Red mesh on the face treatment


Vascular network, or rosacea, is a disease that occurs frequently. There is no threat to health, but from an aesthetic point of view it looks unattractive. There are many reasons for this phenomenon; the problem concerns both young people and those who are already aged.

Couperosis looks like a small cobweb on the cheeks or nose. If such a problem occurs, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from a medical institution. After the examination, the specialist will be able to tell you how to get rid of spider veins on the face.

Causes of the disease

Spider veins appear on the face under the influence of many factors. Many of them are mediocre, but there are also those that may indicate the development of some kind of disease.

Genetic predisposition

The hereditary factor plays an important role in the formation of the mesh. It is worth asking your relatives if they have ever had a similar problem. If the answer is yes, then you automatically fall into the risk group.

Vascular walls are weak

Regarding this cause, rosacea has a general similarity with varicose veins. Both diseases occur due to the fact that the vascular walls become weak and blood circulation is impaired.

If with varicose veins the walls of blood vessels expand, then with rosacea the same thing happens, but with the capillaries. After lifting up, the vessels will begin to form a peculiar pattern on the skin.

Hormonal imbalance

Vascular regulation depends on the state of hormonal levels. In case of taking oral contraceptives or its violation for other reasons, most women develop spider veins.

Cardiovascular diseases


Many diseases, for example, hypertension or atherosclerosis, negatively affect the condition of blood vessels; vascular mesh can appear not only on the face, but also in some other place on the body.

Important! In case of hypertension, immediately after normalization of pressure, the mesh may disappear on its own.

Sinuses are inflamed

You may notice that spider veins appear on the face after a cold. Moreover, even if you have cured the disease, but you still have snoring, as well as pain in the head or forehead, you need to consult a doctor.

Diseases of a dermatological nature

When the skin is damaged by demodex mites, not only acne can appear, but also spider veins. This may also indicate the development of a disease such as Rosacea. Initially, small spots appear in the form of stars and cobwebs, after which they turn into blackheads.

Bad habits and weakened immunity

A poor diet, stress, weakened immunity - all this can cause mesh to appear on the face. Dangerous foods in this case are pickled foods, spicy foods, and coffee.

Interesting! When smoking, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, blood circulation is impaired. Drinking alcohol leads to spasms of blood vessels and their dilation, resulting in a mesh.

Cosmetology procedures

In the quest to achieve perfect skin, many people overdo it. Regular facial cleansing, abrasive operations and other procedures can cause the blood vessels to become thin, increasing the risk of injury. That is why it is not recommended to get carried away with such procedures.

Symptoms of rosacea


Spider veins are a disease in which blood circulation in capillary vessels is disrupted. People with dry and sensitive skin are especially susceptible to developing pathology. But this does not mean that others are 100% insured against it.

Couperosis develops gradually. Initially, there may be slight itching and irritation.

There is an irresistible urge to scratch your face. These are the first signals from the body that you need to pay attention to.

After some time, you can observe the appearance of stars. They can cover the forehead, cheeks, and chin area.

In addition to the presence of external manifestations, other symptoms may occur:

  1. there is a feeling of pain in the problem area;
  2. pulsation in the area of ​​blood vessels;
  3. pigmentation appears on the skin;
  4. the appearance of swelling.

Important! Spider veins do not indicate the development of any disease, but they should not be ignored.

The problem does not look aesthetically pleasing, and sometimes even repulsive. Women are forced to constantly apply foundation, this way they can hide the symptoms of the pathology. Read the article to the end to find out how to get rid of spider veins on your face.

How dangerous is the disease?


The main danger posed by rosacea is premature aging of the skin. The vascular network itself is safe for both health and life. Only its external manifestations can ruin life.

Many women who have encountered mesh complain of psychological problems. Before leaving the house, you have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, trying to disguise all the “beauty”. It may not be the pathology that is dangerous, but the reason that caused its appearance.

In order to treat vascular networks on the face, it is necessary to find the causes of its occurrence. Couperosis can harm the skin. It is important for all women that her condition be beautiful. Under no circumstances should the disease be started.

