Rhodiola rosea for face reviews


The chemical composition of Rhodiola rosea is a real treasure for people. The plant contains twenty microelements valuable for human life. Rhodiola rosea contains the phenolic compounds phenolic alcohols and their glycosides, flavonoids, salidrosia or rhodiolosides. Also in the composition of Rhodiola rosea you can observe various tannins, essential oils, organic acids, lipids and other components.

Experiments conducted by scientists have proven that salidroside has a protective effect on human red blood cells from oxidative stress and can be a good adaptogen for increasing the body's resistance to stress and fatigue. Salidroside suppresses tumor metastases of human lymphosarcoma cells and has an antiviral effect against coxsackievirus B3.

The substances contained in Rhodiola rosea have a stimulating effect on the human central nervous system. Some components of the plant (gossypetin and rhodiol flavonoside) have an antibacterial effect that prevents the development of Staphylococcus aureus and the activity of prostate cancer cells.

In the regions of Altai there is such a belief: whoever finds a golden root will be healthy and lucky for the rest of his life. Rhodiola rosea has long been used in folk medicine, as it has a lot of healing properties. It is actively used in the prevention of stress and the treatment of various diseases associated with the immune, nervous and endocrine systems of the human body. Doctors often recommend Rhodiola rosea as an additional nutritional supplement.

Rhodiola rosea plant extract is widely used in cosmetics. It is obtained as a result of vacuum extraction of golden root. This drug has such positive properties as stimulating, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effects. Most often, Rhodiola rosea extract is used in performance enhancing products, as an immunostimulating adaptogenic agent that increases the body's resistance to harmful factors. This substance cannot be included in one-component biologically active food additives.

Rhodiola rosea extract often becomes a component of anti-aging cosmetics. This substance has the ability to rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Golden root extract can also be found in anti-acne and dermatitis products. The main biological substances contained in the dry extract of Rhodiola rosea are salidroside and rhodioloside.

The content of the article


Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea tincture

Rhodiola rosea tincture is a wonderful remedy that has a tonic effect on the nervous system and improves performance. The product has an adaptogenic and stimulating effect, similar to the effect of ginseng and eleutherococcus preparations. Rhodiola rosea tincture contains a number of biologically active substances: beta-sitosterol, organic acids, tannins. The drug increases resistance to adverse factors (oxygen starvation, temperature changes and stress).

Rhodiola rosea tincture reduces mental stress, increases physical and mental performance by normalizing energy metabolism. The drug helps the body adapt to changes in climate and time zones, and has some antiarrhythmic effect. Rhodiola rosea tincture is prescribed for asthenic conditions, neurasthenia, increased fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as for akineto-hypotonic syndrome, sexual dysfunction (including erectile dysfunction). You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

How to prepare and take Rhodiola rosea tincture

To prepare the tincture, grind 50 g of dried Rhodiola rosea roots, place the raw material in a glass container, pour in 500 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka). It is recommended to use a tinted glass bottle. It must be sealed and stored in a dark place for 20 days. Then strain the tincture. Store the finished medicine in a dark, cool place.

Take the drug 10-15 minutes before meals, preferably in the first half of the day. Adults and adolescents are prescribed 5-10 drops. 2-3 times a day. For asthenic or akineto-hypotonic syndrome, take 10 drops. products 2-3 times a day. If well tolerated, gradually increase the single dose of the drug to 30-40 drops. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Side effects, contraindications to the use of Rhodiola rosea

Side effects of the investigation include: insomnia, increased nervous excitability, instability of blood pressure, headache. Allergic reactions may develop. Rhodiola rosea tincture is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components, severe arterial hypertension, or fever.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, and for children under 12 years of age. Rhodiola rosea is used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system. With the simultaneous use of Rhodiola tincture and psychostimulants, a mutual enhancement of the therapeutic effect is observed.

Girls, hello! I went shopping today and decided to buy something from the planned new list. I found rose or golden root Rhodiola at Solgar, I was so happy, but I read what it was intended for and did not understand where to smear it or drink it? It is written mainly to improve mood. I don’t know, I threw away 30 euros again, I hope it’s at least useful. I recently bought Omnium for 70 on Hetera’s advice and didn’t see any results. Forget-me-not, explain again why you drink or apply Rhodiola? There are so many things that it makes your eyes wide open. I found emu oil, real 59 ml, 19 euros, very cheap, bought it, now I’ll try it on a hot disk like Mouse, and bought a small bottle of sea buckthorn oil, but forgot where to apply it and why? Remind please. When I write a list, I don’t mark it for what, it seems to me that it’s a clear pepper, but then I forget, and too much cosmetics accumulate. Yuki, please write how to make a paraffin hand mask. I have a Russian one, I’ve never made it before. How to chip it and how to melt it?

Snail for dry skin helps perfectly in the fight against wrinkles, and peeling is peeling, then the skin is evened out, tightened and glows even better. Everything is written in the instructions. To combat wrinkles - short and clear.

Irisha, flaxseed oil also smells like fish to me, and if you pour it on a tomato, I’ll vomit. just in the yoghurt without stirring it all over the glass, I ate a spoon and it goes well, unnoticed)))

Did you buy some cereal? Remember I advised you, it starts with the letter Q, I have a hole in my head!))))

