How to wear makeup for your birthday

A birthday is not only a special day, it is one of the brightest holidays of the year, when the hero of the occasion is in the center of everyone's attention. That is why so much importance is attached to the appearance of the birthday boy: clothes, hairstyle and makeup. Properly selected cosmetics will help you create an unforgettable, stunning image.

Features of birthday makeup

Festive makeup is significantly different from everyday makeup:

  1. Daytime makeup is not so bright - its colors are less saturated. The main task of cosmetics is to highlight advantages and hide flaws. To do this it will be enough to use:
  1. nude shadows;
  2. Foundation;
  3. Mascara;
  4. faint lipstick or lip gloss.

Evening makeup involves bright colors and careful detailing of the details of the image.

  1. The time for applying cosmetics varies significantly: everyday makeup is applied in 10-15 minutes, complex holiday makeup requires at least half an hour.
  2. An evening look necessarily includes decorative details, for example, glitter, false eyelashes, eyebrow tattooing, etc. On an ordinary day, such an image will look vulgar and tasteless.

There are several types of formal makeup:

  1. Classical. Characterized by restraint and accuracy. The intensity of the tones is slightly higher than in regular makeup.
  2. Club. It is characterized by a bright, bold “coloring”. Suitable for when a birthday party is held in a club or other similar establishments. A catchy make-up will be clearly visible in the twilight, especially if the look contains glitter and false eyelashes.
  1. Professional. It is performed by an experienced stylist-make-up artist who independently comes up with the entire look.
  2. Easy. This option is perfect for girls who don’t like makeup and prefer to look as natural as possible. The difference between light makeup and everyday makeup is that when creating the former, decorative elements with a shimmering effect are used.
  3. Worker. It is used in cases where you have to attend a festive event immediately after work, and there is no time left to change your look. This makeup should not be too bright.

When creating an evening make-up, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The overall look should be in harmony with the makeup. For example, a fluffy white dress cannot be combined with dark tones and sharp lines in makeup. In the same way, a light, delicate make-up will not suit an evening dress with rhinestones at all.
  2. Correct placement of accents - do not overload your face with decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to emphasize only one detail: eyes or lips. Otherwise, the image will turn out ridiculous, grotesque.

An example of unsuccessful makeup: eyes and lips are emphasized, creating the impression of theatrical makeup

  1. The foundation should match your natural skin color.
  2. Having adjusted the tone of your face, you can move on to creating relief using concealer and highlighter.
  3. Dark shadows, thick mascara and drawing in the eyebrows will add expressiveness to the look.
  4. To emphasize your lips, apply a bright, rich color lipstick to them, and apply a thin layer of gloss to create volume.

How to apply makeup for your anniversary

High-quality evening make-up will help you look truly irresistible at the party. To create a bright image, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Even out your face tone. First you need to cleanse your skin of impurities and sebum, then apply moisturizer to it. After it is absorbed, you can apply a layer of primer. It is necessary to ensure that makeup does not smudge or smudge for a long time. Next, you can carefully distribute the foundation. The color of the foundation should be in harmony with your skin tone. To carry out the test, you need to take a small amount of cream and apply it to your hand. If the tone is very different, you should move on to another sample, and so on until a suitable option is found. The product is applied in stages: on the neck and face.
  2. Adjust the shape of your face using concealer and apply a thin layer of powder on top. If the dermis is of an oily or combination type, it is advisable to use mattifying cosmetics, otherwise an oily sheen may appear on the skin.
  3. Draw eyebrows. This will give your eyes expressiveness. Eyebrow care involves creating a suitable shape and maintaining it in the future with regular correction.
  4. Draw in the eyebrows. The tone of the pencil (or eye shadow or mascara) will depend on the color of the hairs: black, gray, brown.
  5. Treat the outer corner of the eye with dark-colored shadows, and the inner corner with a light shade. Next, you need to add volume to your eyelashes using lengthening mascara. Instead of makeup, you can use false eyelashes. A good option is to draw arrows going from the outer corner of the eye to the temple (the so-called “cat eyes”).
  6. If attention is focused on the eyes, then the lips should not stand out too much and vice versa. Accordingly, lipstick can be either a neutral color or a richly bright one (for example, red or brown).