With a lack of oxygen, the skin becomes gray and ugly, and its former elasticity is lost. Wrinkles appear early; already at the age of 40 you can look as if you are 70. Moreover, it is important not only to get rid of the mesh itself, but also the reason that caused its appearance.

Traditional Treatments

You can quickly remove spider veins on the face using modern procedures. They are performed by a cosmetologist in a clinic setting.

Measures considered radical can achieve almost instant results. However, you need to prepare for the fact that some manipulations are painful and rehabilitation takes a long time.

So, the following procedures apply:

  1. Laser therapy is the most effective and safe treatment method today. Damaged capillaries are sclerosed painlessly; this requires several sessions. The technology is based on heating cells using a light beam. The impact is targeted, healthy tissues are not affected. Subsequently, there is a small chance that pigmentation will appear on the treated area.
  2. Electrocoagulation - using a needle electrode through which an electric current is passed, the pathological vessel is damaged. A small burn mark may remain at the site of exposure. This method is used to treat advanced forms of the disease.
  3. Sclerotherapy - an injection is administered with a special composition that has a gluing effect, as a result of which the capillary is sealed. Blood circulation stops completely. This is the best way to remove single capillaries.
  4. Photorejuvenation - the mechanism of the procedure can be compared to laser therapy. However, light pulses do not act in a targeted manner, but cover a small area of ​​skin at once. During the sunny season, treatment is not recommended.
  5. Chemical peeling is a traumatic and painful method. The top layer of the epidermis is removed with a special preparation. Deformed vessels are destroyed.
  6. Ozone therapy - a special substance enriched with oxygen and ozone is injected into the area affected by rosacea. Tissue nutrition improves, due to which the capillaries narrow. In order to get rid of small mesh, this is the best way.
  7. Mesotherapy is a kind of vitamin injection. This is very beneficial for the skin in general; it becomes younger.

Despite the fact that salon methods are effective, they should not be considered the only method of treatment. The problem will be solved, but for a short period of time. In order for it not to arise again, it is necessary to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner.

Treatment with drugs

In order for the blood vessels to be strong, they need to be strengthened from the inside, for this there are a large number of vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and everything else.

The following is useful for rosacea:

  1. collagen;
  2. blueberry extract;
  3. tincture of mirate;
  4. ascorutin;
  5. echinacea extract.

The substances can be bought at the pharmacy; instructions for taking them are in the package.

Creams and ointments

You can buy a special cream for vascular network on the face or ointment. It should be used after consultation with your doctor as there may be certain contraindications.

So, what kind of face cream can you use for spider veins:

  1. Bark - cream capillary;
  2. New Line bark – suitable for sensitive skin;
  3. Rosamet;
  4. Calendula ointment.

Pharmacy products help overcome the fragility of capillaries, affecting the vascular walls.

The photo below is an example of the treatment result.


How to care for your skin at home?

It is important not only to know how to get rid of vascular networks on the face, but also how to care for such skin.

Maintaining natural beauty is not difficult; just follow these recommendations:

Skin affected by rosacea is dry; it does not receive the required amount of water, resulting in dehydration. If you wash your face with soap, lipids will be destroyed. That is, the film that protects the skin will be destroyed.

In order to avoid such a problem, it is necessary to use special means. First of all, this applies to cream; it is rich in vitamins K, C and P.

Their beneficial properties:

  1. vitamin P – capillary stability will be increased, fragility will be reduced;
  2. vitamin C – has a vasoconstrictor effect;
  3. vitamin K – skin permeability decreases, blood vessels become denser.

Before you start cleansing your skin, you need to wipe it with toner. It should contain hops, chamomile or fir.

You can prepare a decoction from any component yourself:

  1. Method of preparation and use

Pour half a liter of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and leave for ½ hour. Strain the resulting product, add two tablets of ascorutin. Wipe problem areas several times a day.

It is mandatory to use a face mask against vascular mesh, which contains collagen. It helps soften the skin. The use of scrubs is prohibited. A white clay mask is suitable as a preventative measure.

  1. Method of preparation and use

Grind two tablets of ascorutin, add a spoonful of white clay and green tea. Stir, add a spoonful of cream. The mixture should be homogeneous; apply to the face area for 7 minutes. You must use the mask every day.