Girls, hello! I went shopping today and decided to buy something from the planned new list. I found rose or golden root Rhodiola at Solgar, I was so happy, but I read what it was intended for and did not understand where to smear it or drink it? It is written mainly to improve mood. I don’t know, I threw away 30 euros again, I hope it’s at least useful. I recently bought Omnium for 70 on Hetera’s advice and didn’t see any results. Forget-me-not, explain again why you drink or apply Rhodiola? There are so many things that it makes your eyes wide open. I found emu oil, real 59 ml, 19 euros, very cheap, bought it, now I’ll try it on a hot disk like Mouse, and bought a small bottle of sea buckthorn oil, but forgot where to apply it and why? Remind please. When I write a list, I don’t mark it for what, it seems to me that it’s a clear pepper, but then I forget, and too much cosmetics accumulate. Yuki, please write how to make a paraffin hand mask. I have a Russian one, I’ve never made it before. How to chip it and how to melt it?

Guest, thank you. I immediately read the instructions - a drug for mood. Then I think, why did I put it on the list? My mood is fine for now. OK. Let's leave it until autumn. As soon as the rains and blizzards start, I’m sooooo sad, especially from the short evenings, as if I wouldn’t fall into depression again))) I’ll drink Rhodiola to prevent a bad mood. I was already thinking about ordering Bach flowers, they also have drops of happiness))

Hello, my name is Anna and I am an alcoholic care maniac.
In this post:
— about the experience of using Natura siberica cream and serum,
— about why I want to be a little pregnant all my life
— how the interview with the brand owner, read late, clarified a lot.


I wanted to try this miracle of Russian marketing for a long time - I was attracted by the eco-concept and the riches of the Siberian region for all kinds of plants that survive in minus 50 degrees. When I saw the Natura Siberica brand in a German supermarket chain, I was very surprised and happy. Probably, just as Ivan the Terrible was surprised and rejoiced at “Siberia that fell from the sky,” annexed to the country by the Stroganovs and Ermak without royal efforts, so without any effort in ordering, delivery, or customs clearance, I suddenly got the opportunity to buy here and now.
Actually, I went to the store to get a pregnancy test. Because I miraculously lost weight, grew breasts, gained a lot of hair, and my skin began to turn from oily and problematic to dry.
My prey was the test and

Natura Siberica facial serum with Rhodiola rosea extract for dry and sensitive skin

Description in the catalog
Expanded opinion:
The serum with a gel consistency instantly melts on the skin and solves the problem of dryness. The color is yellowish and did not change as the bottle was used.
The smell is gentle, unobtrusive, and is not noticeable after application.
The packaging is plastic with a convenient pump, you can easily get the right amount of serum.
One pump was enough for me to cover my entire face and décolleté. The serum is quite nourishing and despite the fact that it melts into the skin without leaving a residue, there was no need for cream.
Throughout my pregnancy, I exclusively used this serum and cleansing gel from Garnier and didn’t need anything else. It took 2 bottles in 9 months - to the question of the cost-effectiveness of the product.
It was just wonderful. Instead of meticulously assessing the condition of the skin in the morning and selecting products from the available arsenal, I simply got up, washed my face, applied serum and was free.
She went to the maternity hospital with me.
They discharged, however, not the ruddy me, but “the shadow of Hamlet’s father”—grey, thin. The skin was just like a white sheet. Ta-dam! The pump sprayed and the serum ran out. The husband was urgently sent for a new one. Trying not to look in the mirror, I used it for a week, a month, but I was still gray-faced.
That’s the end of the fairy tale - beauty was inside, not outside. There were 2 more attempts, but both ended in failure. In addition to being useless for my complexion, a comedogenic effect appeared, since my skin was no longer dry.
Price: 12 euros
Testing period: 9 months
Rating: 4 for warm memories and not following skin type recommendations

In the spring, a cream with SPF 20 was purchased in addition to the serum in order to protect the skin from the sun during long walks with a stroller.

Natura Siberica day face cream with Rhodiola rosea extract for dry and sensitive skin

Description in the catalogue.
Expanded opinion:
I liked the manufacturer’s description of 0% silicones 0% BHT-BHA 0% mineral oils 0% PEG 0% parabens 0% EDTA. I'm a mother!
The bottle is good, the pump works great.
The cream is dense, lays down in white streaks, and after absorption it leaves a strong oily sheen. I tried combining it with serum several times, even when my skin was dry, but my gray, shiny face is still a sight to behold. I usually dilute thick creams with thermal water. First, I spray my face with thermal water, and then apply a small amount of cream, mixing with water it turns into a light emulsion. However, in this way the spf factor would be reduced to zero.
After torturing the cream and myself for 3 weeks, I applied it to my shoulders and arms. They didn't get burned, but they didn't get much moisture either.
Price: 10 euro
Testing period: 3 weeks
Rating: 2, I’m afraid the cream will look unsightly even on very dry skin

Swatches: cream on the left, serum on the right.



There were also attempts to tame 2 other serums, but ended in a complete fiasco with clogging of pores overnight.

Not long ago I read an interview with the owner of the brand and a lot became clearer:

“People love new products, the cosmetics market is a market of new products,” retorts Trubnikov. Especially if these new products are approximately the same substance, but under different labels. “Most of the formulas are standard - everything is in this collection,” Trubnikov shows a rather thin book. Investments in one new product - from $10 thousand to $20 thousand - are spent mainly on design development.

With all due respect to Mr. Trubnikov’s business acumen, the topic of Natura Siberika is closed to me after this interview, unfortunately.