Vertical wrinkles on the neck

The secret of a woman's age is betrayed by her neck and décolleté. The dermis in these areas changes early, and dealing with changes is much more difficult than on the face. But don't rush to despair! Find out how to remove wrinkles on the neck and décolleté in the salon and at home, and choose the best way to preserve your beauty.


The dermis on the neck loses its elasticity early. Already at the age of 25 (and sometimes earlier), it is noticeable that the skin in the décolleté area has become less elastic. This is a signal to action, because if you leave everything to chance, you will soon have to wear exclusively closed clothes to hide age-related grooves. Dealing with neck wrinkles is difficult. You need to react to the slightest changes in the dermis, or better yet, take measures to prevent their occurrence. But to do this, you need to know why wrinkles appear, what you can do at home, and when you should visit a salon.

Why grooves appear: 6 reasons

Why does the dermis below the face become flabby and grooves appear on it? There are six main causes of neck folds.

  1. Inadequate care. The dermis in the neck area is tender, thin, and sensitive. She requires special care. The skin of this area needs to be actively moisturized and nourished, otherwise you can become familiar with the problem of excessive dryness, and this is the path to wrinkles. However, beauties often neglect this rule, paying attention only to the face.
  2. Age. Cell activity changes with age. The epidermis suffers from a lack of collagen and elastin, which leads to the appearance of folds.
  3. Hormonal changes. If estrogen is produced in insufficient quantities, the dermis loses its elasticity. Fluctuations in hormones occur not only due to age: the background changes with various diseases.
  4. Wrong habits. Sitting in a bent position, walking with your head down, reading while lying down - all this contributes to the appearance of folds in the delicate area. The causes of wrinkles on the neck should be sought in addictions: alcohol, nicotine, harmful products have a negative effect on the dermis and lead to rapid aging.
  5. Weight fluctuations. Wrinkles can appear after losing weight, from sudden changes in body weight.
  6. Exposure to the sun. There are few melanocytes in the neck that counteract ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun without using a protective cream can lead to wrinkles.


What do the professionals offer?

Professional cosmetic procedures will help remove even deep wrinkles on the neck. What do modern salons offer?

  1. Contour plastic. This is the name for injections using hyaluronic acid. The grooves are filled with filler gels. After the introduction of a special drug, the folds are noticeably smoothed out. Injections are recommended if changes in the dermis in the décolleté area are caused by age.
  2. Photorejuvenation. The procedure involves exposing the dermis to laser radiation. After the session, visible mesh of grooves disappear and deep folds are smoothed out. The advantage of this method is safety.
  3. Chemical peeling. The procedure restores elasticity to the dermis, tones the skin, and significantly rejuvenates the décolleté area. In the salon, this technique is offered to clients over 40 years old if they have severe problems. But before peeling, you must definitely consult with a professional cosmetologist.


Proper home care: 4 rules

In order for the “neck + décolleté” area to look impeccable, you need to provide them with proper care. Remember four important rules.

  1. Cleanse - tone. These are two mandatory stages of daily care. It is recommended to rinse the neck and chest area with cool water every morning during hygiene procedures. You can use cosmetic milk for cleansing. Don't forget about tonic: use lotion for normal or dry dermis, but always alcohol-free.
  2. Remove the excess. To keep the décolleté area looking young, you need to regularly remove dead dermal cells. Peeling is done twice a week. The procedure is carried out using soft means, because the dermis below the neck is sensitive. Peeling improves blood circulation, and when using subsequent “care” products, it promotes the penetration of beneficial substances at the cellular level.
  3. Moisturize, nourish, protect. The “care” axiom is also relevant for the décolleté area. In the morning, moisturize the neck and areas below it with cream. Make sure it has UV protection. The sun's rays are the main enemy of the décolleté area. In the evening, nourishing emulsions are applied to this area. You need to adhere to the basic rule of application: carefully distribute the product in a circle, moving from the bottom to the top (collarbone - chin).
  4. Pamper. Various procedures (applying cosmetic mixtures, massages, wraps) are the main condition for maintaining youth in the sensitive area. You need to pamper the dermis weekly, then it will respond with gratitude.