The video in this article describes in more detail the use of traditional medicine.



In order to avoid a pathology such as rosacea, you need to take preventive measures in advance. This is especially true for those people who have a hereditary predisposition to developing the disease. You need to constantly take care of your skin and strengthen the walls of your blood vessels.

Recommend drinking vitamin drinks every day:

  1. Pour boiling water over the grapefruit peel and let it brew for an hour. Instead of water, drink the resulting decoction. It is recommended to use every day.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cook. Drink a decoction of it throughout the day. The course of such treatment is one month.

Preventive measures are not complicated, compliance with them should become a habit, this is the only way to avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant problem.

You should also take note of the following rules:

  1. Apply masks and creams to your skin daily. For sensitive skin, purchase products labeled GMO.
  2. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Take your vitamins daily.
  3. The skin needs constant hydration. Use moisturizers before applying powder.
  4. During the winter season, you should nourish your face several times a day. As soon as a feeling of tightness occurs, immediately apply the cream.
  5. Use sunscreen in the summer, the protection factor should be at least 30.
  6. The skin should not overheat in the sun.
  7. Vitamin therapy is the main condition for the prevention of rosacea.

Proper nutrition, proper skin care - all this works wonders. How to get rid of spider veins on the face can be seen above, and it is not at all difficult. But remember, in order to really solve a problem, you need to study it from the inside.

A woman is designed in such a way that every part of her face is examined in the mirror every day. Ideal when the skin is smooth and elastic. But this doesn’t always happen...

If something extra appears on the face, it can upset many ladies, and for some it can even provoke depression. Especially if she has never encountered such a problem before and doesn’t know how to get rid of it.

Cupyrosis refers to diseases of the facial skin. Due to brittle and dilated vessels, a fine mesh appears on it. This pathology occurs predominantly in women. Fortunately, it is treatable, and we will find out how below.

What kind of disease is rosacea on the face and how does it manifest?

It is ugly when the face is covered with spider veins and spider veins, the skin on it becomes red. All this is rosacea, and it not only does not decorate a person, but also carries the threat of suppuration and spread to other areas of the skin. Therefore, if this pathology has arisen, then it is necessary to begin its treatment without delay.

Couperosis often makes itself felt on the cheeks, chin, and wings of the nose. It occurs much less frequently on the forehead. The affected skin changes color, ranging from light red to a bluish tint. In this case, everything depends on the severity of the disease. The areas of skin where the disease appears will have a noticeable contrast with healthy skin.

Before you start treating rosacea, you should know for sure that we are dealing with it. The symptoms of this pathology are:

  1. the nose or cheeks are covered with a capillary mesh;
  2. against the background of healthy skin on the face, the affected areas will look like unpleasant spots;
  3. Many vascular nodules appear, their sizes can vary, from half a millimeter or more.

When the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis, complex therapy should begin, and in no case should you just disguise the problem as cosmetics.

As already noted, the pathology develops gradually, in several stages, if this disease is not treated immediately after its appearance. Each stage has its own symptoms:

It's called erythrosis. Occurs under certain circumstances and provoking factors. Sometimes it appears for no reason.

The wings of the nose, cheeks and chin are most prone to the onset of the disease. The sensitivity of the skin in these areas increases and it becomes red. A sick person complains of fever, itching, and tingling. This state can last from a couple of minutes to two hours. This skin pathology on the face can spread to the neck.

In problem areas there is already a constant state of redness of the skin. Spider veins and stars begin to appear, as well as pigmentation.

Congestive dermatosis is developing. The skin on the face has an aged appearance. It takes on a grayish color. These problem areas have inflamed areas that sometimes become covered with a pustular rash. The disease progresses gradually, and its 3rd stage without treatment occurs 20-30 years from the onset of the pathology.

The skin becomes rough and thickened. This disease is especially noticeable on the patient’s nose, as it becomes pineal-shaped.

Types of rosacea and causes of its occurrence

Before starting therapy aimed at curing rosacea, it is advisable to find out what could have been the impetus for its occurrence, that is, dilation of blood vessels and loss of elasticity.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists claim that this could happen for two reasons:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. motivating external factors.

