Upper eyelid blepharoplasty before and after photos

Loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin of the upper eyelids is the first sign of age-related changes.

Excess dermis forms above the eyelid, folds appear, the look becomes “heavy” and the face becomes tired.

Thanks to blepharoplasty, you can regain your youth, make your eyes look more impressive and expressive, and get rid of swelling and wrinkles.

Questions arise: what kind of procedure is this, who is it recommended for, how long does the rehabilitation period last, and are there any contraindications to blepharoplasty?

The content of the article:

general information

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty refers to a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and evenly distribute fatty tissue in the supraorbital area for the purpose of rejuvenation.

Thanks to the surgical operation, the skin above the eyes is leveled and straightened, the folds on the forehead are smoothed out, the face becomes younger and takes on a healthy appearance.


As you approach fifty years of age, the only way to regain youth and eliminate age-related changes in the eye area, including deep wrinkles and sagging skin, is the blepharoplasty procedure.

They resort to plastic correction at an earlier age. Indications for radical skin tightening may be as follows:

  1. stretching of the dermis in the eyelash growth area (ptosis);
  2. decreased visual function due to excessive sagging skin;
  3. "tired" look;
  4. excess skin;
  5. muscle laxity in the periorbital area;
  6. congenital eyelid defects;
  7. damage to the eyelids as a result of trauma.

Evaluate here the result of removing Bisha's lumps from the photos before and after the operation.

This address offers comprehensive information about rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids.


Before plastic surgery to lift the upper eyelids, the doctor subjects the patient to a full examination, including tests and medical history.

Nonspecific contraindications include:

  1. diseases and bleeding disorders;
  2. hypertension;
  3. suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  4. retinal detachment;
  5. diabetes;
  6. the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  7. autoimmune diseases;
  8. colds and general somatic pathologies;
  9. skin diseases;
  10. diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  11. pregnancy and lactation period.

Also, a person may experience specific physiological characteristics in the form of swelling of the eyelids, which neutralize the result of blepharoplasty, as well as:

  1. Sjögren's syndrome;
  2. Graves' disease;
  3. deep scars on the temple;
  4. blepharospasm;
  5. inflammation or conjunctivitis of the eyes.


At the preparatory stage, the specialist collects anamnesis to determine the general state of health, learn about previous diseases, bad habits and possible allergic reactions.

The condition of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory and nervous systems is assessed. For this purpose, the following studies are carried out:

  1. General blood analysis. Allows you to determine the state of blood clotting, identify the presence of malignant neoplasms and inflammatory reactions in the body.
  2. General urine analysis. The study makes it possible to see the presence of infections, inflammations in the urinary system and kidneys.
  3. Biochemical blood test. Detects diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, evaluates blood clotting and talks about the condition of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts.
  4. Blood test for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.
  5. Consultation with an anesthesiologist. To determine a safer method of anesthesia during blepharoplasty, taking into account individual patient characteristics.
  6. Cardiogram. Evaluates the state of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Fluorography.

At least three days before surgery, you should stop using decorative cosmetics, deodorants, and perfumes.


The classic version of blepharoplasty involves making an incision in the area of ​​the natural crease of the upper eyelid, excision of excess skin and uniform distribution of the fat layer over the entire surface.

At the initial stage, the plastic surgeon marks the skin of the eyelids using a special marking pen. During the operation, the patient is under general anesthesia; local anesthesia is an option.

All surgeon actions have the following sequence:

Marking. The doctor marks the lower part of the sagging fold of the eyelid so that after excision of excess skin, at least 10 mm remains from the edge of the eyelashes to the incision.

After marking is completed, the patient is transferred to a sitting position, asked to close his eyes, and the symmetry of the markings in both eyes is assessed.

Anesthesia. A local anesthetic is injected using a syringe into the space between the muscle and the skin, and a general anesthetic is injected into a vein in the traditional way. Upper eyelid surgery. The surgeon makes an incision and removes the marked portion of the skin. The fatty tissue is fixed with a clamp and removed, and the section is cauterized with a bipolar coagulator.