Recommendation. When creating holiday makeup, it is advisable to focus on the eyes rather than the lips, since lipstick is quickly eaten or erased by the tongue. Matte and shimmering shadows will help to highlight your eyes: the former are applied to the upper eyelid, the latter to the area under the eyebrow. In this case, lips should be painted with discreet lipstick or gloss.

  1. Applying blush. Cosmetics will highlight your cheekbones. The tone of the blush should be slightly darker than the shade of the powder and foundation, and should also be in perfect harmony with the chosen image.

If the celebration is planned to be held outside the home, then you can take a set of cosmetics with you to correct your makeup. This may include:

  1. a set of shadows that were used to create makeup;
  2. highlighter;
  3. lipstick or lip gloss;
  4. cotton buds;
  5. thermal water in a bottle;
  6. item for removing excess mascara;
  7. compact powder.

Makeup options based on eye color

Eye makeup is selected depending on the color of the iris. There are many makeup options for:

Makeup for brown eyes

This color is bright and expressive. To highlight these qualities, Preference should be given to brown shades of eyeshadow:

  1. light variation of brown;
  2. golden color;
  3. bronze shade;
  4. violet.

Birthday Makeup for Brown Eyes

This or that color will depend on the saturation of the eye color. You can also create a smokey eye type of makeup using shading of several tones at once, transforming into each other. It is important to choose colors so that their shades do not change in the light. The result is an unusual, spectacular, mysterious image.

For daytime makeup, shades of sand and beige are recommended. Also, champagne-colored cosmetics will harmonize perfectly with brown eyes.

Evening make-up involves the use of dark shadows and pencils of equally dark tones.

For blue and blue-gray eyes

These colors make up a cold palette of tones, so it is recommended to emphasize such eyes with warm shades, for example, sand, gold, brown. Cool shadows will also go well with blue-gray eyes, provided that the makeup does not match the color of the iris, and some contrast is still present.

To add expressiveness to your look, makeup artists recommend using a pencil:

  1. gray;
  2. brown;
  3. blue;
  4. or silver colors.

Makeup for blue eyes

For daytime makeup, purple or lavender shades of shadows are allowed; to create an evening look, a plum color is allowed.

Makeup for green eyes

Those with green eyes are very lucky, because this color is universal. Almost any makeup is suitable for this case, but there are still some nuances:

  1. Shadows of bronze shades will help make your look softer;
  2. Copper tones will give a natural look to the image;
  3. shadows and pencils in green shades will emphasize the beauty of green eyes (the color of the cosmetics should be slightly different from the color of the iris so as not to merge with it);
  4. An ideal option for creating an evening look is shades of brown shades (for example, chocolate) combined with a minimum of shine.

Makeup for green eyes for birthday

Important! Owners of green eyes should not resort to shadows of silver or gray colors - such pigment will give the look extra age and make it tired.

Examples of successful makeup

You can create a birthday look both at home and with the help of professional stylists. In both cases, well-done makeup will look impressive and beautiful. Here are some examples of successful makeup for a birthday.

Beautiful makeup for birthday

Evening make-up for green eyes

Delicate makeup for an anniversary

Festive make-up for blue eyes

An example of a successful evening look

Evening makeup in dark colors

Makeup "Cat's eye"

Spectacular makeup for the holiday

On your birthday you want to look irresistible and attractive. At the same time, it is very important not to overdo it so that the image does not turn out aggressive or vulgar. Beautiful makeup should go well with a festive outfit and emphasize the dignity of the face. To create a high-quality make-up, you need to decide in advance on the colors that will suit a given skin type and will be in harmony with the color of your eyes and hair. Beautiful makeup will make the image spectacular and attractive, thereby giving a sea of ​​positive emotions and making the holiday unforgettable.


Makeup is an undeniable way for a woman to emphasize her individuality and stand out from the crowd. There are many types of makeup, a huge number of different techniques, various palettes and shades of cosmetics. As a rule, make-up is selected to match the image you have created and the outfit you have planned. The word “makeup” came to Russia from France, and translated means to make up the face or paint the face.

Birthday Makeup

A woman wants to shine with beauty every day. Correctly selected makeup often helps her with this. There are certain dates when a woman changes her everyday outfit to a festive one, and her daily makeup to a more expressive one. One such event is a birthday. In most cases, a woman begins to prepare for it in advance.