Here are some ailments associated with genetics that definitely cause increased capillary fragility:

  1. Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber-Krabbe syndrome) - characterized by the appearance of angiomas;
  2. Louis-Bar syndrome - associated with immunodeficiency;
  3. Rendu-Osler disease - arteriovenous aneurysms occur that bleed due to increased vulnerability of the vessel walls.

Possible external factors are:

  1. long exposure to active sun (visiting the beach or gardening);
  2. sudden changes in temperature (from frosty air to warm air, staying in a bathhouse);
  3. overstrain of the nervous system (stress, depression);
  4. eating hot and spicy dishes;
  5. unbalanced food intake or overeating;
  6. smoking, alcohol abuse;
  7. the presence of rosacea on the skin of the face (rosacea);
  8. venous insufficiency:
  9. liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatosis, hepatitis);
  10. changes in human hormonal levels (pregnancy, menopause), as well as dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  11. cardiovascular diseases;
  12. gastrointestinal disease;
  13. other chronic diseases.

As we can see, rosacea is not an independent disease; it acts rather as a symptom, symbolizing either the presence of a disease or the need for lifestyle changes.

Treatment of rosacea on the face

But if everyone can correct some nuances in behavior and nutrition, then it is unlikely that they will be able to determine which disease is involved in the fragility of blood vessels on their own.

This means that you should contact specialists. This could be a dermacosmetologist or phlebologist. After diagnosis, the doctor will first prescribe treatment for the disease that caused rosacea.

If a person does not have diseases that constitute a risk group, then care should be taken to get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. And then use certain procedures to eliminate defects on the skin of the face.

Therapy on the face for rosacea is carried out both with the help of medications and cosmetic manipulations. But the best option is to approach the problem comprehensively. Couperosis can also be treated at home, but we should not forget that visiting a doctor remains mandatory.

Salon treatments

Today, rosacea on the face can be successfully combated with cosmetic manipulations. They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the human body, the stage of the disease and financial capabilities. Salon procedures include:

  1. laser treatment;
  2. ozone therapy;
  3. photorejuvenation;
  4. mesotherapy.

All these methods will allow you to painlessly and quickly solve the external problem associated with rosacea.

Laser treatment

This is the cauterization of blood vessels on the face with a laser beam. The procedure is relatively painless, and after its effect the person recovers quickly. There are different types of laser machines. The most noticeable effect is produced by those devices that have yellow and green radiation.

Ozone therapy

Introducing a mixture of ozone and oxygen into a vessel using a microneedle. Couperosis goes away without scarring or pigmentation. It is one of the best ways to get rid of this disease.

During the procedure, biochemical oxidation results, causing vessels with pathology to disappear. In parallel with the main treatment, the result of skin rejuvenation occurs due to its filling with oxygen.


This is the influence of powerful light energy on injured vessels, and their sticking is observed. The capillaries with which coagulation has occurred become inconspicuous, and over time they completely dissolve. Using this procedure, you can successfully defeat rosacea, as well as improve the general condition of the facial skin.


Various agents (biologically active substances, vitamins) are administered by injection to improve blood microcirculation and strengthen vascular walls. The method from medicine came to cosmetology. It is used for both treatment and prevention purposes.

In this video you can see how, using a special device, you can remove rosacea on the face.

Improving facial condition at home with cosmetics, cleansing and other means

People suffering from rosacea must be able to properly care for their face. To do this, there are tips aimed at quick results:

  1. Cosmetics can help you with this.

To solve this problem, there are entire lines of cosmetic products. If you cannot find them, then you can take products intended for sensitive skin. Now there are samples available with which you can decide whether the product is suitable for you or not.

  1. The means in this case are selected very carefully.

First, you should exclude those that have an aggressive effect on the skin. These are cosmetic products such as film masks, alcohol-based lotions and tonics, rubbing creams.

Creams and other care products containing menthol, mint, cloves, eucalyptus, natural honey and various fragrances are also contraindicated.

  1. When using cosmetics, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the skin.

Apply creams to the face carefully, with gentle movements, first scooping up the product with your fingertips.

