Remove cheeks and double chin cosmetology

In the hope of returning the skin to its former beauty and elasticity, women buy all kinds of products with a lifting effect, subsequently being upset by their ineffectiveness, but only hardware cosmetology can remove a double chin - the most effective method, which also includes a considerable number of similar procedures, which allows you to choose the optimal method of restoration for every woman.

Causes of a double chin

There are many factors that provoke loss of turgor and the formation of sagging skin. These can be either external stimuli or deviations within the body. If the reason is insignificant, you can get rid of the consequences of the violation at home, but when it comes to serious deformation of the oval of the face, the best option would be hardware correction.

But before opening beauty salon price lists for anti-aging procedures, it is worth understanding the causes of the defect, and then the solution may open in a completely different direction.

So, a flabby chin most often bothers older women, and in addition to the age factor, it can be provoked by:

  1. disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid system;
  2. diabetes;
  3. hormonal imbalances that disrupt the metabolic process;
  4. excess weight or sudden loss of kilograms;
  5. heredity;
  6. features of physiological structure;
  7. unbalanced diet;
  8. an unhealthy lifestyle, as a result of which the face often looks swollen and swollen.

In some cases, a double chin may be the result of incorrect posture, stooping, sleeping on soft and high pillows, etc.

Attention! Often the appearance of a double chin haunts pregnant women. But young mothers should not worry - after the birth of the baby, when the body gradually comes into shape, the fold of the submandibular zone also disappears.

Such dubious “decoration” not only worsens the appearance, making the face tired and exhausted, but also adds 5-10 extra years. Therefore, you should trust your face only to professionals who will select the optimal technique and carry out manipulations without harm to health.

How to remove a double chin using hardware cosmetology

When home methods have exhausted themselves, a cosmetology clinic comes to the rescue, where removing a double chin is not an impossible task. Women of different age groups come to cosmetologists, with varying degrees of sagging skin, as well as with differing skin types and characteristics. Therefore, you need to choose an individual recovery that will best cope with the assigned tasks.

When answering the question of how to remove a double chin, cosmetologists advise paying attention to the following effective, and most importantly, safe methods.

The most harmless method in modern cosmetology is called RF lifting. The essence of the technique is the action of radio frequency waves, which, when heated, break down fatty deposits in the tissues. Even though collagen deposits are also affected, this is not an irreparable loss. On the contrary, collagen fibers become denser after exposure to electricity, and blood circulation and the production of new collagen are activated.

This is interesting! The prerequisites for the emergence of such procedures date back to the twentieth century, when Nikola Tesla determined the relative safety of high-frequency current and proposed its use for healing purposes.

RF lifting is carried out using a special device; depending on the intensity of the set temperature (for working with the face, the optimal power is from 80 to 200 W), a special mesh is placed on the face to distribute radio waves evenly. The duration of the procedure varies from 20 to 40 minutes. During this time:

  1. have a localized effect on the skin, which allows you to activate energy processes in the problem area;
  2. the patient does not experience pain;
  3. there is no risk of infection;
  4. the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

Such cosmetic procedures against the double chin give initial results after the first session and do not require a long rehabilitation period.

When answering a question in a beauty salon on how to remove a double chin, it is unlikely that any cosmetologist will remain silent about the amazing effects of mesotherapy - procedure No. 1 in rejuvenating and improving the skin.

This method is characterized by the injection of health complexes, amino acids, plant extracts and vitamin cocktails, which often scares off inexperienced women. In fact, the procedure is not as painful as it seems at first glance. Because very thin needles are used for injections, and the penetration depth does not exceed 1.5 - 3.8 mm. But with a low pain threshold, local anesthetics can be used.

The introduction of a meso-cocktail based on hyaluronic acid, organic acid and other beneficial substances ensures restoration at the mid-level, bringing the product to the tissue. It acts locally and requires repeating the procedure. Gives a temporary effect (like most cosmetic procedures). However, there are undeniable advantages:

  1. a small list of contraindications;
  2. compatibility with other procedures;
  3. improved blood circulation;
  4. suitable for any age;
  5. wide spectrum of action.