After bleeding has stopped, the incised area is closed with a skin suture.

Pictures of patients immediately after surgery


The average duration of the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty is 1.5-2 months. The first three days after surgery are considered critical, so experts recommend:

  1. Apply cooling bandages to the eyelids to quickly get rid of swelling and bruises.
  2. Avoid contact with water.
  3. Avoid overstraining your eyes by watching TV and reading.
  4. Do eye exercises that include circular rotations and moving your gaze up and down.
  5. Use antiseptic eye drops and absorbable ointments, such as Contratubes, prescribed by your doctor.

After a month and a half, the incision site will heal, the swelling will disappear and you will be able to see the result. During the entire rehabilitation period, excessive stress that can cause hemorrhage should be avoided.

In this publication, read about lip enhancement products without injections.

Follow the link to learn more about the tactics of laser removal of spider veins on the face.


Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is one of the least traumatic operations, but it is still a surgical intervention that can cause a whole range of complications.

Negative consequences after eyelid correction can be divided into two types.

Early complications

  1. Edema. This standard reaction to trauma is not pathological at first. However, if the swelling does not go away a week after surgical procedures, and is accompanied by headache, diplopia and blurred vision, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Bleeding. A hematoma can form immediately after surgery or after a couple of days. There are three types of bleeding: subcutaneous, tension and retrobulbar hematoma.

Late complications

  1. Seams coming apart. May be the result of severe swelling, infection, or inaccurate suturing during repair. Eliminated by suturing.
  2. Tearing. Occurs due to movement of the tear ducts outward or as a result of reduction of the tear ducts.
  3. Cyst. Fluid-filled neoplasms may appear along the suture lines, which go away on their own or are removed surgically.
  4. Drooping of the upper eyelid and eye asymmetry. Occurs as a result of scarring or incompetent suturing. Eliminated by surgery.


Therefore, there is no need to repeat the procedure often. The numbers show an approximate picture, because the skill of the surgeon, the individual parameters of the body, and compliance with the nuances of rehabilitation play a role.

Repeated plastic surgery is carried out strictly according to indications:

  1. in case of recurrence of hernia;
  2. in case of serious complications after primary blepharoplasty;
  3. with sunken eyes.

Additional procedures

Thanks to blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, you can significantly improve your appearance, however, one operation cannot correct all age-related changes.

Additional anti-aging lifts and corrections may be needed. Often eyelid surgery in women is accompanied by eyebrow correction, nose job or forehead lift.

Alternative - laser technique

A worthy alternative that has replaced classic upper blepharoplasty is laser plastic surgery.

The active element is an erbium or carbon dioxide ray. The use of a carbon dioxide laser, due to its wavelength, allows it to penetrate deeply into the dermis, while at the same time, due to its ability to coagulate blood vessels, it reduces the risk of bleeding.

The erbium ray acts more delicately, has a shorter wavelength and therefore cannot cause burns to the delicate surface of the eyelids.

The pricing of the upper eyelid correction procedure is influenced by the patient’s age, the technique of performing the surgical procedure, the degree of intervention, the complexity of the operation, the experience of the plastic surgeon and the status of the clinic.

On average, you will have to pay 20–50 thousand rubles for blepharoplasty. For example, eliminating stage 1 excess skin costs from 20 thousand rubles, and if you take stage 3, then it is already more than 35 thousand rubles.

Changing the shape of the eyes costs 40–60,000 rubles. The most expensive way to get rid of a hernia and excess skin as a whole is 35,000-60,000 rubles.

In the video, watch the technique of upper eyelid surgery.


The number of positive reviews after upper blepharoplasty, which can be seen on clinic websites, indicate the popularity, relative safety and excellent effect of the operation.

In the comments to the article, you can share your impressions about blepharoplasty, based on your own experience, leave photographs, and our readers will be happy to take advantage of valuable advice.