Gymnastics will not give aging a chance

How to remove wrinkles on the neck at home with a minimum of effort? Repeat simple gymnastics every day - and the dermis will be tightened, and folds will have no chance. The gymnastic complex can be considered as a method of combating grooves or as a preventive measure against aging of the epidermis. Below are effective exercises for the neck against wrinkles and laxity of the dermis.

  1. Back and forth. Relax your neck muscles. Throw your head back, fixing the position for a couple of seconds.
  2. Left/right. It is performed similarly to the previous one, only the head is tilted to the sides.
  3. My head is spinning. Slowly turn your head in a circle.
  4. Reach to your chest. From the “lying on your back” position, try to reach your chest with your chin.
  5. "Kiss the air." Pull your chin up as far as you can and hold the position. Retract your shoulder blades.


Can't do without a massage

Do you want others not to know your real age? Get a neck massage for wrinkles! This method works for the long term: there will be no immediate noticeable effect, but by the end of the month course the elasticity of the dermis will increase significantly, elasticity and tone will return, and small folds will disappear. How to do a massage? Follow the simple instructions.

  1. Moisturize the dermis of the neck and décolleté with cream.
  2. Using simple strokes, warm up the skin, thereby preparing it for the massage procedure.
  3. Start by tapping with your fingers. Move from the ears to the neckline.
  4. Move the inside of your palm along the neck, especially carefully massage the vertebral part.

Suitable masks

Cosmetic mixtures will quickly help smooth out the grooves in the problem area. You can take pharmaceutical products, however, homemade formulations are in no way inferior to store-bought ones, and sometimes even more effective than them. Pamper your décolleté and neck with proven masks—the results will definitely pleasantly surprise you.


Peach nutritional

Effect. Nourishes the décolleté area, makes the dermis smooth and silky. Has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

  1. Mix the pulp of one peach with a decoction of chamomile (the proportions are by eye, you should get a paste).
  2. Apply peach treatment.
  3. Keep for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Use warm water to rinse off.

Gelatin firming

Effect. Removes shallow/deep grooves. Tightens the dermis and makes it smooth.

  1. Mix food gelatin plus cold water (in a one to one ratio, measure with a tablespoon).
  2. Hold the gelatin mass over boiling water.
  3. Add milk (two tablespoons).
  4. Add starch to the mixture. Add until the mixture reaches a puree-like consistency.
  5. Apply and keep until dry. It is better to wash off using a sponge.


Protein smoothing

Effect. Smoothes out wrinkles well, especially those that have appeared recently. Provides a rejuvenating effect. Used for preventive purposes to preserve the youth of the décolleté area.

  1. Beat the egg whites. Try to get foam.
  2. Apply to dermis. Hold for 15 - 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off (it is better to use cool water).
  4. Don't forget about hydration.

4 wrapping methods

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck as quickly as possible and consolidate the result? In addition to the above methods, it is recommended to do body wraps. For the procedure, it is better to prepare mixtures from natural ingredients: this way you can provide the cells with a vitamin set. The procedure is aimed at nourishing, moisturizing the dermis, restoring its elasticity, and combating age-related grooves.

Cucumber option for lovers of simple recipes

Peculiarities. Cucumber is often mentioned in “grandma’s chest” beauty recipes. This vegetable is always on hand during the season. It is easy to prepare cosmetic mixtures from it, and the effect exceeds all expectations.

  1. Peel the overripe cucumber from the skin and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the vegetable into slices. Place them on a piece of cotton fabric.
  3. Apply the compress to the neck/décolleté. Keep for about 20 minutes.


Berry paradise

Peculiarities. Berries nourish the dermis, moisturize it, preventing the appearance of depressions.

  1. currants / strawberries / gooseberries / raspberries.
  1. Make berry pulp.
  2. Apply the mixture to a regular cloth.
  3. Wrap around your neck and hold for half an hour.