Interesting! There is a method of non-injection mesotherapy, when the composition is applied directly to the skin. Magnetic waves from a special device open the pores, thereby improving the permeability of active substances.

With the help of cosmetology, you can not only learn how to remove a double chin, but also get rid of other nuances of cosmetology: rosacea, photoaging, oily epithelium, pigmentation, acne and other problems.

How mesotherapy is carried out in the salon:

Lipofilling, a mini-operation to restore youthful skin and add elasticity to the chin area, has also proven itself as a procedure for eliminating a double chin. The method works by injecting the patient’s own fat cells under the skin, which are taken from other parts of the body (hips, buttocks, abdomen).

The main advantage of this therapy is the significant result, which is manifested in the instant smoothing of folds and wrinkles. There is also no risk of rejection of the substance, since the same material is introduced into the person.

The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. After the session, there are no scars or wounds left on the face, and lipofilling can be used up to 70 years of age, because it has no serious contraindications.

This is interesting! Plastic surgeons often resort to lipofilling when it is necessary to correct localized nuances after plastic surgery.

Often the decisive question before going to the clinic is how much it costs to remove a double chin from a cosmetologist. But you won’t be able to get single-digit numbers as an answer, since the cost varies and is influenced by:

  1. Region.
  2. Substances used.
  3. "Neglect" of the problem.
  4. Level and class of the cabin.

Therefore, the client is often provided with a price range, which has the following indicators for the most popular facial cosmetic procedures:

  1. RF lifting: from 1,000 rub. up to 3,000 rub. per session in Moscow;
  2. mesotherapy: from 2,000 rub. up to 6,000 rub. for 1 procedure;
  3. lipofilling: from 10,000 rub. up to 50,000 rub. for the operation.

Different prices are quoted for treating different areas of the body. It is also worth considering the duration of the recovery course. So, mesotherapy is carried out in the amount of 4-10 procedures. The number of RF lifting sessions depends on age (to prevent wrinkles and flabby, 1 session is enough, and for complete regeneration you will need 10 visits to a cosmetologist at weekly intervals). The effect of lipofilling lasts from 2 to 6 years.

Doctors' recommendations

Any outside intervention in the body leaves its imprints on it and we are not always talking about positive visual effects. There have been cases of allergic reactions, complications in the form of itching, redness, dryness and irritation. Therefore, you need to find out from a cosmetologist not only how to remove a double chin, but also what the possible consequences are.

Experts recommend taking the necessary tests before starting therapy and not violating contraindications, which also exist. Common to most cosmetic hardware procedures are:

  1. damage to the integrity of the skin;
  2. infectious and fungal diseases;
  3. disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  4. menstruation;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. skin hypersensitivity;
  7. neurological diseases;
  8. poor blood clotting;
  9. oncology.

Having chosen a way to get rid of a double chin in cosmetology, after the procedure you should refrain from visiting the bathhouse, solarium and sauna. In many cases, it is better to hold off on decorative cosmetics and instead apply natural hypoallergenic soothing and nourishing products.

Attention! After cosmetic procedures, changes appear in the form of slight redness, tingling, bruising, etc. All these consequences, during the normal course of recovery processes, spontaneously disappear after 2-4 days. If the marks do not go away or become larger, you need to urgently consult a doctor.


Thus, the modern cosmetology industry helps restore youth and radiance to skin that has lost all vitality and attractiveness. And many procedures have a complex effect, helping to solve several problems at once: from eliminating age spots and acne to tightening facial muscle tissue.

Do you want to remove your double chin from a cosmetologist? Beauty salons and cosmetology clinics are ready to offer you modern hardware techniques, injections and even plastic surgery.

What is a double chin

A double chin refers to the accumulation of fatty tissue under the chin. It is for this reason that it is also commonly called a double chin. More often, a double chin occurs in the fair sex, but there are also cases among men. Unfortunately, fatty tissue in the chin area is deposited very densely, so its removal may require quite a lot of effort.