Eyes always have an attractive force. But, over time, the aesthetic appearance does not change for the better. Then upper eyelid blepharoplasty comes to the aid of modern society, eliminating acquired and hereditary defects. With the help of such plastic surgery, the appearance of the face improves and age-related signs around the eyes disappear. Blepharoplasty of the eyelids perfectly corrects the skin and instantly rejuvenates a person’s face.

What is blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that relieves the patient of excess fat and skin in the eyelid area. Such a surgical intervention will help change and correct the shape of the eyes. The term “blepharoplasty” was born back in 1818 and began to gain popularity. An increasing number of surgeons and ophthalmologists today are turning to surgical correction of the eyelids.

Indications for surgery

An indicator of the youth of the eyelids is a smooth contour from the cheek to the lower eyelid and from the eyebrow to the upper eyelid. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, which reduces its tone and leads to increased formation of subcutaneous fat. As a rule, such a period begins after 30 years of age, but there is a genetic predisposition to an earlier manifestation of such trouble.

You also cannot do without the influence of many external factors - gravity, muscle activity, insolation in combination with other indicators can cause:

  1. Excess skin on the eyelids.
  2. Drooping of the corners of the eyes.
  3. Atrophy of orbital fat.
  4. Congenital massive eyelids.
  5. The appearance of the lacrimal and nasolacrimal grooves.
  6. Defects or severe asymmetry of the eyes.
  7. Bags of fatty origin on the lower or upper eyelid.

One of the indicators is the patient’s personal desire.

Types of surgery

In plastic surgery, there are three types of blepharoplasty:

  1. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty before and after photosCanthopexy — the purpose of the operation is to raise the outer corner of the eye. During surgery, weak muscles are attached to the periosteum of the eye. As a rule, this operation is combined with plastic surgery of one of the eyelids.
  2. Epicanthoplasty. The epicanus is the skin located between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose. This surgical intervention is often used in patients with Mongoloid appearance. Epicanthoplasty removes or softens this area of ​​skin, allowing the eye to appear longer with European features.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

This operation is performed when indicated - heavy eyelids, drooping eyelids, formation of excess fatty tissue. Such manifestations often cause more serious consequences, affecting not only attractiveness, but also human health.

Vision may deteriorate, and then surgical intervention will be required in the direction of an ophthalmologist.

The operation is performed using general anesthesia. Small incisions of 3-5 mm in size are made on the eyelids in the natural fold and through them excess fat deposits are removed, the functionality of the ligaments is restored and the muscle fibers are modeled by the surgeon in the required position. The resulting excess skin is excised through a direct incision, which subsequently becomes invisible and easily masked with conventional cosmetic products.

You can notice traces of surgical intervention by comparing photos before and after surgery with the patient's eyes open.

Lower eyelid surgery

Often, blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is a cosmetic correction of defects, manifested in the form of noticeable swelling and aging of the skin. Allows you to remove bags under the eyes, wrinkles and hernias. Performed in two ways.

  1. Transconjunctival. In this case, incisions or punctures are made on the mucous membrane on the inside of the eyelid. This method is perfectly used in modern medicine and does not leave marks due to internal incisions. The advantages are a short recovery period, absence of pain and bleeding, the ability to combine other procedures - tightening, removal of facial wrinkles or skin resurfacing.
  2. Subciliary or percutaneous. This method copes well with excess skin and fatty tissue, allows you to correct the shape of the eyelid, strengthen muscles, tighten the skin and remove wrinkles. It is carried out by making an incision along the lower contour of the eyelashes.

Circular plastic

This combination of two types of blepharoplasty - lower and upper, allows you to perform many tasks:

  1. getting rid of wrinkles and fat bags;
  2. change in eye shape;
  3. rejuvenating effect;
  4. correction of eye asymmetry;
  5. solving problems of entropion of the eyelids, exophthalmos, etc.

Circular plastic surgery is an excellent solution when the patient decides to become several years younger.

Only this type of surgical intervention, in combination with other cosmetic methods - laser resurfacing, treatment by a cosmetologist, etc., gives a long-term and noticeable result for up to 10 years.