Honey-yolk method

Peculiarities. The procedure using a honey-yolk mixture removes transverse wrinkles on the neck. Works for the future, preventing the appearance of new depressions. Honey provides nutrition to the dermis and has a lifting effect.

  1. one yolk;
  2. honey - one small spoon;
  3. vegetable oil - one small spoon.
  1. Make a mixture of the following ingredients: yolk, a teaspoon of bee product + the same amount of vegetable oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to gauze. Wrap around the neck, adding an additional layer of cling film.
  3. Keep for about 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off.

Herbs to help

Peculiarities. Herbal wraps can give a stunning rejuvenating effect, provided that the compress is applied hot.

  1. Prepare a herbal decoction. Cool slightly.
  2. Soak a cloth in it and apply a compress from neck to chest for at least 20 minutes.


What to do for prevention

Folds in the delicate décolleté area will not appear for a long time if you follow the rules of daily care, regularly carry out additional procedures, and do not forget the gymnastics complex. But that's not all. You also need:

  1. monitor your diet;
  2. normalize water balance;
  3. get rid of bad habits;
  4. watch your postures;
  5. treat diseases that cause hormonal imbalances.

In addition, to prevent grooves, you need to apply contrast compresses weekly. You will need:

  1. cold container (add ice);
  2. a bowl of hot water (the temperature should be tolerable).

The principle of the procedure is as follows: soak a towel in a “cold” container for a couple of seconds, wring it out and place it on the neck/décolleté area for half a minute. We repeat the same thing, only with hot water. We alternate heat compresses up to ten times.

Thanks to such simple manipulations, the question of how to get rid of wrinkles on the neck will remain irrelevant for a long time. Well, as Brigitte Bardot advises, look more often at the stars in the sky - then your neck will look perfect.

Reviews: “The protein mask gives the effect”

Based on my experience, I can say that the hygiene process is of particular importance for this area. However, not every woman has enough time to pay due attention to toning and moisturizing the skin of the neck and décolleté. I advise you to apply a moisturizer immediately after taking a contrast shower on still damp skin. I also recommend stretching exercises, which is also useful for prevention.

Yes, my mother also always said that a woman’s age can first of all be determined by the condition of her skin and not her neck. To my regret, I see the most pronounced signs of aging in the décolleté area. Recently I really liked applying grape seed oil to this area, it nourishes the skin very well and smoothes out wrinkles a little.

A protein mask gives a very good effect.
Beat the egg white a little (you can add a drop of honey to it) and
Apply to the skin in several approaches with an interval of 3-5 minutes.
Wait until the last layer dries and carefully rinse off the mask with water.
In this case, hand movements should only go upward.
This mask is good before going out, because the effect is noticeable immediately.


The first signs of aging do not appear on the face, which women pay maximum attention to. Wrinkles first appear on the neck, but for some time they are almost invisible. In the later stages of formation, it is difficult to remove them yourself; complex cosmetic measures will be required.

Folds on the neck - reasons

There are two types of wrinkles in this area, each of which is formed due to different factors. The first type is the “rings of Venus” or physiological creases.

Reasons why folds of this type appear on the neck:

  1. structure of the dental system;
  2. features of the muscle corset;
  3. position of the hyoid bone;
  4. the amount of fat tissue under the skin.

The main explanation why folds of physiological origin form on the neck even in childhood is genetic predisposition, so it is difficult to remove them. The habit of constantly tilting your head down and lowering your chin can aggravate your appearance. Another reason that deepens the ring folds in the neck is the thyroid gland. With diseases of the gland, the skin loses its tone, becomes thinner and sags.

The second type of defect under consideration is age-related wrinkles. Such folds on the neck are formed due to thinning of the skin and loss of moisture from cells, decreased production of collagen and elastin, and the action of gravitational forces; they are easier to remove.