Causes of a double chin

To effectively remove a double chin, it is important to find out why it appears and what are the main reasons for its occurrence. So.

  1. Excess weight is often considered the cause of a double chin. There is some truth here, but this is far from the main reason; there are others that are no less compelling.
  2. This may also be a genetic predisposition, namely features of the physiological structure.
  3. The cause of the appearance of a double chin can also be age-related changes that are associated with sagging soft tissues.
  4. Hormonal disorders that cause disruption of metabolic processes.
  5. And finally, an indirect cause of the appearance of a double chin can be incorrect posture. Now you know why a double chin may appear, it’s time to find out how to get rid of it.

Hardware procedures for double chin

Hardware procedures are the first thing anyone who wants to remove a double chin with the help of a cosmetologist needs to pay attention to. They are much safer than injections and especially plastic surgery. Various cosmetological techniques are aimed at eliminating fat deposits and tightening the skin. So, in beauty salons you can be offered the following hardware systems - vacuum, ultrasound, microcurrent therapy and the use of radio frequency waves.

  1. The vacuum method of getting rid of a double chin affects the problem due to negative pressure - vacuum. Thanks to this, blood circulation in the tissues increases, thereby improving metabolic processes and adipose tissue begins to shrink. In addition, due to the vacuum, lymph flow improves, thus reducing swelling and volume in the double chin area.
  2. Ultrasound therapy penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, breaking down fat cells, which are then naturally removed from the body. In addition, under the influence of ultrasound, collagen production in the skin is stimulated, and it begins to tighten naturally.
  3. Microcurrent therapy — in this case, I influence fat deposits in the area of ​​the double chin with low-frequency currents. Plus microcurrents increase skin firmness and elasticity.
  4. The use of radiofrequency waves is an effective alternative to surgical tightening. Has a powerful lifting effect.

Injections against double chin

The introduction of special drugs is one of the very effective ways to get rid of a double chin in a cosmetologist's salon or beauty clinics. We will talk about two that are of greatest interest.

  1. The most common injections in the fight against a double chin are the introduction of special preparations based on lipolytics. These substances actively break down fat deposits, reducing the volume of the double chin. As a rule, for the best result, you need to complete a course of 4-7 procedures at intervals of a week. The downside of this procedure is pain, possible swelling and redness in the area where the drug was administered. But they subside within a few days.
  2. The next option to remove a double chin is the introduction of special threads. They are made of environmentally friendly material and are completely harmless and hypoallergenic. They correct the oval of the face and create a kind of frame that supports soft tissues. The result after this procedure lasts up to 5 years and is considered the most effective compared to other analogues.

Double chin plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a radical technique that should be used only as a last resort. After plastic surgery, as a rule, there is a postoperative period and some complications are possible. In a medical clinic, they can offer you three main effective methods - liposuction, double chin lift and double chin plastic surgery.

  1. Liposuction refers to the invasive destruction of fat deposits in the double chin area. The destroyed fat is subsequently removed using a medical cannula.
  2. A double chin lift is possible only with mild sagging tissue and small fat deposits.
  3. Classic double chin plastic surgery refers to an incision in the skin with further tightening and fixation of the muscles.

What about home cosmetology?

If you have not yet decided to go to a cosmetologist, try home methods for getting rid of a double chin. And if you have already been to him and completed the required course, use them anyway - experts believe that it is the combination of home and salon techniques that will allow you to remove your double chin for the longest possible time. There are many options for home cosmetology - these include masks, compresses, massage, and special exercises - we described all of them in detail in the article how to remove a double chin at home, we highly recommend.


A double chin disfigures and makes the face of quite attractive people ugly and inharmonious. Moreover, it can appear not only in obese people, but also in young, slender girls and boys.

Such a deficiency gives rise to complexes and dissatisfaction with one’s appearance. A person is always afraid of being in an unfavorable angle, gets nervous and tries to take the right pose to hide an unpleasant flaw.

Today there are a huge number of techniques that will help get rid of such an aesthetic defect. Let's look at the reasons for the appearance of a double chin and modern methods of eliminating the defect.