A woman wants to shine with beauty

There are a great many types of makeup that are suitable for such an event, but there are certain recommendations that apply to any type of makeup. Makeup is selected even depending on the time of day. Among people who often attend social events, there are unspoken rules, non-compliance with which is fraught with judgmental glances, discussions and conversations. There are very large visual differences between the daytime makeup look and the evening one. Daytime is often more natural; when applying evening, you can use darker tones.

Daytime beauty look - the use of light cosmetics that do not clog pores, which are not visible on the face, but which emphasize all the advantages of the face. The most important thing in applying any cosmetics is skin health. The dermis of the face requires daily care and attention. She reacts especially strongly to vitamins and minerals that come to her with food. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor your diet, eliminate the consumption of junk food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc. You should increase your consumption of foods rich in calcium, vitamin A and E.

Note! Bad habits, the most common of which is smoking, have a very bad effect on the tone and structure of the skin. In order for any makeup to look neat and natural on your face, it is recommended that you eliminate this habit from your life as quickly as possible.

Like daytime makeup, evening makeup can be done at home. But, since daily is considered daily and the most frequent, during the process of applying it the hand no longer trembles. Evening makeup is not so common in everyday life. Among professional cosmetologists, evening application of cosmetics is considered a decorative design for the face, the “language” of the image.

Applying bright makeup is an art. With the right colors, you can highlight the advantages of your face and hide the shortcomings that are present in each person to varying degrees.

Unlike daytime, light makeup, evening makeup for others is done using bright shades. Such a make-up can look quite bold and defiant, or perhaps elegant and sophisticated.

Step-by-step makeup technique for an anniversary

An anniversary is an important event in the life of any person. Women can begin to think through their image long before the start of the celebration itself.

Note! There is a certain technique for applying cosmetics that suits most makeup.

Step-by-step instructions for doing birthday makeup:

  1. Applying any makeup involves working with clean facial skin. Therefore, before applying paints, the dermis should be thoroughly cleaned, all impurities and secretions produced by the skin glands should be removed.
  2. To ensure that anniversary makeup does not blur or smear, and also remains on the face for a long time, a base or primer is applied to the skin. This will prepare your face for applying foundation.
  3. The next step is to apply foundation. Choosing a foundation is a rather complicated procedure. It is he who can leave a painted face looking natural, or it can lie on like a mask, which will visually make the dermis heavier. The foundation is matched to the complexion of the face. To do this, take a sample of the cream and do a test on your hand; if the tone is very different, it is recommended to move on to the next sample until the skin tone and cream match.
  4. The next layer, after the foundation, is powder. If you have oily or combination skin, it is recommended to use mattifying powder to avoid the appearance of oily shine on the forehead, nose and cheeks.
  5. Highlighted eyebrows will help give expressiveness to the eyes. Eyebrow care involves creating their ideal shape, which is simply adjusted over time.
  6. Next, you should highlight your cheekbones. To do this, you can use blush. The tone of the blush matches the outfit and image.
  7. The most important thing in makeup, both daytime and evening, is the eyes. It is in them that the interlocutor most often looks, more attention is paid to the eyes. This part of the face can be emphasized with shadows, playing with their various shades, or you can choose arrows that will give the look confidence and expressiveness. In professional makeup application, most often the inner corner remains a light shade, and shading occurs from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner. A pearl or shimmering shade is applied under the eyebrow.
  8. Mascara can dramatically change your look. She completes her eye makeup. Don't be afraid to try different mascara colors. The only thing you shouldn't experiment with is quality. Comfort depends on the quality of mascara, as it can cause severe irritation, which can affect not only makeup, but also human health.
  9. Completing the look will be lip makeup. In order for the face not to look like a matryoshka doll, either the lips or the eyes should be bright and expressive. Therefore, with the main emphasis on highlighting the eyes, you can apply lipstick or gloss in light, delicate tones to the lips. Red or brown lipstick is used when the eyes are barely made up.

Makeup options based on eye color

Note! If the technique and step-by-step application of makeup do not change depending on various factors, then the palette can change depending on the tone of the skin, eyes, hair, etc.

Not every color can highlight the color of your eyes; in some cases, it can frankly ruin your makeup.

Makeup for brown eyes

Makeup for brown eyes

The brown ones themselves are very bright and expressive. Therefore, cosmetics should only emphasize this expressiveness. The color options for the shadows are closer to brown. Depending on the color saturation of the eyeball, light brown, gold, bronze and even purple shadows can be applied to the eyelid. You can create transitional colors using the feathering effect.