Factors contributing to the early appearance of wrinkles:

  1. bad habits;
  2. the predominance of “fast” carbohydrates in the diet;
  3. low fluid intake;
  4. sedentary work and lifestyle;
  5. improper work and rest schedule;
  6. exposure to ultraviolet radiation, passion for tanning;
  7. inappropriate cosmetics;
  8. poor skin care;
  9. excess weight;
  10. genetics.

Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles on the neck?

It is impossible to completely remove creases when they are already clearly visible without surgical intervention. Physiological folds on the neck and deep age-related wrinkles do not respond to standard methods of external treatment; eliminating them using hardware is also problematic. Only plastic surgery will allow you to remove the described defect immediately and for a long time. Without a scalpel, you can only reduce the severity of wrinkles, smooth them out slightly and prevent the formation of new ones.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck?


There are many home remedies for restoring elasticity, moisture balance and skin density. Not all of them will be able to remove wrinkles on the neck; a cosmetologist-dermatologist should tell you how to get rid of wrinkles as effectively as possible. Care is selected only comprehensively, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, its current condition and the woman’s lifestyle.

Standardly, the scheme includes:

  1. self-massage;
  2. gymnastics;
  3. sweet taping;
  4. lotions and compresses;
  5. local remedies (creams, oils, masks).

Neck massage for wrinkles

Independent manual therapy should be performed very carefully, without significant pressure, it will not help remove the defect. Neck massage for wrinkles at home is carried out only with light stroking movements. The area with folds contains the thyroid gland and a large number of lymph nodes. Too intense exposure can lead to disruption of their functioning and even inflammation.

The best option for removing wrinkles on the neck with a massage:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin and steam it a little. You can perform the procedure immediately after a shower.
  2. Apply a rich cream or oil, spread over the neck and décolleté, let it absorb a little.
  3. Warm up the epidermis with stroking movements.
  4. Starting from the décolleté, lightly tap the skin with your fingers, one at a time. Move from bottom to top, towards the chin.
  5. Repeat the manipulations, but clap with your palm.
  6. Using rubbing movements, massage the skin from top to bottom, from the center to the periphery and back.
  7. Work the back of the neck in the same way.
  8. Finish the massage with stroking movements.
  9. Rest lying down for 5-10 minutes.

Neck exercises for wrinkles

Many complexes have been developed to strengthen muscles and improve skin tone. The most effective gymnastics for the neck and face against wrinkles, which helps to slightly remove wrinkles after just a month of regular exercise, includes only 3 exercises. They combine modern knowledge about the biomechanics of the human body, the experience of Indian yogis and Chinese medicine.


How to remove wrinkles on the neck at home:

  1. Lie on the bed on your back, with your head hanging down. Raise it, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Repeat 10-50 times, depending on the feeling of fatigue.
  2. Sit down, straighten your back. Close your fists and rest them on your chin. Lower your head down, resisting with your hands in parallel. You should feel tension in your neck. Repeat – 15-30 times.
  3. Similar starting position. Push your lower jaw forward, stretch your neck forward, and pull your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. In this position, kiss the air 3 times. Do 10 reps.

Neck taping for wrinkles

The presented technique was previously used only by athletes to relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in damaged areas, and relieve stress on joints and ligaments. In cosmetology, taping is used for a short time; it works as a fixative for the neck against wrinkles and to remove folds. Sections of a special patch are glued to the skin according to a certain pattern for several hours or before bedtime.

Thanks to the manipulation, existing creases are smoothed out and the occurrence of new defects is prevented, the tone and elasticity of the epidermis increases. Taping is considered an effective way to remove wrinkles from the neck, but it is not recommended to practice it on your own. Improperly attaching the patch can worsen the situation and stretch the skin more.

Neck compresses for wrinkles

Local remedies are ineffective, so cosmetologists advise using them only in combination with exercises and massage. Wraps and compresses will also help, if there are thin and almost imperceptible folds on a girl’s neck, it’s better to ask a dermatologist how to remove deep creases. The most effective option for the procedure is a salt lotion.