Reasons for appearance

Doctors define this defect as an accumulation of soft fatty tissue in the lower jaw.


The reason for its appearance may be:

  1. hereditary factor. Ask your parents, look at photographs of relatives. If such a deficiency occurs in your family, then, most likely, you have it precisely for this reason;
  2. structural features of the lower jaw. For example, if the jaw is too small and undeveloped, short neck, malocclusion;
  3. fat deposits. The area between the chin and neck is the most vulnerable; fat cells easily accumulate there during weight gain, and are very difficult to remove during weight loss;
  4. age-related changes. Over the years, collagen and elastin are destroyed, the skin of the neck and chin becomes less elastic, sags, and a “turkey neck” appears;
  5. hormonal disbalance. With a lack or excess of hormones during pregnancy or menopause, the formation of adipocytes occurs at an accelerated pace;
  6. endocrine diseases – hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus;
  7. incorrect posture. If a person slouches or uses a high pillow when sleeping, then blood in the neck area does not circulate well. And this can also lead to fat deposits in the chin area.

Which method of combating a double chin to choose depends on the correct determination of the root cause of the defect.

Contraindications to surgery

Surgery should not be performed on people:

  1. those suffering from cancer;
  2. diabetes;
  3. those who have poor blood clotting;
  4. AIDS discovered;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. renal failure and other acute diseases.



And although surgery is considered the most radical method, it is also the most effective.

It is worth resorting to this method of removing a double chin when all other methods have been ineffective.

For the operation to be successful, you need to prepare for it. To begin with, the patient must undergo the following tests:

  1. General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  2. fluorography;
  3. electrocardiogram;
  4. analysis for HIV, hepatitis, blood clotting;
  5. determination of blood group and Rh factor.

Shortly before surgery, a person needs to give up bad habits, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting, not eat fatty and high-calorie foods, and also follow a salt-free diet.

The operation can be carried out in two ways:

  1. The doctor makes incisions in the area of ​​the ears, inserts thin cannulas, with the help of which fat is pumped out. Sometimes incisions can be made in the submandibular area. At the end of the operation, they are sutured with cosmetic sutures and become invisible over time.
  2. Incisions are made in the mouth. The advantage is that it does not leave any marks on the skin. But the method requires strict adherence to all medical instructions in the postoperative period. Otherwise, serious inflammatory processes in the mouth may occur.

The operation takes 30-40 minutes.



After surgical manipulations, a tight, stretchable bandage is applied to the neck, which prevents swelling. The patient is placed to sleep on high pillows. And after 3 days the doctor removes the stitches. Rehabilitation usually takes 2 weeks.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to avoid physical activity, not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and beaches, and wear a compression bandage..

Food should be chosen that is soft and does not cause pain. This is especially true for patients who have had excess fatty tissue removed through the oral cavity.

You can evaluate the results in a few days, when the swelling subsides, but you can fully enjoy your toned shape only after 3 months.

The resulting new contour of the chin lasts for a long time - about 10 years. And if a person eats right, attends massage sessions, and plays sports, the effect can last a lifetime.

Let's talk here about what makes up the price of facial contouring with hyaluronic acid.

Possible complications

With the surgical method of getting rid of a double chin, the following types of complications may arise:

  1. swelling in the neck area. This is the most common, but also understandable phenomenon, because serious tissue injury has occurred. The swelling goes away within a week. And if you wear a special bandage, it will disappear in 3 days;
  2. the skin loses sensitivity. This complication can occur if the surgeon damages the nerve endings;
  3. bleeding. They occur when the patient has poor blood clotting or the doctor touches blood vessels. As a result, the development of anemia;
  4. infection. The most dangerous complication. Infection can occur both during surgery and during dressings.

If pus comes from the wounds, the temperature does not subside, the patient complains of weakness and chills, then most likely an infection has occurred. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics and washing the wounds with antimicrobial agents.

Other methods

You can get rid of imperfections not only by resorting to surgery, but also by non-surgical techniques.