Preparing for blepharoplasty

To get perfect eyelids, you will need to properly prepare for the operation. Since this procedure is surgical, the patient must be examined and undergo the necessary tests:

  1. fluorography;
  2. ECG;
  3. blood - general analysis and biochemical;
  4. coagulogram;
  5. for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.

Required consultation with a doctor and anesthesiologistto determine what anesthesia will be required. This depends on blood pressure, whether the patient has chronic diseases or allergic reactions. You should also visit an ophthalmologist to check your vision and eyes, and other specialists to determine the presence of chronic diseases. Carry out an examination to determine the volume of tear fluid produced and the reaction to medications.

To prepare for surgery you need to follow the general rules:

  1. Quit smoking, because nicotine interferes with tissue healing and prolongs the rehabilitation period.
  2. Drink plenty of water and follow a daily routine.
  3. It is forbidden to take medications without consulting a doctor. Drugs that affect blood clotting are considered especially dangerous.
  4. Do not use cosmetics, do not attend cosmetic procedures and solariums.

Most often, the operation is scheduled for the morning. Before the procedure, the doctor takes photographs of the patient before blepharoplasty in order to further compare the effectiveness and results.

Progress of the operation

Blepharoplasty can be performed:

  1. the usual method, when the plastic surgeon makes an incision on the upper eyelid along the anatomical fold and on the lower eyelid along the ciliary edge;
  2. using a laser beam, but this method is effective only in the initial stages of aging;
  3. transconjunctival method, that is, an incision is made on the inside of the eyelid.

To choose which operation method to use, you will need to analyze a number of indicators:

  1. tone of the muscles supporting the eyelids;
  2. the amount of excess skin requiring excision;
  3. age of tissue ptosis;
  4. tone not only the skin, but also the cartilage;
  5. the severity of wrinkles and folds.

The operation starts with skin surgeon markings to define the area of ​​work. To do this, the patient must be in an upright position.

After this, anesthesia is applied and the main stage, in which happens:

  1. Skin excision.
  2. If necessary, redistribution of adipose tissue.
  3. Tightening facial muscles and strengthening them.
  4. Stitching.

With circular plastic surgery, work begins from the upper eyelid. The entire operation can last from 40 minutes to 3 hours.

Blepharoplasty is one of the popular procedures these days, as it involves minimal health risks and a quick recovery period.

Recovery period

Depending on the anesthesia used, the patient can either remain under medical supervision for a day (when using general anesthesia), or for several hours (using local anesthesia). Immediately after the operation, a tight bandage is applied to the eyes, which can be removed after 2-3 hours.

As a rule, cosmetic self-absorbing sutures are applied. But, there are situations when it is impossible to do without the usual ones, then the removal of sutures occurs on the 5th day after the operation.

The doctor always gives recommendations on post-operative skin care. After blepharoplasty you will need:

  1. wash your eyes,
  2. apply ointment, compresses,
  3. take antibiotics and change dressings regularly.

All this will contribute to a speedy recovery.

What manifestations are possible during the rehabilitation period?:

  1. swelling accompanied by painful sensations - disappears within 2 weeks;
  2. bruises disappear after 10 days.
  1. You should not take aspirin because it thins the blood.
  2. For the first 2 weeks it is better to sleep on your back with your head elevated.
  3. Do not drink alcohol or smoke for several weeks.
  4. The use of lenses and cosmetics is excluded for the first 10 days.
  5. Physical activity, saunas, baths, solariums are not allowed for 1 month.

Soft peeling, special moisturizing, massage, but prescribed by a doctor, will help speed up the recovery process.

The final result can be assessed after 1.5-2 months. And the effect after blepharoplasty lasts from 5 to 10 years.

Contraindications to blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is contraindicated for:

  1. Manifestation of chronic diseases during exacerbation.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Inflammation.
  4. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  5. Eye diseases.
  6. Skin diseases.
  7. Diabetes and any other hormonal imbalances.
  8. Blood diseases.
  9. Age up to 18 years.