  1. After washing with a towel, do not rub the skin on your face, but just lightly pat it dry.
  2. It is prohibited to use massagers, brushes, or rough towels.

And also do not use manual leather cleaning. It will be much more useful to go for a massage for rosacea from a specialist - it will have a positive effect on the condition of the face.

  1. Going to the bathhouse and sauna should be stopped, because in your case these trips will do more harm than good.

If bath procedures are very important for you, and you cannot live without them, then you will have to adhere to the recommendations to minimize the harm caused to you. During the session, cover your face with a wet towel and heat the bathhouse slightly.

  1. Home steam inhalation is also a contraindication.
  2. It is necessary to follow the diet prescribed for rosacea (read about this below).
  3. You should be wary not only of bath procedures, but also of direct sunlight, as well as long stays in the cold.
  4. Collagen masks have a positive effect for this pathology; they are purchased in pharmacies.
  5. With rosacea, sports will also help strengthen the walls of the capillaries. Biking and walking, swimming, yoga - these are the types that will be useful to you.

Every time life convinces us that health and behavior are interconnected. It is necessary to avoid those negative factors that can aggravate the disease.

Carrying out proper skin care will undoubtedly give a good effect, and if you add optimism and comprehensive treatment to it, you will definitely get results.

The doctor talks about how you can get rid of spider veins on your face.

Medications that can help get rid of spider veins

Therapy for rosacea on the face with medical medications does not imply that these are the main means of treatment. When the pathology has already manifested itself, external signs can be removed using one of the methods discussed.

The drugs strengthen blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation. Here are the main remedies prescribed by doctors for rosacea.

Troxevasin: gel or tablets

The release form can be tablets or gel. Contains rutin and vitamin C. These components strengthen capillary walls and increase their elasticity. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and kidney failure, as well as hypersensitivity to rutosides and allergies.

Vitamin Ascorutin

This medicine has a composition of components similar to Troxevasin, but the difference is in the ratios. This vitamin complex has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and the body as a whole. Available in tablets.

Among the contraindications is thrombophlebitis. A blood test can show the presence or absence of this disease.

To make a tonic with a healing effect from Ascorutin, you need to dissolve several tablets in 200 ml of water.

Heparin ointment

Reduces inflammation of the skin and makes capillary stars less noticeable. There are contraindications for the use of ointment for patients with stomach ulcers and low blood clotting.

Cream Diroseal

A cream in which the base consists of retinaldehyde and dextran sulfate. It has a calming effect on the skin, enhances cellular metabolism, strengthens the epidermis and capillary walls. It also improves blood microcirculation. Removes heat from problem skin immediately, upon first application.


This is the powder from which the suspension is prepared. It is made from dried freshwater sponge. The drug acts as an analgesic and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Contraindications are allergic reactions or personal intolerances.

Cosmetic recipes for face masks

Among the products that alleviate the condition of the skin on the face due to rosacea, there are also masks made at home from ingredients that can be picked up in the kitchen.

Oatmeal mask

Flakes from this crop occupy one of the first places in dietary nutrition, but besides this, they can make an excellent mask for sensitive skin.

To do this, you need to grind the chamomile and add oatmeal to it in the same amount. Add vegetable oil to this mixture and stir to obtain a mass of uniform consistency. Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off with water at room temperature.

Herbal mask

To do this, you will need extracts in equal quantities: calendula, dandelion, Japanese saphora and grape seed oil. Pour 100 g of boiling water into this solution and stir well. Apply it 2 hours before bedtime, and 10 minutes later blot it with a napkin.

Apple vinegar

It is mixed with water (1:4) and problem areas are wiped with this solution 2 times a day.

Clay mask

It penetrates perfectly into the skin pores, cleansing them. For rosacea, red clay will be effective; it has a gentle effect.

It is diluted with mineral water or chamomile tincture, or with milk. It is advisable to add a tablet of crushed ascorutin to the solution. Keep the mask on sensitive skin for up to 5 minutes, and on oily skin for up to 20 minutes.

Lemon and honey mask. To make it, take 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of talc, 5 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Add a little water to this solution. Stir and apply to face. After a third of an hour, remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.