Compress recipe for neck wrinkles

  1. warm water – 200 ml;
  2. sea ​​salt – 2.5 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation and use

  1. Dissolve the granules in water.
  2. Using a cotton swab, blot the skin of the neck well, especially where the folds are.
  3. Wrap it in cling film and a scarf.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the wrap and rinse the skin.
  5. Apply moisturizer.

Anti-wrinkle cream for neck

You should not expect a miracle or a pronounced effect from hygienic cosmetics. Applying creams is a weak method to remove wrinkles on the neck. High-quality products will moisturize and slightly tighten the skin, giving it a well-groomed appearance and freshness. No external remedy can smooth out deep wrinkles on the neck and “rings of Venus”.

Cosmetologists recommend the following items as additional daily care:

  1. Clarins Extra-Firming Neck;
  2. The Skin House API;
  3. Joëlle Ciocco Mat Reverser;
  4. Avéne Eluage;
  5. Labo Transdermic 2 Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

Anti-wrinkle neck oil

The product in question is best applied during a massage to remove the defect. It will be absorbed better, and the beneficial components will penetrate deeper. A neck with folds and wrinkles will become smoother and more elastic if you use the following vegetable oils during manual treatment:

Anti-wrinkle mask for neck

There are many ready-made cosmetic products sold in this category, but women prefer home remedies. If wrinkles appear on the neck, in addition to massage and gymnastics, two effective masks are suitable. The first consists of just one ingredient - ripe banana pulp. The fruit should be pureed with a fork and generously applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can mix a banana with 1-2 drops of rose oil.

Protein mask recipe

  1. moisturizing cream – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  2. egg white (raw) – 2 pcs.;
  3. black cumin oil – 4 drops.

Preparation and use

  1. Clean your neck and wipe with antiseptic.
  2. Moisturize the skin with cream and let it absorb.
  3. Lightly beat the egg whites with butter.
  4. Apply the mixture liberally to the neck.
  5. Allow the whites to dry completely and peel off.
  6. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Every woman experiences wrinkles on her neck sooner or later. Today there are many different ways to combat this problem. However, only an integrated approach to the matter will allow you to obtain obvious results and ensure the preservation of your beauty and youth for many years.

Types of wrinkles on the neck

Wrinkles on the neck often occur in women in adulthood, especially during menopause, when the production of estrogen, which is responsible for beauty and youth, sharply decreases. For each representative of the fair sex, the problem is expressed differently. While in one woman wrinkles may be barely noticeable, in another woman deep grooves form.

Wrinkles on the neck can be of two types:

  1. the so-called rings of Venus - horizontal deep grooves;
  2. strands - vertical folds; are formed less frequently than the previous type and are small wrinkles that are not noticeable, but are sometimes pronounced; mainly characteristic of women aged 55–60 years.

Sudden weight loss is a prerequisite for the formation of folds in the neck area. This is why it is so important to strengthen the muscles in this area.


Wrinkles and folds on the neck: methods of combating

It is best to combat wrinkles and folds in the neck area using several remedies at once. At home, you can use masks based on essential oils, as well as special fixatives. Exercises that help tighten the skin by strengthening the muscles in the neck area have a good effect. Additionally, you can use massage and a variety of cosmetic procedures.

For women who want to eliminate wrinkles on their neck, it is important to drink more fluids. It can be freshly squeezed juices or just clean water.

Essential and vegetable oils

Essential and vegetable oils are used as ingredients for anti-aging masks.

Photo gallery: oils for neck skin rejuvenation

Toning mask recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive oil with 1 drop of bergamot, clove and ginger oils.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly in a glass container.
  3. Apply the mask to the neck area with patting movements.

The mask must be kept on the skin for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for at least 3 months.

Anti-aging mask recipe:

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. blue clay with warm water until the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Then add 1 drop each of lemon and mint essential oils.
  3. Mix the composition and apply to the neck area for 15 minutes.

You need to repeat this mask 2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Moisturizing mask recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oil with 1 drop of sandalwood and rosewood oils.
  2. Apply to the neck area once a day before bed, rubbing thoroughly.