For daytime makeup for brown eyes, champagne-colored shadows, as well as sand and beige shades, are well suited.

Birthday makeup for brown eyes in an evening style may include dark shades of eye shadow and eyeliner. When using transitional colors, it is recommended to select them so that they do not change their shades in artificial or natural light.

Evening makeup for brown eyes

Makeup for blue and gray eyes

Blue or gray is a cool color that should be emphasized with warm shades. For example, it is golden, coffee, sand, etc.

Makeup for blue eyes

If the choice fell on cool colors of shadows, then they should be selected so that there is a contrast between the eye color and the makeup. This will highlight the color of the eyes and give them expressiveness.

Many stylists advise using not a black pencil for makeup on blue or gray eyes, but blue, gray, silver or brown. This will make the mirror of the soul shine even more.

A purple or lavender shade is perfect for creating an everyday look; for an evening look, you can use plum paint.

On a note. Light shades of shadows with a slight shine in the daytime version will add depth to the look.

Makeup for green eyes

Almost any make-up suits green-eyed people, so there should be no problems in choosing a color. Bronze shades will add softness to the look, shades of copper tones will help bring the beauty image closer to natural. Any shadows and pencils in green shades will look very beneficial. The main thing is that the tones differ from the color of the eye pigment. Then they will give your look confidence and expressiveness. A silver or gray tone will not suit green eyes, as it will noticeably age the look, giving it a tired look.

For evening make-up, chocolate shades with a barely noticeable shine are suitable. They will give your look boldness and courage.

Examples of successful makeup

There are many examples of successful makeup done both in beauty salons by experienced stylists and makeup artists, and at home by women who want to stand out. For your birthday, you can choose any look, and therefore any makeup. It is enough to decide on colors that suit your skin type, eye and hair color, and that will help highlight your facial features.

Fashion changes every year, but the makeup on the face, as it was applied earlier, will continue to be applied for a very long time. For a very long time, such types of makeup as: Smokey eye, arrows, cat eyes, cut crease, banana, loop, etc. have been trending. These types of make-ups are quite easy to perform, the main thing is to strictly adhere to each technique.

Makeup loop (pencil technique)

When a reason for celebration appears in a series of gray everyday life, it always lifts your spirits and makes you think about how best to celebrate this wonderful day. Of course, both men and women want to look as formal and elegant as possible. For this purpose, there are evening and cocktail dresses, as well as tuxedos and formal suits. However, girls can boast of another way to decorate themselves - the opportunity to do bright festive makeup.

The difference between holiday makeup and everyday makeup

Let's figure out what is the difference between festive makeup and everyday makeup.

  1. Firstly, of course, daytime “make-up” is much less bright and intense. As a rule, it consists of simply emphasizing the advantages of the face using nude shadows, tone, mascara and lip gloss or lipstick. Evening makeup requires more brightness and detail.
  2. Secondly, these procedures differ in the time required for application. Daytime makeup can be applied in 10-15 minutes, while more complex holiday makeup takes half an hour or more.
  3. Another important difference is the presence of decorative details, such as false eyelashes, glitter, and complex patterns on the eyelids. During the day, such delights will look at least strange and vulgar, while in the evening they will perfectly highlight your beauty.

Every event, be it a birthday, New Year or a corporate party, requires a certain amount of makeup. Depending on the chosen image and palette of shades, formal makeup is divided into several types:

  1. Classical. Discreet and feminine, it is perfect for a photo shoot, going to a cafe on a date, or visiting a theater or concert. Its distinctive feature is neatness and flawlessness, maintained in tones that are slightly more intense than your usual makeup. It is very important to emphasize all the advantages of the face, but not to overdo it;
  2. Club. Of all the types of “weekend make-up”, this one is the brightest and most daring. Since nightlife establishments are usually twilight, it should be noticeable and eye-catching. You can “play” with artificial eyelashes, glitter, body art;

  1. Worker. Surprised? But we’re not talking about the kind of makeup that you apply every day when visiting your workplace - we mean the option when immediately after work you have to attend an event, and you simply physically do not have time to change your look. Or, if your work day begins in the afternoon and involves communicating with people. This makeup is a cross between classic holiday and everyday nude; it should be noticeable, but not vulgar;
  2. Easy. Some girls do not like makeup, preferring to always look as natural as possible. But even they need to embellish themselves a little from time to time to celebrate an event. In this case, a light version of formal makeup will help out. Its difference from everyday use is the use of decorative products with a shimmer effect, whether we are talking about lips or a highlighter for cheekbones;
  3. Professional. A special day, such as a wedding, an anniversary birthday or a celebration in the presence of a large number of officials, requires professional makeup done by a certified makeup stylist who will help you think through the entire look. In this case, you simply must look harmonious and impeccable.