Grated raw potato mask

Rub it on a fine grater and distribute it over the skin. It softens it and smoothes out wrinkles. Leave the mask on for half an hour. Then wash off with chamomile or calendula infusion.

Aloe mask

To make it, the pulp of the plant is taken. To do this, place the leaves in the refrigerator.

And before the procedure, they wash the skin with tea infusion, and then cut a leaf of the plant lengthwise and wipe the problem areas with the pulp. Next, apply a nourishing cream.

Chemical peeling

Before the peeling procedure, consult a specialist. The manipulation stimulates regeneration and helps exfoliate dead layers of the skin. This improves his condition.

Diet for rosacea

Patients with rosacea should adhere to restrictions on certain types of food:

  1. salty and spicy dishes;
  2. products containing caffeine;
  3. chocolate;
  4. spicy marinades and sauces.

Vitamin complexes have a positive effect on the condition of facial skin. They must contain vitamin C - it increases vascular tone and activates the formation of collagen. Vitamin P is also necessary - it increases capillary elasticity, and vitamin K strengthens them.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. This also applies to rosacea on the face. Therefore, from the age of 15, it is necessary to prevent this pathology.

At this age, many teenagers' skin begins to peel, and to avoid negative consequences, you should use products for sensitive skin types, if necessary, protect your skin from exposure to wind, sun and frost, monitor its hydration, and wash your face with water at room temperature.

If you follow a rational diet and lead a healthy lifestyle - give up bad habits and unbalanced food intake, then in the absence of hereditary factors, there is a good chance of never experiencing rosacea on yourself. But if the disease does appear, then an integrated approach to its treatment will help to cope with this pathology and return the skin to a satisfactory condition.

The appearance of spider veins on the face does not add attractiveness to lovely ladies and the stronger half of humanity. Vascular network on the face does not mean any special health problems and can appear in any person, but it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

As a rule, several vessels appear at first, but over time the entire face or some areas are covered with a burgundy web. The main thing is to pay attention to this problem in time. You can get rid of a cosmetic defect, and if you know the reasons for its appearance, you can prevent the re-formation of spider veins on the face.

There is an opinion that the appearance of burgundy cobwebs on the face is associated with the location of blood vessels that are close to the top layer of the skin. But experts say that the problem arises not because of the location, but because of inflammation of the blood vessels.

The degree of manifestation of the capillary network on the face depends on how inflamed the blood vessels are and how sensitive the skin is. Before proceeding with the removal of spider veins on the face, it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance. There are quite a few reasons for the formation of spider veins (rosacea).

But according to experts, Ggood reasonth is a violation of blood circulation in the skin of the face.

Small blood vessels that have lost their elasticity expand and do not narrow, causing a red cobweb to appear on the face. As a rule, the nose, chin and cheeks are primarily affected.

The main causes of rosacea:

  1. Unbalanced diet. Eating a large amount of hot, fatty, spicy foods has a negative effect on the body, and first of all it begins to give signals in the form of such a cosmetic problem. Proper, balanced nutrition will help remove capillaries on the face.
  2. Long exposure to the sun and solarium. Sunbathing in large quantities dries out the skin, causing blood vessels to become fragile.
  3. Frequent visits to the bathhouse or sauna. Exposure to high temperatures causes spider veins to appear on the skin. This also applies to those whose professional activities involve elevated temperatures (bathhouse attendants, cooks, workers in “hot shops”).
  4. Cold temperatures, wind, frost. Such natural phenomena, as well as elevated temperatures, lead to the appearance of rosacea.
  5. Smoking. Tobacco products cause irreparable harm to the entire body, including the smallest capillaries. This bad habit contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, thereby impairing blood circulation.
  6. Alcohol. Alcohol abuse leads to short-term spasms of blood vessels and their dilation.
  7. Problems related to the stomach, endocrine diseases, hypertension. These diseases can signal the appearance of rosacea.
  8. Constant nervous tension, frequent stressful situations.
  9. Lack of silicon in the body. Due to a lack of silicon, blood vessels become thin, fragile, and lose elasticity.