This composition can be used daily. The mask should be repeated for 2 months.

Video: recipe for a mask against wrinkles on the neck

Neck brace

A neck brace is an elastic bandage that is attached behind or above the head. Today, there are several options for such clamps, but their operating principle is the same. The bandage tightens the muscles and skin in the neck and chin area. In this case, the force of gravity no longer affects the epidermis. The muscles remember the position they are in during the action of the fixator and remain in it. You should wear the retainer for at least a month, putting it on at night.


For deep wrinkles, the bandage should be worn for at least 2–3 months, combining this method with other methods of skin tightening.

Exercises to tighten the neck area

You need to do gymnastics every day for at least six months.
First exercise:

  1. Sit up straight, place your hands on your knees.
  2. Move your lower jaw forward and tilt your head back.
  3. Stay in this position for 20 counts.
  4. Repeat at least 10 times.


  1. Perform circular movements with your head clockwise for 1 minute.
  2. Then perform circular movements with your head in the other direction.
  1. Move your lower jaw forward and stick out your tongue slightly, pointing its tip towards your nose.
  2. Throw your head back and hold for 1 minute.
  3. Repeat 3 times.

Video: neck exercises for wrinkles


Neck lifting is carried out using modern non-surgical and injection-free techniques. One of the innovations is electromesotherapy. The procedure is based on the use of gel and special equipment that promotes the penetration of active substances deep into the skin tissue. The main components of the mixture are hyaluronic and glycolic acids, which stimulate collagen production. Thanks to electrical impulses, the gel penetrates the dermis.

Non-injection mesotherapy is an innovative method that allows you to tighten the skin in the face and neck without injections or surgery.


Thread lift

Thread lifting is considered one of the most progressive methods of rejuvenation. For the procedure, a special material is used, which is injected to a depth of no more than 3–5 mm under the skin in the area where lifting is required. The most commonly used threads are mesothreads and Aptos. The first option is easy to use. Mesothread has an antimicrobial effect, takes root well and after a while dissolves on its own.


The threads are made of special surgical material and have small notches, which is convenient to use. The material is introduced under the skin through special cannulas with rounded ends along predetermined directions.

In most cases, thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is easily tolerated, and its effect lasts for 1 year.

Video: how a neck lift with threads works


Japanese massage has a good effect, which you can do yourself using a moisturizer. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply moisturizer to your hands. Slowly stroke the sides of the neck for a minute.
  2. Then clasp your palms together and gently massage the back of your neck. In this case, only the wrist areas are involved in the process. It is enough to massage for 1 minute.
  3. Rub the back surface with your palms one at a time, smoothly moving to the chin area and down the entire neck. Just no more than 3 minutes.


You can use cosmetic jojoba oil to massage your neck. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 drop of mint essential oil.

A standard massage involves alternating patting, pinching and stroking the problem area. As a result, blood circulation is activated, regeneration is accelerated and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Cosmetology procedures

Effective cosmetic procedures to get rid of wrinkles on the neck:

  1. taping is one of the safest methods of neck lift; the procedure is carried out using tapes - small adhesive strips that resemble a patch and are similar in color to the skin. At body temperature, the glue is activated, tightening the problem area. The effect lasts up to 8 hours. Then the tapes are removed. This type of lift is used if you need a quick result, for example, before an important event;
  2. biorevitalization - the use of injections containing preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which saturates the skin with moisture and helps smooth out wrinkles;
  3. Botox injections are a fairly common type of rejuvenation, the effect of which lasts for six months; Botulinum toxin is injected using a thin needle into the neck muscles.

Video: cosmetic procedures for wrinkles on the neck

Plastic surgery

A surgical neck lift is called platysmoplasty. The subcutaneous muscle, located between the chin and chest, weakens over time, leading to sagging skin. Plastic surgery is used to correct the problem area. An incision is made in the area under the chin. The muscle is sutured, due to which the neck is lifted and wrinkles are eliminated. The operation is performed using either a standard incision or a small puncture. The endoscopic procedure is no less effective than standard intervention, but leaves fewer cosmetic defects, and is therefore more in demand.

