reduce their number and severity.

I have oily skin, so pimples pop up here and there all the time. The dermatologist advised me to try a mash with erythromycin and zinc. I used the suspension for a couple of weeks. The skin has lost its oily shine and is completely cleansed. Now I use this product when necessary.

The pharmacist told me a familiar recipe for acne mash. Pour a sachet of streptocyte into a bottle of chloramphenicol 1% alcohol solution (this is 2 grams, sold in ready-made small bags at the pharmacy), fill it almost to the brim with calendula tincture. Wipe your face with a cotton pad twice a day.
I tried it this morning, but I still don’t understand a little bit. No sensation, no tingling, nothing (but my skin is really oily), just like a light toner. Maybe someone here knows recipes for chatterboxes, or can evaluate the effectiveness of this recipe. experts

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Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

cool recipe. I use it all the time, since my skin is susceptible to pimples. But thanks to the talker, I’m always beautiful) you won’t regret it.

But what if it hisses, it should definitely help, do you think? On the contrary, it heals and does not burn the face. this is a magic wand

I smear the pimples with cindol (talk) sold at the pharmacy. very helpful

By the way, I forgot to ask him: should it be kept in the refrigerator and how long can it be stored?

it doesn't matter. it is stored until it runs out)))) I have it on a tremo so that I don’t forget about it

This is some kind of hellish mixture, there is no other way to call it. Alcohol dries out the skin, antibiotics develop addiction and over time nothing will help.

Related topics

They said correctly - cindol and syntomycin ointment. This really helps.

I suffered from similar problems. My skin was also oily. I rubbed my face and neck. Then I didn’t know how to get rid of the rash. I was all covered with it. A small, pustular rash. On the face and neck ((((

I'll have to try it.

This kind of talker just saves me. In 5 days you will see the difference.

in the morning calendula with steptocide
tindol at night
or better yet, an Israeli remedy like zindol really costs RUB 600
I don’t remember what it’s called, but its analogue is tsindol.

in the morning calendula with steptocide
tindol at night
or better yet, an Israeli remedy like zindol really costs RUB 600
I don’t remember what it’s called, but its analogue is tsindol.

I suffered from similar problems. My skin was also oily. I rubbed my face and neck. Then I didn’t know how to get rid of the rash. I was all covered with it. A small, pustular rash. On the face and neck ((((

The fact is that my acne is not inflamed, but subcutaneous, small.

You have nothing to do but pour antibiotics on your face.
Look, there's something about chatterboxes here​20202B4BB5&index=3

I already have these small subcutaneous pimples. No creams with acids even help anymore, so my only hope is this pharmacist’s recipe and advice on this forum. The dermatologist only prescribes acids and Zinerit, but there is no effect anymore.

Courses are probably possible. But alcohol is drying. I added chloramphenicol tablets (crush) to my facial toner. You can also use mineral water.

Yeees. terrible mixture. It can and does help, but how does the skin feel? Pimples will go away along with the skin)))))))))))
I would recommend something more gentle!

You have nothing to do but pour antibiotics on your face.
Look, there's something about chatterboxes here​0D95​20202B4BB5&index=3

Salcura anti-acne spray helped me a lot, now my skin is almost perfect, I have stopped smearing myself with foundation at all. I couldn't be happier.

My skin is simply unbearably oily((I’ve already tried so many products, nothing helps((now I’m using Clinique tonic. I haven’t seen any results yet.

My skin is simply unbearably oily((I’ve already tried so many products, nothing helps((now I’m using Clinique tonic. I haven’t seen any results yet.

I was helped by a shake of calendula tincture + asperin + levomecithin. Previously, I had a lot of pimples, both inflamed red and white, both internal and superficial. Now my face is perfect, well, sometimes a pimple pops up before PMS and that’s it) I can’t get enough of it)) I’ve used it before nothing helped with this and basiron, skinoren, zenerite, yeast, vitamins, until I prepared this cheap but very effective thing! 2 weeks and hurray!

I was helped by a shake of calendula tincture + asperin + levomecithin. Previously, I had a lot of pimples, both inflamed red and white, both internal and superficial. Now my face is perfect, well, sometimes a pimple pops up before PMS and that’s it) I can’t get enough of it)) I’ve used it before nothing helped with this and basiron, skinoren, zenerite, yeast, vitamins, until I prepared this cheap but very effective thing! 2 weeks and hurray!

and you can write the proportions, what, how much. Thank you, Galina

There are many recipes for chatterbox - the most effective ones are collected here

All such things have reasons inside the body, don’t burn your skin, fools

I don’t have acne on my face, but there are a few acne on my body and it’s already crusted over on my elbow. What kind of pimples will help?

Has anyone tried it with sulfur? Tell me the recipe.

And with zinc and sulfur, who knows the recipe?

I smear this mixture (salicylic acid, levomecithin, streptocide) in the morning and evening for the 2nd day, but my subcutaneous skin still appears, is this normal or is it not suitable for me? Before this, I used antibiotics for 4 months after surgery and so now I’m panicking, maybe it’s not appropriate or should I wait a little? I just have a terrible look on my face, but before the operation everything was great. That's why I'm nervous. if anyone knows anything please tell me)))

Hello! I bought a mash bottle, it says expiration date is 30 days. Release date is April 4th, it is now June. So, is it 30 days from the moment of opening or what?

There is no point in using it constantly, the skin gets used to antibiotics. I alternate between mash and Elon ointment. The last one generally helps a lot. After the ointment, my face became less oily and new acne did not appear.

Elon helped me with acne too. The ointment smells very nice, and most importantly, it copes well with inflammation on the skin. I haven’t tried the chatterbox, to be honest.

I suffered from similar problems. My skin was also oily. I rubbed my face and neck. Then I didn’t know how to get rid of the rash. I was all covered with it. A small, pustular rash. On the face and neck ((((

This is some kind of hellish mixture, there is no other way to call it. Alcohol dries out the skin, antibiotics develop addiction and over time nothing will help.

in the morning calendula with steptocide
tindol at night
or better yet, an Israeli remedy like zindol really costs RUB 600
I don’t remember what it’s called, but its analogue is tsindol.


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