Execution Rules

Evening “make-up” gives every girl the opportunity to experiment with shades and details. However, even when performing it, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. The resonance of the overall look and makeup is very important. You should not use too dark tones and sharp lines together with a wedding dress, just as too delicate make-up will not suit an evening dress with sparkles and rhinestones;
  2. Place accents correctly - choose either eyes or lips. A face overloaded with makeup looks grotesque;
  3. Focus on evening out your face tone. Use a long-lasting makeup base, apply foundation that matches your skin color, and remove shine with powder;
  4. Adjust your face shape with concealer and highlighter. You can use suitable blush;
  5. Dark shadows, voluminous mascara and carefully drawn eyebrows will help to add expressiveness to the eyes;
  6. If you decide to focus attention on your lips, apply thick lipstick in a rich color. To achieve a volume effect, apply lip gloss on top.

Palette for creating a special look

Here we have to make a small reservation: you need to carefully select a palette not only for evening makeup - you should have such a palette for every day. Its color scheme depends on your color type, which can be determined by passing the appropriate test. So, girls whose appearance is dominated by cool shades should also choose “cold” cosmetics. And vice versa: warm skin color presupposes the presence of a “warm” palette to create an image.

Step-by-step instruction

It is not always possible or willing to resort to the services of a professional makeup artist. You need to learn how to do beautiful holiday makeup with your own hands at home, then even an unexpected invitation to a party will not be a reason for you to panic. Below are all the stages of applying makeup step by step. Try to apply your makeup yourself, following our scheme, and you will definitely succeed:

  1. We even out the tone and “make” the eyebrows. Thoroughly cleanse your face and apply your regular moisturizer. Wait until it is absorbed and use a brush to carefully distribute the tinted base. Adjust the shape of your face with concealer. Apply powder on top.
  2. Emphasize the shape of your eyebrows. Depending on the color of the hairs, use a black, gray or brown pencil or special shadows or mascara.

  1. Eye makeup. Depending on the chosen look, choose an evening range of shades of eye shadow to apply to your eyes. The closer you move to the outer corner of the eye, the darker the shade should be. Use volumizing or lengthening mascara to highlight your eyelashes. To create a more dramatic look, you can use overhead extensions. For lovers of “cat eyes”, arrows are suitable.
  2. Lip makeup. Don’t forget the rule: bright eyes – nude lips and vice versa. Therefore, we choose either a neutral color or a richly bright lipstick.
  3. Apply blush. Emphasize the ridges on your cheek bones with blush. Their tone should be in harmony with the shade of the powder and toner, but be a little darker.

Putting together a holiday cosmetic bag

If the celebration takes place outside your home, you should have the opportunity to adjust your “make-up”. For these purposes, take with you:

  1. A palette of shadows with which you painted your eyes;
  2. Cotton buds;
  3. A bottle of thermal water to refresh a tired face;
  4. A small sharp object such as a toothpick to remove excess mascara from the eyelashes;
  5. Compact powder;
  6. Lip gloss or lipstick;
  7. Highlighter.

Fashion ideas

When performing festive evening makeup, adopt one of the modern life hacks. Here's what fashionistas choose:

  1. Metallic gold eyeshadow. A great option for a club party. Your eyes will not go unnoticed. Combine these shadows with nude lipstick or gloss;
  2. "Smokey eyes" is a classic that never goes out of fashion. Any girl, regardless of the cut, color and shape of her eyes, will be able to effectively highlight them if she applies shadows, shading them along the contour. The color of the shadows can be either black and white or any other, chosen by you;

  1. «Kitty" We're talking about arrows. Draw them on the upper eyelids using a pencil or eyeliner, slightly raise the tip at the outer corner of the eye - and you will get a mysterious “cat” look;
  2. Bold color combination. Modern fashion allows almost anything. So, if it fits your look, add some unusual eyeshadow like orange or pink to your eyes. The main thing here is to choose the right combination of colors. In this case, it is better to leave the lips neutral.

How to do smoky eye makeup, watch the following video.