Complications after blepharoplasty

An important point is the professionalism and experience of the surgeon. This affects the appearance of complications in the form of:

  1. bruises, hematomas, swelling;
  2. improper scarring;
  3. eye infections;
  4. increased tear production;
  5. the appearance of double vision, called diplopia;
  6. dry eyes and conjunctivitis;
  7. eversion of the eyelid (ectropion) or drooping eyelid (blepharoptosis).

The last point is very rare. If the operation is performed by a professional doctor with experience, then complications are minimal - bruising and swelling.

Eyelid surgery in Moscow

The cost of blepharoplasty varies depending on the clinic, doctor, type of operation, and age of the patient. Institute of Plastic Surgery offers correction of one of the eyelids from 26,500 rubles, and performs circular blepharoplasty for 45,000 rubles. This cost includes the necessary materials, the operation itself, a consultation with a surgeon, and stay in the ward.

Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology Bicode will perform blepharoplasty from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. Some companies offer to perform the operation using German GMTClinic technology from 60,000 to 120,000 rubles.

WestMes asks only from 30,000 to 65,000 rubles.

And in Beauty Plaza you will have to pay from 198,000 rubles.

There are a lot of plastic surgery centers and clinics in Moscow and the prices vary accordingly - from 25 thousand to 190 thousand.

Korableva Natalya Petrovna

Plastic surgeon

Professor, head Department of Plastic Surgery, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

+7 (812) 951-67-99

To improve self-esteem, a plastic surgeon is better than any psychologist. I really regret that I didn’t do this earlier!

I think the rehabilitation was successful, without complications or other troubles. I’m satisfied with the result, I like and are satisfied with everything, all that remains is to live and enjoy the acquired forms. Since the operation there have been changes in my life, for the better, now I have no complexes about mine.

I don’t know about anyone, but my self-esteem is affected by the volume of what I can put in my bra. Of course, it can’t influence anything else, but self-esteem is an important thing!

You can't imagine. how my life has changed. I FLY. And why did I wait so long?

I feel gorgeous, busty and happy!

My joy and happiness from such beauty overshadowed the postoperative period and I didn’t notice how a year passed, only a year later I saw 100% results, the scars are not visible!

The eyes of a 45-year-old elderly lady before the operation and the eyes of a 46-year-old young girl after.

Good afternoon, is it possible to make an appointment with you regarding blepharoplasty that has already been done? And what will the cost be?

Good afternoon. You can sign up for a free consultation through the administrator by phone. 8921-951-67-99.

Dear Natalya Petrovna! Unfortunately, I lost my phone and all contacts with it! This is Vera Pavlovna Frolova, you did blepharoplasty for me! Are you doing an endoscopic lower face lift? How much is it worth?? With coming.

Hello, Vera Pavlovna. Yes, I do. Send a photo to my email [email protected].

Good afternoon, you are planning to be in Krasnodar again in 2019, I’m very sorry that I didn’t know about November 17th.

Good afternoon. Yes, there will be a reception in Krasnodar in 2019.

20% discount until the end of summer!

Hurry up to sign up for a free consultation and undergo surgery before the end of summer!

Operations are performed in St. Petersburg at Atribeaute Clinique. From August 1 to August 20, Natalya Petrovna has a vacation.


A special relationship with Alfa Bank allows us to offer patients favorable credit conditions for plastic surgery. For detailed information, you can contact the administrators by phone

You can ask your question to Natalya Petrovna on this website in the consultation section, make an appointment by filling out the form on the website and by phone or on her pages on social networks: VKontakte , Classmates , Instagram or Facebook. Video consultation is also possible Skype, Viber and WhatsApp .

Nonresidents can send a photo to clarify the approximate cost of the operation and the need for a preliminary in-person consultation in order to avoid an unnecessary trip. It is often possible to come to St. Petersburg 2-3 days before the operation with ready-made tests or take them at the clinic. If tests are taken at your place of residence, their results must also be sent to the surgeon before arrival.