Platysma is a muscle that is located in the neck, just under the chin. Over time, it weakens, stretches and leads to the appearance of a double chin. The operation to correct this defect is called platysmoplasty.

During surgery, the doctor stretches the platysma and fixes it in this position. The operation can be performed:

  1. using the medial methodwhen muscle tissue is pulled outward;
  2. using the lateral method – the muscle extends to the front of the neck.

Platysmoplasty is often combined with liposuction of the chin area.

This is a non-surgical type of correction. I pass a high frequency current through the skin or apply an electric field to it.

Dioxycholic acid, which is injected directly into the area of ​​fat deposits, promotes the breakdown of fat.

It is subsequently eliminated from the body naturally. Make several injections of the drug at a distance of 1 cm from each other.


The essence of the procedure is vacuum suction of fat deposits. The instrument used to pump out fat is called a cannula.

The oldest method of liposuction. Cannulas are inserted into fat deposits through special incisions. They, in turn, are connected to a machine that provides them with negative pressure.

The method is traumatic and is currently almost never used. Often during the procedure, nerve endings and blood vessels are affected.

As a result, rough scar tissue forms under the skin and irregularities on its surface.

Watch the video for the process of liposuction of the double chin.


A common and popular method. Consists of the following steps:

  1. Klein's solution is injected into the fat depot area - 0.9% sodium chloride, lidocaine and adrenaline.
  2. The solution pushes apart the fatty tissue, and adrenaline causes vasoconstriction.
  3. Small diameter cannulas are inserted and connected to a vacuum pump, which pull out the fat.


This technique is effective when the fat folds on the chin are poorly expressed. The syringe creates negative pressure and pumps out unwanted deposits.


During laser liposuction, the surgeon makes punctures in the ear area. A special light guide and cannulas are inserted through them. Fat deposits are destroyed using a laser.

Then, in a liquid state, using a vacuum apparatus to which cannulas are connected, it is removed from the body.

In addition to getting rid of fat, there is also a good lifting effect - the skin is firm and elastic.


With the help of ultrasonic waves, fat is broken down and subsequently turns into an emulsion.

The doctor removes it using long and elastic cannulas. Incisions are made in the mouth. Sometimes the doctor may make punctures in the chin area.


This massage is also called vacuum roller massage. A special attachment of the device exerts a mechanical effect on the problem area. It grips the skin 4-16 times per second.

As a result, the fat layer is effectively broken down, and the skin becomes tightened and youthful.

High frequency electric current comes to the rescue in the fight against adipocytes. As in previous methods, liquid fat is pumped out through thin elastic tubes.

The trauma is minimal, since only small punctures are needed to insert the cannulas. After the procedure, the cells are saturated with oxygen and metabolism improves.

A very popular procedure. Filler with hyaluronic acid and vitamin mesosolutions are injected into the subcutaneous tissue.

You can feel the first results after 5 sessions.

Microcurrents or pulsed current act on the double chin area. In this case, drugs are injected under the skin to break down fat.

Changes can be noticed immediately, but greater effectiveness can be achieved after 8 procedures. In this case, no punctures are made and the skin is not damaged in any way.

With this technique, threads are implanted under the skin. They fix problem areas and promote enhanced collagen synthesis in the body.

Absorbable threads are used - polylactic, mesothreads, and non-absorbable - gold.

In the first case, the effect lasts from one and a half to two years. Gold threads are more effective and have long lasting results. Their service life is 3 years.

In the video, watch how a double chin is removed using 3D mesothreads.


Type of technique

Price in rubles

Platysmaplasty Radiofrequency facial thermage

from 2500 to 20 500

Laser liposuction Thread lifting

the price of one mesothread is from 2500 rubles, at least 6 threads are required.

Iontophoresis Mesotherapy Electronic lipomodeling LPG massage


Getting rid of a double chin is not that difficult. Modern cosmetology and medicine offers a wide arsenal of techniques to combat it.

Which one would you choose? Which one have you already used? Leave your comments and useful tips on the topic, share your experience of finding the perfect neck and jawline.