The result can be seen immediately: the oval of the face is tightened, ring folds disappear. The effect of the tightening lasts up to 5–10 years.

A neck lift using endoscopic equipment allows you to monitor the process on a computer monitor, which makes the operation effective and safe.


Features of neck rejuvenation at different ages

For women aged 40 to 50 years, home methods (masks with essential oils, exercises for muscle tone, use of a fixative) in combination with modern injection techniques, such as biorevitalization, etc. are ideal. For women over 55 years of age, radical measures will be required . Lifting using threads, as well as plastic surgery, will give a good effect.

If wrinkles on the neck appear in adolescence or earlier, then this is an alarming call from the body, indicating disruptions of the endocrine system or other serious pathological processes. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need to consult a therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

The sooner the fight against the first age-related changes in the neck area begins, the better the result will be.

Video: what to do if wrinkles appear on the neck


Recently, I noticed deep grooves on my neck, which popularly took the beautiful name “Rings of Venus”. Noticing them doesn’t mean that they weren’t there before, my attitude towards them just changed. Recently, I decided to fight for the beauty of the neck and décolleté area. Therefore, I tested the mask from Arabia Anti Age, designed specifically for these purposes, with great hope. The mask is sold in a round jar of impressive size with a screw cap. Does it have the promised effect? Of course, the deep wrinkles on my neck didn’t go away, and I wasn’t really expecting a miracle. They can only be dealt with with beauty injections or a plastic surgeon. BUT the small wrinkles seemed to be filled in and smoothed out a little. The overall appearance of the skin has become much better and healthier. Additional tone and elasticity appeared. The skin is as hydrated and nourished as possible! And the décolleté area began to look much more appetizing and younger! I think that this mask delivers on its promises very well to the best of its ability. If you use it constantly, you can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and slightly reduce old ones.



The face and neck, like the rest of the body, are formed by muscles. With age, the muscles of the face and neck shorten, decrease in volume and become deformed, and their tone weakens. As a result, facial features begin to gradually descend. For example, sagging eye muscles lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes. When the muscles and tissues around the nose weaken, it appears as if the nose is “spreading” and enlarging. And the appearance of a double chin is a sign of weakness of the neck muscles, and not just excess weight. As a rule, we understand that in order to have a slim, fit figure, we need to persistently train the muscles of the body, and it is better to do this constantly. The face also consists of muscles, and these muscles require exercise and training. When the facial muscles do not receive full and proper load, they gradually lose elasticity and weaken. Everything is logical and obvious. BUT WHAT TO DO? Of course, gymnastics for the face))) Gymnastics takes me about 20 minutes, I used to do it before bed, now in the morning. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you will look 16 at 40. But the guarantee is that you will look 5+ at any age.


I bought Extel cream based on reviews, I read a long time ago that it helps against wrinkles, in particular, circles on the neck, and I decided to try it. The cream is pleasant, thick, but not dense, absorbs well, the skin is matte and elastic. Due to the extract of Eleutherococcus, when applied to the skin, numbness is felt (especially the lips). Apparently, the cream is really very active, improves blood circulation and the condition of the skin in general, it is more elastic. Improves the condition of the neck skin, reduces circles (and they are the most difficult of wrinkles). In general, thanks to that woman, I don’t remember on which site, who wrote about using this neck cream. Contraindications: rosacea. If you have it, the cream will make the situation worse, since it is very, very active. To be honest, this is the first cream that, when applied to the skin, begins to actively work and you can feel it. I was pleased, for such a small price - a really working cream. I recommend it, I wish you young and healthy skin.


You can get rid of wrinkles on the neck at any age if you choose the appropriate method for your specific case. However, it will not be possible to eliminate deep grooves in a short time with the help of cosmetics, so you should be patient or resort to the services of a plastic surgeon.